Mountain Pass League Finals 2022

Perris, CA
Hosted by Perris (SS)
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Omarion West Valley (SS)
Holmes, Vincent 10.99 San Jacinto (SS)
Levingston, Dorion 11.02 Tahquitz (SS)
Davis, Kennon 11.03 San Jacinto (SS)
Bryant, Do'Jonni 11.06 Tahquitz (SS)
Young, Marcus 11.39 West Valley (SS)
Dunn, Mikhi 11.46 Tahquitz (SS)
Gresham, Dillon 11.48 San Jacinto (SS)
Iv, Alfred Jones 11.79 West Valley (SS)
Brown, Malachi 11.96 San Jacinto (SS)
Aceves, Adrian 12.26 Citrus Hill (SS)
Mayfield, Tyjuan 12.59 Citrus Hill (SS)
Nava, Yahir 12.83 Citrus Hill (SS)
Jackson, Devon 13.40 Perris (SS)
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia Perez, Samuelle West Valley (SS)
Young, Marcus West Valley (SS)
Mejia, Joshua 18.97 Citrus Hill (SS)
Washington, Hajani 18.98 San Jacinto (SS)
Culpepper, Kaleb 19.23 West Valley (SS)
Dawson, Isaiah 20.01 Citrus Hill (SS)
Ali, Amir 20.10 San Jacinto (SS)
Huembes, Jesus 20.30 Tahquitz (SS)
Black, Makaio 20.71 West Valley (SS)
Rosales, Austin 20.98 San Jacinto (SS)
Sanchez, Aryan 22.13 West Valley (SS)
Dennis, Jaylin 22.21 West Valley (SS)
Figueroa, Louie 23.27 West Valley (SS)
Bradshaw, Eldon 26.91 West Valley (SS)
Turner, Matthew 27.41 West Valley (SS)
Seibel, Alan 27.48 Citrus Hill (SS)
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Villarreal, Matthew 4:46.85 Citrus Hill (SS)
Esquivel, Nathan 4:47.69 West Valley (SS)
Jasso, Rito 5:10.90 Citrus Hill (SS)
Diaz, Alex 5:11.53 San Jacinto (SS)
Wences, Oscar 5:11.99 San Jacinto (SS)
Ibarra, Raul 5:16.89 San Jacinto (SS)
Serrano, Jose 5:19.56 Citrus Hill (SS)
Gonzalez, Damien 5:19.68 West Valley (SS)
Grino, Justin 5:21.79 San Jacinto (SS)
Valencia, Danny 5:29.66 Citrus Hill (SS)
Frias, Luis 5:34.08 Citrus Hill (SS)
Vieyra, Emmanuel 5:34.70 Tahquitz (SS)
Felix, Brihin 5:37.57 Perris (SS)
Ortega, Adrian 5:40.09 Citrus Hill (SS)
Castaneda, Jesse 5:41.28 Tahquitz (SS)
Spelveda, Christian 5:48.06 West Valley (SS)
Ramirez, Isaac 5:55.97 Citrus Hill (SS)
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmes, Vincent 22.04 San Jacinto (SS)
Levingston, Dorion 23.03 Tahquitz (SS)
Davis, Kennon 23.09 San Jacinto (SS)
Gresham, Dillon 23.20 San Jacinto (SS)
Dunn, Mikhi 23.63 Tahquitz (SS)
Young, Marcus 23.65 West Valley (SS)
Brown, Malachi 24.05 San Jacinto (SS)
Talavera, Manuel 24.64 Citrus Hill (SS)
mariano, jelani 24.94 Perris (SS)
Benford, Bryant 24.98 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Black, Malachi West Valley (SS)
Aguayo, Aragon West Valley (SS)
Black, Makaio West Valley (SS)
Turner, Matthew 1:04.77 West Valley (SS)
Seibel, Alan 1:07.42 Citrus Hill (SS)
Bradshaw, Eldon 1:19.07 West Valley (SS)
Aceves, Adrian 45.10 Citrus Hill (SS)
Washington, Hajani 45.39 San Jacinto (SS)
Iv, Alfred Jones 45.50 West Valley (SS)
Dawson, Isaiah 46.19 Citrus Hill (SS)
Mejia, Joshua 46.31 Citrus Hill (SS)
