Rosemead Invitational 2023

Rosemead, CA
Hosted by Rosemead (SS)
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 84 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amaro, Ethan Mark Keppel (SS)
Cabrera, Nathan Bell Gardens (SS)
Yang, Elvin Mark Keppel (SS)
Garcia, Ethan San Gabriel (SS)
Becerril, Nicolas Pasadena (SS)
Rubeea, Yousif South Hills (SS)
Duong, Jason Temple City (SS)
Henriquez, Joshua Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Funez, Josua Bell Gardens (SS)
Reyes, Moises Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Becerril, Nicolas Pasadena (SS)
Morales, Sergio Garfield (LA)
Ibarra, Kevin Bell Gardens (SS)
Delgado, Diego Pasadena (SS)
Hernandez, Dominic South Hills (SS)
Reynolds, Keith 10.97 Adelanto (SS)
Chiu, Aidan 11.20 La Salle (SS)
Salazar, Brian 11.26 Monrovia (SS)
Reynolds, Kyleen 11.34 Adelanto (SS)
Liu, William 11.38 Mark Keppel (SS)
Pequeno, Anthony 11.58 Temple City (SS)
Dineros, Cristian 11.62 South Hills (SS)
Paton, Devin 11.64 Monrovia (SS)
Luevano, Jacob 11.68 Mark Keppel (SS)
Paz-Serrano, Eric 11.75 Marshall (John) (LA)
Corely Ward, Lake 11.75 Adelanto (SS)
Wu, Clayton 11.94 Temple City (SS)
Raygoza, Joshua 11.98 San Gabriel (SS)
Ortega, Chris 12.02 Rosemead (SS)
Jones, Davonte 12.05 Monrovia (SS)
Shivas, Aidan 12.06 Marshall (John) (LA)
Collins, Shakir 12.08 Adelanto (SS)
Dominguez, Joaquin 12.12 South Hills (SS)
Oler, Malakzi 12.14 Monrovia (SS)
Slamat, Christian 12.15 La Salle (SS)
Ward, Amado 12.23 Mark Keppel (SS)
Enriquez, Zephyr 12.25 Monrovia (SS)
Coleman, Monty 12.28 Castaic (SS)
Gutierrez, Anthony 12.39 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lei, Kyle 12.39 San Marino (SS)
Sanford, Jaziah 12.42 Pasadena (SS)
Sanford, Jaziah 12.42 Pasadena (SS)
Terpilowski, Talan 12.43 South Hills (SS)
Flores, Abraham 12.54 Garfield (LA)
Raygoza, Gavin 12.56 Rosemead (SS)
Wall, Elias 12.60h Adelanto (SS)
Wall, James 12.60h Marshall (John) (LA)
Mcnealy, Andre 12.61 Adelanto (SS)
Kim, Stanley 12.61 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Lara, Christopher 12.66 Bell Gardens (SS)
Patino, Hunter 12.69 Castaic (SS)
Chen, Pinyuan 12.75 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Perez, Antonio 12.76 San Gabriel (SS)
Ruiz, Samuel 12.78 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ramos, Christopher 12.81 Rosemead (SS)
Azodi, Logan 12.84 Castaic (SS)
Rogel, Jake 12.90 Pasadena (SS)
Nguyen, Ian 12.90 Castaic (SS)
Ramirez, Vincent 12.90 Garfield (LA)
Sanchez, Sean 12.90h Marshall (John) (LA)
Carrillo, Angel 12.98 Rosemead (SS)
Bueno, Leonardo 13.00 Bell Gardens (SS)
Morris, Whitman 13.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Adams, Michael 13.04 Monrovia (SS)
Steinberger, Moritz 13.07 San Marino (SS)
Fry, Noah 13.08 Temple City (SS)
Morales, Nathan 13.08 Rosemead (SS)
Gomez, Thomas 13.09 La Salle (SS)
Alarcon, Christian 13.10 La Salle (SS)
Hernandez, Jesiah 13.10h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Swamy, Dhiren 13.26 La Salle (SS)
Mejia, Benjamin 13.27 Mark Keppel (SS)
Chen, Alex 13.47 San Marino (SS)
Vo, Dylan 13.49 San Gabriel (SS)
Luu, Ben 13.61 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Bitoni, Marco 13.67 La Salle (SS)
Chen, Brendan 13.91 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Martinez, Luis 13.95 Rosemead (SS)
Torres, Evan 13.96 Garfield (LA)
Martinez, Eric 14.06 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Xu, Nicky 14.45 San Gabriel (SS)
Gutierrez, Adan 14.53 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Trejo, Ethan 14.96 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Hung Ho, Tuan 15.16 Temple City (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ibarra, Kevin Bell Gardens (SS)
Gomez Acevedo, Christopher San Gabriel (SS)
Hu, John San Gabriel (SS)
Ojeda, Juan Bell Gardens (SS)
Be, Tony Mark Keppel (SS)
Zhang, Jay Mark Keppel (SS)
Ricart, Juan San Gabriel (SS)
Torres, Evan Garfield (LA)
Villanueva, Issac Bell Gardens (SS)
Moran, Nathan 16.64 San Gabriel (SS)
Yu, Tymon 18.35 Mark Keppel (SS)
Rousseau, Christopher 18.92 Temple City (SS)
Bowe, David 19.09 Rosemead (SS)
Clark, Christian 19.16 Castaic (SS)
Zapata, Alejandro 19.33 Bell Gardens (SS)
Martinez, Nathan 19.96 Garfield (LA)
Miller, Max 20.03 Pasadena (SS)
Lai, Andrew 20.10 La Salle (SS)
Guerrero, Christian 20.19 Rosemead (SS)
Nolarco, Michael 20.30 Rosemead (SS)
Deras, Douglas 20.54 Marshall (John) (LA)
Yu, Andrew 20.59 La Salle (SS)
Jimenez, Austin 20.89 Bell Gardens (SS)
Lazio, William 21.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lo, Michael Joseph 21.20 Mark Keppel (SS)
Wallace, Mannuel 21.65 Rosemead (SS)
Flores, Arthur 22.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Cabrera, Isaac 22.13 Bell Gardens (SS)
Flores, Ivar 22.31 Marshall (John) (LA)
Huerta, David 22.50 Garfield (LA)
Warman, Justin 24.63 Castaic (SS)
Diep, Huan 29.12 Rosemead (SS)
Tran, Bryan 29.50 Rosemead (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ishiki, Cristian Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Reyes, Jonathan Bell Gardens (SS)
Munoz, Uriel Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Chang, Kyle Mark Keppel (SS)
Plotkin, Trevor Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Ojeda, Juan Bell Gardens (SS)
Constancio, Caleb Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Ramirez, Ethan Mark Keppel (SS)
Henriquez, Joseph Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Chen, Avery Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Prieto, Brandon Bell Gardens (SS)
Garcia, Asael Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Lee, Derek Mark Keppel (SS)
Alvarez, Alex 4:23.17 La Salle (SS)
Zamora, Juan 4:39.84 Marshall (John) (LA)
Choi, Colin 4:50.97 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Matias, Edwin 4:54.38 Bell Gardens (SS)
Nguyen, Aidan 4:57.00h Rosemead (SS)
Rodriguez, Brandon 4:58 Garfield (LA)
Espinoza, Ramon 4:58.07 Castaic (SS)
Grande, Jeremy 4:59.05 Castaic (SS)
Lara, Jeremiah 5:02.04 Castaic (SS)
Marquez, Christopher 5:04 Garfield (LA)
Ramirez, Matthew 5:04.03 Monrovia (SS)
Rivera, Ruben 5:05.93 Adelanto (SS)
Garcia, Jacob 5:06.00h South Hills (SS)
Martinez, Vincent 5:06.00h South Hills (SS)
Menlove, Joshua 5:06.22 Monrovia (SS)
Hong, Jaden 5:07.52 Temple City (SS)
Comfort, Jonathan 5:11.83 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Lee, Matthew 5:12 Temple City (SS)
de Paula, Lucas 5:12.26 Temple City (SS)
Rodriguez , Adrian 5:12.98 Marshall (John) (LA)
Gonzalez, Gabriel 5:13.00h South Hills (SS)
Arbid, Christian 5:13.00h South Hills (SS)
Tavira, Omar 5:13.27 Adelanto (SS)
Alvarez, Daniel 5:18.15 La Salle (SS)
Haro, Benecio 5:20 Temple City (SS)
Harikrishnan, Arjun 5:22.32 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Aguilar, Damian 5:23.07 Mark Keppel (SS)
Chiang, Ethan 5:24.43 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Flores, Matthew 5:24.44 Bell Gardens (SS)
Vandelvelde, Shane 5:24.54 Pasadena (SS)
Lee, Edward 5:25.00h Rosemead (SS)
Chen, Kent 5:25.00h Rosemead (SS)
Lei, Conner 5:26.95 San Gabriel (SS)
Murillo, Andres 5:26.97 Bell Gardens (SS)
Amaya, Victor 5:27.21 Marshall (John) (LA)
Vales, Carter 5:28.83 Monrovia (SS)
Gloyd, Jackson 5:29.38 Marshall (John) (LA)
Garcia, Thomas 5:33.99 Pasadena (SS)
Garcia, Thomas 5:33.99 Pasadena (SS)
Alcantar, Joseph 5:34.96 Castaic (SS)
Ly, Ryan 5:34.97 San Gabriel (SS)
Romero, Sebastian 5:35.52 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Zhang, Isaac 5:37.86 Pasadena (SS)
Askew, Liam 5:40.26 San Gabriel (SS)
Renden, Angel 5:40.32 Adelanto (SS)
Tran, Brian 5:40.57 Temple City (SS)
Espinoza, Chance 5:41.10 Pasadena (SS)
Cadet, William 5:42.90 Marshall (John) (LA)
Garcia, Steven 5:43.77 Garfield (LA)
Garcia, Kevin 5:50.00h Garfield (LA)
Gibbs, Nicholas 5:52.46 Adelanto (SS)
Alvarado, Reece 5:54.30 La Salle (SS)
Mendoza, Ruben 5:54.31 Garfield (LA)
Gehlhaar, Finn 5:57.02 Marshall (John) (LA)
Garza, Joshua 6:00.55 La Salle (SS)
Johnston, Sam 6:04.59 Temple City (SS)
Oya, Yosuke 6:05.36 Mark Keppel (SS)
Pham, Brandon 6:08.37 San Gabriel (SS)
Ramos, Jack 6:22.55 Adelanto (SS)
Garcia, Emanuel 6:26.43 Pasadena (SS)
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 82 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yang, Elvin Mark Keppel (SS)
Delgado, Diego Pasadena (SS)
Ojeda, Juan Bell Gardens (SS)
Oler, Malakzi Monrovia (SS)
Gonzalez, Elias Monrovia (SS)
Schoch, Noah Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Xu, Nicky San Gabriel (SS)
Alvarado, Ethan Mark Keppel (SS)
Fry, Noah Temple City (SS)
Bitoni, Marco La Salle (SS)
Garcia, Ethan San Gabriel (SS)
Villanueva, Issac Bell Gardens (SS)
Henriquez, Joshua Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Morgan, Royal Pasadena (SS)
Lieu, Dennis Mark Keppel (SS)
Woods, Alexander Castaic (SS)
Perez, Darey Bell Gardens (SS)
Reynolds, Keith 22.24 Adelanto (SS)
Reynolds, Kyleen 22.69 Adelanto (SS)
