Mustang Roundup 2022

Mission Viejo, CA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 94 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Joel Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Charles, Isaiah Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Perez, George JSerra Catholic (SS)
Rodriguez, Alexander Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Michael, Edward JSerra Catholic (SS)
Crawford, Delaney 10.55 Upland (SS)
Stalnecker, Aiden 10.86 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Smith, Tony 10.90 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Salas, Juan 10.90 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Somoza, Colin 10.99 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Burns, Will 11.19 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Yu, Jonathan 11.20 Fountain Valley (SS)
Sherman, Jason 11.28 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Lantz, Lincoln 11.30 Trabuco Hills (SS)
DeGuzman, Lennard 11.31 Ayala (SS)
Alloway, Dominic 11.35 Ayala (SS)
Garcia, Vincent 11.40 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Poltl, Tyler 11.43 Tesoro (SS)
Monroe, Markell 11.48 Ayala (SS)
Stathakis, Lukas 11.65 El Toro (SS)
Bock, Kyler 11.67 Tesoro (SS)
Petrone, Joshua 11.68 Trabuco Hills (SS)
White, Dallas 11.70 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Smith, Dominic 11.70 Upland (SS)
Do, Richard 11.73 Fountain Valley (SS)
Chow, David 11.75 Fountain Valley (SS)
Girgis, Youssef 11.76 Fountain Valley (SS)
Malone, Matthew 11.76 Fountain Valley (SS)
Gewaid, Jason 11.77 Upland (SS)
Ruw, Mazdak 11.77 Upland (SS)
Short, Lucas 11.78 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Simon, Spencer 11.80 El Toro (SS)
Boatswain, Andrew 11.80h El Toro (SS)
Payne, Collin 11.80h El Toro (SS)
Payne II, Lytallion 11.81 Ayala (SS)
Wang, Arden 11.82 Fountain Valley (SS)
Danko, Kyle 11.82 Tesoro (SS)
Saiz, Michael 11.83 Ayala (SS)
Benninghoff, Porter 11.85 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Donohue, Taggart 11.89 Tesoro (SS)
Waimrin, Connor 11.89 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Tucay, Tommy 11.90h Ayala (SS)
Brierly, Kyle 11.95 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mayen, Alejandro 11.97 Upland (SS)
Sirkow, Kyle 12.00 Upland (SS)
Chawla, Kumar 12.01 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Warfield, Jadon 12.04 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Tram, Thomas 12.04h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Franco, Javen 12.10 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Karr, Dylan 12.10h Mira Costa (SS)
Russell, Sam 12.20 El Toro (SS)
Do, Tristan 12.20 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
McCarthy, Charlie 12.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Dubose, Donovan 12.21 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Truong, Aidan 12.22 Fountain Valley (SS)
Fox, Sawyer 12.25 South Pasadena (SS)
Gavlak, Zeke 12.30 South Pasadena (SS)
Henderson, Brendon 12.30 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Rodriguez, Jarrod 12.31 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Josephson, Tyler 12.32 Fountain Valley (SS)
Thomas, Alexander 12.32 Ayala (SS)
Trinh, Jayden 12.48 Fountain Valley (SS)
Benitez, Devin 12.50h Mira Costa (SS)
Cruz, Giovanni 12.52 South Pasadena (SS)
Dee, Jacob 12.52 Ayala (SS)
Lin, Charles 12.57 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Villaflor, Ludivix (Kyle) 12.57 Ayala (SS)
Faulmino, Gavin 12.57 South Pasadena (SS)
Prince, Brady 12.70h Mira Costa (SS)
Vaughan, Cassius 12.80h El Toro (SS)
Campos, Jayson 12.84 Ayala (SS)
Joseph, Connor 12.90h Mira Costa (SS)
Westlake, Mitchell 12.91 South Pasadena (SS)
Schlutter, Austin 12.92 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Barandas, Jose L 13.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Bolourian, Darin 13.01 Tesoro (SS)
Hamilton, Marcus 13.08 Ayala (SS)
Regalado, Gabriel 13.10 Fountain Valley (SS)
Attri, Atharv 13.10h El Toro (SS)
Valerio, Darius 13.13 Ayala (SS)
Zahreddine, Jude 13.14 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
De La Cruz, Nico 13.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Munoz, Aiden 13.20h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Rizkalla, Khai 13.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Kirkpatrick, Ben 13.30h Mira Costa (SS)
Wright, Braxton 13.47 Tesoro (SS)
Baloy, Gabriel 13.49 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Michael, Henry 13.50h Mira Costa (SS)
Chavez, Noah 13.50h El Toro (SS)
Precioso, Dominic 13.67 Tesoro (SS)
Rodgers, Brady 13.78 Tesoro (SS)
Eustache, Noa 13.96 Tesoro (SS)
Alsaadi, Waseem 14.12 Tesoro (SS)
Wason, Sameer 14.40 Tesoro (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graves-Blanks, Kai 13.73 Upland (SS)
Davis-Lyric, Davis 14.78 Upland (SS)
Misiego, Bryan 16.57 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Padilla, Chris 16.89 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Misiego, Matt 17.23 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Schuld, Gavin 17.24 Fountain Valley (SS)
Dungca, Aaron 17.38 Ayala (SS)
Harvey, Tyler 17.50 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Garrett, Dario 17.50h Mira Costa (SS)
Holland, Ben 17.57 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Chau, Brian 17.89 Fountain Valley (SS)
Mcdonald, Ryan 18.28 El Toro (SS)
Hales, Max 18.58 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Wesley, Kanoa 18.79 Fountain Valley (SS)
McClelland, Brody 18.87 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Leach, Zachary 19 Fountain Valley (SS)
Hart, Jayden 19.12 Fountain Valley (SS)
Weyrick, Daniel 19.3 Fountain Valley (SS)
Thongdyxay, Niko 19.40h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Fredette, John 19.46 Tesoro (SS)
Martinez, Oscar 19.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Schlutter, Austin 19.98 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Franco, Javen 20.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Le, Lucas 20.20 Fountain Valley (SS)
Lloyd, Jacob 20.33 Tesoro (SS)
Baloy, Gabriel 21.84 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Lauer, Bennett 22.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Peterson, Sammy 23.21 Tesoro (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 118 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Padua, Noah Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Ginete, Isaac Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Guerrero, George Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Jaurigue, Jacob Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Gossard, Aidan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Lopez, Adrian Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Duenas, Nathan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Florez, Ethan 4:16.32 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Chavez, Andres 4:22.88 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Breckner, Landen 4:27.84 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Prado, Benjamin 4:29.49 Fountain Valley (SS)
Tsai, Nathan 4:29.63 Ayala (SS)
Mead, Ian 4:32 El Toro (SS)
Jubak, Dylan 4:32.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Unzueta, Manuel 4:32.00h Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Ma, Mason 4:32.41 Ayala (SS)
Gutierrez, Jason 4:32.82 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Sydnor, Christopher 4:33.50 Ayala (SS)
Ermisch, Aidan 4:34.11 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Cole, Mateo 4:34.17 Ayala (SS)
Morris, Malachi 4:34.86 Ayala (SS)
Hill, Shane 4:35.56 Fountain Valley (SS)
Goetz, Jaden 4:35.60 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Enriquez, Jude 4:36.28 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Wilson, Dylan 4:39.96 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Hadley, Will 4:40 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Fulford, Logan 4:40.88 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Valiente, Andrew 4:41.01 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Alonso, Diego 4:41.54 Fountain Valley (SS)
Horon, Dylan 4:41.79 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Burkholder, Aiden 4:43.00h El Toro (SS)
Seki, Evan 4:43.22 Ayala (SS)
Boyer, Jacob 4:44.91 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Aguayo, Joshua 4:45.14 Ayala (SS)
Esparza, Luis 4:46.77 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Bunch, Ryan 4:48.79 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Doherty, Braedan 4:50 El Toro (SS)
Carcamo, Matthew 4:50.00 Ayala (SS)
Arellano, Julian 4:53.34 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Dillon, Eric 4:55 El Toro (SS)
Chu, Jaren 4:55.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Renteria, Tyler 4:55.00h El Toro (SS)
Varela, Nate 4:56 El Toro (SS)
Ruiz, Dominic 4:56.06 Ayala (SS)
Venegas, Diego 4:57 El Toro (SS)
Prickett, Ryan 4:57.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Berk, Josh 4:57.67 Ayala (SS)
Kwong, Ethan 4:58.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Aparicio, Alejandro 4:58.22 Ayala (SS)
Ornelas, Caleb 4:58.51 Ayala (SS)
Forbes, Justin 5:00.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Faizani, Darius 5:00.49 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Nygren, Jack 5:01.68 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Davis, Jacob 5:03 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Hron, Lucas 5:03.38 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Ventura, Russell 5:04.68 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Colbert, Zach 5:04.98 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Chavarria, Joseph 5:05.24 Upland (SS)
Tran, Vincent 5:05.24 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Alkofer, Owen 5:05.36 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Tran, Jonathan 5:05.46 Fountain Valley (SS)
Cruz, Jason 5:06.21 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Campos, Damien 5:07.38 Ayala (SS)
Yost, Nathan 5:08.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Ruiz, Guillermo 5:11.30 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Parry, Del 5:11.92 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Chan, Justin 5:12.45 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mascola, Ryan 5:13 El Toro (SS)
Felix, Dawson 5:13.32 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
To, Braxton 5:15.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Churchill, Jayden 5:16.38 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Grimaldi, Yazhid 5:16.40 Ayala (SS)
Neptune, Jack 5:16.76 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Hsieh, Andrew 5:17.92 Fountain Valley (SS)
Enriquez, Bernardo 5:18.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Ruchirojampai, Ethan 5:19.87 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Biedebach, Matthew 5:21 El Toro (SS)
Van Dell, Aaron 5:21.14 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Houldin, Parker 5:24.94 Tesoro (SS)
Renjith, Aryan 5:25.00h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Roach, Cole 5:25.85 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Rowe, Henry 5:27.59 Tesoro (SS)
Rodelo, Jonathan 5:28.54 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Smith, Koa 5:29.13 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Walters, Adam 5:29.75 Upland (SS)