Huembes, Jesus 47.37 Tahquitz (SS)
Dennis, Jaylin 48.77 West Valley (SS)
Rosales, Austin 50.60 San Jacinto (SS)
Culpepper, Kaleb 50.63 West Valley (SS)
Ali, Amir 53.11 San Jacinto (SS)
Sanchez, Aryan 54.29 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spelveda, Christian West Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Divine 11:13.11 Perris (SS)
Villarreal, Matthew 11:18.79 Citrus Hill (SS)
Serrano, Jose 11:23.67 Citrus Hill (SS)
Esquivel, Nathan 11:45.62 West Valley (SS)
Estrada, Noah 11:49.73 Perris (SS)
Grino, Justin 11:59.47 San Jacinto (SS)
Wences, Oscar 12:16.69 San Jacinto (SS)
Diaz, Alex 12:17.75 San Jacinto (SS)
Ibarra, Raul 13:48.82 San Jacinto (SS)
Ramos, Andrew 13:55.26 Tahquitz (SS)
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Damien West Valley (SS)
Spelveda, Christian 1:01.36 West Valley (SS)
Hutton, Nathan 1:01.75 West Valley (SS)
Castellanos, Armando 1:03.32 Citrus Hill (SS)
Dennis, Jaylin 1:03.75 West Valley (SS)
Flor Huerta, Pablo 1:04.23 Tahquitz (SS)
Talavera, Manuel 55.89 Citrus Hill (SS)
Benford, Bryant 56.05 West Valley (SS)
Ayala, Eric 56.44 Citrus Hill (SS)
Avila, Joshua 56.57 Perris (SS)
Kingsby, Jayce 57.12 Tahquitz (SS)
Williams, Bryce 57.63 San Jacinto (SS)
Mahan, Jerry 57.89 West Valley (SS)
Herrera, Gerardo 58.32 San Jacinto (SS)
Black, Malachi 59.07 West Valley (SS)
Guilford, Ryan 59.66 San Jacinto (SS)
Thomas, Sydney 59.97 San Jacinto (SS)
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.34 San Jacinto (SS)
Relay Team A 44.79 Tahquitz (SS)
Relay Team A 46.91 Citrus Hill (SS)
Relay Team A 47.11 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:48.55 Citrus Hill (SS)
Relay Team A 3:50.25 West Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 3:51.10 Tahquitz (SS)
Relay Team A 3:57.96 San Jacinto (SS)
Relay Team A 3:58.90 Perris (SS)
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Esquivel, Nathan 2:06.32 West Valley (SS)
Ayala, Eric 2:14.13 Citrus Hill (SS)
Ramos, Andrew 2:15.22 Tahquitz (SS)
Diaz, Alex 2:15.61 San Jacinto (SS)
Gonzalez, Damien 2:15.69 West Valley (SS)
Jasso, Rito 2:17.34 Citrus Hill (SS)
Ibarra, Raul 2:19.33 San Jacinto (SS)
Black, Malachi 2:19.45 West Valley (SS)
Wences, Oscar 2:20.33 San Jacinto (SS)
Valencia, Danny 2:20.64 Citrus Hill (SS)
Grino, Justin 2:21.53 San Jacinto (SS)
Ramos, Hector 2:22.15 Perris (SS)
Ortega, Adrian 2:28.04 Citrus Hill (SS)
Castaneda, Jesse 2:28.49 Tahquitz (SS)
Vieyra, Emmanuel 2:28.94 Tahquitz (SS)
Ramirez, Isaac 2:38.01 Citrus Hill (SS)
Spelveda, Christian 2:47.13 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aparicio, Cesar 126-11 Tahquitz (SS)
Greathouse, Collin 115-5 Tahquitz (SS)
Gonzales, Xavier 115-0 Tahquitz (SS)
rath, paul 107-1 Perris (SS)
Noriega, Avelardo 103-10 Citrus Hill (SS)
Cunnigham, Evan 96-8 Tahquitz (SS)
Martinez, Ruben 93-7 Perris (SS)
Barba, Andrew 92-10 Tahquitz (SS)
