The Raincross Tradition 2024

Riverside, CA
Hosted by ML King (SS)
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 85 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ajiduah, Daniel California School for the Deaf-
Silvay, Mj California School for the Deaf-
Francis, Jordyn 10.89 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Jordan, Deon 10.90 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Petrick, Michael 11.09 ML King (SS)
Taylor, Darius 11.11 Hillcrest (SS)
Mata, Isaac 11.32 Ramona (SS)
Shaw, Nick 11.33 Hillcrest (SS)
Gonzalez, Daniel 11.38 Arlington (SS)
Fincher, Kevin 11.46 ML King (SS)
Lochard, Amare 11.51 ML King (SS)
Babino, Rami 11.57 ML King (SS)
Lloyd, Xavier 11.57 ML King (SS)
George, Robert 11.58 ML King (SS)
Young, Dominick 11.62 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Galiza, Omar 11.63 Patriot (SS)
Major , Benjamin 11.66 ML King (SS)
McDonald, Kollie 11.72 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Carreathers, Ahmir 11.74 Moreno Valley (SS)
Fernadez, Andres 11.79 Hillcrest (SS)
Ramirez, Ethen 11.83 Hillcrest (SS)
Reed, Jeremiah 11.84 Moreno Valley (SS)
Barrios, Joseph 11.84h California School for the Deaf-
Bolender, Seth 11.86 Norte Vista (SS)
Vera, Ariel 11.88 Ramona (SS)
Issac, John 11.92 ML King (SS)
Torres, Ismael 11.95 Moreno Valley (SS)
Austin, Martel 11.96 Moreno Valley (SS)
Williams, Trevon 11.98 Moreno Valley (SS)
Huyett, Blake 12.01 ML King (SS)
Miramontes, Isaiah 12.07 Patriot (SS)
Butts, Terrick 12.08 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Galiza, Isaac 12.10 Patriot (SS)
Villanueva, Nathan 12.13 Patriot (SS)
Lerma, Antonio 12.15 Ramona (SS)
Haring, Preston 12.18 Ramona (SS)
Callahan, Brendan 12.20 La Sierra (SS)
Elias, Anthony 12.21 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Young, Jordan 12.24h California School for the Deaf-
Jackson, Kaholo 12.29 La Sierra (SS)
Muhammad, Noah 12.33 Moreno Valley (SS)
Duran, Jacob 12.39 ML King (SS)
Patel, Cayden 12.42 Arlington (SS)
Hrdlicka, Zach 12.46 Arlington (SS)
Chapman, Brayden 12.47 ML King (SS)
Cervin, Josiah 12.50 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Raya, Rodolfo 12.54 Norte Vista (SS)
Ramirez , Julio 12.60 ML King (SS)
Jackson, Ma Kai 12.61 Moreno Valley (SS)
Kelly, Tymeon 12.62 ML King (SS)
Hughes, Brooklyn 12.63 Arlington (SS)
Barrera, Issac 12.65 Moreno Valley (SS)
Hurd, Jonathan 12.69 ML King (SS)
Hawkins, Morgan 12.74h California School for the Deaf-
Alonso , Julian 12.82 La Sierra (SS)
Griffin, Tayten 12.83 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Elliott, Luke 12.88 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Oliver, Nathaniel 12.96 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Cardenas Banuelos, Gerardo 13.12 Norte Vista (SS)
Butler, Tyler 13.16 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Whitney, Abraham 13.18 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Taylor, Takai 13.28 ML King (SS)
Mackey, Kordell 13.32 Moreno Valley (SS)
Mora Salazar, Efren 13.35 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Sanchez, Javier 13.41 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Dunn, Luke 13.41 ML King (SS)
Dudley, Logan 13.44h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Santin, Gabriel 13.58 ML King (SS)
Villatoro, Jezreel 13.62 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gomez, Josue 13.65 La Sierra (SS)
Maranville, Jace 13.70 ML King (SS)
Segura, Eric 13.70 Norte Vista (SS)
Wade, Elijah 13.75 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Koon, Jack 13.81 ML King (SS)
Young, Kendric 13.84h Sherman Indian (SS)
Meshreky, Elijah 14.33 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Holmes, Kendyjon 14.37 ML King (SS)
Semans, Tate' 14.42 Sherman Indian (SS)
Olivas, Jesse 14.44h Sherman Indian (SS)
Henry, Raphael 14.44h Sherman Indian (SS)
Martinez, Austin 14.59 ML King (SS)
Martin, Anthony 15.45 ML King (SS)
Flores, Seth 15.46 ML King (SS)
Grandia, Luke 17.37 ML King (SS)
Sanchez, Vicente 22.43 ML King (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salley, Benjamin Woodcrest Christian (SS)
McKee, Caden Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Visco, Gio California School for the Deaf-
Chandler, Micah 15.77 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Pickett, Kahlil 16.36 Hillcrest (SS)
Aguirre, Aaron 16.40 Patriot (SS)
Watson, Ruben 16.81 Moreno Valley (SS)
Walker, Michael 17.50 Ramona (SS)
Bracamonte, Israel 17.56 Ramona (SS)
Liggins, Titus 17.71 Arlington (SS)
Nguyen, Andrew 17.97 La Sierra (SS)
Esquivel, Vincent 18.03 La Sierra (SS)
Batantu, Narcisse 18.03 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Zarembka, Darius 18.04h California School for the Deaf-
Adams, Jake 18.30 ML King (SS)
Matthews, Syree 18.90 Moreno Valley (SS)
Villalobos, Angel 19.01 Moreno Valley (SS)
Shelton, Caelan 19.02 ML King (SS)
Verduzco, Paul 19.09 Hillcrest (SS)
Sayed, Jacob 19.52 ML King (SS)
Mugridge, Benjamin 19.59 ML King (SS)
Lambert, Noah 19.71 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Goldman, CJ 19.72 ML King (SS)
Roman, Nicholas 20.19 Arlington (SS)
Clemente, Willie 20.24 Hillcrest (SS)
Hoover, Daniel 20.28 ML King (SS)
Cepeda, DeAngelo 20.37 Arlington (SS)
Guerrero, Aberham 21.60 Norte Vista (SS)
Barden, Garrett 21.93 ML King (SS)
Castillo, Emiliano 22.04 Norte Vista (SS)
Peterson, Brendan 22.06 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Smith, Royal 22.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Cerratos, Eugene 22.33 Arlington (SS)
Hernandez, Matthew 23.45 Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez Quinonez, Josiah Moreno Valley (SS)
Tunstall, Apollo California School for the Deaf-
Astudillo, Roberrt Jurupa Valley (SS)
Carlson, Logan 4:20.01 ML King (SS)
Deledonne, Jace 4:20.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Quezada, Brad 4:24.25 ML King (SS)
Wesolowski , Alex 4:25.02 ML King (SS)
Weems, Owen 4:26.05 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Magana, Nathan 4:28.14 Patriot (SS)
Pineda, Markos 4:35.11 ML King (SS)
Sanchez Herrera, Edgar 4:39.27 Patriot (SS)
Stewart, Frank 4:42.80 ML King (SS)
Tolbert, Dyeem 4:43.39 Ramona (SS)
Sosa, John 4:45.59 ML King (SS)
Halama, Zachary 4:46.34 ML King (SS)
Biggs, Kien 4:48.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Luce, Nathan 4:48.52 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Brown, Brayden 4:49.23 Arlington (SS)
Medrano, Isaiah 4:50.82 Patriot (SS)
Lopez, Zemanuel 4:51.07 Patriot (SS)
Holmes, Wyatt 4:52.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mouser, Andrew 4:55.07 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Beasley, Brennen 4:55.74 ML King (SS)
Cisneros, Daniel 4:56.47 Hillcrest (SS)
Flores, Ayden 4:56.54 Hillcrest (SS)
Webster, Samuel 4:57.88 ML King (SS)
Ruezga, Edward 4:58.41 Arlington (SS)
Salcedo, Sean 4:59.65 Ramona (SS)
Hernandez, Andrew 5:00.86 Norte Vista (SS)
Martin, Sterling 5:01.64 ML King (SS)
MacDonald, Caden 5:03.37 ML King (SS)
Collopy, Chase 5:03.72 ML King (SS)
Kane, Wesley 5:05.83 ML King (SS)
Leanos, Isidro 5:06.53 Norte Vista (SS)
Garcia, Diego 5:07.73 Arlington (SS)
Abad, Oscar 5:08.17 Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Xzavier 5:09.25 Ramona (SS)
Thompson, Carter 5:09.30 ML King (SS)
Honorato, Amyr 5:09.82 Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Daniel 5:10.65 Hillcrest (SS)
Gonzalez, Marc 5:12.05 ML King (SS)
Gfeller, Henry 5:12.59 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Chavez, Johnny 5:15.84 Arlington (SS)
Martinez, Cesar 5:16.42 Ramona (SS)
Visco, Gio 5:16.70 California School for the Deaf-
Sayad, Sayed 5:18.25 Moreno Valley (SS)
Escalante, Fabio 5:18.42 La Sierra (SS)
Serrano, Bryan 5:18.58 Arlington (SS)
Gonzales, Tristen 5:22.81 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Dude, Brandon 5:25.00 Sherman Indian (SS)
Munoz, Matthew 5:27.17 Moreno Valley (SS)
Cepeda, DeAngelo 5:27.57 Arlington (SS)
Rojas, Jordan 5:37.64 Arlington (SS)
Olivas, Jesse 5:39.70 Sherman Indian (SS)
Lansang, Ethan 5:41.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Segura, Daniel 5:41.29 Arlington (SS)
Gonzales , Noah 5:45.70 Hillcrest (SS)
Rojas, Diego 5:46.58 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Lopez, Leonardo 5:47.28 Moreno Valley (SS)
De La Serna, Leo 5:47.48 Moreno Valley (SS)
Lara, Roaldo 5:47.55 Arlington (SS)
Sonsma, Joseph 5:47.65 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Choi, Joshua 5:51.35 Arlington (SS)
Puma, Pablo 5:51.60 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Juan, Seno 5:53.00 Sherman Indian (SS)
Galvin, Vincent 5:55.51 Moreno Valley (SS)
Palimo, Rodney 5:55.81 Sherman Indian (SS)
Castillo, Christopher 5:58.27 Moreno Valley (SS)
Perez, Gabriel 6:00.92 La Sierra (SS)
Soledad Wetterstrom, Isaac 6:02.34 Moreno Valley (SS)
Encarnation, Daniel 6:02.77 La Sierra (SS)
Rodriquez, Daniel 6:10.60 Moreno Valley (SS)
Avila , Abraham 6:11.40 La Sierra (SS)
Rivera, Alex 6:15.13 Moreno Valley (SS)
Castro, Adriel 6:18.58 Moreno Valley (SS)
Perez, Cesar 6:22.20 California School for the Deaf-
