Golden West League Cluster#1 2023

Huntington Beach, CA
Timing/Results SoCalTiming

Athlete Entries

Boys 3 Mile 183 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bollas Matias, Gustavo Westminster (SS)
Gonzalez, Aaron Katella (SS)
Sanchez, Gael Segerstrom (SS)
Hernandez Nguyen, Sergio Segerstrom (SS)
Alvarez, Luis Godinez (SS)
Bergmann, Ryan Segerstrom (SS)
Soriano, David Garden Grove (SS)
Hernandez, Said Katella (SS)
Mora, Angel Godinez (SS)
Magana, Nicholas Garden Grove (SS)
*Farias, Ayden O Segerstrom (SS)
Karimov, Riyad Ocean View (SS)
Martinez, Charlie Westminster (SS)
Clavel, Joshua Ocean View (SS)
Ochoa, Giovanni Katella (SS)
Aguilar, Saul Godinez (SS)
Escobedo, Jose Katella (SS)
Ramos, Kevin Segerstrom (SS)
Reyes , Christopher Westminster (SS)
Garcia, Fabian Segerstrom (SS)
Nguyen, Henry Garden Grove (SS)
Popoca Reyes , Diego Westminster (SS)
Von KleinSmid, Nickolas Ocean View (SS)
Vargas, Santiago Ocean View (SS)
Rebolledo Hernandez, Brayan Westminster (SS)
Cruz, Ivan Katella (SS)
Te, Kevin Segerstrom (SS)
Martinez Ulloa, Sebastian Segerstrom (SS)
Calderon, Christian Godinez (SS)
Rodriguez, Christian Segerstrom (SS)
Nguyen, Marcus Garden Grove (SS)
Ramirez, Xavier Katella (SS)
Le, Jason Garden Grove (SS)
Rodriguez, Jayko Katella (SS)
Le, Elliott Westminster (SS)
Lopez, Fabian Segerstrom (SS)
Lopez, Aaron Ocean View (SS)
Baird, Damon Ocean View (SS)
Garcia, Pablo Godinez (SS)
Alvarenga, Alex Katella (SS)
Reynoso, Issaiah Segerstrom (SS)
Lopez, Mathew Westminster (SS)
*Gonzalez, Jesus A Segerstrom (SS)
Gery, Logan Segerstrom (SS)
Nguyen, Jayden Garden Grove (SS)
Case, Elisha Ocean View (SS)
Trang, Kiet Westminster (SS)
Lopez, Saul Westminster (SS)
Gray, Jack Katella (SS)
Bautista Contreras, Jose L Segerstrom (SS)
Murillo, Nathan Segerstrom (SS)
Alegria, Joshua Godinez (SS)
Carillo, Julio Segerstrom (SS)
Duong, Ivan Westminster (SS)
Alvarez, Noah Garden Grove (SS)
Partney, Braeden Westminster (SS)
Reyes, Adrian Segerstrom (SS)
Vicente, Anthony Ocean View (SS)
Spencer, David Ocean View (SS)
Butler, Anthony Ocean View (SS)
Garcia, Bryan Godinez (SS)
Rodriguez-Garibay, Josue Segerstrom (SS)
Guevara-Jimenez, Josue Segerstrom (SS)
Guerrero, Kevin Godinez (SS)
Nguyen, William Garden Grove (SS)
Lorenzo, Christian Godinez (SS)
Guerrero, Michael Ocean View (SS)
Ramos, Leonardo Garden Grove (SS)
Young, Maury Ocean View (SS)
Cuamatzi , Nathan Westminster (SS)
Torres, Jesus Ocean View (SS)
Nguyen, Ethan Katella (SS)
Mendoza, Diego Segerstrom (SS)
Nevarez, Jacob Segerstrom (SS)
Lentz, Fabian Ocean View (SS)
Luna, Alejandro Godinez (SS)
Erazo, Kelvin Segerstrom (SS)
Quevedo , Alucard Westminster (SS)
Juarez, Raymundo Garden Grove (SS)
Perez, Michael Westminster (SS)
Vera, David A Segerstrom (SS)
Strickland, Caleb Ocean View (SS)
Cerda, Steven Ocean View (SS)
Mejia, Diego 15:06.50 Godinez (SS)
