AAA League Meet 10 (WAS/BAL/MIS/WAL/SFI) 2023 vs AAA League Meet 2 (WAS/ACA/ICA) 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +14 71 57
Overall Average +45.42 25:13.13 24:27.72
1st-10th Place -26.86 19:18.07 19:44.93
1st-25th Place -16.44 20:45.70 21:02.14
1st-50th Place -45.90 22:35.41 23:21.31
1st-100th Place +3:57.73 17:54.32 13:56.60
Common Athletes -- -- 26
Ran Faster 14 20 6
Ran Season Best 10 12 2
Average Time -21.99 23:31.32 23:53.31
Median Time +9.66 23:13.18 23:03.52
Middle 80% Times -41.91 23:11.96 23:53.87
Top 10% Times -40.01 18:32.91 19:12.93
Top 25% Times -32.81 19:14.67 19:47.48
Top 50% Times -30.04 20:25.37 20:55.41
Bottom 50% Times -13.94 26:37.27 26:51.20
Bottom 25% Times +1.27 28:49.30 28:48.03
Bottom 10% Times +1:55.89 32:18.56 30:22.67
Average Difference -21.99 -- --
Median Difference +3:01.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -42.02 -- --
Top 10% Difference -39.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -42.78 -- --
Top 25% Difference -27.86 -- --
Top 50% Difference -42.78 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1.20 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1.31 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:55.89 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ayman Imam Washington (George) (SF) -39.28 18:20.81 19:00.09
Malcolm Jung Washington (George) (SF) -42.58 18:25.64 19:08.22
Sasha Kalos Washington (George) (SF) -59.09 18:52.29 19:51.38
Justin Llamera Washington (George) (SF) -35.88 18:54.59 19:30.47
Adrian Lu Washington (George) (SF) -14.65 19:31.38 19:46.03
Nathan Chang Washington (George) (SF) -3:01.03 19:55.69 22:56.72
Yibin Zhu Washington (George) (SF) +28.63 20:50.85 20:22.22
Anne Madole Washington (George) (SF) -32.15 20:42.31 21:14.46
Marc Chiu Washington (George) (SF) -49.22 20:53.09 21:42.31
Samuel Perez Washington (George) (SF) +3:01.10 23:55.04 20:53.94
Norman Zhong Washington (George) (SF) -1:14.62 21:48.90 23:03.52
Gavin Madole Washington (George) (SF) -11.94 21:52.06 22:04.00
Felix Wu Washington (George) (SF) -46.23 22:18.73 23:04.96
Austin Li Washington (George) (SF) +1:33.35 24:02.29 22:28.94
Dennis Tang Washington (George) (SF) +1.93 23:03.49 23:01.56
Linus Kim Washington (George) (SF) -2:13.00 23:13.18 25:26.18
Lauren Petersen Washington (George) (SF) -58.87 23:18.91 24:17.78
August Miller Washington (George) (SF) -1:06.92 24:20.20 25:27.12
Eliza Moore Washington (George) (SF) -1:35.85 25:29.77 27:05.62
Hugo Zhao Washington (George) (SF) -22.06 25:47.85 26:09.91
Helen Huang Washington (George) (SF) -2:02.56 25:51.56 27:54.12
Alexis Gershman Washington (George) (SF) -1:34.40 26:32.94 28:07.34
Samprathna Rathanak Washington (George) (SF) -44.05 26:37.07 27:21.12
Rosie Withrington Washington (George) (SF) -1:20.69 28:11.31 29:32.00
Kate Galbadrakh Washington (George) (SF) +4:34.35 34:56.10 30:21.75
Asher Grossman Washington (George) (SF) +2:34.02 33:48.27 31:14.25