Girls Junior Varsity 100m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Tori Davis | Merryhill | 14.5
| Bianka Bagatelos | Merryhill | 14.6
| Finley McKinnon | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 15
| Kaitlyn Penano | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 15.1
| Emily Nguyen | St Mary | 15.2
| Peyton Smith | St. Michael's | 15.2
| Tory Lazio | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 15.3
| Kristen James | St. Rose | 15.4
| Isla Sotelo | St. Elizabeth | 15.7
| Johanna La Rocque | St Francis Elementary | 15.8
| Aubrey Marcantonio | St Robert | 15.9
| Mia Canani | Sacramento Country Day | 16
| Olivia Edgett | St Ignatius | 16
| Caroline Oriolo | St John the Evangelist | 16.1
| Ella Shaw | St John-Notre Dame | 16.1
| Madisyn Bryant | Presentation | 16.1
| Airela Ortiz | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 16.2
| Kylann Lyssand | St Joseph (Auburn) | 16.2
| Mina Matter | St. Mel | 16.2
| Dahae Kim | St. Michael's | 16.2
| Giuliana Allen | St Francis Elementary | 16.4
| Gabrielle Stovall | Merryhill | 16.5
| Lilly Tabarez | St Charles | 16.5
| Naomi Thomas | St Robert | 16.5
| Spencer Brock | St. Michael's | 16.6
| Reeya Dhaliwal | Sacramento Country Day | 16.7
| Victoria Cockrell | St. Michael's | 16.7
| Sofia Guiterrez | St. James | 16.8
| Lucy Gustorf | Our Lady of the Assumption | 16.8
| Giuliana Bernacchi | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 17.1
| Kendall Parsons | St Ignatius | 17.2
| Brooklyn Rowsey | St Ignatius | 17.3
| Emma Wilson | Our Lady of Grace | 17.4
| Simran Heyer | Sacramento Country Day | 17.4
| Lulu Boito | St Ignatius | 17.4
| Liana Aceves | St. Elizabeth | 17.4
| Mari Pikios | St. Michael's | 17.4
| Sonia Montes | St. Rose | 17.5
| Olivia Behr | St Ignatius | 17.6
| Mable Mullen | St John the Evangelist | 17.6
| Michaela Bannerman | St Robert | 17.6
| Samantha Ira | St. Elizabeth | 17.6
| Claire Hooper | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 17.6
| Elianna Torres-Herrera | Our Lady of Grace | 17.7
| Carmel Holbus | St John the Evangelist | 17.7
| Taylor Graham | St. Michael's | 17.7
| Elodie Chan | Merryhill | 17.8
| Soraya Khayatzadeh | St Charles | 17.8
| Madeline Clough | St Ignatius | 17.8
| Penny-Lane Hernandez | St John the Evangelist | 17.8
| Chloe Kucera | St Francis Elementary | 18
| Sofia Trevino | St Ignatius | 18
| Anna Chrisman | St John the Evangelist | 18
| Francesca Callaghan | St John-Notre Dame | 18
| Elaya Hackett | Sacramento Country Day | 18.1
| Charlotte Thomas | St. Elizabeth | 18.1
| Sophia D'Incceco | St. Mel | 18.2
| Sabine Kuo | Merryhill | 18.3
| Uma Nair | St. Albans | 18.3
| Paloma Santana | St Charles | 18.4
| Sofia Passalacqua | St Mary | 18.4
| Layla Smith | St Ignatius | 18.6
| Emilia Laptalo | St Ignatius | 18.7
| Harper Jones | St. Mel | 18.7
| Briseas Warstler | Our Lady of Grace | 19
| Ellie Kramer | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 19
| Xena Singh | St Ignatius | 19.1
| Fernanda Sandoval | St Robert | 19.1
| Mia Swanston | Our Lady of the Assumption | 19.5
| Madeline Breault | Our Lady of the Assumption | 20.3
| Arden Mosley | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 23.4
| Asha Woodruff | St. Michael's | 23.7
Girls Varsity 100m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Quinn Kellogg | St Joseph (Auburn) | 13.9
| Berit Graham | St. Michael's | 13.9
| Jasleen Gandhoke | Sacramento Country Day | 14
| Gabriella Devlin | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 14.1
| Kyra Hannan | St. Mel | 14.3
| Maura McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 14.3
| Christina Almanza | St. Elizabeth | 14.4
| Molly Smallenberger | St Joseph (Auburn) | 14.4
| Brynn Baker | St Ignatius | 14.5
| Rylee Tibon | St John-Notre Dame | 14.8
| KaleAnn Myers | St. James | 14.8
| Lyla Faruzzi | St. Michael's | 14.8
| Kaia Mounkes | St. Rose | 14.8
| Grace Hussey | Sacramento Country Day | 14.9
| Sara Pierce | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 14.9
| Claire Cuckovich | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 15.0
| Katelynn James | St. Rose | 15.0
| Breanna Castro | Sacramento Country Day | 15.1
| Francesca Mislinski | St John-Notre Dame | 15.1
| Lily Yaeger | St Robert | 15.1
| Piper Bates | St Francis Elementary | 15.2
| Camilla Connoly | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 15.2
| Reese Davenport | St Francis Elementary | 15.3
| Emily Colonnello | St Ignatius | 15.4
| Josie-Lynn Kyaw | St. Mel | 15.4
| Alexandra Lopez | Our Lady of Grace | 15.5
| Serena Sobrepena | Sacramento Country Day | 15.5
| Ella Dreisbach | St. Elizabeth | 15.5
| Daryn Sana | St. Elizabeth | 15.7
| Vivienne Howard | St. Albans | 15.9
| Marley Heller | Sacramento Country Day | 16.1
| Valentina Reynoso | Presentation | 16.1
| Alyson Nguyen | St. Elizabeth | 16.2
| Maria Hinton | St. Elizabeth | 16.2
| Amelin Pragasam | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 16.3
| Angelisa Orpilla | St Charles | 16.3
| Annabelle Co | St Charles | 16.7
| Kate Machado | St Joseph (Auburn) | 16.7
| Abbigail Rodriguez | St. Elizabeth | 16.7
| Avelin Pragasam | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 16.8
| Anthonia Nwaukoni | St Robert | 16.9
| Isabella Martinez | St. Elizabeth | 16.9
| Lila Covert | St. Mel | 16.9
| Abbie Garcia | St. Mel | 16.9
| Ava Harmatz | Sacramento Country Day | 17.0
| Sophia Del Toro | St Charles | 17.0
