Burroughs Invitational 2022

Ridgecrest, CA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dedmon, Daimon Kern Valley (CS)
Hinkey, Derrick Kern Valley (CS)
Chan, Thomas Barstow (SS)
Ross, KMani Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Kingsbury, Tobin Tehachapi (CS)
Denson, Micaiah Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Copeland, Isaac Barstow (SS)
Mather, Tyler 11.73 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Gaoa, Eliijah 11.83 Barstow (SS)
Campbell, Caleb 12.54h Kern Valley (CS)
Espinoza-Denys, Kyle 12.54h Kern Valley (CS)
Buchan, Joseph Jr 12.65 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Gaoa, Nehemiah 12.98 Barstow (SS)
Newton, Kiahi 13.04 Barstow (SS)
Curiel, Demetri 13.22 Barstow (SS)
Buchan, Julian 13.26 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Smalls, Malaki 13.57 Barstow (SS)
Copeland, Elias 13.65 Barstow (SS)
DeLaRosa, Jermaine 14.03 Barstow (SS)
Tingstrom, Alecxander 14.10 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Goldy, Mason 14.11 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
James, Jacob 14.18 Barstow (SS)
Edwards, Isaiah 15.06 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Mastas, Ronald 15.08 Barstow (SS)
Moffitt, Skyler 16.39 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kingsbury, Tobin Tehachapi (CS)
Panergo, Kelvin John Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Montgomery, Jack Kern Valley (CS)
Gonzalez, Leo Tehachapi (CS)
Brogan, Carson 18.19 Barstow (SS)
Davis, Gunner 22.63 Kern Valley (CS)
Seymour, Lakedon 23.32 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Hinkey, Dean 25.27 Kern Valley (CS)
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quackenbush, Andrew Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ortiz, Zion Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Doss, Damian Barstow (SS)
Gamboa, Ben Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Quick, Nathan Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Figueroa, Jesse Barstow (SS)
Winder, James Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Stallone, Sebastian Kern Valley (CS)
Tomlinson, Logan Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Bal, Justin Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Hardy, Aaron Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Teunnisen-Wertz, Eliah Kern Valley (CS)
Eggleston, Kjeaton Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Griffis, Robert Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Sardar, Yaseen 4:49.40 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Sickler, Joshua 4:51.70 Barstow (SS)
Ramey, Luke 5:10.16 Barstow (SS)
Wargo, Mack 5:19.00 Kern Valley (CS)
Mower, Andrew 5:30.04 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Torres, Ricardo 5:33.13 Barstow (SS)
Andrus, Sam 5:44.99 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Zucco, Deklan 6:43.58 Barstow (SS)
Santry, John 7:08.28 Barstow (SS)
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dedmon, Daimon Kern Valley (CS)
Mastas, Ronald Barstow (SS)
Warner, Grant Tehachapi (CS)
Smalls, Malaki Barstow (SS)
Buchan, Julian Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Copeland, Elias Barstow (SS)
Chan, Thomas Barstow (SS)
Curiel, Demetri Barstow (SS)
DeLaRosa, Jermaine Barstow (SS)
Copeland, Isaac Barstow (SS)
Buchan, Joseph Jr Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Mcelroy, Rashad Tehachapi (CS)
Fleming, Walker Tehachapi (CS)
Newton, Kiahi Barstow (SS)
Jenkins, Romello 23.54 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Gaoa, Eliijah 24.93 Barstow (SS)
Rivera, Jhovany 25.57 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Campbell, Caleb 25.74h Kern Valley (CS)
Gaoa, Nehemiah 26.64 Barstow (SS)
Denson, Micaiah 27.88 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Tingstrom, Alecxander 28.36 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Goldy, Mason 28.53 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Muhle, Noah 28.75 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