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 83 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Young, Kendric Sherman Indian (SS)
Jordan, Deon Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Ajiduah, Daniel California School for the Deaf-
Silvay, Mj California School for the Deaf-
Petrick, Michael 22.40 ML King (SS)
Francis, Jordyn 22.64h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Shaw, Nick 23.02 Hillcrest (SS)
Taylor, Darius 23.05 Hillcrest (SS)
Lochard, Amare 23.23 ML King (SS)
Gaines, Michael 23.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Babino, Rami 23.35 ML King (SS)
Ambriz, Santiago 23.74 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Torres, Ismael 23.87 Moreno Valley (SS)
Major , Benjamin 23.99 ML King (SS)
George, Robert 24.02 ML King (SS)
Issac, John 24.04 ML King (SS)
Young, Dominick 24.07 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Rosario, Lion 24.08 Patriot (SS)
Jackson, Ka'Holo 24.09 La Sierra (SS)
Ramirez, Ethen 24.09 Hillcrest (SS)
Gonzalez, Daniel 24.10 Arlington (SS)
Reed, Jeremiah 24.15 Moreno Valley (SS)
Harb, Shehab 24.19 ML King (SS)
Carreathers, Ahmir 24.22 Moreno Valley (SS)
Lloyd, Xavier 24.32 ML King (SS)
Martinez, Joseph 24.50 Patriot (SS)
Juarez, Alex 24.52 ML King (SS)
Bergen, Boden 24.53 Hillcrest (SS)
Villanueva, Nathan 24.61 Patriot (SS)
Austin, Martel 24.66 Moreno Valley (SS)
Bolender, Seth 24.78 Norte Vista (SS)
Williams, Trevon 24.96 Moreno Valley (SS)
Huyett, Blake 24.99 ML King (SS)
Kelly, Tymeon 25.08 ML King (SS)
Griffin, Tayten 25.10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Gomez, Noah 25.14 La Sierra (SS)
Norton, James 25.20 Ramona (SS)
Perez, Jose 25.21 Ramona (SS)
Cossio, Andrew 25.29 La Sierra (SS)
Galiza, Isaac 25.30 Patriot (SS)
Macias, Landon 25.34 ML King (SS)
Duran, Jacob 25.54 ML King (SS)
Allridge, Do'Von 25.55 Ramona (SS)
Chapman, Brayden 25.58 ML King (SS)
Henderson, Cristian 25.66 Norte Vista (SS)
Alonso , Julian 25.89 La Sierra (SS)
Chov, Jason 25.92 ML King (SS)
Hurd, Jonathan 26.04 ML King (SS)
Hawkins, Morgan 26.04h California School for the Deaf-
Barrios, Joseph 26.04h California School for the Deaf-
Jackson, Ma Kai 26.12 Moreno Valley (SS)
Carrasco, Shad 26.15 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Hariri, Jamyl 26.23 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Young, Payton 26.25 Ramona (SS)
Dudley, Logan 26.34h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Barrera, Issac 26.46 Moreno Valley (SS)
Mora Salazar, Efren 26.59 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Hur, Isaac 26.63 ML King (SS)
Young, Jordan 26.74h California School for the Deaf-
Mackey, Kordell 27.05 Moreno Valley (SS)
Lloyd, James 27.17 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Dunn, Luke 27.21 ML King (SS)
Taylor, Takai 27.56 ML King (SS)
Jaquez, Aaron 27.81 Arlington (SS)
Aguilera, Victor 27.84 Arlington (SS)
Cardenas Banuelos, Gerardo 27.90 Norte Vista (SS)
Choi, Caleb 28.17 Arlington (SS)
Santin, Gabriel 28.19 ML King (SS)
Koon, Jack 28.73 ML King (SS)
Johnson, Aiden 28.96 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Corn, Trent 29.02 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Maranville, Jace 29.24 ML King (SS)
Villatoro, Jezreel 29.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Holmes, Kendyjon 29.48 ML King (SS)
Castillo, Emiliano 29.67 Norte Vista (SS)
Martinez, Austin 30.92 ML King (SS)
Henry, Raphael 31.24h Sherman Indian (SS)
Flores, Seth 32.61 ML King (SS)
Dominguez, Sonny 33.02 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Martin, Anthony 33.35 ML King (SS)
Semans, Tate' 34.19 Sherman Indian (SS)
Grandia, Luke 41.36 ML King (SS)
Sanchez, Vicente 49.18 ML King (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Cesar Ramona (SS)
Robinson, Billy 1:02.55 Sherman Indian (SS)
Segura, Eric 1:04.65 Norte Vista (SS)
Chandler, Micah 40.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mesa, Peter 41.78 Ramona (SS)
Morales, Martin 42.69 ML King (SS)
Aguirre, Aaron 43.81 Patriot (SS)
Pickett, Kahlil 44.31 Hillcrest (SS)
Watson, Ruben 44.33 Moreno Valley (SS)
Adams, Jake 44.72 ML King (SS)
Carrillo, Jose 45.01 Patriot (SS)
Oliver, Nathaniel 45.04 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Andrew 45.12 La Sierra (SS)
Miller, Aidan 45.27 Patriot (SS)
Matthews, Syree 45.29 Moreno Valley (SS)
Bracamonte, Israel 45.67 Ramona (SS)
Mugridge, Benjamin 45.83 ML King (SS)
Villalobos, Angel 46.03 Moreno Valley (SS)
Walker, Michael 46.55 Ramona (SS)
Muhammad, Noah 46.64 Moreno Valley (SS)
Verduzco, Paul 46.69 Hillcrest (SS)
Esquivel, Vincent 47.04 La Sierra (SS)
Evans, William 47.04 Hillcrest (SS)
Hoover, Daniel 47.09 ML King (SS)
Clemente, Willie 48.45 Hillcrest (SS)
Goldman, CJ 48.48 ML King (SS)
Elliott, Wyatt 48.49 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Wilson, Breck 48.92 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Rocha, Alex 49.07 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Lambert, Noah 49.53 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Aguilera, Victor 49.68 Arlington (SS)
Roman, Nicholas 50.02 Arlington (SS)
Cepeda, DeAngelo 50.27 Arlington (SS)
Castillo, Emiliano 51.50 Norte Vista (SS)
Valle, Jerry 51.74h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sayed, Jacob 52.61 ML King (SS)
Guerrero, Aberham 53.18 Norte Vista (SS)
Barden, Garrett 53.48 ML King (SS)
Dominguez, Sonny 54.23 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Martinez, Jonah 54.35 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Castro, David 55.61 Arlington (SS)
Pagkatipunan, Samuel 59.94 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez Quinonez, Josiah Moreno Valley (SS)
Pineda, Markos 10:07.19 ML King (SS)
Lopez, Zemanuel 10:24.78 Patriot (SS)
Brown, Brayden 10:29.46 Arlington (SS)
Martinez, Jonah 10:29.94 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Medrano, Isaiah 10:47.49 Patriot (SS)
Ramirez, Noah 10:48.81 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Patton, Darril 10:53.64 Patriot (SS)
Luce, Nathan 10:54.61 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Webster, Samuel 10:56.64 ML King (SS)
Hernandez, Andrew 10:57.63 Norte Vista (SS)
Mota, Alexander 11:00.84 Ramona (SS)
Cisneros, Daniel 11:01.94 Hillcrest (SS)
Chavez, Johnny 11:02.46 Arlington (SS)
Salcedo, Sean 11:02.94 Ramona (SS)
Gfeller, Henry 11:03.19 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Ruezga, Edward 11:05.70 Arlington (SS)
Abad, Oscar 11:07.99 Norte Vista (SS)
Muro, Nathan 11:09.89 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Scott, Emilio 11:20.50 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gonzalez, Marc 11:25.05 ML King (SS)
Salmon, Cyle 11:25.57 ML King (SS)
Honorato, Amyr 11:28.92 Norte Vista (SS)
Gervais, Riley 11:31.43 Patriot (SS)
Hernandez, Daniel 11:35.58 Hillcrest (SS)
Flores, Miguel 11:37.49 Ramona (SS)
Rafael, Pablo 11:41.21 Ramona (SS)
Gonzalez Mendez, Wilfren 11:49.15 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Dude, Brandon 11:51.16 Sherman Indian (SS)
Gutierrez, Stevan 11:56.17 Norte Vista (SS)
Gonzales, Tristen 12:25.38 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Palimo, Rodney 12:35.78 Sherman Indian (SS)
Olivas, Jesse 12:39.04 Sherman Indian (SS)
Puma, Pablo 12:56.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Alexander, Anthony 12:59.25 Arlington (SS)
Gonzales , Noah 13:08.79 Hillcrest (SS)
Rojas, Diego 13:12.61 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Lansang, Ethan 13:31.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Mann, Elias 13:37.57 Arlington (SS)
Sonsma, Joseph 13:43.61 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
De La Serna, Leo 13:46.08 Moreno Valley (SS)
Galvin, Vincent 13:51.63 Moreno Valley (SS)
Munoz, Matthew 13:57.00 Moreno Valley (SS)
Soledad Wetterstrom, Isaac 14:09.11 Moreno Valley (SS)
Castillo, Christopher 14:10.20 Moreno Valley (SS)
Mosoco, Dennis 14:20.30 Arlington (SS)
Carlson, Logan 9:38.51 ML King (SS)
Quezada, Brad 9:48.95 ML King (SS)
Kane, Wesley 9:56.11 ML King (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tunstall, Apollo California School for the Deaf-
Smith, Braden La Sierra (SS)
Cypert, Joshua California School for the Deaf-
Raya, Rodolfo Norte Vista (SS)
Garcia, Julius 1:00.14h California School for the Deaf-
Blais, Jake 1:00.23 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Milton, Elijah 1:01.05 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Vargas, Sebastian 1:01.11 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Castro, David 1:01.16 Arlington (SS)
Guerrero, Aberham 1:02.62 Norte Vista (SS)
Cardenas Banuelos, Gerardo 1:04.03 Norte Vista (SS)
Red Shirt, Seth 1:04.04h Sherman Indian (SS)
Choi, Caleb 1:04.12 Arlington (SS)
Segura, Daniel 1:04.16 Arlington (SS)
Wilson, Corey 1:04.64 Sherman Indian (SS)
Hernandez, James 1:07.73 Ramona (SS)
Lopez, Victor 1:09.44 Ramona (SS)
Lochard, Amare 52.04 ML King (SS)
Babino, Rami 52.14 ML King (SS)
Juarez, Alex 52.22 ML King (SS)
Gaines, Michael 52.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Rosario, Lion 52.74 Patriot (SS)
