Almont League Finals 2023

Bell Gardens, CA

Almont League Finals

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                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/28/2023 11:01 PM
          2023 Almont League Prelim & Finals - 4/25/2023 to 4/28/2023          
                    Prelims @ 3:15 p.m., Finals @ 3:15 p.m.                    
                           Bell Gardens High School                            
Event 1  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Montebello (Ss)  'A'                                  55.51  
     1) #598 Mcdonald, Anaya 10         2) #621 Ramirez, Angelica 9       
     3) #592 Marquez, Sophia 10         4) #559 Franco, Rebecca 10        
  2 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                      56.05  
     1) #955 Van, Aubree 10             2) #894 Martin, Jayde 10          
     3) #815 Alvarez, Katherine 9       4) #869 Hernandez, Yaretzi 10     
  3 Mark Keppel (Ss)  'A'                                 56.19  
     1) #409 Kakita, Kalani 9           2) #362 Barbara, Camile 10        
     3) #416 Lee, Charlotte 9           4) #428 Liu, Kelly 10             
  4 Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                    57.10  
     1) #140 Guerrero, Caryse 10        2) #135 Gomez, Leia 9             
     3) #166 Liang, Julia 9             4) #160 Kennard, Rihanna 9        
  5 Bell Gardens (Ss)  'A'                                58.25  
     1) #275 Garcia, Joselyn 10         2) #277 Garcia, Nathaly 10        
     3) #335 Romero, Alexa 10           4) #267 Duarte, Alana 10          
Event 2  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Montebello (Ss)  'A'                                  47.55  
     1) #597 McDonald, Alijah 9         2) #519 Amloyan, Michael 9        
     3) #607 Mirelez, Francisco 9       4) #582 Jimenez, Louis 10         
  2 Mark Keppel (Ss)  'A'                                 47.84  
     1) #358 Amaro, Ethan 9             2) #375 Chung, Nathan 9           
     3) #442 Mejia, Benjamin 10         4) #482 Ward, Amado 10            
  3 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                      48.87  
     1) #882 Lam, Conner 10             2) #849 Felix, Enrique 10         
     3) #930 Rodriguez, Bryan 10        4) #845 Estrada, Robert 10        
  4 Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                    49.21  
     1) #132 Garcia, Tristan 9          2) #186 Mina, Christian 10        
     3) #131 Gandarilla, Matthew 9      4) #225 Vuong, Nathan 9           
  5 Bell Gardens (Ss)  'A'                                49.81  
     1) #314 Nieves, Rogelio 10         2) #249 Allen, Sean 10            
     3) #298 Llamas, Luis 10            4) #284 Gutierrez, Geraldo 10     
Event 3  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                      52.04  
     1) #927 Reyes, Dayra 12            2) #867 Gutierrez, Olivia 12      
     3) #945 Terijimanian, Lori 11      4) #944 Soto, Jasmine 12          
  2 San Gabriel (Ss)  'A'                                 52.84  
     1) #674 Cai-Wu, Laura 12           2) #694 Du, Kelly (Nhu) 11        
     3) #758 Perez, Itzel 10            4) #753 Oetomo, Josephine 11      
  3 Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                    56.15  
     1) #165 Liang, Annie 11            2) #194 Nguyen, Genne 10          
     3) #190 Monterroza, Adalie 11      4) #143 Gutierrez, Krystal 10     
Event 4  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Montebello (Ss)  'A'                                  44.92  
     1) #565 Garcia, Ray 12             2) #616 Patel, Anthony 12         
     3) #567 Godoy, Elias 11            4) #617 Patel, Nikesh 11          
  2 Mark Keppel (Ss)  'A'                                 46.47  
     1) #502 Yu, Tymon 12               2) #497 Yang, Elvin 11            
     3) #433 Luevano, Jacob 12          4) #429 Liu, William 11           
  3 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                      46.95  
     1) #895 Mchtchian, Sam 12          2) #868 Hernandez, Demetrius 11   
     3) #886 Lopez, Daniel 12           4) #848 Fabros, Anthony 11        
  4 Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                    48.01  
     1) #202 Ragland, Threylon 12       2) #159 Kelly, Brandon 11         
     3) #247 Zhao, Jacky 12             4) #197 Palacios, Josiah 12       
  5 San Gabriel (Ss)  'A'                                 49.95  
     1) #768 Raygoza, Joshua 11         2) #739 Ly, Ryan 11               
     3) #796 Vo, Dylan 12               4) #707 Gutierrez, Nathan 11      
Event 5  Girls 1600 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  814 Alvarez, Geniah    10 Schurr (Ss)            6:24.64Q  2 
  2 #  523 Argott, Amelia     10 Montebello (           6:24.80Q  1 
  3 #  169 Lim, Michelle      10 Alhambra (Ss           6:28.57Q  1 
  4 #  573 Hernandez, Jaslin  10 Montebello (           6:29.84Q  2 
  5 #  908 Munoz, Isabella     9 Schurr (Ss)            6:39.86q  1 
  6 #  556 Estevez, Marelly    9 Montebello (           6:43.87q  2 
  7 #  747 Montero, Kimberly   9 San Gabriel            6:44.64q  1 
  8 #  317 Ornelas, Danica    10 Bell Gardens           6:47.08q  2 
  9 #  348 Toro, Alexis        9 Bell Gardens           6:48.21q  1 
 10 #  276 Garcia, Nathalie   10 Bell Gardens           6:51.29q  1 
 11 #  120 Chavez, Nuria      10 Alhambra (Ss           6:52.31q  1 
 12 #  744 Melgar, Zoreimy    12 San Gabriel            6:53.92q  2 
 13 #  149 Hom, Malia          9 Alhambra (Ss           6:58.45   1 
 14 #  842 Escamilla, Noemy    9 Schurr (Ss)            7:00.08   2 
 15 #  736 Lopez, Isabella    10 San Gabriel            7:26.55   2 
 16 #  583 Joselin, Aranda    10 Montebello (           7:27.31   2 
 17 #  510 Zhou, Zishou        9 Mark Keppel            7:31.39   2 
 18 #  941 Sanchez, Denise    10 Schurr (Ss)            7:35.51   1 
 19 #  720 Jimenez, Melissa    9 San Gabriel            7:52.95   2 
Event 5  Girls 1600 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  523 Argott, Amelia     10 Montebello (           6:09.07  
  2 #  573 Hernandez, Jaslin  10 Montebello (           6:11.37  
  3 #  814 Alvarez, Geniah    10 Schurr (Ss)            6:13.11  
  4 #  169 Lim, Michelle      10 Alhambra (Ss           6:15.10  
  5 #  908 Munoz, Isabella     9 Schurr (Ss)            6:34.55  
  6 #  556 Estevez, Marelly    9 Montebello (           6:41.22  
  7 #  317 Ornelas, Danica    10 Bell Gardens           6:41.36  
  8 #  276 Garcia, Nathalie   10 Bell Gardens           6:45.33  
  9 #  744 Melgar, Zoreimy    12 San Gabriel            6:46.04  
 10 #  348 Toro, Alexis        9 Bell Gardens           6:49.73  
Event 6  Boys 1600 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  931 Rodriguez, Diego   10 Schurr (Ss)            5:07.82Q  1 
  2 #  104 Araya, Daniel       9 Alhambra (Ss           5:15.88Q  2 
  3 #  661 Villeraldo, Sergi   9 Montebello (           5:08.48Q  1 
  4 #  504 Yung, Ethan        10 Mark Keppel            5:17.72Q  2 
  5 #  368 Chang, Kyle        10 Mark Keppel            5:15.03q  1 
  6 #  934 Rodriguez, Jose     9 Schurr (Ss)            5:19.42q  2 
  7 #  906 Munoz, Ethan        9 Schurr (Ss)            5:24.55q  2 
  8 #  726 Lei, Conner        10 San Gabriel            5:28.62q  1 
  9 #  669 Askew, Liam         9 San Gabriel            5:34.74q  1 
 10 #  330 Rivera, Luis       10 Bell Gardens           5:35.63q  1 
 11 #  767 Ramirez Lopez, Ch   9 San Gabriel            5:35.79q  1 
 12 #  618 Pena, Kevin         9 Montebello (           5:42.32q  2 
 13 #  471 Teo, James         10 Mark Keppel            5:44.32q  1 
 14 #  566 Garcia, Sebastian   9 Montebello (           5:45.36   2 
 15 #  242 Yu, Jonathan       10 Alhambra (Ss           5:51.04   2 
 16 #  195 Nguyen, Henry      10 Alhambra (Ss           5:54.87   1 
 17 #  673 Bravo, Evan        10 San Gabriel            6:15.03   2 
 18 #  586 Lopez, Matthew      9 Montebello (           6:22.03   2 
 19 #  315 Notario, Josue      9 Bell Gardens           6:23.09   1 
 20 #  326 Prieto, Brandon     9 Bell Gardens           6:27.03   2 
 21 #  417 Lee, Derek         10 Mark Keppel            6:30.73   1 
Event 6  Boys 1600 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  931 Rodriguez, Diego   10 Schurr (Ss)            4:59.01  
  2 #  104 Araya, Daniel       9 Alhambra (Ss           5:02.02  
  3 #  661 Villeraldo, Sergi   9 Montebello (           5:03.61  
  4 #  934 Rodriguez, Jose     9 Schurr (Ss)            5:06.81  
  5 #  368 Chang, Kyle        10 Mark Keppel            5:07.28  
  6 #  906 Munoz, Ethan        9 Schurr (Ss)            5:21.23  
  7 #  618 Pena, Kevin         9 Montebello (           5:24.87  
  8 #  726 Lei, Conner        10 San Gabriel            5:26.85  
  9 #  330 Rivera, Luis       10 Bell Gardens           5:26.93  
 10 #  669 Askew, Liam         9 San Gabriel            5:37.36  
 -- #  504 Yung, Ethan        10 Mark Keppel                 DQ   Outside of Lane
Event 7  Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  817 Arnold, Yadira     12 Schurr (Ss)            5:51.83Q  2 
  2 #  372 Chin, Yi-Jen (Jol  11 Mark Keppel            5:52.67Q  1 
  3 #  550 Diaz, Carol        12 Montebello (           5:55.88Q  2 
  4 #  212 Sanchez, Alondra   11 Alhambra (Ss           6:17.90Q  1 
  5 #  413 Kwan, Jasmine      12 Mark Keppel            5:59.21q  2 
  6 #  889 Lopez, Theresa     12 Schurr (Ss)            6:23.04q  2 
  7 #  846 Evangelista, Jazm  12 Schurr (Ss)            6:23.36q  1 
  8 #  899 Mia, Buckhorn      12 Schurr (Ss)            6:24.92q  1 
  9 #  658 Villanueva, Candy  11 Montebello (           6:25.98q  2 
 10 #  697 Ealba, Haley       11 San Gabriel            6:27.79q  1 
 11 #  765 Pinedo, Johanna    11 San Gabriel            6:30.54q  2 
 12 #  585 Lima, Zitlalic     11 Montebello (           6:41.22q  1 
 13 #  367 Castellanos, Gali  12 Mark Keppel            6:50.78q  2 
 14 #  183 Maya, Sara         12 Alhambra (Ss           7:02.54   2 
 15 #  208 Rivas, Shellsea    11 Alhambra (Ss           7:24.89   1 
 16 #  412 Kim, Kyra          11 Mark Keppel            7:27.59   1 
Event 7  Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  817 Arnold, Yadira     12 Schurr (Ss)            5:41.14  
