AAA League Meet 9 (BUR/ICA-SFI/LIN-MIS) 2022 vs AAA League Meet 4 (ICA-SFI/LOW/WAL-KIP) 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +2 71 69
Overall Average +1:51.77 26:41.42 24:49.64
1st-10th Place +2:18.08 20:48.24 18:30.16
1st-25th Place +2:04.11 22:01.82 19:57.70
1st-50th Place +1:36.60 23:54.31 22:17.71
1st-100th Place +1:49.15 18:57.01 17:07.85
Common Athletes -- -- 18
Ran Faster 6 12 6
Ran Season Best 6 10 4
Average Time +51.59 26:39.89 25:48.30
Median Time +1:01.70 25:29.70 24:28.00
Middle 80% Times +36.75 26:35.00 25:58.25
Top 10% Times +1:17.20 21:50.00 20:32.80
Top 25% Times +17.12 22:02.40 21:45.28
Top 50% Times +18.29 23:01.56 22:43.27
Bottom 50% Times +1:24.89 30:18.22 28:53.33
Bottom 25% Times +1:54.06 33:31.66 31:37.60
Bottom 10% Times +2:13.00 35:51.50 33:38.50
Average Difference +51.59 -- --
Median Difference +2:20.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -11.32 -- --
Top 10% Difference -9.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference -29.74 -- --
Top 25% Difference -25.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference -29.74 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:12.92 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:49.46 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +11:02.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Douglas Martinez International +18:38.00 37:33.00 18:55.00
Johanner Madrigal International -1:31.00 21:48.00 23:19.00
Elmer Vargas International -19.00 21:52.00 22:11.00
Gerardo Ajqui International -2:17.00 22:06.00 24:23.00
Emerson Reyes International -0.60 22:10.00 22:10.60
Aroldo Velasquez International +5.20 22:16.00 22:10.80
Erix Castro International -22.00 23:25.00 23:47.00
Alessandro Caceres International +2:20.00 26:03.00 23:43.00
Michael Reyes International +1:39.70 25:29.70 23:50.00
Heber Gomez International -1:24.00 24:13.00 25:37.00
Hernan Caal International -19.00 24:15.00 24:34.00
Ulises Ayala International +2:35.00 27:03.00 24:28.00
Jose Barba International -3:23.00 25:09.00 28:32.00
Giovanni Soares International -43.00 26:30.00 27:13.00
Dennis Aguilar International -1:21.00 30:15.00 31:36.00
Wilber Aguilar International +3:27.00 34:10.00 30:43.00
Erick Recinos International -59.00 32:28.00 33:27.00
Fernando Lopez International -37.70 33:12.30 33:50.00