Sullivan, Beckett 52.8 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ambriz, Santiago 53.34h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Elliott, Wyatt 53.46 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Jackson, Ka'Holo 53.51 La Sierra (SS)
Hamzeinejad, Aiden 54.54h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Pompey-Taylor, Christian 54.66 ML King (SS)
Astudillo, Roberrt 54.76 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Cossio, Andrew 54.80 La Sierra (SS)
Carrillo, Jose 55.24 Patriot (SS)
Martinez, James 55.34 Hillcrest (SS)
Orozco, Eddie 55.44 Arlington (SS)
Silva, Omar 55.65 Moreno Valley (SS)
Sandoval, Julian 55.68 Hillcrest (SS)
Sanchez, Diego 55.84 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Martinez, Joseph 55.90 Patriot (SS)
Ramos, Anthony 56.18 Moreno Valley (SS)
Collins, Jayden 56.20 Moreno Valley (SS)
Harb, Shehab 56.24 ML King (SS)
Bergen, Boden 56.24 Hillcrest (SS)
Baxter, Isaiah 56.24h California School for the Deaf-
Casanova, Emmanuel 56.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Martinez, Ej 56.77 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Flor, Erik 56.93 Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Allen 57.50 Patriot (SS)
Hur, Isaac 57.73 ML King (SS)
Henderson, Cristian 57.80 Norte Vista (SS)
Clark, Gabriel 58.56 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Ferrell, Michael 59.44h Sherman Indian (SS)
Nezhad, Ahura 59.55 La Sierra (SS)
Gomez, Victor 59.67 Ramona (SS)
Walker, Kayron 59.77 Ramona (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.34h Sherman Indian (SS)
Relay Team B 1:00.50 ML King (SS)
Relay Team C 1:05.50 ML King (SS)
Relay Team A 43.90 ML King (SS)
Relay Team A 44.45 Hillcrest (SS)
Relay Team A 44.60 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Relay Team A 44.72 Patriot (SS)
Relay Team A 44.82 Ramona (SS)
Relay Team A 45.24 Moreno Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 45.45 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 46.49 Arlington (SS)
Relay Team A 47.50 Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A 47.77 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 48.44 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 48.94h California School for the Deaf-
Relay Team A 49.94h La Sierra (SS)
Relay Team A 50.00h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 59.90 ML King (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A La Sierra (SS)
Relay Team A 3:27.66 Patriot (SS)
Relay Team A 3:28.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 3:29.78 ML King (SS)
Relay Team A 3:40.84 Ramona (SS)
Relay Team A 3:41.03 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Relay Team A 3:44.44 Hillcrest (SS)
Relay Team A 3:45.73 Moreno Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 3:54.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 3:59.08 Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A 4:22.00 California School for the Deaf-
Relay Team A 4:23.00 Sherman Indian (SS)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruezga, Edward Arlington (SS)
Tunstall, Apollo California School for the Deaf-
Govender, Mahim Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Smith, Braden La Sierra (SS)
Sullivan, Beckett 1:57.30 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Carlson, Logan 1:57.98 ML King (SS)
Weems, Owen 1:59.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Stewart, Frank 1:59.80 ML King (SS)
Wesolowski , Alex 1:59.98 ML King (SS)
Sanchez Herrera, Edgar 2:01.33 Patriot (SS)
Pineda, Markos 2:01.72 ML King (SS)
Quezada, Brad 2:02.35 ML King (SS)
Tolbert, Dyeem 2:04.51 Ramona (SS)
Magana, Nathan 2:05.54 Patriot (SS)
Luce, Nathan 2:06.54 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Villanueva, Raymond 2:07.86 Patriot (SS)
Ortega, Max 2:08.36 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mouser, Andrew 2:08.98 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
MacDonald, Caden 2:09.50 ML King (SS)
Ralls, Domonic 2:11.54 Patriot (SS)
Martinez, James 2:13.92 Hillcrest (SS)
Leanos, Isidro 2:15.68 Norte Vista (SS)
Orozco, Eddie 2:15.93 Arlington (SS)
Gustafson, Abraham 2:16.10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Cisneros, Daniel 2:16.14 Hillcrest (SS)
Astudillo, Roberrt 2:16.28 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Flores, Ayden 2:16.43 Hillcrest (SS)
Garcia, Diego 2:17.51 Arlington (SS)
Martinez, Jonah 2:17.88 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Hernandez, Xzavier 2:18.16 Ramona (SS)
Escalante, Fabio 2:18.82 La Sierra (SS)
Gutierrez, Stevan 2:19.06 Norte Vista (SS)
Freese, Carlos 2:21.10 Ramona (SS)
Ferrell, Michael 2:21.26 Sherman Indian (SS)
Cervantes, Luis 2:23.04 Norte Vista (SS)
Sayad, Sayed 2:24.04 Moreno Valley (SS)
Solano, Matthew 2:25.08 Hillcrest (SS)
Gonzales, Tristen 2:25.25 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Casanova, Emmanuel 2:26.13 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Rojas, Jordan 2:26.39 Arlington (SS)
Landa, Kevin 2:30.10 Ramona (SS)
Escoto, David 2:31.00 Norte Vista (SS)
De La Serna, Leo 2:34.04 Moreno Valley (SS)
Garcia, Julius 2:34.10 California School for the Deaf-
Munoz, Matthew 2:34.27 Moreno Valley (SS)
Lopez, Leonardo 2:34.28 Moreno Valley (SS)
Rodriquez, Daniel 2:35.59 Moreno Valley (SS)
Lara, Roaldo 2:36.06 Arlington (SS)
Galvin, Vincent 2:36.90 Moreno Valley (SS)
Alexander, Anthony 2:40.51 Arlington (SS)
Castillo, Christopher 2:40.59 Moreno Valley (SS)
Castro, Adriel 2:41.21 Moreno Valley (SS)
Choi, Joshua 2:41.70 Arlington (SS)
Encarnation, Daniel 2:43.19 La Sierra (SS)
Rivera, Alex 2:44.99 Moreno Valley (SS)
Mosoco, Dennis 2:46.34 Arlington (SS)
Perez, Gabriel 2:48.82 La Sierra (SS)
Red Shirt, Seth 2:50.00 Sherman Indian (SS)
Mann, Elias 2:50.67 Arlington (SS)
Landa, Kris 2:53.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Soledad Wetterstrom, Isaac 2:53.15 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ortega-Viveros, Alexander 3:24.50 California School for the Deaf-
Perez, Cesar 3:30.00 California School for the Deaf-
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Boys Discus 64 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Sam 139-0 ML King (SS)
McGowan, Gavin 124-11 Ramona (SS)
Padilla, James 123-4 Patriot (SS)
Martinez, Eduardo 121-3 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Cerratos, Roman 119-8 Arlington (SS)
Cazares, Isaac 119-7 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Askar, Cyle 119-2 Arlington (SS)
Hardin, Russell 119-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Rodriquez, John 116-11 Moreno Valley (SS)
Timo, Keone 116-9 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mathews, Benjamin 115-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Morris, Jordan 111-0 ML King (SS)
Ulloa, Dominic 110-8 Norte Vista (SS)
Quarto, Caleb 109-5 La Sierra (SS)
Salley, Benjamin 109-4 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Ruvalcaba, Fabian 109-2.5 Norte Vista (SS)
Ruiz, Ruben 106-11 Patriot (SS)
Gomez, Anderson 101-10 Ramona (SS)
Candia, Aaron 101-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Sanchez, Paulo 100-5 La Sierra (SS)
Capote, Elias 100-3 Hillcrest (SS)
Tennyson, Kaden 100-1 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Moeller, Christopher 100-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Romero, Angel 97-9.5 Norte Vista (SS)
Lester, Gabriel 97-9 Patriot (SS)
Zarembka, Darius 97-0 California School for the Deaf-
Mendoza, Andrew 96-3 Arlington (SS)
Montalvo, Diego 96-0 Norte Vista (SS)
Link, Cooper 95-7 ML King (SS)
Granillo, Caiden 95-6 Patriot (SS)
Wilson, Corey 94-8 Sherman Indian (SS)
Salinas, Jose 94-3 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Maldonado , James 92-9 Hillcrest (SS)
Mota, Isaac 91-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Ruiz, Andrew 89-9 California School for the Deaf-
Hernandez, Julian 88-10 Ramona (SS)
Collier, Torieon 88-5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Lopez, Mario 87-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Domingo, Cecil 86-9 Sherman Indian (SS)
Romero, Servando 85-11 Moreno Valley (SS)
Velazquez, Gael 85-6.5 Ramona (SS)
Gonzalez, Daniel 85-4 Arlington (SS)
Reed, Herbert 85-1.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
MacRae, Luke 84-10 ML King (SS)
Adams, Kaden 84-6 California School for the Deaf-
De la Torre, David 82-5.5 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Lizotte, Kashtin 79-10 Sherman Indian (SS)
Najera, Ethan 78-4 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Retzer, Nathaniel 78-0 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Baltazar, Alfredo 77-5 California School for the Deaf-
Thomas, Steven 76-7 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Koenig, Emmanuel 74-4 ML King (SS)
Silva, Jose 73-11 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Tapia, Adrian 70-9 ML King (SS)
Arias, Joaquin 66-7 ML King (SS)
Luther, Lucky 64-7 Arlington (SS)
Huelskamp, Joseph 64-1 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Merrick, Dominic 63-8 Arlington (SS)
