From meet director, Andy Leong (race assignments attached below)
Please obey all traffic rules. Park rangers will be on site and will be enforcing all traffic laws.
I encourage all schools to travel by bus when possible. Please make an effort to reduce the number of vehicles your school brings in the park.
A drop off zone will be created on Kennedy Drive between the opening of Marx Meadow and Hellman Hallow (Speedway Meadow). There will be no parking in this area.
Parking will be available on Middle Drive. A map will be provided before meet day.
Absolutely no vehicles are to be in Hellman Hallow (Speedway Meadow) including the bike path. Violation of this rule could jeopardize your school's participation in the meet.
No personal BBQ that require coals, only propane.
Permission must be requested if you wish to use a generator by August 31. If permission is granted, the generator must sit on ply wood.
The map in your packet is black & white so if you want to review a map in color, the 2nd attachment has one.
Parking Map still to come (I Hope).
Buses parking is on Middle Drive. Drive east on Kennedy, turn right on Transverse to the Stop sign and make another right turn
If you are looking for parking on Middle Drive, the best place is where Middle meets Overlook Drive. There is a unofficial path leading to Hellman Hallow from Middle Drive where the cell phone tower is however, use this path at your own risk as it is not for everyone.