Athlete Entries

Boys Three Mile Run 95 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gaytan, Cyrus Rim of the World (SS)
Salazar, Hawk Summit (SS)
Armendariz, Javier Summit (SS)
Carranza, Erik Summit (SS)
Olabanji, Eniola Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Tesfaye, Ezuna Summit (SS)
Reyes, Keanu Bloomington (SS)
Ortiz, Jose San Gorgonio (SS)
Gaviria, Sebastian Summit (SS)
Paniagua, Diego Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Marquez, Andre Arroyo Valley (SS)
Lara, Sebastian Summit (SS)
Garcia, Ernesto Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Alfaro, Luis Summit (SS)
Montoya, Jeremy Summit (SS)
Cooper, Steve Rim of the World (SS)
San Jose, Jeff Summit (SS)
Lim, Aidan Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Recter, Matthew Summit (SS)
Avila, Christopher Summit (SS)
Ardon, Isaac Summit (SS)
Gargallo, Valentine Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Parcells, Ethan 14:29.70 Rim of the World (SS)
Watson, Micah 15:24.00 Fontana (SS)
Townsend, Noah 16:21.60 Rim of the World (SS)
Salazar, Yahir 16:28.80 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Gongora, Angel 16:33.00 Arroyo Valley (SS)
mier, luis 16:43.60 Rim of the World (SS)
Juarez Cuahutle, Nicolas 16:44.90 Fontana (SS)
Montes de Oca, Armando 17:10.40 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Nunez, Antonio 17:11.40 Rim of the World (SS)
Hernandez, Oscar 17:11.60 Arroyo Valley (SS)
De Dios - Perez, Hector 17:16.10 Fontana (SS)
Torres, Cesar 17:18.30 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Barrera, Matthew 17:27.40 Fontana (SS)
Haro, Bryan 17:33.20 Bloomington (SS)
Varela, Alan 17:34.60 Rim of the World (SS)
Nava, Alan 17:40.30 Bloomington (SS)
Perez, Johnathan 17:46.10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Mendoza, Luis 17:53.30 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Davalos, Matthew 17:53.80 Summit (SS)
DAVALOS, MARK 17:54.70 Summit (SS)
Fuentes, Eleazar 17:56.40 Rim of the World (SS)
Magdaleno, Jose 17:57.80 Fontana (SS)
Pauth, Walter 18:01.00 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Obet, Nathan 18:01.70 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Perez, Jonathan 18:05.80 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Torres-Reyes, Javier 18:08.90 San Gorgonio (SS)
Diaz, Gabriel 18:12.00 Bloomington (SS)
Medina, Alejandro 18:14.50 San Gorgonio (SS)
Hernandez-M, Andrew 18:28.10 San Gorgonio (SS)
Chavez, Fernando 18:33.20 Rim of the World (SS)
JONES, COLE 18:38.90 Summit (SS)
Melara, Jorge 19:11.60 Fontana (SS)
Leon, Bryan 19:15.60 Fontana (SS)
Leano, Eudier 19:26.10 San Gorgonio (SS)
Castro, Gael 19:47.70 Arroyo Valley (SS)
MENDIOLA, RICARDO 19:49.70 Summit (SS)
Valenzuela, Raul 19:53.60 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Hernandez, Alan 20:00.70 Bloomington (SS)
Stiansen, Isaiah 20:05.70 Rim of the World (SS)
Felix, Steven 20:06.10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Ochoa, Owen 20:10.10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Martinez, Jonathan 20:17.20 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Perez, Osvaldo 20:24.30 Rim of the World (SS)
FRANKLIN, AIDAN 20:42.10 Summit (SS)
Mendoza, Joel 20:42.80 Bloomington (SS)
Ocampo, Daniel 20:45.40 Bloomington (SS)
De Jesus Luis Chavez, Angel 21:17.60 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Abrams, Brandon 21:17.70 San Gorgonio (SS)
Ixcoy, Ari 21:20.50 Arroyo Valley (SS)
TEJADA, JERREMY 21:41.70 Summit (SS)
BALDWIN, RAYMOND 21:49.90 Summit (SS)
Resendis, Maximiliano 22:10.40 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Hirsh, Jorge 22:13.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
QUINTANA, DAVID 22:29.90 Summit (SS)
Viramontes, Tony 22:30.40 San Gorgonio (SS)
Leano, Isaiah 22:39.10 San Gorgonio (SS)
Florido, Juan 23:26.00 San Gorgonio (SS)
Reyes, Isaac 23:27.60 San Gorgonio (SS)
Meza, Mario 23:38.00 San Gorgonio (SS)
Viramontes, Tomas 24:01.40 Rim of the World (SS)
Dominguez, Alan 24:26.80 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Broderick, Gavin 25:05.90 Rim of the World (SS)
Martinez, Gabriel 25:25.20 San Gorgonio (SS)
Valdez, Michael 25:40.50 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Flores, Alex 25:48.60 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Reyes, Alvaro 25:48.70 San Gorgonio (SS)
Guzman, Ricardo 26:03.60 San Gorgonio (SS)
Diaz, Omar 26:04.70 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Cabilao, Jayden 29:37.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
Aguayo, Antonio 31:29.90 San Gorgonio (SS)
PATTERSON, EMMANUEL 33:29.70 Summit (SS)
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Girls Three Mile Run 89 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morales, Brenda San Gorgonio (SS)