  2 #  372 Chin, Yi-Jen (Jol  11 Mark Keppel            5:45.69  
  3 #  550 Diaz, Carol        12 Montebello (           5:53.37  
  4 #  413 Kwan, Jasmine      12 Mark Keppel            5:58.47  
  5 #  899 Mia, Buckhorn      12 Schurr (Ss)            6:17.24  
  6 #  889 Lopez, Theresa     12 Schurr (Ss)            6:22.75  
  7 #  846 Evangelista, Jazm  12 Schurr (Ss)            6:24.38  
  8 #  658 Villanueva, Candy  11 Montebello (           6:24.42  
  9 #  697 Ealba, Haley       11 San Gabriel            6:25.80  
 10 #  585 Lima, Zitlalic     11 Montebello (           6:39.21  
 11 #  765 Pinedo, Johanna    11 San Gabriel            6:40.71  
 -- #  212 Sanchez, Alondra   11 Alhambra (Ss                DQ   Lane Infringement
Event 8  Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  645 Tapia, Yeryk       12 Montebello (           4:53.08Q  2 
  2 #  574 Hernandez, Saul    12 Montebello (           4:57.01Q  1 
  3 #  554 Dominguez, Yair    11 Montebello (           4:56.76Q  2 
  4 #  514 Aguilar, David     10 Montebello (           5:02.94Q  1 
  5 #  863 Gonzalez, Daniel   11 Schurr (Ss)            5:12.07q  2 
  6 #  923 Quan, Brendan      12 Schurr (Ss)            5:19.14q  2 
  7 #  187 Mojarro, Rod       11 Alhambra (Ss           5:20.07q  2 
  8 #  739 Ly, Ryan           11 San Gabriel            5:21.37q  2 
  9 #  264 Cortes, Adrian     11 Bell Gardens           5:21.90q  1 
 10 #  904 Munoz, Antonio     12 Schurr (Ss)            5:32.27q  2 
 11 #  312 Murillo, Andres    11 Bell Gardens           5:33.69q  1 
 12 #  932 Rodriguez, Emanol  11 Schurr (Ss)            5:36.31q  1 
 13 #  453 Oya, Yosuke        12 Mark Keppel            5:37.57   1 
 14 #  354 Aguilar, Damian    11 Mark Keppel            5:38.88   2 
 15 #  359 Arias, Saul        12 Mark Keppel            5:42.73   1 
 16 #  759 Pham, Brandon      11 San Gabriel            5:57.29   1 
 17 #  178 Madrigal Perez, J  11 Alhambra (Ss           6:13.38   2 
 18 #  677 Carbajal, Jayden   11 San Gabriel            6:38.53   2 
 19 #  449 Nguyen, Shawn      12 Mark Keppel            7:13.80   2 
Event 8  Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  645 Tapia, Yeryk       12 Montebello (           4:44.73  
  2 #  554 Dominguez, Yair    11 Montebello (           4:45.28  
  3 #  574 Hernandez, Saul    12 Montebello (           4:51.28  
  4 #  514 Aguilar, David     10 Montebello (           4:52.41  
  5 #  863 Gonzalez, Daniel   11 Schurr (Ss)            4:55.27  
  6 #  923 Quan, Brendan      12 Schurr (Ss)            5:14.55  
  7 #  264 Cortes, Adrian     11 Bell Gardens           5:16.12  
  8 #  187 Mojarro, Rod       11 Alhambra (Ss           5:17.22  
  9 #  312 Murillo, Andres    11 Bell Gardens           5:18.02  
 10 #  739 Ly, Ryan           11 San Gabriel            5:19.98  
 11 #  904 Munoz, Antonio     12 Schurr (Ss)            5:26.82  
Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  409 Kakita, Kalani      9 Mark Keppel              17.54Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  396 Hernandez, Emiko   10 Mark Keppel              19.63Q  NWI  2 
  3 #  840 Enciso, Jessica    10 Schurr (Ss)              19.77q  NWI  1 
  4 #  902 Morales, Arlene    10 Schurr (Ss)              20.13q  NWI  1 
  5 #  798 Vuong, Allyson     10 San Gabriel              20.21q  NWI  1 
  6 #  459 Poon, Debbie       10 Mark Keppel              20.44q  NWI  2 
  7 #  493 Xue, Jessica       10 Mark Keppel              20.82q  NWI  2 
  8 #  596 Martinez, Ruby      9 Montebello (             22.60q  NWI  2 
  9 #  277 Garcia, Nathaly    10 Bell Gardens             22.76q  NWI  1 
 10 #  657 Verra, Anna         9 Montebello (             24.38   NWI  1 
Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  409 Kakita, Kalani      9 Mark Keppel              17.83   NWI 
  2 #  840 Enciso, Jessica    10 Schurr (Ss)              18.89   NWI 
  3 #  396 Hernandez, Emiko   10 Mark Keppel              19.11   NWI 
  4 #  902 Morales, Arlene    10 Schurr (Ss)              19.75   NWI 
  5 #  459 Poon, Debbie       10 Mark Keppel              19.93   NWI 
  6 #  798 Vuong, Allyson     10 San Gabriel              20.28   NWI 
  7 #  493 Xue, Jessica       10 Mark Keppel              20.48   NWI 
  8 #  277 Garcia, Nathaly    10 Bell Gardens             26.14   NWI 
Event 10  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind
  1 #  753 Oetomo, Josephine  11 San Gabriel              17.16Q  NWI 
  2 #  920 Perez, Perla       12 Schurr (Ss)              18.41q  NWI 
  3 #  327 Rafaela, Itza      12 Bell Gardens             19.05q  NWI 
  4 #  821 Ayala, Ariana      11 Schurr (Ss)              19.47q  NWI 
  5 #  864 Gonzalez, Delilah  11 Schurr (Ss)              20.26q  NWI 
  6 #  903 Moreno, Miranda    11 Schurr (Ss)              21.00q  NWI 
  7 #  412 Kim, Kyra          11 Mark Keppel              25.61q  NWI 
Event 10  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  753 Oetomo, Josephine  11 San Gabriel              17.16   NWI 
  2 #  920 Perez, Perla       12 Schurr (Ss)              18.43   NWI 
  3 #  327 Rafaela, Itza      12 Bell Gardens             19.76   NWI 
  4 #  903 Moreno, Miranda    11 Schurr (Ss)              19.78   NWI 
  5 #  864 Gonzalez, Delilah  11 Schurr (Ss)              20.05   NWI 
  6 #  821 Ayala, Ariana      11 Schurr (Ss)              20.90   NWI 
  7 #  412 Kim, Kyra          11 Mark Keppel              22.87   NWI 
Event 11  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  228 Wang, Jeffrey      10 Alhambra (Ss             19.02Q  NWI  1 
  1 #  430 Lo, Michael Josep  10 Mark Keppel              19.02Q  NWI  1 
  3 #  353 Zapata, Alejandro  10 Bell Gardens             19.11Q  NWI  2 
  4 #  474 Trinh, Nathan      10 Mark Keppel              19.21q  NWI  2 
  5 #  580 Isidoro, Samuel    10 Montebello (             19.41q  NWI  1 
  6 #  363 Be, Tony           10 Mark Keppel              19.94q  NWI  2 
  7 #  631 Roessger, Ashton   10 Montebello (             20.13q  NWI  2 
  8 #  505 Zhang, Jay          9 Mark Keppel              20.32q  NWI  1 
  9 #  230 Winslow, Landon    10 Alhambra (Ss             20.36q  NWI  1 
 10 #  704 Gomez Acevedo, Ch  10 San Gabriel              20.39   NWI  2 
 11 #  845 Estrada, Robert    10 Schurr (Ss)              20.90   NWI  1 
 12 #  610 Morales, Freddy    10 Montebello (             21.09   NWI  2 
 13 #  545 Cortez, Matthew    10 Montebello (             22.08   NWI  1 
 14 #  912 Nguyen, Harrison   10 Schurr (Ss)              23.32   NWI  2 
 15 #  274 Funez, Josua        9 Bell Gardens             24.06   NWI  2 
Event 11  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  353 Zapata, Alejandro  10 Bell Gardens             18.41   NWI 
  2 #  228 Wang, Jeffrey      10 Alhambra (Ss             18.67   NWI 
  3 #  474 Trinh, Nathan      10 Mark Keppel              19.06   NWI 
  4 #  430 Lo, Michael Josep  10 Mark Keppel              19.13   NWI 
  5 #  580 Isidoro, Samuel    10 Montebello (             19.15   NWI 
  6 #  363 Be, Tony           10 Mark Keppel              19.45   NWI 
  7 #  505 Zhang, Jay          9 Mark Keppel              20.08   NWI 
  8 #  631 Roessger, Ashton   10 Montebello (             22.01   NWI 
Event 12  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  749 Moran, Nathan      11 San Gabriel              15.85Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  827 Chavez, Diego      12 Schurr (Ss)              16.99Q  NWI  2 
  3 #  197 Palacios, Josiah   12 Alhambra (Ss             19.09q  NWI  1 
  4 #  502 Yu, Tymon          12 Mark Keppel              19.18q  NWI  2 
  5 #  885 Lopez, Angel       12 Schurr (Ss)              19.32q  NWI  1 
  6 #  636 Santaanna, Nicola  11 Montebello (             19.37q  NWI  2 
  7 #  949 Torres, Leonel     12 Schurr (Ss)              20.37q  NWI  2 
  8 #  247 Zhao, Jacky        12 Alhambra (Ss             20.72q  NWI  1 
  9 #  507 Zhou, Larry        12 Mark Keppel              21.75q  NWI  2 
Event 12  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  749 Moran, Nathan      11 San Gabriel              15.71   NWI 
  2 #  827 Chavez, Diego      12 Schurr (Ss)              16.61   NWI 
  3 #  502 Yu, Tymon          12 Mark Keppel              17.85   NWI 
  4 #  197 Palacios, Josiah   12 Alhambra (Ss             18.09   NWI 
  5 #  885 Lopez, Angel       12 Schurr (Ss)              19.32   NWI 
  6 #  247 Zhao, Jacky        12 Alhambra (Ss             20.80   NWI 
Event 13  Girls 400 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
  1 #  160 Kennard, Rihanna    9 Alhambra (Ss           1:05.62Q 
  2 #  203 Rakin, Keiko        9 Alhambra (Ss           1:08.24q 
  3 #  815 Alvarez, Katherin   9 Schurr (Ss)            1:10.81q 
  4 #  894 Martin, Jayde      10 Schurr (Ss)            1:11.76q 
  5 #  263 Carrillo, Genesis  10 Bell Gardens           1:14.34q 
  6 #  592 Marquez, Sophia    10 Montebello (           1:22.00q 
  7 #  301 Marquez, Abril     10 Bell Gardens           1:26.00q 
  8 #  747 Montero, Kimberly   9 San Gabriel            1:26.01q 
  9 #  761 Pham, Kelly         9 San Gabriel            1:26.02q 
Event 13  Girls 400 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  160 Kennard, Rihanna    9 Alhambra (Ss           1:05.75  
  2 #  203 Rakin, Keiko        9 Alhambra (Ss           1:07.88  
  3 #  815 Alvarez, Katherin   9 Schurr (Ss)            1:08.99  
  4 #  894 Martin, Jayde      10 Schurr (Ss)            1:10.10  
  5 #  592 Marquez, Sophia    10 Montebello (           1:11.18  
  6 #  263 Carrillo, Genesis  10 Bell Gardens           1:14.00  
  7 #  761 Pham, Kelly         9 San Gabriel            1:22.76  
  8 #  301 Marquez, Abril     10 Bell Gardens           1:26.02  
Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  582 Jimenez, Louis     10 Montebello (             57.38Q  2 
  2 #  481 Wang, Carson       10 Mark Keppel              57.77Q  1 
  3 #  298 Llamas, Luis       10 Bell Gardens             58.37q  2 
  4 #  186 Mina, Christian    10 Alhambra (Ss             58.78q  1 
  5 #  132 Garcia, Tristan     9 Alhambra (Ss             58.84q  2 
  6 #  452 Ohashi, Kyle        9 Mark Keppel              59.71q  1 
  7 #  575 Hernandez, Steven  10 Montebello (           1:00.02q  2 
  8 #  329 Reyes, Jonathan     9 Bell Gardens           1:00.53q  1 
  9 #  860 Garza, Leonardo    10 Schurr (Ss)            1:00.74q  1 