Salazar, Brian 22.96 Monrovia (SS)
Liu, William 23.21 Mark Keppel (SS)
Pequeno, Anthony 23.65 Temple City (SS)
Corely Ward, Lake 23.75 Adelanto (SS)
Paz-Serrano, Eric 23.88 Marshall (John) (LA)
Carbajal, Jayden 24.45 San Gabriel (SS)
Chiu, Aidan 24.49 La Salle (SS)
Patino, Hunter 24.61 Castaic (SS)
Enriquez, Zephyr 24.65 Monrovia (SS)
Escamilla, Nick 24.72 San Marino (SS)
Cao, Steven 24.75 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Coleman, Monty 24.94 Castaic (SS)
Woods, Ryan 25.00 Castaic (SS)
Moreno, Dylan 25.02 Rosemead (SS)
Slamat, Christian 25.10 La Salle (SS)
Clark, Alvin 25.12 Castaic (SS)
Cervantes, Sahid 25.17 Rosemead (SS)
Morales, Sergio 25.25 Garfield (LA)
Jones, Davonte 25.27 Monrovia (SS)
Duong, Xavier 25.48 San Marino (SS)
Ramos, Christopher 25.59 Rosemead (SS)
Dineros, Cristian 25.62 South Hills (SS)
Sanford, Jaziah 25.65 Pasadena (SS)
Lara, Christopher 25.72 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ward, Amado 25.88 Mark Keppel (SS)
Romero, Noah 25.90 Garfield (LA)
Dominguez, Joaquin 25.96 South Hills (SS)
Gudiel, Daniel 25.98 Marshall (John) (LA)
Velasco, Noah 26.00 Adelanto (SS)
Garcia, Shane 26.01 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Ramirez, Steven 26.03 South Hills (SS)
Jovel, Robert 26.07 Adelanto (SS)
Munoz, lucus 26.09 Monrovia (SS)
Loureiro, Levi 26.19 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Rousseau, Christopher 26.22 Temple City (SS)
Trejo, Ethan 26.36 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Gutierrez, Nathan 26.38 San Gabriel (SS)
Raygoza, Gavin 26.49 Rosemead (SS)
Rogel, Jake 26.49 Pasadena (SS)
Perez, Antonio 26.52 San Gabriel (SS)
Cabrera, Isaac 26.60 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ramirez, Vincent 26.65 Garfield (LA)
Liemsithisak, Hurley 26.78 Rosemead (SS)
Hernandez, Jesiah 26.80 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Holdengraber, Oliver 27.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Collins, Shakir 27.00h Adelanto (SS)
Wall, James 27.10h Marshall (John) (LA)
Salazar, Bryan 27.12 Castaic (SS)
Morales, Nathan 27.16 Rosemead (SS)
Andal, Jacob 27.22 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Auste, Isaiah 27.30 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Bueno, Leonardo 27.58 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ruth, Wyatt 27.70h Marshall (John) (LA)
Sarco, Branden 27.72 South Hills (SS)
Dang, Aaron 27.77 Mark Keppel (SS)
Hilago, Andrew 27.85 La Salle (SS)
Valmar, Daniel 27.99 South Hills (SS)
Gonzalez, Omar 27.99 La Salle (SS)
Swamy, Dhiren 28.15 La Salle (SS)
Martinez, Eric 28.67 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Sanchez, Sean 28.90h Marshall (John) (LA)
Torres, Evan 29.18 Garfield (LA)
Henriquez, Joseph 32.48 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morgan, Royal Pasadena (SS)
Ojeda, Juan Bell Gardens (SS)
Bueno, Leonardo Bell Gardens (SS)
Zhang, Jay Mark Keppel (SS)
Becerril, Nicolas Pasadena (SS)
Warman, Justin Castaic (SS)
Trinh, Nathan Mark Keppel (SS)
Villanueva, Issac Bell Gardens (SS)
Smith, Nehemiah Adelanto (SS)
Be, Tony Mark Keppel (SS)
Hu, John San Gabriel (SS)
Ibarra, Kevin Bell Gardens (SS)
Diep, Jayden Mark Keppel (SS)
Tran, Bryan 1:03.00h Rosemead (SS)
Diep, Huan 1:04.64 Rosemead (SS)
Daniels, William 1:10.00h Adelanto (SS)
Paton, Devin 39.76 Monrovia (SS)
MONROE, JACOB 43.86 Monrovia (SS)
Moran, Nathan 43.92 San Gabriel (SS)
Zapata, Alejandro 45.01 Bell Gardens (SS)
Martinez, Nathan 46.17 Garfield (LA)
Tse, Jayden 46.86 San Marino (SS)
Miller, Max 46.87 Pasadena (SS)
Benavides, Jaren 47.10h South Hills (SS)
Rousseau, Christopher 47.23 Temple City (SS)
Clark, Christian 47.29 Castaic (SS)
Alvarez, Daniel 47.81 La Salle (SS)
Lai, Andrew 48.22 La Salle (SS)
Guerrero, Christian 48.84 Rosemead (SS)
Yu, Andrew 49.10 La Salle (SS)
Deras, Douglas 49.46 Marshall (John) (LA)
Chen, Pinyuan 49.50h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Amanchi, Abinav 49.90h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Bowa, David 50.30 Rosemead (SS)
Flores, Arthur 50.58 Marshall (John) (LA)
Ricart, Juan 51.01 San Gabriel (SS)
Jimenez, Austin 51.04 Bell Gardens (SS)
Lazio, William 52.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Copeland, Luke 52.69 La Salle (SS)
Delgado, Diego 52.81 Pasadena (SS)
Kakita, Kent 53.75 Mark Keppel (SS)
Wallace, Mannuel 54.65 Rosemead (SS)
Florez, Lucas 55.00h South Hills (SS)
Gomez Acevedo, Christopher 56.34 San Gabriel (SS)
Carter, Byren 56.41 Adelanto (SS)
Daniels, Donovan 56.51 Adelanto (SS)
Carter, Fenton 57.41 Adelanto (SS)
Nolarco, Michael 57.84 Rosemead (SS)
Un, Brian 59.53 Mark Keppel (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Saul Garfield (LA)
Garza, Joshua La Salle (SS)
Ren, Kevin Mark Keppel (SS)
Perry, Brendan Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Roybal, Nicolas Pasadena (SS)
Nguyen, Shawn Mark Keppel (SS)
Garcia, Kevin Garfield (LA)
Rivera, Luis Bell Gardens (SS)
Askew, Liam San Gabriel (SS)
Tlahuel Palacios, Erick Bell Gardens (SS)
Pham, Brandon San Gabriel (SS)
Prieto, Brandon Bell Gardens (SS)
Chang, Kyle Mark Keppel (SS)
Vales, Carter Monrovia (SS)
Reyes, Jonathan Bell Gardens (SS)
Zamora, Juan 10:09.42 Marshall (John) (LA)
Espinoza, Ramon 10:51.00 Castaic (SS)
Lara, Jeremiah 10:51.46 Castaic (SS)
Choi, Ethan 10:53.79 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Choi, Colin 10:57.05 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Matias, Edwin 10:59.39 Bell Gardens (SS)
Tran, Cody 11:00.13 Castaic (SS)
Martinez, Vincent 11:05.00 South Hills (SS)
Augustyn, Luca 11:10.00 Temple City (SS)
Sheng, Johnny 11:15.00 Temple City (SS)
Gu, Jonathan 11:15.00 Temple City (SS)
Rodriguez, Carmelo 11:24.70 Garfield (LA)
Ramirez, Edmar 11:25.65 Castaic (SS)
Garcia, Jacob 11:30.00 South Hills (SS)
Solomon, Evan 11:32.64 Pasadena (SS)
Teo, James 11:39.77 Mark Keppel (SS)
Tavira, Omar 11:42.35 Adelanto (SS)
Wong, Atticus 11:45.00 Temple City (SS)
Comfort, Jonathan 11:48.20 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Fageeh, Mohammed 11:52.56 Marshall (John) (LA)
Rivera, Ruben 12:01.97 Adelanto (SS)
Garcia, Kevin 12:05.81 Garfield (LA)
Casillas, Quinn 12:08.30 Marshall (John) (LA)
Murillo, Andres 12:09.21 Bell Gardens (SS)
Moreno, Damian 12:09.96 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Harikrishnan, Arjun 12:10.06 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Espinoza, Chance 12:14.48 Pasadena (SS)
Espinoza, Chance 12:14.48 Pasadena (SS)
Paz, Julian 12:15.00 Temple City (SS)
Smith, Sidney 12:15.49 La Salle (SS)
Chen, Kent 12:30 Rosemead (SS)
Juan, Derrick 12:45.00 Temple City (SS)
Pantha, Kripal 12:53.07 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Garcia, Ben 13:00.00 South Hills (SS)
Lei, Conner 13:41.51 San Gabriel (SS)
Ly, Ryan 13:43.59 San Gabriel (SS)
Alvarado, Reece 14:15.19 La Salle (SS)
Garcia, Emanuel 14:52.91 Pasadena (SS)
Gibbs, Nicholas 15:30.00 Adelanto (SS)
Ramos, Jack 15:45.00 Adelanto (SS)
Alvarez, Alex 9:41.00 La Salle (SS)
Perez, Anton 9:57.07 Pasadena (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 77 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Nehemiah Adelanto (SS)
Gutierrez, Nathan San Gabriel (SS)
Rivera, Luis Bell Gardens (SS)
Henriquez, Joshua Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Hilago, Andrew La Salle (SS)
Ibarra, Jason Bell Gardens (SS)
Perez, Antonio San Gabriel (SS)
Schoch, Noah Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Terni, Asher La Salle (SS)
Jimenez, Nelson Pasadena (SS)
Funez, Josua Bell Gardens (SS)
Xu, Derrick Mark Keppel (SS)
Morgan, Royal Pasadena (SS)
Garcia, Asael Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Lai, Derren 1:00 Temple City (SS)
Ruth, Wyatt 1:00.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Gutierrez, Paolo 1:00.04 Pasadena (SS)
Munoz, lucus 1:00.05 Monrovia (SS)
Ohashi, Kyle 1:00.13 Mark Keppel (SS)
Auste, Isaiah 1:00.14 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Brucker, Connor 1:00.61 La Salle (SS)
Flores, Andres 1:00.64 Bell Gardens (SS)
Delgado, Diego 1:01.09 Pasadena (SS)
Mcnealy, Andre 1:01.22 Adelanto (SS)
Valmar, Daniel 1:01.39 South Hills (SS)
Zhou, Yongfu 1:01.60 San Gabriel (SS)
Morris, Whitman 1:02.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Scott, Delvin 1:02.09 Monrovia (SS)
Flores, Ivar 1:02.93 Marshall (John) (LA)
Haro, Benecio 1:03 Temple City (SS)
Sarco, Branden 1:03.18 South Hills (SS)
Kachmarsky, Avery 1:03.33 La Salle (SS)
Alvarez, Hector 1:03.73 Castaic (SS)
Chu, Jayden 1:03.79 Mark Keppel (SS)
Breitenbach, River 1:04.01 La Salle (SS)
Gutierrez, Adan 1:04.10 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Wall, Elias 1:04.35 Adelanto (SS)
Anderson, Drake 1:05.32 Pasadena (SS)
Renden, Angel 1:06.00h Adelanto (SS)
Lopez, Cesar 1:06.14 Rosemead (SS)
Contreras, Aidan 1:06.24 Garfield (LA)
Carter, Byren 1:07.78 Adelanto (SS)
