D4 Boys

D4 Boys                                                              
Boys 5000 Meter Run
   pl no.      Name                YR Team         Time
===== ==== === ================ == ========== ======= ===== 
    1   32 CCS Dylan Fitzpatrick   SR Carmel       15:45  5:04 
    2 1378 SS  Chad Hall           SO Big Bear     15:48  5:06 
    3 1431 SS  Joaquin Gomez       SR Carpinteri   16:04  5:11 
    4 1767 SS  Carlyle Eubank      SR Santa Ynez   16:10  5:13 
    5  399 CS  Erick Garcia        SO Parlier      16:10  5:13 
    6   77 CCS Aaron Feldman       SR Harbor       16:11  5:13 
    7  712 NCS Mark Ceraldi        SO Piedmont     16:11  5:13 
    8  761 NCS Neal Rodrigues      JR St. Joseph   16:13  5:13 
    9 1584 SS  Max Mullender       JR Laguna Bea   16:13  5:13 
   10  852 NS  Jordan Fairley      SR West Valle   16:14  5:14 
   11 1581 SS  Jeremy Eaton        SO Laguna Bea   16:20  5:16 
   12 1609 SS  Jordan Schmidt      SO Lutheran     16:22  5:16 
   13 1646 SS  Matt Baiz           SR Morro Bay    16:23  5:17 
   14  760 NCS Brian Cole          SO St. Helena   16:24  5:17 
   15  687 NCS Tony Quintana       SR Moreau Cat   16:24  5:17 
   16  713 NCS Ricky Griffith      JR Piedmont     16:24  5:17 
   17   31 CCS Matt Dally          SR Carmel       16:25  5:17 
   18  134 CCS Wes Buntman         SO Monte Vist   16:25  5:17 
   19  657 NCS Nate Prince         SR Mckinleyvi   16:32  5:20 
   20   69 CCS Dan Grech           SR Half Moon    16:34  5:20 
   21  530 NCS Ben Gutierrez       JR Bishop O'd   16:35  5:21 
   22 1583 SS  Ryan Hedden         SR Laguna Bea   16:36  5:21 
   23 1159 SJS Erik Aardal         SR Bret Harte   16:37  5:21 
   24 1607 SS  Erik Ricca          JR Lutheran     16:40  5:22 
   25  768 NS  Robert Edsall       SR Central Va   16:40  5:22 
   26  711 NCS Jesse Baldridge     SO Piedmont     16:40  5:22 
   27 1683 SS  Kyle Block          JR Oaks Chris   16:41  5:22 
   28   35 CCS Ty Rothstein        SO Carmel       16:42  5:23 
   29  170 CCS Daniel Taylor       SO San Lorenz   16:43  5:23 
   30   33 CCS John Hannon         SR Carmel       16:44  5:23 
   31  867 NS  Brice Peters        JR Yreka        16:44  5:24 
   32   78 CCS Ben Garland         SR Harbor       16:45  5:24 
   33   72 CCS Jack Racine         JR Half Moon    16:48  5:25 
   34 1580 SS  Aman Bhatia         JR Laguna Bea   16:48  5:25 
   35  148 CCS Gabe LaMothe        SR R.l. Steve   16:55  5:27 
   36  921 SDS Jesus Romo          SO Guajome Pa   16:55  5:27 
   37 1700 SS  Brett Siddle        SR Paraclete    16:56  5:27 
   38  780 NS  Cesar Silva         JR Corning      16:57  5:28 
   39  358 CS  Octavio Ruiz        JR Mcfarland    16:58  5:28 
   40 1790 SS  Charles Sterling    SR St. Bonave   16:59  5:28 
   41 1608 SS  Kyle Ross           JR Lutheran     17:00  5:29 
   42 1686 SS  Eric Meissner       SR Oaks Chris   17:01  5:29 
   43 1214 SJS Marc Backovich      SR Escalon      17:02  5:29 
   44 1703 SS  Philip Weary        SR Paraclete    17:02  5:29 
   45 1168 SJS Alec Reynolds       JR Colfax       17:03  5:29 
