Amador Valley Spring Fling 2023

Pleasanton, CA
Timing/Results Diablo Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
York, Justin 11.40 Livermore (NC)
Johnson, Dominic 11.46 Livermore (NC)
Flores, Diego 11.50 Livermore (NC)
Gavino, Isaac 11.53 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Payne, Zach 11.56 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Salehi, Yousef 11.89 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Ling, Ethan 11.92 Amador Valley (NC)
Baesemann, Conor 11.93 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Tucker, Miles 11.95 Amador Valley (NC)
Moore, Adam 11.96 Dublin (NC)
Gyamfi, Gabriel 12.01 Amador Valley (NC)
Zhou, Allen 12.02 Amador Valley (NC)
Sigua, Carson 12.05 Amador Valley (NC)
Thomas, Benjamin 12.07 Dublin (NC)
Mitra, Saagnik 12.13 Amador Valley (NC)
Hoffman, Holden 12.14 Livermore (NC)
Hu, Michael 12.31 Amador Valley (NC)
Misra, Viraj 12.37 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Maddox, Nathaniel 12.43 Dublin (NC)
Herbert, Cormac 12.44 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Islas, Gustavo 12.45 Amador Valley (NC)
Gilligan, Jacob 12.59 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
zarate, devin 12.61 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kwan, Stuart 12.66 Dublin (NC)
Chiu, Preston 12.79 Dublin (NC)
Green, Elliot 12.82 Amador Valley (NC)
Raja, Karthikram 12.91 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Liang, Ethan 12.91 Amador Valley (NC)
Nelson, Jayvin 12.97 Dublin (NC)
Tahiliani, Aarush 13.03 Amador Valley (NC)
Guo, Yuliang 13.06 Dublin (NC)
Gowdra, Prateek 13.09 Dublin (NC)
Musset, Jayden 13.11 Dublin (NC)
Mao, Andrew 13.12 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fungula, Nehemiah 13.18 Amador Valley (NC)
Lynn, James 13.25 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kamath, Aditya 13.26 Amador Valley (NC)
Amare, Brook 13.28 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Guingao, Josh 13.32 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Olebe, Anthony 13.35 Amador Valley (NC)
Lee, Aslan 13.38 Dublin (NC)
Talaulikar, Yash 13.40 Amador Valley (NC)
Bejjanki, Akhil 13.44 Amador Valley (NC)
Fletcher, Jason 13.47 Amador Valley (NC)
Agarwal, Krishnav 13.47 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Pagtakhan, Soren 13.54 Amador Valley (NC)
Kanna, Dhruva 13.70 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Carter, Luke 13.82 Amador Valley (NC)
Eilbert, Harrison 13.88 Amador Valley (NC)
Kakkera, Srijan 13.94 Amador Valley (NC)
Soares, Andrew 13.96 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Zavala, Sebastian 14.04 Dublin (NC)
Kim, Kiwook 14.14 Amador Valley (NC)
Martha, Nikhil 14.28 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Sharda, Krish 14.48 Amador Valley (NC)
Jorapur, Sauravh 14.67 Amador Valley (NC)
Mandal, Srijon 14.79 Amador Valley (NC)
Myers, Thomas 14.81 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Wong, Dylan 14.98 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Mehta, Pratham 15.08 Amador Valley (NC)
Belgal, Amogh 15.08 Amador Valley (NC)
Song, Yiheng 15.43 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Salmon, Graydon 15.47 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Paliwal, Arnesh 16.50 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Munshi, Aaryan 16.52 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Praveen, Rishabh 16.63 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raja, Karthikram Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Featherstone, Jordan 16.42 Livermore (NC)
Go, Isaac 16.92 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Chaudhary, Muhammad Hassaan 17.83 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fidone, Giovanni 17.90 Amador Valley (NC)
Beckley, Daniel 18.70 Amador Valley (NC)
Finn, Desmond 20.10 Amador Valley (NC)
Yang, Ethan 22.33 Amador Valley (NC)
Carter, Luke 23.59 Amador Valley (NC)
Pranadi, Skyler 24.00h Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ganger, Mihir Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Lozares, Elijah 4:50.85 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Raju, Sattvik 4:55.48 Amador Valley (NC)
Singh, Aarav 4:57.64 Amador Valley (NC)
Holdren, Brady 4:59.77 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fenstermacher, Liam 5:09.78 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Arun, Dev 5:10.63 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Gondkoff, Jared 5:14.82 Amador Valley (NC)
Rakesh, Janav 5:15.38 Amador Valley (NC)
Mehta, Ronit 5:15.76 Amador Valley (NC)