Prieto, Brandon 1:14.14 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ramirez, Jack 1:15.82 Pasadena (SS)
MONROE, JACOB 52.73 Monrovia (SS)
Lichtenstein, Luke 53.72 Castaic (SS)
Wilson, Kanye 53.99 Adelanto (SS)
Lieu, Dennis 55.05 Mark Keppel (SS)
Cervantes, Sahid 55.12 Rosemead (SS)
Ramirez, Steven 55.73 South Hills (SS)
Zapata, Alejandro 55.78 Bell Gardens (SS)
Woods, Ryan 56.13 Castaic (SS)
Lennear, Ennis Joseph 56.50 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Valmar, Adrian 56.82 South Hills (SS)
Wang, Carson 57.00 Mark Keppel (SS)
Sayles, Zeke 57.16 Monrovia (SS)
Cervantes, Isai 57.16 Rosemead (SS)
Gonzalez, Elias 57.40 Monrovia (SS)
Khanna, Abhay 57.52 Castaic (SS)
Alcala, David 57.63 Mark Keppel (SS)
Romero, Noah 57.80h Garfield (LA)
Romero, Marco 57.81 Garfield (LA)
Clark, Alvin 57.88 Castaic (SS)
Valdovinos, Daniel 57.98 Rosemead (SS)
Tran, Jack 58 Temple City (SS)
Tang, Joshua 58.63 San Marino (SS)
Moreno, Dylan 58.73 Rosemead (SS)
Arellano, Nathan 58.74 La Salle (SS)
De Leon , Darryl 58.82 Marshall (John) (LA)
Rodas, Philip 59.12 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lopez, Anthony 59.15 Castaic (SS)
Amanchi, Abinav 59.18 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Renteria, Armando 59.21 Rosemead (SS)
Depauw, Nikita 59.71 Marshall (John) (LA)
Helgren, Bailey 60 Temple City (SS)
de Paula, Lucas 62 Temple City (SS)
Chen, Bryan 64 Temple City (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A San Gabriel (SS)
Relay Team A Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Relay Team A 43.41 Monrovia (SS)
Relay Team A 43.60 Adelanto (SS)
Relay Team A 44.55 Castaic (SS)
Relay Team A 44.55 Castaic (SS)
Relay Team A 45.81 Monrovia (SS)
Relay Team A 46.46 Mark Keppel (SS)
Relay Team A 47.07 La Salle (SS)
Relay Team A 47.08 Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 47.63 South Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 48.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Relay Team A 49.40h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 49.67 Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A 49.67 Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A 49.86 La Salle (SS)
Relay Team A 50.00h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 50.22 Mark Keppel (SS)
Relay Team A 51.71 South Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 52.01 Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 54.81 Garfield (LA)
Relay Team A 55.60 Adelanto (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Relay Team A Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A 3:40.86 Mark Keppel (SS)
Relay Team A 3:42.00h Adelanto (SS)
Relay Team A 3:43.27 South Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 3:46.21 La Salle (SS)
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 3:54.53 Monrovia (SS)
Relay Team A 3:57.00h Adelanto (SS)
Relay Team A 3:57.00h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Temple City (SS)
Relay Team A 4:04.58 Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 4:07.33 La Salle (SS)
Relay Team A 4:07.55 Mark Keppel (SS)
Relay Team A 4:09.00h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Temple City (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.23 Castaic (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.23 Castaic (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.73 Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.73 Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 4:24.53 Garfield (LA)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lieu, Dillon Mark Keppel (SS)
Garcia, Asael Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Reyes, Jonathan Bell Gardens (SS)
Choi, Ethan Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Ramirez, Ethan Mark Keppel (SS)
Brucker, Connor La Salle (SS)
Park, Keenan Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Pantha, Kripal Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Ly, Ryan San Gabriel (SS)
Gutierrez, Tavi Mark Keppel (SS)
Prieto, Brandon Bell Gardens (SS)
Chan, Edison Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Lee, Tyler Mark Keppel (SS)
Choe, Ethan Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Alvarez, Alex 1:59.28 La Salle (SS)
Tobin, Kyle 2:06.14 Castaic (SS)
Gagnon, Essien 2:10.30 San Marino (SS)
Wilson, Kanye 2:11.69 Adelanto (SS)
Nguyen, Aidan 2:14.00h Rosemead (SS)
Martinez, Vincent 2:14.00h South Hills (SS)
Matias, Edwin 2:14.62 Bell Gardens (SS)
Lai, Derren 2:15.44 Temple City (SS)
Srivivatanakul, Justin 2:15.76 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Grande, Jeremy 2:16.69 Castaic (SS)
Marquez, Christopher 2:16.71 Garfield (LA)
Tran, Jack 2:18 Temple City (SS)
Ramirez, Matthew 2:18.49 Monrovia (SS)
Menlove, Joshua 2:18.97 Monrovia (SS)
Ramirez-Sanchez, Gael 2:19.00h South Hills (SS)
Liang, Edmund 2:20.00h Rosemead (SS)
Oregel, Omar 2:20.00h Rosemead (SS)
Guzman, Matthew 2:20.07 Garfield (LA)
Comfort, Jonathan 2:20.21 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Tavira, Omar 2:20.64 Adelanto (SS)
Lei, Conner 2:23.29 San Gabriel (SS)
Cabrera, Gabriel 2:23.60 Marshall (John) (LA)
Rivera, Ruben 2:24.55 Adelanto (SS)
Chen, Bryan 2:25 Temple City (SS)
Lee, Edward 2:25.00h Rosemead (SS)
Kao, Raymond 2:25.60 Temple City (SS)
Helgren, Bailey 2:25.82 Temple City (SS)
Warman, Justin 2:25.84 Castaic (SS)
Flores, Matthew 2:25.87 Bell Gardens (SS)
Oya, Yosuke 2:27.06 Mark Keppel (SS)
LeDuff, Lucas 2:29.43 La Salle (SS)
Aguilar, Damian 2:29.51 Mark Keppel (SS)
Mercado, David 2:29.59 Monrovia (SS)
Leogo, Darryl 2:29.63 Castaic (SS)
Yasui, Julian 2:30.33 Marshall (John) (LA)
Ramirez, Edmar 2:30.41 Castaic (SS)
Rodriguez, Rafael 2:32.00 South Hills (SS)
Chin, Ethan 2:32.40 Temple City (SS)
Romero, Sebastian 2:33.21 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Smith, Sidney 2:34.07 La Salle (SS)
Anderson, Drake 2:34.35 Pasadena (SS)
Cortes, Adrian 2:34.93 Bell Gardens (SS)
Garcia, Thomas 2:35.55 Pasadena (SS)
Renden, Angel 2:36.44 Adelanto (SS)
Garcia, Steven 2:37.13 Garfield (LA)
Askew, Liam 2:37.68 San Gabriel (SS)
Zhang, Isaac 2:38.65 Pasadena (SS)
Zhang, Isaac 2:38.65 Pasadena (SS)
Mendoza, Ruben 2:38.89 Garfield (LA)
Mendivil, Curtis 2:39.00h South Hills (SS)
Gibbs, Nicholas 2:39.68 Adelanto (SS)
Yoon, Jonathan 2:41.74 Pasadena (SS)
Pham, Brandon 2:41.79 San Gabriel (SS)
Espinoza, Chance 2:42.42 Pasadena (SS)
Constancio, Caleb 2:44.03 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Alvarado, Reece 2:51.47 La Salle (SS)
Rivera, Luis 2:52.48 Bell Gardens (SS)
Bunch, Bekalu 2:52.65 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Henriquez, Joseph 2:55.97 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Ramos, Jack 2:56.22 Adelanto (SS)
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Boys Discus 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Thomas 127-8 La Salle (SS)
Salas, Damian 112-9 Garfield (LA)
Sanchez, Christian 108-10 Bell Gardens (SS)
Silva, Adrian 105-0 Bell Gardens (SS)
Jones, Davonte 103-8 Monrovia (SS)
Taufa, Napoleone 100-11 Adelanto (SS)
Flores, Andres 100-1 Bell Gardens (SS)
Vizcarra, Enrique 97-0 South Hills (SS)
Bell, Daylen 96-3 Adelanto (SS)
Darlos, Athanasios 95-5 La Salle (SS)
Resurreccion, Raiden 90-03 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Black, Devon 88-8 Castaic (SS)
Huang, Jay 85-9 Mark Keppel (SS)
Vo, Dylan 85-9 San Gabriel (SS)
Mondragon, Damien 83-3 South Hills (SS)
Marquez, Angel 82-11 Rosemead (SS)
Campos, Jose 82-8 Bell Gardens (SS)
Godwin, Kyle 82-8 La Salle (SS)
Huang, Prince 78-10 South Hills (SS)
Carlson, Dashiell 77-9 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Gradoville, Cyrus 77-8 Castaic (SS)
Zagal, Cristen 77-2 Rosemead (SS)
Berezkin, Nikita 77-0.5 Castaic (SS)
Tu, Aaron 76-10 San Gabriel (SS)
Hamilton, Bryan 75-6 South Hills (SS)
Williams, Marveon 73-8 South Hills (SS)
Magluyan, Isaac 71-11 La Salle (SS)
Marquez, Aiden 70-2 Rosemead (SS)
Chang, Jeremy 70-0 Rosemead (SS)
Nguyen, Johnny 69-11 Mark Keppel (SS)
Lam, Branden 68-8 Mark Keppel (SS)
Han, Jaden 68-6 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Lee, Calvin 68-5 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Lara, Pedro 68-0 Rosemead (SS)
Pham, Danny 63-9 San Gabriel (SS)
Gonzalez, Daniel 63-3 Bell Gardens (SS)
Andujo, Nathaniel 63-1 Bell Gardens (SS)
De La Cruz, Cesar 57-8 Castaic (SS)
Melendez, Anthony 56-0 Adelanto (SS)
Tuionetoa, Sione 56-0 Adelanto (SS)
De La Cruz, Christian 55-0 Castaic (SS)
Siguenza, Ray 54-2 Adelanto (SS)
Rosales, George 50-10 Adelanto (SS)
Zhou, Vicente 49-2 Mark Keppel (SS)
Butler, Thomas 48-4 Castaic (SS)
Reyes, Gonzalo Garfield (LA)
Suarez, Matthew Mark Keppel (SS)
Phan, Derrick Mark Keppel (SS)
Delgado, Diego Pasadena (SS)
Miller, Max Pasadena (SS)