Sumner, Mick 5:30.00 Ayala (SS)
Trivedi, Ishan 5:30.00h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Ajaj, Hamzah 5:31 El Toro (SS)
Hayashida, Scott 5:31.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Guerrero, Joshua 5:31.25 Upland (SS)
Evans, Riley 5:34 El Toro (SS)
Mandegary, Darius 5:35.80 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Bailey, Brice 5:36.83 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Illson, Thomas 5:38.00h Tesoro (SS)
Bhure, Krish 5:38.77 Upland (SS)
Fraser, Whitney 5:39.00h Tesoro (SS)
Roberts, Julian 5:41.33 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Abdallah, Ziyad 5:45.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Barry, Jude 5:45.90 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Cortez, Derek 5:46.00 Upland (SS)
McNally, Charles 5:46.00 Upland (SS)
Silvestre, Jacob 5:46.33 Upland (SS)
Gill, Landon 5:47.42 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Chemmanoor, Ethan 5:49.60 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Puebla, Jake 5:49.80 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Barrera, Zander 5:50 El Toro (SS)
Bailey, Brandon 5:50.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Yalung, Jared 5:52.55 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Crocker, Gavin 5:55 El Toro (SS)
Larson, Sean 5:58.10 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mead, Ronan 6:00.00 El Toro (SS)
Arriaga, Rogan 6:00.00h El Toro (SS)
Kuhn, James 6:00.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Jimenez, Noe 6:00.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Foroohar, Yashar 6:10.29 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Aguilar, Jesus 6:12.54 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Marinkovich, Christian 6:17.79 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Calebotta, Marcus 6:45.26 Upland (SS)
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 89 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Roy Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Rodriguez, Alexander Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Pleasant, Gary Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Wingate, Miles Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Geiser, Caleb Eleanor Roosevelt SS
GARCIA, ANDREW Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Amico, Luke Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Graves-Blanks, Kai 21.74 Upland (SS)
Coats, Christopher 21.78 Upland (SS)
DeCillo, Cooper 22.05 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Gates, Dominic 22.78 Tesoro (SS)
Davis, Cody 22.81 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Lantz, Lincoln 22.91 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Razo, Isaiah 23.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Chang, Ivan 23.01 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Laden, Levi 23.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Poltl, Tyler 23.25 Tesoro (SS)
DeGuzman, Lennard 23.30 Ayala (SS)
Alloway, Dominic 23.40h Ayala (SS)
Lee, Joshua 23.47 Ayala (SS)
Waimrin, Connor 23.50 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Monroe, Markell 23.51 Ayala (SS)
Jesenski, Stevan 23.60 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Ponce, Chris 23.69 Upland (SS)
Saiz, Michael 23.74 Ayala (SS)
Gewaid, Jason 23.8 Upland (SS)
Benninghoff, Porter 23.83 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Short, Lucas 23.89 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Payne II, Lytallion 23.90h Ayala (SS)
Moreo, Martin 24.0 Upland (SS)
Chawla, Kumar 24.03 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Vargas, Logan 24.20 South Pasadena (SS)
Karr, Dylan 24.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Do, Tristan 24.20h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Wilfert, Luke 24.29 Fountain Valley (SS)
Thomas, Alexander 24.30 Ayala (SS)
Singh, Ishaan 24.30 Tesoro (SS)
Sirkow, Kyle 24.5 Upland (SS)
Lopez, Andres 24.5 Upland (SS)
Limqueco Jr., Lionelle 24.50h South Pasadena (SS)
Do, Richard 24.56 Fountain Valley (SS)
Danko, Kyle 24.56 Tesoro (SS)
McCarthy, Charlie 24.60h Mira Costa (SS)
Malone, Matthew 24.63 Fountain Valley (SS)
Mayen, Alejandro 24.65 Upland (SS)
Garcia, Vincent 24.75 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Stuart, Ty 24.75 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Stathakis, Lukas 24.80 El Toro (SS)
Benitez, Devin 24.80h Mira Costa (SS)
Donohue, Taggart 24.80h Tesoro (SS)
Girgis, Youssef 24.88 Fountain Valley (SS)
Zack, Landon 24.90 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Truong, Aidan 24.91 Fountain Valley (SS)
Akers, Zachary 25.0 Upland (SS)
Josephson, Tyler 25.11 Fountain Valley (SS)
Joseph, Connor 25.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Chow, David 25.25 Fountain Valley (SS)
Tobias, Elijah 25.30 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Villaflor, Ludivix (Kyle) 25.35 Ayala (SS)
Duva, Lucas 25.43 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Rodriguez, Jarrod 25.80h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
O'Neill, Kai 25.80h Mira Costa (SS)
Kirkpatrick, Ben 25.90h Mira Costa (SS)
Dee, Jacob 26.00h Ayala (SS)
Rivas, Gavin 26.22 Ayala (SS)
Padua, Lebron 26.30 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Prince, Brady 26.30h Mira Costa (SS)
Campos, Jayson 26.35 Ayala (SS)
Franco, Javen 26.57 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Coronado, Giovanni 26.71 Ayala (SS)
Duarte, Alex 26.79 Tesoro (SS)
De La Cruz, Nico 26.80h Mira Costa (SS)
Tran, Don 26.83 El Toro (SS)
Trinh, Jayden 26.84 Fountain Valley (SS)
Siegl, Jeremy 26.88 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Regalado, Gabriel 26.96 Fountain Valley (SS)
Garratt, Cameron 27.0 Upland (SS)
Bolourian, Darin 27.12 Tesoro (SS)
Simkin, Kyle 27.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Wright, Braxton 27.54 Tesoro (SS)
Munoz, Aiden 28.34 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Rodgers, Brady 28.35 Tesoro (SS)
Lin, Charles 28.40h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Mahran, Andrew 28.65 Tesoro (SS)
Arreola, Andrew 28.90h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Castaneda, Charlie 28.90h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Holmes, Bryce 29.20 Tesoro (SS)
Berger, Jackson 29.44 Tesoro (SS)
Ly, Jonah 32.50h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tracey, Kaden Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Crawford, Delaney 36.64 Upland (SS)
Cheek, Julius 39.27 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Misiego, Matt 42.01 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Misiego, Bryan 42.56 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Harvey, Tyler 43.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Holland, Ben 43.24 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Garrett, Dario 43.50h Mira Costa (SS)
Padilla, Chris 43.59 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Schuld, Gavin 43.83 Fountain Valley (SS)
Hart, Jayden 44.68 Fountain Valley (SS)
Amico, Luke 45.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Wingate, Miles 45.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hales, Max 46.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Fredette, John 46.43 Tesoro (SS)
McClelland, Brody 46.50h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Le, Lucas 46.86 Fountain Valley (SS)
Sherry, Zuri 47.2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Thongdyxay, Niko 47.80h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Martinez, Oscar 48 Fountain Valley (SS)
Mcdonald, Ryan 48.25 El Toro (SS)
Baloy, Gabriel 48.50h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Lloyd, Jacob 48.9 Tesoro (SS)
Leach, Zachary 49 Fountain Valley (SS)
Weyrick, Daniel 49.1 Fountain Valley (SS)
Lauer, Bennett 51.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Peterson, Sammy 51.03 Tesoro (SS)
Rodgers, Brady 54.45 Tesoro (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seamark, Alex 10:00.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Stanley, Ryan 10:10.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
D'ambrosio, Jonathan 10:18.06 Fountain Valley (SS)
Fischer, Linus 10:20.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Brown, Nathaniel 10:44.20 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Brown, Jayden 10:50.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Kwong, Ethan 10:55.00 Fountain Valley (SS)
Chavarria, Joseph 11:08.96 Upland (SS)
Bhure, Krish 11:10.00 Upland (SS)
Campos, Derek 11:15.08 Ayala (SS)
McNally, Charles 11:20.00 Upland (SS)
Hernandez, Andrew 11:38.00 Fountain Valley (SS)
Shirazi, Cyrus 11:40.78 Tesoro (SS)
Gabriel, Nicholas 11:45.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Yost, Nathan 11:45.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mei, Victor 11:50.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Silva, Ricardo 11:50.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Torres, Caesar 11:51.36 Ayala (SS)
Arimond, Cole 11:52.91 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Casas, Alexiey 12:03.88 Ayala (SS)
Tristan, Noah 12:07.04 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Hathaway, Andrew 12:15 Fountain Valley (SS)
Rhodes, Owen 12:26.78 Ayala (SS)
Chu, Christopher 12:27.56 Ayala (SS)
Orme, Mark 12:46.70 Fountain Valley (SS)
Palamartz, David 12:48.99 Fountain Valley (SS)
Cleghorn-draper, Evarardo 13:02.75 Fountain Valley (SS)
Hughes, Blake 13:22.31 Fountain Valley (SS)
Clemons, Micah 9:45.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Anderson, Ryan 9:45.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Williams, Carsten 9:45.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mead, Ian 9:50.00h El Toro (SS)
Newman, Taye 9:53.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Hartline, Garrett 9:55 El Toro (SS)
Alonso, Diego 9:58 Fountain Valley (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 67 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tracey, Kaden Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Geiser, Caleb Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Barandas, Jose L Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Smith, Roy Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Amico, Luke Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Herrera, Richard Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Padua, Lebron Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Wingate, Miles Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Simkin, Kyle 1:00.00h Mira Costa (SS)
McBride, Kyle 1:00.18 Ayala (SS)
Ta, Brian 1:00.38 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Arreola, Andrew 1:01.10h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Tatum, Braden 1:01.33 Tesoro (SS)
Callins, Deone 1:02.77 Fountain Valley (SS)
Cronk, Jacob 1:03.10 Tesoro (SS)
Singh, Shyel 1:04.42 Tesoro (SS)
Pilapil, Zen 1:06 Tesoro (SS)
Stoia, Aiden 1:06.34 Tesoro (SS)
Ly, Jonah 1:09.98 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Akers, Zachary 1:10 Upland (SS)
Coats, Christopher 49.81 Upland (SS)
McCusker, Jackson 50.23 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Grant, Grayson 50.75 El Toro (SS)
Gates, Dominic 50.98 Tesoro (SS)
McDonough, Morgan 51.08 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Razo, Isaiah 52.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