Orzuna, Edwin 16:12.90 Ocean View (SS)
Carabini, Louis 16:13.70 Ocean View (SS)
Gomez, Christopher 16:20.30 Godinez (SS)
Reynoso, Miguel A 16:24.97 Segerstrom (SS)
Caton, David 16:41.60 Segerstrom (SS)
Rodriguez, Bradley 16:48.60 Godinez (SS)
Aceves, Adrian 16:52.60 Segerstrom (SS)
Dixon, Connor 17:00.40 Ocean View (SS)
Vargas, Alfredo 17:01.20 Segerstrom (SS)
Garcia, Nathan 17:02.80 Segerstrom (SS)
Lopez, Enzo 17:05.50 Katella (SS)
Cantoran, Ricardo 17:14.50 Segerstrom (SS)
Gonzalez, Santiago 17:15.10 Segerstrom (SS)
Jardon, Isaac 17:17.10 Segerstrom (SS)
Armstrong, Alton 17:33.30 Westminster (SS)
Solis, Samuel 17:40.00 Ocean View (SS)
Cahuantzi, Angel 17:53.20 Ocean View (SS)
Chiangtong, Tyler 17:54.01 Ocean View (SS)
Marin, Marcos 17:54.37 Segerstrom (SS)
Salazar, Alexander 17:54.65 Segerstrom (SS)
Orellana, Derrick 18:00.84 Godinez (SS)
Maldonado, Christopher 18:07.30 Katella (SS)
Chiprez, David 18:16.43 Godinez (SS)
Mendoza, Miguel 18:31.48 Godinez (SS)
Staros, Troy 18:31.60 Ocean View (SS)
Martinez, Dylan 18:49.70 Ocean View (SS)
Cahuantzi, Harold 18:51.20 Ocean View (SS)
Magana, Arturo 18:53.10 Godinez (SS)
Lopez, Diego 18:58.00 Garden Grove (SS)
Alba, Pablo 18:58.20 Garden Grove (SS)
Santiago, Jonathan 18:58.20 Segerstrom (SS)
Ton, Tu 18:59.64 Ocean View (SS)
Pena, Andy 19:00.20 Godinez (SS)
Velazquez, Santiago 19:01.60 Segerstrom (SS)
Varillas, Yazel 19:03.30 Segerstrom (SS)
Alcocer, Daniel 19:04.00 Godinez (SS)
Sanchez, Isaac 19:09.40 Segerstrom (SS)
Pena, Adam 19:11.70 Garden Grove (SS)
Lenart, Ryan 19:13.70 Ocean View (SS)
Lara, Sebastian 19:14.69 Westminster (SS)
Hernandez, Brandon 19:16.54 Katella (SS)
Flores, Emmanuel 19:16.80 Ocean View (SS)
Lopez, Justin 19:20.92 Segerstrom (SS)
Perez, Gilbert 19:22.75 Ocean View (SS)
Leon, Oscar 19:24.83 Ocean View (SS)
Villegas, David 19:32.10 Segerstrom (SS)
Solis, Armando 19:33.05 Ocean View (SS)
Blanco, Ivan 19:33.70 Godinez (SS)
Avila, Alex 19:34.20 Godinez (SS)
Dam, Nathan 19:37.90 Garden Grove (SS)
Lopes, Luca 19:39.60 Segerstrom (SS)
Medina, Edden 19:41.53 Godinez (SS)
Jacobo, Alejandro 19:47.13 Segerstrom (SS)
Vargas, Erick 19:47.59 Ocean View (SS)
Ho, Henry 19:49.30 Garden Grove (SS)
Agustin, Bryan 19:50.10 Godinez (SS)
Salmeron, Wilmer 19:56.79 Godinez (SS)
Vargas, Aaron 20:12.70 Segerstrom (SS)
Morales, Enrique 20:14.10 Ocean View (SS)
Memije, Marcos 20:14.35 Godinez (SS)
Ramos, Cesar 20:16.30 Godinez (SS)
Urrieta, Esteban 20:20.30 Katella (SS)
Morales, Leonel 20:21.27 Katella (SS)
Sexton, Jack 20:25.78 Ocean View (SS)
Ramirez, Luis 20:30.11 Segerstrom (SS)
Contreras, Marcus 20:35.00 Segerstrom (SS)
Valle, Mario 20:36.17 Katella (SS)
Ngo, Apollo 20:41.00 Garden Grove (SS)
Parra, Salvador 20:44.70 Godinez (SS)
Sandoval, Hector 20:48.49 Garden Grove (SS)
Espinoza, Marley 20:50.44 Katella (SS)
Nichols, Vincent 20:52.44 Ocean View (SS)
Salgado, Aidan 20:53.70 Godinez (SS)
