RANKINGS North Coast Section Top 100 Girls by Event...

From the MileSplit database, '22 track and field rankings for girls in the North Coast Secti...

MEETS ON TAP Sacramento Meet of Champions...

High school track and field showcase for athletes in the Sac-Joaquin Section, North Coast Se...

RANKINGS Top 50 CA Girls by Event at Arcadia Since 2013...

Listing the top marks by CA girls over the past eight runnings of the Arcadia Invitational....


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CA Rankings: The Strongest San Diego Section Yet?...

San Diego athletes are dominating California track & field. See the latest rankings and top ...

Photos from Dublin Distance Fiesta 2025...

Checkout our full photo gallery from the Dublin Distance Fiesta!...

POLL: CA Girls Performer of the Week (March 17-23)...

Find out who delivered the best performances for the California girls in track and field....