Redlands vs Citrus Valley 2022

Redlands, CA
Hosted by Redlands (SS)
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yarmie, Justin Redlands (SS)
Wiseman, Nick Citrus Valley (SS)
Scarbrough, Julien 11.16 Redlands (SS)
Ashley, Lamar 11.26 Redlands (SS)
Lium, Brockton 11.59 Citrus Valley (SS)
Williams, Eric 11.74 Citrus Valley (SS)
Harianja, Austin 11.84 Redlands (SS)
Dakuri, Dilan 11.87 Redlands (SS)
Dakuri, Dilan 11.87 Redlands (SS)
Hernandez, Gael 11.97 Citrus Valley (SS)
Martinez, Isaiah 12.01 Citrus Valley (SS)
Willis, Quinton 12.06 Redlands (SS)
Bowens, Jayden 12.23 Citrus Valley (SS)
Littles Jr, Demond 12.24 Redlands (SS)
Okere, Michael 12.26 Citrus Valley (SS)
Montanez, Jonathan 12.39 Redlands (SS)
Thomas, Max 12.49 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sequeira, Michael 12.58 Citrus Valley (SS)
Glenn, Marquille 12.65 Citrus Valley (SS)
Leilua, Braylyn 13.22 Citrus Valley (SS)
DeCarvhallho, Dayton 13.25 Citrus Valley (SS)
Burns, Illir 13.28 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ellison, Matthew 13.54 Redlands (SS)
Sumarli, Alexander 14.12 Redlands (SS)
Pillai, Shravan 14.13 Redlands (SS)
Foster, Jacob 14.16 Redlands (SS)
Berry, Dennis 14.50 Redlands (SS)
Montanez, Gabriel 14.67 Redlands (SS)
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Magana, Micah Citrus Valley (SS)
Agbelusi, Daniel 18.10 Redlands (SS)
Aidoudi, Elyes 20.49 Citrus Valley (SS)
Guzman, Jeremy 21.31 Citrus Valley (SS)
Cullen, Michael 21.57 Redlands (SS)
Johnson, Josyah 21.85 Redlands (SS)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dodd, Dominick Citrus Valley (SS)
Montes, Juan 4:37.14 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ontiveros Jr., Christopher 4:38.35 Citrus Valley (SS)
Caliva, Jake 4:42.17 Citrus Valley (SS)
Paz, Miguel 4:42.89 Redlands (SS)
Daniel, Kalani 4:58.25 Citrus Valley (SS)
Caldera, Diego 4:59.55 Citrus Valley (SS)
Connelly, Neal 5:12.19 Redlands (SS)
McGuire, Marco 5:29.53 Redlands (SS)
Daniel, Luka 5:34.67 Citrus Valley (SS)
Berkebile, Samuel 5:37.25 Redlands (SS)
Asemoka, Blessing 5:45.53 Redlands (SS)
Tejeda, Sebastian 5:46.43 Citrus Valley (SS)
Anderson, Isaac 5:47.22 Redlands (SS)
Jaffer, Noah 5:48.96 Citrus Valley (SS)
Negrete, Noah 5:49.39 Citrus Valley (SS)
Vasquez, Thomas 6:19.87 Citrus Valley (SS)
Powers, Sebastian 6:23.65 Redlands (SS)
Olaru, Alexander 6:28.68 Citrus Valley (SS)
Honabach, Kaden 6:48.71 Citrus Valley (SS)
Staton, Matthew 6:56.95 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ramirez, Nickolas 7:01.90 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leilua, Braylyn Citrus Valley (SS)
DeCarvhallho, Dayton Citrus Valley (SS)
Lium, Brockton Citrus Valley (SS)
Wiseman, Nick Citrus Valley (SS)
Scarbrough, Julien 23.30 Redlands (SS)
Williams, Eric 23.71 Citrus Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Gael 24.12 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ashley, Lamar 24.14 Redlands (SS)
Morris, London 24.50 Redlands (SS)
Harianja, Austin 24.97 Redlands (SS)
Sanchez, Brian 25.42 Redlands (SS)
Smith, Eli 25.56 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sequeira, Michael 25.59 Citrus Valley (SS)
Anderson, Nathan 25.60 Citrus Valley (SS)
Bowens, Jayden 25.69 Citrus Valley (SS)
Glenn, Marquille 25.86 Citrus Valley (SS)
Okere, Michael 26.18 Citrus Valley (SS)
Montanez, Jonathan 26.50 Redlands (SS)
Burns, Illir 26.84 Citrus Valley (SS)
Simmers, Jacob 27.03 Citrus Valley (SS)
Yarmie, Justin 27.70 Redlands (SS)
Berry, Dennis 27.72 Redlands (SS)
Cazares, Isaiah 27.97 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ellison, Matthew 28.48 Redlands (SS)