 10 #  374 Chu, Jayden        10 Mark Keppel            1:01.28   2 
 11 #  410 Kakita, Kent        9 Mark Keppel            1:04.28   2 
 12 #  730 Li, Nathan          9 San Gabriel            1:04.43   2 
 13 #  712 Hu, Jinzan         10 San Gabriel            1:04.74   1 
Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  481 Wang, Carson       10 Mark Keppel              56.40  
  2 #  298 Llamas, Luis       10 Bell Gardens             57.50  
  3 #  582 Jimenez, Louis     10 Montebello (             57.51  
  4 #  186 Mina, Christian    10 Alhambra (Ss             57.79  
  5 #  132 Garcia, Tristan     9 Alhambra (Ss             57.95  
  6 #  452 Ohashi, Kyle        9 Mark Keppel              58.80  
  7 #  575 Hernandez, Steven  10 Montebello (             59.07  
  8 #  329 Reyes, Jonathan     9 Bell Gardens             59.15  
  9 #  860 Garza, Leonardo    10 Schurr (Ss)            1:01.73  
Event 15  Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  867 Gutierrez, Olivia  12 Schurr (Ss)            1:01.45Q  1 
  2 #  143 Gutierrez, Krysta  10 Alhambra (Ss           1:06.84Q  2 
  3 #  472 Thai, Callie       12 Mark Keppel            1:06.90q  1 
  4 #  758 Perez, Itzel       10 San Gabriel            1:08.18q  2 
  5 #  825 Buckhorn, Sydney   12 Schurr (Ss)            1:08.35q  1 
  6 #  406 Jones, Breasia     11 Mark Keppel            1:10.03q  2 
  7 #  114 Cam, Kiara         11 Alhambra (Ss           1:13.20q  1 
  8 #  468 Shahin, Samantha   12 Mark Keppel            1:13.84q  2 
  9 #  367 Castellanos, Gali  12 Mark Keppel            1:20.10q  1 
Event 15  Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  867 Gutierrez, Olivia  12 Schurr (Ss)            1:01.55  
  2 #  472 Thai, Callie       12 Mark Keppel            1:04.44  
  3 #  143 Gutierrez, Krysta  10 Alhambra (Ss           1:04.91  
  4 #  406 Jones, Breasia     11 Mark Keppel            1:07.42  
  5 #  825 Buckhorn, Sydney   12 Schurr (Ss)            1:07.71  
  6 #  758 Perez, Itzel       10 San Gabriel            1:08.15  
  7 #  468 Shahin, Samantha   12 Mark Keppel            1:12.77  
  8 #  114 Cam, Kiara         11 Alhambra (Ss           1:12.90  
  9 #  367 Castellanos, Gali  12 Mark Keppel            1:19.31  
Event 16  Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  868 Hernandez, Demetr  11 Schurr (Ss)              53.66Q  3 
  2 #  565 Garcia, Ray        12 Montebello (             54.34Q  1 
  3 #  422 Lieu, Dennis       12 Mark Keppel              56.10Q  2 
  4 #  296 Lara, Christopher  12 Bell Gardens             58.15q  3 
  5 #  355 Alcala, David      12 Mark Keppel              58.36q  2 
  6 #  819 Aviles, Joshua     11 Schurr (Ss)              58.52q  1 
  7 #  633 Roman, Alejandro   12 Montebello (             58.77q  3 
  8 #  757 Perez, Antonio     12 San Gabriel              58.83q  2 
  8 #  664 Zapien, Hernan     12 Montebello (             58.83q  1 
 10 #  880 Korr, Joshua       12 Schurr (Ss)              59.05   2 
 11 #  886 Lopez, Daniel      12 Schurr (Ss)              59.41   1 
 12 #  202 Ragland, Threylon  12 Alhambra (Ss           1:00.47   3 
 13 #  454 Pan, Lucas         11 Mark Keppel            1:01.33   1 
 14 #  809 Zhou, Yongfu       11 San Gabriel            1:02.24   2 
 15 #  127 Espinoza, Armando  11 Alhambra (Ss           1:04.15   2 
 16 #  491 Xu, Derrick        12 Mark Keppel            1:04.57   3 
Event 16  Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  868 Hernandez, Demetr  11 Schurr (Ss)              52.47  
  2 #  565 Garcia, Ray        12 Montebello (             53.32  
  3 #  422 Lieu, Dennis       12 Mark Keppel              54.05  
  4 #  296 Lara, Christopher  12 Bell Gardens             56.39  
  5 #  355 Alcala, David      12 Mark Keppel              56.43  
  6 #  633 Roman, Alejandro   12 Montebello (             57.29  
  7 #  819 Aviles, Joshua     11 Schurr (Ss)              57.77  
  8 #  757 Perez, Antonio     12 San Gabriel              58.45  
  9 #  664 Zapien, Hernan     12 Montebello (             59.66  
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  559 Franco, Rebecca    10 Montebello (             13.82Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  409 Kakita, Kalani      9 Mark Keppel              13.95Q  NWI  2 
  3 #  869 Hernandez, Yaretz  10 Schurr (Ss)              14.13Q  NWI  3 
  4 #  598 Mcdonald, Anaya    10 Montebello (             14.13q  NWI  1 
  4 #  428 Liu, Kelly         10 Mark Keppel              14.13q  NWI  1 
  6 #  621 Ramirez, Angelica   9 Montebello (             14.31q  NWI  3 
  7 #  783 Tat, Jackie        10 San Gabriel              14.38q  NWI  2 
  8 #  629 Rodriguez, Amanda   9 Montebello (             14.42q  NWI  2 
  9 #  166 Liang, Julia        9 Alhambra (Ss             14.53q  NWI  1 
 10 #  140 Guerrero, Caryse   10 Alhambra (Ss             14.62   NWI  3 
 11 #  881 Kwok, Shandra       9 Schurr (Ss)              14.70   NWI  3 
 12 #  402 Huang, Jasmin       9 Mark Keppel              14.80   NWI  1 
 13 #  335 Romero, Alexa      10 Bell Gardens             14.86   NWI  2 
 14 #  135 Gomez, Leia         9 Alhambra (Ss             14.87   NWI  3 
 15 #  267 Duarte, Alana      10 Bell Gardens             15.17   NWI  2 
 16 #  740 Ma, Joyce           9 San Gabriel              15.46   NWI  1 
 17 #  416 Lee, Charlotte      9 Mark Keppel              15.47   NWI  1 
 18 #  118 Castrejon, Maya     9 Alhambra (Ss             15.53   NWI  2 
 19 #  957 Verduzco, Sarai     9 Schurr (Ss)              15.84   NWI  3 
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  559 Franco, Rebecca    10 Montebello (             13.73   NWI 
  2 #  428 Liu, Kelly         10 Mark Keppel              13.89   NWI 
  3 #  409 Kakita, Kalani      9 Mark Keppel              13.93   NWI 
  4 #  783 Tat, Jackie        10 San Gabriel              14.09   NWI 
  5 #  869 Hernandez, Yaretz  10 Schurr (Ss)              14.13   NWI 
  6 #  598 Mcdonald, Anaya    10 Montebello (             14.14   NWI 
  7 #  166 Liang, Julia        9 Alhambra (Ss             14.37   NWI 
  8 #  621 Ramirez, Angelica   9 Montebello (             14.37   NWI 
  9 #  629 Rodriguez, Amanda   9 Montebello (             14.55   NWI 
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  482 Ward, Amado        10 Mark Keppel              11.63Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  225 Vuong, Nathan       9 Alhambra (Ss             11.67Q  NWI  2 
  3 #  597 McDonald, Alijah    9 Montebello (             12.05Q  NWI  3 
  4 #  358 Amaro, Ethan        9 Mark Keppel              12.08q  NWI  3 
  5 #  519 Amloyan, Michael    9 Montebello (             12.14q  NWI  3 
  6 #  298 Llamas, Luis       10 Bell Gardens             12.24q  NWI  2 
  7 #  607 Mirelez, Francisc   9 Montebello (             12.26q  NWI  1 
  8 #  882 Lam, Conner        10 Schurr (Ss)              12.37q  NWI  1 
  9 #  375 Chung, Nathan       9 Mark Keppel              12.53q  NWI  2 
 10 #  615 Parra, Guillermo    9 Montebello (             12.54   NWI  1 
 10 #  960 Whitfield, Maxim    9 Schurr (Ss)              12.54   NWI  1 
 12 #  131 Gandarilla, Matth   9 Alhambra (Ss             12.65   NWI  2 
 13 #  849 Felix, Enrique     10 Schurr (Ss)              12.66   NWI  3 
 14 #  249 Allen, Sean        10 Bell Gardens             12.67   NWI  1 
 15 #  221 Trujillo, Joseph   10 Alhambra (Ss             12.69   NWI  2 
 16 #  930 Rodriguez, Bryan   10 Schurr (Ss)              12.88   NWI  3 
 17 #  442 Mejia, Benjamin    10 Mark Keppel              12.94   NWI  2 
 18 #  234 Wu, Ivan           10 Alhambra (Ss             13.02   NWI  2 
 19 #  731 Lin, Derrick       10 San Gabriel              13.17   NWI  2 
 20 #  314 Nieves, Rogelio    10 Bell Gardens             13.30   NWI  3 
 21 #  683 Chen, Mike         10 San Gabriel              14.21   NWI  1 
 22 #  804 Xu, Nicky          10 San Gabriel              14.53   NWI  3 
 23 #  700 Garcia, Ethan      10 San Gabriel              14.81   NWI  3 
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  482 Ward, Amado        10 Mark Keppel              11.65   NWI 
  2 #  519 Amloyan, Michael    9 Montebello (             11.98   NWI 
  3 #  597 McDonald, Alijah    9 Montebello (             12.01   NWI 
  4 #  358 Amaro, Ethan        9 Mark Keppel              12.14   NWI 
  5 #  607 Mirelez, Francisc   9 Montebello (             12.30   NWI 
  6 #  882 Lam, Conner        10 Schurr (Ss)              12.35   NWI 
  7 #  298 Llamas, Luis       10 Bell Gardens             12.45   NWI 
  8 #  375 Chung, Nathan       9 Mark Keppel              12.50   NWI 
Event 19  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  944 Soto, Jasmine      12 Schurr (Ss)              12.90Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  327 Rafaela, Itza      12 Bell Gardens             13.41Q  NWI  2 
  3 #  694 Du, Kelly (Nhu)    11 San Gabriel              13.76Q  NWI  3 
  4 #  674 Cai-Wu, Laura      12 San Gabriel              13.74q  NWI  2 
  5 #  512 Acosta, Margie     12 Montebello (             13.79q  NWI  3 
  6 #  945 Terijimanian, Lor  11 Schurr (Ss)              14.05q  NWI  1 
  7 #  830 Cole, Mia          11 Schurr (Ss)              14.23q  NWI  3 
  8 #  927 Reyes, Dayra       12 Schurr (Ss)              14.27q  NWI  2 
  9 #  165 Liang, Annie       11 Alhambra (Ss             14.58q  NWI  1 
 10 #  711 Holland, Danielle  11 San Gabriel              14.78   NWI  1 
 11 #  622 Ramirez, Cristal   11 Montebello (             14.82   NWI  3 
 12 #  446 Ng, Kathleen       11 Mark Keppel              15.02   NWI  2 
 13 #  194 Nguyen, Genne      10 Alhambra (Ss             15.07   NWI  1 
 14 #  190 Monterroza, Adali  11 Alhambra (Ss             15.15   NWI  2 
 15 #  382 Deng, Sarah        11 Mark Keppel              15.33   NWI  1 
 16 #  103 Alvarado, Jocelyn  11 Alhambra (Ss             15.41   NWI  2 
 17 #  564 Garcia, Mikaela    11 Montebello (             15.52   NWI  3 
 18 #  461 Pretorius, Taylar  10 Mark Keppel              15.62   NWI  3 
 19 #  531 Cabrera, Isabella  12 Montebello (             16.11   NWI  2 
 20 #  248 Aldaz, Samantha    11 Bell Gardens             17.31   NWI  3 
Event 19  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  944 Soto, Jasmine      12 Schurr (Ss)              12.91   NWI 