| Daniela Ledesma | St John-Notre Dame | 17.1
| Judith Mendoza | Our Lady of Grace | 17.2
| Megan Tan | St. Elizabeth | 17.2
| Miranda Kerr | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 17.2
| Olivia Carpenter | Our Lady of Grace | 17.3
| Kat Palvino | St. Mel | 17.3
| Simran Prasad | St Francis Elementary | 17.5
| Sophia Garcia | St Robert | 17.5
| Lauren Mosley | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 17.5
| Neha Vasanthan | St. Albans | 17.6
| Lillian Jones | St. Elizabeth | 17.7
| Elena Silva | Merryhill | 18.0
| Sophia Bellah | St. Rose | 18.3
| Sofia Franklin | St Mary | 18.5
| Ana Michelle Conzalez | St Philomene's | 19.2
| Ana Michelle Gonzalez | St. Philomene | 19.4
| Isabella Governar | Merryhill | 20.0
Boys Junior Varsity 100m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Drew Lesnau | St Joseph (Auburn) | 14.4
| Kameron Nasser | Merryhill | 14.5
| Maksimo Stojakovic | Sacramento Country Day | 14.8
| Steven Georgoulious | St John the Evangelist | 14.9
| Marshall Fat | St Ignatius | 15
| Dominic Lopez | St. Elizabeth | 15.1
| Jack Miadich | Merryhill | 15.2
| Kasen Lim | Merryhill | 15.3
| Ezra Viray | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 15.3
| Edison David | St John-Notre Dame | 15.4
| Dat Ta | St Charles | 15.8
| Jack Azar | St John-Notre Dame | 15.8
| Aydan Cardenas | St Charles | 15.9
| Reed McGuirk | St John-Notre Dame | 15.9
| Ethan Alig | St. Elizabeth | 15.9
| Reeves Devine | St John-Notre Dame | 16.1
| Avery Del Castillo | St Ignatius | 16.2
| Anthony Barksdale | St John-Notre Dame | 16.2
| Dara Salari | Sacramento Country Day | 16.3
| Julian Vargas | St Philomene's | 16.4
| Santino Saavedra | St. Elizabeth | 16.5
| JULIAN VARGAS | St. Philomene | 16.6
| Jayden Hamel | St John the Evangelist | 16.7
| Nathan Phong | St. Elizabeth | 16.7
| Cade Myers | St. James | 16.9
| Aaron Nguyen | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 16.9
| Blake Gilbert | St. Michael's | 16.9
| Max-Emiliano Garcia | St Charles | 17
| Joseph Dwyer | St John-Notre Dame | 17.1
| Samuel Hinnenkamp | St. Rose | 17.2
| Kabir Natt | Sacramento Country Day | 17.4
| John Parino | St Charles | 17.5
| Joseph Heredia | St Francis Elementary | 17.5
| Gavin DeBoo | Sacramento Country Day | 17.7
| Lorenzo Lee | St Joseph (Auburn) | 17.8
| Kyle Murray | St. James | 17.9
| Preston Nguyen | St. Elizabeth | 18
| Larsson Olmstead | St Ignatius | 18.1
| Sebastian Keaton | St. Elizabeth | 18.1
| Jack Pannell | Sacramento Country Day | 18.3
| Juan Pablo Nungaray-Gutierrez | St. Philomene | 18.4
| Xavier Johnson | St Charles | 18.5
| Tyler Parkpakorn | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 18.9
| Colton Tafoya | St. Michael's | 19
| Christopher Jack | St Ignatius | 19.1
| Trevor Martin | St. Elizabeth | 19.2
| Cameron Harder | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 19.4
| Jesse Pham | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 19.8
| Gabriel Gonzalez | St Philomene's | 20.8
| Luis Herrera | St Charles | 21.4
| Jorge Santana | St Charles | 21.4
| Abner Dabalos | St Charles | 21.5
| William Simpson | St. Michael's | 22.2
| Luke Seeley | Presentation | 15
| Tony Smeres | Presentation | 16.5
| Jackson Watzig | Presentation | 17.1
Boys Varsity 100m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Owen Snow | St Francis Elementary | 12.3
| Paul Vicio | St. Elizabeth | 12.4
| Naryan Banerjee | Sacramento Country Day | 12.6
| Rowan Lynch | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 12.7
| CJ Rosales | St Ignatius | 12.7
| Jack Priest | St. Mel | 12.9
| Henry Sperber | St. Michael's | 12.9
| Leo Johnson | St Ignatius | 13
| Max Gutterman | St. Michael's | 13.1
| Logan Reding | St. Rose | 13.2
| William MacLaughlin | St Ignatius | 13.3
| Ziah McAvoy Jensen | St. Elizabeth | 13.3
| Landon Hernandez | St. Elizabeth | 13.5
| Hayden Kalmbach | Our Lady of the Assumption | 13.7
| Gianni Allen | St Francis Elementary | 13.8
| Riley Durazo | St. Mel | 13.9
| Charley Chambers | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 14
| Dylan Petersen | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 14.1
| Charlie Bonnici | St. Mel | 14.2
| Sawyer Carey | St. Michael's | 14.3
| Reed SIlva | St Francis Elementary | 14.6
| Drew Eandi | St. Michael's | 14.6
| Cayden McAleese | St John the Evangelist | 14.7
| Kevin Murray | St. James | 14.7
| Mark Estolero | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 14.8
| Clinton Myers | St. Michael's | 14.9
| Eli Pashalides | St. Michael's | 14.9
| Matthew Harden | St. Elizabeth | 15
| Wills Crouch | St. Michael's | 15
| Andrey Najman | St. Michael's | 15
| Jonah Landry | St. James | 15.1
| Gray Gilbert | St. Michael's | 15.1
| Oscar Pereira | St Francis Elementary | 15.3
| Max Mendoza | St John-Notre Dame | 15.3
| Grant Munoz | St. Michael's | 15.4
| Micah Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 15.5
| Julian Ortega-Martinez | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 15.7
| Killian Smith | St John the Evangelist | 16.1
| Aaron Martinez | St John-Notre Dame | 16.2
| Charlie Perez | St Robert | 16.5
| Jacob Pham | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 16.5
| Gian Tanoy | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 16.6
| Nathan Salonga | Our Lady of Grace | 16.9
| Alex Buxie | St Francis Elementary | 16.9
| Jordan Pierce | St. Elizabeth | 17.4
| Logan Edwards | Merryhill | 17.7
| Angelo Hernandez | Our Lady of Grace | 17.7