Sultan, Kyle 29.37 Citrus Valley (SS)
Foster, Jacob 30.15 Redlands (SS)
Montanez, Gabriel 30.51 Redlands (SS)
Sumarli, Alexander 30.75 Redlands (SS)
Pillai, Shravan 32.17 Redlands (SS)
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Magana, Micah Citrus Valley (SS)
Agbelusi, Daniel 44.25 Redlands (SS)
Guzman, Jeremy 47.53 Citrus Valley (SS)
Dakuri, Dilan 47.86 Redlands (SS)
Ludwick, Jorden 48.30 Citrus Valley (SS)
Aidoudi, Elyes 50.46 Citrus Valley (SS)
Johnson, Josyah 50.51 Redlands (SS)
Cullen, Michael 50.81 Redlands (SS)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mayorga Ornelas, Arian 10:28.01 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sturtevant, Aidan 10:40.17 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ventura, Angel 10:41.87 Citrus Valley (SS)
Caliva, Nate 10:43.54 Citrus Valley (SS)
Paz, Miguel 10:47.89 Redlands (SS)
Connelly, Neal 11:22.15 Redlands (SS)
Anderson, Isaac 13:39.97 Redlands (SS)
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simmers, Jacob Citrus Valley (SS)
Saldana, Mateo Citrus Valley (SS)
Ventura, Angel Citrus Valley (SS)
Asemoka, Blessing 1:01.40 Redlands (SS)
Sultan, Kyle 1:03.70 Citrus Valley (SS)
Warren, Nathan 52.29 Redlands (SS)
Sanchez, Brian 54.90 Redlands (SS)
Onyeachonam, Chibuike 56.37 Citrus Valley (SS)
Morris, London 56.90 Redlands (SS)
Smith, Eli 57.99 Citrus Valley (SS)
Harris, Jordyn 58.78 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 43.78 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team A 43.78 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team A 43.78 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team B 43.78 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team A 46.22 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 46.22 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 3:42.70 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 3:42.70 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 3:42.70 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team B 3:42.70 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 3:44.13 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team A 3:44.13 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team B 3:44.13 Redlands (SS)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dodd, Dominick Citrus Valley (SS)
Montes, Juan 2:02.88 Citrus Valley (SS)
Gaitan, Joseph 2:06.01 Citrus Valley (SS)
Caliva, Jake 2:06.30 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ontiveros Jr., Christopher 2:06.51 Citrus Valley (SS)
Lee, Ryder 2:08.50 Redlands (SS)
Saldana, Mateo 2:11.40 Citrus Valley (SS)
Gragg, Kallen 2:13.11 Redlands (SS)
Jackson, Dillon 2:16.09 Redlands (SS)
Caldera, Diego 2:16.70 Citrus Valley (SS)
Choi, Brayden 2:17.65 Redlands (SS)
Daniel, Kalani 2:18.87 Citrus Valley (SS)
Tejeda, Sebastian 2:23.87 Citrus Valley (SS)
Parekh, Miraj 2:24.10 Redlands (SS)
Powers, Sebastian 2:29.93 Redlands (SS)
Campos, Anthony 2:30.41 Redlands (SS)
Vasquez, Thomas 2:41.30 Citrus Valley (SS)
Negrete, Noah 2:41.53 Citrus Valley (SS)
Davali, Alejandro 2:43.20 Redlands (SS)
Berkebile, Samuel 2:43.68 Redlands (SS)
Jaffer, Noah 2:46.23 Citrus Valley (SS)
Staton, Matthew 2:57.86 Citrus Valley (SS)
Honabach, Kaden 2:59.17 Citrus Valley (SS)
Olaru, Alexander 3:02.66 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ramirez, Nickolas 3:13.63 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Boys Discus 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler-Hoagland, Luke 104-4.5 Redlands (SS)