Jaquez, Aaron 61-1 Arlington (SS)
Jimenez, Ernesto 60-11 Moreno Valley (SS)
Silva, Orion 59-1 Sherman Indian (SS)
Salazar, Angel 55-6 Arlington (SS)
Orellano, Eduardo 48-7 Arlington (SS)
Wright, Finley 44-3 Arlington (SS)
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Boys High Jump 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terrell, Troy 6-0 Ramona (SS)
Zarembka, Darius 6-0 California School for the Deaf-
Fincher, Kevin 5-11 ML King (SS)
Gaines, Michael 5-10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Miller, Aidan 5-10 Patriot (SS)
Rodriguez , Omar 5-9 Hillcrest (SS)
Krepps, Porter 5-8 ML King (SS)
Pompey-Taylor, Christian 5-8 ML King (SS)
Ajayi, Joshua 5-8 ML King (SS)
Moody, Devon 5-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Brannon, Micah 5-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Rich Neal, Seth 5-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
McAllister, Kellan 5-6 Ramona (SS)
Eutsey, Noah 5-6 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Visco, Gio 5-6 California School for the Deaf-
Wade, Elijah 5-6 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Perez, Andrew 5-6 ML King (SS)
Collins, Jayden 5-4 Moreno Valley (SS)
Silva, Omar 5-4 Moreno Valley (SS)
Baxter, Isaiah 5-4 California School for the Deaf-
Leiva, Joaquin 5-3 ML King (SS)
Smith, Jahki 5-2 Hillcrest (SS)
Holloway, Kyler J. 5-2 Patriot (SS)
Austin, Martel 5-2 Moreno Valley (SS)
Hughes, Brooklyn 5-2 Arlington (SS)
Wesolowski, Andrew 5-2 ML King (SS)
Christensen, Jacob 5-1 Arlington (SS)
Watson, Ruben 5-0 Moreno Valley (SS)
Olawuyi, Eniola 5-0 Ramona (SS)
Hariri, Jamyl 5-0 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Matthews, Syree 5-0 Moreno Valley (SS)
Jones, Aaron 4-10 Ramona (SS)
Rudd, Hakan 4-10 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Juan, Seno 4-10 Sherman Indian (SS)
Ruezga, Edward 4-8 Arlington (SS)
Chov, Jason 4-8 ML King (SS)
Whitney, Abraham 4-6 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Guerrero, Ziah Hillcrest (SS)
Back to Top

Boys Long Jump 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Liggins, Titus 21-2 Arlington (SS)
Conn , Derek 20-8.25 ML King (SS)
Moore, Deijon 20-6 Arlington (SS)
Johnson, Laejohn 20-3 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Rider, Tytraun 19-11 Patriot (SS)
Ramirez, Ethen 19-8 Hillcrest (SS)
Jordan, Deon 19-6.5 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Krepps, Porter 19-5 ML King (SS)
Daniel, Jordan 19-3 Ramona (SS)
Griffin, Tayten 19-1.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ajayi, Joshua 18-11.75 ML King (SS)
McAllister, Kellan 18-10.5 Ramona (SS)
Akaba, Nathan 18-9.75 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Hughes, Brooklyn 18-9 Arlington (SS)
Fernadez, Andres 18-8.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Batantu, Narcisse 18-7.5 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Wilson, Breck 18-7 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Austin, Martel 18-6 Moreno Valley (SS)
Leyva, Julian 18-5.5 ML King (SS)
Todorovski, Nicolai 18-5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Muhammad, Noah 18-5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Tolbert, Dylon 18-4 Ramona (SS)
Guerrero, Ziah 18-3 Hillcrest (SS)
Silva, Omar 18-1.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ulloa, Dominic 18-1 Norte Vista (SS)
Rodriguez , Omar 17-11.25 Hillcrest (SS)
Moody, Devon 17-11 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Fenner, Logan 17-11 Patriot (SS)
Leiva, Joaquin 17-11 ML King (SS)
Garcia, Miguel 17-10 Patriot (SS)
Wesolowski, Andrew 17-10 ML King (SS)
Perez, Andrew 17-9.5 ML King (SS)
Tolbert, Keyvan 17-9 Arlington (SS)
Betsworth, Noah 17-8.5 Patriot (SS)
Ramirez , Julio 17-8.5 ML King (SS)
Visco, Gio 17-8 California School for the Deaf-
Cain, Ahni 17-7 Ramona (SS)
Williams, Trevon 17-5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Anderson, Austin 17-5 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Hoffert, Kingsley 17-1 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Collins, Jayden 16-10 Moreno Valley (SS)
Vogt, Jadyn 16-7 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Koenig, Emmanuel 16-7 ML King (SS)
Fry, Gavin 16-6 ML King (SS)
Jackson, Ma Kai 16-6 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ramos, Anthony 16-2 Moreno Valley (SS)
Wade, Elijah 16-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Smith, Royal 16-0 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Baxter, Isaiah 16-0 California School for the Deaf-
Zarembka, Darius 15-8.5 California School for the Deaf-
Park, Samuel 15-5 ML King (SS)
Koon, Jack 15-2 ML King (SS)
Kelly, Tymeon 15-1 ML King (SS)
Barden, Garrett 15-0 ML King (SS)
Jones, Carter 14-10 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Mackey, Kordell 14-6.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Miller, Ethan 13-10.5 ML King (SS)
Juan, Seno 13-7 Sherman Indian (SS)
Ortega-Viveros, Alexander 12-10 California School for the Deaf-
Holmes, Kendyjon 10-0 ML King (SS)
Martin, Anthony 10-0 ML King (SS)
Dudley, Logan Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Villatoro, Jezreel Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Elias, Anthony Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Bolender, Seth Norte Vista (SS)
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knox, Jacob 12-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Firetag, William 12-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gonzalez, Joaquin 12-0 Ramona (SS)
Krepps, Porter 12-0 ML King (SS)
Tavaglione, Will 11-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Martinez, James 11-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Sayed, Jacob 11-0 ML King (SS)
Ramirez , Julio 10-6 ML King (SS)
Robinson, Westin 10-6 ML King (SS)
Mckee, Jemeni 10-6 ML King (SS)
Perez, Damian 10-0 Ramona (SS)
Nicolas, Oscar 9-6 Ramona (SS)
Guerrero, Ziah 9-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Biggs, Kien 9-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Fierros-Robosky, Nicholas 9-0 Ramona (SS)
Ralls, Domonic 9-0 Patriot (SS)
Pineda, William 6-0 La Sierra (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Sam 49-2.5 ML King (SS)
Timo, Keone 48-8 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Padilla, James 42-9 Patriot (SS)
Rodriquez, John 42-1 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ezeanyim, Nathan 41-9 Hillcrest (SS)
Chavez, Daniel 41-3.5 ML King (SS)
Hardin, Russell 40-10.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mendoza, Andrew 40-8 Arlington (SS)
MacRae, Luke 40-2 ML King (SS)
Candia, Aaron 39-11.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Mathews, Benjamin 39-10.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Merrick, Dominic 39-8 Arlington (SS)
Quarto, Caleb 39-5 La Sierra (SS)
Tennyson, Kaden 39-3.5 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Cerratos, Roman 38-7.5 Arlington (SS)
Salinas, Jose 38-6.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
French, Brandon 38-3.5 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Vera, Alexis 37-10 Ramona (SS)
McKee, Caden 37-7 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Ruvalcaba, Fabian 37-5 Norte Vista (SS)
Ulloa, Dominic 37-5 Norte Vista (SS)
Montalvo, Diego 37-2.5 Norte Vista (SS)
Ruiz, Ruben 37-0 Patriot (SS)
Martinez, Eduardo 36-10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Capote, Elias 36-7 Hillcrest (SS)
Collier, Torieon 36-7 Moreno Valley (SS)
Thomas, Steven 36-6 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Lester, Gabriel 36-5 Patriot (SS)
Askar, Cyle 36-3 Arlington (SS)
Martinez, Justin 35-8 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Morris, Jordan 35-5.75 ML King (SS)
Abraham, Joseph 35-2.5 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Najera, Ethan 35-1 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Avena, Estevan 34-11 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Madrid, Freddy 34-4 Patriot (SS)
Maldonado , James 34-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Baltazar, Alfredo 33-7 California School for the Deaf-
Cortes, Antonio 33-4 Ramona (SS)
Sanchez, Paulo 33-3 La Sierra (SS)
Sanchez, Javier 33-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Adams, Kaden 32-4.5 California School for the Deaf-
Wilson, Corey 31-10.5 Sherman Indian (SS)
Jaquez, Aaron 31-7.5 Arlington (SS)
Romero, Servando 31-5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Reed, Herbert 31-5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Link, Cooper 31-3.5 ML King (SS)
Martinez, Austin 31-3 ML King (SS)
Lindquist, Maximus 30-1.5 Ramona (SS)
Romero, Angel 29-7 Norte Vista (SS)
Mendoza, David 29-5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ruiz, Andrew 29-4 California School for the Deaf-
Tapia, Adrian 28-10 ML King (SS)
Medina, Ivan 28-9.5 Ramona (SS)
Lizotte, Kashtin 28-1.5 Sherman Indian (SS)
Arias, Joaquin 27-8 ML King (SS)
Luther, Lucky 27-6 Arlington (SS)
Wright, Finley 27-2.75 Arlington (SS)