   46 1606 SS  Cameron Everhear    FR Lutheran     17:03  5:30 
   47 1645 SS  Ruben Arroyo        SR Morro Bay    17:04  5:30 
   48  144 CCS Scott Edwards       SR Palma        17:05  5:30 
   49   82 CCS Ryan Roseman        JR Harbor       17:05  5:30 
   50  357 CS  Tony Rojas          JR Mcfarland    17:06  5:30 
   51  851 NS  Pat Crowl           SR West Valle   17:07  5:31 
   52 1165 SJS Jon Crebbin         SO Colfax       17:08  5:31 
   53  682 NCS Paulo Acoba         SR Moreau Cat   17:08  5:31 
   54 1787 SS  Danny Nunes         SR St. Bonave   17:09  5:32 
   55 1144 SJS Adam Bates          SO Amador       17:11  5:32 
   56 1169 SJS Greg Reynolds       SO Colfax       17:11  5:32 
   57 1164 SJS Will Cole           JR Colfax       17:12  5:33 
   58   73 CCS Jake Rotchstein     JR Half Moon    17:13  5:33 
   59 1517 SS  Angel Melendez      SR Fillmore     17:13  5:33 
   60 1514 SS  Jorge Contreras     SR Fillmore     17:14  5:33 
   61 1170 SJS Matt Wollenberg     JR Colfax       17:15  5:33 
   62  533 NCS Daniel Schieffer    JR Bishop O'd   17:15  5:34 
   63 1586 SS  Shane Riehl         SR Laguna Bea   17:16  5:34 
   64 1129 SFS Dawit Melak         JR Int'l Stud   17:16  5:34 
   65 1786 SS  Nick Kern           SO St. Bonave   17:16  5:34 
   66   81 CCS Tony McMillin       SO Harbor       17:16  5:34 
   67  635 NCS Mike Perez          JR Lower Lake   17:17  5:34 
   68  688 NCS Nick Toda           SR Moreau Cat   17:17  5:34 
   69  779 NS  Cody Higginson      JR Corning      17:17  5:34 
   70   37 CCS Nick Shea           SR Carmel       17:18  5:34 
   71  684 NCS Marcus Cordero      JR Moreau Cat   17:18  5:34 
   72 1650 SS  Steve Neuman        JR Morro Bay    17:19  5:35 
   73 1215 SJS Shane Brookshire    SR Escalon      17:21  5:35 
   74 1604 SS  Kennen Dietz        SR Lutheran     17:22  5:36 
   75 1163 SJS Ryan King           SR Cbs          17:24  5:36 
   76 1265 SJS Kyle Knutson        JR Lincoln-L    17:25  5:37 
   77 1375 SS  David Sanchez       SR Beaumont     17:25  5:37 
   78   79 CCS Bennett Jackson     JR Harbor       17:26  5:37 
   79  356 CS  Julio Olvera        SO Mcfarland    17:26  5:37 
   80  864 NS  Brandon Hoisingt    SR Yreka        17:26  5:37 
   81  359 CS  Juan Serna          JR Mcfarland    17:26  5:37 
   82 1603 SS  Sam Delgado         FR Lutheran     17:27  5:37 
   83  715 NCS Dylan McCalmont     JR Piedmont     17:27  5:37 
   84  149 CCS Nicholas Cannata    SO Sacred Ht.   17:27  5:37 
   85   75 CCS Aaron Wilson        SR Half Moon    17:28  5:38 
   86 1785 SS  Robert Chaparro     JR St. Bonave   17:28  5:38 
   87 1701 SS  Tim Smith           JR Paraclete    17:28  5:38 
   88  400 CS  Horacio Garcia      SR Parlier      17:29  5:38 
   89  360 CS  Baltatzar Topete    SO Mcfarland    17:29  5:38 
   90  446 CS  Joseph Spahn        SO Woodlake     17:29  5:38 
   91  924 SDS Jordan Yerkes       JR Horizon Ch   17:30  5:38 
   92  849 NS  Matt Baker          JR West Valle   17:31  5:39 
   93 1649 SS  Nick Cugini         SR Morro Bay    17:32  5:39 
   94   34 CCS Tyler Larson        FR Carmel       17:32  5:39 
