Murrieta Valley Time Trials 2023

Murrieta, CA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 75 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reel, Ryder Murrieta Valley (SS)
Miller, Braydon Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cook, Tony Murrieta Valley (SS)
Agrelius, Noah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Johnson, Derrick Murrieta Valley (SS)
Velasco, Isaiah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Smith, Micah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Penko, Steven Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hooper, Xavier Murrieta Valley (SS)
Babon, Jacob Murrieta Valley (SS)
Saenz , JT Murrieta Valley (SS)
Torres, Santiago Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Joseph Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Matthew Murrieta Valley (SS)
Criss, Mekhi Murrieta Valley (SS)
Alfaro, Jose Murrieta Valley (SS)
Miller, Braydon Murrieta Valley (SS)
Weidman, Nathaniel Murrieta Valley (SS)
Stallworth, Samar Murrieta Valley (SS)
Potts, Anthony Murrieta Valley (SS)
Martin, Chance Murrieta Valley (SS)
Brown, Cash Murrieta Valley (SS)
Saucier, Carson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Townsend, Kody Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rosario , Carlos Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nozawa, Ellias Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ellard, Aaron Murrieta Valley (SS)
Aufderheide, Jacob Murrieta Valley (SS)
Olivo, Jose Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ponomarev, Aleksey Murrieta Valley (SS)
Toddi, Jacob Murrieta Valley (SS)
Poulos, Dallas Murrieta Valley (SS)
McClellan, Brayden Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cambray, Jack Murrieta Valley (SS)
Payne, Lucas Murrieta Valley (SS)
Velasquez, Sage Murrieta Valley (SS)
Casillas, Adam Murrieta Valley (SS)
Townsend, Kyle Murrieta Valley (SS)
Scott, Jaylon Murrieta Valley (SS)
Orcutt, Noah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Estrada, Jose Murrieta Valley (SS)
Avery, Caleb Murrieta Valley (SS)
Roberts, Tyson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Leos, Abelardo Murrieta Valley (SS)
Tofiku-Hernandez, Lima Murrieta Valley (SS)
Smith, Makiyum 10.98 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bravo, Alejandro 11.60 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hoze, Dorian 11.71 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ayala, Jaedon 11.72 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gray, Dylan 11.79 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cummings, Lance 11.90 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Kemp, Kurtis 12.06 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Terhune, Bryce 12.15 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Babaoka, Kyle 12.26 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zaher, Sami 12.32 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bassil, Camrin 12.35 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Leavitt, Nathen 12.43 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nagy, Landin 12.44 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Early, Jaymeson 12.47 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zapata, Emiliano 12.48 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Parfait, Malachi 12.50 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gold, Ari 12.78 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Morales, Angel 13.04 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Armstrong, Kamren 13.04 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Meumann, Kevin 13.17 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Murales-Montes, Isaac 13.29 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Griffiths, Landon 13.30 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Covarrubias, Elfego 13.64 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bowman, Richie 14.03 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Roberts, Kevin 14.03 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ennis, Holden 14.11 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Fravel, Sam 14.19 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Jones, Tavin 14.57 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Munger, Brayden 15.25 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Harris, Dante 15.88 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Brian Murrieta Valley (SS)
Avery, Caleb Murrieta Valley (SS)
Oliver Jr, Russel Murrieta Valley (SS)
Jones, Tavin Murrieta Valley (SS)
Townsend, Kody Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bernaldez, Riyen Murrieta Valley (SS)
Orcutt, Noah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Townsend, Kyle Murrieta Valley (SS)
McClellan, Brayden Murrieta Valley (SS)
Perez, Raul Murrieta Valley (SS)
Agrelius, Noah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Matthew Murrieta Valley (SS)
Babaoka, Kyle 17.23 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Terhune, Bryce 17.66 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Morales, Angel 19.22 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Torian, Zenobi 19.24 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gold, Ari 19.69 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Meumann, Kevin 20.88 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Tyler Murrieta Valley (SS)
Smith , Vincent Murrieta Valley (SS)
Reynen, Sean Murrieta Valley (SS)
Vincent, Austin 4:49.85 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Mayorgas, Jackson 5:15.24 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Coleman , Liam 6:11.12 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tofiku-Hernandez, Lima Murrieta Valley (SS)
Reel, Ryder Murrieta Valley (SS)
Estrada, Jose Murrieta Valley (SS)
Babon, Jacob Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ponomarev, Aleksey Murrieta Valley (SS)
Smith, Micah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nozawa, Ellias Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cook, Tony Murrieta Valley (SS)
Olivo, Jose Murrieta Valley (SS)
Torres, Santiago Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Joseph Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hooper, Xavier Murrieta Valley (SS)
Casillas, Adam Murrieta Valley (SS)
Brown, Cash Murrieta Valley (SS)
