Mountain Valley League Finals 2024

San Bernardino, CA
Hosted by Pacific (SS)
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moss, Julian 11.02 Indian Springs (SS)
Copeland, Eric 11.14h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Cubillos, Cristian 11.24h Indian Springs (SS)
Cooper, Alec 11.40 San Bernardino (SS)
Whittington, Kimani 11.47 Pacific (SS)
Neal, Nimo 11.47 Indian Springs (SS)
Sanchez, David 11.50 Rubidoux (SS)
Gates, Willie 11.64h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Proietti, Mattia 11.74h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Urrutia, David 11.80 San Bernardino (SS)
Rasura, Jesus 11.84h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Green, Joshua 12.00 Rubidoux (SS)
porter, carter 12.00 Pacific (SS)
Salas, Derion 12.10 Rubidoux (SS)
Griffin, Tayten 12.18 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Barner, Ja'vion 12.34h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Brown, Chadznea 12.35 San Bernardino (SS)
Weaver, Jerome 12.43 San Bernardino (SS)
Del Rosa, Romero 12.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Smith, Royal 12.60 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Cortes, Angel 12.60 San Bernardino (SS)
Trejo, Jayden 12.64h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Segura, Anthony 12.84h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Chavez, Chrystian 12.94h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Stanley, Joseph 12.97 San Bernardino (SS)
Mason, Shemar 13.44h Indian Springs (SS)
Hernandez, Joseph 13.61 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Reyes, Juan 14.14h Indian Springs (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durrant, Gabriel 16.84h Indian Springs (SS)
Oliver, Nathaniel 17.80 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Jackson, Jayelin 17.89 San Bernardino (SS)
Root, Adrian 17.94h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Ashbaker, Shawn 19.02 Pacific (SS)
Dominguez, Antonio 19.23 Pacific (SS)
Stevens, Tristan 19.44h Indian Springs (SS)
Gomez, Andrew 19.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Hastings, David 19.60 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Padilla, Nikholas 19.64h Indian Springs (SS)
Alonzo, Pablo 20.47 San Bernardino (SS)
Martinez Dominguez, Nelson 20.60 Rubidoux (SS)
Lopez, Yareck 21.92 San Bernardino (SS)
Hernandez, Oscar 22.02 San Bernardino (SS)
Smith, Royal 22.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Campista, Anthony 22.52 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Casanova, Emmanuel Jurupa Valley (SS)
Quevedo, Ignacio 4:44.75 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Aparicio, Marcos 4:46.19 San Bernardino (SS)
Ramirez, Christofer 5:06.62 San Bernardino (SS)
Estuvier, Esteban 5:06.82 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Duarte, Julian 5:06.99 Pacific (SS)
Astudillo, Roberrt 5:08.84 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Saldana, Roberto 5:15.80 San Bernardino (SS)
Gomez, Pablo 5:19.90 Indian Springs (SS)
Flores Delgado, Anthony 5:20.30 Rubidoux (SS)
Vargas, Derek 5:27.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Salgado-Perez, Geovanny 5:27.39 San Bernardino (SS)
Avila, Evan 5:29.00 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Vargas, David 5:34.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Diego, Oswaldo 5:42.33 San Bernardino (SS)
Alvarez, Eduardo 5:46.42 Indian Springs (SS)
Gastelum, Carlos 5:48.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Zavala, Aaron 6:12.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Lopez, Isael 6:21.15 Indian Springs (SS)
Jara, Esteban 6:24.00 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Guzman, Cruz 6:56.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Maganda, Ivan 6:57.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Montero Vargas, Iyael 7:09.40 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Islam, Taharka 22.74h Indian Springs (SS)
Copeland, Eric 22.94h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Cubillos, Cristian 23.04h Indian Springs (SS)
Moss, Julian 23.06 Indian Springs (SS)
Neal, Nimo 23.44h Indian Springs (SS)
Cooper, Alec 23.84 San Bernardino (SS)
Randolph, Justin 24.12 San Bernardino (SS)
Sanchez, David 24.39 Rubidoux (SS)
Urrutia, David 24.49 San Bernardino (SS)
