Athlete Entries
Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Peters, Shaka | Dominguez (SS) | |
ESTELLE, MRK | Dominguez (SS) | |
WILSON, WALTER | 10.80h | Dominguez (SS) |
Garcia, David | 11.04 | Downey (SS) |
Dozier, Jailen | 11.05 | Downey (SS) |
Thompson, Dylan | 11.57 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Treggs, Brandon | 11.61 | Warren (SS) |
Goodman, Tyler | 11.66 | Paramount (SS) |
Aviles, Nicholas | 11.69 | Downey (SS) |
McGirt, Tyvon | 11.79 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Kelley, Dre'Shaun | 11.85 | Paramount (SS) |
Stubblefield, Brandon | 11.88 | Warren (SS) |
Cerda, Nate | 11.88 | Warren (SS) |
Francis, Anthony | 11.89 | Downey (SS) |
Joseph, Jared | 12.02 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
McLeim, Jaheim | 12.11 | Lynwood (SS) |
Sanson, Roman | 12.18 | Downey (SS) |
Claridy, Xavier | 12.18 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Gonzalez, Victor | 12.54 | Warren (SS) |
Poarch, Kenneth | 12.64h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Mahon, Chris | 12.99 | Warren (SS) |
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Campos, Miguel | 16.61 | Warren (SS) |
Abundis, Tommy | 18.08 | Downey (SS) |
BROOKS, JAYLAND | 18.20h | Dominguez (SS) |
Perez, Nathaniel | 18.24 | Downey (SS) |
Cummings, Ashton | 19.7 | Lynwood (SS) |
Burton, Daryl | 19.81 | Warren (SS) |
Storey, Christopher | 20.73 | Downey (SS) |
Osorio, Salvador | 20.99 | Warren (SS) |
Sandate, Emilio | 21.92 | Warren (SS) |
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Guerrero, James | 4:16.05 | Downey (SS) |
Anguiano, Victor | 4:32.51 | Warren (SS) |
Valenzuela, Yasfren | 4:39.33 | Downey (SS) |
Lopez, Adolfo | 4:39.33 | Warren (SS) |
Acosta, Estevan | 4:40.04 | Warren (SS) |
Morales, Joshua | 4:41.47 | Warren (SS) |
Larios Velasquez, Ivan | 4:41.71 | Paramount (SS) |
Villanueva, Tyler | 4:42.94 | Warren (SS) |
Martinez, Baron | 4:43.36 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Najera, Gus | 4:47.37 | Downey (SS) |
Zuniga, Jonathan | 4:49.99 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Gomez, Brad | 4:54.70 | Paramount (SS) |
Dominguez, Aidan | 4:56.60 | Downey (SS) |
Juarez, Jonathan | 4:57.58 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Aguilar, Jerrick | 4:58.63 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Zaragoza, Joshua | 4:59.93 | Downey (SS) |
Lopez, Leo | 5:00.07 | Downey (SS) |
Garcia, Diego | 5:01.07 | Paramount (SS) |
Olelewe, Emmanuel | 5:02.70h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Rodriguez, Pedro | 5:17.76 | Paramount (SS) |
Cisneros, Anthony | 5:21.82 | Lynwood (SS) |
Ochoa, Ethan | 5:45.00h | Lynwood (SS) |
Perez, Ian | 5:45.00h | Lynwood (SS) |
Pescador, Ivan | 5:53.62 | Lynwood (SS) |
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
WILSON, BOBBY | Dominguez (SS) | |
Davis, Cionta | 22.26 | Dominguez (SS) |
Garcia, David | 22.64 | Downey (SS) |
Dozier, Jailen | 22.76 | Downey (SS) |
Thompson, Dylan | 23.21 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Aviles, Nicholas | 23.33 | Downey (SS) |
WILSON, WALTER | 23.52 | Dominguez (SS) |
Joseph, Jared | 23.66 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Stubblefield, Brandon | 23.89 | Warren (SS) |
Goodman, Tyler | 23.95 | Paramount (SS) |