Leos, Abelardo Murrieta Valley (SS)
Stallworth, Samar Murrieta Valley (SS)
Potts, Anthony Murrieta Valley (SS)
Criss, Mekhi Murrieta Valley (SS)
Payne, Lucas Murrieta Valley (SS)
Velasquez, Sage Murrieta Valley (SS)
Velasco, Isaiah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rosario , Carlos Murrieta Valley (SS)
Martin, Chance Murrieta Valley (SS)
Johnson, Derrick Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cambray, Jack Murrieta Valley (SS)
Toddi, Jacob Murrieta Valley (SS)
Poulos, Dallas Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ellard, Aaron Murrieta Valley (SS)
Alfaro, Jose Murrieta Valley (SS)
Weidman, Nathaniel Murrieta Valley (SS)
Sebastian, Jayson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Miller, Braydon Murrieta Valley (SS)
Miller, Braydon Murrieta Valley (SS)
Carmona, Matthew Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bravo, Alejandro 23.75 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ayala, Jaedon 24.00 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Carey, Elvin 24.22 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Terhune, Bryce 24.29 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cummings, Lance 24.78 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gray, Dylan 24.81 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hoze, Dorian 24.81 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bassil, Camrin 24.86 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Harris, Dante 24.87 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Razo, Angle 25.54 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Early, Jaymeson 25.77 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zaher, Sami 26.03 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rivas, Noah 26.05 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zapata, Emiliano 26.52 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cardenas, Bryan 27.10 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Griffiths, Landon 27.38 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Armstrong, Kamren 27.87 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Murales-Montes, Isaac 28.01 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bowman, Richie 29.35 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Covarrubias, Elfego 29.45 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Fravel, Sam 30.59 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terhune, Bryce Murrieta Valley (SS)
McClellan, Brayden Murrieta Valley (SS)
Townsend, Kody Murrieta Valley (SS)
Perez, Raul Murrieta Valley (SS)
Agrelius, Noah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nguyen, Matthew Murrieta Valley (SS)
Townsend, Kyle Murrieta Valley (SS)
Scott, Brian Murrieta Valley (SS)
Avery, Caleb Murrieta Valley (SS)
Oliver Jr, Russel Murrieta Valley (SS)
Jones, Tavin Murrieta Valley (SS)
Scott, Jaylon Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bernaldez, Riyen Murrieta Valley (SS)
Orcutt, Noah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Morales, Angel 43.72 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gold, Ari 45.93 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Torian, Zenobi 46.82 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Babaoka, Kyle 47.25 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Meumann, Kevin 49.79 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daniel, Samson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Stenson, Shane Murrieta Valley (SS)
Solek, Parker Murrieta Valley (SS)
Vincent, Austin 10:14.65 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hooper, Xavier Murrieta Valley (SS)
Sebastian, Jayson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Carmona, Matthew Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cardenas, Bryan 1:00.07 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Razo, Angle 1:00.25 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hoze, Dorian 1:01.57 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bravo, Alejandro 51.58 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Harris, Dante 54.09 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rivas, Noah 58.36 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Murrieta Valley (SS)
Relay Team A Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Murrieta Valley (SS)
Relay Team A Murrieta Valley (SS)
Relay Team B Murrieta Valley (SS)
Relay Team A Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matagonzalez, Chris Murrieta Valley (SS)
Anderson, Brody Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ramirez , Elijah Edwards Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cavender, Logan Murrieta Valley (SS)
Sandler, Jackson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Fernandez, Joses Murrieta Valley (SS)
Miller , Grady Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cavender, Noah 2:08.87 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Torian, Zenobi 2:18.74 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dababnech, David 96-8 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Russel, Austin 82-7.5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Van Doorenmaalen, Jayden 80-3 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Flores, Wyatt 75-2.5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Parks, Lucas 74-1 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gonzalez, Noah 69-7 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nava, Jayden 62-1.5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Monge, Giovanny Murrieta Valley (SS)
Partin, Andrew Murrieta Valley (SS)
Anyansi, Josiah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Leerar, Nathan Murrieta Valley (SS)
Avalos, Joseph Murrieta Valley (SS)
Miller , Grady Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zebrack, Chad Murrieta Valley (SS)
Scott, Brian Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zebrack, Ryan Murrieta Valley (SS)
Barragan, Alek Murrieta Valley (SS)
Clark, Cole Murrieta Valley (SS)
Noa, Sai Murrieta Valley (SS)
Schachter, Tye Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Kurelle 5-8 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Lam, David 5-6 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bassil, Camrin 5-5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cambray, Jack Murrieta Valley (SS)