Rasura, Jesus 24.84h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Barner, Ja'vion 25.04h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Griffin, Tayten 25.10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Carcamo, Alejandro 25.14h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
porter, carter 25.41 Pacific (SS)
Weaver, Jerome 25.66 San Bernardino (SS)
Cortes, Angel 25.75 San Bernardino (SS)
Salas, Derion 25.89 Rubidoux (SS)
Vasquez, Luis 26.15 Pacific (SS)
Del Rosa, Romero 26.34h Indian Springs (SS)
Brown, Chadznea 26.70 San Bernardino (SS)
Lopez, Gerardo 26.91 Rubidoux (SS)
Martinez, David 27.10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Segura, Anthony 27.64h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Chavez, Chrystian 27.66 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Joseph 27.74 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Trejo, Jayden 27.80 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Mason, Shemar 27.94h Indian Springs (SS)
Mendez, Nicholas 28.53 Rubidoux (SS)
Smith, Royal 28.80 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Rojas, Damian 29.77 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Royal Jurupa Valley (SS)
Root, Adrian 43.24h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Oliver, Nathaniel 44.04h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Durrant, Gabriel 44.14h Indian Springs (SS)
Proietti, Mattia 45.46 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Jackson, Jayelin 46.18 San Bernardino (SS)
Ashbaker, Shawn 47.03 Pacific (SS)
Gomez, Andrew 47.44h Indian Springs (SS)
Alonzo, Pablo 49.07 San Bernardino (SS)
Hastings, David 49.40 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Dominguez, Antonio 49.60 Pacific (SS)
Martinez Dominguez, Nelson 50.26 Rubidoux (SS)
Stevens, Tristan 50.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Hollingsworth, Nikko 50.64h Pacific (SS)
Padilla, Nikholas 50.93 Indian Springs (SS)
Lopez, Yareck 53.36 San Bernardino (SS)
Campista, Anthony 54.70 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Campbell, Aiden 55.42 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Oscar 56.18 San Bernardino (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quevedo, Ignacio 10:47.82 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Aparicio, Marcos 10:58.23 San Bernardino (SS)
Ramirez, Christofer 11:05.59 San Bernardino (SS)
Gomez, Pablo 12:00.36 Indian Springs (SS)
Saldana, Roberto 12:18.87 San Bernardino (SS)
Avila, Evan 12:24.00 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Diego, Oswaldo 12:28.31 San Bernardino (SS)
Flores Delgado, Anthony 13:13.67 Rubidoux (SS)
Zavala, Aaron 14:31.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Jara, Esteban 14:51.00 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendez, Nicholas 1:01.10 Rubidoux (SS)
Landin, Marco 1:02.32 Rubidoux (SS)
Reyes, Felipe 1:02.40 Rubidoux (SS)
Martinez, David 1:02.72 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Chavez, Chrystian 1:03.18 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Mason, Shemar 1:06.84h Indian Springs (SS)
Campbell, Aiden 1:08.22 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Jones, Mar'qele 52.60 San Bernardino (SS)
Nosser, Desmond 52.84h Indian Springs (SS)
Islam, Taharka 52.96 Indian Springs (SS)
Randolph, Justin 54.19 San Bernardino (SS)
Fitzgerald, Maurice 54.31 Pacific (SS)
Astudillo, Roberrt 54.76 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Casanova, Emmanuel 55.91 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Natogma, David 56.24h Indian Springs (SS)
Carcamo, Alejandro 56.59 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Saldana, Albert 59.20 Rubidoux (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.58 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Relay Team A 44.19 Indian Springs (SS)
Relay Team A 45.11 San Bernardino (SS)
Relay Team A 45.61 Pacific (SS)
Relay Team A 45.80 Rubidoux (SS)
Relay Team A 46.92 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:40.98 San Bernardino (SS)
Relay Team A 3:43.80h Indian Springs (SS)
Relay Team A 3:45.31 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Relay Team A 3:58.00 Pacific (SS)
Relay Team A 4:04.83 Rubidoux (SS)
Relay Team A 4:08.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Mar'qele 2:02.20 San Bernardino (SS)