Gonzalez, Richard 5:17.99 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Stromme, Connor 5:23.97 Livermore (NC)
Emig, Jonas 5:25.13 Amador Valley (NC)
Wong, Evan 5:25.73 Amador Valley (NC)
Lynn, Jacob 5:27.81 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Klokkenga, Alex 5:28.82 Amador Valley (NC)
Mullins, Noah 5:34.27 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Thomas, Aidan 5:34.33 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Sanzon, Dylan 5:40.50 Oakland Military Institute (NC)
Chen, Dennis 5:43.54 Amador Valley (NC)
Puzder, Kyle 5:45.05 Livermore (NC)
Wady, Liam 5:52.00h Oakland Military Institute (NC)
Mejia, Jessi 5:54.33 Amador Valley (NC)
Agnihotri, Rishit 5:58.67 Amador Valley (NC)
Guerra, Jack 5:58.75 Amador Valley (NC)
Venegas, Diego 6:06.00h Oakland Military Institute (NC)
Ko-So, Brandon 6:12.65 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jakubowicz, Benjamin 6:16.93 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Lee, Taehwan 6:18.15 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
George, Shehan Thomas 6:48.34 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Finn, Dashell 7:02.80 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salmon, Graydon Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Agarwal, Krishnav Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kachare, Shon Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Song, Yiheng Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kanna, Dhruva Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Lynn, James Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
York, Justin 23.56 Livermore (NC)
McPherson, Declan 23.72 Amador Valley (NC)
Payne, Zach 23.80 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Johnson, Dominic 23.84 Livermore (NC)
Arguello, Matthew 23.94 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Gavino, Isaac 24.12 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Salehi, Yousef 24.19 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Flores, Diego 24.44 Livermore (NC)
Tucker, Miles 24.71 Amador Valley (NC)
Zhou, Allen 24.81 Amador Valley (NC)
Ling, Ethan 24.85 Amador Valley (NC)
Mitra, Saagnik 25.01 Amador Valley (NC)
Hoffman, Holden 25.11 Livermore (NC)
Baesemann, Conor 25.16 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Gyamfi, Gabriel 25.20 Amador Valley (NC)
Hu, Michael 25.32 Amador Valley (NC)
Samanta, Reyansh 25.41 Amador Valley (NC)
Sigua, Carson 25.51 Amador Valley (NC)
Misra, Viraj 25.96 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kundu, Shriyan 26.31 Amador Valley (NC)
JI, Andrew 26.40 Amador Valley (NC)
Gilligan, Jacob 26.53 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fungula, Nehemiah 26.68 Amador Valley (NC)
Tahiliani, Aarush 26.77 Amador Valley (NC)
Mao, Andrew 26.83 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Talaulikar, Yash 26.84 Amador Valley (NC)
Herbert, Cormac 26.94 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Amare, Brook 27.23 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fletcher, Jason 27.39 Amador Valley (NC)
Kamath, Aditya 27.89 Amador Valley (NC)
Kakkera, Srijan 27.94 Amador Valley (NC)
Bejjanki, Akhil 27.98 Amador Valley (NC)
Eilbert, Harrison 28.32 Amador Valley (NC)
Guingao, Josh 28.58 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Soares, Andrew 28.78 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kim, Kiwook 29.52 Amador Valley (NC)
Martha, Nikhil 29.61 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Sharda, Krish 30.20 Amador Valley (NC)
Mandal, Srijon 30.79 Amador Valley (NC)
Mehta, Pratham 31.74 Amador Valley (NC)
Wong, Dylan 31.91 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Belgal, Amogh 32.23 Amador Valley (NC)
Myers, Thomas 34.20 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Paliwal, Arnesh 35.72 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Munshi, Aaryan 36.01 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Praveen, Rishabh 37.13 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Go, Isaac 43.59 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fidone, Giovanni 44.02 Amador Valley (NC)
Featherstone, Jordan 44.30 Livermore (NC)
Chaudhary, Muhammad Hassaan 44.94 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Beckley, Daniel 45.63 Amador Valley (NC)
Finn, Desmond 49.13 Amador Valley (NC)
Pranadi, Skyler 51.02 Amador Valley (NC)
Carter, Luke 53.44 Amador Valley (NC)
Yang, Ethan 53.67 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mak, Ryken 10:04.89 Amador Valley (NC)
Lozares, Elijah 10:34.14 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Bauman, Kurtis 10:35.83 Amador Valley (NC)
