San Gabriel Valley League Prelims 2022

Downey, CA
Hosted by Downey (SS)
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Shaka Dominguez (SS)
ESTELLE, MRK Dominguez (SS)
WILSON, WALTER 10.80h Dominguez (SS)
Garcia, David 11.04 Downey (SS)
Dozier, Jailen 11.05 Downey (SS)
Thompson, Dylan 11.57 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Treggs, Brandon 11.61 Warren (SS)
Goodman, Tyler 11.66 Paramount (SS)
Aviles, Nicholas 11.69 Downey (SS)
McGirt, Tyvon 11.79 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Kelley, Dre'Shaun 11.85 Paramount (SS)
Stubblefield, Brandon 11.88 Warren (SS)
Cerda, Nate 11.88 Warren (SS)
Francis, Anthony 11.89 Downey (SS)
Joseph, Jared 12.02 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
McLeim, Jaheim 12.11 Lynwood (SS)
Sanson, Roman 12.18 Downey (SS)
Claridy, Xavier 12.18 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Gonzalez, Victor 12.54 Warren (SS)
Poarch, Kenneth 12.64h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Mahon, Chris 12.99 Warren (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campos, Miguel 16.61 Warren (SS)
Abundis, Tommy 18.08 Downey (SS)
BROOKS, JAYLAND 18.20h Dominguez (SS)
Perez, Nathaniel 18.24 Downey (SS)
Cummings, Ashton 19.7 Lynwood (SS)
Burton, Daryl 19.81 Warren (SS)
Storey, Christopher 20.73 Downey (SS)
Osorio, Salvador 20.99 Warren (SS)
Sandate, Emilio 21.92 Warren (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guerrero, James 4:16.05 Downey (SS)
Anguiano, Victor 4:32.51 Warren (SS)
Valenzuela, Yasfren 4:39.33 Downey (SS)
Lopez, Adolfo 4:39.33 Warren (SS)
Acosta, Estevan 4:40.04 Warren (SS)
Morales, Joshua 4:41.47 Warren (SS)
Larios Velasquez, Ivan 4:41.71 Paramount (SS)
Villanueva, Tyler 4:42.94 Warren (SS)
Martinez, Baron 4:43.36 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Najera, Gus 4:47.37 Downey (SS)
Zuniga, Jonathan 4:49.99 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Gomez, Brad 4:54.70 Paramount (SS)
Dominguez, Aidan 4:56.60 Downey (SS)
Juarez, Jonathan 4:57.58 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Aguilar, Jerrick 4:58.63 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Zaragoza, Joshua 4:59.93 Downey (SS)
Lopez, Leo 5:00.07 Downey (SS)
Garcia, Diego 5:01.07 Paramount (SS)
Olelewe, Emmanuel 5:02.70h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Rodriguez, Pedro 5:17.76 Paramount (SS)
Cisneros, Anthony 5:21.82 Lynwood (SS)
Ochoa, Ethan 5:45.00h Lynwood (SS)
Perez, Ian 5:45.00h Lynwood (SS)
Pescador, Ivan 5:53.62 Lynwood (SS)
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
WILSON, BOBBY Dominguez (SS)
Davis, Cionta 22.26 Dominguez (SS)
Garcia, David 22.64 Downey (SS)
Dozier, Jailen 22.76 Downey (SS)
Thompson, Dylan 23.21 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Aviles, Nicholas 23.33 Downey (SS)
WILSON, WALTER 23.52 Dominguez (SS)
Joseph, Jared 23.66 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Stubblefield, Brandon 23.89 Warren (SS)
Goodman, Tyler 23.95 Paramount (SS)
BELLAMY, JONATHAN 23.98 Dominguez (SS)
Ortiz, Joseph 24.03 Downey (SS)
McGirt, Tyvon 24.08 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Campos, Miguel 24.22 Warren (SS)
Treggs, Brandon 24.29 Warren (SS)
Sakez, Ali 24.31 Warren (SS)
Claridy, Xavier 24.69 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Van Clief, Sy 24.85 Downey (SS)