   95 1217 SJS Randy Huntington    JR Escalon      17:32  5:39 
   96  686 NCS J.J. Pineda         SR Moreau Cat   17:33  5:39 
   97  683 NCS Andrew Chan         SR Moreau Cat   17:33  5:39 
   98 1266 SJS Nathan Simpson      JR Lincoln-L    17:34  5:40 
   99 1033 SDS Hunt Hardisty       JR The Bishop   17:35  5:40 
  100  433 CS  Carlos Palacios     SR Templeton    17:36  5:40 
  101  355 CS  Tony Fernandez      JR Mcfarland    17:36  5:40 
  102  959 SDS Brian Sedwitz       SR La Jolla C   17:36  5:40 
  103  957 SDS Eric Mothander      SR La Jolla C   17:36  5:40 
  104  969 SDS Cristopher Reed     JR Mountain E   17:37  5:41 
  105  529 NCS Austen Diliberto    SO Bishop O'd   17:39  5:41 
  106 1034 SDS Nick Lake           JR The Bishop   17:40  5:42 
  107 1697 SS  Edwin Flores        FR Paraclete    17:41  5:42 
  108  329 CS  Jordan Cavanaugh    JR Exeter Uni   17:42  5:42 
  109  716 NCS Nahoa Moya-Smith    JR Piedmont     17:42  5:42 
  110   74 CCS Joey Wilson         SO Half Moon    17:45  5:43 
  111  853 NS  Jon Hanna           JR West Valle   17:45  5:43 
  112 1702 SS  Jason Stoll         SR Paraclete    17:46  5:43 
  113  813 NS  Aaron Guerrero      SR Lassen       17:46  5:44 
  114 1166 SJS Brandon Giles       JR Colfax       17:47  5:44 
  115  617 NCS Matt Machi          SR Healdsburg   17:47  5:44 
  116 1698 SS  Alex Flores         SR Paraclete    17:47  5:44 
  117 1788 SS  Sean Saling         JR St. Bonave   17:48  5:44 
  118  354 CS  Isreal Perez        JR Mcfarland    17:48  5:44 
  119  850 NS  Justin Barry        JR West Valle   17:48  5:44 
  120  531 NCS Patrick Harkins     SO Bishop O'd   17:49  5:45 
  121 1148 SJS Jay Souza           JR Amador       17:50  5:45 
  122 1605 SS  Blake Edwards       JR Lutheran     17:52  5:45 
  123 1582 SS  Corey Hedden        SO Laguna Bea   17:54  5:46 
  124  532 NCS Garrett Nackerma    FR Bishop O'd   17:57  5:47 
  125  854 NS  Shane Reno          JR West Valle   17:59  5:48 
  126 1685 SS  Ethan Long          FR Oaks Chris   17:59  5:48 
  127   36 CCS Oliver Shabram      JR Carmel       17:59  5:48 
  128 1236 SJS Bryan Heilman       SR Hughson      18:00  5:48 
  129  432 CS  Cameron Dalke       JR Templeton    18:03  5:49 
  130 1167 SJS Joel Iventosh       FR Colfax       18:08  5:50 
  131 1220 SJS Vance Waldeck       JR Escalon      18:10  5:51 
  132 1699 SS  Robert Pollock      JR Paraclete    18:13  5:52 
  133  868 NS  Zach Schlichting    JR Yreka        18:16  5:53 
  134 1518 SS  Art Sandford        SO Fillmore     18:17  5:53 
  135 1648 SS  Addison Cugini      SO Morro Bay    18:18  5:54 
  136  714 NCS Matt Kendall        SR Piedmont     18:19  5:54 
  137  441 CS  Juan Carlos Alat    SR Woodlake     18:20  5:55 
  138 1647 SS  Pat Cirone          SO Morro Bay    18:21  5:55 
  139  902 SDS Ben Enowitz         FR Coronado     18:21  5:55 
  140   70 CCS David Gunther       JR Half Moon    18:22  5:55 
  141  862 NS  Cameron Churchil    SO Yreka        18:23  5:55 
  142 1515 SS  Manuel Lizarraga    SR Fillmore     18:25  5:56 