BELLAMY, JONATHAN | 23.98 | Dominguez (SS) |
Ortiz, Joseph | 24.03 | Downey (SS) |
McGirt, Tyvon | 24.08 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Campos, Miguel | 24.22 | Warren (SS) |
Treggs, Brandon | 24.29 | Warren (SS) |
Sakez, Ali | 24.31 | Warren (SS) |
Claridy, Xavier | 24.69 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Van Clief, Sy | 24.85 | Downey (SS) |
Joseph, Jacob | 24.85 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Rojas, Robert | 25.16 | Warren (SS) |
Alfonso, William | 25.40h | Downey (SS) |
Cummingham, Demetri | 25.50h | Lynwood (SS) |
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Campos, Miguel | 41.43 | Warren (SS) |
BELLAMY, JONATHAN | 44.10h | Dominguez (SS) |
Abundis, Tommy | 46.56 | Downey (SS) |
BROOKS, JAYLAND | 47.50h | Dominguez (SS) |
Burton, Daryl | 47.85 | Warren (SS) |
McLeim, Jaheim | 49.20h | Lynwood (SS) |
Perez, Nathaniel | 49.85 | Downey (SS) |
Cummings, Ashton | 50.51 | Lynwood (SS) |
Storey, Christopher | 51.11 | Downey (SS) |
Dockin, Elijah | 51.20h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Osorio, Salvador | 52.01 | Warren (SS) |
Renfroe, Evan | 54.36 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 18 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Garcia, Diego | Paramount (SS) | |
Gomez, Brad | Paramount (SS) | |
Lopez, Adolfo | 10:02.43 | Warren (SS) |
Guerrero, James | 10:07.90 | Downey (SS) |
Herrera, Louie | 10:29.74 | Warren (SS) |
Garcia, Alejandro | 10:33.34 | Warren (SS) |
Alfaro, Joel | 10:41.30 | Warren (SS) |
Zaragoza, Joshua | 10:44.94 | Downey (SS) |
Bagga, Ritish | 10:45.61 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Garcia, Ethan | 10:52.16 | Warren (SS) |
Angel, Jesse | 10:52.56 | Warren (SS) |
Dominguez, Aidan | 10:53.12 | Downey (SS) |
Najera, Gus | 10:57.04 | Downey (SS) |
Zuniga, Jonathan | 11:07.45 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Larios Velasquez, Ivan | 11:09.86 | Paramount (SS) |
Lopez, Leo | 11:13.17 | Downey (SS) |
Juarez, Jonathan | 11:13.78 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Anguiano, Victor | 9:52.45 | Warren (SS) |
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Sandoval, David | 1:00.12 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Cocom, Ivar | 1:00.20h | Lynwood (SS) |
Phillips, Treyvon | 1:01.50h | Dominguez (SS) |
Taylor, Franklyn | 51.50 | Downey (SS) |
Ortiz, Joseph | 51.91 | Downey (SS) |
Almaguer, Christopher | 52.61 | Warren (SS) |
BELLAMY, JONATHAN | 53.36 | Dominguez (SS) |
Joseph, Jacob | 53.80 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Ramirez, Jeremy | 54.62 | Warren (SS) |
Townsend, Brian | 54.68 | Warren (SS) |
Alfonso, William | 54.72 | Downey (SS) |
Leakes, Kevin | 54.73 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Sakez, Ali | 54.98 | Warren (SS) |
Van Clief, Sy | 56.58 | Downey (SS) |
Perez, Gabriel | 57.06 | Warren (SS) |
Cummingham, Demetri | 57.30h | Lynwood (SS) |
Jones, Jeydin | 57.64 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Verstegen, Hunter | 58.05 | Downey (SS) |
DOTSON, DAVID | 58.40h | Dominguez (SS) |
Galvan, Gabriel | 58.69 | Warren (SS) |
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 42.94 | Downey (SS) |
Relay Team A | 43.37 | Dominguez (SS) |
