On The Line: What's The Next National Record Going To Be?

In this clip from the most recent episode of On The Line, the gang predict where they think the next national record will come over the high school track and field season. Could it go down this weekend? Might we see another at The Penn Relays? Our picks below. 

Olivia's Pick

The boys 4x400: National Record -- 3:07.40, Hawthorne (CA), 1985

The boys 400m: National Record -- 44.69, Darrell Robinson, Wilson (WA), 1982

Ashley's Pick

The boys 3,200m: National Record -- 8:31.73, Simeon Birnbaum, Rapid City Stevens (SD), 2023

Cory's Pick

The boys 110mH: National Record -- 13.08 (+2.0), Wayne Davis, Southeast Raleigh (NC), 2009

What will be the next high school national record to go down?

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