  2 #  327 Rafaela, Itza      12 Bell Gardens             13.22   NWI 
  3 #  694 Du, Kelly (Nhu)    11 San Gabriel              13.50   NWI 
  4 #  674 Cai-Wu, Laura      12 San Gabriel              13.58   NWI 
  5 #  512 Acosta, Margie     12 Montebello (             13.62   NWI 
  6 #  945 Terijimanian, Lor  11 Schurr (Ss)              13.99   NWI 
  7 #  830 Cole, Mia          11 Schurr (Ss)              14.18   NWI 
  8 #  927 Reyes, Dayra       12 Schurr (Ss)              14.27   NWI 
  9 #  165 Liang, Annie       11 Alhambra (Ss             14.44   NWI 
Event 20  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  429 Liu, William       11 Mark Keppel              11.30Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  617 Patel, Nikesh      11 Montebello (             11.62Q  NWI  2 
  3 #  567 Godoy, Elias       11 Montebello (             11.76Q  NWI  3 
  4 #  616 Patel, Anthony     12 Montebello (             11.77q  NWI  3 
  5 #  521 Aragon, Erik       11 Montebello (             11.80q  NWI  1 
  6 #  433 Luevano, Jacob     12 Mark Keppel              11.84q  NWI  2 
  7 #  848 Fabros, Anthony    11 Schurr (Ss)              11.92q  NWI  1 
  8 #  677 Carbajal, Jayden   11 San Gabriel              12.00q  NWI  1 
  9 #  376 Colis, Alexander   11 Mark Keppel              12.07q  NWI  3 
 10 #  159 Kelly, Brandon     11 Alhambra (Ss             12.11   NWI  2 
 11 #  707 Gutierrez, Nathan  11 San Gabriel              12.15   NWI  3 
 12 #  497 Yang, Elvin        11 Mark Keppel              12.27   NWI  2 
 13 #  895 Mchtchian, Sam     12 Schurr (Ss)              12.41   NWI  1 
 14 #  177 Luo, Aren          12 Alhambra (Ss             12.68   NWI  2 
 15 #  835 Delgado, Juan      11 Schurr (Ss)              12.81   NWI  1 
 16 #  926 Ramos, Guillermo   11 Schurr (Ss)              12.95   NWI  1 
 17 #  128 Estrada, Julian    11 Alhambra (Ss             13.26   NWI  2 
 18 #  184 Mendoza, Adrian    11 Alhambra (Ss             13.71   NWI  3 
Event 20  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  429 Liu, William       11 Mark Keppel              10.97   NWI 
  2 #  433 Luevano, Jacob     12 Mark Keppel              11.45   NWI 
  3 #  617 Patel, Nikesh      11 Montebello (             11.46   NWI 
  4 #  521 Aragon, Erik       11 Montebello (             11.58   NWI 
  5 #  616 Patel, Anthony     12 Montebello (             11.60   NWI 
  6 #  567 Godoy, Elias       11 Montebello (             11.62   NWI 
  7 #  677 Carbajal, Jayden   11 San Gabriel              11.82   NWI 
  8 #  848 Fabros, Anthony    11 Schurr (Ss)              11.88   NWI 
  9 #  376 Colis, Alexander   11 Mark Keppel              12.22   NWI 
Event 21  Girls 800 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  203 Rakin, Keiko        9 Alhambra (Ss           2:40.57Q  1 
  2 #  160 Kennard, Rihanna    9 Alhambra (Ss           2:46.19Q  2 
  3 #  573 Hernandez, Jaslin  10 Montebello (           2:49.34Q  1 
  4 #  523 Argott, Amelia     10 Montebello (           2:52.50Q  2 
  5 #  814 Alvarez, Geniah    10 Schurr (Ss)            2:52.05q  1 
  6 #  908 Munoz, Isabella     9 Schurr (Ss)            3:01.64q  2 
  7 #  317 Ornelas, Danica    10 Bell Gardens           3:02.99q  2 
  8 #  556 Estevez, Marelly    9 Montebello (           3:03.80q  1 
  9 #  842 Escamilla, Noemy    9 Schurr (Ss)            3:04.66q  1 
 10 #  276 Garcia, Nathalie   10 Bell Gardens           3:05.31q  1 
 11 #  744 Melgar, Zoreimy    12 San Gabriel            3:06.73q  2 
 12 #  763 Phan, Nani          9 San Gabriel            3:07.04q  1 
 13 #  747 Montero, Kimberly   9 San Gabriel            3:10.09   2 
 14 #  720 Jimenez, Melissa    9 San Gabriel            3:24.74   2 
 15 #  829 Chen, Patty         9 Schurr (Ss)            3:28.43   2 
Event 21  Girls 800 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  203 Rakin, Keiko        9 Alhambra (Ss           2:42.59  
  2 #  160 Kennard, Rihanna    9 Alhambra (Ss           2:47.12  
  3 #  573 Hernandez, Jaslin  10 Montebello (           2:48.28  
  4 #  523 Argott, Amelia     10 Montebello (           2:51.69  
  5 #  814 Alvarez, Geniah    10 Schurr (Ss)            2:53.06  
  6 #  317 Ornelas, Danica    10 Bell Gardens           2:57.55  
  7 #  908 Munoz, Isabella     9 Schurr (Ss)            2:59.13  
  8 #  744 Melgar, Zoreimy    12 San Gabriel            3:01.13  
  9 #  276 Garcia, Nathalie   10 Bell Gardens           3:01.92  
 10 #  556 Estevez, Marelly    9 Montebello (           3:02.29  
Event 22  Boys 800 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  443 Minohara, Caden    10 Mark Keppel            2:16.77Q  3 
  2 #  931 Rodriguez, Diego   10 Schurr (Ss)            2:22.57Q  1 
  3 #  661 Villeraldo, Sergi   9 Montebello (           2:23.55Q  2 
  4 #  860 Garza, Leonardo    10 Schurr (Ss)            2:25.12Q  2 
  5 #  566 Garcia, Sebastian   9 Montebello (           2:26.77Q  3 
  6 #  934 Rodriguez, Jose     9 Schurr (Ss)            2:27.55Q  1 
  7 #  618 Pena, Kevin         9 Montebello (           2:28.36q  1 
  8 #  726 Lei, Conner        10 San Gabriel            2:28.79q  3 
  9 #  142 Gutierrez, Adrian  10 Alhambra (Ss           2:29.00q  2 
 10 #  423 Lieu, Dillon        9 Mark Keppel            2:29.29q  1 
 11 #  329 Reyes, Jonathan     9 Bell Gardens           2:29.71q  2 
 12 #  167 Liang, Ryan        10 Alhambra (Ss           2:31.94q  1 
 13 #  858 Garibay, Jovani     9 Schurr (Ss)            2:33.38   3 
 14 #  669 Askew, Liam         9 San Gabriel            2:36.79   1 
 15 #  232 Wong, Elsdon       10 Alhambra (Ss           2:42.17   2 
 16 #  462 Ramirez, Ethan     10 Mark Keppel            2:43.45   3 
 17 #  660 Villegas, Nathan    9 Montebello (           2:57.47   1 
 18 #  673 Bravo, Evan        10 San Gabriel            3:03.65   3 
 19 #  463 Ren, Kevin         10 Mark Keppel            3:07.66   2 
 20 #  241 Yu, Garvin         10 Alhambra (Ss           3:10.25   3 
Event 22  Boys 800 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  443 Minohara, Caden    10 Mark Keppel            2:12.24  
  2 #  931 Rodriguez, Diego   10 Schurr (Ss)            2:16.14  
  3 #  661 Villeraldo, Sergi   9 Montebello (           2:19.97  
  4 #  726 Lei, Conner        10 San Gabriel            2:21.70  
  5 #  566 Garcia, Sebastian   9 Montebello (           2:24.20  
  6 #  934 Rodriguez, Jose     9 Schurr (Ss)            2:26.19  
  7 #  618 Pena, Kevin         9 Montebello (           2:28.47  
  8 #  423 Lieu, Dillon        9 Mark Keppel            2:28.52  
  9 #  329 Reyes, Jonathan     9 Bell Gardens           2:30.13  
 10 #  142 Gutierrez, Adrian  10 Alhambra (Ss           2:30.18  
 11 #  860 Garza, Leonardo    10 Schurr (Ss)            2:53.22  
Event 23  Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  372 Chin, Yi-Jen (Jol  11 Mark Keppel            2:36.64Q  1 
  2 #  817 Arnold, Yadira     12 Schurr (Ss)            2:43.38Q  2 
  3 #  550 Diaz, Carol        12 Montebello (           2:41.81Q  1 
  4 #  697 Ealba, Haley       11 San Gabriel            2:51.87Q  2 
  5 #  899 Mia, Buckhorn      12 Schurr (Ss)            2:54.69q  1 
  6 #  585 Lima, Zitlalic     11 Montebello (           2:56.30q  2 
  7 #  765 Pinedo, Johanna    11 San Gabriel            2:57.83q  1 
  8 #  859 Garza, Karla       12 Schurr (Ss)            3:03.71q  1 
  9 #  846 Evangelista, Jazm  12 Schurr (Ss)            3:04.57q  2 
 10 #  183 Maya, Sara         12 Alhambra (Ss           3:25.23q  2 
 11 #  208 Rivas, Shellsea    11 Alhambra (Ss           3:32.94q  2 
Event 23  Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  372 Chin, Yi-Jen (Jol  11 Mark Keppel            2:32.60  
  2 #  817 Arnold, Yadira     12 Schurr (Ss)            2:35.36  
  3 #  550 Diaz, Carol        12 Montebello (           2:40.36  
  4 #  697 Ealba, Haley       11 San Gabriel            2:52.13  
  5 #  899 Mia, Buckhorn      12 Schurr (Ss)            2:52.13  
  6 #  585 Lima, Zitlalic     11 Montebello (           2:54.60  
  7 #  846 Evangelista, Jazm  12 Schurr (Ss)            2:57.30  
  8 #  859 Garza, Karla       12 Schurr (Ss)            3:01.07  
  9 #  208 Rivas, Shellsea    11 Alhambra (Ss           3:17.71  
Event 24  Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  309 Matias, Edwin      12 Bell Gardens           2:08.80Q  2 
  2 #  863 Gonzalez, Daniel   11 Schurr (Ss)            2:13.53Q  1 
  3 #  514 Aguilar, David     10 Montebello (           2:10.71Q  2 
  4 #  645 Tapia, Yeryk       12 Montebello (           2:15.79Q  1 
  5 #  554 Dominguez, Yair    11 Montebello (           2:16.50q  1 
  6 #  520 Andrade, Fernanad  12 Montebello (           2:18.39q  2 
  7 #  418 Lee, Tyler         12 Mark Keppel            2:18.50q  1 
  8 #  923 Quan, Brendan      12 Schurr (Ss)            2:21.19q  2 
  9 #  886 Lopez, Daniel      12 Schurr (Ss)            2:23.14q  1 
 10 #  453 Oya, Yosuke        12 Mark Keppel            2:23.31q  1 
 11 #  819 Aviles, Joshua     11 Schurr (Ss)            2:24.64q  1 
 12 #  739 Ly, Ryan           11 San Gabriel            2:24.78q  2 
 13 #  354 Aguilar, Damian    11 Mark Keppel            2:28.75   2 
 14 #  127 Espinoza, Armando  11 Alhambra (Ss           2:30.06   1 
Event 24  Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  645 Tapia, Yeryk       12 Montebello (           2:06.32  
  2 #  514 Aguilar, David     10 Montebello (           2:09.44  
  3 #  554 Dominguez, Yair    11 Montebello (           2:09.53  
  4 #  418 Lee, Tyler         12 Mark Keppel            2:10.73  
  5 #  863 Gonzalez, Daniel   11 Schurr (Ss)            2:14.98  
  6 #  923 Quan, Brendan      12 Schurr (Ss)            2:19.44  
  7 #  453 Oya, Yosuke        12 Mark Keppel            2:20.46  
  8 #  886 Lopez, Daniel      12 Schurr (Ss)            2:21.35  
  9 #  354 Aguilar, Damian    11 Mark Keppel            2:23.09  
  9 #  739 Ly, Ryan           11 San Gabriel            2:23.09  
 11 #  819 Aviles, Joshua     11 Schurr (Ss)            2:25.21  
 -- #  520 Andrade, Fernanad  12 Montebello (                DQ   Lane Infringement
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  798 Vuong, Allyson     10 San Gabriel              53.86Q  2 
  2 #  409 Kakita, Kalani      9 Mark Keppel              54.44Q  1 
  3 #  902 Morales, Arlene    10 Schurr (Ss)              55.02q  2 
  4 #  840 Enciso, Jessica    10 Schurr (Ss)              57.25q  1 