Munoz, Uriel Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Lennear, Anthony Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Schoch, Noah Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Garikapati, Vijendra Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Montgomery-Eislestein, Jacob Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Adrian, Chase Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Terni, Asher La Salle (SS)
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Boys High Jump 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simpson, Marquis 6-0 Adelanto (SS)
Purcell, Ajani 5-10 Adelanto (SS)
Sotelo, Angel 5-6 Adelanto (SS)
Deras, Douglas 5-2 Marshall (John) (LA)
Daniels, Donovan 5-0 Adelanto (SS)
Gamboa, Daniel 5-0 Mark Keppel (SS)
Flores, Abraham 5-0 Garfield (LA)
Barrios, Christian 4-10 Bell Gardens (SS)
Serpas, Julian 4-10 Marshall (John) (LA)
Hernandez, Dominic 4-10 South Hills (SS)
Ma, Nathan 4-8 Mark Keppel (SS)
Gonzalez, Omar 4-8 La Salle (SS)
Slamat, Christian 4-8 La Salle (SS)
Yang, Colin 4-8 La Salle (SS)
Ruiz, Samuel 4-6 Bell Gardens (SS)
Chen, Jesse 4-6 Rosemead (SS)
Luong, Trevor 4-6 Rosemead (SS)
Ahern, Andrew 4-6 La Salle (SS)
Garcia, Shane 4-6 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Auste, Isaiah 4-6 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Breitenbach, River 4-6 La Salle (SS)
Au, Aidan 4-4 Rosemead (SS)
Daniels, William 4-4 Adelanto (SS)
Chan, Edison 4-4 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Luu, Ben 4-4 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Diep, Huan 4-4 Rosemead (SS)
Phung, Nathan 4-2 Rosemead (SS)
Cao, Steven 4-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Garikapati, Vijendra 4-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Cabrera, Nathan Bell Gardens (SS)
Perez, Darey Bell Gardens (SS)
Villanueva, Issac Bell Gardens (SS)
Cabrera, Isaac Bell Gardens (SS)
Salazar, Brian Monrovia (SS)
Jones, Davonte Monrovia (SS)
Jones, Donte Monrovia (SS)
Bunch, Bekalu Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Lennear, Ennis Joseph Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Nakano, Sean Mark Keppel (SS)
Wu, Evan Mark Keppel (SS)
Yang, Wilson San Gabriel (SS)
Si, Brian San Gabriel (SS)
Bai, Yan (Yanshuo) San Gabriel (SS)
Contreras, Aidan Garfield (LA)
Yu, Tymon Mark Keppel (SS)
Hilago, Andrew La Salle (SS)
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Boys Long Jump 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paton, Devin 22-5 Monrovia (SS)
Yu, Andrew 19-3.5 La Salle (SS)
Simpson, Marquis 18-9.5 Adelanto (SS)
Purcell, Ajani 18-8 Adelanto (SS)
Sotelo, Angel 18-7 Adelanto (SS)
Chiu, Aidan 18-6.5 La Salle (SS)
Yu, Tymon 18-2 Mark Keppel (SS)
Paz-Serrano, Eric 18-1.25 Marshall (John) (LA)
Rusler, Hadden 18-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Arellano, Nathan 17-10 La Salle (SS)
Gamboa, Daniel 17-6 Mark Keppel (SS)
Estrada, David 17-2 Rosemead (SS)
Flores, Jacob 17-0.5 South Hills (SS)
Salazar, Bryan 16-11.5 Castaic (SS)
Chen, Jesse 16-8 Rosemead (SS)
Strote, Joseph 16-7 Castaic (SS)
Flores, Andres 16-5.5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Dineros, Cristian 16-5 South Hills (SS)
Leogo, Darryl 16-4.5 Castaic (SS)
Ramirez, Steven 16-2 South Hills (SS)
Zhou, Larry 16-1.5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Andal, Jacob 16-1 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
De Leon , Darryl 16-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Reyes, Moises 16-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Yung, Ethan 15-11 Mark Keppel (SS)
Ma, Nathan 15-10 Mark Keppel (SS)
Ruiz, Samuel 15-9 Bell Gardens (SS)
Fry, Noah 15-9 Temple City (SS)
Nguyen, Ian 15-9 Castaic (SS)
Bueno, Leonardo 15-4.5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Kim, Stanley 15-3.5 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Daniels, Donovan 15-3 Adelanto (SS)
Yang, Colin 15-3 La Salle (SS)
Wu, Clayton 15-2 Temple City (SS)
Valmar, Daniel 15-1 South Hills (SS)
Hanlon-Goldfarb, Jonah 15-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Morris, Whitman 15-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Carter, Fenton 15-0 Adelanto (SS)
Loureiro, Levi 15-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Raygoza, Joshua 15-0 San Gabriel (SS)
Alarcon, Christian 14-11.5 La Salle (SS)
Luong, Trevor 14-5 Rosemead (SS)
Au, Aidan 14-5 Rosemead (SS)
Rubeea, Yousif 14-5 South Hills (SS)
Hernandez, Dominic 14-3 South Hills (SS)
Flores-Zavaleta, Gustavo 14-1 Garfield (LA)
LeDuff, Lucas 14-0.25 La Salle (SS)
Daniels, William 14-0 Adelanto (SS)
Gonzalez, Simri 13-11.5 Garfield (LA)
Yang, Wilson 13-9.5 San Gabriel (SS)
Huerta, David 13-7.25 Garfield (LA)
Alvarado, Alexander 13-6.5 Garfield (LA)
Phung, Nathan 13-4 Rosemead (SS)
Trinh, Dawson 12-9 Rosemead (SS)
Chaturvedi, Adwik 12-8 San Gabriel (SS)
Cabrera, Nathan Bell Gardens (SS)
Perez, Darey Bell Gardens (SS)
Ojeda, Juan Bell Gardens (SS)
Bunch, Bekalu Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Nakano, Sean Mark Keppel (SS)
Gomez Acevedo, Christopher San Gabriel (SS)
Woods, Alexander Castaic (SS)
Flores, David Castaic (SS)
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Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jumaid, Josiah 10-0 Rosemead (SS)
Truong, Steven 9-0 Rosemead (SS)
Ngu, Ryan 9-0 Rosemead (SS)
Vasquez, Ethan 8-0 South Hills (SS)
Jiang, Jackie 7-6 Rosemead (SS)
Romero, Marco 7-6 Garfield (LA)
Ung, Derek 7-0 Rosemead (SS)
Yurchak, Sascha 7-0 La Salle (SS)
Eiffel) Wang, Zihe 7-0 La Salle (SS)
Huerta, David 6-6 Garfield (LA)
Magluyan, Isaac 6-6 La Salle (SS)
Leong, Kurtis 6-6 La Salle (SS)
Scott, Delvin Monrovia (SS)
Sayles, Zeke Monrovia (SS)
Oler, Malakzi Monrovia (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Thomas 46-8.5 La Salle (SS)
Bush, Robert 46-0 Monrovia (SS)
Salas, Damian 43-0.75 Garfield (LA)
Bell, Daylen 40-9.5 Adelanto (SS)
Silva, Adrian 37-5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Resurreccion, Raiden 36-09 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Carlson, Dashiell 36-2.5 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Marquez, Angel 36-0.75 Rosemead (SS)
Darlos, Athanasios 35-10.5 La Salle (SS)
Gudiel, Daniel 35-8 Marshall (John) (LA)
Taufa, Napoleone 35-7 Adelanto (SS)
Vizcarra, Enrique 35-1 South Hills (SS)
Aivazian, Christopher 35-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Sanchez, Christian 34-8.5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Lam, Branden 34-5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Godwin, Kyle 32-8.5 La Salle (SS)
Flores, Andres 32-8 Bell Gardens (SS)
Black, Devon 32-7 Castaic (SS)
Campos, Jose 32-6 Bell Gardens (SS)
Rosales, George 32-2.5 Adelanto (SS)
Marquez, Aiden 31-10.25 Rosemead (SS)
Sarco, Branden 31-4 South Hills (SS)
Gradoville, Cyrus 31-4 Castaic (SS)
Hamilton, Bryan 30-11.25 South Hills (SS)
Tuionetoa, Sione 30-11 Adelanto (SS)
Magluyan, Isaac 30-1 La Salle (SS)
Melendez, Anthony 29-11 Adelanto (SS)
Zhou, Vicente 29-7 Mark Keppel (SS)
Mondragon, Damien 29-4.5 South Hills (SS)
Tu, Aaron 29-4.5 San Gabriel (SS)
Siguenza, Ray 28-5 Adelanto (SS)
Chang, Jeremy 27-10.5 Rosemead (SS)
Nguyen, Johnny 26-11.25 Mark Keppel (SS)
Huang, Jay 26-8 Mark Keppel (SS)
Williams, Marveon 26-3.5 South Hills (SS)
Barua, Mrittunjoy 26-3 Marshall (John) (LA)
Berezkin, Nikita 26-0.5 Castaic (SS)
Han, Jaden 25-11 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Pham, Danny 25-6 San Gabriel (SS)
Lee, Calvin 25-2 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Lara, Pedro 25-0 Rosemead (SS)
De La Cruz, Christian 24-2.75 Castaic (SS)
De La Cruz, Christian 24-2.75 Castaic (SS)
Zagal, Cristen 23-2 Rosemead (SS)
Butler, Thomas 23-1 Castaic (SS)
Phan, Derrick 20-8.75 Mark Keppel (SS)
Gonzalez, Daniel Bell Gardens (SS)
Andujo, Nathaniel Bell Gardens (SS)
Reyes, Gonzalo Garfield (LA)
Webster, Joseph Monrovia (SS)
Suarez, Matthew Mark Keppel (SS)
Garikapati, Vijendra Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Montgomery-Eislestein, Jacob Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Schoch, Noah Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Lennear, Anthony Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Adrian, Chase Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Van, Khoa San Gabriel (SS)
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Boys Triple Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lennear, Ennis Joseph 38-8 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Ruiz, Samuel 37-2 Bell Gardens (SS)
Rusler, Hadden 36-10 Marshall (John) (LA)
Cabrera, Nathan 36-4 Bell Gardens (SS)
Jaimes, Humberto 35-10 Monrovia (SS)
Montgomery-Eislestein, Jacob 35-1 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Trinh, Dawson 35-0 Rosemead (SS)
Zhou, Larry 34-11 Mark Keppel (SS)
Yung, Ethan 33-11 Mark Keppel (SS)
Gamboa, Daniel 33-10 Mark Keppel (SS)
Flores, Abraham 33-3.5 Garfield (LA)
Lai, Andrew 33-2.5 La Salle (SS)
Alarcon, Christian 33-0 La Salle (SS)
Wu, Evan 33-0 Mark Keppel (SS)
Flores, Jacob 32-11 South Hills (SS)