  143  953 SDS Lex Kiefhaber       SR La Jolla C   18:26  5:56 
  144  434 CS  Anders Raine        SO Templeton    18:27  5:57 
  145   71 CCS Jesse Jones         JR Half Moon    18:28  5:57 
  146  443 CS  Javier Ceballos     JR Woodlake     18:28  5:57 
  147  447 CS  Jacobo Villaseno    JR Woodlake     18:35  5:59 
  148 1585 SS  Shawn Pfender       JR Laguna Bea   18:37  6:00 
  149  865 NS  David Leal          SR Yreka        18:40  6:01 
  150 1145 SJS Gunnar Lederman     JR Amador       18:41  6:01 
  151  848 NS  Bryan Anondson      SO West Valle   18:44  6:02 
  152 1036 SDS Eudoro Orozco       JR The Bishop   18:46  6:03 
  153 1513 SS  Francisco Ayuayo    SO Fillmore     18:48  6:03 
  154 1037 SDS Brendan Walsh       JR The Bishop   18:52  6:05 
  155 1216 SJS Sam Goulet          JR Escalon      18:52  6:05 
  156  431 CS  Gabe Calvo          SR Templeton    18:53  6:05 
  157 1687 SS  Luke Miller         JR Oaks Chris   18:54  6:05 
  158 1688 SS  Trey Riley          JR Oaks Chris   18:55  6:06 
  159 1218 SJS Andy Schmidt        JR Escalon      18:56  6:06 
  160 1512 SS  Israel Arreola      SO Fillmore     18:57  6:06 
  161 1789 SS  Tom Sgobassi        SR St. Bonave   18:59  6:07 
  162  958 SDS Sean Harb           SR La Jolla C   18:59  6:07 
  163 1147 SJS Loren Russell       JR Amador       19:00  6:07 
  164  685 NCS Brian Fix           FR Moreau Cat   19:00  6:07 
  165  444 CS  Gilbert Flores      SO Woodlake     19:01  6:08 
  166  717 NCS Matt Sidow          JR Piedmont     19:01  6:08 
  167 1791 SS  Nathan Wendt        SO St. Bonave   19:06  6:09 
  168 1684 SS  Stephen Snelling    JR Oaks Chris   19:11  6:11 
  169   83 CCS Aleax Kikuchi       SO Harbor       19:13  6:11 
  170   80 CCS Dillon Sherrin      FR Harbor       19:14  6:12 
  171  528 NCS Paul Cotter         SR Bishop O'd   19:19  6:13 
  172  445 CS  Adrian Garcia       SR Woodlake     19:22  6:14 
  173 1516 SS  Andrew Lopez        JR Fillmore     19:22  6:14 
  174  955 SDS Sergio Martinez     SR La Jolla C   19:25  6:15 
  175  954 SDS John Major          JR La Jolla C   19:26  6:16 
  176 1146 SJS Trevor Longman      SR Amador       19:30  6:17 
  177 1150 SJS Tom Witt            SO Amador       19:41  6:21 
  178  956 SDS Brian Merrill       FR La Jolla C   19:42  6:21 
  179  866 NS  Brandon Palmer      FR Yreka        19:42  6:21 
  180 1149 SJS Stefan Issaeson     SO Amador       19:46  6:22 
  181 1219 SJS Ryan Sughrue        JR Escalon      19:48  6:23 
  182  442 CS  Ramon Andrade       SR Woodlake     19:48  6:23 
  183  534 NCS Michael Stowers     FR Bishop O'd   19:48  6:23 
  184 1689 SS  David Ruth          JR Oaks Chris   19:50  6:23 
  185  863 NS  Solomon Fernande    SO Yreka        19:56  6:25 
  186  435 CS  Josh Rickert        SO Templeton    19:59  6:26 
  187 1032 SDS Nick Hardisty       FR The Bishop   20:04  6:28 
  188 1035 SDS John Lazar          JR The Bishop   20:09  6:30 
  189 1038 SDS Andy Morgosh        FR The Bishop   20:50  6:43 
  190  430 CS  Wes Brossard        FR Templeton    20:57  6:45 
  191  436 CS  Manuel Rodriguez    FR Templeton    21:08  6:49 

