Woodbridge Cross Country Classic 2015

Irvine, CA


James Jones Runs Fastest Boys Time Of The Day Sep 19, 2015

James Jones of Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, comes down from altitude to run the fastest time on the day for the boys and claim a solid PR against the power house runners of California.

Woodbridge XC Classic Course Preview! Sep 18, 2015

Jake Willard takes us on a ride through the gorgeous (and fast!) Woodbridge XC course to preview the nation's most highly anticipated meet of the weekend

Live Updates from Woodbridge! Sep 19, 2015

In a joint effort from FloTrack and MileSplit, we have a crew on the ground in Irvine to cover both nights of the meet. Catch all their updates here or via Twitter!

Allie Chipman's Giant Step Forward Sep 23, 2015

Allie Chipman moves into a very early lead at St. Vrain--a race that would set the stage for still bigger things a week later. Photo by Alan Versaw.