Domingo, Cecil 27-0.5 Sherman Indian (SS)
Jimenez, Ernesto 26-10 Moreno Valley (SS)
Orellano, Eduardo 25-8.5 Arlington (SS)
Silva, Orion 24-11 Sherman Indian (SS)
Davis, Kai 24-0 California School for the Deaf-
Salazar, Angel 23-6 Arlington (SS)
Holmes, Kendyjon 23-4 ML King (SS)
Spinuzzi, Joeseph 21-3 Arlington (SS)
Grandia, Luke 19-11 ML King (SS)
Spraggins, Parker 17-11 California School for the Deaf-
Sanchez, Vicente 16-9 ML King (SS)
Flores, Seth 16-6 ML King (SS)
Martin, Anthony 13-9 ML King (SS)
Huelskamp, Joseph Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
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Boys Triple Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Batantu, Narcisse 44-4 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Daniel, Jordan 39-11.5 Ramona (SS)
Tolbert, Dyeem 39-8 Ramona (SS)
Tolbert, Dylon 39-3.5 Ramona (SS)
Fernadez, Andres 38-7.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Ziah 38-5.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Rider, Tytraun 38-5 Patriot (SS)
Conn , Derek 37-7 ML King (SS)
Fenner, Logan 37-3 Patriot (SS)
Betsworth, Noah 37-1.5 Patriot (SS)
Ramirez , Julio 37-1 ML King (SS)
Leiva, Joaquin 36-10 ML King (SS)
Silva, Omar 36-8 Moreno Valley (SS)
Garcia, Miguel 36-5 Patriot (SS)
Rodríguez Rivera, Omar 36-4 Hillcrest (SS)
Alvarado, Christian 35-10 Hillcrest (SS)
Ramos, Anthony 35-8 Moreno Valley (SS)
Leyva, Julian 35-4.5 ML King (SS)
Muhammad, Noah 35-1.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Fry, Gavin 34-8 ML King (SS)
Johnson, Laejohn 34-7 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Koenig, Emmanuel 34-4 ML King (SS)
Wesolowski, Andrew 34-1 ML King (SS)
Collins, Jayden 33-11 Moreno Valley (SS)
Vogt, Jadyn 33-8.75 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Park, Samuel 32-10 ML King (SS)
Gastelum, Angel 32-8 Ramona (SS)
Wade, Elijah 32-5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Perez, Andrew 31-9.5 ML King (SS)
Juan, Seno 30-11 Sherman Indian (SS)
Anderson, Austin Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Hariri, Jamyl Woodcrest Christian (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 75 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ward, Olivia Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Kireyeva, Olesya California School for the Deaf-
White, Ava Moreno Valley (SS)
Rendon, Jiselle La Sierra (SS)
Gonzales-Granados, Azul Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Richardson, Aaliyah 12.81 ML King (SS)
Carrothers, Kenzie 12.87 ML King (SS)
Green, Carly 12.90 Ramona (SS)
Davis , Paige 13.06 ML King (SS)
Williams, Faith 13.14h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Hardwick, Tamia 13.31 Moreno Valley (SS)
Taylor, Lay-ani 13.42 La Sierra (SS)
Downs, Aubrie 13.46 ML King (SS)
Ruldolph, Naomi 13.47 ML King (SS)
Goergen, Cheyenne 13.50 Patriot (SS)
Menchaca, Jessica 13.58 Moreno Valley (SS)
Sulis, Ella 13.60 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Pryor, Nayomi 13.62 Hillcrest (SS)
Moran , Isabella 13.62 ML King (SS)
Mora, Samantha 13.71 Patriot (SS)
Zickert, Noelle 13.75 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Herrera, Savannah 13.78 Hillcrest (SS)
Calhoun, A'Mielle 13.79 Norte Vista (SS)
Payne, Tyleyah 13.92 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Castaneda, Janey 13.95 Moreno Valley (SS)
Avila, Leandrh 14.20 Patriot (SS)
Clark, Kayden 14.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Brewer, Saniya 14.22 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Smith , Trinity 14.27 La Sierra (SS)
Constantino, Calista 14.28 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Bush, MaKayla 14.30 Patriot (SS)
Pryor, Yazmyn 14.31 Hillcrest (SS)
Joung, Yujin 14.37 Hillcrest (SS)
Vega, Zoriada 14.40 La Sierra (SS)
Ndoma, Desiree 14.40 La Sierra (SS)
Williams, Kaitlyn 14.41 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
McQuirter, Kharmin 14.44 Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Emily 14.49 ML King (SS)
Hardy, Gennesy 14.50 ML King (SS)
Rodas, Michelle 14.51 Moreno Valley (SS)
Mcquirter, Kasaya 14.69 Norte Vista (SS)
Medina , Natalie 14.75 La Sierra (SS)
Goldstein, Gracie 14.77 ML King (SS)
Changlee, Tiffany 14.78 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Berganza, Alisson 14.84 Ramona (SS)
Romero, Maxine 14.88 Moreno Valley (SS)
Rogers, Parker 14.89 Arlington (SS)
Barajas, Sophia 14.90 Ramona (SS)
Hardy, Ajah 14.95 Ramona (SS)
Guerrero, Viviana 15.00 ML King (SS)
Milenkiewicz, Bailey 15.27 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Rivera, Brittany 15.44h California School for the Deaf-
Valmonte, Saniyah 15.70 Moreno Valley (SS)
Valencia, Gabrielle 15.74h California School for the Deaf-
Criscione, Laila 15.88 Arlington (SS)
Hunter, Kayley 15.89 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Enriquez, Isabella 15.93 ML King (SS)
Barajas, Samantha 16.10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Butts, Aaliyah 16.11 Norte Vista (SS)
Villatoro, Briana 16.15 La Sierra (SS)
Mendivil Rodrigue, Briana 16.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Mena, Anahi 16.58 Arlington (SS)
Garcia, Georgina 16.64h Sherman Indian (SS)
Fregoso, Janelle 16.79 ML King (SS)
Harrison, Kaylee 17.01 Sherman Indian (SS)
Rodarte, Jewel 17.10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Bedolla , Valerie 17.11 La Sierra (SS)
Parra, Mia 17.48 Arlington (SS)
Heshma, Sarah 17.50 ML King (SS)
Solis, Delylah 17.74 Moreno Valley (SS)
Blackwolf, Diana 18.66 Sherman Indian (SS)
Lewis, Blessing 21.14h Sherman Indian (SS)
Rosas, Zitlalli 21.84h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ohiaeri, Holly 23.26 ML King (SS)
Patel, Shivani 31.24 ML King (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Lindcy Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Vaughn, Zaina 17.01 ML King (SS)
Firetag, Sadie 17.40 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Onyedika, Ugo 18.01 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Ruffin, Chantel Marie 18.05h Hillcrest (SS)
Jones, Abigail 18.38 Arlington (SS)
Reyes-Morales, Naomy 18.89 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Montoya, Rosa 19.17 Moreno Valley (SS)
Osei, Rosie 19.23 ML King (SS)
Kireyeva, Olesya 19.24h California School for the Deaf-
Hammond, Elizabeth 19.38 Ramona (SS)
Sorenson, Sophia 19.60 ML King (SS)
Richardson, Andrea 19.68 ML King (SS)
Ruiz, Emely 19.74 ML King (SS)
Evidarte, Yaretzy 19.75 Norte Vista (SS)
Boone, Serenity 19.88 Ramona (SS)
Nettles, Kellin 19.89 ML King (SS)
Velasquez, Gisselle 19.92 Hillcrest (SS)
Perez, Jaylene 19.99 Ramona (SS)
Valencia, Irazu 20.05 Norte Vista (SS)
Green, Olivia 20.27 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Guerrero, Briana 20.35 Norte Vista (SS)
Treto, Kassandra 20.71 Norte Vista (SS)
Pendleton, Leah 20.74 ML King (SS)
Jenkins, Kennadye 20.79 Moreno Valley (SS)
Merlan, Roxana 20.95 Patriot (SS)
Snell, Jordan 21.26 Moreno Valley (SS)
Chandler, Allurabella 21.44h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Visco, Gianna 21.54h California School for the Deaf-
Quares , Kiara 21.76 Ramona (SS)
Hernandez, Jocelyn 21.88 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ibarra, Jamie 22.18 Arlington (SS)
Mccelalland, Elizabeth 22.20 Moreno Valley (SS)
Zubak, Isabelle 22.28 Arlington (SS)
Cesar, Kamyah 22.66 Moreno Valley (SS)
Huezo, Abygail 28.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Drewitz, Natalie 5:06.59 ML King (SS)
Cripps, Samantha 5:17.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Jacklin, Elizabeth 5:23.97 ML King (SS)
McGarvey, Madison 5:26.81 Patriot (SS)
Guzzetta, Gracie 5:27.67 ML King (SS)
Abu-Ghazaleh, Jude 5:29.03 ML King (SS)
Merin, Damaris 5:33.76 Patriot (SS)
Bollenbach, Olivia 5:35.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
DeLoye, Ruth 5:35.04 ML King (SS)
Ruiz, Emely 5:35.94 ML King (SS)
Wesolowski, Sofia 5:36.39 ML King (SS)
Hanes, Skye 5:36.51 Ramona (SS)
Madril, Josephine 5:38.79 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ramirez, Jordyn 5:44.58 ML King (SS)
Starling, Taylor 5:46.10 ML King (SS)
Alarcon, Isabel 5:50.66 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Vargas, Danielle 5:50.94 Arlington (SS)
graham , isabelle 5:51.15 ML King (SS)
Montoya, Ava 5:53.57 Patriot (SS)
Olivarez, Andrea 5:57.48 Patriot (SS)
Salgado, Audianna 6:01.48 ML King (SS)
Brody, Caitlyn 6:02.23 ML King (SS)
Martin, Savanna 6:04.20 ML King (SS)
Munoz, Denisse 6:06.10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Miramontes, Mia 6:12.29 Arlington (SS)
Gwynn, Sarah 6:12.98 ML King (SS)
Tamayo, Lucy 6:14.03 Arlington (SS)
Castanon, Flor 6:26.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Puente, Ayleen 6:27.04 Ramona (SS)
Carrillo, Mikayla 6:27.50 Norte Vista (SS)
Aguilar, Hailey 6:27.96 Hillcrest (SS)
Abonza, Mia 6:28.68 Ramona (SS)
Blackfelner, Piper 6:28.72 Arlington (SS)
Vargas, Alanna 6:29.19 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Lopez M, Samantha 6:33.21 Moreno Valley (SS)
Hariri, Jazlyn 6:35.46 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