Relay Team A | 44.26 | Warren (SS) |
Relay Team A | 46.39 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 10:43.60 | Lynwood (SS) |
Relay Team A | 3:28.00h | Downey (SS) |
Relay Team A | 3:35.96 | Warren (SS) |
Relay Team A | 3:37.00h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Relay Team A | 3:45.30h | Dominguez (SS) |
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Boys 800 Meter Run 23 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Guerrero, James | 2:00.67 | Downey (SS) |
Acosta, Estevan | 2:01.24 | Warren (SS) |
Valenzuela, Yasfren | 2:01.49 | Downey (SS) |
Perez, Johan | 2:02.37 | Downey (SS) |
Chew, Kyle | 2:02.57 | Warren (SS) |
Larios Velasquez, Ivan | 2:04.03 | Paramount (SS) |
Villanueva, Tyler | 2:06.29 | Warren (SS) |
Bagga, Ritish | 2:06.34 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Velazquez, Dylan | 2:06.48 | Downey (SS) |
Morales, Joshua | 2:07.39 | Warren (SS) |
Aguilar, Jerrick | 2:07.77 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Martinez, Baron | 2:08.10h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Zuniga, Jonathan | 2:09.70h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Santillan, Alexis | 2:11.26 | Warren (SS) |
Olelewe, Emmanuel | 2:12.67 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Cisneros, Anthony | 2:13.15 | Lynwood (SS) |
Gomez, Brad | 2:13.37 | Paramount (SS) |
Garcia, Diego | 2:14.23 | Paramount (SS) |
Garcia, Erick | 2:14.72 | Downey (SS) |
Rodriguez, Pedro | 2:20.96 | Paramount (SS) |
Phillips, Treyvon | 2:34.20h | Dominguez (SS) |
Zavala, Angel | 2:45.00h | Lynwood (SS) |
Pescador, Ivan | 2:55.79 | Lynwood (SS) |
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Boys Discus 11 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Wells, Jaylon | 147-7 | Warren (SS) |
Goodloe, Eman | 129-10 | Warren (SS) |
Gavilanes, Damien | 119-1 | Downey (SS) |
Houston, Jaidyn | 113-8 | Warren (SS) |
Bennett, Kylen | 108-6 | Warren (SS) |
Escobar-Aguado, Ruben | 104-10 | Downey (SS) |
Alexander, Peaire | 99-0 | Dominguez (SS) |
Mejia, Samuel | 98-2.5 | Downey (SS) |
Huerta, Lorenzo | 96-6 | Downey (SS) |
Chavers, Jadyn | 95-7 | Warren (SS) |
Verstegen, Caleb | 91-4 | Downey (SS) |
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Boys High Jump 8 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Maxwell, LeSean | 6-0 | Dominguez (SS) |
Gunther, Skydann | 5-8 | Dominguez (SS) |
Peters, Shaka | 5-6 | Dominguez (SS) |
Abundis, Tommy | 5-4 | Downey (SS) |
Perez, Nathaniel | 5-4 | Downey (SS) |
Garcia, Erick | 5-2 | Downey (SS) |
Storey, Christopher | 5-2 | Downey (SS) |
Dominguez, Aidan | 5-0 | Downey (SS) |
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Boys Long Jump 20 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Taylor, Franklyn | 22-1 | Downey (SS) |
Jones, Jordan | 21-7 | Warren (SS) |
ESTELLE, MRK | 21-6 | Dominguez (SS) |
Musaddiq, Bilal | 20-6 | Dominguez (SS) |
Almaguer, Christopher | 20-6 | Warren (SS) |
Dozier, Jailen | 20-1 | Downey (SS) |
Perez, Johan | 19-10 | Downey (SS) |
Peters, Shaka | 19-9 | Dominguez (SS) |
Van Clief, Sy | 19-5.5 | Downey (SS) |
Kelley, Dre'Shaun | 19-5.25 | Paramount (SS) |
Francis, Anthony | 18-10 | Downey (SS) |
Mota, Jorge | 18-6 | Warren (SS) |
Ezewiro, Spencer | 18-4 | Paramount (SS) |
