Ivy League Finals 2023

Riverside, CA
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Riley, Dylan 10.89 Rancho Verde (SS)
Fields, Martel 11.01 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Francis, Jordyn 11.13 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Davis-Tucker, Conrad 11.33 Elsinore (SS)
Higgins, Marquese 11.44 Elsinore (SS)
Branch, Carson 11.55 J.W. North (SS)
Skinner, Mykai 11.56 Elsinore (SS)
Vaughan, Jerry 11.56 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Smith, Josiah 11.61 Heritage (SS)
Jackson, Jamontay 11.74 Elsinore (SS)
Midgett, Jarivs 11.84 Rancho Verde (SS)
Shannon, Cameron 11.84 J.W. North (SS)
Rupp, Marco 11.92 Elsinore (SS)
Watson, Jeremiah 11.94 Elsinore (SS)
Watson, Eric 12.01 Elsinore (SS)
Chenault, Nehemiah 12.09 Rancho Verde (SS)
Young, Dominick 12.18 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Luna, Jeremiah 12.25 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Zavala, Anthony 12.26 J.W. North (SS)
Contreras, Gavin 12.28 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Carrasco, Kingston 12.35 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Henderson, Cristian 12.43 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Toney, Kaden 12.44h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Bixon, Austin 12.59 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whaley, Terrence 15.14 Heritage (SS)
Chandler, Micah 16.39 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Leverette, Jeremiah 16.81 Elsinore (SS)
Irvin, Andrew 17.48 Elsinore (SS)
Firetag, William 18.01 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Knox, Jacob 18.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Robinson, Kendrick 18.56 Rancho Verde (SS)
Allen, Michael 19.99 Rancho Verde (SS)
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguilera, Diego 4:29.40 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Weems, Owen 4:29.70 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ocampo, Jesse 4:30.05 Elsinore (SS)
Sullivan, Beckett 4:35.50 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Deledonne, Jace 4:39.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Garcia, Eddie 4:45.70 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Morales, Aidan 4:54.98 Elsinore (SS)
Camou, Michael 4:59.29 J.W. North (SS)
Fyfe, Cody 5:00.56 Elsinore (SS)
Holmes, Wyatt 5:02.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Scott, Emilio 5:04.33 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Muro, Nathan 5:06.12 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Navarro, Aaron 5:07.27 Elsinore (SS)
Ramirez, Noah 5:07.90 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Lopez, Joseph 5:13.40 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Menendez, David 5:13.86 Elsinore (SS)
Del Carmen-Ramirez, Ernesto 5:15.14 Elsinore (SS)
Cochran, Aiden 5:21.10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Alvarez, Oscar 5:23.36 J.W. North (SS)
Delariva, Andrew 5:33.94 Rancho Verde (SS)
DeGuzman, Maximus 5:35.57 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Estevan, Recinos 5:36.12 Rancho Verde (SS)
McPhee, Vincent 5:52.10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Dontae 22.10 J.W. North (SS)
Fields, Martel 22.32 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Francis, Jordyn 22.66 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Vaughan, Jerry 23.07 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Higgins, Marquese 23.30 Elsinore (SS)
Ibibosemoses, David 23.54 Elsinore (SS)
Skinner, Mykai 23.72 Elsinore (SS)
Watkins, La'Darrian 23.80 Elsinore (SS)
Luna, Jeremiah 23.92 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Jackson, Jamontay 24.02 Elsinore (SS)
Grattan, Kameron 24.18 Rancho Verde (SS)
Gaines, Michael 24.22 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Watson, Jeremiah 24.25 Elsinore (SS)
Shannon, Cameron 24.27 J.W. North (SS)
Watson, Eric 24.31 Elsinore (SS)
Branch, Carson 24.54 J.W. North (SS)
Luboya, Roland 24.64 Heritage (SS)
Chenault, Nehemiah 24.64 Rancho Verde (SS)
Ambriz, Santiago 24.90 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Tiandre, Trusty 24.95 Rancho Verde (SS)