De La Tejera, Madison 6:38.34 La Sierra (SS)
Anaya, Victoria 6:39.20 La Sierra (SS)
Rodriguez, Ashley 6:43.60 Ramona (SS)
Killsontop, Payton 6:44.00 Sherman Indian (SS)
Gaitin, Cassandra 6:44.47 Moreno Valley (SS)
Velasquez, Maya 6:44.54 Hillcrest (SS)
Dunn, Kylie 6:56.07 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Cramer, Sydney 6:56.47 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Negrette, Missouri 7:01.24 Moreno Valley (SS)
Coffey, Kinsley 7:06.98 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Lansang, Elyza 7:12.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Rivera, Andrea 7:12.31 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ocampo, Natalene 7:22.18 Norte Vista (SS)
Ortiz-Luis, Sofia 7:25.20 Hillcrest (SS)
Moscoso, Breanna 7:29.85 Hillcrest (SS)
Castellanos, Valeria 7:31.57 Moreno Valley (SS)
Zarate, Lillian 7:38.78 Norte Vista (SS)
Ramírez, Ashley 7:53.40 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ramírez, Ashley 7:55.70 Moreno Valley (SS)
Estrada, Aliyn 8:17.52 Moreno Valley (SS)
De La Cruz, Isabella 9:05.49 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales-Granados, Azul Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Villatoro, Briana La Sierra (SS)
Kireyeva, Olesya California School for the Deaf-
Rendon, Jiselle La Sierra (SS)
Melton, Candice Sherman Indian (SS)
Lochard, Amaya 26.68 ML King (SS)
Richardson, Aaliyah 26.74 ML King (SS)
Sturgis, Rylee 26.94h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Williams, Faith 26.94h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Williams, Kindyl 27.12 ML King (SS)
Taylor, Lay-ani 27.51 La Sierra (SS)
Mora, Samantha 27.72 Patriot (SS)
Lowe, Vianey 28.11 Hillcrest (SS)
Menchaca, Jessica 28.14 Moreno Valley (SS)
Carrothers, Kenzie 28.18 ML King (SS)
Downs, Aubrie 28.25 ML King (SS)
Llamas , Sophia 28.27 ML King (SS)
Pryor, Nayomi 28.29 Hillcrest (SS)
Morales, Aquila 28.42 Patriot (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn 28.48 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ackarman, Tatum 28.56 ML King (SS)
Casillas, Elvia 28.82 Patriot (SS)
Calhoun, A'Mielle 29.00 Norte Vista (SS)
Vega , Mariana 29.04 Hillcrest (SS)
Guillen, Abigail 29.14h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Payne, Tyleyah 29.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Velazquez, Abrianna 29.26 Ramona (SS)
Pryor, Yazmyn 29.33 Hillcrest (SS)
Barr, Julianna 29.35 ML King (SS)
Moran , Isabella 29.47 ML King (SS)
Worden , Olivia 29.50h ML King (SS)
Vega, Zoriada 29.60 La Sierra (SS)
Sanchez, Elisa 29.73 Ramona (SS)
Sulis, Ella 29.77 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Castaneda, Janey 30.17 Moreno Valley (SS)
Shiffer, Madison 30.23 Ramona (SS)
Avila, Leandrh 30.25 Patriot (SS)
McQuirter, Kharmin 30.30 Norte Vista (SS)
Kerr, Aeralynn 30.73 Moreno Valley (SS)
Rodas, Michelle 30.80 Moreno Valley (SS)
Smith , Trinity 30.82 La Sierra (SS)
Goldstein, Gracie 30.94 ML King (SS)
Medina, Bella 30.97 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ndoma, Desiree 31.02 La Sierra (SS)
Hernandez, Emily 31.31 ML King (SS)
Changlee, Tiffany 32.09 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Waters, Oryanna 32.09 Ramona (SS)
Torres, Aleah 32.16 Norte Vista (SS)
Sullens, Madi 32.24 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Shreeve, Sophia 32.33 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Rivera, Brittany 32.44 California School for the Deaf-
Nguyen, Kaitlyn 32.46 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Kimble, Ryan-Emily 32.78 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Peredia, Bella 33.11 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Wilson, Lindcy 34.06 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Hernandez, Evelyn 34.11 Arlington (SS)
Diaz, Jaydeen 34.14 California School for the Deaf-
Salceda, Valeria 34.21 Arlington (SS)
Medvec, Sophia 34.59 Arlington (SS)
Valencia, Gabrielle 35.54h California School for the Deaf-
Butts, Aaliyah 35.67 Norte Vista (SS)
Rodriguez, Briana 35.68 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Alba, Maya 35.90 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Martinez, Ruby 36.16 Arlington (SS)
Karan, Delilah 36.29 Moreno Valley (SS)
Valmonte, Saniyah 36.57 Moreno Valley (SS)
Fregoso, Janelle 36.74 ML King (SS)
Bedolla , Valerie 37.12 La Sierra (SS)
Heshma, Sarah 37.64 ML King (SS)
Medina , Natalie 38.35 La Sierra (SS)
Blackwolf, Diana 40.26 Sherman Indian (SS)
Harrison, Kaylee 42.74 Sherman Indian (SS)
Lewis, Blessing 47.97 Sherman Indian (SS)
Rosas, Zitlalli 49.14h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Patel, Shivani 50.00 ML King (SS)
Ohiaeri, Holly 55.96 ML King (SS)
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Kaitlyn Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Davis, London Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Comfort, Kris Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Nguyen, Kaitlyn Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Hernandez, Jocelyn 1:00.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Visco, Gianna 1:01.24h California School for the Deaf-
Moreno, Alexandra 1:01.27 Ramona (SS)
Kimble, Samantha 1:02.49 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Cain, Ayana 1:03.77 Ramona (SS)
Cesar, Kamyah 1:04.30 Moreno Valley (SS)
Firetag, Sadie 49.72 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Rojo, Isabella 50.19 Patriot (SS)
Vaughn, Zaina 50.19 ML King (SS)
Cochran, Breynn 50.33 Arlington (SS)
Hammond, Elizabeth 50.54 Ramona (SS)
Sorenson, Sophia 50.68 ML King (SS)
Ruiz, Emely 51.23 ML King (SS)
Jones, Abigail 52.01 Arlington (SS)
Richardson, Andrea 52.08 ML King (SS)
Vega, Zoriada 52.54 La Sierra (SS)
Ruffin, Chantel Marie 52.90h Hillcrest (SS)
Estrabrook, Natalie 54.02 La Sierra (SS)
Montoya, Rosa 54.20 Moreno Valley (SS)
Green, Olivia 54.49 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Pryor, Nayomi 54.50h Hillcrest (SS)
Pendleton, Leah 54.65 ML King (SS)
Evidarte, Yaretzy 54.92 Norte Vista (SS)
Pryor, Yazmyn 55.01h Hillcrest (SS)
Moralez, Destiny 55.20 Norte Vista (SS)
Perez, Jaylene 55.40 Ramona (SS)
Nettles, Kellin 55.47 ML King (SS)
Osei, Rosie 56.53 ML King (SS)
Reyes-Morales, Naomy 56.70 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Treto, Kassandra 56.95 Norte Vista (SS)
Velasquez, Gisselle 57.14 Hillcrest (SS)
Chandler, Allurabella 57.34h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Snell, Jordan 58.26 Moreno Valley (SS)
Jenkins, Kennadye 58.37 Moreno Valley (SS)
Valencia, Irazu 58.75 Norte Vista (SS)
Zubak, Isabelle 59.22 Arlington (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coffey, Kinsley Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Vargas, Alanna Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Dunn, Kylie Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Jacklin, Elizabeth 11:17.70 ML King (SS)
McGarvey, Madison 11:40.22 Patriot (SS)
Abu-Ghazaleh, Jude 11:43.36 ML King (SS)
Hanes, Skye 11:59.47 Ramona (SS)
Bollenbach, Olivia 12:02.07 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ruiz, Emely 12:04.17 ML King (SS)
Kim, Sarah 12:23.61 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
graham , isabelle 12:36.36 ML King (SS)
Montoya, Ava 12:43.99 Patriot (SS)
Alarcon, Isabel 13:05.62 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Berg, Luella 13:06.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ortega, Cristal 13:39.66 Patriot (SS)
Rios, Daniela 13:51.02 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Abonza, Mia 14:35.82 Ramona (SS)
Stanford, Allison 14:39.10 Ramona (SS)
Lares, Leslie 15:18.56 Ramona (SS)
Rivera, Andrea 16:54.00 Moreno Valley (SS)
Castellanos, Valeria 17:39.43 Moreno Valley (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendoza, Madison Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Shreeve, Sophia Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Alba, Maya Jurupa Valley (SS)
Williams, Kindyl 1:00.36 ML King (SS)
Sturgis, Rylee 1:00.39 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Green, Carly 1:00.80 Ramona (SS)
Llamas , Sophia 1:02.27 ML King (SS)
Lochard, Amaya 1:03.42 ML King (SS)
Worden , Olivia 1:04.47 ML King (SS)
Barr, Julianna 1:05.02 ML King (SS)
Casillas, Elvia 1:05.32 Patriot (SS)
Vega , Mariana 1:05.39 Hillcrest (SS)
Lowe, Vianey 1:05.92 Hillcrest (SS)
Taylor, Leilani 1:05.92 ML King (SS)
Sorenson, Sophia 1:06.00 ML King (SS)
Lopez M, Samantha 1:06.24 Moreno Valley (SS)
Collins, Carli 1:06.43 ML King (SS)
Sanchez, Elisa 1:06.70 Ramona (SS)
De La Tejera, Madison 1:06.83 La Sierra (SS)
Vega, Zoriada 1:07.01 La Sierra (SS)
Ackarman, Tatum 1:07.66 ML King (SS)
Mazzolini, Ryan 1:07.67 Hillcrest (SS)
Sanchez, Sara 1:07.93 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
McIntosh, Penelope 1:07.94h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Jones, Abigail 1:07.98 Arlington (SS)
Fernandez, Samirah 1:08.19 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Guillen, Abigail 1:08.34h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Medina, Bella 1:08.43 Moreno Valley (SS)