Astudillo, Roberrt 2:12.51 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Estuvier, Esteban 2:13.92 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Duarte, Julian 2:21.01 Pacific (SS)
Brookins, Tahj 2:21.70 San Bernardino (SS)
Vargas, Derek 2:24.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Vargas, David 2:24.16 Indian Springs (SS)
Casanova, Emmanuel 2:26.13 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Avila, Evan 2:28.00 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Salgado-Perez, Geovanny 2:28.45 San Bernardino (SS)
Alvarez, Eduardo 2:29.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Nadeau, Trevor 2:30.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Flores Delgado, Anthony 2:30.60 Rubidoux (SS)
Lopez, Isael 2:35.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Guzman, Cruz 2:36.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Garcia, Ernesto 2:38.80 Rubidoux (SS)
Maganda, Ivan 2:39.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Grajeda, Dylan 2:49.00 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Jara, Esteban 2:50.11 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Boys Discus 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cash, Miking 139-0 San Bernardino (SS)
Hernandez, Henry 137-11 San Bernardino (SS)
Whittington, Kimani 134-8 Pacific (SS)
Peace, Gregory 131-7.5 Pacific (SS)
Brieske, Jared 124-11.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
King-Trotter, Laray 104-11.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Alvarez, Dani 104-11 Pacific (SS)
Godinez, Andrew 102-8.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Martinez, Justin 102-6.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Quintero, Carlos 102-4 San Bernardino (SS)
Moeller, Christopher 101-4 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Garibay, Uriel 97-06 Rubidoux (SS)
Davalos, Alejandro 95-8.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Campana, Armando 94-6.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Salinas, Jose 94-3 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Medina, Hector 93-10 Rubidoux (SS)
Moya, Christopher 92-7 Pacific (SS)
Rivera, Carlos 92-0 Indian Springs (SS)
Sanchez, Javier 88-9 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Diaz, Jacob 88-6.5 Pacific (SS)
Noel, Keith 87-11.5 Pacific (SS)
Lopez, Mario 87-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Roldan, Juan Carlos 85-8.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Castaneda, Ivan 82-3 San Bernardino (SS)
Hawley, Ruebon 82-1 Indian Springs (SS)
Oleta, Moses 81-10 Indian Springs (SS)
Nosser, Evan 81-10 Indian Springs (SS)
Sevilla, Jordan 80-3 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Valenzuela, Cruz 79-7 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Ramos, Bo 76-9 Indian Springs (SS)
Flores, Ivan 76-2 Indian Springs (SS)
Kaldas, Jacob 74-10 Rubidoux (SS)
Rivas, Javier 74-9 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Cabrera, Jared 74-4 Indian Springs (SS)
Silva, Jose 74-0 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Mendoza, David 73-8 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Preciado, Eric 71-1 San Bernardino (SS)
Hernandez, Hayden 70-7 San Bernardino (SS)
Rodriguez, Alexis 64-8 San Bernardino (SS)
Padrilan, Terrence 62-2 Indian Springs (SS)
Acosta, Pablo 57-3 Rubidoux (SS)
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Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bedford, Ross 5-8 Pacific (SS)
Copeland, Eric 5-8 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Nelson, Nubian 5-6 Indian Springs (SS)
Suatele, Steele 5-4 San Bernardino (SS)
Weber, Xavier 5-2 Indian Springs (SS)
Nosser, Desmond 5-2 Indian Springs (SS)
Smiley, Na'eem 5-2 San Bernardino (SS)
Leslie, Stanley 5-2 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Dominguez, Antonio 5-0 Pacific (SS)
Carin, Elijah 5-0 Pacific (SS)
Natogma, David 5-0 Indian Springs (SS)
Titus, Davion 5-0 San Bernardino (SS)
Ramirez, Joshua Miller (A.B.) (SS)
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Boys Long Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brieske, Jared 20-11.25 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Ramirez, Joshua 19-11.25 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Bedford, Ross 19-5 Pacific (SS)