Bonilla, Romario 92-6 Perris (SS)
Negron, Gabriel 88-1 West Valley (SS)
Jones, Aaron 87-0 West Valley (SS)
Frias, Luis 85-10 Citrus Hill (SS)
Felio, James 82-11 San Jacinto (SS)
mier, diego 82-6 Perris (SS)
Ramirez, Roberto 81-5.5 West Valley (SS)
Osuna, Jahy 79-11 West Valley (SS)
Lawrence, David 69-9 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Kennon 5-10 San Jacinto (SS)
Dawson, Isaiah 5-4 Citrus Hill (SS)
Brown, Malachi 5-2 San Jacinto (SS)
Pimentel, Maximus 4-0 West Valley (SS)
Hutton, Nathan West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bryant, Do'Jonni 20-7 Tahquitz (SS)
Holmes, Vincent 20-4 San Jacinto (SS)
Iv, Alfred Jones 19-9 West Valley (SS)
virgen, ely 18-8 Perris (SS)
Renteria, Jaylen 18-7 Tahquitz (SS)
Aceves, Adrian 18-5 Citrus Hill (SS)
Washington, Hajani 18-2.5 San Jacinto (SS)
Telleria, Jordon 18-2 Perris (SS)
Mayfield, Tyjuan 18-1 Citrus Hill (SS)
Coronado, Irving 17-0 Perris (SS)
Garcia Perez, Samuelle 16-10 West Valley (SS)
Black, Malachi 16-5 West Valley (SS)
Jackson, James 15-9 Citrus Hill (SS)
Castellanos, Armando 15-4 Citrus Hill (SS)
Vallejo, Julian West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales, Xavier 45-7 Tahquitz (SS)
Aparicio, Cesar 44-4 Tahquitz (SS)
Greathouse, Collin 43-1.5 Tahquitz (SS)
Martinez, Ruben 40-6 Perris (SS)
rath, paul 39-8.5 Perris (SS)
Felio, James 39-7 San Jacinto (SS)
Bonilla, Romario 38-6 Perris (SS)
Jones, Aaron 37-9.75 West Valley (SS)
Noriega, Avelardo 34-9 Citrus Hill (SS)
Pena, Carlos 34-6 West Valley (SS)
mier, diego 33-1 Perris (SS)
Negron, Gabriel 32-6 West Valley (SS)
Ramirez, Roberto 31-9 West Valley (SS)
Ledbetter, Jabari 26-8.25 West Valley (SS)
Osuna, Jahy West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gresham, Dillon 41-0 San Jacinto (SS)
Washington, Hajani 39-6 San Jacinto (SS)
Garcia Perez, Samuelle 38-0 West Valley (SS)
Renteria, Jaylen 37-4.5 Tahquitz (SS)
Telleria, Jordon 36-10 Perris (SS)
virgen, ely 36-5 Perris (SS)
Coronado, Irving 34-1 Perris (SS)
Jackson, James 32-5 Citrus Hill (SS)
Black, Makaio 31-10 West Valley (SS)
Castellanos, Armando 28-2 Citrus Hill (SS)
Vallejo, Julian West Valley (SS)
Hutton, Nathan West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Balodimas, Victoria West Valley (SS)
Roquemore, Jayda 13.30 Tahquitz (SS)
Rodriguez, Hannah 13.41 West Valley (SS)
Jones, Lyric 13.50 West Valley (SS)
Green, Ciara 13.59 West Valley (SS)
Oziegbe, Mary 13.72 San Jacinto (SS)
Ligon, Cayanna 13.75 San Jacinto (SS)
Dwyer, Jahdai 13.93 San Jacinto (SS)
Jones, Journey 14.26 San Jacinto (SS)
Manzo, Jennifer 14.26 Citrus Hill (SS)
Cardenas, Valeria 14.46 Tahquitz (SS)
Gonzalez, Isabella 14.58 West Valley (SS)
Pineda, Jasmine 14.63 Tahquitz (SS)
Evaristo, Adriana 15.58 Tahquitz (SS)
Castellanos, Tecee 15.62 Citrus Hill (SS)
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramos, Sienna West Valley (SS)
