Meet Information
Hi Coaches! ...Twilight Invite is tomorrow and looks like we're going to get lucky with a nice break in the "atmospheric river" storm after today! ...This storm is expected to dissipate early AM Tomorrow, just in time to provide us decent conditions for our meet, perhaps some mild rain/mild wind (~1-10 mph) forecasted during our 11am - ~8:30pm Meet Event timeframe. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the newly remodeled SRJC Baily Field, with first Field Events (Throws) starting at 11am and Running Events starting at Noon!
...Just a few reminders / a few things to highlight:
Attached is a Meet Event Flyer, updated with Final Event Schedule and Final Instructions. Note: that the Invite Section will start at 6:15pm, not 7:00pm as previously scheduled.
Coaches pick-up your team packets at the main east gate entrance. ...Included in your packet will be your list of entries, $ amount due, 2 Coaches infield passes and 2 Coaches Meal tickets (see Coach Greg Fogg if you need more)
Note: We've changed the previous time for implement weigh in, now open 10am - 3pm
11:30am Exhibition Steeple Participants: Please have everyone participating in the Exhibition 2K Co-Ed Steeple (30" barrier height) show-up early for warm-ups and FYI: We'll have a brief "steeple" clinic at 11:00am at the water pit and everyone participating should be ready to race by 11:30am! IMPORTANT: For safety reasons, it's MANDITORY FOR ALL COMPETITORS IN THE 2K STEEPLE TO WEAR SPIKES IN THIS RACE!
6:00pm Mascot 100m dash Challenge (Time Permitting): Please e-mail or text Greg Fogg (707) 291-2967 if you are planning to participate in the Mascot 100m dash challenge at ~6:00pm; all Mascots must wear their official uniform and no spikes allowed (or we'll DQ you!)
Hoping we remain lucky with this break in the weather and looking forward to some great competition and taking advantage of the awesome new venue at SRJC's Baily Field!
P.S. We recognize scheduling this meet on a school day Friday has been very challenging for many of your teams! FYI, we will be moving this meet next year to the 2nd Friday in April next year (April 13, 2024), hoping this will boost participation from Napa, Marin and Lake County Schools, many of which were scheduled for this meet, but couldn't make it due to travel constraints/students missing school. -Hope to see all of you next year; expecting double the teams as we have this year mark your calendars = April 13, 2024!