Cummings, Ashton | 17-6 | Lynwood (SS) |
Burton, Daryl | 17-6 | Warren (SS) |
McLeim, Jaheim | 17-3 | Lynwood (SS) |
Kim, Theodore | 17-1 | Warren (SS) |
Norman, Cameron | 16-10 | Paramount (SS) |
Poarch, Kenneth | 16-6 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Sikma, Jacob | 15-2 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
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Boys Pole Vault 8 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Arenas, Phillip | 10-0 | Warren (SS) |
Flores, Benjamin | 10-0 | Warren (SS) |
Storey, Christopher | 9-6 | Downey (SS) |
Sanson, Roman | 9-3 | Downey (SS) |
Verstegen, Hunter | 9-0 | Downey (SS) |
Saucedo, Daniel | 9-0 | Warren (SS) |
Gamez, Jacob | 8-6 | Warren (SS) |
Velazquez, Benjamin | 8-6 | Warren (SS) |
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Boys Shot Put 15 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Wells, Jaylon | 48-1 | Warren (SS) |
Goodloe, Eman | 39-2.5 | Warren (SS) |
Bennett, Kylen | 37-6 | Warren (SS) |
Mejia, Samuel | 37-2 | Downey (SS) |
Garza, Matthew | 37-1 | Warren (SS) |
Escobar-Aguado, Ruben | 34-8 | Downey (SS) |
Alexander, Peaire | 34-6 | Dominguez (SS) |
Houston, Jaidyn | 34-0 | Warren (SS) |
Huerta, Lorenzo | 33-5 | Downey (SS) |
Mataele, Tuini | 33-4 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Cortes, Omar | 32-11 | Downey (SS) |
Contreres, Tristen | 32-11 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Gavilanes, Damien | 32-10 | Downey (SS) |
Valdez, Jason | 32-5 | Downey (SS) |
Mok, Joseph | 28-11 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
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Boys Triple Jump 14 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Kelley, Dre'Shaun | 42-10 | Paramount (SS) |
Jones, Jordan | 42-1 | Warren (SS) |
Lopez, Matthew | 39-9 | Downey (SS) |
Van Clief, Sy | 39-1.5 | Downey (SS) |
Francis, Anthony | 36-9.5 | Downey (SS) |
Abundis, Tommy | 35-8 | Downey (SS) |
Sanson, Roman | 35-8 | Downey (SS) |
Ezewiro, Spencer | 35-2 | Paramount (SS) |
Osorio, Salvador | 34-7 | Warren (SS) |
ESTELLE, MRK | 34-5 | Dominguez (SS) |
Mota, Jorge | 33-10 | Warren (SS) |
Hernandez, Daniel | 32-5 | Warren (SS) |
Burton, Daryl | 31-8 | Warren (SS) |
Musaddiq, Bilal | 31-7 | Dominguez (SS) |
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 22 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Mercado, Isabel | 12.53 | Downey (SS) |
Sanders, Moriah | 12.70 | Warren (SS) |
Olivar, Kaley | 12.73 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Acsinte, Arlene | 12.84 | Downey (SS) |
Williams, Kalajah | 12.91 | Warren (SS) |
Laureano, Ivory | 13.05 | Warren (SS) |
Raglin, Kyla | 13.16 | Paramount (SS) |
Villegas, Abigail | 13.26 | Warren (SS) |
Zapata De La Cruz, Jackeline | 13.32 | Downey (SS) |
Clark, Jaidyn | 13.34 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Young, Aliyah | 13.34 | Lynwood (SS) |
Thompson, Samantha | 13.44 | Downey (SS) |
Moreland-Smith, Mary | 13.48 | Dominguez (SS) |
Smith, Jazmine | 13.49 | Paramount (SS) |
Garcia, Lleraldine | 13.56 | Warren (SS) |
Oliver, Angelina | 13.63 | Paramount (SS) |
Young, Alana | 13.77 | Lynwood (SS) |
Colbert, Jody | 13.77 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Gomez, Sarah | 14.00 | Downey (SS) |