Laredo, Diego 11:35.94 Amador Valley (NC)
Gonzalez, Richard 12:11.26 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Inman, Grant 12:20.00 Amador Valley (NC)
Thomas, Aidan 13:01.15 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Agarwal, Krishnav 1:00.30 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Mao, Andrew 1:00.63 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
JI, Andrew 1:01.06 Amador Valley (NC)
Gilligan, Jacob 1:01.32 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Soares, Andrew 1:01.44 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Herbert, Cormac 1:02.51 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Zhang, Kelvin 1:02.97 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Lynn, James 1:03.34 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kanna, Dhruva 1:03.61 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Martha, Nikhil 1:04.17 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Guingao, Josh 1:05.76 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Wong, Dylan 1:09.50 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Salmon, Graydon 1:10.56 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Song, Yiheng 1:10.59 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Myers, Thomas 1:15.80 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Praveen, Rishabh 1:20.06 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Paliwal, Arnesh 1:23.77 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Munshi, Aaryan 1:25.90 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Payne, Zach 51.58 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
McPherson, Declan 51.79 Amador Valley (NC)
Arguello, Matthew 52.83 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kim, Thomas 53.59 Amador Valley (NC)
Salehi, Yousef 53.80 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Baesemann, Conor 54.85 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Zong, Weston 56.16 Amador Valley (NC)
Chaudhary, Muhammad Hassaan 56.42 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kundu, Shriyan 56.61 Amador Valley (NC)
Samanta, Reyansh 57.03 Amador Valley (NC)
Misra, Viraj 58.01 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.20h Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Relay Team A 45.31 Amador Valley (NC)
Relay Team A 45.31 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:28.84 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Relay Team A 3:36.10 Amador Valley (NC)
Relay Team A 3:36.10 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:04.18 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Relay Team A 8:04.18 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Relay Team A 8:15.00h Amador Valley (NC)
Relay Team A 8:55.00h Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ganger, Mihir Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Lynn, Jacob Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Hekl, Thomas 2:02.30 Amador Valley (NC)
Kachare, Shon 2:06.23 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Versteeg, Aiden 2:11.49 Amador Valley (NC)
Holdren, Brady 2:12.57 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Ding, Ethan 2:13.81 Amador Valley (NC)
Ilkal, Azim 2:16.90 Amador Valley (NC)
Gondkoff, Jared 2:20.05 Amador Valley (NC)
Rakesh, Janav 2:20.13 Amador Valley (NC)
Chudasama, Aditya 2:20.15 Amador Valley (NC)
Mehta, Ronit 2:22.56 Amador Valley (NC)
Arun, Dev 2:26.66 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Choi, Justin 2:28.68 Amador Valley (NC)
Stromme, Connor 2:28.98 Livermore (NC)
Chen, Dennis 2:29.38 Amador Valley (NC)
Belgal, Soham 2:30.60 Amador Valley (NC)
Wong, Evan 2:31.29 Amador Valley (NC)
Mullins, Noah 2:32.25 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Mejia, Jessi 2:32.59 Amador Valley (NC)
Zhang, Kelvin 2:35.12 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Pottabathini, Raghav 2:37.67 Amador Valley (NC)
Puzder, Kyle 2:38.62 Livermore (NC)
Lee, Taehwan 2:40.55 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Ko-So, Brandon 2:42.37 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Agnihotri, Rishit 2:42.82 Amador Valley (NC)
Guerra, Jack 2:44.70 Amador Valley (NC)
Jakubowicz, Benjamin 2:52.08 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Shah, Aarav 2:53.69 Amador Valley (NC)
George, Shehan Thomas 3:00.36 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Finn, Dashell 3:03.06 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys Discus Throw 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matteucci, Stefano 139-0 Granada (NC)
Kapadia, Aarav 113-4 Amador Valley (NC)