Guerrero, Anthony 19-3.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Griffin, Tayten 19-1.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Jackson, Jayelin 18-9.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Randolph, Justin 18-4 San Bernardino (SS)
Green, Joshua 18-3 Rubidoux (SS)
Nelson, Nubian 18-0 Indian Springs (SS)
Suatele, Steele 17-9.25 San Bernardino (SS)
Hollingsworth, Nikko 17-7.5 Pacific (SS)
Weber, Xavier 17-6.5 Indian Springs (SS)
Titus, Davion 17-6 San Bernardino (SS)
Natogma, David 17-3 Indian Springs (SS)
White, Leon 17-2.25 Indian Springs (SS)
Garcia, Victor 16-7.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Gates, Willie 16-7 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Alonzo, Pablo 16-7 San Bernardino (SS)
Smith, Royal 16-0 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Smiley, Na'eem 16-0 San Bernardino (SS)
Hawley, Daniel 15-11 Indian Springs (SS)
Berumen, Shawn 15-10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Lopez, Gerardo 15-8 Rubidoux (SS)
Lopez, Yareck 14-8 San Bernardino (SS)
Mujica, Jonathan 13-10 Rubidoux (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cash, Miking 52-4 San Bernardino (SS)
Whittington, Kimani 50-7.5 Pacific (SS)
Hernandez, Henry 46-7 San Bernardino (SS)
Brieske, Jared 42-0.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
King-Trotter, Laray 40-10 San Bernardino (SS)
Peace, Gregory 39-2.25 Pacific (SS)
Salinas, Jose 38-6.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Godinez, Andrew 38-3 San Bernardino (SS)
Martinez, Justin 36-11.75 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Sanchez, Javier 36-6.25 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Moya, Christopher 36-6 Pacific (SS)
Campana, Armando 35-10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Garibay, Uriel 35-10 Rubidoux (SS)
Valenzuela, Cruz 35-1.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Medina, Hector 34-10.5 Rubidoux (SS)
Moeller, Christopher 34-3.75 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Nosser, Evan 34-3.5 Indian Springs (SS)
Sevilla, Jordan 34-2.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Oleta, Moses 34-2 Indian Springs (SS)
Davalos, Alejandro 33-11 San Bernardino (SS)
Alvarez, Dani 33-4.5 Pacific (SS)
Rivera, Carlos 33-3 Indian Springs (SS)
Hernandez, Hayden 32-10.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Quintero, Carlos 32-1.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Cabrera, Jared 31-11 Indian Springs (SS)
Mendoza, David 31-8.25 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ramos, Bo 31-1 Indian Springs (SS)
Diaz, Jacob 30-9 Pacific (SS)
Lopez, Mario 30-6 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Alexis 30-6 San Bernardino (SS)
Flores, Ivan 30-5 Indian Springs (SS)
Preciado, Eric 30-2 San Bernardino (SS)
Silva, Jose 29-11.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Noel, Keith 29-10.25 Pacific (SS)
Mujica, Jonathan 29-8 Rubidoux (SS)
Castaneda, Ivan 29-3.25 San Bernardino (SS)
Roldan, Juan Carlos 28-8.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Gutierrez, Derick 28-7 Rubidoux (SS)
Padrilan, Terrence 28-5.5 Indian Springs (SS)
Rivas, Javier 27-7.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hawley, Ruebon 23-7 Indian Springs (SS)
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Boys Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brieske, Jared 40-7.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Guerrero, Anthony 40-3 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Nosser, Desmond 40-0 Indian Springs (SS)
Green, Joshua 39-8 Rubidoux (SS)
Ramirez, Joshua 39-7.25 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Fitzgerald, Maurice 36-9.25 Pacific (SS)
Jones, Mar'qele 36-5 San Bernardino (SS)
Nelson, Nubian 36-1.5 Indian Springs (SS)
Suatele, Steele 36-1 San Bernardino (SS)
Alonzo, Pablo 34-3 San Bernardino (SS)
White, Leon 34-0 Indian Springs (SS)
Berumen, Shawn 33-2.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hawley, Daniel 32-10 Indian Springs (SS)
Garcia, Victor 32-9 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Titus, Davion 30-9 San Bernardino (SS)
Lopez, Gerardo 30-02 Rubidoux (SS)
Weber, Xavier 29-9 Indian Springs (SS)
Mujica, Jonathan 27-0 Rubidoux (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McPherson, Alyssa Jurupa Valley (SS)
Shalabi, Amira Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Rivers, Kiarah 12.40 Indian Springs (SS)
Hallie, Carlysia 12.44h Indian Springs (SS)