  5 #  815 Alvarez, Katherin   9 Schurr (Ss)              58.10q  2 
  6 #  459 Poon, Debbie       10 Mark Keppel              58.54q  1 
  7 #  362 Barbara, Camile    10 Mark Keppel              58.72q  2 
  8 #  275 Garcia, Joselyn    10 Bell Gardens             59.68q  2 
  9 #  263 Carrillo, Genesis  10 Bell Gardens           1:00.73q  1 
 10 #  396 Hernandez, Emiko   10 Mark Keppel            1:04.04   1 
 11 #  657 Verra, Anna         9 Montebello (           1:07.02   2 
 12 #  823 Barajas, Natalia    9 Schurr (Ss)            1:14.75   1 
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  902 Morales, Arlene    10 Schurr (Ss)              51.12  
  2 #  798 Vuong, Allyson     10 San Gabriel              52.49  
  3 #  409 Kakita, Kalani      9 Mark Keppel              52.90  
  4 #  840 Enciso, Jessica    10 Schurr (Ss)              55.53  
  5 #  459 Poon, Debbie       10 Mark Keppel              56.44  
  6 #  362 Barbara, Camile    10 Mark Keppel              57.45  
  7 #  815 Alvarez, Katherin   9 Schurr (Ss)              57.84  
  8 #  275 Garcia, Joselyn    10 Bell Gardens             58.53  
Event 26  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  920 Perez, Perla       12 Schurr (Ss)              52.41Q  2 
  2 #  825 Buckhorn, Sydney   12 Schurr (Ss)              54.43Q  1 
  3 #  327 Rafaela, Itza      12 Bell Gardens             55.72q  2 
  4 #  903 Moreno, Miranda    11 Schurr (Ss)              57.21q  1 
  5 #  114 Cam, Kiara         11 Alhambra (Ss             58.91q  1 
  6 #  864 Gonzalez, Delilah  11 Schurr (Ss)              59.37q  1 
  7 #  821 Ayala, Ariana      11 Schurr (Ss)              59.56q  2 
  8 #  412 Kim, Kyra          11 Mark Keppel            1:04.29q  2 
  9 #  189 Monterroza, Adali  11 Alhambra (Ss           1:07.18q  1 
Event 26  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  920 Perez, Perla       12 Schurr (Ss)              51.23  
  2 #  825 Buckhorn, Sydney   12 Schurr (Ss)              54.39  
  3 #  903 Moreno, Miranda    11 Schurr (Ss)              56.32  
  4 #  189 Monterroza, Adali  11 Alhambra (Ss             56.76  
  5 #  864 Gonzalez, Delilah  11 Schurr (Ss)              57.17  
  6 #  821 Ayala, Ariana      11 Schurr (Ss)              59.50  
  7 #  114 Cam, Kiara         11 Alhambra (Ss           1:00.51  
  7 #  412 Kim, Kyra          11 Mark Keppel            1:00.51  
Event 27  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  353 Zapata, Alejandro  10 Bell Gardens             46.87Q  1 
  2 #  474 Trinh, Nathan      10 Mark Keppel              47.86Q  2 
  3 #  230 Winslow, Landon    10 Alhambra (Ss             48.37q  2 
  4 #  845 Estrada, Robert    10 Schurr (Ss)              48.87q  1 
  5 #  580 Isidoro, Samuel    10 Montebello (             49.32q  2 
  6 #  228 Wang, Jeffrey      10 Alhambra (Ss             49.37q  1 
  7 #  430 Lo, Michael Josep  10 Mark Keppel              49.49q  2 
  8 #  912 Nguyen, Harrison   10 Schurr (Ss)              49.61q  1 
  9 #  363 Be, Tony           10 Mark Keppel              49.79q  2 
 10 #  631 Roessger, Ashton   10 Montebello (             50.66   1 
 11 #  410 Kakita, Kent        9 Mark Keppel              52.08   2 
 12 #  610 Morales, Freddy    10 Montebello (             53.09   1 
 13 #  704 Gomez Acevedo, Ch  10 San Gabriel              54.23   1 
 14 #  653 Vargas, Andre      10 Montebello (             57.05   2 
 15 #  285 Guzman, Adrian     10 Bell Gardens             58.97   2 
 16 #  274 Funez, Josua        9 Bell Gardens           1:01.28   1 
Event 27  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  353 Zapata, Alejandro  10 Bell Gardens             44.32  
  2 #  580 Isidoro, Samuel    10 Montebello (             45.25  
  3 #  230 Winslow, Landon    10 Alhambra (Ss             46.16  
  4 #  474 Trinh, Nathan      10 Mark Keppel              47.01  
  5 #  430 Lo, Michael Josep  10 Mark Keppel              48.55  
  6 #  845 Estrada, Robert    10 Schurr (Ss)              48.79  
  7 #  912 Nguyen, Harrison   10 Schurr (Ss)              48.81  
  8 #  228 Wang, Jeffrey      10 Alhambra (Ss             50.28  
Event 28  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 #  749 Moran, Nathan      11 San Gabriel              43.14Q  1 
  2 #  827 Chavez, Diego      12 Schurr (Ss)              44.78Q  2 
  3 #  502 Yu, Tymon          12 Mark Keppel              45.74q  2 
  4 #  949 Torres, Leonel     12 Schurr (Ss)              47.30q  1 
  5 #  880 Korr, Joshua       12 Schurr (Ss)              47.84q  1 
  6 #  885 Lopez, Angel       12 Schurr (Ss)              48.64q  2 
  7 #  197 Palacios, Josiah   12 Alhambra (Ss             48.77q  2 
  8 #  636 Santaanna, Nicola  11 Montebello (             48.93q  1 
  9 #  247 Zhao, Jacky        12 Alhambra (Ss             49.59q  1 
 10 #  507 Zhou, Larry        12 Mark Keppel              51.18   2 
Event 28  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  749 Moran, Nathan      11 San Gabriel              42.84  
  2 #  827 Chavez, Diego      12 Schurr (Ss)              44.30  
  3 #  502 Yu, Tymon          12 Mark Keppel              44.62  
  4 #  885 Lopez, Angel       12 Schurr (Ss)              47.10  
  5 #  247 Zhao, Jacky        12 Alhambra (Ss             48.15  
  6 #  880 Korr, Joshua       12 Schurr (Ss)              48.30  
  7 #  197 Palacios, Josiah   12 Alhambra (Ss             52.24  
Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  428 Liu, Kelly         10 Mark Keppel              29.29Q  NWI  3 
  2 #  559 Franco, Rebecca    10 Montebello (             29.62Q  NWI  1 
  3 #  869 Hernandez, Yaretz  10 Schurr (Ss)              29.78Q  NWI  2 
  4 #  894 Martin, Jayde      10 Schurr (Ss)              29.88q  NWI  1 
  5 #  592 Marquez, Sophia    10 Montebello (             30.05q  NWI  1 
  6 #  783 Tat, Jackie        10 San Gabriel              30.10q  NWI  3 
  7 #  166 Liang, Julia        9 Alhambra (Ss             30.25q  NWI  3 
  8 #  881 Kwok, Shandra       9 Schurr (Ss)              30.44q  NWI  2 
  9 #  621 Ramirez, Angelica   9 Montebello (             30.71q  NWI  1 
 10 #  335 Romero, Alexa      10 Bell Gardens             30.80   NWI  2 
 11 #  402 Huang, Jasmin       9 Mark Keppel              30.92   NWI  3 
 12 #  629 Rodriguez, Amanda   9 Montebello (             31.11   NWI  1 
 13 #  135 Gomez, Leia         9 Alhambra (Ss             31.14   NWI  2 
 14 #  277 Garcia, Nathaly    10 Bell Gardens             31.24   NWI  1 
 15 #  140 Guerrero, Caryse   10 Alhambra (Ss             31.26   NWI  3 
 16 #  267 Duarte, Alana      10 Bell Gardens             31.47   NWI  2 
 17 #  416 Lee, Charlotte      9 Mark Keppel              32.46   NWI  2 
 18 #  118 Castrejon, Maya     9 Alhambra (Ss             32.74   NWI  2 
 19 #  740 Ma, Joyce           9 San Gabriel              33.09   NWI  3 
 20 #  957 Verduzco, Sarai     9 Schurr (Ss)              33.63   NWI  3 
 21 #  761 Pham, Kelly         9 San Gabriel              37.17   NWI  3 
Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  428 Liu, Kelly         10 Mark Keppel              29.16   NWI 
  2 #  783 Tat, Jackie        10 San Gabriel              29.66   NWI 
  3 #  869 Hernandez, Yaretz  10 Schurr (Ss)              29.84   NWI 
  4 #  559 Franco, Rebecca    10 Montebello (             29.96   NWI 
  5 #  894 Martin, Jayde      10 Schurr (Ss)              29.97   NWI 
  6 #  166 Liang, Julia        9 Alhambra (Ss             30.26   NWI 
  7 #  592 Marquez, Sophia    10 Montebello (             30.27   NWI 
  8 #  881 Kwok, Shandra       9 Schurr (Ss)              30.39   NWI 
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  482 Ward, Amado        10 Mark Keppel              24.21Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  225 Vuong, Nathan       9 Alhambra (Ss             24.28Q  NWI  2 
  3 #  582 Jimenez, Louis     10 Montebello (             25.60Q  NWI  3 
  4 #  597 McDonald, Alijah    9 Montebello (             24.82q  NWI  2 
  5 #  607 Mirelez, Francisc   9 Montebello (             25.62q  NWI  1 
  6 #  849 Felix, Enrique     10 Schurr (Ss)              25.72q  NWI  1 
  7 #  358 Amaro, Ethan        9 Mark Keppel              25.91q  NWI  2 
  8 #  221 Trujillo, Joseph   10 Alhambra (Ss             26.01q  NWI  1 
  8 #  379 Dang, Aaron        10 Mark Keppel              26.01q  NWI  1 
 10 #  930 Rodriguez, Bryan   10 Schurr (Ss)              26.17   NWI  1 
 11 #  390 Frausto, Matthew    9 Mark Keppel              26.31   NWI  2 
 12 #  237 Xie, Jayden        10 Alhambra (Ss             26.52   NWI  3 
 12 #  960 Whitfield, Maxim    9 Schurr (Ss)              26.52   NWI  2 
 14 #  249 Allen, Sean        10 Bell Gardens             26.55   NWI  3 
 15 #  284 Gutierrez, Gerald  10 Bell Gardens             26.60   NWI  3 
 16 #  150 Huang, Devin       10 Alhambra (Ss             26.61   NWI  1 
 17 #  615 Parra, Guillermo    9 Montebello (             26.62   NWI  3 
 18 #  731 Lin, Derrick       10 San Gabriel              27.47   NWI  3 
 19 #  712 Hu, Jinzan         10 San Gabriel              27.88   NWI  2 
 20 #  314 Nieves, Rogelio    10 Bell Gardens             28.24   NWI  3 
 21 #  700 Garcia, Ethan      10 San Gabriel              30.62   NWI  2 
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  482 Ward, Amado        10 Mark Keppel              24.27   NWI 
  2 #  597 McDonald, Alijah    9 Montebello (             25.08   NWI 
  3 #  607 Mirelez, Francisc   9 Montebello (             25.42   NWI 
  4 #  582 Jimenez, Louis     10 Montebello (             25.57   NWI 
  5 #  221 Trujillo, Joseph   10 Alhambra (Ss             25.78   NWI 
  6 #  849 Felix, Enrique     10 Schurr (Ss)              25.95   NWI 
  7 #  358 Amaro, Ethan        9 Mark Keppel              25.98   NWI 
  8 #  379 Dang, Aaron        10 Mark Keppel              26.22   NWI 
Event 31  Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  944 Soto, Jasmine      12 Schurr (Ss)              27.33Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  143 Gutierrez, Krysta  10 Alhambra (Ss             28.01Q  NWI  3 
  3 #  945 Terijimanian, Lor  11 Schurr (Ss)              28.63Q  NWI  2 
  4 #  327 Rafaela, Itza      12 Bell Gardens             27.44q  NWI  1 
  5 #  674 Cai-Wu, Laura      12 San Gabriel              28.59q  NWI  3 
  6 #  472 Thai, Callie       12 Mark Keppel              28.67q  NWI  2 