January, DeQuan 52.00 Upland (SS)
Lee, Joshua 52.03 Ayala (SS)
Todd, Jack 52.49 Fountain Valley (SS)
Laden, Levi 52.66 Mira Costa (SS)
Ahn, David 53.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Zack, Landon 53.05 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Vargas, Logan 53.40 South Pasadena (SS)
Stuart, Ty 53.50 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Jesenski, Stevan 53.54 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Duesund, Alexander 53.95 El Toro (SS)
Sapp, Aidan 54.02 Fountain Valley (SS)
Limqueco Jr., Lionelle 54.15 South Pasadena (SS)
Kim, Nathan 54.22 Ayala (SS)
Sandoval, Evan 54.50 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Perry, Jaxon 54.75 Tesoro (SS)
Duenas, Daniel 54.85 Ayala (SS)
Smith, Dominic 55.00 Upland (SS)
Ruw, Mazdak 55.00 Upland (SS)
Wee, Chris 55.00h Ayala (SS)
Martenez, Alan 55.20h Fountain Valley (SS)
Brown, Iain 55.45 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Forbes, John 55.50 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Kerr, Joseph 55.56 Tesoro (SS)
Ahn, Samuel 55.76 Ayala (SS)
Molinar, Josias 56.09 Ayala (SS)
Duva, Lucas 56.23 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Kakudji, Seth 56.41 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Wong, Kellan 57.16 Ayala (SS)
Mattson, Adam 57.33 Tesoro (SS)
Bar-Cohen, Levi 57.54 South Pasadena (SS)
O'Neill, Kai 58.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Krishna, Brandon 58.13 Tesoro (SS)
Coronado, Giovanni 58.50h Ayala (SS)
Foster-mbaekwe, Jedidiah 58.50h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Krishna, Ryan 58.88 Tesoro (SS)
Lopez, Andres 59.0 Upland (SS)
Ramirez, Robert 59.0 Upland (SS)
Duarte, Alex 59.36 Tesoro (SS)
Marasigan, Juan 59.50h JSerra Catholic (SS)
Moore, Connor 59.50h JSerra Catholic (SS)
Cruz, Miguel 59.75 El Toro (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.38 Upland (SS)
Relay Team A 42.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 42.11 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 43.22 Tesoro (SS)
Relay Team A 44.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 44.50h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 45.20 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 46.50h South Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 47.20h El Toro (SS)
Relay Team A 49.66 Tesoro (SS)
Relay Team A 50.41 El Toro (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:19.00 Upland (SS)
Relay Team A 3:20.00h Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 3:25 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 3:25.33 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 3:30.0 Tesoro (SS)
Relay Team A 3:31.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 3:32.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 3:40.00 South Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Relay Team A 3:45.00 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Relay Team A 3:50.74 El Toro (SS)
Relay Team A 4:00.74 El Toro (SS)
Relay Team A 4:02.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Relay Team A 4:03.00h Tesoro (SS)
Relay Team A 4:40.00 Upland (SS)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 103 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Sage Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hiett, Ethan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Castillo, Silvio Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Barandas, Jose L Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Mier Ortiz, David Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Guerrero, George Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Gossard, Aidan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Duenas, Nathan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Brown, Daniel Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Manzano Castaneda, Christian Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Ginete, Isaac Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Tessitore, Joseph Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Florez, Ethan 1:54.40 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Auci, Shane 1:58.15 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Gutierrez, Jason 1:59.16 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Dias, Luke 2:01 Fountain Valley (SS)
Chavez, Andres 2:02.04 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Cole, Mateo 2:03.32 Ayala (SS)
Ma, Mason 2:03.47 Ayala (SS)
Breckner, Landen 2:03.61 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Reed, Jake 2:04.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Tsai, Nathan 2:04.45 Ayala (SS)
Morris, Malachi 2:05.07 Ayala (SS)
Ventura, Max 2:06 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Brown, Jayden 2:06 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Sydnor, Christopher 2:06.36 Ayala (SS)
Valiente, Andrew 2:06.38 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Enriquez, Jude 2:06.79 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Brown, Nathaniel 2:07 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Esparza, Luis 2:07 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Bunch, Ryan 2:07 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Singh, Ishaan 2:08 Tesoro (SS)
Burkholder, Aiden 2:08 El Toro (SS)
Yi, Graham 2:08.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Bulalacao, Daniel 2:09 El Toro (SS)
Arellano, Julian 2:09.00h Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Arriola, Anthony 2:09.17 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Seki, Evan 2:09.44 Ayala (SS)
Kakudji, Seth 2:10 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Carcamo, Matthew 2:10.00 Ayala (SS)
Aguayo, Joshua 2:10.00 Ayala (SS)
Kwong, Ethan 2:10.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Offhaus, Jonathan 2:10.51 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Kam, Calvin 2:10.60 Ayala (SS)
To, Braxton 2:11 Fountain Valley (SS)
Renteria, Tyler 2:11 El Toro (SS)
Arrey, Bradley 2:11.76 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Gomez, David 2:12 El Toro (SS)
Alton, Kian 2:12.10 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Arias, Joshua 2:12.53 Ayala (SS)
Campos, Damien 2:14.00 Ayala (SS)
Vivaldo, Kevin 2:14.00h El Toro (SS)
Horon, Dylan 2:14.09 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Aparicio, Alejandro 2:15.24 Ayala (SS)
Bivens, Brandon 2:15.88 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ornelas, Caleb 2:16.00 Ayala (SS)
Bluemel, Jayson 2:16.01 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Grimaldi, Yazhid 2:16.80 Ayala (SS)
Berkley, Logan 2:17.41 Ayala (SS)
Coronado, Joseph 2:17.82 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Renjith, Aryan 2:17.95 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Simicic, Andre 2:19.00 Ayala (SS)
Zwatschka, Ryan 2:19.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Tran, Sean 2:19.55 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Walters, Adam 2:19.60 Upland (SS)
Ruiz, Dominic 2:19.73 Ayala (SS)
Thomas, Devin 2:19.81 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Smilor, Zachary 2:20.07 Fountain Valley (SS)
Tessitore, Peter 2:20.63 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hernandez, Andrew 2:20.94 Fountain Valley (SS)
Guerrero, Joshua 2:21.00 Upland (SS)
Mumpower, Cole 2:21.18 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Bradshaw, Asher 2:21.34 Fountain Valley (SS)
Anderson, Matthew 2:21.48 Trabuco Hills (SS)
D'Angelo, Julian 2:21.65 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Trivedi, Ishan 2:22.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Enriquez, Bernardo 2:22.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Leon, Emiliano 2:22.80 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Martinez, Stephen 2:23.33 Ayala (SS)
Calebotta, Marcus 2:25.00 Upland (SS)
Silvestre, Jacob 2:25.00 Upland (SS)
Lazewski, Brayden 2:25.15 Ayala (SS)
Phi, Jordan 2:26.58 Fountain Valley (SS)
Berk, Josh 2:26.80 Ayala (SS)
Orgill, Kai 2:27.33 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ornelas, Aidan 2:27.52 Ayala (SS)
Hathaway, Andrew 2:28.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Tran, Jonathan 2:28.74 Fountain Valley (SS)
Rodelo, Jonathan 2:28.80 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Cortez, Derek 2:29.00 Upland (SS)
Reed, Jordyn 2:29.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Hsieh, Andrew 2:29.20 Fountain Valley (SS)
Facenda, Jacob 2:30.04 Ayala (SS)
DePriest, Connor 2:31.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Toscano, Cristian 2:31.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Roach, Cole 2:32.53 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Facenda, Ian 2:32.73 Ayala (SS)
Korhonen, Noah 2:33.97 Fountain Valley (SS)
Abuhamdeh, Ammar 2:35.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Castaneda, Charlie 2:35.00h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Stewart, Jack 2:45.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Rodriguez, Jesse 2:46.75 Fountain Valley (SS)
Doan, Thai 3:04.36 Fountain Valley (SS)
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Boys Discus 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zavala, Travis 162-8 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
King, Andrew 132-11 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Walker, Alex 132-9 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Acosta, Brennan 126-1 El Toro (SS)
Nasehi Arjmand, Parsa 120-0 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Mendez, Nicolas 115-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Liu, Andrew 112-11 Fountain Valley (SS)
Glasgow, Murphy 112-6 Mira Costa (SS)
El Najim, Omar 110-3 Fountain Valley (SS)
Sedehi, Ameen 110-0 Tesoro (SS)
Sharma, Sam 103-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Slater, Andrew 101-10 Ayala (SS)
Klinge, Adam 100-3 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Covarrubias, Noe 100-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Klasky, Mason 100-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Whittington, Dylan 100-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Partida, Nicholas 99-1 Ayala (SS)
Mussoline, Jack 94-3 Tesoro (SS)
Cardiel, Michael 92-10 Upland (SS)
Young, Emerson 91-8 Mira Costa (SS)
Brown, Brody 90-6.5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Bowman, Liam 90-3 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Artist, Sean 90-0 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Bowman, Aiden 89-5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Rojas, Raymond 88-5 Upland (SS)
Brass, Simeon 85-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Palmese, Jason 85-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Holguin, Josh 84-8 Ayala (SS)
Torres, Jerardo 82-10 Ayala (SS)
Chak, Yaseen 82-2 Tesoro (SS)
Osterkamp, Luke 82-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Johnson, Andrew 81-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ramirez, Daniel 81-0 Ayala (SS)
Teofilo, Carlos 79-2 El Toro (SS)
Waldeck, Alden 73-10 Tesoro (SS)
Sur, Jonathan 73-4 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Pastrana, Fransisco 72-3 El Toro (SS)
Clifford, Jack 72-2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Stewart, Jacob 72-0 Ayala (SS)
Frick, Clay 66-10 El Toro (SS)
Nguyen, Vincent 65-0 El Toro (SS)
Marroquin, Santiago 64-6 El Toro (SS)