| Brenden Edwards | Merryhill | 18
| Julius Hennan | St. Elizabeth | 18.2
| Max Newburn | St. Mel | 18.2
| Nathan Dickey | St. Rose | 18.5
| Antthony Fasone | St Mary | 18.7
| Pokai Hage | Presentation | 13.2
| Evan Lim | Presentation | 15.4
Girls Junior Varsity 1600m Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Alexis Goodyear | St John-Notre Dame | 6:10.0
| Gillian Hamm | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 6:37
| Sloane Henderson | St. Michael's | 6:38
| Grace Mendoza | Merryhill | 6:39.6
| Mary Burke | Presentation | 6:47
| Savannah Hansen | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 7:04
| Kate Kincaid | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 7:12
| Everly Abbott | St. Michael's | 7:14
| Londyn Aslie | St. Michael's | 7:22
| Emma Cleary | St. James | 7:31.9
Girls Varsity 1600m Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Sandra Wallace | St Ignatius | 6:12
| Kalaya Moore | St Philomene's | 6:28
| Linda Wang | Sacramento Country Day | 6:31.7
| Myla Awa | St. James | 6:32.0
| Kalaya Moore | St. Philomene | 6:33
| Breanna Castro | Sacramento Country Day | 6:33.4
| Emilia Ryan | St. Michael's | 6:38
| Paige Miszkewycz | St Joseph (Auburn) | 6:46
Boys Junior Varsity 1600m Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Bradley Grialou | St. Michael's | 6:22
| Cole Anderson | St. Michael's | 6:25
| Jackson Kann | St John the Evangelist | 5:52.9
| Eli Archer | St. Rose | 6:13.3
| Savva Mehalakis | St. Albans | 6:15.1
| Gavin DeBoo | Sacramento Country Day | 6:17.0
| Collin Clark | St. Mel | 7:44.6
| Cooper Nordberg | Our Lady of the Assumption | 8:16.2
Boys Varsity 1600m Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Nick Ramos | St John the Evangelist | 5:42
| Cayden McAleese | St John the Evangelist | 5:55
| Mateo Bustos | St. Albans | 5:58
| Preston Bates | St Francis Elementary | 6:01
| Drew Eandi | St. Michael's | 6:02
| Kristian Lyssand | St Joseph (Auburn) | 6:10
| Ziah McAvoy Jensen | St. Elizabeth | 6:15
| Gianni Allen | St Francis Elementary | 6:16
| Alexander Portas | Merryhill | 6:17.5
| Matthew Clifton | St Joseph (Auburn) | 6:20
| Max Mendoza | St John-Notre Dame | 6:23.9
| Aaron Martinez | St John-Notre Dame | 6:32.1
| Bryce Saint-Evens | St John-Notre Dame | 6:32.2
| Matthew Harden | St. Elizabeth | 6:40
| Nathan Archer | St. Rose | 6:50.6
| Christian Haddad | St Ignatius | 6:58
| Cooper Irish | St. Albans | 7:13.5
Girls Junior Varsity 200m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Tori Davis | Merryhill | 29.5
| Emily Nguyen | St Mary | 30
| Tory Lazio | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 30.9
| Peyton Smith | St. Michael's | 31.6
| Ella Shaw | St John-Notre Dame | 32.4
| Mary Gilligan | St John the Evangelist | 32.8
| Lilly Tabarez | St Charles | 32.9
| Hannah Savage | St. Michael's | 32.9
| Finley McKinnon | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 33
| Kristen James | St. Rose | 33.1
| Dahae Kim | St. Michael's | 33.4
| Talia Sanchez | St. Michael's | 33.5
| Kaitlyn Penano | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 33.6
| Susie Wang | Sacramento Country Day | 33.7
| Kylann Lyssand | St Joseph (Auburn) | 33.7
| Aubrey Marcantonio | St Robert | 33.7
| Lucy Gustorf | Our Lady of the Assumption | 34.2
| Reeya Dhaliwal | Sacramento Country Day | 34.9
| Pepper Schwartz | St Ignatius | 35
| Caroline Oriolo | St John the Evangelist | 35.1
| Olivia Edgett | St Ignatius | 35.3
| Emilia Laptalo | St Ignatius | 35.3
| Simran Heyer | Sacramento Country Day | 35.4
| Anna Pelka | St John-Notre Dame | 35.4
| Mina Matter | St. Mel | 35.6
| Carmel Holbus | St John the Evangelist | 35.9
| Acacia Enos | Our Lady of Grace | 36
| Victoria Cockrell | St. Michael's | 36.5
| Brooklyn Rowsey | St Ignatius | 36.7
| Claire Hooper | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 36.7
| Spencer Brock | St. Michael's | 36.7
| Giuliana Bernacchi | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 36.8
| Sofia Passalacqua | St Mary | 37.1
| LIana Aceves | St. Elizabeth | 37.1
| Elodie Chan | Merryhill | 37.3
| Elianna Torres-Herr | Our Lady of Grace | 37.3
| Kate Kincaid | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 37.3
| Francesca Callaghan | St John-Notre Dame | 37.5
| Elena Wynne | St Francis Elementary | 37.6
| Abigail Carrothers | St. Mel | 37.6
| Naomi Thomas | St Robert | 37.8
| Paloma Santana | St Charles | 37.9
| Emma Wilson | Our Lady of Grace | 38
| Anna Chrisman | St John the Evangelist | 38
| Olivia Behr | St Ignatius | 38.1
| Sofia Trevino | St Ignatius | 38.1
| Sabine Kuo | Merryhill | 38.2
| Chloe Kucera | St Francis Elementary | 38.2
| Soraya Khayatzadeh | St Charles | 38.3
| Emma Baker | St Joseph (Auburn) | 38.7
| Katie Stone | Merryhill | 38.9
| Catherine Cederborg | St. Mel | 39
| Marley Prine | St Francis Elementary | 39.5
| Charlotte Thomas | St. Elizabeth | 39.6
| Renee Regala | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 41.4
| Samantha Ira | St. Elizabeth | 42
| Asha Woodruff | St. Michael's | 52.7
| Elysia Lopez | St. Albans | 36.4
| Leila Alizadeh | St. Albans | 37.1
| Madisyn Bryant | Presentation | 38.2
| Uma Nair | St. Albans | 38.2
Girls Varsity 200m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Berit Graham | St. Michael's | 27.9
| Alyssa Abbott | St. Michael's | 29.4
| Brynn Baker | St Ignatius | 29.5
| Lyla Faruzzi | St. Michael's | 30
| Sara Pierce | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 30.3
