Beaumont Middle School Invitational 2021

Beaumont, CA
Hosted by Beaumont (SS)
Timing/Results Finished Results

Athlete Entries

Boys 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yodites, Brady Dartmouth MS
Fobian, James Dartmouth MS
Johnson, Raef Dartmouth MS
Rood, Brandon Dartmouth MS
Lanier, Jed Dartmouth MS
Acuna, Javier San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Ponce Lopez, Arnold Dartmouth MS
Carr, Thomas Nicolet MS
Ruziska, Parker Dartmouth MS
Cardenas, Saul Dartmouth MS
Lemus Martinez, Adrian Dartmouth MS
Romero, Caleb San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Castillo, Mauricio Dartmouth MS
Gil, Benjamin Dartmouth MS
Lopez, Christian 6th Dartmouth MS
Zazueta, Steven Dartmouth MS
Miramontes, Aidan Dartmouth MS
Vazquez, James San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Rivas, Ethan Dartmouth MS
Yang, Andy Nicolet MS
Franks, Joey Dartmouth MS
Edwards, Case Dartmouth MS
Contreras Nunez, Roman Dartmouth MS
Conchas, Jaiden Dartmouth MS
Hulstrom, Jackson Dartmouth MS
Ramirez, Rudy Dartmouth MS
Alvarez, Matix Dartmouth MS
Rodriguez, Miguel Dartmouth MS
Acuna, Benjamin San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Rood, Cristopher Dartmouth MS
Aguilar, Ezeriah Dartmouth MS
Esparza, Rodolfo Dartmouth MS
Perez, Daniel Dartmouth MS
LaChappa, Jacoby Dartmouth MS
Phillips, Christopher Dartmouth MS
Villa, Eddie Dartmouth MS
Boe, Ayden Dartmouth MS
Romo, Johnny Dartmouth MS
PADILLA, Noah San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
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Girls 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Sophia Nicolet MS
Velasquez, Jazmia Dartmouth MS
Barrera, Ruby Dartmouth MS
Garcia, Hazel San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Diaz, Jaelynn Nicolet MS
Le Vezu, Camille Dartmouth MS
Graf, Alina Dartmouth MS
Lavoie, Angelina Nicolet MS
Urquidez, Reyna Nicolet MS
Schmidt, Mila Dartmouth MS
Segura, Alyssa Dartmouth MS
Turner, Jaidyn San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Yang, Anabelle Nicolet MS
Martin, Amyah Dartmouth MS
Lopez, Cailyn Dartmouth MS
Ortega, Sophia-Mavie San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Soriano, Nicelle Nicolet MS
Soria, Nerelly Dartmouth MS
Solis, Juliette Dartmouth MS
Loza, Gabriella Dartmouth MS
Yang, Alexia Nicolet MS
Stockinger, Anastasia Nicolet MS
Wadley, Isebella Dartmouth MS
Marroquin, Lindsey Dartmouth MS
ZHUKOV, Emma San Jacinto Valley Academy (SS)
Cassadas, Anndreya Nicolet MS
Early, Liliana Dartmouth MS
DePasse, Harlow Dartmouth MS
Duran, Mia Dartmouth MS
Chavez, Emily Nicolet MS
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