Guzman, Joshua 63-1 El Toro (SS)
Ramos, Jose 58-4 El Toro (SS)
Trabalton, Matias 55-0 El Toro (SS)
Siriois, Kyle 53-10 El Toro (SS)
Mukai, Collin 52-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Kiklas, Travis 47-9 El Toro (SS)
Cao, Ben 44-11 Fountain Valley (SS)
Arrington, Dylan Upland (SS)
Garcia, Nico Tesoro (SS)
Anchor, Adam Tesoro (SS)
Nelson, Nicholas Tesoro (SS)
Rosecrans, Austin Tesoro (SS)
Espinosa, Matthew Upland (SS)
Gomez, Jake Upland (SS)
Pittman, Kye Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Turcutto, Jean Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Smith, Lorenzo Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Paredes, Leland Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hart, Brendan Fountain Valley (SS)
Sanchez, Nathan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Boys High Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baca, Isaiah 5-10 Ayala (SS)
Le, Lucas 5-10 Fountain Valley (SS)
Jornadal, Josh 5-10 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Allain, Jaden 5-8 Tesoro (SS)
Love, DeMarco 5-8 Tesoro (SS)
Donohue, Taggart 5-8 Tesoro (SS)
Chang, Ivan 5-8 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Sarmiento, Lloyd 5-6 Ayala (SS)
Razo, Isaiah 5-6 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Sandoval, Evan 5-6 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
McKinney, Kai 5-6 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
McDonough, Morgan 5-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Van Norman, Riley 5-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Weyrick, Daniel 5-4 Fountain Valley (SS)
Callins, Deone 5-4 Fountain Valley (SS)
Dubose, Donovan 5-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Holland, Ben 5-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Prescott, Luke 5-2 Ayala (SS)
Chau, Brian 5-2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Foster-mbaekwe, Jedidiah 5-2 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Georgeson, Waylon 5-2 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Misiego, Matt 5-2 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Zahreddine, Jude 5-2 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Han, Andrew 5-0 Ayala (SS)
Benitez, Devin 4-10 Mira Costa (SS)
Michael, Henry 4-8 Mira Costa (SS)
O'Neill, Kai 4-8 Mira Costa (SS)
Chak, Yaseen 4-6 Tesoro (SS)
Wason, Sameer Tesoro (SS)
Kamal, Ryan Tesoro (SS)
Anchor, Adam Tesoro (SS)
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Boys Long Jump 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jornadal, Josh 22-4 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Burns, Will 21-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Yu, Jonathan 20-6.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
McKinney, Kai 20-3 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
King, Grant 20-2 Tesoro (SS)
Baca, Isaiah 20-1.5 Ayala (SS)
Bock, Kyler 20-0 Tesoro (SS)
Holland, Ben 20-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mirghavami, Rustin 19-11 El Toro (SS)
Armstong, Joseph 19-10 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Allain, Jaden 19-9 Tesoro (SS)
Dubose, Donovan 19-9 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Wang, Arden 19-6.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Garcia, Vincent 19-6 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Dizon, Ryan 19-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Dungca, Aaron 19-4.25 Ayala (SS)
Simon, Spencer 19-3 El Toro (SS)
Sherry, Zuri 19-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Johnson, Ryland 19-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Misiego, Matt 19-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Love, DeMarco 18-10 Tesoro (SS)
Chau, Brian 18-8.75 Fountain Valley (SS)
Davis-Lyric, Davis 18-4 Upland (SS)
Padilla, Chris 18-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Petrone, Joshua 18-2.5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Sarmiento, Lloyd 18-2 Ayala (SS)
Prescott, Luke 18-2 Ayala (SS)
Ta, Brian 17-9 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Leach, Zachary 17-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Martinez, Oscar 17-5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Jarrod 17-5 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Callins, Deone 17-2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Wesley, Kanoa 17-1 Fountain Valley (SS)
Rizkalla, Khai 17-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Do, Tristan 16-11.75 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Hamilton, Marcus 16-9 Ayala (SS)
Shah, Kiran 16-1 Mira Costa (SS)
Botha, Bryce 16-1 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Garratt, Cameron 16-0 Upland (SS)
Kam, Calvin 16-0 Ayala (SS)
Artist, Sean 15-11 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Luu, Ethan 15-5 Ayala (SS)
Singh, Shyel 15-1 Tesoro (SS)
Jarrad, Abdul 15-1 Tesoro (SS)
Nguyen, Ryan 15-0 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Franklin, Ryan 13-0 El Toro (SS)
Wason, Sameer Tesoro (SS)
Kamal, Ryan Tesoro (SS)
Anchor, Adam Tesoro (SS)
Moore, Mason Tesoro (SS)
Boatswain, Andrew El Toro (SS)
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'Brien, Hunter 16-1 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Wesley, Kanoa 11-7 Fountain Valley (SS)
Bendis, Nikolas 11-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Dizon, Ryan 11-3 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Gavia, Fabian 11-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Johnson, Andrew 11-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Shah, Kiran 11-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Rothhammer, Ben 11-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Sherry, Zuri 10-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Johnson, Tanner 10-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Johnson, Ryland 10-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Bui, Jason 9-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Weyrick, Daniel 9-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ji, Qing (Jerry) 9-0 Ayala (SS)
Voytilla, Jayce 9-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Castillo, Sean 8-0 Ayala (SS)
Walters, Adam Upland (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zavala, Travis 54-10.25 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
King, Andrew 44-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Glasgow, Murphy 43-9 Mira Costa (SS)
Sedehi, Ameen 42-8 Tesoro (SS)
Walker, Alex 42-5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mendez, Nicolas 42-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Bacerra, Merrick 41-10.5 Ayala (SS)
Klinge, Adam 40-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Acosta, Brennan 39-11 El Toro (SS)
Partida, Nicholas 39-11 Ayala (SS)
Whittington, Dylan 36-10 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Young, Emerson 36-9 Mira Costa (SS)
Wilson, Daelin 36-4.25 Ayala (SS)
El Najim, Omar 36-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Torres, Jerardo 35-10.5 Ayala (SS)
Sharma, Sam 35-10 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Covarrubias, Noe 35-10 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Cardiel, Michael 35-9 Upland (SS)
Liu, Andrew 35-7 Fountain Valley (SS)
Mussoline, Jack 35-1 Tesoro (SS)
Bayles, Ryan 35-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Slater, Andrew 34-11 Ayala (SS)
Bowman, Liam 34-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Carlos, Joey 33-5.5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Artist, Sean 33-2 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Nasehi Arjmand, Parsa 33-0.25 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Rojas, Raymond 33-0 Upland (SS)
Brown, Brody 32-5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Palmese, Jason 32-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Sur, Jonathan 31-8.25 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Holguin, Josh 31-4.25 Ayala (SS)
Pastrana, Fransisco 31-4 El Toro (SS)
Teofilo, Carlos 31-0.5 El Toro (SS)
Frick, Clay 30-7 El Toro (SS)
Johnson, Andrew 30-7 Fountain Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Vincent 30-0 El Toro (SS)
Siriois, Kyle 30-0 El Toro (SS)
Osterkamp, Luke 30-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Stewart, Jacob 29-2 Ayala (SS)
Guzman, Joshua 28-8.5 El Toro (SS)
Clifford, Jack 28-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Chak, Yaseen 28-5 Tesoro (SS)
Tennyson, Ryan 27-3 Ayala (SS)
Trabalton, Matias 27-0 El Toro (SS)
Mukai, Collin 27-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Marroquin, Santiago 26-8 El Toro (SS)
Kiklas, Travis 26-6 El Toro (SS)
Bowman, Aiden 25-8.5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Cao, Ben 24-2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ramos, Jose 23-9.5 El Toro (SS)
Arrington, Dylan Upland (SS)
Garcia, Nico Tesoro (SS)
Nelson, Nicholas Tesoro (SS)
Murdy, Wyatt Tesoro (SS)
Rosecrans, Austin Tesoro (SS)
Gomez, Jake Upland (SS)
Espinosa, Matthew Upland (SS)
Smith, Lorenzo Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Pittman, Kye Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Turcutto, Jean Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Paredes, Leland Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hart, Brendan Fountain Valley (SS)
Sanchez, Nathan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Boys Triple Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yu, Jonathan 45-5 Fountain Valley (SS)
King, Grant 43-0 Tesoro (SS)
Le, Lucas 42-10 Fountain Valley (SS)
McKinney, Kai 42-9 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Jornadal, Josh 41-9.75 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Dungca, Aaron 41-6 Ayala (SS)
Armstong, Joseph 40-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Misiego, Bryan 40-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Chang, Ivan 39-10 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Dizon, Ryan 38-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Van Norman, Riley 38-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Dubose, Donovan 38-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Johnson, Ryland 38-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Holland, Ben 38-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Wang, Arden 37-7.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Chau, Brian 37-5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Georgeson, Waylon 37-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Wesley, Kanoa 36-3.75 Fountain Valley (SS)
Simon, Spencer 36-3 El Toro (SS)
Smith, Dominic 36-00 Upland (SS)
Han, Andrew 35-9 Ayala (SS)
Ta, Brian 35-1 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Tran, Don 34-4 El Toro (SS)
Maineane, Tumelo 34-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Martinez, Aiden 34-0 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Shah, Kiran 33-8 Mira Costa (SS)
Castillo, Sean 33-6 Ayala (SS)
Barrett, Caden 31-8 Ayala (SS)
Garratt, Cameron 28-0 Upland (SS)
Allain, Jaden Tesoro (SS)
Lloyd, Jacob Tesoro (SS)
Payne, Jackson El Toro (SS)
Love, DeMarco Tesoro (SS)
Botha, Bryce Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Nguyen, Ryan Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 114 entries

Athlete Seed Team
James, Gabi Tesoro (SS)
Garcia, Madison Ayala (SS)
Mendoza, Ella Tesoro (SS)
