AAA XC League Meet 7 (WAS/GAL/LOW) 2024 vs AAA League Meet 8 (LOW/WAS/GAL) 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +14 112 98
Overall Average -7.76 22:18.20 22:25.96
1st-10th Place -19.46 17:10.16 17:29.62
1st-25th Place -22.91 17:50.50 18:13.41
1st-50th Place -29.23 19:04.96 19:34.19
1st-100th Place -27.28 21:31.76 21:59.04
Common Athletes -- -- 47
Ran Faster 33 40 7
Ran Season Best -10 14 24
Average Time -58.91 21:18.90 22:17.82
Median Time -1:11.56 20:25.07 21:36.63
Middle 80% Times -55.54 21:01.88 21:57.42
Top 10% Times -37.48 17:08.68 17:46.16
Top 25% Times -52.04 17:32.68 18:24.72
Top 50% Times -54.31 18:29.32 19:23.63
Bottom 50% Times -1:01.06 23:15.21 24:16.27
Bottom 25% Times -1:21.59 26:23.91 27:45.49
Bottom 10% Times -2:01.33 28:44.45 30:45.78
Average Difference -58.91 -- --
Median Difference -1:34.29 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -48.28 -- --
Top 10% Difference -33.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.16 -- --
Top 25% Difference -46.89 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.16 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:10.14 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:09.81 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -50.66 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Shepard Petersen Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -44.73 16:55.78 17:40.51
Dexter Tu Lowell (SF) -46.44 16:57.18 17:43.62
Malcolm Barry-Kao Lowell (SF) -21.71 17:12.12 17:33.83
Henry Witt Lowell (SF) -32.97 17:12.36 17:45.33
Max Lester Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -1:52.79 17:25.95 19:18.74
Woody Szydlik Lowell (SF) -2:02.10 17:30.38 19:32.48
Sasha Kalos Washington (George) (SF) -2:04.15 17:34.19 19:38.34
Quinn Luk Lowell (SF) -1:17.07 17:34.60 18:51.67
Jake Saje Lowell (SF) -21.03 17:46.47 18:07.50
Malcolm Jung Washington (George) (SF) -48.54 18:02.28 18:50.82
Cedric Gingrich Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -47.48 18:02.53 18:50.01
Terrance Hoang Lowell (SF) -10.13 18:18.37 18:28.50
Kenneth Cheung Lowell (SF) -1:17.36 18:26.67 19:44.03
Ian Tingley Lowell (SF) -1:44.79 18:27.17 20:11.96
Jones Becker Lowell (SF) +22.35 19:12.66 18:50.31
Ethan Louie Lowell (SF) -48.12 18:50.62 19:38.74
Felix Wu Washington (George) (SF) -3:24.97 18:55.74 22:20.71
Justin Llamera Washington (George) (SF) +48.76 19:44.61 18:55.85
Emerson Chih-Wang Lowell (SF) -2:36.85 18:59.78 21:36.63
Matthew Brajnikoff Washington (George) (SF) -53.36 19:13.70 20:07.06
Joshua Ko Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -1:34.29 20:15.80 21:50.09
Brendan Kelly Page Washington (George) (SF) -58.54 20:16.11 21:14.65
Adrian Lu Washington (George) (SF) +2.47 20:23.43 20:20.96
Jason Yu Lowell (SF) -2:05.56 20:25.07 22:30.63
Freeman Louie Lowell (SF) +1:15.20 21:43.14 20:27.94
Kota Wakabayashi Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -26.12 20:43.89 21:10.01
Trystan Simmons Ayala Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) +8:33.99 29:21.55 20:47.56
Mirabel Adams Lowell (SF) -1:43.60 21:31.96 23:15.56
Franny Wu Washington (George) (SF) -4:10.99 21:54.91 26:05.90
Boris Lee Washington (George) (SF) -6.62 21:57.96 22:04.58
Benjamin Kwan Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -19.17 22:00.06 22:19.23
Sofia Carvajal Lowell (SF) -1:12.09 22:01.22 23:13.31
Sofie Godfredsen Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -27.59 22:11.80 22:39.39
Yuen Yuen Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -53.06 22:15.21 23:08.27
Lucia Catterall Lowell (SF) -1:32.08 22:17.54 23:49.62
Kyra Liu Lowell (SF) +1:36.75 24:09.03 22:32.28
Ayumi Stohr Lowell (SF) -50.04 22:40.39 23:30.43
Ada Jacobson Lowell (SF) +3.33 23:44.09 23:40.76
Winnie LI Lowell (SF) -1:39.79 23:52.10 25:31.89
Natalie Ng Lowell (SF) -1:14.67 24:16.96 25:31.63
Samprathna Rathanak Washington (George) (SF) -2:06.67 25:23.45 27:30.12
Kevin Soo Washington (George) (SF) -5:53.21 25:27.92 31:21.13
Anita Luo Lowell (SF) -56.01 26:11.06 27:07.07
Annamaria Tapus Lowell (SF) -2:36.49 26:48.71 29:25.20
Isabella Wu Lowell (SF) -1:12.97 27:51.41 29:04.38
Yongyan Situ Galileo Academy of Science & Technology (SF) -2:01.36 28:58.93 31:00.29
Asher Grossman Washington (George) (SF) -2:16.24 30:41.67 32:57.91