Gustafson, Abraham 25.09 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Carrasco, Kingston 25.17 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Jones, La’Daniel 25.18 Rancho Verde (SS)
Contreras, Gavin 25.34h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Bixon, Austin 25.51 J.W. North (SS)
Zavala, Anthony 25.65 J.W. North (SS)
Etiko, Fohdlullah 26.09 Rancho Verde (SS)
Bhakta, Nayan 27.10 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Safford-Miles, Isaiah 40.27 Heritage (SS)
Whaley, Terrence 41.28 Heritage (SS)
Chandler, Micah 41.57 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Jones, Jamari 42.61 Elsinore (SS)
Irvin, Andrew 42.99 Elsinore (SS)
Gaines, Michael 43.44h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Preciado-Avalos, Josh 43.93 Heritage (SS)
Jimenez, Simon 45.00 Heritage (SS)
Broadus, Jeremiah 45.41 J.W. North (SS)
Morgan, Camron 46.60 Rancho Verde (SS)
Firetag, William 46.80 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Allen, Michael 47.20 Rancho Verde (SS)
Avila, Anthony 47.57 Elsinore (SS)
Leverette, Jeremiah 47.97 Elsinore (SS)
Knox, Jacob 48.98 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Biggs, Kien 49.94h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arroyo, Omar 10:06.67 Heritage (SS)
Garcia, Eddie 10:09.17 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Deledonne, Jace 10:16.30 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sullivan, Beckett 10:40.30 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Morales, Aidan 10:52.38 Elsinore (SS)
Camou, Michael 10:54.64 J.W. North (SS)
Muro, Nathan 11:09.89 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ramirez, Noah 11:14.30 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Lopez, Joseph 11:19.10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Holmes, Wyatt 11:19.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Scott, Emilio 11:20.50 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Cortes, Andres 11:35.28 Rancho Verde (SS)
Navarro, Aaron 11:36.58 Elsinore (SS)
Menendez, David 11:40.81 Elsinore (SS)
Del Carmen-Ramirez, Ernesto 12:09.53 Elsinore (SS)
McPhee, Vincent 12:17.80 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Alvarez, Oscar 12:34.60 J.W. North (SS)
Weems, Owen 9:46.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ocampo, Jesse 9:55.30 Elsinore (SS)
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Dontae 49.51 J.W. North (SS)
LaMothe, Elijah 49.94 Heritage (SS)
Hall, Tristan 50.39 Rancho Verde (SS)
Ibibosemoses, David 51.65 Elsinore (SS)
Watkins, La'Darrian 52.34 Elsinore (SS)
Whaley, Christian 52.57 Heritage (SS)
Luboya, Roland 52.85 Heritage (SS)
Flores, Carlos 53.39 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Degeneffe, Elishua 53.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Anderson, Mercel 54.11 Rancho Verde (SS)
Angulo, Felipe 55.90 Rancho Verde (SS)
Ambriz, Santiago 56.34h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gustafson, Abraham 56.94h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gifford, Gunnar 57.26 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Flores, Isaac 58.14h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Rana, Mohammed 58.51 Rancho Verde (SS)
Bhakta, Nayan 62.55 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.20 Rancho Verde (SS)
Relay Team A 43.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 43.91 Heritage (SS)
Relay Team A 44.11 Elsinore (SS)
Relay Team A 44.88 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:22.25 Heritage (SS)
Relay Team A 3:34.37 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 3:35.31 Rancho Verde (SS)
Relay Team A 3:37.25 Elsinore (SS)
Relay Team A 3:42.65 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguilera, Diego 1:58.10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sullivan, Beckett 2:00.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ocampo, Jesse 2:02.32 Elsinore (SS)
Serrato, Carlos 2:04.94 Heritage (SS)
Deledonne, Jace 2:05.95 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Duregger, Jacob 2:06.99 Heritage (SS)
Garcia, Eddie 2:09.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Nava, Ivan 2:10.66 Heritage (SS)
