On The Line: What's The Next National Record Going To Be?...

Which national record will go down next in high school track? We start debating....

Top 100 Girls Rankings from CIF-SS Divisional Prelims Merge...

Top 100 performances by girls merged from the four CIF-Southern Section track and field divi...

RANKINGS Southern Section Top 150 Girls by Event...

From the MileSplit database, '22 track and field rankings for girls in the Southern Section,...

RANKINGS Southern Section Division 3 Girls Top 50 By Event...

Southern Section Division 3 Girls Top 50 rankings by event include JSerra distance stars Ash...

Senior State Championship: Boys CIF-SS D3 Prelims...

The schools may be on the smaller side but D3 has state caliber seniors, including two of th...

2018 Palos Verdes Meet Preview...

Palos Verdes meet preview thanks to PV coach, Brian Shapiro....

Diving Deep Into What Makes The 4x400 Such A Hard Race...

We're taking a deep dive into what makes the 4x400 unique, and looking at the numbers....

California Coaching Legends: Hawthorne's Kye Courtney...

One of the legendary Track and Field coaches in California history, Hawthorne's Kye Courtney...


More Headlines
Rankings: COROS MileSplit50 Preseason Girls Indoor T&F...

With the indoor track and field season underway, what better time to release the COROS Miles...

Rankings: COROS MileSplit50 Preseason Boys Indoor T&F...

With the indoor track and field season underway, what better time to release the COROS Miles...

COROS MileSplit 50: Mountain Vista Ends Season as No. 1...

Mountain Vista (Highlands Ranch, Colo.) jumps one spot to finish the season as the No. 1 ran...