  7 #  758 Perez, Itzel       10 San Gabriel              29.94q  NWI  1 
  8 #  165 Liang, Annie       11 Alhambra (Ss             30.57q  NWI  2 
  9 #  927 Reyes, Dayra       12 Schurr (Ss)              30.59q  NWI  3 
 10 #  622 Ramirez, Cristal   11 Montebello (             30.87   NWI  1 
 11 #  830 Cole, Mia          11 Schurr (Ss)              31.70   NWI  2 
 12 #  194 Nguyen, Genne      10 Alhambra (Ss             31.86   NWI  3 
 13 #  468 Shahin, Samantha   12 Mark Keppel              32.15   NWI  2 
 14 #  382 Deng, Sarah        11 Mark Keppel              32.18   NWI  1 
 15 #  711 Holland, Danielle  11 San Gabriel              32.96   NWI  2 
 16 #  103 Alvarado, Jocelyn  11 Alhambra (Ss             33.16   NWI  3 
 17 #  446 Ng, Kathleen       11 Mark Keppel              33.67   NWI  3 
 18 #  350 Vargas, Karla      11 Bell Gardens             38.03   NWI  1 
 19 #  248 Aldaz, Samantha    11 Bell Gardens             39.42   NWI  2 
Event 31  Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  944 Soto, Jasmine      12 Schurr (Ss)              27.16   NWI 
  2 #  327 Rafaela, Itza      12 Bell Gardens             27.89   NWI 
  3 #  674 Cai-Wu, Laura      12 San Gabriel              28.13   NWI 
  4 #  143 Gutierrez, Krysta  10 Alhambra (Ss             28.19   NWI 
  5 #  472 Thai, Callie       12 Mark Keppel              28.75   NWI 
  6 #  945 Terijimanian, Lor  11 Schurr (Ss)              29.91   NWI 
  7 #  758 Perez, Itzel       10 San Gabriel              30.03   NWI 
  8 #  165 Liang, Annie       11 Alhambra (Ss             31.06   NWI 
Event 32  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 #  429 Liu, William       11 Mark Keppel              22.61Q  NWI  1 
  2 #  521 Aragon, Erik       11 Montebello (             24.22Q  NWI  3 
  3 #  848 Fabros, Anthony    11 Schurr (Ss)              24.33Q  NWI  2 
  4 #  868 Hernandez, Demetr  11 Schurr (Ss)              23.86q  NWI  1 
  5 #  296 Lara, Christopher  12 Bell Gardens             24.71q  NWI  3 
  6 #  376 Colis, Alexander   11 Mark Keppel              24.73q  NWI  2 
  7 #  159 Kelly, Brandon     11 Alhambra (Ss             24.79q  NWI  3 
  8 #  677 Carbajal, Jayden   11 San Gabriel              24.88q  NWI  2 
  9 #  497 Yang, Elvin        11 Mark Keppel              24.94q  NWI  1 
 10 #  707 Gutierrez, Nathan  11 San Gabriel              24.99   NWI  1 
 11 #  202 Ragland, Threylon  12 Alhambra (Ss             25.13   NWI  1 
 12 #  588 Lugo, Isaiah       12 Montebello (             25.16   NWI  1 
 13 #  177 Luo, Aren          12 Alhambra (Ss             25.23   NWI  3 
 14 #  593 Marroquin, Anthon  11 Montebello (             25.36   NWI  2 
 15 #  926 Ramos, Guillermo   11 Schurr (Ss)              26.22   NWI  1 
 16 #  835 Delgado, Juan      11 Schurr (Ss)              26.83   NWI  2 
Event 32  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  429 Liu, William       11 Mark Keppel              22.14   NWI 
  2 #  868 Hernandez, Demetr  11 Schurr (Ss)              23.87   NWI 
  3 #  848 Fabros, Anthony    11 Schurr (Ss)              23.97   NWI 
  4 #  521 Aragon, Erik       11 Montebello (             24.08   NWI 
  5 #  376 Colis, Alexander   11 Mark Keppel              24.35   NWI 
  6 #  677 Carbajal, Jayden   11 San Gabriel              24.60   NWI 
  7 #  497 Yang, Elvin        11 Mark Keppel              24.60   NWI 
  8 #  296 Lara, Christopher  12 Bell Gardens             24.74   NWI 
  9 #  159 Kelly, Brandon     11 Alhambra (Ss             24.94   NWI 
Event 33  Girls 3200 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  814 Alvarez, Geniah    10 Schurr (Ss)           14:13.74  
  2 #  573 Hernandez, Jaslin  10 Montebello (          14:46.37  
  3 #  149 Hom, Malia          9 Alhambra (Ss          14:58.79  
  4 #  348 Toro, Alexis        9 Bell Gardens          15:32.80  
  5 #  744 Melgar, Zoreimy    12 San Gabriel           15:37.72  
  6 #  276 Garcia, Nathalie   10 Bell Gardens          15:45.36  
  7 #  556 Estevez, Marelly    9 Montebello (          15:46.61  
  8 #  842 Escamilla, Noemy    9 Schurr (Ss)           16:01.65  
  9 #  311 Morales, Viviana   10 Bell Gardens          17:13.69  
 10 #  752 Nguyen, Queendy     9 San Gabriel           18:59.58  
Event 34  Boys 3200 Meter Run Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  931 Rodriguez, Diego   10 Schurr (Ss)           11:09.43  
  2 #  661 Villeraldo, Sergi   9 Montebello (          11:10.79  
  3 #  104 Araya, Daniel       9 Alhambra (Ss          11:18.26  
  4 #  934 Rodriguez, Jose     9 Schurr (Ss)           11:50.74  
  5 #  395 Gutierrez, Tavi    10 Mark Keppel           11:51.74  
  6 #  726 Lei, Conner        10 San Gabriel           12:02.72  
  7 #  911 Nava, Damian        9 Schurr (Ss)           12:09.07  
  8 #  906 Munoz, Ethan        9 Schurr (Ss)           12:14.79  
  9 #  471 Teo, James         10 Mark Keppel           12:23.11  
 10 #  330 Rivera, Luis       10 Bell Gardens          12:43.65  
 11 #  195 Nguyen, Henry      10 Alhambra (Ss          12:57.76  
 12 #  242 Yu, Jonathan       10 Alhambra (Ss          13:00.22  
 13 #  326 Prieto, Brandon     9 Bell Gardens          13:34.17  
 14 #  315 Notario, Josue      9 Bell Gardens          13:58.07  
 15 #  669 Askew, Liam         9 San Gabriel           14:25.64  
Event 35  Girls 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  413 Kwan, Jasmine      12 Mark Keppel           12:54.08  
  2 #  212 Sanchez, Alondra   11 Alhambra (Ss          13:41.48  
  3 #  697 Ealba, Haley       11 San Gabriel           13:43.58  
  4 #  889 Lopez, Theresa     12 Schurr (Ss)           13:51.92  
  5 #  658 Villanueva, Candy  11 Montebello (          14:02.66  
  6 #  846 Evangelista, Jazm  12 Schurr (Ss)           14:11.30  
  7 #  367 Castellanos, Gali  12 Mark Keppel           14:36.45  
  8 #  850 Fitchett, Sarah    12 Schurr (Ss)           14:44.30  
  9 #  585 Lima, Zitlalic     11 Montebello (          15:11.23  
 10 #  841 Escalante, Lydia   11 Schurr (Ss)           15:11.28  
Event 36  Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  309 Matias, Edwin      12 Bell Gardens          10:35.24  
  2 #  574 Hernandez, Saul    12 Montebello (          10:58.82  
  3 #  520 Andrade, Fernanad  12 Montebello (          10:59.97  
  4 #  514 Aguilar, David     10 Montebello (          11:27.94  
  5 #  637 Serrano, Alan      10 Montebello (          11:29.71  
  6 #  312 Murillo, Andres    11 Bell Gardens          11:31.27  
  7 #  187 Mojarro, Rod       11 Alhambra (Ss          11:33.13  
  8 #  857 Garcia-Lopez, Jor  11 Schurr (Ss)           11:48.61  
  9 #  904 Munoz, Antonio     12 Schurr (Ss)           12:08.50  
 10 #  863 Gonzalez, Daniel   11 Schurr (Ss)           12:12.35  
 11 #  887 Lopez, Johny       12 Schurr (Ss)           12:17.99  
 12 #  359 Arias, Saul        12 Mark Keppel           12:29.71  
 13 #  178 Madrigal Perez, J  11 Alhambra (Ss          14:35.67  
 14 #  366 Carvajal, Samuel   11 Mark Keppel           14:39.56  
Event 37  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                  4:36.51  
     1) #160 Kennard, Rihanna 9         2) #169 Lim, Michelle 10          
     3) #140 Guerrero, Caryse 10        4) #203 Rakin, Keiko 9            
  2 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                    4:38.30  
     1) #902 Morales, Arlene 10         2) #894 Martin, Jayde 10          
     3) #815 Alvarez, Katherine 9       4) #869 Hernandez, Yaretzi 10     
  3 Bell Gardens (Ss)  'A'                              4:48.64  
     1) #263 Carrillo, Genesis 10       2) #275 Garcia, Joselyn 10        
     3) #277 Garcia, Nathaly 10         4) #335 Romero, Alexa 10          
  4 Montebello (Ss)  'A'                                4:51.93  
     1) #592 Marquez, Sophia 10         2) #559 Franco, Rebecca 10        
     3) #523 Argott, Amelia 10          4) #573 Hernandez, Jaslin 10      
Event 38  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Mark Keppel (Ss)  'A'                               3:53.73  
     1) #452 Ohashi, Kyle 9             2) #374 Chu, Jayden 10            
     3) #504 Yung, Ethan 10             4) #481 Wang, Carson 10           
  2 Montebello (Ss)  'A'                                3:58.10  
     1) #609 Morales, David 10          2) #575 Hernandez, Steven 10      
     3) #519 Amloyan, Michael 9         4) #582 Jimenez, Louis 10         
  3 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                    3:58.96  
     1) #845 Estrada, Robert 10         2) #912 Nguyen, Harrison 10       
     3) #860 Garza, Leonardo 10         4) #931 Rodriguez, Diego 10       
  4 Bell Gardens (Ss)  'A'                              4:00.28  
     1) #272 Flores, Isaiah 9           2) #329 Reyes, Jonathan 9         
     3) #298 Llamas, Luis 10            4) #353 Zapata, Alejandro 10      
 -- Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                       DQ   Impediment
     1) #230 Winslow, Landon 10         2) #186 Mina, Christian 10        
     3) #142 Gutierrez, Adrian 10       4) #132 Garcia, Tristan 9         
Event 39  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                    4:22.35  
     1) #920 Perez, Perla 12            2) #944 Soto, Jasmine 12          
     3) #817 Arnold, Yadira 12          4) #867 Gutierrez, Olivia 12      
  2 Mark Keppel (Ss)  'A'                               4:38.67  
     1) #372 Chin, Yi-Jen (Jolin) 11    2) #468 Shahin, Samantha 12       
     3) #406 Jones, Breasia 11          4) #472 Thai, Callie 12           
  3 Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                  5:00.53  
     1) #114 Cam, Kiara 11              2) #212 Sanchez, Alondra 11       
     3) #103 Alvarado, Jocelyn 11       4) #143 Gutierrez, Krystal 10     
Event 40  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Mark Keppel (Ss)  'A'                               3:40.07  
     1) #355 Alcala, David 12           2) #418 Lee, Tyler 12             
     3) #422 Lieu, Dennis 12            4) #429 Liu, William 11           
  2 Montebello (Ss)  'A'                                3:41.39  
     1) #554 Dominguez, Yair 11         2) #645 Tapia, Yeryk 12           
     3) #617 Patel, Nikesh 11           4) #565 Garcia, Ray 12            
  3 Schurr (Ss)  'A'                                    3:44.47  
