HDN League Meet #5 North Coast Prep 2023 vs HDN League Meet #6 North Coast Prep 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +4 94 90
Overall Average +13.04 23:01.33 22:48.30
1st-10th Place +47.71 18:03.90 17:16.19
1st-25th Place +32.81 18:59.85 18:27.04
1st-50th Place +19.92 20:16.88 19:56.95
1st-100th Place +1:06.99 21:38.45 20:31.47
Common Athletes -- -- 37
Ran Faster -11 13 24
Ran Season Best 10 18 8
Average Time +41.49 22:46.78 22:05.29
Median Time +1:03.00 22:40.00 21:37.00
Middle 80% Times +42.35 22:36.97 21:54.62
Top 10% Times +55.93 18:27.75 17:31.83
Top 25% Times +49.67 19:15.99 18:26.32
Top 50% Times +39.51 20:14.33 19:34.82
Bottom 50% Times +41.29 24:07.30 23:26.02
Bottom 25% Times +45.14 27:08.78 26:23.64
Bottom 10% Times +11.12 29:24.95 29:13.83
Average Difference +41.49 -- --
Median Difference +56.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +48.13 -- --
Top 10% Difference +39.28 -- --
Top 50% Difference +35.95 -- --
Top 25% Difference +37.58 -- --
Top 50% Difference +35.95 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +47.82 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +43.44 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +54.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Everett Docherty Eureka (NC) +53.10 17:36.00 16:42.90
Ryder Bullman Eureka (NC) +22.70 17:53.00 17:30.30
Caden Demers Arcata (NC) +1:47.40 19:30.00 17:42.60
Luke Padilla Del Norte (NC) +45.50 18:57.00 18:11.50
Gianni Orlandi Arcata (NC) +1:25.16 19:43.16 18:18.00
Rowan Magnuson Arcata (NC) +35.80 19:25.00 18:49.20
Christopher Bogar Arcata (NC) +1:58.40 20:50.00 18:51.60
Eli Chiles Eureka (NC) +1:47.40 20:52.00 19:04.60
Noah Crosswhite Fortuna Union (NC) -7.40 19:28.00 19:35.40
Anthony Klobucar Fortuna Union (NC) +34.90 20:12.00 19:37.10
John Adams Arcata (NC) -20.70 19:44.00 20:04.70
Vincent Grose Eureka (NC) +19.33 20:11.73 19:52.40
Kaden Goodman Eureka (NC) -8.20 20:21.00 20:29.20
Braden Padilla Del Norte (NC) -56.10 20:30.00 21:26.10
Charlie Vanderpool North Coast Prep (NC) -11.70 20:39.00 20:50.70
Jackson Dehority Arcata (NC) +1:55.60 22:41.00 20:45.40
Yogi Trieu Arcata (NC) +1:10.70 22:17.00 21:06.30
Jack Dixon Arcata (NC) -19.60 21:07.00 21:26.60
Eli Maxwell Arcata (NC) +2:03.00 23:40.00 21:37.00
William Powers Eureka (NC) +56.40 22:40.00 21:43.60
Alex Kilroy Fortuna Union (NC) +49.96 22:36.36 21:46.40
Keyton Gulley Hoopa Valley (NC) +1:48.50 23:39.00 21:50.50
Joseph Smith Hoopa Valley (NC) +1:44.80 23:38.00 21:53.20
Brida Lester Fortuna Union (NC) -23.20 22:45.00 23:08.20
Zoe Cappuccio Arcata (NC) +49.00 23:50.00 23:01.00
Madison Trieu Arcata (NC) -43.10 23:26.00 24:09.10
Sonya Chisholm Arcata (NC) -41.30 23:29.00 24:10.30
Sydney Ventuleth Arcata (NC) -16.90 23:33.00 23:49.90
Summer Morales Eureka (NC) -25.20 23:53.00 24:18.20
Nehla Espiritu-Blackstone Arcata (NC) +4:42.69 28:47.79 24:05.10
Preston Illman North Coast Prep (NC) +19.30 25:02.00 24:42.70
Zakayla Robinson Del Norte (NC) +2:10.80 26:54.00 24:43.20
Rosie Davis Eureka (NC) +2:10.40 27:08.00 24:57.60
Emmerson Brownfield Arcata (NC) -3:08.60 27:01.00 30:09.60
Danielle Estrella Eureka (NC) +3.60 27:09.00 27:05.40
Trinity Moore Hoopa Valley (NC) -32.10 28:20.00 28:52.10
Saffron Paxton McKinleyville (NC) +2:34.80 33:23.00 30:48.20