Alvarez, Lizeth | 14.17 | Paramount (SS) |
Vega, Natalia | 14.34 | Paramount (SS) |
Diaz, Samantha | 14.68 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Narez, Jessica | 18.41 | Downey (SS) |
Cruz, Mikaela | 18.47 | Downey (SS) |
MATHEWS, MALAIYA | 18.81 | Dominguez (SS) |
Gonzalez, Aliyah | 19.16 | Downey (SS) |
Washington, Jayla | 19.56 | Warren (SS) |
Sepulveda, Camila | 19.88 | Downey (SS) |
LARA, DELYLAH | 19.89 | Warren (SS) |
Castillo, Zeliyah | 20.20h | Lynwood (SS) |
Luna, Judith | 20.49 | Warren (SS) |
Wolf, Verania | 20.57 | Warren (SS) |
Soria, Natalie | 20.60 | Downey (SS) |
Barron, Katelyn | 21.58 | Warren (SS) |
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Huerta, Michelle | 5:13.75 | Warren (SS) |
Membreno, Natalyn | 5:33.02 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Banderas, Azairah | 5:33.19 | Paramount (SS) |
Canchola, Alexa | 5:43.57 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Malo, Monse | 5:50.37 | Warren (SS) |
Aguilar, Ashley | 5:51.48 | Paramount (SS) |
Martinez, Esmeralda | 5:52.52 | Paramount (SS) |
Ponce, Sofia | 5:52.78 | Downey (SS) |
Patel, Ananya | 5:53.16 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Guerra, Isabel | 5:54.09 | Warren (SS) |
Holguin, Mikaela | 5:54.53 | Warren (SS) |
Cervantes, Diana | 5:55.38 | Downey (SS) |
Gonzalez, Desiree | 5:55.51 | Warren (SS) |
Simbol, Edrianna-Jo | 6:00.43 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Ramirez, Ashley | 6:02.60h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Herrera, Danielle | 6:04.13 | Downey (SS) |
Rivera, Giselle | 6:05.63 | Warren (SS) |
Gonzalez, Jacqueline | 6:05.87 | Downey (SS) |
Estrada, Viviana | 6:10.09 | Downey (SS) |
Song, Kirsten | 6:13.00h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Aguilar, Samantha | 6:13.36 | Paramount (SS) |
Ramirez, Mayra | 6:23.33 | Lynwood (SS) |
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 23 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Sanders, Moriah | 26.60 | Warren (SS) |
Mercado, Isabel | 26.63 | Downey (SS) |
Laureano, Ivory | 27.10 | Warren (SS) |
Olivar, Kaley | 27.13 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Villegas, Abigail | 27.25 | Warren (SS) |
Garcia, Lleraldine | 27.31 | Warren (SS) |
Acsinte, Arlene | 27.70 | Downey (SS) |
Smith, Jazmine | 27.74 | Paramount (SS) |
Raglin, Kyla | 27.75 | Paramount (SS) |
Moreland-Smith, Mary | 27.99 | Dominguez (SS) |
Clark, Jaidyn | 28.45 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Williams, Kalajah | 28.57 | Warren (SS) |
Leon, Alexis | 28.60h | Dominguez (SS) |
Oliver, Angelina | 28.66 | Paramount (SS) |
Thompson, Samantha | 28.84 | Downey (SS) |
Zapata De La Cruz, Jackeline | 28.84 | Downey (SS) |
Young, Aliyah | 28.95 | Lynwood (SS) |
Rojas, Vannesa | 29.19 | Downey (SS) |
Young, Alana | 29.19 | Lynwood (SS) |
Kampa, Natalie Sky | 29.87 | Downey (SS) |
Diaz, Samantha | 29.94 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Alvarez, Lizeth | 30.13 | Paramount (SS) |
Vega, Natalia | 30.59 | Paramount (SS) |
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Flores, Rosa | 1:01.00h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Barron, Katelyn | 1:01.12 | Warren (SS) |
Colbert, Jody | 1:04.00h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