Chen, Jesse 32-5.5 Rosemead (SS)
Menlove, Joshua 32-5.5 Monrovia (SS)
Gutierrez, Anthony 31-11 Marshall (John) (LA)
Ma, Nathan 31-5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Segura, Nick 30-5.75 Bell Gardens (SS)
Kachmarsky, Avery 30-5 La Salle (SS)
Alvarado, Alexander 30-5 Garfield (LA)
Reyes, Moises 30-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Zhou, Vicente 29-8 Mark Keppel (SS)
Chaturvedi, Adwik 29-8 San Gabriel (SS)
Flores-Zavaleta, Gustavo 29-3.25 Garfield (LA)
Valmar, Adam 29-3 South Hills (SS)
Yang, Wilson 29-3 San Gabriel (SS)
Gonzalez, Omar 28-2.75 La Salle (SS)
Loureiro, Levi 27-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Bunch, Bekalu 26-11.5 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Lira, Luis Bell Gardens (SS)
Perez, Darey Bell Gardens (SS)
Cabrera, Isaac Bell Gardens (SS)
Raygoza, Joshua San Gabriel (SS)
Swamy, Dhiren La Salle (SS)
Ahern, Andrew La Salle (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 86 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Charlotte Mark Keppel (SS)
Pretorius, Taylara Mark Keppel (SS)
McGregory, Imoree St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Villegas, Julissa San Gabriel (SS)
Diaz, Alexandria Garfield (LA)
Vitela, Raiya Garfield (LA)
Blomdahl, Emma Castaic (SS)
Cantero, Denise Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Garcia, Nicky Temple City (SS)
Aldaz, Samantha Bell Gardens (SS)
Franco, Judith Garfield (LA)
Huerta, Jennifer Garfield (LA)
Salazar, G'Layah St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Villa, Mia Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Ramirez, Melanie Garfield (LA)
Mosby, Madison 12.40 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Dorton, Kendall 12.70 South Hills (SS)
Thompson, Regan 12.74 Castaic (SS)
Lee, Sol 12.89 La Salle (SS)
Silvestro, Clair 13.18 Castaic (SS)
Rafaela, Itza 13.36 Bell Gardens (SS)
Saillant, Destiny 13.37 South Hills (SS)
Williams, Jazmin 13.39 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Washington, Amber 13.41 Monrovia (SS)
McGarry, Farrah 13.44h La Salle (SS)
Alvarado Amaya, Itsmenia 13.63 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Rodriguez, Aleena 13.70 South Hills (SS)
Cai-Wu, Laura 13.88 San Gabriel (SS)
Zelaya, Nayeli 13.90h Marshall (John) (LA)
Espinoza, Ava 13.97 Rosemead (SS)
Clark, Alana 13.98 Castaic (SS)
Green, Rose 13.98 Gladstone (SS)
Vargas, Karla 14.00h Bell Gardens (SS)
Romero, Alexa 14.01 Bell Gardens (SS)
LI, Emily 14.03 Monrovia (SS)
Yamamoto, Elle 14.15 Castaic (SS)
Ticman, Jianna 14.16 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Moe, Natalie 14.18 Rosemead (SS)
Wilson, Dylan 14.22 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Victor, Mariiah 14.26 Monrovia (SS)
Okwaraibekwe, Kelly 14.38 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Du, Kelly (Nhu) 14.39 San Gabriel (SS)
Wild, Beatrice 14.42 Marshall (John) (LA)
Pascual, Ashley 14.50 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Ung, Carmen 14.58 Rosemead (SS)
Liu, Kelly 14.60 Mark Keppel (SS)
Outley, Lakayla 14.72 Adelanto (SS)
Chua, Noelle 14.75 La Salle (SS)
Hayes, Summer 14.76 Adelanto (SS)
Galindo, Makayla 14.82 Rosemead (SS)
Papantonopoulos, Stavroula 14.85 South Hills (SS)
Talavera, Jeanna 14.86 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lota, Sabrina 14.89 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Yasui, Leyla 14.96 Marshall (John) (LA)
Barajas, Sophia 14.99 South Hills (SS)
Ware, Estella 15.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Rodriguez, Kaylee 15.03 Castaic (SS)
Chau, Kylie 15.06 Rosemead (SS)
Gardner, Grace 15.11 La Salle (SS)
Deng, Sarah 15.18 Mark Keppel (SS)
Nava, Frida 15.27 La Salle (SS)
Davidson, Jasmine 15.45 Adelanto (SS)
Davidson, Jasmine 15.45 Adelanto (SS)
Saldana , Keili 15.46 Marshall (John) (LA)
Cuevas, Besty 15.53 Rosemead (SS)
Qiu, Nina 15.59 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Reyes, Jalyssa 15.67 Monrovia (SS)
Seto, Priscilla 15.73 Temple City (SS)
Pennloza, Stella 15.78 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Drummond, Kaela 15.81 Pasadena (SS)
To, Sophia 15.81 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Moore, Olivia 15.84 Monrovia (SS)
Santos, Michelle 15.85 Adelanto (SS)
Castro, Elidia 15.87 Garfield (LA)
Lewellen, Josephine 15.88 La Salle (SS)
Norton, Rachel 15.92 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Carrillo, Genesis 15.99 Bell Gardens (SS)
Sandoval Corona, Genesis 16.00 Adelanto (SS)
Lamond, Ava 16.06 Pasadena (SS)
Holland, Danielle 16.12 San Gabriel (SS)
Garcia, Leilani 16.12 Monrovia (SS)
Ng, Kathleen 16.14 Mark Keppel (SS)
Fetterman, Evelyn 16.33 Pasadena (SS)
Ma, Joyce 16.54 San Gabriel (SS)
Lorenzo-Funes, Celeste 16.85 Temple City (SS)
Meng, Melissa 17.42 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Mia Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Barbara, Camile Mark Keppel (SS)
Palm, Mallory Castaic (SS)
Galvez, Grace Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Kakita, Kalani Mark Keppel (SS)
Aguila, Jaslene Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Santana, Melany Bell Gardens (SS)
Cross, Samira Pasadena (SS)
Romero, Alexa Bell Gardens (SS)
Medina, Salma Garfield (LA)
Reid, Mia 15.14 La Salle (SS)
Saillant, Destiny 17.00 South Hills (SS)
Gaylor, Georgia 17.09 Monrovia (SS)
Oetomo, Josephine 17.18 San Gabriel (SS)
Ahn, Christy 17.52 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Myles, Justina 17.69 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Perry, Madison 18.00 Monrovia (SS)
Jones, Taylor 18.30 Monrovia (SS)
Williams, Jazmin 19.82 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Chua, Noelle 20.03 La Salle (SS)
Chen, Alicia 20.59 San Gabriel (SS)
Bibring, Harper 20.90h Marshall (John) (LA)
Moses, Hannah 21.03 Castaic (SS)
Correa, Stephanie 22.30 Garfield (LA)
Garnica, Noami 22.37 Bell Gardens (SS)
De La Cruz, Gabriella 22.43 Castaic (SS)
Arriaga, Naydelin 22.47 Bell Gardens (SS)
Weinberg, Nico 23.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Mo, Jenny 23.27 Temple City (SS)
Delgado, Bianca 23.64 Castaic (SS)
Rotko, Lana 24.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Cabrales, Jaquelyn 24.40 Garfield (LA)
Ortega, Donna 26.00 Bell Gardens (SS)
Gonzalez, Jasmine 26.63 Garfield (LA)
Haltan, Vivian 28.78 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Supple, Willa 55.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 64 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diaz Coca, Jasmine Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Nesbitt, Hannah Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Kang, Alyson Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Leon, Kailey San Gabriel (SS)
Zhou, Zishou Mark Keppel (SS)
German, Judith San Gabriel (SS)
Aldaz, Samantha Bell Gardens (SS)
Lopez, Daniela Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Chung, Mida Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Chin, Yi-Jen (Jolin) Mark Keppel (SS)
Lazzarato-Bosque, Laura 5:26.10 Castaic (SS)
Escobedo, Liah 5:28.42 South Hills (SS)
Bohanec, Olivia 5:30.69 La Salle (SS)
Hobbs, A'Shari 5:31.14 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Reyes, Kaitlyn 5:40.60 Temple City (SS)
Rocha, Analise 5:46.76 South Hills (SS)
Quezada, Samantha 5:49.00h South Hills (SS)
B Vargas, Kassidy 5:49.69 Castaic (SS)
Borrayo, Madeline 5:59 South Hills (SS)
Cannesson, Esther 6:02.92 Marshall (John) (LA)
Ennis, Ashlyn 6:03.33 Castaic (SS)
Angles, Claire 6:05.73 Castaic (SS)
Burton, Leni 6:10.15 Marshall (John) (LA)
Vathanadireg, Elyse 6:10.26 Monrovia (SS)
Kwan, Jasmine 6:10.61 Mark Keppel (SS)
Torres, Zyanya 6:13.19 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Lopez, Vienna 6:15 Temple City (SS)
Chiang, Hermia 6:16 Temple City (SS)
Maravic, Gaia 6:20.68 Marshall (John) (LA)
Ealba, Haley 6:21.29 San Gabriel (SS)
Kim, Norah 6:23.23 Pasadena (SS)
Copeland, Allyson 6:27.57 La Salle (SS)
Velez-Torres, Natalie 6:27.92 Garfield (LA)
Castaneda, Sienna 6:32 South Hills (SS)
Pinedo, Johanna 6:32.30 San Gabriel (SS)
Frumento, Tabitha 6:34.46 La Salle (SS)
Lu, Jessica 6:44.83 Temple City (SS)
Robertson , Annabel 6:45.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Aguilar, Allanessa 6:45.77 Pasadena (SS)
Pejsa, Abigail 6:48.53 La Salle (SS)
Mendoza, Kaitlynn 6:50.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Kim, Kyra 6:52.67 Mark Keppel (SS)
Harder, Cera 6:55.98 Adelanto (SS)
Mei, Amy 6:58.00 Rosemead (SS)
La Point, Savanah 6:58.27 Monrovia (SS)
Roman, Esmerallda 6:59.45 Monrovia (SS)
Le, Rachel 7:01.79 Rosemead (SS)
Melgar, Zoreimy 7:02.93 San Gabriel (SS)
Liu, Nancy 7:04.13 Temple City (SS)
Lin, Zoey 7:05.08 Temple City (SS)
Avalos, Marisol 7:05.50 Garfield (LA)
Lassard, Jazlyn 7:06.41 Pasadena (SS)
Lopez, Isabella 7:06.79 San Gabriel (SS)
Chen, Mengqi 7:10.00 Rosemead (SS)