Huynh, Brandon 21:18.83 Garden Grove (SS)
Guerrero, Jared 21:19.58 Segerstrom (SS)
Guillen, Allan J 21:27.30 Segerstrom (SS)
Nguyen, Matthew 21:28.30 Westminster (SS)
Villagran, Jairo 21:36.75 Katella (SS)
Tillman, Remington 21:37.52 Katella (SS)
Soriano, Dante 21:48.29 Godinez (SS)
Nguyen, Darren 21:49.98 Garden Grove (SS)
Castro, Jesus 22:00.24 Godinez (SS)
Liu, Justin 22:23.06 Garden Grove (SS)
Miller, Dylan 22:29.30 Ocean View (SS)
Birru, Saketh 22:40.66 Katella (SS)
Zahn, Max 22:44.50 Garden Grove (SS)
Ramos, Anthony 22:55.56 Godinez (SS)
Cerda, Tim 23:07.61 Garden Grove (SS)
Nguyen, Danny 23:08.94 Westminster (SS)
Villafuerte, Bruce 23:51.57 Godinez (SS)
Nguyen, Chilton 24:08.00 Garden Grove (SS)
Bernal, Alejandro 24:59.57 Garden Grove (SS)
Velazquez, Ricardo 25:28.90 Garden Grove (SS)
Millan, Yurem 25:31.30 Garden Grove (SS)
Jimenez, Sariel 26:05.60 Ocean View (SS)
Sanchez, Steven 26:39.97 Garden Grove (SS)
Luis, Josue 27:19.20 Godinez (SS)
Ortiz, Brandon 28:08.77 Ocean View (SS)
Gudino, Dylan 29:47.00 Segerstrom (SS)
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Girls 3 Mile 121 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Van, Natalie Garden Grove (SS)
Mendez, Marlin Segerstrom (SS)
Penuelas, Emily Segerstrom (SS)
Rivera, Andrea Katella (SS)
Munoz, Natilly Westminster (SS)
Lopez, Ariana Godinez (SS)
Rodriguez, Hayden Segerstrom (SS)
Truong, Kathy Garden Grove (SS)
Garcia, Cassandra Segerstrom (SS)
Hernandez Arteaga, Edelyn Segerstrom (SS)
Pena Perez, Fatima Godinez (SS)
Gonzalez, Kay-lani Segerstrom (SS)
Cortez, Diana Westminster (SS)
Garcia, Kayla Godinez (SS)
Delgado , Ashantie Westminster (SS)
Reynolds, Cassandra Garden Grove (SS)
Montano, Valeria Segerstrom (SS)
Espinoza, Andrea Garden Grove (SS)
Perez, Shaila Segerstrom (SS)
Caballero, Genesis Godinez (SS)
Vo, Nathalie Westminster (SS)
Vazquez, Alexis Segerstrom (SS)
Francois, Calessa Garden Grove (SS)
Julian, Basny Segerstrom (SS)
Lozacruz, Andrea Segerstrom (SS)
Marquez, Yullisa Godinez (SS)
Vega, Mia Segerstrom (SS)
Estrada , Sherlyn Westminster (SS)
Bautista, Lissette A Segerstrom (SS)
Gomez, Sofia Godinez (SS)
Dang, Angelina Westminster (SS)
Hernandez, Yuridia Garden Grove (SS)
Verduzco, Andrea Segerstrom (SS)
Hernandez, Sheely Garden Grove (SS)
Reyna Aguilar, Maya Segerstrom (SS)
Vicente Mendoza, Fatima Segerstrom (SS)
Vivanco, Marcell Garden Grove (SS)
Cahuantzi, Caleigh Ocean View (SS)
Calderon, Liliana Godinez (SS)
Ulloa, Harlow Westminster (SS)
Salgado, zuri Garden Grove (SS)
Castro, Amely Segerstrom (SS)
Ortiz, Julieta Katella (SS)
Ortiz, Priscilla Segerstrom (SS)
Moreno, Eunice Godinez (SS)
Ramirez, Kimberly Katella (SS)
Gonzalez, Olivia A Segerstrom (SS)
De La Puente, Jacquelyne Godinez (SS)
Gonzalez, Cristina Westminster (SS)
Munoz, Jacssiry Ocean View (SS)
Guadarrama, Lindsay Segerstrom (SS)