MATHEWS, MALAIYA | 51.20h | Dominguez (SS) |
Castillo, Zeliyah | 51.44 | Lynwood (SS) |
Narez, Jessica | 51.44 | Downey (SS) |
Wolf, Verania | 53.41 | Warren (SS) |
Cruz, Mikaela | 53.86 | Downey (SS) |
LARA, DELYLAH | 55.68 | Warren (SS) |
HERNANDEZ, FRIDA | 55.79 | Warren (SS) |
Soria, Emily | 56.53 | Downey (SS) |
Gonzalez, Aliyah | 56.70 | Downey (SS) |
Soria, Natalie | 58.28 | Downey (SS) |
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 16 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Aguilar, Samantha | Paramount (SS) | |
Huerta, Michelle | 11:04.59 | Warren (SS) |
Banderas, Azairah | 11:43.33 | Paramount (SS) |
Tapanes, Alyssa | 12:01.48 | Downey (SS) |
Aguilar, Ashley | 12:36.08 | Paramount (SS) |
Holguin, Mikaela | 12:45.08 | Warren (SS) |
Robles, Tiffany | 12:45.84 | Warren (SS) |
Juarez, Leslie | 12:56.77 | Warren (SS) |
Gonzalez, Jacqueline | 13:02.36 | Downey (SS) |
Martinez, Esmeralda | 13:03.89 | Paramount (SS) |
Simbol, Edrianna-Jo | 13:11.30 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Hernandez, Stephanie | 13:12.36 | Warren (SS) |
Macias, Karmelyn | 13:14.28 | Warren (SS) |
Perales, Amy | 13:33.27 | Warren (SS) |
Ponio, Steffani | 14:14.14 | Downey (SS) |
Torres, Kimberly | 14:15.45 | Downey (SS) |
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 11 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Leon, Alexis | Dominguez (SS) | |
Goodloe, Melana | 1:03.43 | Warren (SS) |
Villegas, Abigail | 1:03.44 | Warren (SS) |
Fletcher, Kailani | 1:03.85 | Downey (SS) |
Rojas, Vannesa | 1:05.49 | Downey (SS) |
Oliver, Angelina | 1:05.52 | Paramount (SS) |
Zecena, Kayla | 1:08.85 | Downey (SS) |
Kampa, Natalie Sky | 1:08.94 | Downey (SS) |
RAMIREZ, JUDITH | 1:09.86 | Warren (SS) |
Duenas, Denise | 1:20.89 | Lynwood (SS) |
Villaneda, Esmeralda | 1:27.24h | Lynwood (SS) |
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 51.03 | Warren (SS) |
Relay Team A | 51.38 | Downey (SS) |
Relay Team A | 53.31 | Paramount (SS) |
Relay Team A | 53.70 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 4:17.39 | Warren (SS) |
Relay Team A | 4:20.56 | Downey (SS) |
Relay Team A | 4:22.30h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Relay Team A | 5:12.21 | Lynwood (SS) |
Relay Team A | 5:14.55 | Paramount (SS) |
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Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Arias, Flor | 2:22.19 | Warren (SS) |
Membreno, Natalyn | 2:23.23 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Malo, Monse | 2:30.08 | Warren (SS) |
Mendoza, Frida | 2:30.24 | Warren (SS) |
Juarez, Leslie | 2:31.16 | Warren (SS) |
Herrera, Danielle | 2:31.85 | Downey (SS) |
Canchola, Alexa | 2:31.95 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Ponce, Sofia | 2:32.31 | Downey (SS) |
Soto, Cassandra | 2:34.70h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Cervantes, Diana | 2:35.42 | Downey (SS) |
Patel, Ananya | 2:36.35 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Barnwell, Jayla | 2:36.88 | Warren (SS) |
Ponio, Steffani | 2:37.65 | Downey (SS) |
Estrada, Viviana | 2:38.35 | Downey (SS) |
Aguilar, Ashley | 2:41.42 | Paramount (SS) |
Vargas, Natalie | 2:45.18 | Paramount (SS) |