Green, Jessie 13.30 Rubidoux (SS)
Leon, Alexia 13.43 Pacific (SS)
Calleja, Dianna 13.44h Indian Springs (SS)
Macedo, Liliana 13.44h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Green, Alyiah 13.50 Rubidoux (SS)
Milton, Herizon 13.50 San Bernardino (SS)
Kraynak, Setsianna 13.64h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn 13.80 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Gomez, Alexa 14.25 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Trejo, tanayah 14.27 Pacific (SS)
Wallace, Arnell 14.44 Pacific (SS)
Allen, Emonnie 14.54 San Bernardino (SS)
Guerrero, Natalie 14.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Reyes-Morales, Naomy 14.56 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Changlee, Tiffany 14.64h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Vinson, Raelei 14.67 Pacific (SS)
Lopez, Dayana 14.74 Pacific (SS)
Galindo, Abril 14.89 Pacific (SS)
Soto, Michell 14.93 San Bernardino (SS)
Olden, Makena 14.93 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Fish, Tierra 15.03 Pacific (SS)
Virgen-Mendoza, Adia 15.14 Pacific (SS)
Soto, Maraie 15.39 San Bernardino (SS)
Taylor, Eloni 15.83 San Bernardino (SS)
Barajas, Samantha 16.04 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Carrillo, Saida 16.05 San Bernardino (SS)
Manuel, Ja'Nyce 16.24 San Bernardino (SS)
Akinyemi, Perfect 16.38 San Bernardino (SS)
Akinyemi, Best 16.88 San Bernardino (SS)
Alba, Maya 16.90 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hughes, Abby 16.90 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Minjarez, Amber 18.14h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Ferrel, Ammhy 18.34 Indian Springs (SS)
Reyes-Morales, Naomy 18.46 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Soto, Monica 18.53 San Bernardino (SS)
Coleman, Kaynisha 19.00 Pacific (SS)
Estrada, Jasmine 20.65 San Bernardino (SS)
Trujillo, Mia 20.74h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Palacios, Patnaree 21.00 Rubidoux (SS)
Hernandez, Jocelyn 21.88 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Martinez, Fernanda 22.11 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Huezo, Abygail 22.12 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ramirez, Brisa 22.73 San Bernardino (SS)
Henry, Naphtali 23.10 San Bernardino (SS)
Shalabi, Amira 23.44 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
De Jesus, Cassandra 10:56.00 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Alvarez, Olivia 5:55.13 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Ramos, Dianet 6:03.05 Pacific (SS)
Munoz, Denisse 6:06.10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ordunez, Jessica 6:23.30 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Socop, Maria 6:28.14 San Bernardino (SS)
Suarez, Cali 6:47.34 San Bernardino (SS)
Valle, Samantha 6:48.99 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ambrossi, Amira 6:55.60 Indian Springs (SS)
Robles, Judy 6:58.81 Pacific (SS)
Villa, Briesis 6:59.80 Rubidoux (SS)
Flores, Lucia 7:02.46 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ruiz, Leslie 7:08.10 Rubidoux (SS)
Rodriguez, Vivian 7:16.80 San Bernardino (SS)
Agurrie, Cynthia 7:30.40 Rubidoux (SS)
Zuniga, Roselyn 7:46.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Ortega, Jennifer 8:01.20 Indian Springs (SS)
Flores, Jessica 8:06.47 San Bernardino (SS)
Pizano, Destiny 8:22.41 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rivers, Kiarah 25.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Green, Alyiah 27.70 Rubidoux (SS)
Macedo, Liliana 27.74h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Hallie, Carlysia 28.23 Indian Springs (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn 28.48 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Calleja, Dianna 28.84h Indian Springs (SS)
Kraynak, Setsianna 28.94h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Leon, Alexia 29.24 Pacific (SS)
Galindo, Abril 29.24 Pacific (SS)
Milton, Herizon 29.90 San Bernardino (SS)
Quintero, Monserad 29.90 Rubidoux (SS)
Ruiz, Siarah 30.12 San Bernardino (SS)
Guerrero, Natalie 30.44h Indian Springs (SS)
Gonzales, Katalina 30.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Williams, Sophia 30.59 San Bernardino (SS)
Trejo, tanayah 30.59 Pacific (SS)
Flores, Layla 30.64h Indian Springs (SS)
Garibay, Damaris 30.80 Rubidoux (SS)
Wallace, Arnell 30.88 Pacific (SS)
