Hillcrest vs Norte Vista 2024

Midvale, CA
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Calixto, Noe Hillcrest (SS)
Fattouh, Belal Hillcrest (SS)
Tellez, Jaime Hillcrest (SS)
Ortiz, Reyez Hillcrest (SS)
Atallah, Zacariah Hillcrest (SS)
Becerra, Eli Hillcrest (SS)
Ramirez, Ethen Hillcrest (SS)
Oyenuga, Oluwaseun Norte Vista (SS)
Godinez, Ayden Hillcrest (SS)
lemus, ian Hillcrest (SS)
Walter, Jake Hillcrest (SS)
Beridon, Nathan Norte Vista (SS)
Valdez, Ethan Hillcrest (SS)
Osei-Acheampong, Nana Hillcrest (SS)
Dixon, Isaiah Hillcrest (SS)
Shaw, Nick 11.50 Hillcrest (SS)
Taylor, Darius 12.04 Hillcrest (SS)
Fernadez, Andres 12.05 Hillcrest (SS)
Love-Smith, Mingus 12.05 Hillcrest (SS)
Bolender, Seth 12.33 Norte Vista (SS)
Cajero, Alan 12.42 Hillcrest (SS)
Raya, Rodolfo 12.55 Norte Vista (SS)
Carrera, Rodrigo 13.08 Norte Vista (SS)
Cardenas Banuelos, Gerardo 13.12 Norte Vista (SS)
Barajas, Kevin 13.47 Norte Vista (SS)
Segura, Eric 13.70 Norte Vista (SS)
Salas, Yzmael 14.20 Hillcrest (SS)
Hernandez, Matthew 14.36 Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pickett, Kahlil 20.37 Hillcrest (SS)
Verduzco, Paul 20.74 Hillcrest (SS)
Clemente, Willie 20.94 Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Aberham 21.60 Norte Vista (SS)
Fonseca, Jason 24.53 Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cervantes, Agustin Norte Vista (SS)
Segura Colima, Hector Norte Vista (SS)
Martinez, Dezi Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Daniel Hillcrest (SS)
Cervantes, Issac Norte Vista (SS)
Leanos, Pablo Norte Vista (SS)
Flores, Ayden Hillcrest (SS)
Hernandez, Andrew Norte Vista (SS)
Miguel, Ezequiel Norte Vista (SS)
Cervantes, Luis Norte Vista (SS)
Gerbacio, Elvis Norte Vista (SS)
Orrego, Lucas Hillcrest (SS)
Leanos, Isidro 5:07.34 Norte Vista (SS)
Abad, Oscar 5:08.17 Norte Vista (SS)
Honorato, Amyr 5:10.07 Norte Vista (SS)
Nguyen, Tai 5:13.30 Norte Vista (SS)
Escoto, David 5:19.63 Norte Vista (SS)
Flores, Brayan 5:42.88 Norte Vista (SS)
Alcocer, Angel 6:01.03 Hillcrest (SS)
Matias Garcia, Brandon 6:08.10 Norte Vista (SS)
Duryee, Jacob 6:15.75 Norte Vista (SS)
Ramirez Cardona, Christopher 6:30.12 Norte Vista (SS)
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walter, Jake Hillcrest (SS)
Valdez, Ethan Hillcrest (SS)
lemus, ian Hillcrest (SS)
Dixon, Isaiah Hillcrest (SS)
Smith, Jahki Hillcrest (SS)
McBride, Edwin Hillcrest (SS)
Osei-Acheampong, Nana Hillcrest (SS)
Taylor, Darius Hillcrest (SS)
Oyenuga, Oluwaseun Norte Vista (SS)
Ortiz, Reyez Hillcrest (SS)
Calixto, Noe Hillcrest (SS)
Henderson, Cristian Norte Vista (SS)
Fattouh, Belal Hillcrest (SS)
Tellez, Jaime Hillcrest (SS)
Bergen, Boden Hillcrest (SS)
Ramirez, Ethen Hillcrest (SS)
Beridon, Nathan Norte Vista (SS)
Godinez, Ayden Hillcrest (SS)
Atallah, Zacariah Hillcrest (SS)
Love-Smith, Mingus Hillcrest (SS)
Shaw, Nick 23.35 Hillcrest (SS)
Cajero, Alan 25.16 Hillcrest (SS)
Raya, Rodolfo 25.59 Norte Vista (SS)
Bolender, Seth 25.85 Norte Vista (SS)
Cardenas Banuelos, Gerardo 27.90 Norte Vista (SS)
Salas, Yzmael 28.72 Hillcrest (SS)
Carrera, Rodrigo 29.00 Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Matthew 29.11 Hillcrest (SS)
Segura, Eric 29.78 Norte Vista (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Segura Colima, Hector 1:02.41 Norte Vista (SS)
Fonseca, Jason 1:04.43 Hillcrest (SS)
Castillo, Emiliano 1:05.87 Norte Vista (SS)
Pickett, Kahlil 48.14 Hillcrest (SS)
Clemente, Willie 50.16 Hillcrest (SS)
Evans, William 51.06 Hillcrest (SS)
Escoto, David 51.19 Norte Vista (SS)