Canales, Natalia Summit (SS)
Hernandez, Yulissa Bloomington (SS)
Rodriguez, Natalie Summit (SS)
Hernandez, Valerie Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Cachu, Aneli Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Triguero, Karla Arroyo Valley (SS)
Garcia, Reyna Summit (SS)
Pizarro, Vanya Arroyo Valley (SS)
Santana, Hannah Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Tran, Sophia San Gorgonio (SS)
Jones, Grace Summit (SS)
Olachoa, Samantha Bloomington (SS)
Solis, Maya Summit (SS)
Estrada, Sofia Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Ruiz, Susana Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Gonzalez, Amanda Summit (SS)
Garcia, Erika Arroyo Valley (SS)
Suarez, Charlize Summit (SS)
Obet, Natalia Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Sanchez, Natalie Summit (SS)
Hernandez, Ramona Arroyo Valley (SS)
Valadez, Dani Summit (SS)
Soto, Rosemary Summit (SS)
Mead, Jenna Summit (SS)
Torres, Angela Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Magana-Rodriguez, Natalie Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Canales, Angela Summit (SS)
Romero, Arianna 20:05.30 Rim of the World (SS)
De La Rosa, Precious 20:06.20 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Ortiz, Mikayla 20:09.10 Rim of the World (SS)
Holtzen, Ava 20:09.30 Rim of the World (SS)
Martinez, Maya 20:14.80 Rim of the World (SS)
Holtzen, Ali 20:26.30 Rim of the World (SS)
Flores, Savannah 20:29.50 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Carlos, Mara 20:41.00 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Simons, Reilly 20:53.70 Rim of the World (SS)
Mayorga, Alondra 20:55.30 Bloomington (SS)
CISNEROS, ARIANA 21:25.40 Summit (SS)
Vargas, Hailey 22:01.60 Rim of the World (SS)
Juarez, Bernice 22:02.60 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Sahagun, Alexzia 22:07.70 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Gonzalez, Yetzi 22:07.90 Fontana (SS)
galvan, isabel 22:27.20 San Gorgonio (SS)
Huidor-Rivas, Andrea 22:39.50 Rim of the World (SS)
Conseco, Gabriela 22:58.00 San Gorgonio (SS)
Morales Diego, Jazmine 22:58.00 Fontana (SS)
Loyo, Victoria 23:10.70 Bloomington (SS)
Valdez, Monica 23:15.20 San Gorgonio (SS)
Sanchez Yanez, Rebeca 23:25.10 Fontana (SS)
Rodriguez, Joselyn 23:38.80 Fontana (SS)
Salazar, Paola 23:44.40 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Wilson, Liliana 23:55.90 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Leon, Lina 24:35.30 Fontana (SS)
Vazquez, Sylvana 24:49.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
Assefa, Meron 25:05.20 Bloomington (SS)
Lopez, Joselyn 25:24.30 Fontana (SS)
Bahena, Jazmin 25:29.10 Rim of the World (SS)
Barajas, Marilyn 25:30.20 Fontana (SS)
Antonio, Lizbet 25:41.50 Arroyo Valley (SS)
VICTORIO, yanina 25:41.90 Rim of the World (SS)
Ruiz, Kaitlyn 25:45.00 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Gomez, Cielo 25:50.90 San Gorgonio (SS)
De la Rosa, Cielo 25:54.50 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Cruz-Garcia, Jocelyn 26:12.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
Gonzalez, Xitlali 26:22.00 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Perdomo, Dayanara 26:28.80 San Gorgonio (SS)
CACERES, MELISSA 26:29.10 Summit (SS)
Fierros, Guadalupe 27:10.40 San Gorgonio (SS)
Lazaro, Abigail 27:21.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
Dominguez, Betzi 27:38.90 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Bustillos-Ruiz, Joanna 27:42.50 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Aguayo, Melissa 27:56.90 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Ignacio, Esther 28:12.40 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Santos-Nava, Danielle 28:29.30 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)
Peguero, Diana 29:16.40 Bloomington (SS)
Bahena, Dulce 29:21.00 Rim of the World (SS)
Rivera, Esmeralda 29:27.90 San Gorgonio (SS)
Yepes, Layla 29:31.10 Rim of the World (SS)
Ramirez, Sandra 29:38.20 San Gorgonio (SS)
Garcia, Allie 29:45.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
Sanchez, Araceli 30:12.80 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Delgadillo, Melanie 30:14.30 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Hernandez-M, Catherine 31:03.00 San Gorgonio (SS)
Ixcoy, Astrid 31:03.50 Arroyo Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Eliana 32:19.70 Bloomington (SS)
Jackson, Aaleekay 33:42.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
Soto-Ochoa, Valerie 36:00.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
Nguyen, Katy 37:20.30 San Gorgonio (SS)
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