Westbrook, Xaniyah 31.10 Pacific (SS)
Allen, Emonnie 31.18 San Bernardino (SS)
McPherson, Madison 31.20 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Lopez, Dayana 31.42 Pacific (SS)
Soto, Michell 31.84 San Bernardino (SS)
Vinson, Raelei 32.01 Pacific (SS)
Changlee, Tiffany 32.09 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Naranjo, Andrea 32.60 Pacific (SS)
Virgen-Mendoza, Adia 32.87 Pacific (SS)
Taylor, Eloni 33.10 San Bernardino (SS)
Carrillo, Saida 33.29 San Bernardino (SS)
Olden, Makena 33.74h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Sangha, Sukhkiran 34.70 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Briana 35.68 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Barajas, Samantha 35.74h Jurupa Valley (SS)
Alba, Maya 35.90 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hughes, Abby 39.00 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McPherson, Madison Jurupa Valley (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Jocelyn 1:00.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Curtis-Mayberry, Chasity 1:02.49 Pacific (SS)
Palacios, Patnaree 1:05.09 Rubidoux (SS)
Huezo, Abygail 1:05.48 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ramirez, Brisa 1:05.69 San Bernardino (SS)
Martinez, Fernanda 1:08.56 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Henry, Naphtali 1:08.88 San Bernardino (SS)
Trujillo, Mia 1:12.24h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Soto, Monica 53.82 San Bernardino (SS)
Coleman, Kaynisha 53.84 Pacific (SS)
Estrada, Jasmine 54.30 San Bernardino (SS)
Ferrel, Ammhy 54.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Green, Jessie 55.47 Rubidoux (SS)
Minjarez, Amber 55.51 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Reyes-Morales, Naomy 56.70 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munoz, Denisse Jurupa Valley (SS)
Alvarez, Olivia 13:20.07 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Socop, Maria 15:07.87 San Bernardino (SS)
Ambrossi, Amira 15:12.77 Indian Springs (SS)
Suarez, Cali 15:58.00 San Bernardino (SS)
Villa, Briesis 16:15.80 Rubidoux (SS)
Ruiz, Leslie 16:21.45 Rubidoux (SS)
Rodriguez, Vivian 17:24.50 San Bernardino (SS)
Ortega, Jennifer 18:03.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Valle, Samantha 20:06.72 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Flores, Lucia 20:07.32 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Pizano, Destiny 21:00.27 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kraynak, Setsianna Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Torres, Haidy 1:04.24h Indian Springs (SS)
Davilla, Kassanda 1:05.74 Rubidoux (SS)
Mena, Monserath 1:06.16 San Bernardino (SS)
Henderson, Amahnie 1:07.08 San Bernardino (SS)
Westbrook, Xaniyah 1:09.31 Pacific (SS)
Williams, Sophia 1:09.37 San Bernardino (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn 1:09.46 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ruiz, Siarah 1:09.52 San Bernardino (SS)
Flores, Layla 1:09.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Lopez, Dayana 1:10.54 Pacific (SS)
Garibay, Damaris 1:11.20 Rubidoux (SS)
Davis, Nekari 1:11.79 Pacific (SS)
Padilla, Melissa 1:12.04h Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Gonzales, Katalina 1:12.24h Indian Springs (SS)
Guerrero, Natalie 1:12.83 Indian Springs (SS)
Alcaraz, Alyssa 1:14.06 Rubidoux (SS)
Hernandez, Jocelyn 1:14.40 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ramos, Emily 1:14.77 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Naranjo, Andrea 1:16.24 Pacific (SS)
Sangha, Sukhkiran 1:21.14 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Changlee, Tiffany 1:21.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Perez, Andrea 1:23.29 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.54h Indian Springs (SS)
Relay Team A 53.53 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 53.55 Rubidoux (SS)
Relay Team A 54.60 San Bernardino (SS)
Relay Team A 54.70 Pacific (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:29.39 Rubidoux (SS)
Relay Team A 4:30.01 San Bernardino (SS)
Relay Team A 4:33.90 Indian Springs (SS)
Relay Team A 4:47.73 Pacific (SS)
Relay Team A 5:02.30 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramos, Dianet 2:37.28 Pacific (SS)
Mena, Monserath 2:45.00 San Bernardino (SS)
Munoz, Denisse 2:52.49 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ruiz, Siarah 2:53.53 San Bernardino (SS)
