Western League Cluster #2 2017 vs Western League Cluster #2 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +103 259 156
Overall Average -40.84 21:08.97 21:49.81
1st-10th Place -2:09.60 16:29.70 18:39.30
1st-25th Place -2:02.84 17:01.16 19:04.00
1st-50th Place -1:54.18 17:42.32 19:36.50
1st-100th Place -1:52.34 18:41.28 20:33.62
Common Athletes -- -- 53
Ran Faster -23 15 38
Ran Season Best -3 4 7
Average Time +43.26 22:19.89 21:36.62
Median Time +32.00 21:49.00 21:17.00
Middle 80% Times +40.51 22:17.95 21:37.44
Top 10% Times +30.17 19:08.17 18:38.00
Top 25% Times +46.57 19:53.29 19:06.71
Top 50% Times +51.63 20:40.52 19:48.89
Bottom 50% Times +33.30 23:09.63 22:36.33
Bottom 25% Times +42.79 25:26.00 24:43.21
Bottom 10% Times +1:19.33 27:08.00 25:48.67
Average Difference +43.26 -- --
Median Difference +2:12.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +34.07 -- --
Top 10% Difference +33.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +47.26 -- --
Top 25% Difference +26.14 -- --
Top 50% Difference +47.26 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +42.56 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +59.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:44.83 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Austin Robbins Scripps Ranch (SD) -42.00 18:12.00 18:54.00
Peter Cresci Cathedral Catholic (SD) +1:57.00 20:14.00 18:17.00
Juan Cardenas Cathedral Catholic (SD) -4.00 18:22.00 18:26.00
Heriberto Zamacona University City (SD) +27.00 18:57.00 18:30.00
Nathan Knepple Canyon Hills (SD) +1:40.00 20:19.00 18:39.00
Chase Maisel La Jolla (SD) +2:26.00 21:28.00 19:02.00
Nick Aguilar Scripps Ranch (SD) +1:17.00 20:20.00 19:03.00
Amaree Berry Cathedral Catholic (SD) +2:30.00 21:34.00 19:04.00
Chris Laney Cathedral Catholic (SD) +3:09.00 22:34.00 19:25.00
Jaren Townsend Scripps Ranch (SD) + 19:30.00 19:30.00
Evan Adam Scripps Ranch (SD) +2:05.00 21:40.00 19:35.00
Kevin Villegas Scripps Ranch (SD) +50.00 20:29.00 19:39.00
Adam Jimenez Scripps Ranch (SD) +58.00 20:41.00 19:43.00
Cyrus Pourhosseini Cathedral Catholic (SD) +1:46.00 21:33.00 19:47.00
Chase O'farrell Scripps Ranch (SD) -42.00 19:51.00 20:33.00
Evan Newman University City (SD) -54.00 19:57.00 20:51.00
Benjamin Gomez La Jolla (SD) +2:12.00 22:09.00 19:57.00
Brandon Nguyen Scripps Ranch (SD) +48.00 20:51.00 20:03.00
Richard Chau La Jolla (SD) +3:20.00 23:28.00 20:08.00
Timothy Lieu University City (SD) -2:15.00 20:13.00 22:28.00
Andrew Obermiller Scripps Ranch (SD) +13.00 20:30.00 20:17.00
Cole Gorham Scripps Ranch (SD) +1:09.00 21:43.00 20:34.00
Gage Peckham Cathedral Catholic (SD) +1:17.00 21:53.00 20:36.00
Will Leonard Coronado (SD) +1:17.00 21:55.00 20:38.00
Max Coy La Jolla (SD) +18.00 21:00.00 20:42.00
Kevin Covarrubias Canyon Hills (SD) +17.00 21:04.00 20:47.00
Austin Kingston La Jolla (SD) +59.00 22:02.00 21:03.00
Garrett Blandford Cathedral Catholic (SD) +2:51.00 24:08.00 21:17.00
Leo Friedman La Jolla (SD) -30.00 21:20.00 21:50.00
Faris Bhuiya Scripps Ranch (SD) +1:16.00 22:39.00 21:23.00
Patrick Shannon La Jolla (SD) +1:11.00 22:38.00 21:27.00
Leonardo Pena Canyon Hills (SD) -41.00 21:28.00 22:09.00
Nick Chen Scripps Ranch (SD) -31.00 21:38.00 22:09.00
Yuto Onikubo Scripps Ranch (SD) +6.00 21:48.00 21:42.00
Daniel Dodero Canyon Hills (SD) -24.00 21:43.00 22:07.00
Austin Garrett Cathedral Catholic (SD) -1:46.00 21:49.00 23:35.00
Carter Cameron La Jolla (SD) +5:33.00 27:33.00 22:00.00
Gabriel Bernal Scripps Ranch (SD) -1:19.00 22:02.00 23:21.00
Sean Beifuss University City (SD) +1:07.00 23:14.00 22:07.00
Tahseen Hussain La Jolla (SD) -1:24.00 22:11.00 23:35.00
Jason Tu Scripps Ranch (SD) +57.00 23:08.00 22:11.00
Luke Beaton University City (SD) +1:29.00 24:12.00 22:43.00
Bradley Bjelland University City (SD) -2:07.00 22:51.00 24:58.00
Qusay Lateef University City (SD) -2:28.00 23:17.00 25:45.00
Mitchell Van Dyk Cathedral Catholic (SD) +28.00 24:07.00 23:39.00
Joseph Rizzo Cathedral Catholic (SD) +2:18.00 25:58.00 23:40.00
Aaron Goldberg La Jolla (SD) +33.00 24:23.00 23:50.00
Brady Fontenot Cathedral Catholic (SD) +20.00 24:55.00 24:35.00
Avi Raj-silverman La Jolla (SD) -1:24.00 24:46.00 26:10.00
Kathan Reddy La Jolla (SD) +1:23.00 26:57.00 25:34.00
Riley Radici Scripps Ranch (SD) +2:42.00 28:17.00 25:35.00
Tyler Dionne Cathedral Catholic (SD) +1:22.00 26:58.00 25:36.00
Cameron Reikes La Jolla (SD) +53.00 27:05.00 26:12.00