Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Visit ACE2TrackClub webpage for additional meet information.
Meet Information for 2025 Irvine InvitationalThe 45th Irvine/Asics Track and Field Invitational on March 7th and 8th, 2025 will feature a Friday and Saturday meet. The Friday meet is intended for smaller programs and Saturday for larger programs. $10 per entry, $30 per relay; $350 max per gender or $700 max for both genders.
- A maximum of 3 entries per event, per gender for all events. 1 entry for Relays
Frosh Soph Entries
- Max of 2 entries for the 100m, 200m and both hurdles.
- Max of 3 entries for all remaining events. 1 entry for Relays
Meet timing is provided by Finishedresults! Entry Deadline - March 2nd 10:00!
Confirmed team entries will be emailed on March 2nd along with the meet schedule.
- Friday, the first 4 places in individual events and top 2 relays will medal.
- Saturday, first 6 places in individual events and for the first 4 places in the relay events.
- All overall Varsity winners on Friday & Saturday will receive a custom Asics Backpack.
- Scoring will be for the first 8 places in each event. (CIF Format)
- Awards may be picked up from the ticketbooth at the end of the meet. Only Coaches will be allowed to pick them up.
- The meet management will give an "Athlete of the Meet" to a Male and Female for each day.
- Saturday, plaques are awarded to the top 3 teams on the Varsity Level. At the F/S level we will have plaques for the top 2 teams for boys and girls.
- Friday the top 2 teams at each level will receive a plaque.
Jumping and Throwing Events-
- F/S shot put, discus, Long Jump and Triple Jump each athlete will receive four (4) attempts.
- Varsity, shot put, discus, long and triple Jump each athlete will receive three (3) attempts. The top 9 competitors will receive an additional (3) attempts.
Starting heights in the High Jump and Pole Vault will be determined based on entries.
Order of Events-The Order of Events is online and will aid planning of entries. We run ahead of schedule whenever possible.
Admission-$10 for general admission, $5 for children under 13. CIF cards will be honored.
Athletes must be wearing their uniform for entry.
Concession Stand-We will have a full concession stand.Spikes-Spikes must be 3/16" or smaller. Additional spikes will be available for sale at the table near the entrance to the stadium.
T-Shirts will be available for sale for $20.
Meet Program-The meet program will be available the week of the event on and a QR Code will be posted to provide access as well.
Athletic Trainer-We will have several trainers on site and available for all athletes. The trainer will be set up on the infield toward the scoreboard side under a canopy. Make sure that you bring training supplies with you for your athletes.
Track Infield-Only those athletes that are participating may be on the infield or on the track area. Coaches and spectators are allowed in the shot-put area.
Pole vault coaches will be allowed in the pole vault area! Please monitor your athletes throughout the day.
Canopies-Canopies are allowed on both sides of the stadium and the grass area directly behind the scoreboard.