Reel, Ryder Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Joseph Murrieta Valley (SS)
Trujillo, Ely Murrieta Valley (SS)
Velasco, Isaiah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Carey, Elvin Murrieta Valley (SS)
Saenz , JT Murrieta Valley (SS)
Scott, Jaylon Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terhune, Bryce 20-7.5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nagy, Landin 18-5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Meumann, Kevin 17-6 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Parfait, Malachi 17-4 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Leavitt, Nathen 16-9 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Roberts, Kevin 15-6 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ennis, Holden 14-10 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Covarrubias, Elfego 14-7 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Munger, Brayden 14-5.5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Roberts, Tyson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Saenz , JT Murrieta Valley (SS)
Saucier, Carson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Tofiku-Hernandez, Lima Murrieta Valley (SS)
Scott, Jaylon Murrieta Valley (SS)
Smith, Micah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hooper, Xavier Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bassil, Camrin Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munoz, Tucker Murrieta Valley (SS)
Pelton, Brosnan Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dababnech, David 29-11 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Van Doorenmaalen, Jayden 29-9 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Russel, Austin 28-9 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Flores, Wyatt 28-8 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nava, Jayden 26-11 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Parks, Lucas 26-10 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gonzalez, Noah 26-6 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Monge, Giovanny Murrieta Valley (SS)
Partin, Andrew Murrieta Valley (SS)
Anyansi, Josiah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Leerar, Nathan Murrieta Valley (SS)
Avalos, Joseph Murrieta Valley (SS)
Miller , Grady Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zebrack, Chad Murrieta Valley (SS)
Scott, Brian Murrieta Valley (SS)
Zebrack, Ryan Murrieta Valley (SS)
Barragan, Alek Murrieta Valley (SS)
Clark, Cole Murrieta Valley (SS)
Noa, Sai Murrieta Valley (SS)
Schachter, Tye Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saenz , JT 42-10 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Terhune, Bryce 40-0 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nagy, Landin 38-0.5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Parfait, Malachi 36-1 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Leavitt, Nathen 35-5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Meumann, Kevin Murrieta Valley (SS)
Roberts, Tyson Murrieta Valley (SS)
Munger, Brayden Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sweetnam, Aubrey Murrieta Valley (SS)
Jackson, Kailani Murrieta Valley (SS)
Dunn, Mya Murrieta Valley (SS)
Mitchell, Layla Murrieta Valley (SS)
Williams-Bajgyik, Nicholette Murrieta Valley (SS)
Pham, Anna Murrieta Valley (SS)
Guajardo, Jazmin Murrieta Valley (SS)
Armenta, Alyssa Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wright, Annelore Murrieta Valley (SS)
Stephens, Seylah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Taksas, Sydney Murrieta Valley (SS)
Martinez, Danika Murrieta Valley (SS)
Everett, Sarah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wakeman, Reagen Murrieta Valley (SS)
Frison, Avery Murrieta Valley (SS)
Lopez, Jaden Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rounds, Lauren Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hassan, Hannah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cramouche, Sela Murrieta Valley (SS)
Vila, Carla Murrieta Valley (SS)
Moreno, Abigail Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gibson, Akira Murrieta Valley (SS)
Williams-Bajgyik, Nicholette Murrieta Valley (SS)
Picerni, Sophie Murrieta Valley (SS)
Daza, Abigail Murrieta Valley (SS)
Seeger, Makaila Murrieta Valley (SS)
He, Tracy Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cunningham, Saniyah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Marquez, Adah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wczesny, Agata Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nichalos, Izabella Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gibson, Piper Murrieta Valley (SS)
Perez, Lindsay Murrieta Valley (SS)
Reed, Zaniah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Anyansi, Taylor 12.14 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hayden, Alyssa 13.82 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Morgan, Janaya 13.94 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Escobar, Petra 13.98 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Whitworth, Madeline 14.24 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bolick, Mackenzie 14.25 Murrieta Valley (SS)
McLaughlin, Paisley 14.40 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hopkin, Sydney 14.53 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hopkin, Sydney 14.53 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Keller, Maya 14.63 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wilhelmi, Breanna 14.76 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Weiler, Kayla 14.82 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Noisette, Lela 15.22 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Fuller, Mae 15.38 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Steinman, Bailey 15.49 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Sullivan, Lacie 15.83 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Parady, Camillle 16.30 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Armenta, Alyssa Murrieta Valley (SS)
Sweetnam, Aubrey Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wright, Annelore Murrieta Valley (SS)
Everett, Sarah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gibson, Piper Murrieta Valley (SS)
Pham, Anna Murrieta Valley (SS)