Fyfe, Cody 2:13.72 Elsinore (SS)
Holmes, Wyatt 2:16.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ibekwe, Ubong 2:16.27 J.W. North (SS)
Brannon, Micah 2:18.40 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Del Carmen-Ramirez, Ernesto 2:20.24 Elsinore (SS)
Lopez, Joseph 2:20.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Muro, Nathan 2:23.58 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Cochran, Aiden 2:29.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Boys Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Joseph 152-4 Elsinore (SS)
Gayton, Daveyon 144-7 Rancho Verde (SS)
Mephors, Justice 140-9.5 J.W. North (SS)
Navarrete, Cesar 138-7 Elsinore (SS)
Vargas, Mateo 129-0 Elsinore (SS)
Gonzalez, Nicholas 122-10 Elsinore (SS)
Ferguson, Jackson 118-8 Elsinore (SS)
Escobedo, Aaron 115-11 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Espinoza, Adrian 114-3 Elsinore (SS)
Timo, Keone 112-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Matias, Joaquin 109-9 Elsinore (SS)
Pacheco, Uriel 108-9 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Murillo, Jason 107-9 Heritage (SS)
Luna, James 105-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Hardin, Russell 101-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mathews, Benjamin 100-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Parga, Nathaniel 99-11 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Garcia, Emiliano 89-4.5 Heritage (SS)
Clardy, Kahni 87-7 Rancho Verde (SS)
Sepulveda, Omar 74-9 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Armenta, Luis 74-5 Heritage (SS)
Martinez, Eduardo 70-8 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Vandever, Mike 69-10 Rancho Verde (SS)
McCullough, Julian 68-5 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Boys High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owens, Zach 6-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Perry, Jeedin 5-6 Rancho Verde (SS)
Moody, Devon 5-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Moore, John 5-6 Elsinore (SS)
Toney, Kaden 5-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gaines, Michael 5-2 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flanagan, Kamari 21-5 Elsinore (SS)
Smith, Devyn 21-3.5 Elsinore (SS)
Hall, Tristan 21-1 Rancho Verde (SS)
Owens, Zach 20-11 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Moore, John 19-5.5 Elsinore (SS)
Camargo, Elijah 19-4.5 Elsinore (SS)
Flores, Carlos 19-1 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Toney, Kaden 18-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Preciado-Avalos, Josh 17-10 Heritage (SS)
Moody, Devon 17-2.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Macaraeg, Vincent 16-9 Rancho Verde (SS)
Hoffert, Kingsley 16-7 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
McDonald, Dane 16-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Vera, Asher 16-3 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knox, Jacob 11-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Firetag, William 11-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Maxfield, Caden 10-8 Elsinore (SS)
Robinson, Ryu-Ken 10-6 Elsinore (SS)
Holguin, Michael 9-0 Elsinore (SS)
Arteaga, Giaan 8-6 Elsinore (SS)
Villegas-Vega, Damien 7-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Guerrero, Francisco 7-6 Elsinore (SS)
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Timo, Keone 47-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mephors, Justice 46-3 J.W. North (SS)
Ferguson, Jackson 44-9.5 Elsinore (SS)
Escobedo, Aaron 44-8 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Garcia, Joseph 44-0 Elsinore (SS)
Murillo, Jason 41-0 Heritage (SS)
Gayton, Daveyon 39-8.5 Rancho Verde (SS)
Parga, Nathaniel 39-6.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Matias, Joaquin 39-0 Elsinore (SS)
Garcia, Emiliano 38-7 Heritage (SS)
Gonzalez, Nicholas 38-5 Elsinore (SS)
Espinoza, Adrian 38-0 Elsinore (SS)
Navarrete, Cesar 36-0.5 Elsinore (SS)
Vargas, Mateo 35-8 Elsinore (SS)
Luna, James 35-2.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mathews, Benjamin 35-2.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Clardy, Kahni 35-0 Rancho Verde (SS)
