Lowell Invitational (aka San Francisco Invitational) 2023

San Francisco, CA

Meet Information

Dear Cross Country Coaches:

The 50th San Francisco Cross Country Invitational Meet will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at Speedway and Lindley Meadows, in Golden Gate Park. This will mark the 45th year that Lowell High School has sponsored this meet.  We would like to thank the San Francisco Recreation & Park Department for their support of this meet.

There will be three divisions for girls (Frosh/Soph, Non-Varsity and Varsity) and four divisions for boys (Freshmen, Sophomore, Non-Varsity and Varsity). We will again be finishing all races in Hellman Hollow (aka Speedway Meadow). The distance is approximately 2.78 miles for Varsity & Non-Varsity races and 2.03 miles for Frosh/Soph races. Most of the course follows the same trails that we have been running since 1993 (maps enclosed). The number of races and distances may change based on the number of teams attending and other unforeseen circumstances. We welcome all teams regardless of size or experience.

We will use MileSplitCA to collect entries.  Every school that has responded to one of the two July emails will be added to the meet site on MileSplitCA by August 2.

If you did not response to the July email, contact Meet Director Andy Leong at "coachaleong@hotmail.com" with the following information: 1) Name of school. 2) Day/Night phone #. 3)Tentative number of runners per division that you think you will have. I will determine if I can fit your school into the meet approximately 24 hours after receipt of your email.

Go to https://ca.milesplit.comto enter names and submit entries. Instructions on how to submit names are enclosed. Designate your names to a division but know that my goal is to collect names from schools with gender and grade levels. Should a runner you put into one division needs to change to another division, you can do this without seeing the computer operator as the runner will be recorded as he/she crosses the finish line. The deadline to submit will be 1:00 PM on Sunday September 4, 2023. Race day entries will be at the discretion of the computer operator, and there will be a $5 per name charge in addition to the regular fees.

A Varsity team must be entered first before a Non-Varsity team can be entered. Teams will be subject to disqualification if they have faster runners on their Non-Varsity teams. Only seven runners can be entered in the Varsity divisions, and we may need to cap the number of runners per race.

Thirteen Race Schedule

SCHEDULE         TIME        #Team Awards        # Inv. Awards

Walk Course     8:00-8:45 AM (maps provided)

Frosh Boys 1     9:00 AM             2                                 12

Frosh Boys 2      9:25 AM            2                                 12

F/S Girls 1           9:50 AM          2                                  12

F/S Girls 2          10:15 AM        2                                  12

Soph Boys 1        10:40AM        2                                  12

Soph Boys 2        11:05 AM       2                                  12

Non-Var. Boys 1    11:30 AM      2                                   9

Non-Var. Boys 2    11:55 AM      2                                   9

Non-Var. Girls       12:30 PM      2                                 12

Var. Girls 1          1:00 PM          3                                 20

Var. Girls 2        1:30 PM            3                                 20

Var. Boys 1        2:00 PM                                           20

Var. Boys 2        2:30 PM           3                                  20

Meet management reserves the right to combine races if the numbers do not support having 13 races. Race assignments will be out by Friday September 8.

There will be seven medals for each winning team. Individual awards are given to members of non-winning teams with no more than seven individual medals going to members of the same team. Please note that the Non-Varsity Boys will be before the Non-Varsity Girls race.  There are no changing facilities so please come dressed to run.

We plan on having souvenir tee shirts for sale again this year.

Fee Schedule

Entry fees (based on names submitted) will be $15.00 per name.  Each school will also be charged a $25.00 facility fee.  The maximum fee a school will pay will be based on the number of names that they are entering.  Below is the maximum fee schedule:

Number of Names    Maximum Fee

1 - 30                         $370.00

31 - 40                       $385.00

41 - 50                       $400.00

51 - 60                       $415.00

61 - 70                       $430.00

71 - 80                       $445.00

81 - 90                      $460.00

91 - 100                    $475.00

101-110                   $490.00

111-120                   $505.00

121+                        $520.00

Checks should be made out to "Lowell High School Track Team". 

On top of your entry fees above, teams traveling by bus and wishing to park near the meet must pay $10/per bus to park in the lot on the Great Highway. Buses will not be allowed to park in Golden Gate Park.

You may mail your entry fee to the following address:

Lowell High School

Andy Leong, Track Coach

1101Eucalyptus Drive

San Francisco, Ca. 94132

All entry fees should be received by the day of the meetCoaches whose school has a history of late payment will be asked to leave a personal check or their school will not be allowed to run. A late fee of $45 will be charged if payment is not received by September 24. If you have questions, please e-mail me at coachaleong@hotmail.com.


Please obey all traffic rules. Park rangers will be on site and will be enforcing all traffic laws.

A drop off zone will be created on Kennedy Drive between the opening of Marx Meadow and Hellman Hallow (Speedway Meadow). There will be no parking in this area.

Bus parking will be available on the Great Highway at the west end of the park. A map is part of the file that was sent to each coach. There will be a $10/charge per bus.

Absolutely no vehicles are to be in Hellman Hallow (Speedway Meadow) including the bike path. Violation

of this rule could jeopardize your school's participation in the meet.

No personal BBQs that require charcoal; only propane.

Permission must be requested from the meet director if you wish to use a generator before August 15. We will request permission with Rec & Park.  If permission is granted, the generator must sit on plywood.


Andy Leong

Cross Country &Track Coach/Meet Director