| Rylee Tibon | St John-Notre Dame | 30.5
| Camilla Connoly | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 30.7
| Myla Awa | St. James | 30.8
| Quinn Kellogg | St Joseph (Auburn) | 31.3
| Maura McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 31.3
| Kyndle Bremby | St Robert | 31.3
| Serena Sobrepena | Sacramento Country Day | 32.1
| Maria Hinton | St. Elizabeth | 32.1
| Daryn Sana | St. Elizabeth | 32.1
| Ella Dreisbach | St. Elizabeth | 32.2
| Molly Smallenberger | St Joseph (Auburn) | 32.3
| Marley Heller | Sacramento Country Day | 32.6
| Breanna Castro | Sacramento Country Day | 32.7
| Josie-Lynn Kyaw | St. Mel | 32.7
| Grace de Silva | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 33.5
| Isla Sotelo | St. Elizabeth | 33.7
| Kate Machado | St Joseph (Auburn) | 34.3
| Abbigail Rodriguez | St. Elizabeth | 35.2
| Alyson Nguyen | St. Elizabeth | 35.3
| Avelin Pragasam | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 35.4
| Olivia Carpenter | Our Lady of Grace | 35.5
| Sophia Del Toro | St Charles | 35.5
| Lila Covert | St. Mel | 35.5
| Amelin Pragasam | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 35.7
| Olivia Becerril | St Francis Elementary | 35.8
| Cecilia Serrano | St Charles | 35.9
| Judith Mendoza | Our Lady of Grace | 36.2
| Thomasina Nicholson | St Francis Elementary | 36.3
| Anthonia Nwaukoni | St Robert | 36.3
| Miranda Kerr | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 36.6
| Isabella-Marie Eulie | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 37.4
| Sophia Garcia | St Robert | 38.5
| Ana Michelle Gonzalez | St Philomene's | 40.8
| Ana Michelle Gonzalez | St. Philomene | 41
| Hannah Nguyen | Merryhill | 44.4
| Eva Tan | Presentation | 33.8
| Vivienne Howard | St. Albans | 34.1
| Neha Vasanthan | St. Albans | 35.1
Boys Junior Varsity 200m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Kameron Nasser | Merryhill | 29
| Gabe Johnson-Wells | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 29
| Wesley Gonsalves | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 29.9
| Vinny Villarreal | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 30.2
| Maksimo Stojakovic | Sacramento Country Day | 30.8
| Jack Miadich | Merryhill | 30.9
| Steven Georgoulious | St John the Evangelist | 30.9
| Dara Salari | Sacramento Country Day | 32
| Jackson Kann | St John the Evangelist | 32.2
| Jack Loverich | St John the Evangelist | 32.6
| Dominic Lopez | St. Elizabeth | 33.2
| Ezra Viray | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 33.2
| Jack Rojas | St John the Evangelist | 33.5
| Vedh Ravula | St. Michael's | 33.5
| Edison David | St John-Notre Dame | 33.6
| Anthony Barksdale | St John-Notre Dame | 33.8
| Grayson Stovall | St Ignatius | 34.3
| Nathaniel Garcia | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 35.4
| Cade Myers | St. James | 35.5
| Blake Gilbert | St. Michael's | 35.7
| Kabir Natt | Sacramento Country Day | 36.3
| Nathan Phong | St. Elizabeth | 36.3
| Nathan Fike | St John-Notre Dame | 36.7
| Aaron Nguyen | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 36.8
| George Macko | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 37.3
| Preston Nguyen | St. Elizabeth | 37.5
| Samuel Hinnenkamp | St. Rose | 37.5
| Grady Fredrich | St John-Notre Dame | 37.9
| Sebastian Keaton | St. Elizabeth | 37.9
| Santino Saavedra | St. Elizabeth | 38.2
| Lachlan Hannafin | Sacramento Country Day | 38.4
| Joseph Heredia | St Francis Elementary | 38.6
| Reed McGuirk | St John-Notre Dame | 38.8
| Jack Horton | St John the Evangelist | 39
| Emillio Hernandez | St. Michael's | 39.1
| Jack Pannell | Sacramento Country Day | 39.2
| Ethan Alig | St. Elizabeth | 39.4
| Caleb Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 39.5
| Matthew Garland | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 40.5
| Cameron Harder | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 40.7
| Trevor Martin | St. Elizabeth | 46.4
| Luke Seeley | Presentation | 31
| Tony Smeres | Presentation | 33.5
| Jackson Watzig | Presentation | 35.9
Boys Varsity 200m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Thorne Watson | St John the Evangelist | 25.3
| Rowan Lynch | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 25.4
| CJ Rosales | St Ignatius | 26.3
| Jack Priest | St. Mel | 26.5
| Owen Snow | St Francis Elementary | 26.5
| Paul Vicio | St. Elizabeth | 26.5
| Logan George | Sacramento Country Day | 26.9
| Leo Johnson | St Ignatius | 26.9
| Ziah McAvoy Jensen | St. Elizabeth | 27.4
| William MacLaughlin | St Ignatius | 27.6
| Riley Durazo | St. Mel | 27.7
| Logan Reding | St. Rose | 28.1
| Hayden Kalmbach | Our Lady of the Assumption | 28.7
| Sawyer Carey | St. Michael's | 29.1
| Jack Durnell | St Francis Elementary | 29.2
| Noah Blanchard | St Mary | 29.4
| Cayden McAleese | St John the Evangelist | 29.9
| Santiago Manzon | St Robert | 30.4
| Aidan Mullen | St John the Evangelist | 30.5
| Gray Gilbert | St. Michael's | 30.7
| Jordan Pierce | St. Elizabeth | 30.8
| Mark Estolero | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 30.9
| Grant Munoz | St. Michael's | 31.1
| Aiden Ellis | St John the Evangelist | 31.3
| Matthew Harden | St. Elizabeth | 31.4
| Eli Ta | St John-Notre Dame | 31.5
| AJ Portas | Merryhill | 32
| Devonte Corcoran | St Francis Elementary | 32
| Max Mendoza | St John-Notre Dame | 33.1
| Jacob Pham | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 34.4