Diaz, Abigail 7:11.75 Garfield (LA)
Orneles, Danica 7:18.58 Bell Gardens (SS)
Gonzalez, Evelyn 7:20.00 Bell Gardens (SS)
Artiz, Graciela 7:21.72 La Salle (SS)
Toro, Alexis 7:30.00h Bell Gardens (SS)
Statham, Lilian 7:38.51 Adelanto (SS)
Gallardo, Aura 7:43.00 Rosemead (SS)
Ung, Kylie 8:00.00h Rosemead (SS)
Latham, Jasmine 8:02.04 Adelanto (SS)
Atchison, Madeline 8:09.41 Adelanto (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 82 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vitela, Raiya Garfield (LA)
Holland, Danielle San Gabriel (SS)
Lee, Charlotte Mark Keppel (SS)
Vargas, Karla Bell Gardens (SS)
Huerta, Jennifer Garfield (LA)
Davidson, Jasmine Adelanto (SS)
Franco, Judith Garfield (LA)
Reimbold, Kaitlyn Castaic (SS)
Aguilar, Savannah Temple City (SS)
Diaz, Abigail Garfield (LA)
Iwane-Rivera, Maria Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Lorenzo-Funes, Celeste Temple City (SS)
Rafaela, Itza Bell Gardens (SS)
Cantero, Denise Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Castro, Elidia Garfield (LA)
McGregory, Imoree St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Pretorius, Taylara Mark Keppel (SS)
Gonzalez, Melissa Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Salazar, G'Layah St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Leon, Kailey San Gabriel (SS)
Kakita, Kalani Mark Keppel (SS)
Villa, Mia Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Cuevas, Besty 23.17 Rosemead (SS)
Thompson, Regan 25.76 Castaic (SS)
Liu, Keidyn 26.48 San Marino (SS)
Lee, Sol 26.76 La Salle (SS)
Dorton, Kendall 26.88 South Hills (SS)
Silvestro, Clair 27.45 Castaic (SS)
Alvarado Amaya, Itsmenia 27.68 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
McCrimmon, Elle 28.03 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Washington, Amber 28.36 Monrovia (SS)
Williams, Jazmin 28.42 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Luckhardt, Dalia 28.49 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Zelaya, Nayeli 28.50h Marshall (John) (LA)
Rodriguez, Aleena 28.56 South Hills (SS)
Magana, Vanessa 28.71 South Hills (SS)
Couch, Jazlyn 28.96 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Cai-Wu, Laura 29.02 San Gabriel (SS)
Clark, Alana 29.13 Castaic (SS)
Mencos, Priscilla 29.39 Castaic (SS)
Liu, Kelly 29.98 Mark Keppel (SS)
Santiago, Kacey 29.99 Marshall (John) (LA)
Sanchez, Nancy 30.18 Rosemead (SS)
Espinoza, Ava 30.23 Rosemead (SS)
Moe, Natalie 30.39 Rosemead (SS)
Wilson, Ebbony 30.51 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Stewart, Gregorie 30.55 South Hills (SS)
harbert, Kendr 30.55 Monrovia (SS)
Wild, Beatrice 30.72 Marshall (John) (LA)
Carter, Sarai 30.79 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Perez, Itzel 30.87 San Gabriel (SS)
Valverde, Katherine 31.00 Monrovia (SS)
Ung, Carmen 31.02 Rosemead (SS)
Yasui, Leyla 31.27 Marshall (John) (LA)
Rodriguez, Leilani 31.31 Castaic (SS)
Romero, Alexa 31.47 Bell Gardens (SS)
DeSilva, Emily 31.84h La Salle (SS)
Wilson, Mya 31.96 Adelanto (SS)
Deng, Sarah 31.99 Mark Keppel (SS)
Bibring, Harper 32.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Kannampuzha, Gisel 32.18 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Luong, Rachel 32.19 Rosemead (SS)
Liao, Alison 32.26 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Outley, Lakayla 32.42 Adelanto (SS)
Reyes, Jalyssa 32.73 Monrovia (SS)
Hayes, Summer 32.89 Adelanto (SS)
Drummond, Kaela 32.90 Pasadena (SS)
Lewellen, Josephine 33.38 La Salle (SS)
Bautista, Catherine 33.46 La Salle (SS)
Ng, Kathleen 33.73 Mark Keppel (SS)
Weinberg, Nico 33.77 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lamond, Ava 34.03 Pasadena (SS)
Sandoval Corona, Genesis 34.40h Adelanto (SS)
Garcia, Leilani 34.65 Monrovia (SS)
Carrillo, Genesis 35.11 Bell Gardens (SS)
Barohna, Emely 35.54 Adelanto (SS)
Ramos, Luna 35.60 Garfield (LA)
Montano, Audrey 36.03 La Salle (SS)
Fetterman, Evelyn 36.48 Pasadena (SS)
Norton, Rachel 36.97 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Reyes, Aubrey 39.09 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Aldaz, Samantha 39.91 Bell Gardens (SS)
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguila, Jaslene Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Santana, Melany Bell Gardens (SS)
Ortega, Donna Bell Gardens (SS)
Garcia, Joselyn Bell Gardens (SS)
Garcia, Mia Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Cross, Samira Pasadena (SS)
Mo, Jenny Temple City (SS)
Garnica, Noami Bell Gardens (SS)
Espinoza, Marisol Bell Gardens (SS)
Galvez, Grace Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Hill, Jaedyn Pasadena (SS)
Medina, Salma Garfield (LA)
Buckley, Mia 1:00.12 South Hills (SS)
Mendoza, Kristen 1:02.00h South Hills (SS)
Barbara, Camile 1:02.07 Mark Keppel (SS)
De La Cruz, Gabriella 1:03.16 Castaic (SS)
Vo, Jolie 1:03.50h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Delgado, Bianca 1:04.19 Castaic (SS)
Kim, Kyra 1:05.20 Mark Keppel (SS)
Haltan, Vivian 1:12.62 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Reid, Mia 46.99 La Salle (SS)
Mosby, Madison 47.00 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Saillant, Destiny 47.79 South Hills (SS)
Oetomo, Josephine 49.02 San Gabriel (SS)
Palm, Mallory 49.94 Castaic (SS)
Ahn, Christy 51.37 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Myles, Justina 52.29 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Perry, Madison 52.77 Monrovia (SS)
Vuong, Allyson 54.77 San Gabriel (SS)
Kakita, Kalani 56.03 Mark Keppel (SS)
Chua, Noelle 56.67 La Salle (SS)
Victor, Mariiah 57.96 Monrovia (SS)
Moses, Hannah 58.07 Castaic (SS)
Linden, Chloe 58.22 San Marino (SS)
Jones, Taylor 59.01 Monrovia (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aldaz, Samantha Bell Gardens (SS)
Orneles, Danica Bell Gardens (SS)
Naranjo-Champion, Sophia Garfield (LA)
Morales, Viviana Bell Gardens (SS)
Kwan, Jasmine Mark Keppel (SS)
Kim, Norah Pasadena (SS)
Naranjo-Champion, Kelia Garfield (LA)
Kang, Alyson Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Chin, Yi-Jen (Jolin) Mark Keppel (SS)
Palencia, Stephanie San Gabriel (SS)
Lopez, Anahi Garfield (LA)
B Vargas, Kassidy 11:52.67 Castaic (SS)
Le, Kianna 12:00.00 Temple City (SS)
Quezada, Samantha 12:00.00 South Hills (SS)
Escobedo, Liah 12:02.20 South Hills (SS)
Bohanec, Olivia 12:09.81 La Salle (SS)
Lazzarato-Bosque, Laura 12:17.53 Castaic (SS)
Ennis, Ashlyn 12:48.37 Castaic (SS)
Lopez, Vienna 12:50.09 Temple City (SS)
Chiang, Hermia 13:30.00 Temple City (SS)
Maravic, Gaia 13:37.66 Marshall (John) (LA)
Wei, Si Qi 13:45.00 Temple City (SS)
Zhou, Faith 14:07.46 Temple City (SS)
Copeland, Allyson 14:16.88 La Salle (SS)
Frumento, Tabitha 14:20.12 La Salle (SS)
Lu, Jessica 14:20.91 Temple City (SS)
Pinedo, Johanna 14:30.29 San Gabriel (SS)
Ealba, Haley 14:53.68 San Gabriel (SS)
Statham, Lilian 15:20.00 Adelanto (SS)
Lassard, Jazlyn 16:13.12 Pasadena (SS)
Davidson, Jasmine 16:20.00 Adelanto (SS)
Lopez, Isabella 16:47.10 San Gabriel (SS)
Melgar, Zoreimy 16:49.30 San Gabriel (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lassard, Jazlyn Pasadena (SS)
Cai-Wu, Laura San Gabriel (SS)
Saenz, Tiffany Garfield (LA)
Iwane-Rivera, Maria Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Canete, Michelle Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Norton, Rachel Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Holland, Danielle San Gabriel (SS)
Ortega, Donna Bell Gardens (SS)
Velazquez, Mayte Bell Gardens (SS)
Jones, Breasia Mark Keppel (SS)
Silvestro, Clair 1:00.50 Castaic (SS)
Scott, Diana 1:00.78 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Luckhardt, Dalia 1:02.89 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Santana, Ariana 1:03.15 Bell Gardens (SS)
Sanchez, Nancy 1:03.50 Rosemead (SS)
McCrimmon, Elle 1:04.62 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Stewart, Gregorie 1:05.84 South Hills (SS)
Santiago, Kacey 1:06.29 Marshall (John) (LA)
Santiago, Kacey 1:06.29 Marshall (John) (LA)
Hwang, Taylor 1:06.46 San Marino (SS)
Magana, Vanessa 1:06.83 South Hills (SS)
Le, Kianna 1:06.96 Temple City (SS)
Tran, Lauren 1:07.94 Rosemead (SS)
Salvtiera, Sherlyn 1:08.01 Rosemead (SS)
Perez, Itzel 1:08.38 San Gabriel (SS)
Reyes, Kaitlyn 1:09.40 Temple City (SS)
Martinez, Laila 1:09.57 South Hills (SS)
Reimbold, Kaitlyn 1:09.88 Castaic (SS)
Lopez, Vienna 1:10 Temple City (SS)
Fong, Emily 1:10.46 La Salle (SS)
Rios, Isabella 1:11.05 Monrovia (SS)
Salinas, Nevaeh 1:12.00h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Nguyen, Mindy 1:13.00h Rosemead (SS)
Attia, Lily 1:15 Temple City (SS)
Barohna, Emely 1:15.00h Adelanto (SS)
Munoz, Juliana 1:15.06 La Salle (SS)
Masterson, Sarah 1:15.70 Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Solomon, Shelby 1:16.46 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Latham, Jasmine 1:16.86 Adelanto (SS)
Cen, Melody 1:17 Temple City (SS)