Song, Kirsten | 2:48.4h | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Aguilar, Samantha | 2:49.50 | Paramount (SS) |
Villaneda, Esmeralda | 2:51.57 | Lynwood (SS) |
Villaneda, Esmeralda | 2:51.57 | Lynwood (SS) |
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Girls Discus 11 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Vitogiannis, Dimitra | 120-10 | Downey (SS) |
Fletcher, Kailani | 108-9 | Downey (SS) |
Mclennan, Jessica | 103-7 | Warren (SS) |
Jenkins, Mariah | 98-0 | Warren (SS) |
Pugh, Summer | 97-3 | Downey (SS) |
Sanchez, Ixel | 95-0 | Warren (SS) |
Lopez, Xitlaly | 89-4 | Warren (SS) |
Reyes, Kirssy | 80-8 | Warren (SS) |
Mendez, Andrea | 61-4 | Downey (SS) |
Williams, Morgan | 58-9 | Paramount (SS) |
Ramirez, Juliette | 46-4 | Downey (SS) |
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Girls High Jump 8 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Gonzalez, Alexy | 4-8 | Downey (SS) |
Barnett, Symantha | 4-8 | Downey (SS) |
Wolf, Verania | 4-8 | Warren (SS) |
Goodloe, Melana | 4-8 | Warren (SS) |
Washington, Jayla | 4-6 | Warren (SS) |
Urzua, Jaclyn | 4-4 | Downey (SS) |
Herrera, Kimberly | 4-2 | Downey (SS) |
Arias-Arvizu, Ariannah | 4-0 | Downey (SS) |
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Girls Long Jump 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Acsinte, Arlene | 16-7 | Downey (SS) |
Garcia, Lleraldine | 15-9 | Warren (SS) |
MATHEWS, MALAIYA | 15-3 | Dominguez (SS) |
Young, Aliyah | 15-3 | Lynwood (SS) |
Barnett, Symantha | 14-11 | Downey (SS) |
Ikejiofor, Chiazoka | 14-8 | Downey (SS) |
Laureano, Ivory | 14-7 | Warren (SS) |
Alvarado, Andrea | 14-4.5 | Paramount (SS) |
Young, Alana | 14-2.5 | Lynwood (SS) |
Nunez, Gabriela | 14-1 | Downey (SS) |
Luna, Monica | 13-10 | Downey (SS) |
Yoon, Hannah | 13-2 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
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Girls Pole Vault 7 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Gomez, Sarah | 7-1 | Downey (SS) |
Wolf, Verania | 6-6 | Warren (SS) |
Figueroa, Wendy | 6-0 | Downey (SS) |
Castro, Sofia | 6-0 | Warren (SS) |
Jenkins, Faith | 6-0 | Warren (SS) |
Gonzalez, Mia | 6-0 | Warren (SS) |
Sanchez, Sitlalic | 5-6 | Downey (SS) |
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Girls Shot Put 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Vitogiannis, Dimitra | 35-4 | Downey (SS) |
Mclennan, Jessica | 34-9.5 | Warren (SS) |
Jenkins, Mariah | 32-6.5 | Warren (SS) |
Reyes, Kirssy | 31-5 | Warren (SS) |
Pugh, Summer | 30-7 | Downey (SS) |
Mendez, Andrea | 28-10 | Downey (SS) |
Lopez, Xitlaly | 28-4 | Warren (SS) |
Urzua, Zandriella | 27-6 | Warren (SS) |
Williams, Morgan | 27-3.5 | Paramount (SS) |
Pedrosa, Carolina | 24-4 | Gahr (Richard) (SS) |
Castillo, Zeliyah | 23-9 | Lynwood (SS) |
Ramirez, Juliette | 23-8 | Downey (SS) |
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Girls Triple Jump 7 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Ikejiofor, Chiazoka | 32-5.5 | Downey (SS) |
MATHEWS, MALAIYA | 31-6.5 | Dominguez (SS) |
Figueroa, Wendy | 30-9 | Downey (SS) |
Alvarado, Andrea | 28-2.5 | Paramount (SS) |
Luna, Monica | 27-11 | Downey (SS) |
Nunez, Gabriela | 27-11 | Downey (SS) |
Herrera, Kimberly | 26-1 | Downey (SS) |
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