McBride, Kayla 11.98 Ayala (SS)
Ezell, Keira 12.22 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Minor, Dakota 12.24 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Harris, Caelyn 12.30 Upland (SS)
Keller, Lyla 12.31 South Pasadena (SS)
Concha, Orchid 12.37 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Harrell, Krystal 12.44 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Onestinghel, Jenna 12.45 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Smith, Simone 12.48 Upland (SS)
Ohlwiler, Tara 12.60 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Orman, Bella 12.70 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Semmere, Sabrina 12.90 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Sanchez, Grace 13.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Wagoner, Karina 13.09 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Nguyen, Crystal 13.10 Fountain Valley (SS)
Le, Aubri 13.12 Fountain Valley (SS)
Pierce, Nicole 13.12 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Williams, Lauren 13.18 Ayala (SS)
Casteneda, Celine 13.18 Tesoro (SS)
Shozi, Kaylee 13.20 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Renner, Natalie 13.20 El Toro (SS)
Long, Damonique 13.20 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Davis, London 13.23 Upland (SS)
Clovery, Brianna 13.24 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Berg, Rachel 13.29 Fountain Valley (SS)
Hawkins, Enessah 13.30 Upland (SS)
Wong, Taylor 13.31 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Dinkins, Nia 13.35 Ayala (SS)
Zenner, Avana 13.36 Mira Costa (SS)
Lockard, Sarah 13.39 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Escutia, Sienna 13.40h El Toro (SS)
Pina, Natalie 13.41 Tesoro (SS)
Quigley, Bradey 13.45 El Toro (SS)
Manginelli, Makena 13.46 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Vega, Jordan 13.48 Ayala (SS)
Burian, Danica 13.49 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Johnson, Hailey 13.50 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Jackson, Tyler 13.50h Upland (SS)
Bynum, Biyanca 13.53 Ayala (SS)
Bakhsh, Jessica 13.55 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Zych, Milee 13.58 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Harris, Kendalyn 13.60 Tesoro (SS)
Badua, Jade 13.63 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Minjarez, Maleah 13.64 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Phillips, Namiah 13.64 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Nguy, Evelyn 13.64 Fountain Valley (SS)
Martinez, Mia-Shea 13.70 Mira Costa (SS)
Sides, Jacqueline 13.71 South Pasadena (SS)
Schultz, Katherine 13.75 El Toro (SS)
Kim, Abby 13.80 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Prasad, Lara 13.80 Tesoro (SS)
Dumasal, Angelica 13.89 Upland (SS)
Cashman, Ava 13.90 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Fuentes, Dayona 13.90h El Toro (SS)
Jang, Raina 13.94 Ayala (SS)
Lawton, Ashley 13.94 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Hoover, Jacquelene 13.95 Mira Costa (SS)
Rutkin, Elizabeth 13.99 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Nguyen, Lilian 13.99 Fountain Valley (SS)
Avila, Kate 14.00 Ayala (SS)
Riley, Princess 14.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Moses, Naiara 14.01 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
James, Kera 14.05 El Toro (SS)
Ho, Jamie 14.12 Fountain Valley (SS)
Martin, Milyan 14.12 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Gavlak, Kezia 14.13 South Pasadena (SS)
Dvorchak, Ella 14.14 Mira Costa (SS)
Murillo, Soleil 14.19 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Sanatar, Kaia 14.20h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Le, Justine 14.24 Tesoro (SS)
Chew, Kaylee 14.25 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Vo, Sydney 14.29 Fountain Valley (SS)
Humbarger, Kit 14.30h Mira Costa (SS)
Good, Katelyn 14.35 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Abbas, Yaman 14.42 Fountain Valley (SS)
Lau, Serena 14.47 South Pasadena (SS)
Roth, Avery 14.5 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Hertz, Abigail 14.5 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Gregory, Aaliyah 14.50 Ayala (SS)
Talley, Danae 14.50 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Warner, Addyson 14.50h El Toro (SS)
Ton, Isabella 14.55 El Toro (SS)
Dhamija, Sannah 14.56 Fountain Valley (SS)
Dawood, Tala 14.64 Fountain Valley (SS)
Koo, Perri 14.69 South Pasadena (SS)
Ruvira, Noemi 14.70 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Flores-Marsocci, Shanti 14.82 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
O'Connor, Emily 14.84 Mira Costa (SS)
Anderson, Ashlynne 14.85 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Zavala, Chloe 14.87 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Leiva, Claudia 14.95 Tesoro (SS)
Cannon, Sa'rai 14.95 Tesoro (SS)
Park, Kiana 15.00 South Pasadena (SS)
Brown, Zoya 15.04 South Pasadena (SS)
De La Torre, Daniela 15.17 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Gilmore, Saxton 15.20h Mira Costa (SS)
Smith, Lucy 15.21 Tesoro (SS)
Ffolkes, Mia 15.22 Tesoro (SS)
Fa'alogo, Emma 15.45 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Moorman, Mariah 15.45 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Rucker, Jersey 15.50 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Peckovich, Alexandra 15.54 Mira Costa (SS)
Holguin, Kaylee 15.56 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Huynh, Nikita 15.57 Tesoro (SS)
Hory, Giselle 15.60h Mira Costa (SS)
Escobedo, Mia 15.80h Mira Costa (SS)
Cardoza, Cienna 16.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Ruiz, Mia 16.03 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Kailani, Giovanna 16.20 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Garcia, Mina 16.20 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Billups, Sofia 16.49 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Natalie Tesoro (SS)
Davis, London 14.86 Upland (SS)
Holden, Mia 16.09 South Pasadena (SS)
Salas, Jai Lin 16.16 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Barmettler, Hanna 16.23 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Wang, Laney 18.01 Fountain Valley (SS)
Peterson, Lucy 18.20 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Weis, Kaley 18.23 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Orgill, Brynn 18.99 Fountain Valley (SS)
Le, Sophia 19 Fountain Valley (SS)
Mora, Caroline 19.3 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ho, Jasmine 19.41 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Gan, Yumi 19.52 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Blade, Parker 19.8 Fountain Valley (SS)
Singh, Kirsten 19.80 Ayala (SS)
Ho, Jamie 20 Fountain Valley (SS)
Karambelas, Jordan 20.00 Mira Costa (SS)
Hertz, Erika 20.12 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Boyer, Emily 20.2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Tina 21.26 Fountain Valley (SS)
Chang, Joanna 21.50 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Plascencia, Makayla 21.53 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Reisner, Tiana 21.74 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Clark, Ivy 22.70 Tesoro (SS)
Van Diest, Peyton 24.00h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 129 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whetsel, Camille South Pasadena (SS)
Jimenez, Galilea Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Ota, Makaila St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Dettman, Kiana South Pasadena (SS)
Errington, Abigail South Pasadena (SS)
Hsin, Sascha South Pasadena (SS)
Ceja, Cereina Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hadley, Emma 4:51.01 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Morrow, Sydney 5:03.94 South Pasadena (SS)
Frisone, Isabella 5:04.07 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
O'Brien, Brooke 5:04.87 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Garcia, Brynn 5:05.00h JSerra Catholic (SS)
Johnson, Ellie 5:16.06 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Murphy, Cameron 5:16.37 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Ehrig, Roxanne 5:18.33 Ayala (SS)
Schott , Emily 5:22.26 Ayala (SS)
Guthrie, Lindsay 5:23.74 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Wrathall, Hannah 5:24.25 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Miller, Carly 5:32 El Toro (SS)
Koyama, Mai 5:32.66 South Pasadena (SS)
Lee, Jordan 5:33.11 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Stewart, Kiarra 5:33.11 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Tallas, Kiera 5:34.22 Fountain Valley (SS)
Vartanian, Giselle 5:35.00h JSerra Catholic (SS)
Barrera, Shae 5:38 El Toro (SS)
Martinez, Jordan 5:38.22 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
To, Evelyn 5:38.52 Fountain Valley (SS)
Torres, Susana 5:39 El Toro (SS)
Feitz, Megan 5:40 Fountain Valley (SS)
Vivaldo, Leilani 5:40 El Toro (SS)
Field, Kaelee 5:40.59 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Sumner, Natalie 5:42.40 Ayala (SS)
Benham, Maya 5:42.42 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Medina, Darla 5:44 El Toro (SS)
Mente, Klarissa 5:44.82 Ayala (SS)
Gonzalez, Evelyn 5:45 El Toro (SS)
Williams, Tyra 5:47.12 South Pasadena (SS)
Bravo, Madison 5:47.83 Ayala (SS)
Kim, Claire 5:48.12 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Lynd, Kasey 5:50 El Toro (SS)
Koo, Chloe 5:50.27 South Pasadena (SS)
Cornell, Ava 5:51.22 Ayala (SS)
Cerwinski, Kaitlyn 5:54.59 Ayala (SS)
Malmquist, Lucy 5:55.00h JSerra Catholic (SS)
Stuvland, Claire 5:55.16 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Ertel, Samantha 5:55.54 Fountain Valley (SS)
Dizon, Nicole 5:55.54 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Davis, Jordan 5:55.98 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Rodriguez, Gabriela 5:59.89 South Pasadena (SS)
Varela, Lucy 6:00 El Toro (SS)
Alvarez, Brooke 6:00 El Toro (SS)
Danaher, Dakota 6:00 El Toro (SS)
Hernandez, Audrey 6:00.00 Ayala (SS)
Rojas, Jazlynn 6:00.00 Ayala (SS)
Jain, Christina 6:01 El Toro (SS)
Liao, Jasmin 6:03.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Howard, Emily 6:04.15 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Park, Lauryn 6:04.24 Ayala (SS)
Humphrey, Sofia 6:04.68 South Pasadena (SS)
Escamilla, Luisa 6:05 El Toro (SS)
Smorick, Elizabeth 6:06 El Toro (SS)
Alvarez, Marisol 6:06.53 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Johnson, Sara 6:07 El Toro (SS)
Greene, Madison 6:08.00h El Toro (SS)
Dugan, Kahli 6:09.33 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Shih, Ivy 6:09.84 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Barkehanai, Charlotte 6:10 El Toro (SS)
Cho, Janice 6:10 El Toro (SS)
Hall, Jani 6:10.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Wong, Bianca 6:10.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Orpilla, Kasey 6:10.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Jimenez, Salma 6:10.00h Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Moore, Paige 6:10.19 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Roehricht, Annabelle 6:13.42 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Beeny, Amelia 6:13.75 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Nunez, Mariana 6:15.33 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Rivera Cabrera, Katherine 6:18 El Toro (SS)