Soares, Shane 113-0 Amador Valley (NC)
Freitas, Joseph 110-10 Granada (NC)
Hernan, Connor 109-4 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Strait, Kyle 107-11 Granada (NC)
Yang, Christopher 102-10 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Williams, Colton 100-5 Granada (NC)
McCarn, Quinn 99-1 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jennings, Colin 98-8 Amador Valley (NC)
Jennings, Colin 98-8 Amador Valley (NC)
Duarte, Cal 96-0 Granada (NC)
Nestorov, Boryl 94-1 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kowalski, Joseph 90-7 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Viri, Joseph 88-0 Granada (NC)
Gray, Dylan 87-2 Granada (NC)
Kerezsi, Dawson 86-9 Granada (NC)
Harris, Lael 85-10 Amador Valley (NC)
Vargas, Joseph 82-10 Granada (NC)
Wetzig, Jack 75-11 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Durbala, Nicholas 72-6 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Cassiere, Zayan 67-0 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Moreno, Raul 66-8 Granada (NC)
Howell-Peters, Nasir 64-6 Amador Valley (NC)
Gouvaia, Travis 62-8 Granada (NC)
DeBenning, Luke 50-2 Granada (NC)
Gupta, Sumay 48-2 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Matteucci, Giancarlo 48-1 Granada (NC)
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HS Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terpstra, Hudson 5-6 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Duncan, William 5-6 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Green, Elliot 5-5 Amador Valley (NC)
Raja, Karthikram 5-2 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Amare, Brook 5-0 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Islas, Gustavo 4-10 Amador Valley (NC)
Ho, Brendan 4-2 Amador Valley (NC)
Pagtakhan, Soren Amador Valley (NC)
Nguyen, Ryan Amador Valley (NC)
Salmon, Graydon Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Boys Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maddox, Nathaniel 20-5.5 Dublin (NC)
Moore, Adam 20-2.5 Dublin (NC)
Chiu, Preston 19-7.75 Dublin (NC)
zarate, devin 19-5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Green, Elliot 18-8 Amador Valley (NC)
Thomas, Benjamin 18-4.25 Dublin (NC)
Arguello, Matthew 18-3.5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Gowdra, Prateek 17-11 Dublin (NC)
Nelson, Jayvin 17-7.25 Dublin (NC)
Islas, Gustavo 17-6 Amador Valley (NC)
Guo, Yuliang 17-5.25 Dublin (NC)
Kwan, Stuart 17-4.5 Dublin (NC)
Musset, Jayden 17-0 Dublin (NC)
Sagare, Vedant 16-8 Dublin (NC)
Olebe, Anthony 16-6.25 Amador Valley (NC)
Liang, Ethan 16-3 Amador Valley (NC)
Zavala, Sebastian 16-0 Dublin (NC)
Rakapali, Rishit 15-11.75 Amador Valley (NC)
Accornero, Nicholas 15-8 Amador Valley (NC)
Pagtakhan, Soren 15-6 Amador Valley (NC)
Lee, Aslan 15-1.75 Dublin (NC)
Nguyen, Ryan 15-0 Amador Valley (NC)
Yang, Ethan 13-3 Amador Valley (NC)
Ho, Brendan Amador Valley (NC)
Amare, Brook Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Terpstra, Hudson Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Boys Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duncan, William 13-0 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Accornero, Nicholas 7-6 Amador Valley (NC)
Rakapali, Rishit 7-6 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Boys Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matteucci, Stefano 48-5.75 Granada (NC)
Kerezsi, Dawson 44-4 Granada (NC)
Duarte, Cal 43-6 Granada (NC)
Yang, Christopher 41-8 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Soares, Shane 41-7 Amador Valley (NC)
Moreno, Raul 39-11.5 Granada (NC)
Kapadia, Aarav 38-5 Amador Valley (NC)
Hernan, Connor 38-3 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Strait, Kyle 37-10 Granada (NC)
Kowalski, Joseph 37-0 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Vargas, Joseph 35-6 Granada (NC)
Harris, Lael 34-11 Amador Valley (NC)
McCarn, Quinn 34-8.25 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jennings, Colin 34-3.5 Amador Valley (NC)
Jennings, Colin 34-3.5 Amador Valley (NC)
Williams, Colton 33-1.5 Granada (NC)
Freitas, Joseph 33-1 Granada (NC)
Nestorov, Boryl 32-11 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Viri, Joseph 31-8 Granada (NC)
Cassiere, Zayan 31-6.5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Wetzig, Jack 30-9 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Gray, Dylan 30-1 Granada (NC)
Howell-Peters, Nasir 29-7 Amador Valley (NC)
Durbala, Nicholas 28-3 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
DeBenning, Luke 26-8 Granada (NC)
Gouvaia, Travis 24-4 Granada (NC)
Matteucci, Giancarlo 21-3 Granada (NC)