Hardin, Russell 34-5.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Pacheco, Uriel 33-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
McCullough, Julian 31-2 J.W. North (SS)
Armenta, Luis 30-8.5 Heritage (SS)
Martinez, Eduardo 30-3.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sepulveda, Omar 25-6.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Devyn 43-6 Elsinore (SS)
Owens, Zach 43-1.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Flanagan, Kamari 39-7.5 Elsinore (SS)
Macaraeg, Vincent 39-6.25 Rancho Verde (SS)
Moore, John 38-7 Elsinore (SS)
Johnson, Durand 38-5 Rancho Verde (SS)
Degeneffe, Elishua 37-4.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Preciado-Avalos, Josh 36-9 Heritage (SS)
Richard-Lewis, Jase 31-5 Rancho Verde (SS)
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stredic, Breija 12.22 J.W. North (SS)
Lee, Jelynn 12.67 Rancho Verde (SS)
Henderson, Nevaeh 12.91 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Roland, Knoaloni 13.03 Rancho Verde (SS)
Brandon, Tatiana 13.03 J.W. North (SS)
Brandon, Leilani 13.13 J.W. North (SS)
Williams, Faith 13.14h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Carrillo, Xochitl 13.21 Elsinore (SS)
Akinbayode, Joy 13.50 Rancho Verde (SS)
Atoe, Joanne 13.53 J.W. North (SS)
Keli'inui, Kayla 13.54 Elsinore (SS)
Washington, Zuri 13.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gipson, Pennie 13.60 Heritage (SS)
Garcia, Miranda 13.66 Elsinore (SS)
Rodriguez, Giselle 13.83 Elsinore (SS)
Griffin, Saniya 13.88 Elsinore (SS)
Payne, Tyleyah 13.92 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Aguilar, Joleen 14.03 Elsinore (SS)
Clark, Kayden 14.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Payne, Tiana 14.33 Heritage (SS)
Sanchez, Dhannasshy 14.39 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Williams, Anais 14.46 Rancho Verde (SS)
Salcedo, Saydee 14.56 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Bustamante, Savannah 14.78 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Christmas, Kylee 14.79 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Pedroza, Ruby 14.80 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Alagbada, Temitope 15.02 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gaines, Kylani 15.24 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Bennett, Sarai 16.89 Rancho Verde (SS)
Sisco, Madelyn 17.74h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Elms, Shayann 19.25 Elsinore (SS)
Neal, Paige 19.26 Rancho Verde (SS)
Pham, Anna 19.59 Heritage (SS)
Jones, Mariah 20.31 Heritage (SS)
Barker, Breanne 20.85 Elsinore (SS)
Williams, Jordan 21.85 Elsinore (SS)
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Browne, Mackenzie 4:53.14 J.W. North (SS)
Cripps, Samantha 5:22.22 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Anderson, Makayla 5:22.38 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gonzalez, Lizet 5:31.05 Elsinore (SS)
Rhoades, Lauren 5:48.86 J.W. North (SS)
Madril, Josephine 5:50.78 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Berg, Luella 5:54.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ferguson, Savannah 5:57.03 Elsinore (SS)
Gamboa, Aryanna 6:01.30 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Vega, Isabel 6:04.68 Elsinore (SS)
Acosta, Valerie 6:11.52 Elsinore (SS)
Lopez, Kaylie 6:14.38 J.W. North (SS)
Sager, Mallory 6:17.72 Elsinore (SS)
Carmona, Alexandra 6:21.42 Elsinore (SS)
Medina, Isbella 6:23.52 Heritage (SS)
Beran, Anna 6:37.40 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Alvarez, Mariana 6:41.71 J.W. North (SS)
Valenzuela, Shilah 6:44.00 Heritage (SS)
Mayorga, Marian 6:45.84 J.W. North (SS)
Lechner, Porscha 6:56.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Arce, Andrea 6:57.04 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brandon, Leilani 26.12 J.W. North (SS)
Kasper, Faith 26.85 Heritage (SS)
Brandon, Tatiana 26.88 J.W. North (SS)
Williams, Faith 27.16 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gaines, Kylani 27.50 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sturgis, Rylee 27.80 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Carrillo, Xochitl 27.84 Elsinore (SS)