James, Jacob 29.77 Barstow (SS)
Torres, Samuel 30.75 Tehachapi (CS)
Lopez, Ulises 30.79 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Edwards, Isaiah 31.49 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hinkey, Derrick Kern Valley (CS)
Gonzalez, Leo Tehachapi (CS)
Hinkey, Dean 1:03.46 Kern Valley (CS)
Panergo, Kelvin John 50.22 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Davis, Gunner 52.04 Kern Valley (CS)
Seymour, Lakedon 54.49 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eggleston, Kjeaton Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Bal, Justin Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Torres, Ricardo Barstow (SS)
Ortiz, Zion Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Tomlinson, Logan Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Griffis, Robert Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Sardar, Yaseen 10:40.01 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ramey, Luke 10:54.00 Barstow (SS)
Sickler, Joshua 11:56.16 Barstow (SS)
Morrison, Ryan 12:12.91 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Santry, John 16:56.43 Barstow (SS)
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warner, Grant Tehachapi (CS)
Zucco, Deklan Barstow (SS)
Torres, Samuel Tehachapi (CS)
Hinkey, Dean Kern Valley (CS)
Fleming, Walker Tehachapi (CS)
Johnstone, Wyatt Kern Valley (CS)
Copeland, Isaac Barstow (SS)
Avery Pryce, Vincent 1:01.72 Barstow (SS)
Muhle, Noah 1:03.05 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Lopez, Ulises 1:09.09 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Rodriguez, Enrique 1:11.70 Barstow (SS)
Jenkins, Romello 52.54 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Flores, Jose 57.49 Tehachapi (CS)
Rivera, Jhovany 58.31 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Korhonen, Ethan 58.84 Tehachapi (CS)
Espinoza-Denys, Kyle 59.64h Kern Valley (CS)
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Tehachapi (CS)
Relay Team A Tehachapi (CS)
Relay Team A Barstow (SS)
Relay Team A Barstow (SS)
Relay Team A 46.41 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Tehachapi (CS)
Relay Team A Barstow (SS)
Relay Team A 3:53.52 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Relay Team B 3:53.52 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Relay Team A 3:53.52 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quackenbush, Andrew Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Stallone, Sebastian Kern Valley (CS)
Tomlinson, Logan Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Santry, John Barstow (SS)
Quick, Nathan Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Hinkey, Derrick Kern Valley (CS)
Flores, Jose Tehachapi (CS)
Winder, James Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Teunnisen-Wertz, Eliah Kern Valley (CS)
Sardar, Yaseen 2:08.42 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Mower, Andrew 2:10.03 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ramey, Luke 2:23.59 Barstow (SS)
Sickler, Joshua 2:28.49 Barstow (SS)
Wargo, Mack 2:35.70 Kern Valley (CS)
Andrus, Sam 2:39.88 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Hardy, Aaron 2:39.97 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Gamboa, Ben 2:40.43 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Torres, Ricardo 2:50.83 Barstow (SS)
Doss, Damian 2:53.51 Barstow (SS)
Rodriguez, Enrique 3:00.82 Barstow (SS)
Zucco, Deklan 3:09.35 Barstow (SS)
Figueroa, Jesse 3:27.13 Barstow (SS)
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HS Boys Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Novascone, Will 150-11 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Powell, Kyle 126-10.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Williams, Trevor 72-05 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Pillers, Patrick 69-02 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Brogan, Carson 68-2 Barstow (SS)
Tofaeono, Samuelo 63-3 Barstow (SS)
Di'Nardo-English, Matthew 61-5 Barstow (SS)
