Pacific Grove Palo Corona Invitational 2022 vs Pacific Grove XC Invitational at Palo Corona 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +329 750 421
Overall Average +33.88 23:28.64 22:54.76
1st-10th Place +5.93 17:10.03 17:04.10
1st-25th Place +1.22 17:32.14 17:30.92
1st-50th Place -3.27 17:55.53 17:58.80
1st-100th Place -11.39 18:30.30 18:41.69
Common Athletes -- -- 44
Ran Faster -20 12 32
Ran Season Best 4 15 11
Average Time +45.60 22:09.96 21:24.36
Median Time +43.90 21:27.90 20:44.00
Middle 80% Times +53.30 22:08.47 21:15.17
Top 10% Times +1:03.70 18:37.50 17:33.80
Top 25% Times +1:04.40 19:20.85 18:16.45
Top 50% Times +1:00.85 20:06.17 19:05.32
Bottom 50% Times +30.35 24:13.75 23:43.41
Bottom 25% Times +25.51 26:19.87 25:54.36
Bottom 10% Times -37.76 27:47.84 28:25.60
Average Difference +45.60 -- --
Median Difference +1:44.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:01.06 -- --
Top 10% Difference +52.86 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.70 -- --
Top 25% Difference +49.49 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.70 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +40.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +36.06 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -44.16 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Andrew Hamamoto Leigh (CC) +1:12.60 18:10.60 16:58.00
Wells Lilly Palma (CC) +1:19.60 18:34.60 17:15.00
Ethan Garner Leigh (CC) +1:28.40 19:02.40 17:34.00
Ezekiel Sanchez Salinas (CC) +2:15.10 20:14.10 17:59.00
Robert Page Leigh (CC) +2:41.60 20:44.60 18:03.00
Antony Gabrik Pacific Grove (CC) +42.90 18:47.90 18:05.00
Aidan Castaneda -19.20 18:33.80 18:53.00
William Giangreco Leigh (CC) +1:06.60 19:54.60 18:48.00
Garrett Redd Antelope (SJ) -10.40 19:00.60 19:11.00
Aiden Concepcion Evergreen Valley (CC) +3:08.70 22:11.70 19:03.00
Sam Beard Leigh (CC) +2:32.60 21:44.60 19:12.00
Nathan Lee Leigh (CC) +1:52.10 21:04.10 19:12.00
Tadeo Ortiz Pacific Grove (CC) +1:28.70 20:56.70 19:28.00
Noah Arreola Hollister (CC) (formerly San Benito) +1:38.70 21:10.70 19:32.00
Elias Majano Monterey (CC) +57.30 20:34.30 19:37.00
Adrian Picazo Greenfield (CC) +1.60 19:42.60 19:41.00
Alex Sugiura Hollister (CC) (formerly San Benito) +1:44.50 21:31.50 19:47.00
Emiliano Ruiz Hollister (CC) (formerly San Benito) +29.90 20:24.90 19:55.00
Oliver Willet Newport Harbor (SS) +1:10.90 21:27.90 20:17.00
Owen Cantore Leigh (CC) +1:05.20 21:26.20 20:21.00
Joaquin Muncy-Silva Salinas (CC) -1:47.60 20:23.40 22:11.00
Harley Chou Leigh (CC) -53.20 20:24.80 21:18.00
Jorge Martinez Hollister (CC) (formerly San Benito) +29.80 20:57.80 20:28.00
Milo Nothnagle Pacific Grove (CC) -6.60 20:31.40 20:38.00
Ramneek Kaur Evergreen Valley (CC) +5.80 20:49.80 20:44.00
Michael Vasquez -2.10 20:45.90 20:48.00
Liam Wong Evergreen Valley (CC) +1:33.90 22:42.90 21:09.00
Jacob Longoria Salinas (CC) +4:00.00 25:12.00 21:12.00
Autumn Pacheco Evergreen Valley (CC) +54.50 22:26.50 21:32.00
Braden Suyeishi Evergreen Valley (CC) +1:14.20 22:46.20 21:32.00
Quintin Ruelas Palma (CC) +4:53.60 26:36.60 21:43.00
Izoida Ramirez Greenfield (CC) -1:07.30 21:46.70 22:54.00
Valeria Esqueda -45.30 21:49.70 22:35.00
Cole Shaffer Leigh (CC) -4:28.30 21:54.70 26:23.00
Idee Chang Evergreen Valley (CC) +41.60 23:02.60 22:21.00
Evan Campos Salinas (CC) +1:53.60 24:20.60 22:27.00
Lily Sanders Leigh (CC) +4.60 23:01.60 22:57.00
Chantei De'vera Evergreen Valley (CC) +2:41.00 25:48.00 23:07.00
Daisha Alejo Salinas (CC) +2:08.30 27:26.30 25:18.00
Sudipti Dantuluri Hollister (CC) (formerly San Benito) +1:17.60 27:16.60 25:59.00
Yejin Ahn Leigh (CC) -2:54.30 26:01.70 28:56.00
Harper Maor Leigh (CC) -3:02.50 26:14.50 29:17.00
Melanie Martinez Salinas (CC) +1:47.10 28:35.10 26:48.00
Gabriella Miller-Temple Harbor HS -1:39.40 29:04.60 30:44.00