VOTE California Boys XC Runner Of The Week Poll (11/13)

Alex Mader of Lick Wilmerding (NC), pictured competing at the Clovis Invitational earlier this fall, was voted as the CA Boys XC Runner of the Week for the week ending Nov. 6. (Deanna Turner photo)

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Alex Mader, a Yale-bound senior at Lick Wilmerding (NC), rolled to the BCL title, running the 5K Lindley Meadow course at Golden Gate Park in 14:59.32 while leading his team to the title.

In recognition of his accomplishment, Mader was voted as CA's Boys Cross Country Runner of the Week for the week ending Nov. 6, receiving 44.26 percent of the vote in a statewide poll. Palos Verdes (SS) senior Luke Stefanou was second with 28.85 percent of the vote.

Vote for this week's CA Boys Cross Country Runner of the Week based on last week's meet results through Nov. 13. Voting closes Friday at 9 p.m.

Each week we will put seven on the line and leave it up to you to select the most deserving athlete through your votes. Because it's championship season, we've expanded the list of this week's finalists to eight.

Please vote for this week's top performer.

CA Boys Cross Country Runner Of The Week (11/13) - Eight on the line (Poll Closed)