Verduzco, Paul 51.95 Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Aberham 53.18 Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Matthew 56.96 Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cervantes, Agustin Norte Vista (SS)
Ortega, Ruben Hillcrest (SS)
Martinez, Dezi Norte Vista (SS)
Cervantes, Issac Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Daniel Hillcrest (SS)
Orrego, Lucas Hillcrest (SS)
Leanos, Pablo Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Andrew Norte Vista (SS)
Miguel, Ezequiel Norte Vista (SS)
Cervantes, Luis Norte Vista (SS)
Gerbacio, Elvis Norte Vista (SS)
Abad, Oscar 11:07.99 Norte Vista (SS)
Honorato, Amyr 11:28.92 Norte Vista (SS)
Gutierrez, Stevan 11:56.17 Norte Vista (SS)
Leanos, Isidro 11:58.20 Norte Vista (SS)
Flores, Brayan 12:30.23 Norte Vista (SS)
Matias Garcia, Brandon 16:12.10 Norte Vista (SS)
Duryee, Jacob 16:45.65 Norte Vista (SS)
Ramirez Cardona, Christopher 17:10.10 Norte Vista (SS)
Nguyen, Tai 18:13.04 Norte Vista (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Segura Colima, Hector Norte Vista (SS)
Flor, Erik Hillcrest (SS)
Garcia , Brennan Hillcrest (SS)
Oyenuga, Oluwaseun Norte Vista (SS)
Solano, Matthew Hillcrest (SS)
Beridon, Nathan Norte Vista (SS)
Bergen, Boden Hillcrest (SS)
Henderson, Cristian Norte Vista (SS)
Hernandez, Matthew Hillcrest (SS)
Barajas, Kevin 1:01.38 Norte Vista (SS)
Causey, Ray 1:03.50 Hillcrest (SS)
Cardenas Banuelos, Gerardo 1:04.03 Norte Vista (SS)
Castillo, Emiliano 59.95 Norte Vista (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A Hillcrest (SS)
Relay Team B Hillcrest (SS)
Relay Team A 46:03.00 Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A 3:50.26 Hillcrest (SS)
Relay Team A 3:50.26 Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Solano, Matthew Hillcrest (SS)
Oyenuga, Oluwaseun Norte Vista (SS)
Cervantes, Agustin Norte Vista (SS)
Flores, Ayden Hillcrest (SS)
Martinez, Dezi Norte Vista (SS)
Cervantes, Issac Norte Vista (SS)
Garcia , Brennan Hillcrest (SS)
Hernandez, Andrew Norte Vista (SS)
Leanos, Pablo Norte Vista (SS)
Abad, Oscar Norte Vista (SS)
Flor, Erik Hillcrest (SS)
Miguel, Ezequiel Norte Vista (SS)
Cervantes, Luis Norte Vista (SS)
Gerbacio, Elvis Norte Vista (SS)
Martinez, James 2:15.75 Hillcrest (SS)
Leanos, Isidro 2:20.41 Norte Vista (SS)
Segura Colima, Hector 2:24.38 Norte Vista (SS)
Escoto, David 2:31.00 Norte Vista (SS)
Gutierrez, Stevan 2:35.91 Norte Vista (SS)
Matias Garcia, Brandon 2:42.49 Norte Vista (SS)
Alcocer, Angel 2:44.70 Hillcrest (SS)
Ramirez Cardona, Christopher 2:45.07 Norte Vista (SS)
Flores, Brayan 2:47.09 Norte Vista (SS)
Nguyen, Tai 2:57.19 Norte Vista (SS)
Duryee, Jacob 3:02.50 Norte Vista (SS)
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Boys Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Capote, Elias 100-3 Hillcrest (SS)
Candia, Aaron 96-5 Hillcrest (SS)
Ulloa, Dominic 96-2 Norte Vista (SS)
Ruvalcaba, Fabian 93-9 Norte Vista (SS)
Maldonado , James 89-2 Hillcrest (SS)
Ornelas, Andres 82-0 Norte Vista (SS)
Davis, Isaiah 69-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Tallman, Allen 37-6 Hillcrest (SS)
Mogollan, Angel Norte Vista (SS)
Romero, Angel Norte Vista (SS)
Montalvo, Diego Norte Vista (SS)
Ezeanyim, Nathan Hillcrest (SS)
Eddy, Devin Hillcrest (SS)
Gisler, Talon Hillcrest (SS)
Mota, Isaac Hillcrest (SS)
Herrera, Maximus Hillcrest (SS)
Ingram, Kevin Hillcrest (SS)
Jauregui, Roberto Hillcrest (SS)
Mendoza, Erick Hillcrest (SS)
Nisthal, Alex Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys High Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodríguez Rivera, Omar 5-6 Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Ziah Hillcrest (SS)