Vo, Jolie 1:17.00h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Sandoval Corona, Genesis 1:17.00h Adelanto (SS)
Duarte, Alana 1:17.00h Bell Gardens (SS)
Garcia, Joselyn 1:18.18 Bell Gardens (SS)
Garcia, Kate 1:19 Temple City (SS)
Odedra, Parul 1:19.00h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Carrillo, Genesis 1:19.55 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ramos, Luna 1:19.97 Garfield (LA)
Statham, Lilian 1:20.00h Adelanto (SS)
Huerta, Adamary 1:20.82 Garfield (LA)
Lule, Erika 1:21.52 Garfield (LA)
Mencos, Priscilla 1:22.90 Castaic (SS)
Khan, Zyanah 1:27.22 Castaic (SS)
Lewellen, Josephine 1:27.61 La Salle (SS)
Barajas, Zuhawli 1:30.00h Adelanto (SS)
Rubio Salazar, Angelina 1:30.00h Adelanto (SS)
Parra, Linney 1:31.37 Pasadena (SS)
Nguyen, Kaylee 1:33.00h Rosemead (SS)
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Adelanto (SS)
Relay Team A Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A Garfield (LA)
Relay Team A Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Relay Team A Garfield (LA)
Relay Team A Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Relay Team A San Gabriel (SS)
Relay Team A Adelanto (SS)
Relay Team A St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Relay Team A 1:01.12 Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 1:02.75 Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A 50.80 Monrovia (SS)
Relay Team A 51.46 La Salle (SS)
Relay Team A 51.50 South Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 51.85 Castaic (SS)
Relay Team A 54.01 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 55.00 Marshall (John) (LA)
Relay Team A 56.24 Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 57.38 La Salle (SS)
Relay Team A 57.96 South Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 58.00h Marshall (John) (LA)
Relay Team A 58.31 Mark Keppel (SS)
Relay Team A 58.56 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Relay Team A 58.70h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 59.83 Mark Keppel (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Adelanto (SS)
Relay Team A Adelanto (SS)
Relay Team A San Gabriel (SS)
Relay Team A Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A Pasadena (SS)
Relay Team A Bell Gardens (SS)
Relay Team A Garfield (LA)
Relay Team A 4:03.64 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Relay Team A 4:17.06 Castaic (SS)
Relay Team A 4:17.06 Castaic (SS)
Relay Team A 4:27.00h South Hills (SS)
Relay Team A 4:34.23 La Salle (SS)
Relay Team A 4:34.89 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 4:35.61 Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 4:45.00h Temple City (SS)
Relay Team A 4:50.00h Temple City (SS)
Relay Team A 5:03.54 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Relay Team A 5:19.00h Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Rosemead (SS)
Relay Team A 5:21.63 La Salle (SS)
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Girls 800 Meter Run 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Katelyn Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Palencia, Stephanie San Gabriel (SS)
Frias, Jessica La Salle (SS)
Nesbitt, Hannah Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Kwan, Jasmine Mark Keppel (SS)
Brimbuela, Zaida Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Gonzalez, Melissa Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Santana, Ariana Bell Gardens (SS)
Gonzalez, Jasmine Garfield (LA)
Chin, Yi-Jen (Jolin) Mark Keppel (SS)
Angles, Claire Castaic (SS)
Lazzarato-Bosque, Laura 2:24.84 Castaic (SS)
Naranjo-Champion, Kelia 2:25.52 Garfield (LA)
Giddings, Kayla 2:26.35 San Marino (SS)
Hobbs, A'Shari 2:28.36 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Naranjo-Champion, Sophia 2:35.16 Garfield (LA)
Couch, Jazlyn 2:36.25 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Bohanec, Olivia 2:36.29 La Salle (SS)
Ealba, Haley 2:38.45 San Gabriel (SS)
Mendoza, Kristen 2:44.36 South Hills (SS)
Cannesson, Esther 2:44.78 Marshall (John) (LA)
Brar, Kasmine 2:45 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Pejsa, Abigail 2:48.00 La Salle (SS)
Vathanadireg, Elyse 2:48.73 Monrovia (SS)
Torres, Zyanya 2:49.94 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Nguyen, Michelle 2:55 Temple City (SS)
Burton, Leni 2:56.26 Marshall (John) (LA)
Frumento, Tabitha 2:56.51 La Salle (SS)
Wang, Sylvia 3:00 Temple City (SS)
Chea, Chloe 3:00 Temple City (SS)
Le, Rachel 3:00.00h Rosemead (SS)
Reyes, Monica 3:00.00h Rosemead (SS)
Dang, Carin 3:00.81 Temple City (SS)
Orneles, Danica 3:01.03 Bell Gardens (SS)
Copeland, Allyson 3:01.42 La Salle (SS)
Wu, Angel 3:01.80 Temple City (SS)
Kim, Norah 3:03.91 Pasadena (SS)
Lopez, Anahi 3:04.41 Garfield (LA)
Gallardo, Izel 3:05 Temple City (SS)
Velez-Torres, Natalie 3:05.03 Garfield (LA)
Roman, Esmerallda 3:06.28 Monrovia (SS)
Melgar, Zoreimy 3:10.30 San Gabriel (SS)
Toro, Alexis 3:11.00h Bell Gardens (SS)
Dodd, Niamh 3:11.10 Marshall (John) (LA)
Clowes, Katherine 3:11.75 Marshall (John) (LA)
Gonzalez, Evelyn 3:11.88 Bell Gardens (SS)
Pinedo, Johanna 3:11.95 San Gabriel (SS)
Lopez, Isabella 3:12.07 San Gabriel (SS)
La Point, Savanah 3:13.63 Monrovia (SS)
Robertson , Annabel 3:16.13 Marshall (John) (LA)
Aguilar, Allanessa 3:17.23 Pasadena (SS)
Diaz Coca, Jasmine 3:18.40 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Gallardo, Aura 3:20.40 Rosemead (SS)
Artiz, Graciela 3:21.37 La Salle (SS)
Lassard, Jazlyn 3:25.69 Pasadena (SS)
Morales, Viviana 3:30.00h Bell Gardens (SS)
Latham, Jasmine 3:33.71 Adelanto (SS)
Statham, Lilian 3:36.88 Adelanto (SS)
Solomon, Shelby 3:39.67 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Anabalon, Olivia 3:45.00 Rosemead (SS)
Leon, Kailey 3:45.00 San Gabriel (SS)
Atchison, Madeline 3:50.68 Adelanto (SS)
Syed, Chloe 3:55.16 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
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Girls Discus 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ma, Andrea 85-10 La Salle (SS)
Ferreyra, Niccole 84-7.5 Rosemead (SS)
Ho, Yvonne 84-7 San Gabriel (SS)
Li, Jenny 84-6 San Gabriel (SS)
McCrary, Brooklyn 83-9 Monrovia (SS)
Contreras, MaryJane 78-9 South Hills (SS)
Luna, Juliana 77-2 Rosemead (SS)
Potesio, Vailele 73-1.5 South Hills (SS)
Martinez, Daisy 73-0 Bell Gardens (SS)
Siglar, Alyssa 70-5 Castaic (SS)
Diaz, Karla 68-0 Bell Gardens (SS)
Benavides, Julie 67-6 Rosemead (SS)
Diep, Cassidy 66-11 Mark Keppel (SS)
Hargrove, Kayla 65-0 Castaic (SS)
Sherman, Brandi 65-0 South Hills (SS)
Rankin, Keira 64-11.5 Castaic (SS)
Angel, Jacqueline 63-11 Rosemead (SS)
Perez, Isabel 62-6 La Salle (SS)
Lopez, Marysol 60-11 South Hills (SS)
Martinez, Samantha 59-6 Rosemead (SS)
Gallegos, Alana 56-7 South Hills (SS)
Murugesan, Nithila 54-9 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Syed, Chloe 54-5 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
harbert, Kendr 53-9 Monrovia (SS)
Haro, Jasmin 52-6 Bell Gardens (SS)
Eleasaro, Lolomi 52-0 Adelanto (SS)
Tuionetoa, Luisa 51-0 Adelanto (SS)
Montano, Audrey 50-4 La Salle (SS)
Hernandez, Jazline 50-3 La Salle (SS)
Santana, Melany 50-2 Bell Gardens (SS)
Dvoran, Chanel 50-1 Monrovia (SS)
Rettig, Holly 49-10 La Salle (SS)
Huang, Kristy 49-9.5 San Gabriel (SS)
Lemos, Isabella 49-6 Rosemead (SS)
Rocha, Tiffany 48-7 Bell Gardens (SS)
Nunez, Bridget 45-9 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Frias, Jessica 43-6 La Salle (SS)
Nava, Valerie 43-4 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ruelas, Xiara 42-1.5 Castaic (SS)
Rubio Salazar, Angelina 35-0 Adelanto (SS)
Fujimura, Samantha 33-8 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Campos, Emily 33-6.5 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Parra, Linney 28-5 Pasadena (SS)
Tesceno, Brena 24-3 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Lopez, Mia Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Brimbuela, Zaida Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Gonzalez, Katelyn Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Masterson, Sarah Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Wu, Sophia San Gabriel (SS)
Osborne, Natiel St. Mary's Academy (SS)
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Girls High Jump 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Regan 5-4 Castaic (SS)
Taalman Koch, Oleana 5-3 Marshall (John) (LA)
Luu, Lucy 4-10 Mark Keppel (SS)
Alexander, Heavenly 4-8 Adelanto (SS)
Munoz, Juliana 4-6 La Salle (SS)
Ly, Katelyn 4-4 Rosemead (SS)
Supple, Willa 4-4 Marshall (John) (LA)
Dvoran, Chanel 4-4 Monrovia (SS)
Cantrell, JiMaya 4-4 Adelanto (SS)
Stewart, Gregorie 4-4 South Hills (SS)
Gaylor, Georgia 4-4 Monrovia (SS)
Law, Jerica 4-4 Mark Keppel (SS)
Allen, Jocelyn 4-4 La Salle (SS)
Reimbold, Kaitlyn 4-4 Castaic (SS)
Ortega, Lucia 4-2 Bell Gardens (SS)
Garver, Sabina 4-2 Marshall (John) (LA)
DeSilva, Emily 4-2 La Salle (SS)
Tripp, Sarah 4-2 Monrovia (SS)