     1) #819 Aviles, Joshua 11          2) #949 Torres, Leonel 12         
     3) #880 Korr, Joshua 12            4) #868 Hernandez, Demetrius 11   
  4 Alhambra (Ss)  'A'                                  4:09.88  
     1) #199 Phu, Kent 12               2) #127 Espinoza, Armando 11      
     3) #128 Estrada, Julian 11         4) #177 Luo, Aren 12              
Event 41  Girls High Jump Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  902 Morales, Arlene    10 Schurr (Ss)            4-06.00  
  2 #  362 Barbara, Camile    10 Mark Keppel            4-04.00  
  3 #  840 Enciso, Jessica    10 Schurr (Ss)            4-02.00  
  3 #  783 Tat, Jackie        10 San Gabriel            4-02.00  
  5 #  955 Van, Aubree        10 Schurr (Ss)            4-00.00  
  5 #  735 Loo, Trescia       10 San Gabriel            4-00.00  
  7 #  254 Arriaga, Naydelin  10 Bell Gardens           3-10.00  
  7 #  544 Corrales, Emma     10 Montebello (           3-10.00  
Event 42  Boys High Jump Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  230 Winslow, Landon    10 Alhambra (Ss           5-02.00  
  2 #  849 Felix, Enrique     10 Schurr (Ss)            5-00.00  
  2 #  258 Cabrera, Nathan     9 Bell Gardens           5-00.00  
 -- #  912 Nguyen, Harrison   10 Schurr (Ss)                 NH  
 -- #  323 Perez, Darey        9 Bell Gardens                NH  
 -- #  444 Nakano, Sean       10 Mark Keppel                 NH  
 -- #  960 Whitfield, Maxim    9 Schurr (Ss)                 NH  
 -- #  221 Trujillo, Joseph   10 Alhambra (Ss                NH  
 -- #  150 Huang, Devin       10 Alhambra (Ss                NH  
 -- #  731 Lin, Derrick       10 San Gabriel                 NH  
 -- #  683 Chen, Mike         10 San Gabriel                 NH  
 -- #  438 Ma, Nathan         10 Mark Keppel                 NH  
 -- #  186 Mina, Christian    10 Alhambra (Ss                NH  
 -- #  297 Lira, Luis         10 Bell Gardens                NH  
Event 43  Girls High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  437 Luu, Lucy          10 Mark Keppel            4-08.00  
  2 #  834 Cruz, Ruby         12 Schurr (Ss)            4-04.00  
  2 #  415 Law, Jerica        12 Mark Keppel           J4-04.00  
  2 #  512 Acosta, Margie     12 Montebello (          J4-04.00  
  4 #  920 Perez, Perla       12 Schurr (Ss)           J4-04.00  
  6 #  373 Chow, Neza         12 Mark Keppel            4-02.00  
  7 #  666 Zavala, Zarah      12 Montebello (           4-00.00  
  7 #  622 Ramirez, Cristal   11 Montebello (           4-00.00  
  9 #  427 Liu, Jeslyn        12 Mark Keppel            3-10.00  
  9 #  830 Cole, Mia          11 Schurr (Ss)            3-10.00  
  9 #  884 Liu, Chloe         12 Schurr (Ss)            3-10.00  
 12 #  270 Espinoza, Marisol  11 Bell Gardens           3-06.00  
 12 #  190 Monterroza, Adali  11 Alhambra (Ss           3-06.00  
 -- #  103 Alvarado, Jocelyn  11 Alhambra (Ss                NH  
Event 44  Boys High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 #  616 Patel, Anthony     12 Montebello (           5-04.00  
  2 #  883 Lam, Tyler         12 Schurr (Ss)            5-00.00  
  3 #  391 Gamboa, Daniel     11 Mark Keppel           J5-00.00  
  4 #  197 Palacios, Josiah   12 Alhambra (Ss          J5-00.00  
  5 #  588 Lugo, Isaiah       12 Montebello (          J5-00.00  
  6 #  487 Wu, Evan           12 Mark Keppel            4-10.00  
  7 #  255 Barrios, Christia  12 Bell Gardens           4-08.00  
  8 #  953 Valdez, Adrian     12 Schurr (Ss)            4-06.00  
  8 #  256 Bueno, Leonardo    11 Bell Gardens           4-06.00  
  8 #  880 Korr, Joshua       12 Schurr (Ss)            4-06.00  
Event 45  Girls Long Jump Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H#
  1 #  735 Loo, Trescia       10 San Gabriel           13-08.00   NWI  1 
  1 #  459 Poon, Debbie       10 Mark Keppel           13-08.00   NWI  1 
  3 #  203 Rakin, Keiko        9 Alhambra (Ss          13-07.00   NWI  1 
  4 #  428 Liu, Kelly         10 Mark Keppel           13-06.00   NWI  1 
  4 #  254 Arriaga, Naydelin  10 Bell Gardens          13-06.00   NWI  1 
  6 #  795 Villegas, Julissa  11 San Gabriel           13-00.00   NWI  1 
  6 #  275 Garcia, Joselyn    10 Bell Gardens          13-00.00   NWI  1 
  8 #  362 Barbara, Camile    10 Mark Keppel           12-11.00   NWI  1 
  9 #  383 Diep, Cassidy      10 Mark Keppel           11-11.00   NWI  2 
 10 #  783 Tat, Jackie        10 San Gabriel           11-10.00   NWI  1 
 11 #  955 Van, Aubree        10 Schurr (Ss)           11-04.00   NWI  1 
 11 #  959 Wen, Xi            10 Schurr (Ss)           11-04.00   NWI  2 
 13 #  118 Castrejon, Maya     9 Alhambra (Ss          10-06.00   NWI  2 
 14 #  171 Lopez, Kiara        9 Alhambra (Ss           9-09.00   NWI  2 
 15 #  954 Valentin, Estefan  10 Schurr (Ss)            9-04.00   NWI  2 
Event 46  Boys Long Jump Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H#
  1 #  258 Cabrera, Nathan     9 Bell Gardens          17-07.00   NWI  2 
  2 #  249 Allen, Sean        10 Bell Gardens          17-00.00   NWI  2 
  3 #  186 Mina, Christian    10 Alhambra (Ss          16-06.00   NWI  2 
  4 #  882 Lam, Conner        10 Schurr (Ss)           16-05.00   NWI  1 
  4 #  504 Yung, Ethan        10 Mark Keppel           16-05.00   NWI  2 
  6 #  425 Lin, Sean          10 Mark Keppel           15-10.50   NWI  2 
  7 #  612 Ortiz, Jesse       10 Montebello (          15-05.00   NWI  1 
  8 #  481 Wang, Carson       10 Mark Keppel           15-03.00   NWI  2 
  9 #  131 Gandarilla, Matth   9 Alhambra (Ss          15-00.00   NWI  2 
 10 #  224 Vasquez-Salas, Ma   9 Alhambra (Ss          14-11.00   NWI  1 
 10 #  375 Chung, Nathan       9 Mark Keppel           14-11.00   NWI  2 
 12 #  726 Lei, Conner        10 San Gabriel           14-08.00   NWI  1 
 13 #  940 Saldivar, Dexter   10 Schurr (Ss)           13-04.00   NWI  1 
 14 #  938 Ruiz, Juan         10 Schurr (Ss)           13-03.00   NWI  1 
 15 #  124 Cuellar-Garcia, N   9 Alhambra (Ss          12-04.00   NWI  1 
 16 #  234 Wu, Ivan           10 Alhambra (Ss          11-02.50   NWI  1 
Event 47  Girls Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  437 Luu, Lucy          10 Mark Keppel          J15-09.00   NWI 
  2 #  340 Santana, Ariana    12 Bell Gardens         J15-09.00   NWI 
  3 #  694 Du, Kelly (Nhu)    11 San Gabriel           15-00.00   NWI 
  4 #  415 Law, Jerica        12 Mark Keppel           14-06.50   NWI 
  4 #  512 Acosta, Margie     12 Montebello (          14-06.50   NWI 
  6 #  419 Leong, Nikki       12 Mark Keppel           14-04.00   NWI 
  7 #  373 Chow, Neza         12 Mark Keppel           14-02.00   NWI 
  8 #  945 Terijimanian, Lor  11 Schurr (Ss)           13-02.00   NWI 
  9 #  564 Garcia, Mikaela    11 Montebello (          12-04.00   NWI 
 10 #  270 Espinoza, Marisol  11 Bell Gardens          11-10.00   NWI 
 11 #  884 Liu, Chloe         12 Schurr (Ss)           10-11.00   NWI 
Event 48  Boys Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H#
  1 #  616 Patel, Anthony     12 Montebello (          18-06.50   NWI  2 
  2 #  502 Yu, Tymon          12 Mark Keppel           18-03.00   NWI  2 
  3 #  336 Ruiz, Samuel       11 Bell Gardens          18-00.00   NWI  1 
  4 #  268 Espinosa, Gavin    11 Bell Gardens          17-09.00   NWI  1 
  4 #  768 Raygoza, Joshua    11 San Gabriel           17-09.00   NWI  2 
  6 #  883 Lam, Tyler         12 Schurr (Ss)           17-07.00   NWI  2 
  7 #  391 Gamboa, Daniel     11 Mark Keppel           17-06.00   NWI  2 
  8 #  507 Zhou, Larry        12 Mark Keppel           16-09.00   NWI  2 
  9 #  953 Valdez, Adrian     12 Schurr (Ss)           16-06.50   NWI  1 
 10 #  247 Zhao, Jacky        12 Alhambra (Ss          16-03.00   NWI  1 
 11 #  926 Ramos, Guillermo   11 Schurr (Ss)           15-02.00   NWI  1 
 12 #  707 Gutierrez, Nathan  11 San Gabriel           15-00.00   NWI  2 
 13 #  184 Mendoza, Adrian    11 Alhambra (Ss          12-05.00   NWI  1 
Event 49  Girls Triple Jump Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  459 Poon, Debbie       10 Mark Keppel           31-06.00   NWI 
  2 #  735 Loo, Trescia       10 San Gabriel           30-04.00   NWI 
  3 #  798 Vuong, Allyson     10 San Gabriel           29-04.00   NWI 
  4 #  795 Villegas, Julissa  11 San Gabriel           28-10.00   NWI 
  5 #  955 Van, Aubree        10 Schurr (Ss)           28-00.00   NWI 
  6 #  254 Arriaga, Naydelin  10 Bell Gardens          26-02.00   NWI 
 -- #  267 Duarte, Alana      10 Bell Gardens                ND   NWI 
 -- #  301 Marquez, Abril     10 Bell Gardens                ND   NWI 
Event 50  Boys Triple Jump Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  504 Yung, Ethan        10 Mark Keppel           36-02.00   NWI 
  2 #  425 Lin, Sean          10 Mark Keppel           35-11.00   NWI 
  3 #  882 Lam, Conner        10 Schurr (Ss)           35-01.00   NWI 
  4 #  444 Nakano, Sean       10 Mark Keppel           34-06.00   NWI 
  5 #  258 Cabrera, Nathan     9 Bell Gardens          34-04.00   NWI 
  5 #  509 Zhou, Vicente      10 Mark Keppel           34-04.00   NWI 
  7 #  131 Gandarilla, Matth   9 Alhambra (Ss          34-00.00   NWI 
  8 #  228 Wang, Jeffrey      10 Alhambra (Ss          31-01.00   NWI 
  9 #  323 Perez, Darey        9 Bell Gardens          30-02.00   NWI 
 10 #  224 Vasquez-Salas, Ma   9 Alhambra (Ss          29-04.00   NWI 
 11 #  938 Ruiz, Juan         10 Schurr (Ss)           28-05.00   NWI 
Event 51  Girls Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  415 Law, Jerica        12 Mark Keppel           33-08.50   NWI 
  2 #  437 Luu, Lucy          10 Mark Keppel           33-02.00   NWI 
  3 #  340 Santana, Ariana    12 Bell Gardens          30-08.00   NWI 
  4 #  419 Leong, Nikki       12 Mark Keppel           30-04.00   NWI 
  5 #  373 Chow, Neza         12 Mark Keppel           30-01.00   NWI 
  6 #  694 Du, Kelly (Nhu)    11 San Gabriel           28-09.50   NWI 
  7 #  834 Cruz, Ruby         12 Schurr (Ss)           28-04.50   NWI 
Event 52  Boys Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 #  749 Moran, Nathan      11 San Gabriel           39-11.00   NWI 
  2 #  391 Gamboa, Daniel     11 Mark Keppel           38-07.00   NWI 
  3 #  883 Lam, Tyler         12 Schurr (Ss)           38-00.50   NWI 