Smith, Jahki Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys Long Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fernadez, Andres 18-0.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Rodríguez Rivera, Omar 16-6.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Love-Smith, Mingus 16-5 Hillcrest (SS)
Alvarado, Christian 15-5.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Becerra, Eli Hillcrest (SS)
Smith, Jahki Hillcrest (SS)
Valdez, Ethan Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Ziah Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, James 10-6 Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Ziah Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Candia, Aaron 39-11.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Capote, Elias 36-0 Hillcrest (SS)
Ruvalcaba, Fabian 35-4 Norte Vista (SS)
Ulloa, Dominic 33-0 Norte Vista (SS)
Davis, Isaiah 28-5.25 Hillcrest (SS)
Ornelas, Andres 26-6 Norte Vista (SS)
Tallman, Allen 19-11 Hillcrest (SS)
Mogollan, Angel Norte Vista (SS)
Romero, Angel Norte Vista (SS)
Montalvo, Diego Norte Vista (SS)
Ezeanyim, Nathan Hillcrest (SS)
Maldonado , James Hillcrest (SS)
Eddy, Devin Hillcrest (SS)
Gisler, Talon Hillcrest (SS)
Herrera, Maximus Hillcrest (SS)
Ingram, Kevin Hillcrest (SS)
Jauregui, Roberto Hillcrest (SS)
Mendoza, Erick Hillcrest (SS)
Mota, Isaac Hillcrest (SS)
Nisthal, Alex Hillcrest (SS)
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Boys Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fernadez, Andres 36-7 Hillcrest (SS)
Alvarado, Christian 35-10 Hillcrest (SS)
Rodríguez Rivera, Omar 34-7.75 Hillcrest (SS)
Love-Smith, Mingus 32-6.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Smith, Jahki Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herrera, Savannah Hillcrest (SS)
Ortega, Dalia Norte Vista (SS)
McQuirter, Kharmin Norte Vista (SS)
McBride, Savannah Hillcrest (SS)
Blaylock, Leyla Hillcrest (SS)
Alejandre , Matilyn Hillcrest (SS)
Rodriguez, Anahi Norte Vista (SS)
Norman, Maya Norte Vista (SS)
Sandoval, Sadie Hillcrest (SS)
Sotelo, Fatima Norte Vista (SS)
Aranda, Ashley Norte Vista (SS)
Calhoun, A'Mielle Norte Vista (SS)
Perez, Emme 14.31 Hillcrest (SS)
Joung, Yujin 14.37 Hillcrest (SS)
Mcquirter, Kasaya 14.69 Norte Vista (SS)
Vargas, Angelica 15.18 Norte Vista (SS)
Butts, Aaliyah 16.11 Norte Vista (SS)
Jeter, Khayla 16.49 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davila, Eileen Norte Vista (SS)
Velasquez, Gisselle 19.94 Hillcrest (SS)
Evidarte, Yaretzy 20.25 Norte Vista (SS)
Treto, Kassandra 20.71 Norte Vista (SS)
Valencia, Irazu 20.88 Norte Vista (SS)
Guerrero, Briana 22.65 Norte Vista (SS)
De La Cruz, Isabella 23.21 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Honorato, Marlene Norte Vista (SS)
Chavez, Wendy Norte Vista (SS)
Aguilar, Hailey Hillcrest (SS)
Segura, Evelyn Hillcrest (SS)
Zarate, Lillian Norte Vista (SS)
Medina, Yanelie Hillcrest (SS)
Moreno, Emily Norte Vista (SS)
Ortiz-Luis, Sofia Hillcrest (SS)
Carrillo, Mikayla Norte Vista (SS)
Moscoso, Breanna Hillcrest (SS)
Brookins, Hope 5:26.32 Norte Vista (SS)
Velasquez, Maya 6:44.54 Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mazzolini, Ryan Hillcrest (SS)
Sotelo, Fatima Norte Vista (SS)
McQuirter, Kharmin Norte Vista (SS)
Aranda, Ashley Norte Vista (SS)
Sandoval, Sadie Hillcrest (SS)
Ortega, Dalia Norte Vista (SS)
Ocampo, Natalene Norte Vista (SS)
Norman, Maya Norte Vista (SS)
Alejandre , Matilyn Hillcrest (SS)
McBride, Savannah Hillcrest (SS)
Blaylock, Leyla Hillcrest (SS)
Rodriguez, Anahi Norte Vista (SS)
Calhoun, Keemaria Norte Vista (SS)
Calhoun, A'Mielle Norte Vista (SS)
