Meet Information
Hello coach! We are looking forward to a great day of competition on Saturday. The weather is looking a little cloudy but a beautiful 64*. Below you will find the final instructions which includes some important information for your parents and buses. You will be given everything you need in your coaches packet on Saturday: Heat Sheets, a map of Oakmont, the meet program, and 2 Coachs meal tickets.
Check in and warm ups start at 7:30 am
Coaches meeting at 8 am at the center of the infield to go over any last instructions and questions.
Field events start at 8:30 am
Running events start at 9:00 am with the 3200
We will be packing heats. Please advise your athletes that they must check in with the clerk of the course by the last call of their event or they will be scratched. We would like each heat to be as competitive as possible. Medals to top 4 event finishers will be handed out at the Check In Tent.
The DMR is 200-400-800-1200. The race will start at the 200 start line. The first exchange will be at the 4X400 exchange zone and runners can cut in as soon as it is safe to do so.
Red Cap Timing will be posting results a few minutes after each event is complete at:
Fleet Feet will be set up on the North Side of the press box should your athletes need any running gear or extra spikes for purchase.
Spectator Entry Fee: Spectators will enter the stadium from the main gate
Adults: $5
Seniors, Students with ID, & OPC members: $3
Children 12 and under are free
Food options:
Oakmont snack bar: easy grab and go items
Full Service Food Trucks: Ultimate Bacon, Big Daddys Kitchen, Smoothie Patrol
2 Coaches meals/ team will be provided: Hotdog, chips and a drink (pick up at the snack bar)
Donuts and Cake will be in the press box for coaches to help themselves
We do not allow any BBQs on our campus. Please notify your athletes/parents not to bring them.
Warm-ups: We ask that all warm-ups take place outside of the stadium on the athletic fields behind the home grandstand, the black top, or in the surrounding neighborhood. Practice hurdles will be made available up top.
Athletes on the Infield: Once the meet has begun we ask that all athletes stay in the stands when not competing. Only athletes currently competing should be at individual events. Athletes not following this rule will be disqualified by their bib number. Athletes in running events will be escorted from the warm up field to the infield when their heat has been seeded and waiting to run. At this time athletes can be in warm ups doing final drills on within the 50 yard line closest to the finish line.
Injuries: We have an athletic trainer available on site from 9 - 5 should your athlete become injured. The athletic trainer will be set up next to the Team Entrance by the 200 start.
Clerk of the Course: The Clerk of the course will be located at the top of the blue ramp on the scoreboard end of the stadium. Races are seeded from entered times. Please instruct athletes to check in well in advance so that they do not get scratched and then remain at the clerk until their race is escorted into the stadium. All athletes must check in by last call or they will be scratched. Do NOT have them report to the starting line. Athletes who miss their race will not be placed in another heat.
Field Events: All field event competitors should check in at their event - NOT at the clerk of the course. Athletes will be given 4 attempts in the horizontal jumps. There will not be a final. Long and Triple Jumps will have an open pit with a set window of time for jumps to occur in. If an athlete fails to complete all four jumps in the allowed time we will not reopen the event. Throwers are allowed 4 throws each. There will not be a final. We will place markers and measure the best legal throw for all competitors.
Spikes: We are asking that athletes' spikes do not exceed inch. Please help us take care of our facility.
Buses: Please have buses drop off athletes at stadium or front of school. ALL BUSES must park behind the school. The entrance is at the light of Cirby Way and Parkview Drive.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a GREAT day for competition!
School Entry Fees
Teams have 2 options for payment.. Please enter through the large gate at the North East corner of the stadium for Team Entrance.
Use QR code prior to meet day OR at the gate. Online payment option
Teams should have their checks in hand to be paid as they arrive. Please make checks payable to Oakmont Track and Field Booster Club. Please write your school name on the memo line.
Entry fees for each classification will be:
Four (4) Divisions: $270
Three (3) Divisions: $225
Two (2) Divisions: $185
One (1) Division: $100 (8 or more athletes)
Relays: $15
Individuals: $10
Schools Competing:
Amador: $270
Bella Vista: $270
Casa Roble: $270
Center: $270
Christian Brothers: $270
Cordova: $235 (3 divisions + 1)
Cosumnes Oaks: $270
Del Campo: $200 - (2 divisions + 1 relay)
Del Oro: $270
El Camino (Sacramento): $270 PAID
Folsom: $270
Granite Bay: $270
Jesuit: $40 (4 athletes)
Laguna Creek: $215 (2 divisions + 3 athletes) PAID $185 (- $30)
Lincoln (L): $235 (3 divisions + 1)
McClatchy: $270
Mira Loma: $270
Nevada Union: $270
Oakmont: HOST
Orland: $40 (4 athletes)
Placer: $255 (3 divisions + 2)
Pleasant Grove: $270
Rio Americano: $100 (10 athletes)
Rocklin: $185
Rosemont: $270
Roseville: $270
Sacramento: $270
Sheldon: $270 PAID
St. Francis $60 (6 athletes)
Weed: $10 (1 athlete)
Woodcreek: $270
Thank you for choosing Glenn Poole Invitational. We look forward to hosting you on Saturday! Please see attached Heat sheets. They will also be provided in coach's packets.
Please email Coach Bohren at or Coach Enrico at with any questions or concerns.