| Noah Kidd | Our Lady of the Assumption | 35.1
| Angelo Hernandez | Our Lady of Grace | 35.6
| Preston Richardson | Merryhill | 35.9
| Kevin Murray | St. James | 36.5
| Logan Edwards | Merryhill | 36.9
| Charlie Perez | St Robert | 38.5
| Brenden Edwards | Merryhill | 39
| Julius Hennan | St. Elizabeth | 40.3
| Henry Sarabian | Presentation | 29.8
| Mason Chiesa | St. Albans | 31.9
| Evan Lim | Presentation | 32.9
| Issac Jauregul | Presentation | 33.6
| Hudson Bowers | Presentation | 35.9
Girls Junior Varsity 200mh Hurdles | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Sofia Tamariz | St Robert | 39.1
| Mary Gilligan | St John the Evangelist | 39.3
| Giulianna Kisling | St Ignatius | 40.1
| Emma Colwell | St Ignatius | 42.1
| Taylor Graham | St. Michael's | 42.8
| Emma Wilson | Our Lady of Grace | 44.5
| Madeline Breault | Our Lady of the Assumption | 49.8
| Zoe Cronican | St. Albans | 40
Girls Varsity 200mh Hurdles | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Jasleen Gandhoke | Sacramento Country Day | 32.4
| Gabriella Devlin | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 34
| Kinley Muck | St. Rose | 35.3
| Lotte Hofmann | Sacramento Country Day | 37.7
| Emilia Ryan | St. Michael's | 37.9
| Sandra Wallace | St Ignatius | 40.7
| Paige Miszkewycz | St Joseph (Auburn) | 42
| Judith Mendoza | Our Lady of Grace | 42.2
| Alexandra Lopez | Our Lady of Grace | 44.3
| Reese Davenport | St Francis Elementary | 44.6
| Ava Harmatz | Sacramento Country Day | 47
| Julia Cederborg | St. Mel | 54
| Isabella Governar | Merryhill | 01:00.7
Boys Junior Varsity 200mh Hurdles | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Liam Hoey | St Robert | 36.1
| Elias Cannon | Merryhill | 36.5
| Jack Rojas | St John the Evangelist | 37.1
| Dane Muck | St. Rose | 39
| Avery Del Castillo | St Ignatius | 40.7
| Caleb Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 44
| Adrien Malhotra | St Ignatius | 45
Boys Varsity 200mh Hurdles | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Anton Emseih | St John the Evangelist | 31
| Naryan Banerjee | Sacramento Country Day | 31.6
| Jonah Landry | St. James | 34.1
| Santiago Manzon | St Robert | 34.6
| Brady Kann | St John the Evangelist | 34.7
| Matthew Clifton | St Joseph (Auburn) | 35.4
| Baron Smith | St John the Evangelist | 37
| Micah Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 37.5
| Pokai Hage | Presentation | 30.4
| Mason Chiesa | St. Albans | 36.6
| Julian Kanz | St. Albans | 38.8
Girls Junior Varsity 400m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Talia Sanchez | St. Michael's | 1:16
| Giuliana Bernacchi | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:23
| Liana Aceves | St. Elizabeth | 1:25
| Helena Ozeroff | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:26
| Elena Wynne | St Francis Elementary | 1:26
| Brooklyn Rowsey | St Ignatius | 1:27
| Emilia Laptalo | St Ignatius | 1:29
| Londyn Aslie | St. Michael's | 1:33
| Samantha Ira | St. Elizabeth | 1:34
| Jayme Grace Montenegro | St. Mel | 1:34
| Alexis Goodyear | St John-Notre Dame | 01:13.1
| Peyton Smith | St. Michael's | 01:15.5
| Mary Gilligan | St John the Evangelist | 01:16.7
| Mia Canani | Sacramento Country Day | 01:17.2
| Hannah Savage | St. Michael's | 01:18.2
| Sofia Tamariz | St Robert | 01:18.3
| Susie Wang | Sacramento Country Day | 01:19.4
| Pepper Schwartz | St Ignatius | 01:20.0
| Elysia Lopez | St. Albans | 01:21.7
| Johanna La Roque | St Francis Elementary | 01:22.5
| Leila Alizadeh | St. Albans | 01:22.8
| Sofia Guiterrez | St. James | 01:23.0
| Giuliana Allen | St Francis Elementary | 01:23.5
| Lotte Hofmann | Sacramento Country Day | 01:24.0
| Brooke Fuller | St. James | 01:26.0
| Gabrielle Stovall | Merryhill | 01:27.9
| Marley Prine | St Francis Elementary | 01:29.9
| Anna Chrisman | St John the Evangelist | 01:30.3
| Victoria Cockrell | St. Michael's | 01:30.3
| Penny-Lane Hernandez | St John the Evangelist | 01:30.5
| Angela Weston | St Robert | 01:32.0
| Emma Baker | St Joseph (Auburn) | 01:33.7
| Jayme Grace Montenegro | St. Mel | 01:34.3
| Emma Cleary | St. James | 01:34.4
| Naomi Thomas | St Robert | 01:37.0
| Elise Scott | St Robert | 01:41.8
Girls Varsity 400m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Brynn Baker | St Ignatius | 1:06
| Alyssa Abbott | St. Michael's | 1:07
| Emily Colonnello | St Ignatius | 1:14
| Ava Lucas | Presentation | 1:14
| Amelin Pragasam | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:17
| Grace de Silva | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:18
| Ella Dreisbach | St. Elizabeth | 1:18
| Avelin Pragasam | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:23
| Valeria Vargas | St Philomene's | 1:23
| Abbigail Rodriguez | St. Elizabeth | 1:23
| Christina Almanza | St. Elizabeth | 1:25
| Isla Sotelo | St. Elizabeth | 1:25
| Megan Tan | St. Elizabeth | 1:26
| Daryn Sana | St. Elizabeth | 1:28
| Giselle Escalera | St. Elizabeth | 1:30
| Alyson Nguyen | St. Elizabeth | 1:30
| Isabella Martinez | St. Elizabeth | 1:33
| Valeria Vargas | St. Philomene | 1.23
| Rylee Tibon | St John-Notre Dame | 01:10.2
| Myla Awa | St. James | 01:11.0
| Serena Sobrepena | Sacramento Country Day | 01:13.0
| Natalie Afong | St Robert | 01:13.3
| Lily Yaeger | St Robert | 01:17.4
| Josie-Lynn Kyaw | St. Mel | 01:17.6
| Alex Lopez | Our Lady of Grace | 01:23.1
| Reese Davenport | St Francis Elementary | 01:25.5