Joseph, Jacob 24.85 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Rojas, Robert 25.16 Warren (SS)
Alfonso, William 25.40h Downey (SS)
Cummingham, Demetri 25.50h Lynwood (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campos, Miguel 41.43 Warren (SS)
BELLAMY, JONATHAN 44.10h Dominguez (SS)
Abundis, Tommy 46.56 Downey (SS)
BROOKS, JAYLAND 47.50h Dominguez (SS)
Burton, Daryl 47.85 Warren (SS)
McLeim, Jaheim 49.20h Lynwood (SS)
Perez, Nathaniel 49.85 Downey (SS)
Cummings, Ashton 50.51 Lynwood (SS)
Storey, Christopher 51.11 Downey (SS)
Dockin, Elijah 51.20h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Osorio, Salvador 52.01 Warren (SS)
Renfroe, Evan 54.36 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Diego Paramount (SS)
Gomez, Brad Paramount (SS)
Lopez, Adolfo 10:02.43 Warren (SS)
Guerrero, James 10:07.90 Downey (SS)
Herrera, Louie 10:29.74 Warren (SS)
Garcia, Alejandro 10:33.34 Warren (SS)
Alfaro, Joel 10:41.30 Warren (SS)
Zaragoza, Joshua 10:44.94 Downey (SS)
Bagga, Ritish 10:45.61 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Garcia, Ethan 10:52.16 Warren (SS)
Angel, Jesse 10:52.56 Warren (SS)
Dominguez, Aidan 10:53.12 Downey (SS)
Najera, Gus 10:57.04 Downey (SS)
Zuniga, Jonathan 11:07.45 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Larios Velasquez, Ivan 11:09.86 Paramount (SS)
Lopez, Leo 11:13.17 Downey (SS)
Juarez, Jonathan 11:13.78 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Anguiano, Victor 9:52.45 Warren (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandoval, David 1:00.12 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Cocom, Ivar 1:00.20h Lynwood (SS)
Phillips, Treyvon 1:01.50h Dominguez (SS)
Taylor, Franklyn 51.50 Downey (SS)
Ortiz, Joseph 51.91 Downey (SS)
Almaguer, Christopher 52.61 Warren (SS)
BELLAMY, JONATHAN 53.36 Dominguez (SS)
Joseph, Jacob 53.80 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Ramirez, Jeremy 54.62 Warren (SS)
Townsend, Brian 54.68 Warren (SS)
Alfonso, William 54.72 Downey (SS)
Leakes, Kevin 54.73 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Sakez, Ali 54.98 Warren (SS)
Van Clief, Sy 56.58 Downey (SS)
Perez, Gabriel 57.06 Warren (SS)
Cummingham, Demetri 57.30h Lynwood (SS)
Jones, Jeydin 57.64 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Verstegen, Hunter 58.05 Downey (SS)
DOTSON, DAVID 58.40h Dominguez (SS)
Galvan, Gabriel 58.69 Warren (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.94 Downey (SS)
Relay Team A 43.37 Dominguez (SS)
Relay Team A 44.26 Warren (SS)
Relay Team A 46.39 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:43.60 Lynwood (SS)
Relay Team A 3:28.00h Downey (SS)
Relay Team A 3:35.96 Warren (SS)
Relay Team A 3:37.00h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Relay Team A 3:45.30h Dominguez (SS)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guerrero, James 2:00.67 Downey (SS)
Acosta, Estevan 2:01.24 Warren (SS)
Valenzuela, Yasfren 2:01.49 Downey (SS)
Perez, Johan 2:02.37 Downey (SS)
Chew, Kyle 2:02.57 Warren (SS)
Larios Velasquez, Ivan 2:04.03 Paramount (SS)
Villanueva, Tyler 2:06.29 Warren (SS)
Bagga, Ritish 2:06.34 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Velazquez, Dylan 2:06.48 Downey (SS)
Morales, Joshua 2:07.39 Warren (SS)