McCling, Dominic 54-2 Barstow (SS)
Hooker, Isaiah 50-7.5 Barstow (SS)
Abengowe, Samajea 47-7 Barstow (SS)
Ziesler, Ryan 41-0 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Rodgers, Steven 35-0 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Talia Elisara, Ziyon Barstow (SS)
Rankin, Wyatt Kern Valley (CS)
Hill, Logan Kern Valley (CS)
Meachem, James Kern Valley (CS)
Robey, James Barstow (SS)
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HS Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shroeder, Hunter 5-4 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Campbell, Caleb 4-8 Kern Valley (CS)
Dedmon, Daimon Kern Valley (CS)
Montgomery, Jack Kern Valley (CS)
Johnstone, Wyatt Kern Valley (CS)
Teunnisen-Wertz, Eliah Kern Valley (CS)
Warner, Grant Tehachapi (CS)
Edwards, Isaiah Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Rutland, Shane Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ross, KMani Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Espinoza-Denys, Kyle 19-7 Kern Valley (CS)
Shroeder, Hunter 19-7 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Rutland, Shane 16-11.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Campbell, Caleb 16-8 Kern Valley (CS)
Gaoa, Nehemiah 15-8 Barstow (SS)
Curiel, Demetri 15-4 Barstow (SS)
Avery Pryce, Vincent 15-3.5 Barstow (SS)
Bayrena, Ziggy 14-8 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Smalls, Malaki 14-6 Barstow (SS)
Korhonen, Ethan 14-2 Tehachapi (CS)
Goldy, Mason 13-6 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Dedmon, Daimon Kern Valley (CS)
Montgomery, Jack Kern Valley (CS)
Hinkey, Derrick Kern Valley (CS)
Mcelroy, Rashad Tehachapi (CS)
Moffitt, Skyler Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Denson, Micaiah Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Buchan, Julian Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buchan, Joseph Jr 9-6 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Buchan, Julian 9-0 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Moffitt, Skyler Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Bayrena, Ziggy Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Boys Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Novascone, Will 43-6 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Powell, Kyle 33-5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Williams, Trevor 33-01 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Pillers, Patrick 32-01 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Tofaeono, Samuelo 32-0 Barstow (SS)
Di'Nardo-English, Matthew 29-10 Barstow (SS)
Hooker, Isaiah 27-8 Barstow (SS)
McCling, Dominic 24-5.5 Barstow (SS)
Rodgers, Steven 21-4 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Abengowe, Samajea 20-5.25 Barstow (SS)
Ziesler, Ryan 16-9 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Talia Elisara, Ziyon Barstow (SS)
Hill, Logan Kern Valley (CS)
Meachem, James Kern Valley (CS)
Robey, James Barstow (SS)
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HS Boys Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shroeder, Hunter 41-7.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Espinoza-Denys, Kyle 36-9 Kern Valley (CS)
Ross, KMani 36-5.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Rutland, Shane 36-2 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Avery Pryce, Vincent 34-6.5 Barstow (SS)
Montgomery, Jack Kern Valley (CS)
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Manwell, Kaya Kern Valley (CS)
Billings, Ivie Tehachapi (CS)
Gonzales, Emma Tehachapi (CS)
Neild, Julia Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Denys-Espinoza, Ashley Kern Valley (CS)
Weinstein, Hannah Tehachapi (CS)
Groves, Alanna Kern Valley (CS)
Steele, Kylie Tehachapi (CS)
Watson, Brooke Kern Valley (CS)
Croos-Peterson, Gia 12.68 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Stanley, Eliza 13.55 Tehachapi (CS)
Ramsey, Alyssa 14.00 Barstow (SS)
Shadduck, Claire 14.01 Tehachapi (CS)
Hitt, Kaylee 14.65 Tehachapi (CS)