Gupta, Sumay 20-11 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Boys Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Elliot 39-10 Amador Valley (NC)
Chiu, Preston 39-10 Dublin (NC)
zarate, devin 39-10 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Thomas, Benjamin 38-8.5 Dublin (NC)
Liang, Ethan 38-7 Amador Valley (NC)
Raja, Karthikram 37-8.5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Sagare, Vedant 37-4 Dublin (NC)
Islas, Gustavo 35-9 Amador Valley (NC)
Nelson, Jayvin 35-8 Dublin (NC)
Gowdra, Prateek 35-7.5 Dublin (NC)
Pagtakhan, Soren 35-3.5 Amador Valley (NC)
Kwan, Stuart 35-2.75 Dublin (NC)
Musset, Jayden 34-0 Dublin (NC)
Guo, Yuliang 33-3.75 Dublin (NC)
Olebe, Anthony 32-0 Amador Valley (NC)
Nguyen, Ryan 29-0.5 Amador Valley (NC)
Ho, Brendan 25-1.25 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kamble, Aditi 13.31 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Varo, Ava 13.40 Dublin (NC)
Williams, Nyla 13.53 Dublin (NC)
Lam, Megan 13.67 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Diwan, Reva 13.81 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fraher, Elizabeth 13.85 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Townsend, Lesley 14.01 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
San, Emma 14.05 Dublin (NC)
Tjon, Jenna 14.31 Dublin (NC)
Feng, Kiki 14.33 Dublin (NC)
Chow, Jada 14.44 Dublin (NC)
Claitman, Alison 14.44 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Duong, Hien 14.49 Dublin (NC)
Donnelly, Siofra 14.50 Dublin (NC)
Contreras, Madeleine 14.54 Granada (NC)
Hong, Michelle 14.59 Dublin (NC)
Randhawa, Alyssa 14.61 Granada (NC)
McHugh, Avery 14.61 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Santos, Helen 14.65 Amador Valley (NC)
Saini, Simran 14.76 Amador Valley (NC)
Charles, Ava 14.94 Amador Valley (NC)
Kim, Anna 14.98 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Harlan, Joryn 15.03 Granada (NC)
Yeung, Emma 15.47 Amador Valley (NC)
Bondarenko, Brooke 15.48 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Bevers, Marisa 15.61 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Rousta, Fatima 15.63 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Tawdros, Marinela 15.81 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Lee, Anastasia 15.83 Dublin (NC)
Attaluri, Brahmi 16.01 Amador Valley (NC)
Moore, Hattie 16.15 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kumar, Neily 16.29 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Hernandez, Yatziri 16.54 Amador Valley (NC)
Mallikarjuna, Ruthika 16.92 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Deshpande, Nirmohee 17.02 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Praveen, Anushka 17.09 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Venkataraghavan, Neha 17.31 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jain, Anisha 17.48 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Veerapaneni, Deiksha 17.56 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Tian, Ella 17.84 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jha, Pragya 20.27 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walston, Savannah Granada (NC)
Vannoni, Sara 17.04 Amador Valley (NC)
Xu, Alisia 17.38 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kamble, Aditi 18.13 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Chang, Celine 19.35 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Parker, Laney 19.45 Amador Valley (NC)
Burleson, Kaitlin 19.60 Amador Valley (NC)
Randhawa, Alyssa 20.00 Granada (NC)
Bertolo, Sophia 20.43 Granada (NC)
Harlan, Joryn 21.24 Granada (NC)
Lindquist, Emily 22.00h Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Espino, Katelyn 5:12.89 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Zuniga, Milla 5:51.13 Amador Valley (NC)
Nishikubo, Erin 6:05.85 Livermore (NC)
Singh, Arshiya 6:14.36 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Rodgers, Autumn 6:32.40 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Dong, Yu Xin 6:32.98 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Gawel, Ruth 6:33.49 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Heise, Eliah 6:33.70 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
DiazVelazquez, Darlin 6:34.23 Oakland Military Institute (NC)
Tran, Jennifer 6:40.49 Oakland Military Institute (NC)
McManus, Stephanie 7:24.42 Amador Valley (NC)
Sam, Racheal 8:00.00h Oakland Military Institute (NC)
Urquijo, Xaire 8:00.00h Oakland Military Institute (NC)
BenavidesCamacho, Emely 8:00.00h Oakland Military Institute (NC)