Aguilar, Jerrick 2:07.77 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Martinez, Baron 2:08.10h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Zuniga, Jonathan 2:09.70h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Santillan, Alexis 2:11.26 Warren (SS)
Olelewe, Emmanuel 2:12.67 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Cisneros, Anthony 2:13.15 Lynwood (SS)
Gomez, Brad 2:13.37 Paramount (SS)
Garcia, Diego 2:14.23 Paramount (SS)
Garcia, Erick 2:14.72 Downey (SS)
Rodriguez, Pedro 2:20.96 Paramount (SS)
Phillips, Treyvon 2:34.20h Dominguez (SS)
Zavala, Angel 2:45.00h Lynwood (SS)
Pescador, Ivan 2:55.79 Lynwood (SS)
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Boys Discus 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wells, Jaylon 147-7 Warren (SS)
Goodloe, Eman 129-10 Warren (SS)
Gavilanes, Damien 119-1 Downey (SS)
Houston, Jaidyn 113-8 Warren (SS)
Bennett, Kylen 108-6 Warren (SS)
Escobar-Aguado, Ruben 104-10 Downey (SS)
Alexander, Peaire 99-0 Dominguez (SS)
Mejia, Samuel 98-2.5 Downey (SS)
Huerta, Lorenzo 96-6 Downey (SS)
Chavers, Jadyn 95-7 Warren (SS)
Verstegen, Caleb 91-4 Downey (SS)
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Boys High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maxwell, LeSean 6-0 Dominguez (SS)
Gunther, Skydann 5-8 Dominguez (SS)
Peters, Shaka 5-6 Dominguez (SS)
Abundis, Tommy 5-4 Downey (SS)
Perez, Nathaniel 5-4 Downey (SS)
Garcia, Erick 5-2 Downey (SS)
Storey, Christopher 5-2 Downey (SS)
Dominguez, Aidan 5-0 Downey (SS)
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Boys Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Franklyn 22-1 Downey (SS)
Jones, Jordan 21-7 Warren (SS)
ESTELLE, MRK 21-6 Dominguez (SS)
Musaddiq, Bilal 20-6 Dominguez (SS)
Almaguer, Christopher 20-6 Warren (SS)
Dozier, Jailen 20-1 Downey (SS)
Perez, Johan 19-10 Downey (SS)
Peters, Shaka 19-9 Dominguez (SS)
Van Clief, Sy 19-5.5 Downey (SS)
Kelley, Dre'Shaun 19-5.25 Paramount (SS)
Francis, Anthony 18-10 Downey (SS)
Mota, Jorge 18-6 Warren (SS)
Ezewiro, Spencer 18-4 Paramount (SS)
Cummings, Ashton 17-6 Lynwood (SS)
Burton, Daryl 17-6 Warren (SS)
McLeim, Jaheim 17-3 Lynwood (SS)
Kim, Theodore 17-1 Warren (SS)
Norman, Cameron 16-10 Paramount (SS)
Poarch, Kenneth 16-6 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Sikma, Jacob 15-2 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
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Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arenas, Phillip 10-0 Warren (SS)
Flores, Benjamin 10-0 Warren (SS)
Storey, Christopher 9-6 Downey (SS)
Sanson, Roman 9-3 Downey (SS)
Verstegen, Hunter 9-0 Downey (SS)
Saucedo, Daniel 9-0 Warren (SS)
Gamez, Jacob 8-6 Warren (SS)
Velazquez, Benjamin 8-6 Warren (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wells, Jaylon 48-1 Warren (SS)
Goodloe, Eman 39-2.5 Warren (SS)
Bennett, Kylen 37-6 Warren (SS)
Mejia, Samuel 37-2 Downey (SS)
Garza, Matthew 37-1 Warren (SS)
Escobar-Aguado, Ruben 34-8 Downey (SS)
Alexander, Peaire 34-6 Dominguez (SS)
Houston, Jaidyn 34-0 Warren (SS)
Huerta, Lorenzo 33-5 Downey (SS)
Mataele, Tuini 33-4 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Cortes, Omar 32-11 Downey (SS)
Contreres, Tristen 32-11 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Gavilanes, Damien 32-10 Downey (SS)