Celis, Allison 1:08.51 Patriot (SS)
Palacios, Lexandra 1:08.84 La Sierra (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn 1:09.46 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Rogers, Parker 1:10.21 Arlington (SS)
Davis, London 1:10.57 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Moralez, Destiny 1:10.94 Norte Vista (SS)
Kerr, Aeralynn 1:11.31 Moreno Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Monae 1:11.70 Patriot (SS)
Alexander, Marlie 1:11.78 Hillcrest (SS)
Arther, Diana 1:12.24h Sherman Indian (SS)
Treto, Kassandra 1:12.50h Norte Vista (SS)
Torres, Aleah 1:13.27 Norte Vista (SS)
Medina Frausto , Valerie 1:15.31 La Sierra (SS)
Rico, Sofia 1:15.50 Ramona (SS)
Mouser, Maddie 1:15.77 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Quevedo, Ava 1:15.92 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Jimenez, Allyson 1:17.45 Arlington (SS)
Calhoun, Keemaria 1:17.57 Norte Vista (SS)
Araiza, Genesis 1:17.84 Ramona (SS)
Barrett, Kylie 1:20.84h California School for the Deaf-
Sangha, Sukhkiran 1:21.40 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ferrell, Michaela 1:21.64h Sherman Indian (SS)
Garibay, Alexus 1:21.73 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Clark, Dana 1:27.39 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Velez, Mariyah 1:29.24h California School for the Deaf-
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.04h California School for the Deaf-
Relay Team A 1:12.34h Sherman Indian (SS)
Relay Team A 1:15.55 ML King (SS)
Relay Team A 50.54h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 50.55 ML King (SS)
Relay Team A 51.44 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Relay Team A 52.23 Arlington (SS)
Relay Team A 52.52 Patriot (SS)
Relay Team A 52.94 La Sierra (SS)
Relay Team A 53.53 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 53.57 Moreno Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 53.66 Ramona (SS)
Relay Team A 53.94 Hillcrest (SS)
Relay Team A 56.01 Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A 56.44 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:11.17 ML King (SS)
Relay Team A 4:15.23 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 4:27.92 Patriot (SS)
Relay Team A 4:40.13 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Relay Team A 4:40.19 Hillcrest (SS)
Relay Team A 4:52.84 Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A 4:53.00 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 4:58.07 Moreno Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 5:04.06 Ramona (SS)
Relay Team A 5:04.60 La Sierra (SS)
Relay Team A 5:31.90 California School for the Deaf-
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Girls 800 Meter Run 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sangha, Sukhkiran Jurupa Valley (SS)
Guzzetta, Gracie 2:19.48 ML King (SS)
Drewitz, Natalie 2:22.03 ML King (SS)
Cripps, Samantha 2:23.78 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Merin, Damaris 2:27.73 Patriot (SS)
Wesolowski, Sofia 2:27.75 ML King (SS)
Madril, Josephine 2:32.70 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
DeLoye, Ruth 2:33.83 ML King (SS)
Starling, Taylor 2:34.38 ML King (SS)
Kim, Sarah 2:34.56 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Olivarez, Andrea 2:35.71 Patriot (SS)
Miramontes, Mia 2:36.88 Arlington (SS)
Ramirez, Jordyn 2:37.21 ML King (SS)
Berlanga , Makayla 2:38.15 ML King (SS)
Carrillo, Alana 2:39.25 Patriot (SS)
Sanchez, Dhannasshy 2:39.30 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Berg, Luella 2:42.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
graham , isabelle 2:42.75 ML King (SS)
De La Tejera, Madison 2:43.15 La Sierra (SS)
Callahan, Meeghan 2:44.91 ML King (SS)
Brody, Caitlyn 2:45.97 ML King (SS)
Castanon, Flor 2:47.74 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Guerrero, Briana 2:47.79 Norte Vista (SS)
Vargas, Alanna 2:48.36 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Giacoppe, Olivia 2:49.85 Ramona (SS)
Carrillo, Mikayla 2:50.03 Norte Vista (SS)
Aguilar, Hailey 2:50.66 Hillcrest (SS)
Rodriguez-Rivera , Regina 2:50.70 Hillcrest (SS)
Puente, Ayleen 2:51.33 Ramona (SS)
Anaya, Victoria 2:51.36 La Sierra (SS)
Lopez M, Samantha 2:51.98 Moreno Valley (SS)
Munoz, Denisse 2:52.49 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Alexander, Marlie 2:53.13 Hillcrest (SS)
Negrette, Missouri 2:53.14 Moreno Valley (SS)
Hariri, Jazlyn 2:55.28 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Xayavong, Angelina 2:58.04 Ramona (SS)
Killsontop, Payton 2:58.80 Sherman Indian (SS)
Cramer, Sydney 2:59.52 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Sarkaria, Pari 2:59.78 Arlington (SS)
Medina, Yanelie 3:00.00 Hillcrest (SS)
Gaitin, Cassandra 3:04.99 Moreno Valley (SS)
Jimenez, Allyson 3:10.48 Arlington (SS)
Dunn, Kylie 3:12.40 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Zarate, Lillian 3:15.58 Norte Vista (SS)
Rivera, Andrea 3:20.06 Moreno Valley (SS)
Lansang, Elyza 3:20.74 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Ocampo, Natalene 3:21.71 Norte Vista (SS)
Gomez, Yasly 3:22.67 Ramona (SS)
Antonellis, Mariah 3:31.26 Arlington (SS)
Ramírez, Ashley 3:32.90 Moreno Valley (SS)
Infante, Luisa 3:35.18 Moreno Valley (SS)
Estrada, Aliyn 3:35.36 Moreno Valley (SS)
Velez, Mariyah 3:48.00 California School for the Deaf-
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Girls Discus 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuimaono, Felefele 114-7 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Spencer-Millard, Emalee 109-0 ML King (SS)
White, Jaylene 94-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Urquides, Nyeta 93-2 Patriot (SS)
Gonzalez, Lily 93-2 Ramona (SS)
Salinas, Sophia 92-1 Patriot (SS)
Perez, Lizette 88-1 Arlington (SS)
Mann, Bailey 84-9 ML King (SS)
Toki, Olivia 81-10 Moreno Valley (SS)
Nisthal, Ely 79-6 Hillcrest (SS)
Colby, Maura 74-9 Hillcrest (SS)
Payne , Myung 71-9.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Mendoza, Jocelynn 69-8 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Avila, Evangelina Avila 69-7.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Mills, Alysha 69-2 Moreno Valley (SS)
McCann, Kayleen 69-2 Ramona (SS)
Pearson, Jamiyah 67-8.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Hilton, Lorelai 67-7 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Pedraza, Arianna 67-6 Arlington (SS)
Ibarra, Jamie 67-2 Arlington (SS)
Torres Bravo, Jeniffer 66-7 Moreno Valley (SS)
Loria, Brianna 66-3 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Gutierez, Anabell 65-8.25 Patriot (SS)
Martinez, Noemi 65-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Willies, Tatiana 64-9.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Suarez, Nicole 64-7 California School for the Deaf-
Estrada, Jasmine 62-5 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Taylor, Vanessa 62-4 ML King (SS)
Galindro, Robin 61-9 Hillcrest (SS)
Haga, Lieve 61-5 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Koreatam, Hala 61-3 ML King (SS)
Tenorio, Ciara 60-7 Sherman Indian (SS)
Diaz, Juliana 60-6 California School for the Deaf-
Deramus, Lu'lomie 60-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Reyas, Ariana 59-5 Arlington (SS)
Oliva, Leilani 59-4 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Meenan, Melanie 58-4 ML King (SS)
Trejo, Yazmine 58-0 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ruvalcaba, Audrey 57-6 Ramona (SS)
Griffin, Trinity 57-1.5 ML King (SS)
Anderson, Molly 56-2 La Sierra (SS)
Diaz, Jaydeen 54-5 California School for the Deaf-
Hernandez, Melanie 54-3 Moreno Valley (SS)
De La Cruz, Isabella 53-7 Norte Vista (SS)
Acosta , Valentina 51-10 Moreno Valley (SS)
Felter, Gracie 51-4 Sherman Indian (SS)
Arredondo, Valerie 51-0.5 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Comfort, Kris 51-0 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Abu Hussin, Jasmine 50-10 Arlington (SS)
Lee, Danielle 50-0 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Romero, Stephanie 48-10 Ramona (SS)
Lopez, Julianna 48-6 La Sierra (SS)
Byerly, Breanna 48-6 Moreno Valley (SS)
Escano, Hailie 45-11 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Diaz-Sanchez, Isabella 45-5 California School for the Deaf-
Shadrick, Ayana Sherman Indian (SS)
Selvage, Serena Sherman Indian (SS)
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Girls High Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zickert, Noelle 5-1 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Kirby, Simone 4-8 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ruldolph, Naomi 4-8 ML King (SS)
Blackfelner, Piper 4-6 Arlington (SS)
Zubak, Isabelle 4-6 Arlington (SS)
Firetag, Sadie 4-6 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Vaughn, Tatiana 4-6 ML King (SS)
Sloan, Sydney 4-6 ML King (SS)
Osei, Rosie 4-6 ML King (SS)
Hernandez, Ab 4-5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Joung, Yujin 4-4 Hillcrest (SS)