Nagels, Tayolr 14.99 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Gordon, Nevaeh 15.03 Barstow (SS)
Lowe, Jordan 15.40 Barstow (SS)
Kiosef, Mitra 15.54h Kern Valley (CS)
Norfleet, Kayla 15.73 Barstow (SS)
Seibert, Alileigh 16.18 Barstow (SS)
Newton, Jayai 16.84 Barstow (SS)
Lutu, Kenese 17.44 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kiosef, Mitra Kern Valley (CS)
Watson, Brooke 20.63 Kern Valley (CS)
Denson, Sairilia 22.15 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Klamt, Hailey 24.56 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Liesenfeld, Lisa 26.12 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ankir, Diana Barstow (SS)
Tomlinson, Leah Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Stanghill, Dakota Barstow (SS)
Moffitt, Breyer Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Machado, Anahi Tehachapi (CS)
Nava, Adelina Barstow (SS)
Vasquez, Angelina Barstow (SS)
D'Amico, Danika Kern Valley (CS)
Minguela, Leslei Barstow (SS)
Mathewson-Martine, Rennee Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Dejager, Jae-ann Barstow (SS)
Gonzales, Emma Tehachapi (CS)
Hacker, Aspen Kern Valley (CS)
Hernandez, Bianca Barstow (SS)
Freeman, Abigail Kern Valley (CS)
Packer, Jillian Barstow (SS)
Washburn, Lydia Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ebel, Emersyn Barstow (SS)
DeLaTorre Ra, Romie 6:17.50 Barstow (SS)
Chaco, Caliana 6:42.40 Barstow (SS)
Flores, Janelle 7:11.81 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Jimenez, Arizbeth 7:32.05 Barstow (SS)
Faulkinbury, Kathleen 7:35.54 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Walker, Karyssa 7:53.60 Kern Valley (CS)
Mcdonald, Madysen 7:53.97 Barstow (SS)
Hassell, Madison 8:17.63 Barstow (SS)
Mcdonald, Morgan 8:26.11 Barstow (SS)
Diaz, Abigail 8:33.58 Barstow (SS)
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cardenas, Giselle Tehachapi (CS)
Norfleet, Kayla Barstow (SS)
Seibert, Alileigh Barstow (SS)
Guarneros, Kassandra Kern Valley (CS)
Weinstein, Hannah Tehachapi (CS)
Gordon, Nevaeh Barstow (SS)
Neild, Julia Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Manwell, Kaya Kern Valley (CS)
Herion, Ashley Tehachapi (CS)
Lowe, Jordan Barstow (SS)
Wooten, Roxanne Kern Valley (CS)
Steele, Kylie Tehachapi (CS)
Newton, Jayai Barstow (SS)
Croos-Peterson, Gia 27.50 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Shadduck, Claire 28.36 Tehachapi (CS)
Stanley, Eliza 29.44 Tehachapi (CS)
Ramsey, Alyssa 29.81 Barstow (SS)
Hitt, Kaylee 30.51 Tehachapi (CS)
Cross-Peterson, Jayani 31.53 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Grimes, Ashlynn 33.03 Tehachapi (CS)
Vogel, Genevieve 35.78 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klamt, Hailey 1:02.88 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Denson, Sairilia 1:03.59 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Watson, Brooke 58.74h Kern Valley (CS)
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washburn, Lydia Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Norman, Amaya Barstow (SS)
Stanghill, Dakota Barstow (SS)
Guarneros, Kassandra Kern Valley (CS)
Mathewson-Martine, Rennee Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Minguela, Leslei Barstow (SS)
Kolesar, Kailey Tehachapi (CS)
Tomlinson, Leah Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ebel, Emersyn Barstow (SS)
Freeman, Abigail Kern Valley (CS)
DeLaTorre Ra, Romie 14:07.30 Barstow (SS)
Mcdonald, Madysen 17:39.87 Barstow (SS)
Mcdonald, Morgan 18:35.85 Barstow (SS)
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Freeman, Abigail Kern Valley (CS)
Herion, Ashley Tehachapi (CS)
Ortega, Jasmine Barstow (SS)
Wooten, Roxanne Kern Valley (CS)
Cardenas, Giselle Tehachapi (CS)
Kolesar, Kailey Tehachapi (CS)
Hernandez, Bianca Barstow (SS)
Cross-Peterson, Jayani 1:07.76 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Vasquez, Angelina 1:13.45 Barstow (SS)
Grimes, Ashlynn 1:14.77 Tehachapi (CS)
Vogel, Genevieve 1:24.09 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Norman, Amaya 1:26.95 Barstow (SS)