Huynh, Melissa 6:19.06 Fountain Valley (SS)
Duke, Alexis 6:20.00 Ayala (SS)
Miller, Avery 6:21 El Toro (SS)
Bui, Katie 6:24.84 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Cuesta, Marisa 6:25.05 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Karnawat, Siddhi 6:25.62 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Chladek, Nicole 6:26.05 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Desormeau, Amanda 6:27.97 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Pastis, Lexci 6:28 El Toro (SS)
Pena, Jordyn 6:29.66 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Tanner, Kate 6:30 Fountain Valley (SS)
Orpilla, Alyssa 6:30.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Chavez, Isabella 6:30.00h Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Leiva, Hazey 6:30.00h Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hernandez, Mariana 6:32.56 Fountain Valley (SS)
Moreno, Alejandra 6:34.84 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Sanderson, Audrey 6:37.64 Tesoro (SS)
Dominguez, Ennovi 6:38.15 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Tran, Hailey 6:40 Fountain Valley (SS)
Do, Kaylie 6:41.42 Fountain Valley (SS)
Wickstrom, Angelina 6:42.10 Fountain Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Jessica 6:43.00 El Toro (SS)
Erdman, Sydney 6:43.20 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Nguyen, Michelle 6:44.74 Fountain Valley (SS)
Zuniga-Lindgren, Alyssa 6:45.27 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Bakhtiar, Michelle 6:45.55 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Drea, Kayleigh 6:46.01 Tesoro (SS)
Erb, Melody 6:46.65 Tesoro (SS)
Garrel, Allison 6:52.93 Tesoro (SS)
Starkey, Grace 6:56.66 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Boscan, Claudia 6:58.87 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Martinez, Gabriela 7:00.00h Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Tran, Katelin 7:00.01 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Marquez Escalante, Camila 7:01.00h El Toro (SS)
Lopez, Hailey 7:04.22 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Perez, Lucia 7:05.94 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Garrel, Lindsey 7:09.25 Tesoro (SS)
Pringle, Katie 7:12.87 Tesoro (SS)
Curry, Chloe 7:13.50 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Montoya, Savannah 7:15.54 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Higgins, Avery 7:15.55 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Skoda, Nina 7:15.56 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Jalomo, Arianna 7:16.02 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Olsen, Kylee 7:25.48 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Theurer, Alyssa 7:29.28 Tesoro (SS)
Bryant, Zoe 7:30.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Newby, Anastasia 7:33.13 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Negrete, Martha 7:45.15 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Rayo, Lannie 7:46.64 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Mendoza, Gabby 7:48.88 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Tran, Jenny 8:06.74 Fountain Valley (SS)
Marin, Andrea 9:30.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 106 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coello, Mariah Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Holguin, Kaylee Eleanor Roosevelt SS
James, Gabi Tesoro (SS)
Scott, Hailey Eleanor Roosevelt SS
De La Torre, Daniela Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Martin, Milyan Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Talley, Danae Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Moses, Naiara Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Christian, Mikayla Tesoro (SS)
Rucker, Jersey Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Beckles, Brook'Lyn Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Long, Damonique Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Elmi, Kristina Tesoro (SS)
Ruvira, Noemi Eleanor Roosevelt SS
McBride, Kayla 24.82 Ayala (SS)
Smith, Simone 25.52 Upland (SS)
Ellis, Cierra 25.55 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Keller, Lyla 25.59 South Pasadena (SS)
Harris, Caelyn 25.88 Upland (SS)
Emechete, Obioma 25.98 Ayala (SS)
Ohlwiler, Tara 26.34 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Nguyen, Crystal 26.59 Fountain Valley (SS)
Onestinghel, Jenna 26.78 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Dinkins, Nia 26.88 Ayala (SS)
Orman, Bella 26.88 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Gonsalves, Maya 27.04 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Taylor, Campbell 27.30 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Vega, Jordan 27.30 Ayala (SS)
Sides, Jacqueline 27.36 South Pasadena (SS)
Le, Aubri 27.37 Fountain Valley (SS)
Hawkins, Enessah 27.37 Upland (SS)
Wagoner, Karina 27.40 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Maguire, Molly 27.50 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Pierce, Nicole 27.56 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Kerrigan, Kylie 27.58 Tesoro (SS)
Kiani, Lauren 27.70 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Clovery, Brianna 27.76 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Valenzuela, Elyse 27.80 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Zych, Milee 27.80 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Jang, Raina 28.00h Ayala (SS)
Lockard, Sarah 28.01 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Wong, Taylor 28.02 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Pina, Natalie 28.09 Tesoro (SS)
Williams, Lauren 28.11 Ayala (SS)
Escutia, Sienna 28.11 El Toro (SS)
Nguyen, Melanie 28.12 Ayala (SS)
Zenner, Avana 28.13 Mira Costa (SS)
Berg, Rachel 28.17 Fountain Valley (SS)
Prasad, Lara 28.23 Tesoro (SS)
Knoob, Kayla 28.33 Fountain Valley (SS)
Badua, Jade 28.36 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Phillips, Namiah 28.5 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Bynum, Biyanca 28.55 Ayala (SS)
Rawitz, Bella 28.60h Mira Costa (SS)
Chacon, Kaylie 28.70 El Toro (SS)
Lamoyd, Emilia 28.89 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Cashman, Ava 28.90 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Chute, Jaylene 28.95 Mira Costa (SS)
Minjarez, Maleah 28.97 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Martinez, Mia-Shea 29.00 Mira Costa (SS)
Rutkin, Elizabeth 29.00h Trabuco Hills (SS)
Guitron, Sophie 29.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Gavlak, Kezia 29.1 South Pasadena (SS)
Nguyen, Lilian 29.11 Fountain Valley (SS)
Rohleder, Emma 29.17 Tesoro (SS)
Koo, Perri 29.23 South Pasadena (SS)
James, Kera 29.25 El Toro (SS)
Burian, Danica 29.29 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Kim, Abby 29.37 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Ezell, Keira 29.38 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Nguy, Evelyn 29.46 Fountain Valley (SS)
Abbas, Yaman 29.66 Fountain Valley (SS)
Warner, Addyson 29.80h El Toro (SS)
Podwell, Alya 29.85 Tesoro (SS)
Davis-Libiano, Alexandra 29.95 Mira Costa (SS)
Dumasal, Angelica 30 Upland (SS)
Monroe, Livvy 30.00h Ayala (SS)
Dhamija, Sannah 30.01 Fountain Valley (SS)
Murillo, Soleil 30.45 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Roth, Avery 30.50 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Traylor, Stella 30.50h Mira Costa (SS)
Hertz, Abigail 30.51 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Zavala, Chloe 30.61 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Zakhar, Miranda 30.65 Tesoro (SS)
Leiva, Claudia 30.70 Tesoro (SS)
Dawood, Tala 30.76 Fountain Valley (SS)
O'Connor, Emily 30.84 Mira Costa (SS)
Howard, Ava 30.90h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Gregory, Aaliyah 30.92 Ayala (SS)
Brown, Zoya 31.00h South Pasadena (SS)
Zhen, Celia 31.14 Tesoro (SS)
Flores-Marsocci, Shanti 31.39 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Hory, Giselle 31.50h Mira Costa (SS)
Cannon, Sa'rai 31.85 Tesoro (SS)
Good, Katelyn 31.97 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Cardoza, Cienna 32.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Jackson, Tyler 32.00h Upland (SS)
Peckovich, Alexandra 32.50 Mira Costa (SS)
Watson, Vivien 32.60h Mira Costa (SS)
Gilmore, Saxton 32.90h Mira Costa (SS)
Kirkpatrick, Somara 33.38 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Fa'alogo, Emma 33.91 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Ruiz, Mia 33.91 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Kailani, Giovanna 34.07 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Garcia, Mina 34.50h St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Billups, Sofia 38.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ffolkes, Mia Tesoro (SS)
Garcia, Natalie Tesoro (SS)
Barmettler, Hanna 46.24 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Holden, Mia 47.64 South Pasadena (SS)
Kirkpatrick, Arden 48.50 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Salas, Jai Lin 48.99 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Johnson, Rebecca 49.50h El Toro (SS)
Riley, Princess 50.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Pulham, Morgen 50.90 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Aguillon, Aileen 51.00 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Belanger, Delaney 51.25 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Gan, Yumi 51.45 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Peterson, Lucy 51.90 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Henninger, Avery 52.63 Tesoro (SS)
Weis, Kaley 53.22 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Martinez, Marina 53.38 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Ho, Jasmine 54.01 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Vasiraju, Nikhitha 54.20 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Singh, Kirsten 54.48 Ayala (SS)
Scott, Hailey 55.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Jones, Alyssa 55.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hertz, Erika 55.60 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Karambelas, Jordan 55.90 Mira Costa (SS)
Wang, Laney 56.68 Fountain Valley (SS)
Orgill, Brynn 57 Fountain Valley (SS)
Chang, Joanna 57.0 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Reisner, Tiana 57.45 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Velarde, Genevieve 57.80h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Blade, Parker 58 Fountain Valley (SS)
Le, Sophia 58 Fountain Valley (SS)
Mora, Caroline 58.4 Fountain Valley (SS)
Clark, Ivy 58.59 Tesoro (SS)
Eisenhart, Lauren 58.65 Tesoro (SS)
Moore, Daija 58:00.00 El Toro (SS)
Boyer, Emily 59 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ho, Jamie 59 Fountain Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Tina 59.16 Fountain Valley (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santos, Julia South Pasadena (SS)
Romo, Melanie South Pasadena (SS)
Oliva, Makena 10:44.82 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Garcia, Brynn 11:20.00 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Morrow, Sydney 11:27.60 South Pasadena (SS)
Potter, Keira 11:40.41 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Nakamura, Madyson 11:46.39 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Miller, Carly 11:52 El Toro (SS)