Atoe, Joanne 28.09 J.W. North (SS)
Gipson, Pennie 28.12 Heritage (SS)
Broadbent, Aeralyn 28.39 Elsinore (SS)
Sisco, Madelyn 28.77 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Aguilar, Joleen 28.88 Elsinore (SS)
Garcia, Miranda 28.89 Elsinore (SS)
Griffin, Saniya 28.92 Elsinore (SS)
Payne, Tyleyah 29.59 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Akinbayode, Joy 29.79 Rancho Verde (SS)
Salcedo, Saydee 29.94 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Payne, Tiana 29.97 Heritage (SS)
Bustamante, Savannah 30.69 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Clark, Kayden 30.78 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Pinson, TiLiah 30.85 Rancho Verde (SS)
Willis, Kiyomii 31.13 Rancho Verde (SS)
Arteaga, Naima 31.54 Rancho Verde (SS)
Alagbada, Temitope 34.31 J.W. North (SS)
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barker, Breanne 1:00.07 Elsinore (SS)
Williams, Jordan 1:08.52 Elsinore (SS)
Stredic, Breija 44.35 J.W. North (SS)
Gaines, Kylani 46.95 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Martinez, Kaitlyn 48.86 Elsinore (SS)
Williams, Nyla 50.11 Heritage (SS)
Wooden, Donya 51.65 Heritage (SS)
Pham, Anna 53.58 Heritage (SS)
Glover, Asiyah 54.33 Elsinore (SS)
Moore, Sariah 54.94 Rancho Verde (SS)
Elms, Shayann 55.00 Elsinore (SS)
Neal, Paige 55.56 Rancho Verde (SS)
Jones, Mariah 56.06 Heritage (SS)
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Makayla 11:09.61 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Munoz, Nadia 11:56.40 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gonzalez, Lizet 12:32.66 Elsinore (SS)
Munoz, Lorena 12:43.90 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Rhoades, Lauren 13:01.30 J.W. North (SS)
Berg, Luella 13:09.42 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Bollenbach, Olivia 13:14.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Vega, Isabel 13:15.02 Elsinore (SS)
Salcedo, Sophee 13:39.38 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Lopez, Kaylie 13:41.15 J.W. North (SS)
Madril, Josephine 13:53.50 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Medina, Isbella 13:56.64 Heritage (SS)
Beran, Anna 14:49.90 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pena, Esmeralda 1:02.22 Heritage (SS)
Sturgis, Rylee 1:02.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Diaz, Marisol 1:02.82 Elsinore (SS)
Williams, Nyla 1:04.15 Heritage (SS)
Bollenbach, Olivia 1:05.09 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ortega, Mia 1:06.53 Rancho Verde (SS)
Sturgis, Kayla 1:12.48 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Gamboa, Aryanna 1:13.24h Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sneed, Kahleah 1:19.55 J.W. North (SS)
Kasper, Faith 59.92 Heritage (SS)
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.83 Heritage (SS)
Relay Team A 50.67 Rancho Verde (SS)
Relay Team A 50.86 J.W. North (SS)
Relay Team A 50.91 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 51.87 Elsinore (SS)
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:49.36 J.W. North (SS)
Relay Team A 4:13.86 Heritage (SS)
Relay Team A 4:25.74 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Relay Team A 4:31.79 Elsinore (SS)
Relay Team A 4:33.14 Rancho Verde (SS)
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Browne, Mackenzie 2:03.07 J.W. North (SS)
Abbott, Dominique 2:13.71 J.W. North (SS)
Cripps, Samantha 2:25.70 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Madril, Josephine 2:36.50 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Villasenor, Julissa 2:38.60 Heritage (SS)
Berg, Luella 2:42.20 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Vega, Isabel 2:43.82 Elsinore (SS)
Valenzuela, Shilah 2:44.40 Heritage (SS)
Salcedo, Sophee 2:45.00 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ferguson, Savannah 2:45.43 Elsinore (SS)
Sager, Mallory 2:46.96 Elsinore (SS)
Acosta, Valerie 2:49.03 Elsinore (SS)
Carmona, Alexandra 2:51.22 Elsinore (SS)
Sturgis, Kayla 2:51.90 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Lechner, Porscha 3:00.10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Mayorga, Marian 3:02.78 J.W. North (SS)