Dysan, Anthony 96-7 Citrus Valley (SS)
Soto, Jacob 89-5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Brannon, Steven 89-1 Citrus Valley (SS)
Burke, James 83-8 Citrus Valley (SS)
Seng, Jacob 74-7 Redlands (SS)
Racadio, Isaiah 71-2 Citrus Valley (SS)
Hallen, Peter 59-10 Citrus Valley (SS)
Uway, Calvin 58-3.25 Redlands (SS)
Gilliam, Liam 56-4 Redlands (SS)
Reading, Spencer 53-4 Citrus Valley (SS)
Quintero, Ricardo 44-9 Redlands (SS)
Hamilton, Peyton 41-8 Citrus Valley (SS)
Black, Jet Redlands (SS)
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Boys High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Willis, Quinton 5-2 Redlands (SS)
Butler-Hoagland, Luke 5-2 Redlands (SS)
Gragg, Kallen Redlands (SS)
Cazares, Isaiah Citrus Valley (SS)
Ludwick, Jorden Citrus Valley (SS)
Williams, Eric Citrus Valley (SS)
Foster, Jacob Redlands (SS)
Daniel, Luka Citrus Valley (SS)
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Boys Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scarbrough, Julien 21-7.25 Redlands (SS)
Ashley, Lamar 20-5.25 Redlands (SS)
Guzman, Jeremy 18-10 Citrus Valley (SS)
Morris, London 18-7 Redlands (SS)
Ludwick, Jorden 18-2 Citrus Valley (SS)
Daniel, Luka 16-6.75 Citrus Valley (SS)
Glenn, Marquille 15-6 Citrus Valley (SS)
Cazares, Isaiah 14-2 Citrus Valley (SS)
Johnson, Josyah 13-11.75 Redlands (SS)
Campos, Anthony 13-5 Redlands (SS)
Harris, Jordyn Citrus Valley (SS)
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Boys Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burke, James 40-0.5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Soto, Jacob 39-0.5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Bocanegra, Ryan 35-10.5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Dysan, Anthony 33-4.5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Anderson, Nathan 33-0.5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Willis, Quinton 33-0 Redlands (SS)
Hallen, Peter 27-8 Citrus Valley (SS)
Seng, Jacob 27-3 Redlands (SS)
Racadio, Isaiah 25-10 Citrus Valley (SS)
Reading, Spencer 25-6.5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Gilliam, Liam 24-8 Redlands (SS)
Uway, Calvin 22-5.5 Redlands (SS)
Hamilton, Peyton 19-10 Citrus Valley (SS)
Quintero, Ricardo 17-4 Redlands (SS)
Black, Jet Redlands (SS)
Segura, Elijah Redlands (SS)
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Boys Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warren, Nathan 40-4.25 Redlands (SS)
Littles Jr, Demond 37-9 Redlands (SS)
Ludwick, Jorden 37-7 Citrus Valley (SS)
Gragg, Kallen 33-3 Redlands (SS)
Glenn, Marquille 32-2 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sircar, Henna Citrus Valley (SS)
Chau, Lindsey 12.80 Citrus Valley (SS)
Thoe, Natalie 12.98 Citrus Valley (SS)
Pickard, Allison 13.16 Redlands (SS)
Nip, Kelly 13.59 Redlands (SS)
Junior, Jasmine 13.70 Redlands (SS)
Amezcoa, Sasha 13.79 Citrus Valley (SS)
Bandy, Aaniyah 14.17 Redlands (SS)
Smith, Jailah 14.30 Redlands (SS)
Chun, Chloe 14.33 Redlands (SS)
Luna, Sally 14.51 Redlands (SS)
Williams, Jade 14.61 Citrus Valley (SS)
Magana, Aubrielle 14.67 Redlands (SS)
Didia, Serina 14.89 Citrus Valley (SS)
Chavez-Oyervides, Arianna 14.97 Citrus Valley (SS)
Regalado, Alyssa 15.37 Redlands (SS)
Pangalila, Belichia 15.65 Redlands (SS)
Ortiz, Ashley 16.14 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huett, Alana Citrus Valley (SS)
Harianja, Michelle 18.37 Redlands (SS)
Honabach, Kaitlyn 19.67 Citrus Valley (SS)
Elgan, Olivia 20.50 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sibbett, Amber 20.53 Citrus Valley (SS)