Carter, Sarai 4-2 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Mahmood, Pippa 4-1 Marshall (John) (LA)
Arriaga, Naydelin 4-0 Bell Gardens (SS)
Montejo, Jaralyn 4-0 Rosemead (SS)
Quach, Vanessa 4-0 Rosemead (SS)
Carmichael, Sascha 4-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Bibring, Harper 4-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Mcginnis, Kamiya 4-0 Adelanto (SS)
Lacy, Nina 4-0 Adelanto (SS)
Herrera, Rogelin 4-0 Adelanto (SS)
Lim, Kaylanie 3-10 Rosemead (SS)
Quan, Sabrina 3-10 Rosemead (SS)
Haltan, Vivian 3-10 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
ware, Kai leigh 3-10 Monrovia (SS)
Bargola, Audrey 3-10 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Rodriguez Salehi, Eileen 3-10 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Perez, Isabel 3-10 La Salle (SS)
Lota, Sabrina 3-8 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Mo, Jenny 3-8 Temple City (SS)
Montano, Audrey 3-6 La Salle (SS)
Espinoza, Marisol Bell Gardens (SS)
Santana, Melany Bell Gardens (SS)
Vargas, Karla Bell Gardens (SS)
Harder, Cera Adelanto (SS)
Barbara, Camile Mark Keppel (SS)
Leong, Nikki Mark Keppel (SS)
Chow, Neza Mark Keppel (SS)
Duarte, Briana La Salle (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Dylan 18-6 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Reid, Mia 17-1 La Salle (SS)
Wilson, Ebbony 16-0 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Luu, Lucy 15-6.25 Mark Keppel (SS)
Santana, Ariana 15-6 Bell Gardens (SS)
Washington, Amber 15-6 Monrovia (SS)
Myles, Justina 15-4 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Perry, Madison 15-0.5 Monrovia (SS)
Lieu, Emilie 14-9 Rosemead (SS)
Reimbold, Kaitlyn 14-9 Castaic (SS)
Ahn, Christy 14-8.5 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
LI, Emily 14-3 Monrovia (SS)
Leong, Nikki 14-2.5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Montejo, Jaralyn 14-0 Rosemead (SS)
Chow, Neza 13-11 Mark Keppel (SS)
Rodriguez Salehi, Eileen 13-10 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
De La Cruz, Gabriella 13-10 Castaic (SS)
Allen, Jocelyn 13-9.75 La Salle (SS)
Quach, Vanessa 13-9 Rosemead (SS)
Law, Jerica 13-8 Mark Keppel (SS)
Liu, Kelly 13-5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Okwaraibekwe, Kelly 13-2.5 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Rodriguez, Leilani 13-2 Castaic (SS)
DeSilva, Emily 13-0.25 La Salle (SS)
Lim, Kaylanie 13-0 Rosemead (SS)
Ly, Katelyn 13-0 Rosemead (SS)
To, Sophia 13-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Magana, Vanessa 12-11.5 South Hills (SS)
Ortega, Lucia 12-11 Bell Gardens (SS)
Rodriguez, Aleena 12-9 South Hills (SS)
Cantrell, JiMaya 12-5 Adelanto (SS)
Aguilar, Savannah 12-5 Temple City (SS)
Santiago, Kacey 12-4 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lee, Ashley 12-3.5 Rosemead (SS)
Saldana , Keili 12-3 Marshall (John) (LA)
Twiford, Lily 12-3 Marshall (John) (LA)
Gonzaga, Alyssa 12-2 Marshall (John) (LA)
Barbara, Camile 12-2 Mark Keppel (SS)
Richard, Ashlyn 12-2 Castaic (SS)
Martinez, Laila 12-1.75 South Hills (SS)
Ware, Estella 12-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Bautista, Catherine 11-11 La Salle (SS)
Alexander, Heavenly 11-9 Adelanto (SS)
Arriaga, Naydelin 11-8.5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Wu, Sophia 11-8 San Gabriel (SS)
Lacy, Nina 11-4 Adelanto (SS)
Herrera, Rogelin 11-4 Adelanto (SS)
Mcginnis, Kamiya 11-4 Adelanto (SS)
Barajas, Sophia 11-3 South Hills (SS)
Du, Kelly (Nhu) 11-3 San Gabriel (SS)
Lawrence, Adeline 11-1.5 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Liao, Alison 11-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Campos, Emily 11-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Artiz, Graciela 10-9 La Salle (SS)
Espinoza, Marisol 10-7 Bell Gardens (SS)
Villegas, Julissa 10-5 San Gabriel (SS)
Vargas, Karla Bell Gardens (SS)
Harder, Cera Adelanto (SS)
Loza, Kaya Garfield (LA)
Vuong, Allyson San Gabriel (SS)
Pacheco, Samantha Garfield (LA)
Fong, Emily La Salle (SS)
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Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pejsa, Abigail 8-0 La Salle (SS)
Rocha, Analise 8-0 South Hills (SS)
Tripp, Sarah 7-0 Monrovia (SS)
Garcia, Erin 6-6 South Hills (SS)
Morales, Andrea 6-6 South Hills (SS)
Rong, Jaslyn 6-0 Rosemead (SS)
Ngu, Ashley 6-0 Rosemead (SS)
Canete, Michelle Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Valverde, Katherine Monrovia (SS)
Artiz, Graciela La Salle (SS)
Pacheco, Samantha Garfield (LA)
Frias, Jessica La Salle (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Osborne, Natiel 35-10 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
McCrary, Brooklyn 31-0 Monrovia (SS)
Rankin, Keira 30-9 Castaic (SS)
Contreras, MaryJane 29-11 South Hills (SS)
Li, Jenny 28-3.5 San Gabriel (SS)
Ma, Andrea 28-0 La Salle (SS)
Potesio, Vailele 27-2 South Hills (SS)
Hargrove, Kayla 26-5.5 Castaic (SS)
Eleasaro, Lolomi 26-2.5 Adelanto (SS)
Luna, Juliana 25-4 Rosemead (SS)
Benavides, Julie 25-3 Rosemead (SS)
Dvoran, Chanel 25-2 Monrovia (SS)
Ho, Yvonne 25-0 San Gabriel (SS)
Lawrence, Adeline 24-2 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Rettig, Holly 24-0 La Salle (SS)
Diep, Cassidy 23-1.5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Diaz, Karla 23-0 Bell Gardens (SS)
Siglar, Alyssa 22-11 Castaic (SS)
Angel, Jacqueline 22-9 Rosemead (SS)
ware, Kai leigh 22-7 Monrovia (SS)
Ferreyra, Niccole 22-4 Rosemead (SS)
Sherman, Brandi 22-0 South Hills (SS)
Syed, Chloe 21-7 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Tuionetoa, Luisa 21-3 Adelanto (SS)
Murugesan, Nithila 21-1 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Mahmood, Pippa 20-11 Marshall (John) (LA)
Aguila, Izabella 20-7 Monrovia (SS)
Castro, Elidia 20-7 Garfield (LA)
Rocha, Tiffany 20-3 Bell Gardens (SS)
Hernandez, Jazline 20-1 La Salle (SS)
Martinez, Daisy 19-8 Bell Gardens (SS)
Ruelas, Xiara 19-8 Castaic (SS)
Calderon, Kiara 19-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lopez, Marysol 18-0 South Hills (SS)
Gallegos, Alana 18-0 South Hills (SS)
Rodriguez-Verdugo, Arabella 18-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Nunez, Bridget 17-11 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Santana, Melany 17-4 Bell Gardens (SS)
Martinez, Samantha 16-10 Rosemead (SS)
Huang, Kristy 16-9.5 San Gabriel (SS)
Fujimura, Samantha 16-5 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Frias, Jessica 16-5 La Salle (SS)
Perez, Isabel 16-3 La Salle (SS)
Rubio Salazar, Angelina 15-10 Adelanto (SS)
Gardner, Grace 15-1.5 La Salle (SS)
Haro, Jasmin 14-7 Bell Gardens (SS)
Lemos, Isabella 14-7 Rosemead (SS)
Valencia, Lorena 14-6 Garfield (LA)
Nava, Valerie 14-0 Bell Gardens (SS)
Tesceno, Brena 13-11 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Lopez, Mia Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Brimbuela, Zaida Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Gonzalez, Katelyn Calvary Chapel Downey (SS)
Campos, Emily Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Wu, Sophia San Gabriel (SS)
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Girls Triple Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGarry, Farrah 34-2 La Salle (SS)
Wilson, Ebbony 33-4 St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Bautista, Catherine 32-10 La Salle (SS)
LI, Emily 32-9 Monrovia (SS)
Gaylor, Georgia 32-2 Monrovia (SS)
Law, Jerica 31-9.5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Taalman Koch, Oleana 31-8.5 Marshall (John) (LA)
Luu, Lucy 30-10.5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Garcia, Joselyn 30-6.5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Canete, Michelle 30-6 Sacred Heart of Jesus (SS)
Chua, Noelle 30-5.75 La Salle (SS)
Allen, Jocelyn 30-2.5 La Salle (SS)
Santana, Ariana 30-0.5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Chow, Neza 28-4.5 Mark Keppel (SS)
Dickerson, Meredith 28-1 Monrovia (SS)
Leong, Nikki 27-11 Mark Keppel (SS)
Vuong, Allyson 27-10 San Gabriel (SS)
Arriaga, Naydelin 27-3.75 Bell Gardens (SS)
Villegas, Julissa 27-3 San Gabriel (SS)
Munoz, Juliana 27-1.25 La Salle (SS)
Ortega, Lucia 26-5 Bell Gardens (SS)
Correa, Stephanie 25-7 Garfield (LA)
Cabrales, Jaquelyn 25-5 Garfield (LA)
Lieu, Emilie 25-3 Rosemead (SS)
Montejo, Jaralyn 25-0 Rosemead (SS)
Quach, Vanessa 25-0 Rosemead (SS)
Santiago, Kacey 24-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Lota, Sabrina 24-0 Whitney (Gretchen) (SS)
Carmichael, Sascha 23-9 Marshall (John) (LA)
Aguilar, Savannah 22-7 Temple City (SS)
Bibring, Harper 22-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Twiford, Lily 22-0 Marshall (John) (LA)
Ortega, Donna Bell Gardens (SS)
Du, Kelly (Nhu) San Gabriel (SS)
Okwaraibekwe, Kelly St. Mary's Academy (SS)
Quan, Sabrina Rosemead (SS)
Duarte, Briana La Salle (SS)
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