Valdez, Jason 32-5 Downey (SS)
Mok, Joseph 28-11 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
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Boys Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelley, Dre'Shaun 42-10 Paramount (SS)
Jones, Jordan 42-1 Warren (SS)
Lopez, Matthew 39-9 Downey (SS)
Van Clief, Sy 39-1.5 Downey (SS)
Francis, Anthony 36-9.5 Downey (SS)
Abundis, Tommy 35-8 Downey (SS)
Sanson, Roman 35-8 Downey (SS)
Ezewiro, Spencer 35-2 Paramount (SS)
Osorio, Salvador 34-7 Warren (SS)
ESTELLE, MRK 34-5 Dominguez (SS)
Mota, Jorge 33-10 Warren (SS)
Hernandez, Daniel 32-5 Warren (SS)
Burton, Daryl 31-8 Warren (SS)
Musaddiq, Bilal 31-7 Dominguez (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mercado, Isabel 12.53 Downey (SS)
Sanders, Moriah 12.70 Warren (SS)
Olivar, Kaley 12.73 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Acsinte, Arlene 12.84 Downey (SS)
Williams, Kalajah 12.91 Warren (SS)
Laureano, Ivory 13.05 Warren (SS)
Raglin, Kyla 13.16 Paramount (SS)
Villegas, Abigail 13.26 Warren (SS)
Zapata De La Cruz, Jackeline 13.32 Downey (SS)
Clark, Jaidyn 13.34 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Young, Aliyah 13.34 Lynwood (SS)
Thompson, Samantha 13.44 Downey (SS)
Moreland-Smith, Mary 13.48 Dominguez (SS)
Smith, Jazmine 13.49 Paramount (SS)
Garcia, Lleraldine 13.56 Warren (SS)
Oliver, Angelina 13.63 Paramount (SS)
Young, Alana 13.77 Lynwood (SS)
Colbert, Jody 13.77 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Gomez, Sarah 14.00 Downey (SS)
Alvarez, Lizeth 14.17 Paramount (SS)
Vega, Natalia 14.34 Paramount (SS)
Diaz, Samantha 14.68 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Narez, Jessica 18.41 Downey (SS)
Cruz, Mikaela 18.47 Downey (SS)
MATHEWS, MALAIYA 18.81 Dominguez (SS)
Gonzalez, Aliyah 19.16 Downey (SS)
Washington, Jayla 19.56 Warren (SS)
Sepulveda, Camila 19.88 Downey (SS)
LARA, DELYLAH 19.89 Warren (SS)
Castillo, Zeliyah 20.20h Lynwood (SS)
Luna, Judith 20.49 Warren (SS)
Wolf, Verania 20.57 Warren (SS)
Soria, Natalie 20.60 Downey (SS)
Barron, Katelyn 21.58 Warren (SS)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huerta, Michelle 5:13.75 Warren (SS)
Membreno, Natalyn 5:33.02 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Banderas, Azairah 5:33.19 Paramount (SS)
Canchola, Alexa 5:43.57 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Malo, Monse 5:50.37 Warren (SS)
Aguilar, Ashley 5:51.48 Paramount (SS)
Martinez, Esmeralda 5:52.52 Paramount (SS)
Ponce, Sofia 5:52.78 Downey (SS)
Patel, Ananya 5:53.16 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Guerra, Isabel 5:54.09 Warren (SS)
Holguin, Mikaela 5:54.53 Warren (SS)
Cervantes, Diana 5:55.38 Downey (SS)
Gonzalez, Desiree 5:55.51 Warren (SS)
Simbol, Edrianna-Jo 6:00.43 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Ramirez, Ashley 6:02.60h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Herrera, Danielle 6:04.13 Downey (SS)
Rivera, Giselle 6:05.63 Warren (SS)
Gonzalez, Jacqueline 6:05.87 Downey (SS)
Estrada, Viviana 6:10.09 Downey (SS)
Song, Kirsten 6:13.00h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Aguilar, Samantha 6:13.36 Paramount (SS)
Ramirez, Mayra 6:23.33 Lynwood (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanders, Moriah 26.60 Warren (SS)
Mercado, Isabel 26.63 Downey (SS)
