Dan Gabor is an Amador Valley Track and Field’s folk hero. He was the man amongst boys who had it all, chanced throwing it all away, but always came out smelling like roses. Despite all of his questionable decisions and unpredictable behavior, Dan could do no wrong. With his determination to do things his own way and his determination to make it all work, he frustrated and amazed his coaches all at the same time. His crazy hairstyles and rebellious nature frequently pissed people off, but right or wrong, his blazing fast times prompted some level of forgiveness. But Dan Gabor was not an unpredictable jerk who used big his big talent to get away with things. Dan was a guy who was so talented that he got bored and out of boredom, he tried crazy things just to see if he could pull them off and most of the time, he could. Where his coaches were both frustrated and amazed by his actions, Dan’s peers were mostly just amazed and rightly so. Because beyond the Mohawk and skateboard, which is the image burned into the minds of those who knew him and remember him, and beyond the 1:50.71 800m time and subsequent state championship, was an athlete born to lead. Dan had the rare ability to do all the things that he did and somehow bring the whole team with him. Dan Gabor didn’t just win the state championship with the whole school watching, he made the entire school feel like they won the state championship. Everyone who knew Dan, and even some who didn’t were along for the ride and Dan wanted it that way. Those who experienced life with Dan Gabor experienced a blast of both confidence and courage, and just like all folk heroes, success in situations where success shouldn’t necessarily be expected.
Dan Gabor Invitational Meet Preview
Feb 28, 2014