Sanchez, Dhannasshy 4-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Joseph, Maliyah 4-4 Patriot (SS)
Jenkins, Kennadye 4-4 Moreno Valley (SS)
White, Ava 4-4 Moreno Valley (SS)
Ortiz, Sara 4-4 Patriot (SS)
Soto, Michelle 4-4 Ramona (SS)
Foster, Lola 4-4 Ramona (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn 4-4 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Visco, Gianna 4-4 California School for the Deaf-
Holmes, Brooke 4-4 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Herrera, Savannah 4-2 Hillcrest (SS)
Allen, Jane 4-2 Ramona (SS)
Hardy, Gennesy 4-2 ML King (SS)
Smith, Sydney 4-1 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Cesar, Kamyah 4-0 Moreno Valley (SS)
Perez, Jaylene 4-0 Ramona (SS)
Shreeve, Sophia 4-0 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Killsontop, Payton 3-10 Sherman Indian (SS)
Figueroa, Mary 3-10 California School for the Deaf-
Alarcon, Isabel 3-8 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Barrett, Kylie 3-8 California School for the Deaf-
Ute, Marlie 3-4 Sherman Indian (SS)
Melton, Candice Sherman Indian (SS)
Kerr, Aeralynn Moreno Valley (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Ab 18-4 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Olson, Emilee 16-11.75 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Davis , Paige 16-3.25 ML King (SS)
Hardwick, Tamia 16-3 Moreno Valley (SS)
Brewer, Saniya 15-9.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Goergen, Cheyenne 15-7.5 Patriot (SS)
Kirby, Simone 15-5.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Wesolowski , Sienna 15-4 ML King (SS)
Rudolph, Naomi 14-9 ML King (SS)
Wilson, Omiyah 14-8 Ramona (SS)
Griffin, Skylar 14-8 ML King (SS)
Allen, Jane 14-7.5 Ramona (SS)
McPherson, Madison 14-7 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Vaughn, Tatiana 14-7 ML King (SS)
Moreno, Alexandra 14-6.5 Ramona (SS)
Mcquirter, Kasaya 14-6 Norte Vista (SS)
Guerra, Sofia 14-5 ML King (SS)
Laramie, Isabella 14-5 ML King (SS)
Hardy, Gennesy 14-4.5 ML King (SS)
Rodas, Michelle 14-4 Moreno Valley (SS)
Kerr, Aeralynn 14-2 Moreno Valley (SS)
Sanchez, Dhannasshy 14-1 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Garber, Devyn 14-1 ML King (SS)
White, Ava 13-10.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Herrera-Girones, Olga 13-2.5 ML King (SS)
Valmonte, Saniyah 13-0.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Joseph, Maliyah 13-0 Patriot (SS)
Bush, MaKayla 12-11 Patriot (SS)
Mouser, Maddie 12-8 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Gamboa, Aryanna 12-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Monjaraz, Brianna 12-5.5 ML King (SS)
Hernandez, Emily 12-4 ML King (SS)
Kimble, Samantha 12-0.5 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Hazameh, Hadeel 12-0.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Haun, Ashley 11-11 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Ledezma, Jeslyn 11-9 Arlington (SS)
Ferrell, Michaela 11-7 Sherman Indian (SS)
Ortiz, Sara 11-5.5 Patriot (SS)
Valadez, Sophia 11-2.75 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Cruz, Isabella 10-10.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Yousofzoy, Leilani 10-10 Hillcrest (SS)
Garcia, Georgina 10-9.5 Sherman Indian (SS)
Contreras, Mirelly 10-7.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Figueroa, Mary 10-6 California School for the Deaf-
Griffin, Trinity 10-5.5 ML King (SS)
Mendoza, Elsa 9-3 Ramona (SS)
Lewis, Blessing 8-9.5 Sherman Indian (SS)
Butts, Aaliyah Norte Vista (SS)
Barrett, Kylie California School for the Deaf-
Suarez, Nicole California School for the Deaf-
Ute, Marlie Sherman Indian (SS)
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Girls Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson , Megan 8-6 ML King (SS)
Morales, Aquila 8-0 Patriot (SS)
Albrecht, Sayuri 8-0 ML King (SS)
Beasley, Leanna 8-0 ML King (SS)
Wilbur, Julia 7-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Beran, Anna 7-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Thomas, Abigail 7-6 Ramona (SS)
Alvarez, Mia 7-6 ML King (SS)
Yamasaki, Nina 7-6 ML King (SS)
Rodriguez-Rivera , Regina 7-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Anthony, Isabella 7-0 ML King (SS)
Bernier, Acacia 6-9 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
La Grass, Savina 6-6 Hillcrest (SS)
Sturgis, Kayla 6-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Najera, Diana 6-6 Ramona (SS)
Quaid, Zoey 6-6 Ramona (SS)
Melano, Dalila 6-6 Ramona (SS)
Spartos, Olivia 6-6 ML King (SS)
Moscoso, Breanna 6-1 Hillcrest (SS)
Hungate, Kaitlyn 6-0 ML King (SS)
Sosa, Ava 5-6 Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Viviana 5-0 ML King (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Avila, Evangelina Avila 33-0 Moreno Valley (SS)
Fuimaono, Felefele 32-5.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Urquides, Nyeta 32-2 Patriot (SS)
Tate-Rogers, Kayla 31-8.5 Ramona (SS)
Ibarra, Jamie 30-0.5 Arlington (SS)
Pearson, Jamiyah 29-9.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Berber, Athena 29-9 Ramona (SS)
Toki, Olivia 29-8 Moreno Valley (SS)
Salinas, Sophia 29-3 Patriot (SS)
Taylor, Vanessa 29-3 ML King (SS)
Pedraza, Arianna 29-1 Arlington (SS)
Molina, Olivia 28-9 Ramona (SS)
Perez, Lizette 28-5 Arlington (SS)
Mann, Bailey 27-7 ML King (SS)
Griffin, Trinity 27-6 ML King (SS)
Soto, Michelle 27-0 Ramona (SS)
Spencer-Millard, Emalee 26-10 ML King (SS)
Anderson, Molly 26-9 La Sierra (SS)
Branchcomb, Amaya 26-8 Hillcrest (SS)
Deramus, Lu'lomie 26-5 Hillcrest (SS)
Payne , Myung 26-3 Moreno Valley (SS)
Alvarado, Aileen 26-3 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hilton, Lorelai 25-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mills, Alysha 25-3 Moreno Valley (SS)
Pena, Lauren 24-10 Hillcrest (SS)
Macek, Melody 24-8 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Oliva, Leilani 24-7 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Hernandez, Melanie 24-4 Moreno Valley (SS)
Jaramillo, Isabella 23-10 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Martinez, Noemi 23-2 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Diaz, Jaydeen 23-2 California School for the Deaf-
Colby, Maura 23-1.5 Hillcrest (SS)
White, Jaylene 23-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Diaz, Juliana 22-11.5 California School for the Deaf-
Torres Bravo, Jeniffer 22-11 Moreno Valley (SS)
Arredondo, Valerie 22-9.5 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Huezo, Abygail 22-9 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Suarez, Nicole 22-9 California School for the Deaf-
Koreatam, Hala 22-1 ML King (SS)
Meenan, Melanie 22-0 ML King (SS)
Diaz-Sanchez, Isabella 21-3.5 California School for the Deaf-
Byerly, Breanna 21-1 Moreno Valley (SS)
Comfort, Kris 20-6.5 Notre Dame - Riverside (SS)
Reyas, Ariana 20-6 Arlington (SS)
Gutierez, Anabell 20-1 Patriot (SS)
Escano, Hailie 20-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Acosta , Valentina 19-10 Moreno Valley (SS)
Tenorio, Ciara 19-7 Sherman Indian (SS)
Haun, Ashley 19-6.5 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Nunn, Angelica 18-3.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
De La Cruz, Isabella 18-2 Norte Vista (SS)
Harrison, Kaylee 18-1 Sherman Indian (SS)
Felter, Gracie 17-10 Sherman Indian (SS)
Lopez, Julianna 17-9 La Sierra (SS)
Abu Hussin, Jasmine 17-9 Arlington (SS)
Calhoun, Keemaria 16-9 Norte Vista (SS)
Patel, Shivani 15-1 ML King (SS)
Boyd, Kylie 14-6 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Ohiaeri, Holly 10-5 ML King (SS)
Rosas, Zitlalli 9-3 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Melton, Candice Sherman Indian (SS)
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Girls Triple Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Ab 38-3.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Rodas, Michelle 36-5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Onyedika, Ugo 34-7 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
Wesolowski , Sienna 33-4 ML King (SS)
Hardwick, Tamia 33-3.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Kirby, Simone 33-2 Moreno Valley (SS)
White, Ava 32-5.5 Moreno Valley (SS)
Davis , Paige 32-1.5 ML King (SS)
McPherson, Madison 31-10.75 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Allen, Jane 31-9.5 Ramona (SS)
Goergen, Cheyenne 31-3 Patriot (SS)
Laramie, Isabella 30-11.5 ML King (SS)
Wilson, Omiyah 30-5 Ramona (SS)
Menchaca, Jessica 29-10 Moreno Valley (SS)
Perez, Jaylene 29-8.5 Ramona (SS)
Guerra, Sofia 29-6.5 ML King (SS)
Bush, MaKayla 29-5 Patriot (SS)
Griffin, Skylar 29-1.5 ML King (SS)
Garber, Devyn 28-8 ML King (SS)
Herrera-Girones, Olga 28-7 ML King (SS)
Contreras, Mirelly 27-8.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Moreno, Alexandra 27-6 Ramona (SS)
Hazameh, Hadeel 26-3.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Monjaraz, Brianna 25-4 ML King (SS)
Ferrell, Michaela 23-8 Sherman Indian (SS)
Garcia, Georgina 23-6 Sherman Indian (SS)
Mouser, Maddie 22-6 Woodcrest Christian (SS)
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