Laureano, Ivory 27.10 Warren (SS)
Olivar, Kaley 27.13 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Villegas, Abigail 27.25 Warren (SS)
Garcia, Lleraldine 27.31 Warren (SS)
Acsinte, Arlene 27.70 Downey (SS)
Smith, Jazmine 27.74 Paramount (SS)
Raglin, Kyla 27.75 Paramount (SS)
Moreland-Smith, Mary 27.99 Dominguez (SS)
Clark, Jaidyn 28.45 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Williams, Kalajah 28.57 Warren (SS)
Leon, Alexis 28.60h Dominguez (SS)
Oliver, Angelina 28.66 Paramount (SS)
Thompson, Samantha 28.84 Downey (SS)
Zapata De La Cruz, Jackeline 28.84 Downey (SS)
Young, Aliyah 28.95 Lynwood (SS)
Rojas, Vannesa 29.19 Downey (SS)
Young, Alana 29.19 Lynwood (SS)
Kampa, Natalie Sky 29.87 Downey (SS)
Diaz, Samantha 29.94 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Alvarez, Lizeth 30.13 Paramount (SS)
Vega, Natalia 30.59 Paramount (SS)
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Rosa 1:01.00h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Barron, Katelyn 1:01.12 Warren (SS)
Colbert, Jody 1:04.00h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
MATHEWS, MALAIYA 51.20h Dominguez (SS)
Castillo, Zeliyah 51.44 Lynwood (SS)
Narez, Jessica 51.44 Downey (SS)
Wolf, Verania 53.41 Warren (SS)
Cruz, Mikaela 53.86 Downey (SS)
LARA, DELYLAH 55.68 Warren (SS)
HERNANDEZ, FRIDA 55.79 Warren (SS)
Soria, Emily 56.53 Downey (SS)
Gonzalez, Aliyah 56.70 Downey (SS)
Soria, Natalie 58.28 Downey (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguilar, Samantha Paramount (SS)
Huerta, Michelle 11:04.59 Warren (SS)
Banderas, Azairah 11:43.33 Paramount (SS)
Tapanes, Alyssa 12:01.48 Downey (SS)
Aguilar, Ashley 12:36.08 Paramount (SS)
Holguin, Mikaela 12:45.08 Warren (SS)
Robles, Tiffany 12:45.84 Warren (SS)
Juarez, Leslie 12:56.77 Warren (SS)
Gonzalez, Jacqueline 13:02.36 Downey (SS)
Martinez, Esmeralda 13:03.89 Paramount (SS)
Simbol, Edrianna-Jo 13:11.30 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Hernandez, Stephanie 13:12.36 Warren (SS)
Macias, Karmelyn 13:14.28 Warren (SS)
Perales, Amy 13:33.27 Warren (SS)
Ponio, Steffani 14:14.14 Downey (SS)
Torres, Kimberly 14:15.45 Downey (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leon, Alexis Dominguez (SS)
Goodloe, Melana 1:03.43 Warren (SS)
Villegas, Abigail 1:03.44 Warren (SS)
Fletcher, Kailani 1:03.85 Downey (SS)
Rojas, Vannesa 1:05.49 Downey (SS)
Oliver, Angelina 1:05.52 Paramount (SS)
Zecena, Kayla 1:08.85 Downey (SS)
Kampa, Natalie Sky 1:08.94 Downey (SS)
RAMIREZ, JUDITH 1:09.86 Warren (SS)
Duenas, Denise 1:20.89 Lynwood (SS)
Villaneda, Esmeralda 1:27.24h Lynwood (SS)
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 51.03 Warren (SS)
Relay Team A 51.38 Downey (SS)
Relay Team A 53.31 Paramount (SS)
Relay Team A 53.70 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:17.39 Warren (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.56 Downey (SS)
Relay Team A 4:22.30h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Relay Team A 5:12.21 Lynwood (SS)
Relay Team A 5:14.55 Paramount (SS)
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Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arias, Flor 2:22.19 Warren (SS)
Membreno, Natalyn 2:23.23 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Malo, Monse 2:30.08 Warren (SS)
Mendoza, Frida 2:30.24 Warren (SS)