Medina, Darla 11:54 El Toro (SS)
Lynd, Kasey 11:55 El Toro (SS)
Wrathall, Kayla 12:02.47 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Martinez, Samantha 12:05.37 Fountain Valley (SS)
Carr, Teagan 12:39.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Bolton, Diana 12:48.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Drelling, Annie 12:58.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Stephen, Makena 12:59.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Bolton, Kathryn 13:03.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Saxena, Supreya 13:05.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Rodriguez, Gabriela 13:06.30 South Pasadena (SS)
Fernandes, Kaile 13:21.72 South Pasadena (SS)
Nguyen, Jennifer 13:31.64 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ayala, Anais 13:32.86 Ayala (SS)
Villegas , Lauren 13:40.52 Ayala (SS)
Sanders, Megan 13:40.75 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Horton, Hannah 13:43.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Cabadas, Valeria 13:43.46 Ayala (SS)
Humphrey, Sofia 13:49.47 South Pasadena (SS)
Gibson, Jordan 13:53.08 Ayala (SS)
Chang, Hannah 14:13.71 Ayala (SS)
Nikaido, Clarisse 14:14.87 Ayala (SS)
Chang, Leenah 14:15.00 Ayala (SS)
Gonzalez Pacheco, Leo 16:33.62 South Pasadena (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beckles, Brook'Lyn Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Scott, Hailey Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Brown, Zoya South Pasadena (SS)
Jones, Alyssa Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Salemi, Antonella Tesoro (SS)
Riley, Princess Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Llopis, Megan 1:01.77 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Coello, Mariah 1:02.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Knoob, Kayla 1:02.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Villasenor, Lianna 1:02.11 El Toro (SS)
Packard, Anne Elise 1:02.60 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Lamoyd, Emilia 1:03.15 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Martinez, Marina 1:04.02 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Nguyen, Melanie 1:04.96 Ayala (SS)
Harden, Zeina 1:05.00 Tesoro (SS)
Aros, Candle 1:05.00h Ayala (SS)
Kolster, Ellie 1:05.57 Tesoro (SS)
Rohleder, Emma 1:05.60 Tesoro (SS)
Dinh, Sophia 1:06.00h Ayala (SS)
Alton, Alivia 1:06.11 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Gonsalves, Maya 1:06.32 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Nove, Sheridan 1:06.50 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Rawitz, Bella 1:06.50 Mira Costa (SS)
Kerrigan, Kylie 1:06.66 Tesoro (SS)
Zakhar, Miranda 1:06.73 Tesoro (SS)
Chute, Jaylene 1:06.94 Mira Costa (SS)
Henninger, Avery 1:07.00 Tesoro (SS)
Guitron, Sophie 1:07.50 Mira Costa (SS)
Aboujaoude, Skyler 1:08.46 Tesoro (SS)
Davis-Libiano, Alexandra 1:08.50 Mira Costa (SS)
Fineza, Ava 1:08.90h South Pasadena (SS)
Monroe, Livvy 1:09.00h Ayala (SS)
Hoang, Avery 1:09.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Warner, Addyson 1:09.25 El Toro (SS)
Nguyen, Noelle 1:09.52 Fountain Valley (SS)
Dumasal, Angelica 1:10 Upland (SS)
Elmi, Kristina 1:10.00 Tesoro (SS)
Dunn, Emily 1:10.00 Tesoro (SS)
Phillips, Namiah 1:10.00h St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Yim, Allison 1:10.00h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Sanatar, Kaia 1:10.12 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Lucero, Lorena 1:10.15 Fountain Valley (SS)
Schwald, Emma 1:10.63 El Toro (SS)
Jackson, Tyler 1:12.00h Upland (SS)
Watson, Vivien 1:13.50 Mira Costa (SS)
Topor, Taylor 1:13.64 Tesoro (SS)
Foley, Shae 1:16.85 Tesoro (SS)
Garcia, Mina 1:21.62 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Johnson, Naomi 54.38 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Burns, Kaia 56.50 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Emechete, Obioma 59.00h Ayala (SS)
Ellis, Cierra 59.05 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Minor, Dakota 59.10 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 46.60 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 47.26 Upland (SS)
Relay Team A 49.20 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 50.50h Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 50.7 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 52.22 Fountain Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 53.00 Tesoro (SS)
Relay Team A 53.08 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Relay Team A 53.95 El Toro (SS)
Relay Team A 54.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 54.79 South Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 54.80 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 59.72 Tesoro (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:55.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 4:01.22 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 4:05.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Relay Team A 4:10.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 4:11.35 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 4:15.00h South Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 4:15.11 El Toro (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.21 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 4:30 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Tesoro (SS)
Relay Team A 4:32.00h Mira Costa (SS)
Relay Team A 4:35.00 South Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 4:40 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Relay Team A 4:53.93 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 4:58.21 Tesoro (SS)
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Girls 800 Meter Run 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whetsel, Camille South Pasadena (SS)
Ceja, Cereina Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Hsin, Sascha South Pasadena (SS)
Argus, Aria South Pasadena (SS)
Koo, Chloe South Pasadena (SS)
Izarraraz, Jocelyn Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Jimenez, Salma Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Escatel Olivo, Adamary Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Riley, Kerrigan South Pasadena (SS)
Wang, Emily Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Fineza, Ava South Pasadena (SS)
Romo, Melanie South Pasadena (SS)
Leiva, Hazey Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Cichon, Kaho 2:08.86 Fountain Valley (SS)
Jeanneret, Georgia 2:11.59 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Hadley, Emma 2:12.00 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Gallegos, Ashlee 2:16.76 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Snodgrass, Anastasia 2:17.96 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Paulson, Sydney 2:19.14 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Ehrig, Roxanne 2:20.93 Ayala (SS)
Errington, Abigail 2:21.68 South Pasadena (SS)
Brinkman, Danica 2:24.44 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Lacuata, Jenna 2:25.00 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Ferris, Leah 2:28.02 Fountain Valley (SS)
Feitz, Megan 2:30.00h Fountain Valley (SS)
Nakamura, Madyson 2:30.17 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Wrathall, Hannah 2:31.06 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Torres, Susana 2:33 El Toro (SS)
Randall, Ashlee 2:34.31 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
To, Evelyn 2:34.80 Fountain Valley (SS)
Vivaldo, Leilani 2:35 El Toro (SS)
Sumner, Natalie 2:35.13 Ayala (SS)
Tallas, Kiera 2:36.59 Fountain Valley (SS)
Schott , Emily 2:36.60 Ayala (SS)
Mente, Klarissa 2:37.00 Ayala (SS)
Martinez, Jordan 2:37.11 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Greene, Madison 2:38 El Toro (SS)
Koyama, Mai 2:38.11 South Pasadena (SS)
Manthorne, Kaci 2:38.18 Fountain Valley (SS)
Johnson, Amerie 2:38.25 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Williams, Tyra 2:38.65 South Pasadena (SS)
Jimenez, Galilea 2:38.95 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Lopez, Veronica 2:39.44 Tesoro (SS)
Cerwinski, Kaitlyn 2:39.61 Ayala (SS)
Hall, Jani 2:40.01 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Cornell, Ava 2:40.16 Ayala (SS)
Bravo, Madison 2:41.96 Ayala (SS)
Wrathall, Kayla 2:42.21 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Gossard, Riley 2:42.24 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Roque, Aya 2:45 Fountain Valley (SS)
Gray, Charlie 2:45.26 Tesoro (SS)
Alvarez, Marisol 2:47.69 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Smorick, Elizabeth 2:48 El Toro (SS)
Sanders, Megan 2:49.08 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Nguyen, Jessica 2:49.75 El Toro (SS)
Ota, Makaila 2:50 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Claudius, Leya 2:51.58 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Whipple, Marie 2:52.74 Tesoro (SS)
Capilla, Giselle 2:53.92 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Dao, Alinne 2:53.93 Fountain Valley (SS)
Erdman, Sydney 2:54.28 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Munyer, Kailani 2:54.71 Fountain Valley (SS)
Zuniga-Lindgren, Alyssa 2:55.00h St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Moreno, Alejandra 2:55.00h St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Moore, Paige 2:58.08 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Lantello, Cierra 3:01.36 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Dominguez, Ennovi 3:01.90 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Bae, Hannah 3:08.32 South Pasadena (SS)
Nakamura, Ellie 3:13.71 South Pasadena (SS)
Negrete, Martha 3:13.92 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Mendoza, Gabby 3:15 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Perez, Lucia 3:15.27 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Jalomo, Arianna 3:15.97 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Chavez, Isabella 3:18.35 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Girls Discus 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owens, Karyssa 135-1 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Gontang, Sydney 116-7 Tesoro (SS)
Lambert, Siena 106-0 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Lundgren, Allison 95-9 Tesoro (SS)
Roman, Kristen 95-9 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Dinh, Madison 95-2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Boggs, Reagen 92-0 Upland (SS)
Bakhsh, Jessica 90-0 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Gutierrez, Brianna 89-11 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Mor, Esra 87-5 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Laurell, Alyssa 87-5 Upland (SS)
Tristan, Ava 83-5 Ayala (SS)
Moorman, Mariah 81-1 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Walters, Erin 80-0 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Gontang, Carley 79-10 Tesoro (SS)
Tantardini, Gabriylla 74-10 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Ikrar, Aqilla 71-8 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Zemla, Abby 69-9 Ayala (SS)
Girard, Gabrielle 65-3 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Fa'alogo, Emma 65-1 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Nino, Sthephany 63-4 El Toro (SS)
Diaz, Keyla 63-4 Ayala (SS)
Galen Escobar, Michelle 62-11 El Toro (SS)
Kellerman, Alison 61-8.5 Tesoro (SS)
