Glennis Murphy makes the top three whether you use returning 5K or 3 Mile times, something no other female from the section can claim.
To a distance runner, the summer is the most important season. This is when the true preparation is done, when the foundation is laid, when athletes and teams can start moving to another level. Summer is also a time of preparation for MileSplitCA! Starting Sunday, we're shifting into high gear to get ready for the 2016 cross country season. We start by gathering data on returning runners, using times from the 2015 season broken down by section. We'll move across the state from top to bottom, starting with the Northern Section and ending with the San Diego Section. We also have data from track season, which helps identify teams and individuals that have improved through year-round training.
All of this is in preparation for our Preseason XC Countdown, where we will highlight one boys and one girls team every day for 30 days. That will take us up to the start of competitive fall races, and from there the athletes in the Golden State can take over and make their own new headlines!
Today's focus is the North Coast Section, where the graduation of some HUGE names has opened the door for a new group of stars to be born.