                                             Division 4 Boys Team Scores
Team Scores
  1.    95  Laguna Beach         (  16:39  1:23:13)
  1      4   1584 SS  Max Mullender        JR   16:13
  2      6   1581 SS  Jeremy Eaton         SO   16:20
  3     14   1583 SS  Ryan Hedden          SR   16:36
  4     23   1580 SS  Aman Bhatia          JR   16:48
  5     48   1586 SS  Shane Riehl          SR   17:16
  6   ( 94)  1582 SS  Corey Hedden         SO   17:54
  7   (117)  1585 SS  Shawn Pfender        JR   18:37

  2.   101  Carmel               (  16:35  1:22:54)
  1      1     32 CCS Dylan Fitzpatrick      SR   15:45
  2     11     31 CCS Matt Dally           SR   16:25
  3     18     35 CCS Ty Rothstein         SO   16:42
  4     19     33 CCS John Hannon          SR   16:44
  5     52     37 CCS Nick Shea            SR   17:18
  6   ( 70)    34 CCS Tyler Larson         FR   17:32
  7   ( 98)    36 CCS Oliver Shabram       JR   17:59

  3.   137  Lutheran             (  16:54  1:24:27)
  1      7   1609 SS  Jordan Schmidt       SO   16:22
  2     15   1607 SS  Erik Ricca           JR   16:40
  3     27   1608 SS  Kyle Ross            JR   17:00
  4     32   1606 SS  Cameron Everheart      FR   17:03
  5     56   1604 SS  Kennen Dietz         SR   17:22
  6   ( 61)  1603 SS  Sam Delgado          FR   17:27
  7   ( 93)  1605 SS  Blake Edwards        JR   17:52

  4.   164  Harbor               (  16:57  1:24:43)
  1      2     77 CCS Aaron Feldman        SR   16:11
  2     21     78 CCS Ben Garland          SR   16:45
  3     34     82 CCS Ryan Roseman         JR   17:05
  4     50     81 CCS Tony McMillin        SO   17:16
  5     57     79 CCS Bennett Jackson      JR   17:26
  6   (138)    83 CCS Aleax Kikuchi        SO   19:13
  7   (139)    80 CCS Dillon Sherrin       FR   19:14

  5.   173  Piedmont             (  16:53  1:24:24)
  1      3    712 NCS Mark Ceraldi         SO   16:11
  2     10    713 NCS Ricky Griffith       JR   16:24
  3     16    711 NCS Jesse Baldridge      SO   16:40
  4     62    715 NCS Dylan McCalmont      JR   17:27
  5     82    716 NCS Nahoa Moya-Smith      JR   17:42
  6   (106)   714 NCS Matt Kendall         SR   18:19
  7   (135)   717 NCS Matt Sidow           JR   19:01

  6.   197  Colfax               (  17:10  1:25:49)
  1     31   1168 SJS Alec Reynolds        JR   17:03
  2     37   1165 SJS Jon Crebbin          SO   17:08
  3     41   1169 SJS Greg Reynolds        SO   17:11
  4     42   1164 SJS Will Cole            JR   17:12
  5     46   1170 SJS Matt Wollenberg      JR   17:15
  6   ( 86)  1166 SJS Brandon Giles        JR   17:47
  7   (100)  1167 SJS Joel Iventosh        FR   18:08

  7.   223  Moreau Catholic      (  17:08  1:25:40)
  1      9    687 NCS Tony Quintana        SR   16:24
  2     38    682 NCS Paulo Acoba          SR   17:08
  3     51    688 NCS Nick Toda            SR   17:17
  4     53    684 NCS Marcus Cordero       JR   17:18
  5     72    686 NCS J.J. Pineda          SR   17:33
  6   ( 73)   683 NCS Andrew Chan          SR   17:33
  7   (133)   685 NCS Brian Fix            FR   19:00