| Thomasina Nicholson | St Francis Elementary | 01:30.1
| Olivia Becerril | St Francis Elementary | 01:30.2
Boys Junior Varsity 400m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Wesley Gonsalves | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:09
| Vinny Villarreal | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:14
| Liam Leonard | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:23
| Dominic Lopez | St. Elizabeth | 1:24
| George Macko | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:28
| Nathan Phong | St. Elizabeth | 1:28
| Santino Saavedra | St. Elizabeth | 1:28
| Ethan Alig | St. Elizabeth | 1:29
| Emillio Hernandez | St. Michael's | 1:29
| Cameron Boyd | St Ignatius | 1:32
| Preston Nguyen | St. Elizabeth | 1:34
| Gabriel Gomez | St. Elizabeth | 1:36
| Matthew Garland | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:37
| Trevor Martin | St. Elizabeth | 1:41
| Kameron Nasser | Merryhill | 01:08.6
| Liam Hoey | St Robert | 01:09.6
| Hudson Bowers | Presentation | 01:12.9
| Eli Archer | St. Rose | 01:13.6
| Matthis Lecina | St John-Notre Dame | 01:14.2
| Vedh Ravula | St. Michael's | 01:17.5
| Edison David | St John-Notre Dame | 01:18.0
| Nathan Fike | St John-Notre Dame | 01:20.7
| Nathaniel Garcia | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 01:20.9
| Gavin DeBoo | Sacramento Country Day | 01:23.1
| Samuel Hinnenkamp | St. Rose | 01:23.1
| Joseph Dwyer | St John-Notre Dame | 01:23.5
| Jack Azar | St John-Notre Dame | 01:24.2
| Alex Heinrich | Our Lady of the Assumption | 01:25.2
| Dylan Gomez | St Francis Elementary | 01:25.5
| Grady Fredrich | St John-Notre Dame | 01:29.5
| Jesse Pham | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 01:41.3
| Jack Horton | St John the Evangelist | 01:42.9
| Tyler Parkpakorn | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 01:45.8
Boys Varsity 400m Dash | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Thorne Watson | St John the Evangelist | 59.1
| Paul Vicio | St. Elizabeth | 1:00
| Leo Johnson | St Ignatius | 1:01
| Nicholas Law | St. Rose | 01:02.2
| Ben Schiavone | St Joseph (Auburn) | 1:04
| Jack Priest | St. Mel | 01:04.4
| Jack Durnell | St Francis Elementary | 01:05.6
| Hayden Kalmbach | Our Lady of the Assumption | 01:05.7
| Noah Blanchard | St Mary | 01:05.7
| Henry Srabian | Presentation | 1:08
| Hudson Swain | St Joseph (Auburn) | 01:08.9
| Charley Chambers | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 1:09
| Jordan Pierce | St. Elizabeth | 1:09
| Drew Eandi | St. Michael's | 1:09
| AJ Portas | Merryhill | 01:09.3
| Logan McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 1:10
| Devonte Corcoran | St Francis Elementary | 01:10.7
| Julian Kanz | St. Albans | 01:11.4
| Kristian Lyssand | St Joseph (Auburn) | 01:12.2
| Andrew Stone | St Mary | 01:12.2
| Nick Ramos | St John the Evangelist | 01:12.6
| Grant Munoz | St. Michael's | 01:13.8
| Issac Jauregul | Presentation | 1:14
| Mathew Byers | Presentation | 01:14.4
| Aidan Mullen | St John the Evangelist | 01:15.1
| Julian Ortega-Martinez | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 01:15.9
| Luke Ferrick | St. James | 01:16.0
| Xavier Heinrich | Our Lady of the Assumption | 01:17.0
| Nathan Archer | St. Rose | 01:17.6
| Hudson Swanson | Presentation | 1:18
| Preston Bates | St Francis Elementary | 01:19.1
| Emiliano Alfaro | St Francis Elementary | 01:21.0
| Connor Hooper | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 01:21.1
| Ben Lares | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 01:21.1
| Aaron Martinez | St John-Notre Dame | 01:21.2
| Jacob Pham | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 01:21.5
| Ross Carollo | Presentation | 01:21.9
| Noah Kidd | Our Lady of the Assumption | 01:26.5
| Julius Hennan | St. Elizabeth | 1:33
| Cooper Irish | St. Albans | 01:33.5
Girls Junior Varsity 4x100m Relay | | |
| Team | Time |
| Sacred Heart (PAL) | 59.7 |
| St Robert | 1:03 |
| St. Albans | 01:05.0 |
| St Charles | 1:07 |
| St John the Evangelist | 1:09 |
| St. Mel | 1:09 |
| St. Michael's | 1:09 |
| St. Mel | 01:09.7 |
| St Ignatius | 1:11 |
| St. Elizabeth | 1:11 |
| St Francis Elementary | 01:13.2 |
Girls Varsity 4x100m Relay | | |
| Team | Time |
| St. Michael's | 55.7 |
| St. Rose | 58.3 |
| Sacred Heart (PAL) | 59.97 |
| St Robert | 1:01 |
| St Francis Elementary | 01:01.7 |
| St Joseph (Auburn) | 01:02.0 |
| St John-Notre Dame | 01:02.2 |
| St. John Vianney | 01:02.3 |
| St Ignatius | 1:05 |
| St Charles | 1:07 |
| St. Elizabeth | 1:08 |
| Presentation | 1:08 |
| St. Mel | 01:10.1 |
| Merryhill | 01:14.7 |
Boys Junior Varsity 4x100m Relay | | |
| Team | Time |
| Merryhill | 59.2 |
| St John the Evangelist | 01:03.8 |
| Presentation | 1:04 |
| St John-Notre Dame | 01:04.2 |
| Sacred Heart (PAL) | 01:06.4 |
| St Charles | 01:06.5 |
| St. John Vianney | 01:06.5 |
| St Ignatius | 1:07 |
| St. Elizabeth | 1:08 |
Boys Varsity 4x100m Relay | | |
| Team | Time |
| Sacred Heart (PAL) | 52.6 |
| St John the Evangelist | 52.6 |
| St Francis Elementary | 57.1 |
| St. Rose | 57.4 |
| St. Elizabeth | 58 |
| Presentation | 01:01.8 |
| St. John Vianney | 01:09.0 |
Girls Junior Varsity 65mH Hurdles | | |
| Team | Time |
| St. Rose | 11.8 |
| St John-Notre Dame | 12 |
| St Robert | 12 |
| St. Albans | 12.1 |
| St Ignatius | 12.2 |
| Sacramento Country Day | 12.6 |
| St John-Notre Dame | 13.5 |
| St. James | 13.5 |
| Sacramento Country Day | 13.6 |
| St. Michael's | 13.6 |
| Our Lady of Grace | 13.8 |
