Perris Valley XC Showdown 2016

Moreno Valley, CA

Meet Information

SAT. OCTOBER 8th, 2016

Please join us for the second year of the Perris valley XC Showdown. We have changed the location of the course to Lake Perris SRA. The 3 mile true XC course is great preparation for the Mt. SAC invitational.

The race is hosted by Rancho Verde High School. The race is meant for small and medium schools and is intended to be a very inexpensive race that gives the classic XC invitational feel.

Teams are invited to enjoy the remainder of the day at Lake Perris SRA for biking, barbecuing, fishing, hiking, picnicking, and swimming.

Space is limited to 10 schools. Please RSVP with Coach Winter at to express interest in the run.


Saturday, October 8, 2016


Dash Timing - Please contact Jose Ramirez at if you are interested in having timing for your future events.

Dash Timing


Register online at or email your rosters in an excel spreadsheet to Coach Winter at .

Include on your roster the following information
Last Name > First Name > Gender > Grade > Race # > School
Example: Smith > John > M > 9 > 2 > Perris High School

Registration Costs:

Individual Runners are $10
Entrance into one race $20 (limited to ten entries per team, or seven if varsity)
Entrance for one gender into all three races for that gender is $50
Entrance into all 6 races is $100 for a full team.

The park charges $5 entry per vehicle for all spectators. They are required to park in lots 1 and 2.
Athletes traveling by bus or van with a team receive free entry. They are required to drop off athletes in the Sail Cove parking lot.
All coaches will receive passes to park for free in lots 1 and 2.
Spectators may park at Rancho Verde HS in the front parking lot for free and walk to the park. It is 1.5 miles from the schools parking lot to the starting line of the race.
Please make checks payable to:

RVHS Cross Country Booster

You may mail checks postmarked by September 28, 2016:

Rancho Verde High School
17750 Lasselle St
Moreno Valley, CA 92551
ATTN: Coach William Winter


Race setup will begin at 5 AM
Race check in is at 7 AM
First race is at 8:00 AM
Race 1) Frosh/Soph girls (limited to 10 entries per team) 8:00 AM
Race 2) Frosh/Soph boys (limited to 10 entries per team) 8:30 AM
Race 3) Junior/Senior Girls (limited to 10 entries per team) 9:00 AM
Race 4) Junior/Senior Boys (limited to 10 entries per team) 9:30 AM
Race 5) Varsity Girls (limited to 7) 10:00 AM
Race 6) Varsity Boys (limited to 7) 10:30 AM
Awards at 11:30 AM
Clean up and Closing begins at 1:00 PM

Medals handed out to top 20 runners in each race as they cross the finish.
Small trophies to the top three times overall by gender.
Small plaques to 1st Place Teams combined team time of 5 for each race.
Concession and Restroom:

Canyon Springs will be hosting a concession
Perris HS and Rancho Verde HS will be in charge of restrooms
Bring your own medical bag, tarp, canopy, ice, and water!

Additional Information:

Respect the park and all park staff. The park is not charging our school an additional use fee under the responsibility that we will manage our students and use of areas of the park. Parents are not allowed in for free to watch the race. We are not in charge of the entry fees to the park, nor will we be receiving a portion of that cost. All teams and spectators are expected to follow park and race organizer directions. Failure to respect the rules of the park will result in team disqualification.
Park wildlife are to be observed only. Remain a safe distance from all wildlife. Lake Perris SRA does have coyotes, deer, mountain lions, rattlesnakes, squirrels, and a variety of birds
Race Sponsor Information

Sponsors are invited to selected one of the five levels of sponsorship:

1) Presenting Sponsor ($200) Limited to 1 Organization
o Name and logo attached to all advertising for the event
o Link and Email to organization on all promotions for the event.
o A booth at the event. Items may be sold.
o Organization name on all water stations and timing booths
o Sponsorship announced through all school social media
o Opportunity to speak at the events closing award ceremony
o Opportunity to speak at the start of each race.

o Opportunity to Start the Run (a.k.a. fire the gun at one or all of the races)
o All timing printouts will have logo for the organization
o Opportunity to renew sponsorship at a reduced rate for future races.
o Logo at the finish line and start line
2) Pacer Sponsor ($100) Limited to 3 Organizations
o A booth at the event. Items may be sold.

o Name and logo attached to all advertising for the event
o Logo at the finish line and start line
o Opportunity to renew sponsorship at a reduced rate for future races.
3) Friend Sponsor ($50) Limited to 10 Organizations
o Name and logo attached to all advertising for the event
o A free booth at the event. Items may be sold.
4) Supporter Sponsor (Donations of water, food, or other items deemed appropriate for a race) unlimited
o A free booth at the event. No items may be sold.
5) Vendor Sponsor ($25) unlimited
o A booth at the event to sell merchandise and/or food.