  8.   223  Half Moon Bay        (  17:10  1:25:48)
  1     12     69 CCS Dan Grech            SR   16:34
  2     22     72 CCS Jack Racine          JR   16:48
  3     43     73 CCS Jake Rotchstein      JR   17:13
  4     63     75 CCS Aaron Wilson         SR   17:28
  5     83     74 CCS Joey Wilson          SO   17:45
  6   (109)    70 CCS David Gunther        JR   18:22
  7   (114)    71 CCS Jesse Jones          JR   18:28

  9.   244  McFarland            (  17:17  1:26:25)
  1     25    358 CS  Octavio Ruiz         JR   16:58
  2     35    357 CS  Tony Rojas           JR   17:06
  3     58    356 CS  Julio Olvera         SO   17:26
  4     60    359 CS  Juan Serna           JR   17:26
  5     66    360 CS  Baltatzar Topete      SO   17:29
  6   ( 76)   355 CS  Tony Fernandez       JR   17:36
  7   ( 89)   354 CS  Isreal Perez         JR   17:48

 10.   266  St. Bonaventure      (  17:20  1:26:40)
  1     26   1790 SS  Charles Sterling      SR   16:59
  2     39   1787 SS  Danny Nunes          SR   17:09
  3     49   1786 SS  Nick Kern            SO   17:16
  4     64   1785 SS  Robert Chaparro      JR   17:28
  5     88   1788 SS  Sean Saling          JR   17:48
  6   (130)  1789 SS  Tom Sgobassi         SR   18:59
  7   (136)  1791 SS  Nathan Wendt         SO   19:06

 11.   269  Morro Bay            (  17:20  1:26:36)
  1      8   1646 SS  Matt Baiz            SR   16:23
  2     33   1645 SS  Ruben Arroyo         SR   17:04
  3     54   1650 SS  Steve Neuman         JR   17:19
  4     69   1649 SS  Nick Cugini          SR   17:32
  5    105   1648 SS  Addison Cugini       SO   18:18
  6   (108)  1647 SS  Pat Cirone           SO   18:21

 12.   283  West Valley          (  17:17  1:26:25)
  1      5    852 NS  Jordan Fairley       SR   16:14
  2     36    851 NS  Pat Crowl            SR   17:07
  3     68    849 NS  Matt Baker           JR   17:31
  4     84    853 NS  Jon Hanna            JR   17:45
  5     90    850 NS  Justin Barry         JR   17:48
  6   ( 96)   854 NS  Shane Reno           JR   17:59
  7   (120)   848 NS  Bryan Anondson       SO   18:44

 13.   285  Paraclete            (  17:23  1:26:53)
  1     24   1700 SS  Brett Siddle         SR   16:56
  2     30   1703 SS  Philip Weary         SR   17:02
  3     65   1701 SS  Tim Smith            JR   17:28
  4     81   1697 SS  Edwin Flores         FR   17:41
  5     85   1702 SS  Jason Stoll          SR   17:46
  6   ( 87)  1698 SS  Alex Flores          SR   17:47
  7   (102)  1699 SS  Robert Pollock       JR   18:13

 14.   325  Bishop O'Dowd        (  17:27  1:27:15)
  1     13    530 NCS Ben Gutierrez        JR   16:35
  2     47    533 NCS Daniel Schieffer      JR   17:15
  3     79    529 NCS Austen Diliberto      SO   17:39
  4     91    531 NCS Patrick Harkins      SO   17:49
  5     95    532 NCS Garrett Nackerman      FR   17:57
  6   (140)   528 NCS Paul Cotter          SR   19:19
  7   (152)   534 NCS Michael Stowers      FR   19:48

 15.   380  Escalon              (  17:48  1:28:57)
  1     29   1214 SJS Marc Backovich       SR   17:02
  2     55   1215 SJS Shane Brookshire      SR   17:21
  3     71   1217 SJS Randy Huntington      JR   17:32
  4    101   1220 SJS Vance Waldeck        JR   18:10
  5    124   1216 SJS Sam Goulet           JR   18:52
  6   (128)  1218 SJS Andy Schmidt         JR   18:56
  7   (150)  1219 SJS Ryan Sughrue         JR   19:48

