Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
General Meet Info: The Golden West Association is hosting the 2nd annual PR Invitational to be held on April 5th at Cordova HS in Rancho Cordova and will offer a full slate of track and field events.
Format: Our meet is designed to be a competitive opportunity for athletes who do not qualify for Stanford which is being held the same day. The uniqueness of this meet is that any athlete that sets a PR from their seed time will win a medal regardless of their place in their heat or overall standing.
Two divisions - Boys and Girls/Men Women - athletes will be placed in heats based on seed time.
Website: Check out our website PR Invite for more information
Open/Masters Entry Fees: $35.00 per athlete. Open/ Masters athletes MUST pay online before the entry deadline. All UNPAID ENTIRES WILL BE DELETED AFTER APRIL 1ST. NO MEET DAY PAYEMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED
High School Team/Individual Fees TO BE BROUGHT TO THE VENUE ON MEET DAY
For teams bringing 20 or more athletes: $175 per gender - $350 for both
For teams with fewer than 20 athletes: $140 per gender $280 for both
Individual athletes - please contact the meet director
Registration Deadline is April 1st at midnight
Please feel free to call/text or email me at if you have any questions.
916 202 7201