Ordunez, Jessica 2:54.85 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Socop, Maria 2:55.51 San Bernardino (SS)
Valle, Samantha 3:01.74 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Flores, Lucia 3:04.69 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Robles, Judy 3:07.02 Pacific (SS)
Ochoa, Jovita 3:12.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Ambrossi, Sveva 3:13.20 Indian Springs (SS)
Villa, Briesis 3:13.30 Rubidoux (SS)
Suarez, Cali 3:14.07 San Bernardino (SS)
Zuniga, Roselyn 3:14.80 Indian Springs (SS)
Albarran, Stephanie 3:17.10 Rubidoux (SS)
Ruiz, Leslie 3:17.90 Rubidoux (SS)
Agurrie, Cynthia 3:19.90 Rubidoux (SS)
DeLaTorre, Ebonie 3:20.80 Pacific (SS)
Pizano, Destiny 3:22.29 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Garcia, Briannah 3:24.00 Indian Springs (SS)
Sangha, Sukhkiran 3:24.43 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Lopez, Christianie 3:28.03 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Montanez Rodrigu, Raylene 3:29.00 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Flores, Jessica 3:31.84 San Bernardino (SS)
Rodriguez, Vivian 3:34.76 San Bernardino (SS)
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Girls Discus 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuimaono, Felefele 114-7 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Duran, Lilly 93-3 Pacific (SS)
Perez, Reyna 85-4.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Sanchez, Yahdira 85-2 Rubidoux (SS)
Aiono, Lavei 84-2.25 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Salgado Perez, Lenise 82-2 Pacific (SS)
Canchola, Angela 80-4.5 Pacific (SS)
Alvarado, Aileen 80-3.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Arana, Amisadai 77-3 San Bernardino (SS)
Vidaurri, MaryJane 74-2.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Rivera Garcia, Cassandra 73-11 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Sotelo, Lizzet 73-2.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Willies, Tatiana 73-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Gallardo, Dayanara 71-1.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Aguilar, Patricia 70-4.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Gomez, Gisselle 69-9 Indian Springs (SS)
Barragan, Monica 69-8.5 Pacific (SS)
Mendoza, Jocelynn 69-8 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Calderon, Alexandra 68-6 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Madariaga, Wendy 68-3 San Bernardino (SS)
Murphy, Jasmine 65-9.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Solo, Katala 65-8.5 Pacific (SS)
Huezo, Abygail 65-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Wilson, Alena 63-10.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Kepu, Nellie 62-10.5 Rubidoux (SS)
Zacarias, Marley 59-3 Rubidoux (SS)
Trejo, Yazmine 59-1.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Godinez, Yaretzi 58-11 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Thomas, Emonnie 57-7.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Quevedo, Ana 56-6 San Bernardino (SS)
Castro, Jasmin 52-10 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Brambilla, Aryanna 52-8.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Brown, Kalaya 52-4.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Nunn, Angelica 50-9 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Duran, Liliana 42-9 San Bernardino (SS)
Aceves, Liliana 39-11 San Bernardino (SS)
Duran, Sheyla 27-6 San Bernardino (SS)
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Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Ab 5-2 Jurupa Valley (SS)
McPherson, Madison 4-8 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Bernardine Alger, Jayen 4-7 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Barrera, Katelyn 4-6 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Milton, Herizon 4-6 San Bernardino (SS)
Soto, Monica 4-3 San Bernardino (SS)
Williams, Trinity 4-2 Indian Springs (SS)
Williams, Kaziana 4-2 Indian Springs (SS)
Duran, Jaylene 4-2 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Minjarez, Amber 4-2 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Akinyemi, Best 4-0 San Bernardino (SS)
Ramos, Emily 4-0 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Ab 18-7.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Macedo, Liliana 15-2 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Trejo, tanayah 14-9 Pacific (SS)