 16.   395  Oaks Christian       (  17:54  1:29:30)
  1     17   1683 SS  Kyle Block           JR   16:41
  2     28   1686 SS  Eric Meissner        SR   17:01
  3     97   1685 SS  Ethan Long           FR   17:59
  4    126   1687 SS  Luke Miller          JR   18:54
  5    127   1688 SS  Trey Riley           JR   18:55
  6   (137)  1684 SS  Stephen Snelling      JR   19:11
  7   (153)  1689 SS  David Ruth           JR   19:50

 17.   410  Yreka                (  17:54  1:29:29)
  1     20    867 NS  Brice Peters         JR   16:44
  2     59    864 NS  Brandon Hoisington      SR   17:26
  3    103    868 NS  Zach Schlichting      JR   18:16
  4    110    862 NS  Cameron Churchill      SO   18:23
  5    118    865 NS  David Leal           SR   18:40
  6   (148)   866 NS  Brandon Palmer       FR   19:42
  7   (154)   863 NS  Solomon Fernandez      SO   19:56

 18.   426  Fillmore             (  18:00  1:29:57)
  1     44   1517 SS  Angel Melendez       SR   17:13
  2     45   1514 SS  Jorge Contreras      SR   17:14
  3    104   1518 SS  Art Sandford         SO   18:17
  4    111   1515 SS  Manuel Lizarraga      SR   18:25
  5    122   1513 SS  Francisco Ayuayo      SO   18:48
  6   (129)  1512 SS  Israel Arreola       SO   18:57
  7   (142)  1516 SS  Andrew Lopez         JR   19:22

 19.   528  Amador               (  18:27  1:32:12)
  1     40   1144 SJS Adam Bates           SO   17:11
  2     92   1148 SJS Jay Souza            JR   17:50
  3    119   1145 SJS Gunnar Lederman      JR   18:41
  4    132   1147 SJS Loren Russell        JR   19:00
  5    145   1146 SJS Trevor Longman       SR   19:30
  6   (146)  1150 SJS Tom Witt             SO   19:41
  7   (149)  1149 SJS Stefan Issaeson      SO   19:46

 20.   539  Woodlake             (  18:23  1:31:53)
  1     67    446 CS  Joseph Spahn         SO   17:29
  2    107    441 CS  Juan Carlos Alatorre      SR   18:20
  3    115    443 CS  Javier Ceballos      JR   18:28
  4    116    447 CS  Jacobo Villasenor      JR   18:35
  5    134    444 CS  Gilbert Flores       SO   19:01
  6   (141)   445 CS  Adrian Garcia        SR   19:22
  7   (151)   442 CS  Ramon Andrade        SR   19:48

 21.   541  La Jolla Country Day (  18:25  1:32:02)
  1     77    959 SDS Brian Sedwitz        SR   17:36
  2     78    957 SDS Eric Mothander       SR   17:36
  3    112    953 SDS Lex Kiefhaber        SR   18:26
  4    131    958 SDS Sean Harb            SR   18:59
  5    143    955 SDS Sergio Martinez      SR   19:25
  6   (144)   954 SDS John Major           JR   19:26
  7   (147)   956 SDS Brian Merrill        FR   19:42

 22.   554  The Bishop's School  (  18:36  1:32:57)
  1     74   1033 SDS Hunt Hardisty        JR   17:35
  2     80   1034 SDS Nick Lake            JR   17:40
  3    121   1036 SDS Eudoro Orozco        JR   18:46
  4    123   1037 SDS Brendan Walsh        JR   18:52
  5    156   1032 SDS Nick Hardisty        FR   20:04
  6   (157)  1035 SDS John Lazar           JR   20:09
  7   (158)  1038 SDS Andy Morgosh         FR   20:50

 23.   567  Templeton            (  18:36  1:32:58)
  1     75    433 CS  Carlos Palacios      SR   17:36
  2     99    432 CS  Cameron Dalke        JR   18:03
  3    113    434 CS  Anders Raine         SO   18:27
  4    125    431 CS  Gabe Calvo           SR   18:53
  5    155    435 CS  Josh Rickert         SO   19:59
  6   (159)   430 CS  Wes Brossard         FR   20:57
  7   (160)   436 CS  Manuel Rodriguez      FR   21:08