Corona, Khilani Garden Grove (SS)
Ramirez Escarcega, Cynthia M Segerstrom (SS)
Escarcega, Brenda G Segerstrom (SS)
Aguilar , Kimberly Westminster (SS)
Lemus, Jennifer Ocean View (SS)
Arechiga, Emma Godinez (SS)
Ramirez , Luna Westminster (SS)
Brito, Cristina 19:18.00 Ocean View (SS)
Hernandez, Pamela 19:20.26 Segerstrom (SS)
Alba, Melanie 19:33.82 Garden Grove (SS)
Contreras, Samantha N 19:39.80 Segerstrom (SS)
Arrillaga, Yuliana 20:10.90 Ocean View (SS)
Padilla, Kiara 20:15.60 Segerstrom (SS)
Bogarin Candela, Mia 20:27.80 Segerstrom (SS)
Solis, Dayanara 20:44.60 Segerstrom (SS)
Elizalde, Isabella 21:04.36 Garden Grove (SS)
Tolento, Lailani 21:28.40 Segerstrom (SS)
Hile, Hannah 21:37.65 Ocean View (SS)
Miranda, Melyssa 21:54.90 Katella (SS)
Maldonado, Sheccid 21:55.40 Katella (SS)
Jimenez, Allyn 21:58.00 Segerstrom (SS)
Acosta, Jocelyn 22:03.60 Katella (SS)
Mejia, Marely 22:06.10 Godinez (SS)
Babikian, Abigail 22:27.70 Ocean View (SS)
Garcia, Paula R 22:34.26 Segerstrom (SS)
Rendon, Linda 22:37.50 Segerstrom (SS)
Vicente, Alba 22:49.65 Godinez (SS)
Grant, Isabella 23:09.06 Katella (SS)
Garcia, Aylien 23:09.10 Godinez (SS)
Dominguez, Danielle 23:10.39 Segerstrom (SS)
Tram, Elaine 23:22.40 Garden Grove (SS)
Truong, Emma 23:27.25 Ocean View (SS)
Quiroz, Arely 23:40.12 Ocean View (SS)
Mendiola, Ashley 23:42.20 Godinez (SS)
Melendez, Esmeralda 23:46.28 Ocean View (SS)
Garcia, Cindy 23:51.30 Segerstrom (SS)
De Allende, Alina 23:54.20 Segerstrom (SS)
Flores, Evelyn 23:57.80 Garden Grove (SS)
Silva, Daisy 24:08.01 Katella (SS)
Rios, Danielle 24:15.10 Garden Grove (SS)
Flores, Isabella 24:22.73 Segerstrom (SS)
Avina, Karen 24:30.99 Ocean View (SS)
Delgado Go, Natalia 24:33.70 Katella (SS)
Tijera, Jocelyn 24:38.40 Katella (SS)
Oliveros, Jasmin 24:46.50 Godinez (SS)
Flores, Angela M 25:08.20 Segerstrom (SS)
Hernandez, Edna 25:08.51 Segerstrom (SS)
Robles, Nataly 25:12.30 Godinez (SS)
Hernandez, Giselle 25:13.24 Garden Grove (SS)
Cancino, Jocelyn 25:22.20 Segerstrom (SS)
Aguilar, Kimberly 25:24.13 Godinez (SS)
Covarrubias, Isabella N 25:28.70 Segerstrom (SS)
Tolento, Marley 25:34.79 Segerstrom (SS)
Sanchez, Bryana A 25:51.13 Segerstrom (SS)
Flores, Nelly 26:08.20 Garden Grove (SS)
Ross, Joanna 26:44.50 Westminster (SS)
Guevara Jimenez, Daniela 26:55.28 Segerstrom (SS)
Garcia, Darla A 27:04.60 Segerstrom (SS)
Vargas, Leslie 27:21.30 Ocean View (SS)
Gonzalez, Kali 27:29.80 Ocean View (SS)
Ninh, Sophia 27:37.99 Garden Grove (SS)
Godoy, Brianna 27:42.10 Westminster (SS)
Castaneda, Daniela 27:50.50 Westminster (SS)
Salinas, Karissa A 27:53.70 Segerstrom (SS)
Ortiz, Juliana 27:54.34 Katella (SS)
Angulo, Samantha 28:14.80 Godinez (SS)
Tran, Hannah 28:57.50 Garden Grove (SS)
Phan, Angela 29:08.50 Westminster (SS)
Orozco, Valeria 29:54.24 Godinez (SS)
Hernandez, Leah 30:59.73 Garden Grove (SS)
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