| Our Lady of the Assumption | 13.9 |
| St. Michael's | 14 |
| St Ignatius | 14.3 |
| St John-Notre Dame | 14.7 |
| St. James | 14.9 |
| St John-Notre Dame | 15 |
| St. Mel | 15.1 |
| St. Michael's | 15.1 |
| St. Mel | 15.2 |
| St Ignatius | 15.3 |
| St Ignatius | 15.5 |
| St. Mel | 15.5 |
| St Robert | 15.8 |
| St Ignatius | 15.9 |
| St. James | 16 |
| Our Lady of Grace | 16.4 |
| St Robert | 16.5 |
| St Robert | 16.9 |
| St. Michael's | 17.8 |
| St Robert | 18.4 |
| Our Lady of the Assumption | 20.1 |
Girls Varsity 65mH Hurdles | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Jasleen Gandhoke | Sacramento Country Day | 10.5
| Kinley Muck | St. Rose | 11.7
| Kyra Hannan | St. Mel | 12.3
| Quinn Kellogg | St Joseph (Auburn) | 12.4
| Maura McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 12.6
| Emily Colonnello | St Ignatius | 12.8
| Katelynn James | St. Rose | 12.9
| Emily Simpson | St. Michael's | 13.4
| Alyssa Tafoya | St. Michael's | 13.4
| Julia Cederborg | St. Mel | 13.5
| Abigail Spears | St. Michael's | 13.5
| Makena Shaini | St Francis Elementary | 14.5
| Anthonia Nwaukoni | St Robert | 14.6
| Lillian Jones | St. Elizabeth | 14.6
| Judith Mendoza | Our Lady of Grace | 15
| Kat Palvino | St. Mel | 15
| Lila Covert | St. Mel | 15.1
| Abbie Garcia | St. Mel | 15.1
| Ava Harmatz | Sacramento Country Day | 15.4
| Hannah Nguyen | Merryhill | 16.2
| Sophia Bellah | St. Rose | 16.6
Boys Junior Varsity 65mH Hurdles | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Elias Cannon | Merryhill | 12.1
| Maksimo Stojakovic | Sacramento Country Day | 12.5
| Kasen Lim | Merryhill | 12.9
| Dane Muck | St. Rose | 13
| Grayson Stovall | St Ignatius | 13.4
| Cade Myers | St. James | 13.9
| Carson Russell | St Mary | 14.2
| Avery Del Castillo | St Ignatius | 14.9
| Jayden Hamel | St John the Evangelist | 14.9
| Cooper Nordberg | Our Lady of the Assumption | 15.2
| Adrien Malhotra | St Ignatius | 15.2
| Julian Vargas | St Philomene's | 15.2
| Julian Vargas | St. Philomene | 15.4
| Reed McGuirk | St John-Notre Dame | 16.1
| Henry Wohlfeld | St John-Notre Dame | 16.1
| Oliver Clark | St Ignatius | 16.3
| Grady Fredrich | St John-Notre Dame | 16.3
| Cameron Boyd | St Ignatius | 17.2
| Christopher Jack | St Ignatius | 17.8
| Gabriel Gonzalez | St Philomene's | 20.8
| Gabriel Gonzalez | St. Philomene | 21
Boys Varsity 65mH Hurdles | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Logan McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 10.1
| Anton Emseih | St John the Evangelist | 10.8
| Brady Kann | St John the Evangelist | 11.3
| Logan George | Sacramento Country Day | 11.4
| Aiden Ellis | St John the Evangelist | 11.4
| Pokai Hage | Presentation | 11.7
| Charlie Bonnici | St. Mel | 11.9
| Noah Blanchard | St Mary | 12.2
| Santiago Manzon | St Robert | 12.3
| Hudson Swain | St Joseph (Auburn) | 12.4
| Jonah Landry | St. James | 12.4
| Baron Smith | St John the Evangelist | 12.5
| Andrew Stone | St Mary | 12.8
| Kevin Murray | St. James | 13.1
| Sebastian D'Incecco | St. Mel | 13.2
| Eli Ta | St John-Notre Dame | 13.3
| Max Newburn | St. Mel | 13.4
| Charlie Perez | St Robert | 13.5
| Harris Brass | St. Michael's | 14.8
| Angelo Hernandez | Our Lady of Grace | 17
| Mason Chiesa | St. Albans | 12.8
| Cooper Irish | St. Albans | 15
Girls Junior Varsity 800M Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Bianka Bagatelos | Merryhill | 2:39
| Sofia Tamariz | St Robert | 3:09
| Dahae Kim | St. Michael's | 3:19
| Savannah Hansen | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 3:21
| Everly Abbott | St. Michael's | 3:25
| Mary Burke | Presentation | 3:07
| Mia Canani | Sacramento Country Day | 03:08.2
| Grace Mendoza | Merryhill | 03:11.7
| Olivia Briones | St Robert | 03:12.7
| Lopez Elysia | St. Albans | 03:16.6
| Giuliana Allen | St Francis Elementary | 03:17.5
| Johanna La Rocque | St Francis Elementary | 03:24.6
| Jayme Grace Montenegro | St. Mel | 03:49.0
| Madeline Breault | Our Lady of the Assumption | 03:54.7
| Nivea Corcoran | St Francis Elementary | 04:05.5
Girls Varsity 800M Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Kalaya Moore | St Philomene's | 2:55
| Sandra Wallace | St Ignatius | 3:02
| Emilia Ryan | St. Michael's | 3:07
| Paige Miszkewycz | St Joseph (Auburn) | 3:12
| Kalaya Moore | St. Philomene | 2.54
| Grace Hussey | Sacramento Country Day | 02:55.0
| Linda Wang | Sacramento Country Day | 03:04.0
| Natalie Afong | St Robert | 03:05.0
Boys Junior Varsity 800M Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Jackson Kann | St John the Evangelist | 2:45
| Jack Loverich | St John the Evangelist | 3:06
| Vedh Ravula | St. Michael's | 3:19
| Jace Shull | St John-Notre Dame | 3:20
| Collin Clark | St. Mel | 3:25
| Liam Hoey | St Robert | 02:46.0
| Hudson Bowers | Presentation | 02:49.6
| Eli Archer | St. Rose | 02:57.4
| Savva Mehalakis | St. Albans | 02:57.5
| Alex Heinrich | Our Lady of the Assumption | 03:20.9
| Thomas Hunt | St John-Notre Dame | 03:21.9
| Dylan Gomez | St Francis Elementary | 03:31.7
Boys Varsity 800m Run | | |
| Name | Team | Time
| Max Gutterman | St. Michael's | 2:31
| Nicholas Law | St. Rose | 02:39.0
| Bustos Mateo | St. Albans | 02:41.0
| Ryan Welch | St John the Evangelist | 02:44.1
| Nick Ramos | St John the Evangelist | 02:44.9
| Reed SIlva | St Francis Elementary | 02:51.7
| Connor Hooper | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 03:07.4