Juarez, Leslie 2:31.16 Warren (SS)
Herrera, Danielle 2:31.85 Downey (SS)
Canchola, Alexa 2:31.95 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Ponce, Sofia 2:32.31 Downey (SS)
Soto, Cassandra 2:34.70h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Cervantes, Diana 2:35.42 Downey (SS)
Patel, Ananya 2:36.35 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Barnwell, Jayla 2:36.88 Warren (SS)
Ponio, Steffani 2:37.65 Downey (SS)
Estrada, Viviana 2:38.35 Downey (SS)
Aguilar, Ashley 2:41.42 Paramount (SS)
Vargas, Natalie 2:45.18 Paramount (SS)
Song, Kirsten 2:48.4h Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Aguilar, Samantha 2:49.50 Paramount (SS)
Villaneda, Esmeralda 2:51.57 Lynwood (SS)
Villaneda, Esmeralda 2:51.57 Lynwood (SS)
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Girls Discus 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vitogiannis, Dimitra 120-10 Downey (SS)
Fletcher, Kailani 108-9 Downey (SS)
Mclennan, Jessica 103-7 Warren (SS)
Jenkins, Mariah 98-0 Warren (SS)
Pugh, Summer 97-3 Downey (SS)
Sanchez, Ixel 95-0 Warren (SS)
Lopez, Xitlaly 89-4 Warren (SS)
Reyes, Kirssy 80-8 Warren (SS)
Mendez, Andrea 61-4 Downey (SS)
Williams, Morgan 58-9 Paramount (SS)
Ramirez, Juliette 46-4 Downey (SS)
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Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Alexy 4-8 Downey (SS)
Barnett, Symantha 4-8 Downey (SS)
Wolf, Verania 4-8 Warren (SS)
Goodloe, Melana 4-8 Warren (SS)
Washington, Jayla 4-6 Warren (SS)
Urzua, Jaclyn 4-4 Downey (SS)
Herrera, Kimberly 4-2 Downey (SS)
Arias-Arvizu, Ariannah 4-0 Downey (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Acsinte, Arlene 16-7 Downey (SS)
Garcia, Lleraldine 15-9 Warren (SS)
MATHEWS, MALAIYA 15-3 Dominguez (SS)
Young, Aliyah 15-3 Lynwood (SS)
Barnett, Symantha 14-11 Downey (SS)
Ikejiofor, Chiazoka 14-8 Downey (SS)
Laureano, Ivory 14-7 Warren (SS)
Alvarado, Andrea 14-4.5 Paramount (SS)
Young, Alana 14-2.5 Lynwood (SS)
Nunez, Gabriela 14-1 Downey (SS)
Luna, Monica 13-10 Downey (SS)
Yoon, Hannah 13-2 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
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Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Sarah 7-1 Downey (SS)
Wolf, Verania 6-6 Warren (SS)
Figueroa, Wendy 6-0 Downey (SS)
Castro, Sofia 6-0 Warren (SS)
Jenkins, Faith 6-0 Warren (SS)
Gonzalez, Mia 6-0 Warren (SS)
Sanchez, Sitlalic 5-6 Downey (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vitogiannis, Dimitra 35-4 Downey (SS)
Mclennan, Jessica 34-9.5 Warren (SS)
Jenkins, Mariah 32-6.5 Warren (SS)
Reyes, Kirssy 31-5 Warren (SS)
Pugh, Summer 30-7 Downey (SS)
Mendez, Andrea 28-10 Downey (SS)
Lopez, Xitlaly 28-4 Warren (SS)
Urzua, Zandriella 27-6 Warren (SS)
Williams, Morgan 27-3.5 Paramount (SS)
Pedrosa, Carolina 24-4 Gahr (Richard) (SS)
Castillo, Zeliyah 23-9 Lynwood (SS)
Ramirez, Juliette 23-8 Downey (SS)
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Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ikejiofor, Chiazoka 32-5.5 Downey (SS)
MATHEWS, MALAIYA 31-6.5 Dominguez (SS)
Figueroa, Wendy 30-9 Downey (SS)
Alvarado, Andrea 28-2.5 Paramount (SS)
Luna, Monica 27-11 Downey (SS)
Nunez, Gabriela 27-11 Downey (SS)
Herrera, Kimberly 26-1 Downey (SS)
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