Goetz, Allie 16.34 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Whitworth, Madeline 18.93 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Weiler, Kayla 19.10 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Steinman, Bailey 22.04 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cepeda, Mya Murrieta Valley (SS)
Lieberman, Jordin Murrieta Valley (SS)
Farren, Megan Murrieta Valley (SS)
Eskridge, Aurora 5:56.28 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stephens, Seylah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nichalos, Izabella Murrieta Valley (SS)
Everett, Sarah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Vila, Carla Murrieta Valley (SS)
He, Tracy Murrieta Valley (SS)
Pham, Anna Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gibson, Akira Murrieta Valley (SS)
Daza, Abigail Murrieta Valley (SS)
Williams-Bajgyik, Nicholette Murrieta Valley (SS)
Jackson, Kailani Murrieta Valley (SS)
Lopez, Jaden Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cramouche, Sela Murrieta Valley (SS)
Seeger, Makaila Murrieta Valley (SS)
Guajardo, Jazmin Murrieta Valley (SS)
Picerni, Sophie Murrieta Valley (SS)
Martinez, Danika Murrieta Valley (SS)
Daza, Abigail Murrieta Valley (SS)
Cunningham, Saniyah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Taksas, Sydney Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hassan, Hannah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Petrovski, Allie 27.86 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Escobar, Petra 28.43 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Weaver, Brooke 29.54 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Morgan, Janaya 29.55 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Schoffstall, Katherine 29.96 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Bolick, Mackenzie 30.22 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wilhelmi, Breanna 30.96 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hopkin, Sydney 31.05 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Hopkin, Sydney 31.05 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Johnson, Tamia 31.43 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Noisette, Lela 32.55 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Sullivan, Lacie 33.07 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Perez, Lindsay 34.64 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Annelore Murrieta Valley (SS)
Pham, Anna Murrieta Valley (SS)
Armenta, Alyssa Murrieta Valley (SS)
Sweetnam, Aubrey Murrieta Valley (SS)
Everett, Sarah Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gibson, Piper Murrieta Valley (SS)
Steinman, Bailey 1:04.19 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Goetz, Allie 49.27 Murrieta Valley (SS)
McLaughlin, Paisley 51.45 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Whitworth, Madeline 51.90 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Weiler, Kayla 52.45 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miles, Sophia Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ballou, Addison Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Escobar, Petra 1:05.68 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Weaver, Brooke 1:08.46 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Keller, Maya 1:09.44 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Johnson, Tamia 1:14.82 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Perez, Lindsay 1:17.81 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Murrieta Valley (SS)
Relay Team A Murrieta Valley (SS)
Relay Team B Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls 800 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cepeda, Mya Murrieta Valley (SS)
Disbeschl, Isabella Murrieta Valley (SS)
Petrovski, Tori 2:46.72 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Archard, Kaiya 2:52.07 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls Discus 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caldwell, Tatum 69-6 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Jones, Kelsey 52-10 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Faoliu, Leta Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ramsey, Ginger Murrieta Valley (SS)
McMurray, Natasha Murrieta Valley (SS)
Antillon, Sofia Murrieta Valley (SS)
Archard, Saylor Murrieta Valley (SS)
Basilan, Alexis Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wengner, Ellie Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wengner, Audrey Murrieta Valley (SS)
Armenta, Alyssa Murrieta Valley (SS)
Smith, Sofia Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goetz, Allie 5-2 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Morgan, Janaya 4-6 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Axene, Cadence 4-4 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Keller, Maya 4-2 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gibson, Piper Murrieta Valley (SS)
Nichalos, Izabella Murrieta Valley (SS)
Gibson, Akira Murrieta Valley (SS)
Basilan, Alexis Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hayden, Alyssa 16-1 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Fuller, Mae 13-5 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Parady, Camillle 11-11 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Keller, Maya Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wakeman, Reagen Murrieta Valley (SS)
Morgan, Janaya Murrieta Valley (SS)
Dunn, Mya Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wczesny, Agata Murrieta Valley (SS)
Rounds, Lauren Murrieta Valley (SS)
Frison, Avery Murrieta Valley (SS)
Moreno, Abigail Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Negro, Madisyn 13-2 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Petrovski, Allie 10-0 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Henry, Lexis 6-6 Murrieta Valley (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caldwell, Tatum 26-0 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Jones, Kelsey 20-0 Murrieta Valley (SS)
Basilan, Alexis Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wengner, Ellie Murrieta Valley (SS)
Armenta, Alyssa Murrieta Valley (SS)
Wengner, Audrey Murrieta Valley (SS)
Smith, Sofia Murrieta Valley (SS)
Antillon, Sofia Murrieta Valley (SS)
Archard, Saylor Murrieta Valley (SS)
Ramsey, Ginger Murrieta Valley (SS)
McMurray, Natasha Murrieta Valley (SS)
Faoliu, Leta Murrieta Valley (SS)
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