Davila, Eileen Norte Vista (SS)
Lowe, Vianey 28.11 Hillcrest (SS)
Vega , Mariana 29.04 Hillcrest (SS)
Joung, Yujin 29.30 Hillcrest (SS)
Perez, Emme 29.76 Hillcrest (SS)
Vargas, Angelica 31.36 Norte Vista (SS)
Butts, Aaliyah 36.07 Norte Vista (SS)
Jeter, Khayla 36.20 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davila, Eileen Norte Vista (SS)
Calhoun, Keemaria Norte Vista (SS)
Guerrero, Briana 1:01.49 Norte Vista (SS)
De La Cruz, Isabella 1:05.43 Norte Vista (SS)
Evidarte, Yaretzy 54.92 Norte Vista (SS)
Moralez, Destiny 55.20 Norte Vista (SS)
Treto, Kassandra 56.95 Norte Vista (SS)
Velasquez, Gisselle 57.14 Hillcrest (SS)
Valencia, Irazu 58.78 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medina, Yanelie Hillcrest (SS)
Velasquez, Maya Hillcrest (SS)
Ortiz-Luis, Sofia Hillcrest (SS)
Ocampo, Natalene Norte Vista (SS)
Moscoso, Breanna Hillcrest (SS)
Brookins, Hope 12:17.29 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez-Rivera , Regina Hillcrest (SS)
Aranda, Ashley Norte Vista (SS)
Ortega, Dalia Norte Vista (SS)
Calhoun, A'Mielle Norte Vista (SS)
Rodriguez, Anahi Norte Vista (SS)
Mazzolini, Ryan Hillcrest (SS)
McQuirter, Kharmin Norte Vista (SS)
Sotelo, Fatima Norte Vista (SS)
Candia, Valerie Hillcrest (SS)
Vega , Mariana 1:05.39 Hillcrest (SS)
Lowe, Vianey 1:06.40 Hillcrest (SS)
Joung, Yujin 1:07.84 Hillcrest (SS)
Calhoun, Keemaria 1:18.32 Norte Vista (SS)
Mcquirter, Kasaya 1:19.91 Norte Vista (SS)
De La Cruz, Isabella 1:25.82 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A 58.68 Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Norte Vista (SS)
Relay Team A 4:51.70 Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moreno, Emily Norte Vista (SS)
Ocampo, Natalene Norte Vista (SS)
Rodriguez-Rivera , Regina Hillcrest (SS)
Guerrero, Briana Norte Vista (SS)
Segura, Evelyn Hillcrest (SS)
Aguilar, Hailey Hillcrest (SS)
Honorato, Marlene Norte Vista (SS)
Candia, Valerie Hillcrest (SS)
Medina, Yanelie Hillcrest (SS)
Zarate, Lillian Norte Vista (SS)
Carrillo, Mikayla Norte Vista (SS)
Brookins, Hope 2:23.02 Norte Vista (SS)
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Girls Discus 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Colby, Maura 70-6 Hillcrest (SS)
Nisthal, Ely 60-11 Hillcrest (SS)
Cecil , Kailey 55-10 Hillcrest (SS)
Frank, Madison 43-2 Hillcrest (SS)
De La Cruz, Isabella Norte Vista (SS)
Butts, Aaliyah Norte Vista (SS)
Floriano, Paula Hillcrest (SS)
Deramus, Lu'lomie Hillcrest (SS)
Bancescu, Julia Hillcrest (SS)
Cervantes , Danni Hillcrest (SS)
Contreras, Melissa Hillcrest (SS)
Martinez, Miya Hillcrest (SS)
Galindro, Robin Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls High Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joung, Yujin 4-4 Hillcrest (SS)
Herrera, Savannah 4-2 Hillcrest (SS)
Perez, Emme Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mcquirter, Kasaya 13-3 Norte Vista (SS)
Herrera, Savannah Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortiz-Luis, Sofia Hillcrest (SS)
Rodriguez-Rivera , Regina Hillcrest (SS)
Moscoso, Breanna Hillcrest (SS)
Segura, Evelyn Hillcrest (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nisthal, Ely 23-7 Hillcrest (SS)
Colby, Maura 23-1.5 Hillcrest (SS)
Frank, Madison 18-1 Hillcrest (SS)
Calhoun, Keemaria Norte Vista (SS)
Floriano, Paula Hillcrest (SS)
Cecil , Kailey Hillcrest (SS)
Medel, Denise Norte Vista (SS)
Deramus, Lu'lomie Hillcrest (SS)
Cervantes , Danni Hillcrest (SS)
Bancescu, Julia Hillcrest (SS)
Contreras, Melissa Hillcrest (SS)
Galindro, Robin Hillcrest (SS)
Martinez, Miya Hillcrest (SS)
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