Grames, Rylie 20.62 Citrus Valley (SS)
Bruich, Tora 20.79 Citrus Valley (SS)
Montes, Lilus 20.81 Redlands (SS)
Amameda, Julyanna 22.17 Redlands (SS)
Chavez-Oyervides, Arianna 22.45 Citrus Valley (SS)
Rodriguez, Stacy 22.52 Citrus Valley (SS)
Cerrillo, Jayleen 26.46 Redlands (SS)
Lozano Reyes, Melannie 28.18 Redlands (SS)
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jeon, Danielle Redlands (SS)
Johnson, Kaylee Citrus Valley (SS)
Ledesma, Lily Citrus Valley (SS)
Romero, Gabriella 5:21.63 Citrus Valley (SS)
Del Rio, Itzel 5:35.37 Citrus Valley (SS)
Timm, Brooklyn 5:54.36 Citrus Valley (SS)
Merideth, Isabella 6:08.21 Citrus Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Aubrey 6:09.01 Citrus Valley (SS)
Lovelace, Norah 6:54.06 Citrus Valley (SS)
Clark, Michelle 6:58.78 Redlands (SS)
Male, Margaret 7:09.70 Redlands (SS)
Saldana, Rosalvette 7:40.58 Citrus Valley (SS)
Irene, Emma 8:15.47 Citrus Valley (SS)
Risley, Tess 8:29.28 Redlands (SS)
Martinez, Jaiden 8:48.07 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amezcoa, Sasha Citrus Valley (SS)
Adamm, Andrea Redlands (SS)
Chau, Lindsey 25.62 Citrus Valley (SS)
Lopez, Ava 27.18 Citrus Valley (SS)
Pickard, Allison 28.01 Redlands (SS)
Junior, Jasmine 29.07 Redlands (SS)
Thoe, Natalie 29.19 Citrus Valley (SS)
Kaufman, Ariana 29.23 Citrus Valley (SS)
Nip, Kelly 30.12 Redlands (SS)
Didia, Serina 30.39 Citrus Valley (SS)
Magana, Aubrielle 30.67 Redlands (SS)
Williams, Jade 30.69 Citrus Valley (SS)
Chun, Chloe 30.98 Redlands (SS)
Bandy, Aaniyah 31.27 Redlands (SS)
Butarbutar, Annabelle 31.30 Redlands (SS)
Yoh, Caitlyn 31.34 Redlands (SS)
Huett, Alana 31.40 Citrus Valley (SS)
Lumbangaol, Abigail 31.66 Redlands (SS)
Chavez-Oyervides, Arianna 31.75 Citrus Valley (SS)
Smith, Jailah 31.85 Redlands (SS)
Moreno, Bella 32.05 Citrus Valley (SS)
Garibay, Audrey 32.51 Redlands (SS)
Luna, Sally 32.61 Redlands (SS)
Rodriguez, Stacy 33.74 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ortiz, Ashley 34.01 Citrus Valley (SS)
Lozano Reyes, Melannie 36.27 Redlands (SS)
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mercado, Angela Marie Redlands (SS)
Montes, Lilus 1:00.39 Redlands (SS)
Politano, Jessica 1:00.95 Redlands (SS)
Nikijuluw, Ellicia 1:02.98 Redlands (SS)
Amameda, Julyanna 1:11.47 Redlands (SS)
Harianja, Michelle 53.43 Redlands (SS)
Grames, Rylie 53.51 Citrus Valley (SS)
Garcia, Elizabeth 55.91 Citrus Valley (SS)
Honabach, Kaitlyn 56.05 Citrus Valley (SS)
Hernandez, Aubrey 56.48 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rout, Hailey Citrus Valley (SS)
Aponte, Crystal Citrus Valley (SS)
Lomeli, Hailie 12:23.41 Citrus Valley (SS)
Harris, Aiyana 13:14.22 Redlands (SS)
Male, Margaret 16:51.16 Redlands (SS)
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bravo, Isabella Citrus Valley (SS)
Adamm, Andrea Redlands (SS)
Butarbutar, Annabelle Redlands (SS)
Lopez, Ava Citrus Valley (SS)
Garibay, Audrey Redlands (SS)
Benjamin, Sabrina 1:04.02 Citrus Valley (SS)
Lomeli, Hailie 1:04.55 Citrus Valley (SS)
Marshall, Amira 1:04.82 Redlands (SS)
Martinez, Alexandra 1:05.07 Redlands (SS)
Bruno, Jaden 1:05.21 Redlands (SS)
Kaufman, Ariana 1:08.47 Citrus Valley (SS)
Lumbangaol, Abigail 1:12.25 Redlands (SS)
Moreno, Bella 1:12.52 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 51.05 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 51.05 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 52.67 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team A 55.60h Redlands (SS)
Relay Team B 56.50h Redlands (SS)