Boulden, Chelsi 58-11 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Abadian, Rebecca 58-7 Tesoro (SS)
Willson, Abigail 58-7 El Toro (SS)
Zinman, Mayaan 58-5 Tesoro (SS)
Langraphi-Hill, Emma 58-3 El Toro (SS)
Nguyen, Tran 57-8 Fountain Valley (SS)
Dal Gobbo, Coralie 57-6 Tesoro (SS)
Haddock, Lauren 56-10 Tesoro (SS)
Nunez, Gabrielle 56-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Ramirez, Olivia 56-0 Tesoro (SS)
Abbas, Yaman 55-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Leofa, Daejah 54-0 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Garduno, Zoe 53-9 El Toro (SS)
Shields, Rylyn 50-7 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Sloan, Stella 48-11 El Toro (SS)
Glover, Catherine 48-7 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Yassin, Raneem 45-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Shelton, Liliana 45-2 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Fajardo, Alexa 45-0 El Toro (SS)
Thomas, Corryn 43-11 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Lu, Tuyen 43-9 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ruiz, Mia 43-4 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Bemis, Lily 43-1 El Toro (SS)
Morgado, Mariangeles 43-0 El Toro (SS)
Hartley, Riley 42-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Collins, Michelle Upland (SS)
Santiago, Alizenette Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Riley, Princess Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Girls High Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Kendalyn 5-0 Tesoro (SS)
Casteneda, Celine 5-0 Tesoro (SS)
Riech, Carly 4-8 El Toro (SS)
Reid, Zayna 4-8 Fountain Valley (SS)
Arroyo, Hannah 4-8 Upland (SS)
Beary, Helen 4-8 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Boyer, Emily 4-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Morales, Jenna 4-4 Ayala (SS)
Le, Matilda 4-4 Fountain Valley (SS)
Ho, Jamie 4-4 Fountain Valley (SS)
Buss, Elle 4-4 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Hailey, Vanessa 4-4 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Tran, Alexis 4-2 Ayala (SS)
Di Marco, Sofia 4-2 Ayala (SS)
Huynh, Nikita 4-2 Tesoro (SS)
Humbarger, Kit 4-2 Mira Costa (SS)
Plascencia, Makayla 4-2 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Lin, Michelle 4-2 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Lucich, Morgan 4-2 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Munoz, Emma 4-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Zeppos, Katherine 4-0 Tesoro (SS)
Waegner, Shelby 3-10 Tesoro (SS)
Le, Justine Tesoro (SS)
Kellerman, Alison Tesoro (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seifert, Madeline 17-1 Ayala (SS)
Casteneda, Celine 16-8 Tesoro (SS)
Dinkins, Nia 16-6 Ayala (SS)
Gonsalves, Maya 16-4.5 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Minjarez, Maleah 16-4 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Sanchez, Grace 16-3 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Henare, Rochelle 16-2 Ayala (SS)
Coello, Mariah 16-1 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Morales, Jenna 15-11 Ayala (SS)
Cashman, Ava 15-10 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Miroshnichenko, Makayla 15-5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Harris, Kendalyn 15-2 Tesoro (SS)
Clater, Cora 15-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Kulikowski, Kylie 15-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Lucich, Morgan 15-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Hawkins, Enessah 15-0.5 Upland (SS)
Wang, Laney 14-9 Fountain Valley (SS)
Tran, Alexis 14-8 Ayala (SS)
Zych, Milee 14-7 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Truong, Katelyn 14-5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Tina 14-5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Reid, Zayna 14-4.75 Fountain Valley (SS)
Le, Sophia 14-3 Fountain Valley (SS)
Le, Matilda 14-1.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Beary, Helen 14-1 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Klasky, Cambria 14-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Harada, Kyra 14-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Park, Angelique 13-10 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Podwell, Alya 13-9.5 Tesoro (SS)
Nguyen, Vanessa 13-9 Fountain Valley (SS)
Sanatar, Kaia 13-8 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Kim, Abby 13-7.5 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Anderson, Ashlynne 13-7.5 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Huynh, Nikita 13-7 Tesoro (SS)
Nguyen, Jasmine 13-7 Fountain Valley (SS)
Hailey, Vanessa 13-7 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Lin, Michelle 13-7 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Humbarger, Kit 13-6 Mira Costa (SS)
Abdallah, Zahra 13-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Beeny, Amelia 13-5 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Zeppos, Katherine 13-4 Tesoro (SS)
Perry, Jordan 13-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Cole, Ruth 13-1 Ayala (SS)
Criger, Elizabeth 13-0 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Le, Justine 12-11 Tesoro (SS)
Yim, Allison 12-9 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Kirkpatrick, Somara 12-8 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Chew, Kaylee 12-8 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Roth, Avery 12-7 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Zavala, Chloe 12-6 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Mendoza, Ella 12-3 Tesoro (SS)
Murillo, Soleil 12-3 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Waegner, Shelby Tesoro (SS)
Chacon, Kaylie El Toro (SS)
Ton, Isabella El Toro (SS)
Schwald, Emma El Toro (SS)
James, Kera El Toro (SS)
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Girls Pole Vault 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seifert, Madeline 12-0 Ayala (SS)
Wilson, Natalia 10-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Abrahams, Isabella 9-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Boren, Callie 9-6 Mira Costa (SS)
Bray, Katie 9-0 Upland (SS)
Knollenberg, Claire 9-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Davis, Jessica 8-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Di Marco, Sofia 8-0 Ayala (SS)
Palacio, Kiarah 7-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Blade, Parker 7-2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Vo, Sydney 7-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Boyer, Emily 7-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Sholtis, Madison 7-0 Ayala (SS)
Bray, Sarah 7-0 Upland (SS)
Mora, Caroline 6-6 Fountain Valley (SS)
Welsh, Logan 6-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Hochman, Riley 6-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Fugitt, Brooklyn 6-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Aguillon, Aileen 6-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Garcia, Madison 6-0 Ayala (SS)
Latiolait, Dallas Upland (SS)
Avila, Kate Ayala (SS)
Nagares, Tzenel Ayala (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gontang, Sydney 35-10 Tesoro (SS)
Lambert, Siena 35-6.5 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Owens, Karyssa 34-10 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Laurell, Alyssa 32-5.5 Upland (SS)
Lundgren, Allison 32-0 Tesoro (SS)
Boggs, Reagen 30-9 Upland (SS)
Dinh, Madison 29-11 Fountain Valley (SS)
Tantardini, Gabriylla 28-7 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Roman, Kristen 28-5 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Mor, Esra 28-0 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Bakhsh, Jessica 28-0 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Ikrar, Aqilla 27-2 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Girard, Gabrielle 27-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Tristan, Ava 26-10 Ayala (SS)
Gutierrez, Brianna 26-4.5 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Nunez, Gabrielle 26-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Lucero, Lorena 25-1.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Abbas, Yaman 25-0 Fountain Valley (SS)
Walters, Erin 25-0 JSerra Catholic (SS)
Moorman, Mariah 24-8 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Galen Escobar, Michelle 24-7 El Toro (SS)
Diaz, Keyla 23-11 Ayala (SS)
Dal Gobbo, Coralie 23-3 Tesoro (SS)
Langraphi-Hill, Emma 23-3 El Toro (SS)
Willson, Abigail 22-2 El Toro (SS)
Guindy, Carla 22-2 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Ramirez, Olivia 22-1 Tesoro (SS)
Plascencia, Makayla 22-1 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Zemla, Abby 22-1 Ayala (SS)
Gontang, Carley 21-5.5 Tesoro (SS)
Yassin, Raneem 21-4.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Garduno, Zoe 20-10 El Toro (SS)
Lu, Tuyen 20-9.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Leofa, Daejah 20-9 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Kotha, Veda 20-9 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Fa'alogo, Emma 20-1 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Abadian, Rebecca 19-10 Tesoro (SS)
Fajardo, Alexa 19-9 El Toro (SS)
Nguyen, Tran 19-5.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Boulden, Chelsi 19-4 Eleanor Roosevelt SS
Glover, Catherine 19-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Smith, Hailey 19-4 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Zinman, Mayaan 19-3.5 Tesoro (SS)
Hartley, Riley 19-0 Mira Costa (SS)
Nino, Sthephany 18-0 El Toro (SS)
Haddock, Lauren 17-6.5 Tesoro (SS)
Thomas, Corryn 15-1.5 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Morgado, Mariangeles 14-9 El Toro (SS)
Bemis, Lily 14-9 El Toro (SS)
Kailani, Giovanna 14-1.5 St. Joseph Lakewood (SS)
Kellerman, Alison Tesoro (SS)
Collins, Michelle Upland (SS)
Santiago, Alizenette Eleanor Roosevelt SS
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Girls Triple Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Simone 37-8 Upland (SS)
Holden, Mia 36-00.5 South Pasadena (SS)
Henare, Rochelle 34-2 Ayala (SS)
Quigley, Bradey 33-11.5 El Toro (SS)
Kulikowski, Kylie 33-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Truong, Katelyn 32-4.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Wang, Laney 31-0.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Miroshnichenko, Makayla 30-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Lucich, Morgan 30-1 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Beeny, Amelia 29-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Holmes, Tiffani 29-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Abdallah, Zahra 29-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Sanchez, Abigail 29-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Swisher, Alexeea 29-6 Trabuco Hills (SS)
Nguyen, Jasmine 28-2 Fountain Valley (SS)
Le, Matilda 27-10.5 Fountain Valley (SS)
Harada, Kyra 27-10 Mira Costa (SS)
Hailey, Vanessa 27-4.5 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Huynh, Nikita 27-4 Tesoro (SS)
Blade, Parker 27-3 Fountain Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Vanessa 27-1 Fountain Valley (SS)
Schwald, Emma 26-5 El Toro (SS)
Buss, Elle 26-4 Canyon Anaheim Hills (SS)
Chacon, Kaylie El Toro (SS)
Ton, Isabella El Toro (SS)
Warner, Addyson El Toro (SS)
James, Kera El Toro (SS)
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