Benford, Brooke West Valley (SS)
Lemenkuehler, Felina 17.36 Tahquitz (SS)
Berry, Mahala 18.68 Perris (SS)
Hamiester, Jaylee 19.81 West Valley (SS)
Carino, Karime 20.33 San Jacinto (SS)
Hill, Cassidy 20.50 San Jacinto (SS)
Clark, Paiton 20.71 San Jacinto (SS)
Brown, Tahlayja 21.56 San Jacinto (SS)
Fernandez, Elena 22.01 Citrus Hill (SS)
Evaristo, Dulce 23.07 Citrus Hill (SS)
Balodimas, Victoria 23.36 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Villarreal, Abygail 5:36.84 Citrus Hill (SS)
Garcia, Melanie 6:05.65 San Jacinto (SS)
Muller, Solea 6:16.29 San Jacinto (SS)
Guzman, Estrella 6:21.50 San Jacinto (SS)
Ugalde, Liliana 6:30.17 Tahquitz (SS)
Perez De Luna, Arali 6:42.12 San Jacinto (SS)
Luna, Kimberly 6:51.75 Tahquitz (SS)
Blakley, Haley 6:52.11 West Valley (SS)
Acevedo, Alexandria 7:02.94 Perris (SS)
Vasquez, Paola 7:27.70 Perris (SS)
Bastida, Frida 7:30.84 West Valley (SS)
Ramos-Gonzalez, Citlalli 7:31.79 Perris (SS)
Bastida, Pilar 8:50.06 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roquemore, Jayda 27.48 Tahquitz (SS)
Oziegbe, Mary 28.19 San Jacinto (SS)
Ligon, Cayanna 28.52 San Jacinto (SS)
Rodriguez, Hannah 28.67 West Valley (SS)
Delgadillo, Alondra 29.27 Citrus Hill (SS)
Delgadillo, Katherine 29.72 Citrus Hill (SS)
Manzo, Jennifer 29.81 Citrus Hill (SS)
Pineda, Jasmine 29.83 Tahquitz (SS)
Green, Ciara 30.16 West Valley (SS)
Tatum, Anyk 30.22 West Valley (SS)
Delgadillo, Shirel 30.26 Citrus Hill (SS)
Cardenas, Valeria 30.45 Tahquitz (SS)
Jones, Journey 31.18 San Jacinto (SS)
Gonzalez, Isabella 31.46 West Valley (SS)
Young, Jaime 31.47 Tahquitz (SS)
Guilford, Alexandria 32.14 San Jacinto (SS)
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramos, Sienna West Valley (SS)
Williams, Diajha West Valley (SS)
Padilla Castro, Rayza West Valley (SS)
Carino, Karime 1:00.20 San Jacinto (SS)
Clark, Paiton 1:03.37 San Jacinto (SS)
Hill, Cassidy 1:04.25 San Jacinto (SS)
Evaristo, Dulce 1:05.65 Citrus Hill (SS)
Pena, Gabriela 1:28.78 West Valley (SS)
Berry, Mahala 52.19 Perris (SS)
Fernandez, Elena 57.98 Citrus Hill (SS)
Rodriguez, Hannah 59.31 West Valley (SS)
Roe, Noeli 59.70 Tahquitz (SS)
Hamiester, Jaylee 59.87 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Villarreal, Abygail 12:17.31 Citrus Hill (SS)
Garcia, Melanie 13:23.46 San Jacinto (SS)
Guzman, Estrella 14:57.33 San Jacinto (SS)
Perez De Luna, Arali 15:05.87 San Jacinto (SS)
Bastida, Frida 19:01.93 West Valley (SS)
Bastida, Pilar 21:37.43 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Diajha West Valley (SS)
Delgadillo, Alondra 1:05.63 Citrus Hill (SS)
Tatum, Anyk 1:08.43 West Valley (SS)
Torres, Ximena 1:08.64 Citrus Hill (SS)
Manzo, Jennifer 1:08.81 Citrus Hill (SS)
Delgadillo, Katherine 1:09.75 Citrus Hill (SS)
Delgadillo, Shirel 1:10.22 Citrus Hill (SS)
Young, Jaime 1:11.63 Tahquitz (SS)
Padilla Castro, Rayza 1:12.33 West Valley (SS)