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Tehachapi (CS)
Relay Team B Tehachapi (CS)
Relay Team A Barstow (SS)
Relay Team A 54.39 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Barstow (SS)
Relay Team A Tehachapi (CS)
Relay Team A Barstow (SS)
Relay Team A 5:05.35 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cardenas, Giselle Tehachapi (CS)
Washburn, Lydia Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
D'Amico, Danika Kern Valley (CS)
Gonzales, Emma Tehachapi (CS)
Tomlinson, Leah Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Moffitt, Breyer Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Hacker, Aspen Kern Valley (CS)
Freeman, Abigail Kern Valley (CS)
Machado, Anahi Tehachapi (CS)
Mathewson-Martine, Rennee Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Vasquez, Angelina 2:55.13 Barstow (SS)
DeLaTorre Ra, Romie 2:56.01 Barstow (SS)
Chaco, Caliana 2:57.74 Barstow (SS)
Ortega, Jasmine 3:03.45 Barstow (SS)
Flores, Janelle 3:10.34 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ebel, Emersyn 3:11.85 Barstow (SS)
Walker, Karyssa 3:20.06 Kern Valley (CS)
Jimenez, Arizbeth 3:21.23 Barstow (SS)
Minguela, Leslei 3:26.68 Barstow (SS)
Mcdonald, Madysen 3:31.98 Barstow (SS)
Faulkinbury, Kathleen 3:38.71 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Hassell, Madison 3:44.51 Barstow (SS)
Hernandez, Bianca 3:46.60 Barstow (SS)
Packer, Jillian 3:47.31 Barstow (SS)
Diaz, Abigail 3:50.33 Barstow (SS)
Ankir, Diana 4:09.21 Barstow (SS)
Nava, Adelina 4:16.74 Barstow (SS)
Dejager, Jae-ann 4:41.99 Barstow (SS)
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HS Girls Discus Throw 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Mia 99-1 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Hoggard, Jocelyn 94-8 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Rutland, Zoe 69-10 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Herrera, Tatum 68-6.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Shermer, Kyndra 65-0 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ve'e, Illiana Barstow (SS)
Tayney, Fayven Barstow (SS)
Groves, Alanna Kern Valley (CS)
Tate, Marissa Kern Valley (CS)
Richey, Mikaela Kern Valley (CS)
Watson, Jane Kern Valley (CS)
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HS Girls High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kiosef, Mitra 4-2 Kern Valley (CS)
Herion, Ashley 4-2 Tehachapi (CS)
Watson, Brooke 4-0 Kern Valley (CS)
Wooten, Roxanne Kern Valley (CS)
Herridge, Cierra Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Lutu, Kenese Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls Long Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Croos-Peterson, Gia 15-4.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Kiosef, Mitra 13-10 Kern Valley (CS)
Steele, Kylie 11-2.5 Tehachapi (CS)
Norfleet, Kayla Barstow (SS)
Hacker, Aspen Kern Valley (CS)
Guarneros, Kassandra Kern Valley (CS)
Billings, Ivie Tehachapi (CS)
Lutu, Kenese Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nagels, Tayolr Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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HS Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hoggard, Jocelyn 37-3.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Wallace, Mia 33-8.25 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Herrera, Tatum 24-11.5 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Shermer, Kyndra 22-3 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Rutland, Zoe 21-8.75 Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
Ve'e, Illiana Barstow (SS)
Tayney, Fayven Barstow (SS)
Denys-Espinoza, Ashley Kern Valley (CS)
Tate, Marissa Kern Valley (CS)
Richey, Mikaela Kern Valley (CS)
Watson, Jane Kern Valley (CS)
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HS Girls Triple Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hacker, Aspen Kern Valley (CS)
Herridge, Cierra Burroughs Ridgecrest (SS)
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