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tawdros, Marinela Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Veerapaneni, Deiksha Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Mallikarjuna, Ruthika Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Praveen, Anushka Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Van Horn, Claire 27.36 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fraher, Elizabeth 28.66 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Diwan, Reva 29.15 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
House, Rianna 29.32 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
McHugh, Avery 30.18 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Saini, Simran 30.78 Amador Valley (NC)
Claitman, Alison 30.79 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Parker, Sylvia 31.10 Amador Valley (NC)
Kim, Anna 31.19 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Charles, Ava 31.63 Amador Valley (NC)
Bevers, Marisa 32.07 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Attaluri, Brahmi 33.69 Amador Valley (NC)
Bondarenko, Brooke 34.51 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Moore, Hattie 34.62 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kumar, Neily 34.79 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Deshpande, Nirmohee 37.03 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Venkataraghavan, Neha 37.04 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Tian, Ella 38.17 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jain, Anisha 38.18 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jha, Pragya 44.14 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lindquist, Emily 1:04.00h Amador Valley (NC)
Hernandez, Yatziri 1:09.07 Amador Valley (NC)
Xu, Alisia 47.79 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kamble, Aditi 50.70 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Lebreton, Lia 52.69 Amador Valley (NC)
Parker, Laney 52.96 Amador Valley (NC)
Contreras, Madeleine 54.52 Granada (NC)
Burleson, Kaitlin 54.74 Amador Valley (NC)
Bertolo, Sophia 55.76 Granada (NC)
Chang, Celine 56.04 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tsai, Jessica 13:10.37 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Van Horn, Claire 1:00.47 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Hempel, Lanie 1:02.05 Livermore (NC)
Walston, Savannah 1:05.00h Granada (NC)
Diwan, Reva 1:05.26 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fraher, Elizabeth 1:06.87 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
McHugh, Avery 1:07.70 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Izuhara, Lisa 1:08.81 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Claitman, Alison 1:09.57 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Chen, Katherine 1:12.00h Amador Valley (NC)
Kim, Anna 1:12.19 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Parker, Sylvia 1:12.19 Amador Valley (NC)
Bevers, Marisa 1:13.90 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kumar, Neily 1:14.40 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Bondarenko, Brooke 1:14.72 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Zuniga, Milla 1:14.92 Amador Valley (NC)
Tawdros, Marinela 1:15.63 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Islas, Jimena 1:15.83 Amador Valley (NC)
Rousta, Fatima 1:17.31 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Moore, Hattie 1:17.56 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Venkataraghavan, Neha 1:22.70 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Praveen, Anushka 1:23.58 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
McManus, Stephanie 1:23.87 Amador Valley (NC)
Deshpande, Nirmohee 1:23.94 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jain, Anisha 1:26.84 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Veerapaneni, Deiksha 1:27.83 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Tian, Ella 1:29.12 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Mallikarjuna, Ruthika 1:30.71 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Jha, Pragya 1:47.44 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.00 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Relay Team A 56.43 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:16.96 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Relay Team A 4:31.76 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:41.18 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Espino, Katelyn 2:22.92 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Hempel, Lanie 2:31.37 Livermore (NC)
Nishikubo, Erin 2:41.57 Livermore (NC)
Yoon, Heejee 2:43.03 Amador Valley (NC)