Alvarez, Mariana 3:03.42 J.W. North (SS)
Beran, Anna 3:08.60 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Girls Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortiz, Andreese 129-9 Heritage (SS)
Lobendahn-Washington, Talei 115-6 Rancho Verde (SS)
Schachter, Cheyenne 106-6 Elsinore (SS)
Hornbuckle, Justice 100-3 Elsinore (SS)
Aguilar, Adryann 99-9 J.W. North (SS)
Ikahihifo, Filinga 99-3 Elsinore (SS)
Pasillas, Madison 90-4 Elsinore (SS)
Glover, Samaria 81-6 Elsinore (SS)
White, Jaylene 78-9 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Hoehn, Alaura 78-1 Elsinore (SS)
Leon, Galilea 77-1 Elsinore (SS)
Ocampo, Linda 76-11 Elsinore (SS)
Flores, Alysse 71-9 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Okonkwo, Stephanie 70-3 Elsinore (SS)
Aguilar, Veronica 69-5 Elsinore (SS)
Ochoa, Jimena 69-5 Elsinore (SS)
Mazza, Amber 68-2 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ramirez, Rayleena 58-11 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Hermanson, Samantha 52-5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Arce, Andrea 48-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Orona, Kimberley 41-11 Heritage (SS)
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Varsity Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sisco, Madelyn 4-10 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Moore, Sariah 4-7 Rancho Verde (SS)
Milligan, Michelle 4-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sanchez, Dhannasshy 4-4 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Devenport, Jaioney 4-2 Rancho Verde (SS)
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Dajeauna 19-5 Elsinore (SS)
Brooks, Zoriyah 18-7 J.W. North (SS)
Steier, Crystal 16-8 Elsinore (SS)
Keli'inui, Kayla 16-7 Elsinore (SS)
Bennett, Sarai 16-4.5 Rancho Verde (SS)
Lee, Tyler 15-6.5 Elsinore (SS)
Sisco, Madelyn 15-5.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Griffin, Saniya 14-8.5 Elsinore (SS)
Milligan, Michelle 13-8 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Sanchez, Dhannasshy 13-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Green, Aniya 13-2.25 Rancho Verde (SS)
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haywood, Lilliana 8-0 Elsinore (SS)
Wilbur, Julia 7-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Zhao, Ximo 7-0 Elsinore (SS)
Bollenbach, Olivia 6-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Beran, Anna 6-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Bernier, Acacia 6-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Anaker, Kaia 6-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Bustamante, Savannah 6-0 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Madduma, Gezelle 6-0 Elsinore (SS)
Sturgis, Kayla 5-6 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortiz, Andreese 37-5 Heritage (SS)
Aguilar, Adryann 35-11 J.W. North (SS)
Schachter, Cheyenne 35-4.5 Elsinore (SS)
Hornbuckle, Justice 34-5.5 Elsinore (SS)
Jarrett, Mia 30-9 Heritage (SS)
Flores, Alysse 30-5.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Leon, Galilea 28-7 Elsinore (SS)
Pasillas, Madison 27-6 Elsinore (SS)
Glover, Samaria 27-5 Elsinore (SS)
Hoehn, Alaura 27-4 Elsinore (SS)
Ikahihifo, Tatiana 27-0 Elsinore (SS)
Ikahihifo, Filinga 26-2 Elsinore (SS)
Ocampo, Linda 25-10 Elsinore (SS)
Lobendahn-Washington, Talei 25-3 Rancho Verde (SS)
Mazza, Amber 24-2 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
White, Jaylene 23-8 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Ochoa, Jimena 23-4 Elsinore (SS)
Ramirez, Rayleena 21-2 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Orona, Kimberley 21-1 Heritage (SS)
Hermanson, Samantha 20-7.5 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
Arce, Andrea 19-2 Polytechnic - Riverside (SS)
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Dajeauna 39-3 Elsinore (SS)
Brooks, Zoriyah 34-9.5 J.W. North (SS)
Steier, Crystal 34-8.5 Elsinore (SS)
Akinbayode, Joy 31-5 Rancho Verde (SS)
Lee, Tyler 30-5.5 Elsinore (SS)
Griffin, Saniya 29-7 Elsinore (SS)
Glover, Asiyah 29-0 Elsinore (SS)
Green, Aniya 27-11 Rancho Verde (SS)
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