Estrada, Jasmine 14-9 San Bernardino (SS)
McPherson, Madison 14-7 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Williams, Trinity 14-6.5 Indian Springs (SS)
Ferrel, Ammhy 14-6 Indian Springs (SS)
Gomez, Alexa 14-0 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Grandberry, Leah 13-10 Indian Springs (SS)
Guerrero, Natalie 13-5 Indian Springs (SS)
Davilla, Kassanda 13-4 Rubidoux (SS)
Ramos, Emily 13-2.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Curtis-Mayberry, Chasity 13-2 Pacific (SS)
Soto, Michell 13-1 San Bernardino (SS)
Williams, Sophia 12-11.25 San Bernardino (SS)
Zacarias, Marley 12-10 Rubidoux (SS)
Padilla, Melissa 12-7.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Fish, Tierra 12-7 Pacific (SS)
Vera Ramirez, Stephanie 12-4 Rubidoux (SS)
Ruiz, Siarah 12-2 San Bernardino (SS)
Hazameh, Hadeel 12-1.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Perez, Andrea 11-10.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Gaytan, Brianna 11-3 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Gonzales, Katalina 10-8 Indian Springs (SS)
Contreras, Mirelly 10-7.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuimaono, Felefele 34-7 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Sanchez, Yahdira 29-11 Rubidoux (SS)
Murphy, Jasmine 29-4.25 San Bernardino (SS)
Kepu, Nellie 28-11 Rubidoux (SS)
Alvarado, Aileen 28-2 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Rivera Garcia, Cassandra 27-6.5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Mendoza, Jocelynn 26-2.75 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Aiono, Lavei 25-11 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Wilson, Alena 25-10 San Bernardino (SS)
Arana, Amisadai 25-9.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Willies, Tatiana 25-9.25 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Salgado Perez, Lenise 24-11 Pacific (SS)
Perez, Reyna 24-10 San Bernardino (SS)
Calderon, Alexandra 24-6 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Sotelo, Lizzet 24-3 San Bernardino (SS)
Gomez, Gisselle 24-0 Indian Springs (SS)
Huezo, Abygail 23-11.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Canchola, Angela 23-11 Pacific (SS)
Duran, Lilly 23-9 Pacific (SS)
Barragan, Monica 23-3.5 Pacific (SS)
Trejo, Yazmine 23-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Solo, Katala 23-1 Pacific (SS)
Godinez, Yaretzi 23-0.25 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Vidaurri, MaryJane 22-9.25 San Bernardino (SS)
Brown, Kalaya 22-5 San Bernardino (SS)
Gallardo, Dayanara 22-3 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Quevedo, Ana 21-4 San Bernardino (SS)
Thomas, Emonnie 21-0.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Zacarias, Marley 20-10 Rubidoux (SS)
Nunn, Angelica 20-0 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Madariaga, Wendy 19-11.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Brambilla, Aryanna 19-10.25 San Bernardino (SS)
Aguilar, Patricia 19-7 San Bernardino (SS)
Aceves, Liliana 18-1.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Duran, Sheyla 16-4.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Duran, Liliana 15-11.25 San Bernardino (SS)
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Girls Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Ab 39-11 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Zacarias, Marley 32-10 Rubidoux (SS)
McPherson, Madison 32-1 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Estrada, Jasmine 31-3 San Bernardino (SS)
Gomez, Alexa 30-2 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ferrel, Ammhy 29-7.5 Indian Springs (SS)
Minjarez, Amber 29-5 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Henderson, Amahnie 28-7 San Bernardino (SS)
Mena, Monserath 28-6.5 San Bernardino (SS)
Contreras, Mirelly 27-8.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Hazameh, Hadeel 27-5.5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Duran, Jaylene 26-7 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Trujillo, Mia 26-0 Miller (A.B.) (SS)
Davilla, Kassanda 24-8 Rubidoux (SS)
Vera Ramirez, Stephanie 24-1 Rubidoux (SS)
Gaytan, Brianna 22-8 Jurupa Valley (SS)
Ramirez-Tapia, Camyla 19-5 Jurupa Valley (SS)
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