Roe, Noeli 1:12.80 Tahquitz (SS)
Riffey, Kathryn 1:16.71 West Valley (SS)
Perez Flores, Natalie 1:17.22 West Valley (SS)
Guilford, Alexandria 1:18.04 San Jacinto (SS)
Swick, Jessica 1:19.79 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.88 San Jacinto (SS)
Relay Team A 53.40 Tahquitz (SS)
Relay Team A 56.51 Citrus Hill (SS)
Relay Team A 56.58 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:30.96 West Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 4:41.52 Tahquitz (SS)
Relay Team A 4:45.26 Citrus Hill (SS)
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Villarreal, Abygail 2:44.39 Citrus Hill (SS)
Muller, Solea 2:45.32 San Jacinto (SS)
Ugalde, Liliana 2:56.19 Tahquitz (SS)
Tamayo, Berlin 3:02.97 San Jacinto (SS)
Blakley, Haley 3:08.17 West Valley (SS)
Luna, Kimberly 3:08.22 Tahquitz (SS)
Bastida, Frida 3:23.00 West Valley (SS)
Estrada, Mireya 3:26.07 Perris (SS)
Avila, Ariel 3:31.28 Perris (SS)
Lopez, Josie 3:39.99 Perris (SS)
Araujo, Gissell 3:50.34 Perris (SS)
Bastida, Pilar 3:58.04 West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls Discus 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chang, Angel 81-11 San Jacinto (SS)
Cunningham, Sophia 69-8 Tahquitz (SS)
Frias, Angelica 64-6 Citrus Hill (SS)
Cruz, Sara 62-0 Tahquitz (SS)
Hernandez, Connie 56-2 West Valley (SS)
Matthews, Mahaylie 55-0 San Jacinto (SS)
Ledbetter, Vanessa 53-6 West Valley (SS)
Schuette, Shellee 51-5 Tahquitz (SS)
Evaristo, Dulce 46-10 Citrus Hill (SS)
Manzanilla, Aveleka 39-4 San Jacinto (SS)
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Varsity Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oziegbe, Mary 4-6 San Jacinto (SS)
Brown, Tahlayja 4-4 San Jacinto (SS)
Padilla Castro, Rayza 4-0 West Valley (SS)
Guilford, Alexandria 3-10 San Jacinto (SS)
Balodimas, Victoria West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Ciara 15-11.5 West Valley (SS)
Hamiester, Jaylee 15-5 West Valley (SS)
Turner, Kaitlyn 14-6 West Valley (SS)
Berry, Mahala 13-8 Perris (SS)
Dwyer, Jahdai 13-2 San Jacinto (SS)
Guilford, Alexandria 12-10 San Jacinto (SS)
Padilla, Giselle 11-2 San Jacinto (SS)
Lozano, Mikayla West Valley (SS)
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chang, Angel 32-5 San Jacinto (SS)
Hernandez, Connie 26-10.5 West Valley (SS)
Manzanilla, Aveleka 25-11 San Jacinto (SS)
Hamiester, Jaylee 25-3.5 West Valley (SS)
Matthews, Mahaylie 25-1 San Jacinto (SS)
Ledbetter, Vanessa 22-9 West Valley (SS)
Cunningham, Sophia 22-1 Tahquitz (SS)
Frias, Angelica 22-0.5 Citrus Hill (SS)
Cruz, Sara 19-6 Tahquitz (SS)
Schuette, Shellee 17-6 Tahquitz (SS)
Evaristo, Dulce 16-8.5 Citrus Hill (SS)
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Melanie 31-1 San Jacinto (SS)
Dwyer, Jahdai 31-0 San Jacinto (SS)
Berry, Mahala 29-0 Perris (SS)
Padilla, Giselle 26-1 San Jacinto (SS)
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