Izuhara, Lisa 2:43.34 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Singh, Arshiya 2:45.73 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Heise, Eliah 2:54.41 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Gawel, Ruth 2:55.06 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Rodgers, Autumn 2:59.89 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls Discus Throw 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCarn, Reagan 77-0 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Khansa, Nora 76-7 Amador Valley (NC)
Branda, Jasmine 74-3 Granada (NC)
Taulbee, Claire 71-1 Granada (NC)
Fender, Hannah Autumn 70-10 Granada (NC)
Li, Agnes 69-7 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Kraft, Eleanor 67-8 Granada (NC)
De Frenchi, Sophie 57-5 Granada (NC)
Zou, Jiaen 54-10 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Colin, Alyssa 50-5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Black, Parker 48-5 Granada (NC)
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HS Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Lesley 5-2 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Brongiel, Kaitlyn 4-8 Granada (NC)
Salonga, Katherine 4-7 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Santos, Helen 4-4 Amador Valley (NC)
Patterson, Ella 4-4 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Armaz, Hannah 3-8 Granada (NC)
Islas, Jimena Amador Valley (NC)
Chen, Katherine Amador Valley (NC)
Min, Ella Amador Valley (NC)
Utova, Daria Amador Valley (NC)
Yeung, Emma Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Girls Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Lesley 16-5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Williams, Nyla 16-4 Dublin (NC)
Lam, Megan 15-7 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Feng, Kiki 15-6.25 Dublin (NC)
Salonga, Katherine 15-3 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Beck, Elizabeth 14-11.5 Granada (NC)
Santos, Helen 14-8.5 Amador Valley (NC)
San, Emma 14-8 Dublin (NC)
Brongiel, Kaitlyn 14-7 Granada (NC)
Tjon, Jenna 14-4.5 Dublin (NC)
Hong, Michelle 14-3.5 Dublin (NC)
Chen, Katherine 14-2 Amador Valley (NC)
Chow, Jada 13-10.25 Dublin (NC)
Vannoni, Sara 13-8 Amador Valley (NC)
Duong, Hien 13-8 Dublin (NC)
Varo, Ava 13-8 Dublin (NC)
Donnelly, Siofra 13-7.5 Dublin (NC)
Bertolo, Sophia 13-6.5 Granada (NC)
Min, Ella 13-5.75 Amador Valley (NC)
Islas, Jimena 13-4 Amador Valley (NC)
Lee, Anastasia 12-9.5 Dublin (NC)
Hollandsworth-Grandov, Kylee Ann 12-8 Granada (NC)
Massengale, Scarlett 12-4.5 Granada (NC)
Utova, Daria 12-4.5 Amador Valley (NC)
Lindquist, Emily 12-0 Amador Valley (NC)
Schmidt, Rachel 11-11 Amador Valley (NC)
Armaz, Hannah 11-6.5 Granada (NC)
Carreira, Sofia 11-2 Amador Valley (NC)
Islas, Regina 9-1 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Girls Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vo, Amelia 7-0 Granada (NC)
Schmidt, Rachel 6-6 Amador Valley (NC)
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HS Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Khansa, Nora 27-10.5 Amador Valley (NC)
De Frenchi, Sophie 25-4 Granada (NC)
Branda, Jasmine 25-0 Granada (NC)
Kraft, Eleanor 24-11.5 Granada (NC)
McCarn, Reagan 23-6 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Fender, Hannah Autumn 23-2.5 Granada (NC)
Li, Agnes 21-4 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Black, Parker 20-8 Granada (NC)
Zou, Jiaen 19-5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Taulbee, Claire 19-1 Granada (NC)
Colin, Alyssa 18-10 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
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HS Girls Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lam, Megan 34-4 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Townsend, Lesley 34-0 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Feng, Kiki 33-0.5 Dublin (NC)
Salonga, Katherine 32-2.5 Foothill - Pleasanton (NC)
Santos, Helen 31-9.5 Amador Valley (NC)
Duong, Hien 31-0.25 Dublin (NC)
Tjon, Jenna 30-1.5 Dublin (NC)
Min, Ella 30-0 Amador Valley (NC)
Chen, Katherine 29-9.5 Amador Valley (NC)
Williams, Nyla 29-9 Dublin (NC)
San, Emma 28-9.25 Dublin (NC)
Lee, Anastasia 28-7 Dublin (NC)
Chow, Jada 28-1 Dublin (NC)
Hong, Michelle 28-0 Dublin (NC)
Varo, Ava 27-11 Dublin (NC)
Yeung, Emma 27-4 Amador Valley (NC)
Donnelly, Siofra 26-10 Dublin (NC)
Lindquist, Emily 25-7 Amador Valley (NC)
Bertolo, Sophia Granada (NC)
Islas, Jimena Amador Valley (NC)
Carreira, Sofia Amador Valley (NC)
Islas, Regina Amador Valley (NC)
Utova, Daria Amador Valley (NC)
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