  4 #  507 Zhou, Larry        12 Mark Keppel           35-07.00   NWI 
  5 #  768 Raygoza, Joshua    11 San Gabriel           35-06.00   NWI 
  6 #  487 Wu, Evan           12 Mark Keppel           34-07.00   NWI 
  7 #  289 Hernandez, Noah    11 Bell Gardens          33-05.00   NWI 
  8 #  807 Yang, Wilson       11 San Gabriel           32-00.00   NWI 
Event 53  Girls Shot Put Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  939 Saldana, Ashley    10 Schurr (Ss)           26-11.00   2 
  2 #  639 Sigala, Marianna   10 Montebello (          24-07.50   2 
  3 #  266 Diaz, Karla        10 Bell Gardens          24-01.50   2 
  4 #  171 Lopez, Kiara        9 Alhambra (Ss          24-01.00   2 
  4 #  110 Bell, Kayla         9 Alhambra (Ss          24-01.00   2 
  6 #  383 Diep, Cassidy      10 Mark Keppel           23-01.50   2 
  7 #  947 Tesfaghbriel, Win  10 Schurr (Ss)           20-10.50   1 
  7 #  402 Huang, Jasmin       9 Mark Keppel           20-10.50   2 
  9 #  303 Martinez, Daisy    10 Bell Gardens          20-08.00   2 
 10 #  852 Flores, Miranda    10 Schurr (Ss)           20-02.00   1 
 11 #  286 Haro, Jasmin       10 Bell Gardens          17-05.50   1 
 12 #  558 Flores, Yoselin     9 Montebello (          16-01.00   1 
 13 #  954 Valentin, Estefan  10 Schurr (Ss)           15-06.50   1 
 14 #  238 Xu, Rayna           9 Alhambra (Ss          13-04.50   1 
Event 54  Boys Shot Put Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  856 Garcia, Nicolas    10 Schurr (Ss)           41-03.00   1 
  2 #  486 Wong, Timothy      10 Mark Keppel           39-01.00   1 
  3 #  509 Zhou, Vicente      10 Mark Keppel           37-00.00   1 
  4 #  251 Andujo, Nathaniel  10 Bell Gardens          35-11.00   1 
  5 #  282 Gonzalez, Daniel   10 Bell Gardens          35-04.50   1 
  6 #  470 Suarez, Matthew    10 Mark Keppel           33-06.00   1 
  7 #  322 Patrick, Arriaga   10 Bell Gardens          32-05.00   2 
  8 #  141 Guidos, Isaiah     10 Alhambra (Ss          32-01.50   1 
  9 #  951 Tran, Dang         10 Schurr (Ss)           31-01.50   2 
 10 #  594 Marroquin, Jonath  12 Montebello (          30-10.00   2 
 10 #  888 Lopez, Michael     10 Schurr (Ss)           30-10.00   1 
 12 #  921 Picazo, Joshua     10 Schurr (Ss)           30-06.00   2 
 13 #  620 Pulido, Phillip     9 Montebello (          28-05.00   2 
 14 #  414 Lam, Brandon       10 Mark Keppel           28-04.00   2 
 15 #  261 Campos, Jose       10 Bell Gardens          27-06.00   2 
 16 #  604 Mendoza, Everardo  10 Montebello (          25-10.00   2 
Event 55  Girls Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  802 Wu, Sophia          9 San Gabriel           32-07.50   2 
  2 #  106 Aston, Michaela     9 Alhambra (Ss          28-08.50   1 
  3 #  838 Duran, Ariana      11 Schurr (Ss)           27-07.50   1 
  4 #  910 Munoz, Mayela      12 Schurr (Ss)           26-10.50   1 
  5 #  102 Alo, Grace         10 Alhambra (Ss          25-09.00   1 
  6 #  831 Contreras, Isabel  12 Schurr (Ss)           25-03.50   1 
  7 #  606 Mirelez, Clarissa  12 Montebello (          23-04.50   1 
  8 #  892 Maldonado, Andrea  12 Schurr (Ss)           22-10.50   1 
  9 #  725 Le, Kim            10 San Gabriel           22-05.00   2 
 10 #  611 Navarro, Alondra   12 Montebello (          19-05.00   2 
 11 #  628 Rodriguez, Aisha   12 Montebello (          17-01.50   2 
 12 #  341 Santana, Melany    12 Bell Gardens          15-09.50   2 
 13 #  535 Castaneda, Melody  12 Montebello (          15-07.00   2 
 14 #  313 Nava, Valerie      11 Bell Gardens          14-06.50   2 
Event 56  Boys Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  343 Silva, Adrian      12 Bell Gardens          43-02.00   2 
  2 #  626 Rivera, Julien     12 Montebello (          38-10.00   2 
  3 #  895 Mchtchian, Sam     12 Schurr (Ss)           38-09.00   2 
  4 #  572 Gutierrez, Kriczt  11 Montebello (          36-10.00   2 
  5 #  338 Sanchez, Christia  11 Bell Gardens          35-11.50   2 
  6 #  182 Martinez, Derek    12 Alhambra (Ss          34-09.00   1 
  7 #  205 Ramos, Michael     11 Alhambra (Ss          32-11.00   2 
  8 #  271 Flores, Andres     11 Bell Gardens          32-05.00   2 
  9 #  403 Huang, Jay         12 Mark Keppel           32-01.50   2 
 10 #  524 Arreola, Andrew    11 Montebello (          30-04.00   2 
 11 #  591 Mares, Adrian      11 Montebello (          29-05.00   2 
 12 #  760 Pham, Danny        11 San Gabriel           28-09.00   1 
 13 #  420 Li, Eric           11 Mark Keppel           28-08.50   2 
 14 #  791 Tu, Aaron          11 San Gabriel           28-05.50   1 
 15 #  447 Nguyen, Johnny     11 Mark Keppel           28-04.00   1 
 16 #  936 Ruiz, Alejandro    12 Schurr (Ss)           26-08.00   1 
 17 #  786 To, Richie         11 San Gabriel           26-04.00   1 
 18 #  214 Sasso, Kevin       11 Alhambra (Ss          25-11.00   1 
 19 #  822 Ayon, Jesus        12 Schurr (Ss)           25-06.00   1 
 20 #  844 Espinal, Christia  11 Schurr (Ss)           24-02.00   1 
 21 #  385 Duong, Sam         12 Mark Keppel           23-11.00   1 
 22 #  794 Van, Khoa          11 San Gabriel           22-09.50   1 
Event 57  Girls Discus Throw Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  303 Martinez, Daisy    10 Bell Gardens          82-01.50   1 
  2 #  852 Flores, Miranda    10 Schurr (Ss)           78-03.50   2 
  3 #  383 Diep, Cassidy      10 Mark Keppel              77-02   1 
  4 #  947 Tesfaghbriel, Win  10 Schurr (Ss)           74-01.50   2 
  5 #  939 Saldana, Ashley    10 Schurr (Ss)              68-03   1 
  6 #  402 Huang, Jasmin       9 Mark Keppel              66-07   1 
  7 #  266 Diaz, Karla        10 Bell Gardens             64-11   1 
  8 #  171 Lopez, Kiara        9 Alhambra (Ss          58-09.50   2 
  9 #  262 Candice, Rodrigue   9 Bell Gardens             57-08   1 
 10 #  286 Haro, Jasmin       10 Bell Gardens             56-02   1 
 11 #  639 Sigala, Marianna   10 Montebello (             52-05   2 
 12 #  238 Xu, Rayna           9 Alhambra (Ss          52-01.50   2 
 13 #  558 Flores, Yoselin     9 Montebello (          50-07.50   2 
 14 #  954 Valentin, Estefan  10 Schurr (Ss)           48-04.50   1 
 15 #  110 Bell, Kayla         9 Alhambra (Ss             48-03   1 
Event 58  Boys Discus Throw Frosh/Soph
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  951 Tran, Dang         10 Schurr (Ss)              99-03   2 
  2 #  261 Campos, Jose       10 Bell Gardens          98-04.50   2 
  3 #  909 Munoz, Isaiah      10 Schurr (Ss)           94-03.50   2 
  4 #  921 Picazo, Joshua     10 Schurr (Ss)              93-05   1 
  5 #  414 Lam, Brandon       10 Mark Keppel              89-03   2 
  6 #  594 Marroquin, Jonath  12 Montebello (          88-02.25   1 
  7 #  888 Lopez, Michael     10 Schurr (Ss)              85-07   2 
  8 #  604 Mendoza, Everardo  10 Montebello (             84-10   2 
  9 #  297 Lira, Luis         10 Bell Gardens          78-04.50   1 
 10 #  322 Patrick, Arriaga   10 Bell Gardens             74-08   2 
 11 #  141 Guidos, Isaiah     10 Alhambra (Ss          74-04.50   2 
 12 #  509 Zhou, Vicente      10 Mark Keppel              73-10   1 
 13 #  282 Gonzalez, Daniel   10 Bell Gardens          72-02.50   2 
 14 #  620 Pulido, Phillip     9 Montebello (             72-02   1 
 15 #  471 Teo, James         10 Mark Keppel           66-10.50   1 
 16 #  486 Wong, Timothy      10 Mark Keppel              65-06   1 
 17 #  251 Andujo, Nathaniel  10 Bell Gardens          64-10.50   1 
 18 #  712 Hu, Jinzan         10 San Gabriel           63-01.50   1 
Event 59  Girls Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  838 Duran, Ariana      11 Schurr (Ss)           93-08.50   1 
  2 #  710 Ho, Yvonne         12 San Gabriel           92-03.50   1 
  3 #  892 Maldonado, Andrea  12 Schurr (Ss)           84-11.50   1 
  4 #  874 Jonson, Gabriella  10 Schurr (Ss)              84-03   1 
  5 #  802 Wu, Sophia          9 San Gabriel              77-00   2 
  6 #  106 Aston, Michaela     9 Alhambra (Ss             75-09   1 
  7 #  812 Alba-Murillo, Kat  11 Schurr (Ss)              71-07   1 
  8 #  102 Alo, Grace         10 Alhambra (Ss             70-03   1 
  9 #  725 Le, Kim            10 San Gabriel              66-06   1 
 10 #  611 Navarro, Alondra   12 Montebello (             58-05   2 
 11 #  341 Santana, Melany    12 Bell Gardens             53-10   2 
 12 #  313 Nava, Valerie      11 Bell Gardens             49-11   2 
 13 #  606 Mirelez, Clarissa  12 Montebello (             49-10   2 
 14 #  535 Castaneda, Melody  12 Montebello (             45-04   2 
 15 #  628 Rodriguez, Aisha   12 Montebello (             41-07   2 
Event 60  Boys Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 #  338 Sanchez, Christia  11 Bell Gardens            115-11   2 
  2 #  343 Silva, Adrian      12 Bell Gardens            115-00   2 
  3 #  895 Mchtchian, Sam     12 Schurr (Ss)             113-02   2 
  4 #  572 Gutierrez, Kriczt  11 Montebello (            105-02   2 
  5 #  626 Rivera, Julien     12 Montebello (            103-05   2 
  6 #  271 Flores, Andres     11 Bell Gardens            102-05   2 
  7 #  403 Huang, Jay         12 Mark Keppel             100-09   2 
  8 #  342 Segura, Nick       11 Bell Gardens             99-01   2 
  9 #  205 Ramos, Michael     11 Alhambra (Ss             92-08   2 
 10 #  447 Nguyen, Johnny     11 Mark Keppel              91-03   1 
 11 #  786 To, Richie         11 San Gabriel              90-00   1 
 12 #  420 Li, Eric           11 Mark Keppel              80-00   2 
 12 #  623 Ramirez, Jose      11 Montebello (             80-00   1 
 12 #  796 Vo, Dylan          12 San Gabriel              80-00   2 
 15 #  936 Ruiz, Alejandro    12 Schurr (Ss)              77-08   1 
 16 #  591 Mares, Adrian      11 Montebello (             75-05   1 
 17 #  182 Martinez, Derek    12 Alhambra (Ss             75-03   1 
 18 #  822 Ayon, Jesus        12 Schurr (Ss)              74-10   2 
 19 #  760 Pham, Danny        11 San Gabriel              74-09   1 
 20 #  385 Duong, Sam         12 Mark Keppel              74-02   1 
 21 #  791 Tu, Aaron          11 San Gabriel              69-07   1 
 22 #  214 Sasso, Kevin       11 Alhambra (Ss             69-02   1 
 23 #  794 Van, Khoa          11 San Gabriel              64-07   1 
 24 #  844 Espinal, Christia  11 Schurr (Ss)              56-02   1