Eagle Invitational 2025

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

Meet Information

Eagle Invite 2025

Dear Coaches,

We are excited to invite your teams to the SMCHS Eagles Invitational on February 22, 2025. We're expanding our registration options to accommodate more athletes:

  • 2 relays per division per gender
  • 10 entries for laned track events and jumping/vaulting events
  • 10 entries for distance and throwing events
  • Unlimited entries for Novice 1600

In addition, we will have Tacos and Co. available for purchase, along with a snack bar to keep athletes fueled throughout the day. Finished results will be automatic timing.

Please note that the cost for participation has been increased to $500 this year. You can bring a check on the day of the event.

Spikes will be for sale at the Clerk of the Course for $1 per shoe.

All throwing implements will be weighed prior to competition.

Surface: Installed in 2014 - BEYNON Synthetic BSS 1000 ML Full-Pour Blue Track Surface.

Running Events:

Field Events:

      • 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 100/110H & 300H: 10 entries per team per level for each of these events *note: Boys Frosh/Soph 110 hurdles will 36" (intermediate height)*
      • 1600m: 5 entries per team per level.
      • No 3200m - the 4x800 will be run instead.4 x 100m Relay 2 entry per team per level.
      • 4 x 400m Relay 2 entry per team per level
      • A 1 minute time limit will be in effect for all field events.
      • Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump: 10 entries per level. 4 Attempts for lower levels and varsity.
      • Shotput and Discus: 5 entries per level. We will combine the genders so all girls throw together and all boys throw together. Results will separate the divisions. 4 Attempts for lower levels and varsity.
      • LJ & TJ: Boys in the east pit, girls in the west pit. We will use an open pit but Varsity has priority on the runway.
      • Pole Vault: 10 entries per team, per gender, per level. Boys FS will start at 9:00am, Boys V to start at conclusion. Girls FS will start at 12:00pm, Girls V to start at conclusion.
      • Coaches and Athletes only on the infield. Coaches will have wristbands.

          Opening Heights:

          • High Jump Opening heights or a higher agreed upon height: G Var 4'06" | B Var 5'06" | G JV 4'02" | B JV & F/S 5'02"
          • Pole Vault 3 entries per level; Opening heights or a higher agreed upon height: G Var 7'00" | B Var 10'00" | G JV 6'06" | B JV 9'00" | B F/S 8'00"

          All the best,

          Coach Powers.