Relay Team C 57.00 Redlands (SS)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:20.32 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 4:20.32 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team B 4:20.32 Citrus Valley (SS)
Relay Team A 4:27.49 Redlands (SS)
Relay Team A 4:45.00h Redlands (SS)
Relay Team B 4:50.00h Redlands (SS)
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Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Kaylee Citrus Valley (SS)
Corbett, Hailey Citrus Valley (SS)
Ledesma, Lily Citrus Valley (SS)
Ingram, Evelyn Redlands (SS)
Bravo, Isabella 2:21.69 Citrus Valley (SS)
Perencsik, Ria 2:30.01 Redlands (SS)
Romero, Gabriella 2:30.91 Citrus Valley (SS)
Fry, Shyler 2:36.44 Citrus Valley (SS)
Del Rio, Itzel 2:38.68 Citrus Valley (SS)
Jeon, Danielle 2:45.70 Redlands (SS)
Paudel, Aava 2:46.67 Redlands (SS)
Merideth, Isabella 2:48.60 Citrus Valley (SS)
Male, Margaret 2:59.36 Redlands (SS)
Garcia, Ingrid 3:03.63 Redlands (SS)
Smith, Molly 3:03.97 Redlands (SS)
Pham, Audrey 3:14.00 Redlands (SS)
Lovelace, Norah 3:14.58 Citrus Valley (SS)
Saldana, Rosalvette 3:21.75 Citrus Valley (SS)
Irene, Emma 3:46.76 Citrus Valley (SS)
Martinez, Jaiden 4:04.09 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls Discus 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Su'Riah 94-9 Redlands (SS)
Ryan, Mariana 85-9 Redlands (SS)
Ryan, Cecilia 70-8 Redlands (SS)
Quintero, Eva 59-11.75 Redlands (SS)
Keating, Halley 59-6 Redlands (SS)
Hollis, Cyra 59-4 Citrus Valley (SS)
Echevarria, Vanessa 50-11 Redlands (SS)
Garber, Corrine 47-8 Redlands (SS)
Abualizz, Hanaa 44-8 Redlands (SS)
Glover, Madeline 34-8 Citrus Valley (SS)
Doty, Jessica Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Alexandra 4-10 Redlands (SS)
Marshall, Amira 4-8 Redlands (SS)
Bruno, Jaden 4-6 Redlands (SS)
Grames, Rylie 4-6 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sircar, Henna 4-4 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sibbett, Amber 4-0 Citrus Valley (SS)
Garibay, Bianca Redlands (SS)
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Girls Long Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Kathryn 16-9 Redlands (SS)
Doty, Jessica 15-5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Garibay, Bianca 15-3.5 Redlands (SS)
Thompson, Elizabeth 15-1 Redlands (SS)
Sircar, Henna 14-3 Citrus Valley (SS)
Chun, Chloe 13-3 Redlands (SS)
Grames, Rylie 13-2.5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sibbett, Amber 12-10 Citrus Valley (SS)
Luna, Sally 12-6 Redlands (SS)
Regalado, Alyssa 11-10 Redlands (SS)
Garibay, Audrey 11-7.5 Redlands (SS)
Thoe, Natalie Citrus Valley (SS)
Nwaugha, Angela Redlands (SS)
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Girls Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Su'Riah 36-3 Redlands (SS)
Doty, Jessica 29-5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Ryan, Mariana 22-9 Redlands (SS)
Echevarria, Vanessa 21-7 Redlands (SS)
Keating, Halley 21-0 Redlands (SS)
Ryan, Cecilia 20-6 Redlands (SS)
Hollis, Cyra 20-5 Citrus Valley (SS)
Quintero, Eva 20-3 Redlands (SS)
Abualizz, Hanaa 19-0 Redlands (SS)
Garber, Corrine 18-10 Redlands (SS)
Nwaugha, Angela 17-9 Redlands (SS)
Glover, Madeline 15-6 Citrus Valley (SS)
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Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Kathryn 37-1 Redlands (SS)
Thompson, Elizabeth 34-4 Redlands (SS)
Garibay, Bianca 33-2.75 Redlands (SS)
Doty, Jessica 32-0 Citrus Valley (SS)
Honabach, Kaitlyn 28-2 Citrus Valley (SS)
Sibbett, Amber 26-11 Citrus Valley (SS)
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