| Xavier Heinrich | Our Lady of the Assumption | 03:08.1
| Nathan Archer | St. Rose | 03:09.0
| Ben Lares | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 03:13.3
| Ross Carollo | Presentation | 03:13.4
Girls Junior Varsity High Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Emma Colwell | St Ignatius | 3-00.00
| Giulianna Kisling | St Ignatius | 3-00.00
| Kylann Lyssand | St Joseph (Auburn) | 3-00.00
| Brooke Fuller | St James | 3-03.00
| Anna Pelka | St John-Notre Dame | 3-03.00
| Brooke Fuller | St. James | 3-03.00
| Delaney Schmitt | St. Michael's | 3-03.00
| Layla Smith | St Ignatius | 3-06.00
| Sylvia Calfee-Sisson | St James | 3-06.00
| Ella Shaw | St John-Notre Dame | 3-06.00
| Sylvia calfee-Sison | St. James | 3-06.00
| Lotte Hofmann | Sacramento Country Day | 3-09.00
| Alyssa Lara | St James | 3-09.00
| Alyssa Lara | St. James | 3-09.00
| Sonia Montes | St. Rose | 3-09.00
| Cronican Zoe | St. Albans | 3-09.00
Girls Varsity High Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Makena Shaini | St Francis Elementary | 3-03.00
| Kate Machado | St Joseph (Auburn) | 3-03.00
| Lyla Faruzzi | St. Michael's | 3-03.00
| Emilia Ryan | St. Michael's | 3-09.00
| Emily Simpson | St. Michael's | 3-09.00
| Alyssa Tafoya | St. Michael's | 3-09.00
| Sandra Wallace | St Ignatius | 3-09.00
| Alyssa Abbott | St. Michael's | 4-00.00
| Abigail Spears | St. Michael's | 4-00.00
| Quinn Kellogg | St Joseph (Auburn) | 4-00.00
| Maura McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 4-03.00
| Kyndle Bremby | St Robert | 4-03.00
| Grace Hussey | Sacramento Country Day | 4-06.00
| Gabriella Devlin | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 4-09.00
| Jasleen Gandhoke | Sacramento Country Day | 5-00.00
Boys Junior Varsity High Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Kyle Murray | St James | 3-00.00
| Jack Pannell | Sacramento Country Day | 3-03.00
| Nathan Fike | St John-Notre Dame | 3-03.00
| Cole Anderson | St. Michael's | 3-03.00
| Grayson Stovall | St Ignatius | 3-06.00
| Cade Myers | St James | 3-06.00
| Joseph Dwyer | St John-Notre Dame | 3-06.00
| Enzo Shiavone | St Joseph (Auburn) | 3-06.00
| Cade Myers | St. James | 3-06.00
| Anthony Barksdale | St John-Notre Dame | 3-09.00
| Caleb Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 3-09.00
| Henry Wohlfeld | St John-Notre Dame | 3-09.00
| Hudson Bowers | Presentation | 3-09.00
| Liam Leonard | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 4-00.00
| Matthis Lecina | St John-Notre Dame | 4-00.00
| Liam Hoey | St Robert | 4-00.00
| Drew Lesnau | St Joseph (Auburn) | 4-09.00
| Xavier Johnson | St Charles | NH
| Dat Ta | St Charles | NH
Boys Varsity High Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Andrey Najman | St. Michael's | 3-00.0
| Luke Ferrick | St James | 3-09.00
| Max Mendoza | St John-Notre Dame | 3-09.00
| Luke Ferrick | St. James | 3-09.00
| Sebastian D'Incecco | St. Mel | 3-09.00
| Chiesa Mason | St. Albans | 3-09.00
| Sawyer Carey | St. Michael's | 4-00.00
| Andrew Angel | Our Lady of the Assumption | 4-00.00
| Micah Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 4-00.00
| Nathan Archer | St. Rose | 4-00.00
| Kanz Julian | St. Albans | 4-00.00
| Clinton Myers | St. Michael's | 4-03.00
| Eli Pashalides | St. Michael's | 4-03.00
| Eli Ta | St John-Notre Dame | 4-03.00
| Logan McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 4-06.00
| Hudson Swain | St Joseph (Auburn) | 4-06.00
| Henry Sperber | St. Michael's | 4-06.00
| Logan George | Sacramento Country Day | 4-06.00
| Jack Durnell | St Francis Elementary | 4-06.00
| Andrew Stone | St Mary | 4-06.00
| Andrew Stone | St Mary's | 4-06.00
| Riley Durazo | St. Mel | 4-06.00
| Ben Schiavone | St Joseph (Auburn) | 4-09.00
| Charlie Bonnici | St. Mel | 4-09.00
| Naryan Banerjee | Sacramento Country Day | 5-00.00
| Owen Snow | St Francis Elementary | 5-00.00
Girls Junior Varsity Long Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Arden Mosley | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 4-08.25
| Fernanda Sandoval | St Robert | 5-05.00
| Kate Kincaid | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 5-08.75
| Nivea Corcoran | St Francis Elementary | 5-09.00
| Briseas Warstler | Our Lady of Grace | 5-10.00
| Catherine Cederborg | St. Mel | 6-01.50
| Lilly Tabarez | St Charles | 6-04.50
| Katie Stone | Merryhill | 6-05.00
| Renee Regala | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 6-06.50
| Elise Scott | St Robert | 6-09.50
| Sofia Trevino | St Ignatius | 6-10.00
| Michaela Bannerman | St Robert | 6-11.25
| Gabrielle Stovall | Merryhill | 7-00.25
| Francesca Callaghan | St John-Notre Dame | 7-03.00
| Madeline Breault | Our Lady of the Assumption | 7-03.50
| Xena Singh | St Ignatius | 7-04.00
| Emma Cleary | St. James | 7-04.00
| Harper Jones | St. Mel | 7-04.00
| Chloe Kucera | St Francis Elementary | 7-04.25
| Olivia Behr | St Ignatius | 7-05.75
| Ellie Kramer | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 7-06.50
| Gaetana Hage | Presentation | 7-09.00
| Elianna Torres-Herrera | Our Lady of Grace | 7-10.25
| Kaitlyn Penano | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 7-10.50
| Nair Uma | St. Albans | 7-10.50
| Claire Hooper | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 7-11.75
| Giuliana Bernacchi | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 8-00.00
| Brooke Fuller | St. James | 8-02.00
| Lulu Boito | St Ignatius | 8-02.75
| Acacia Enos | Our Lady of Grace | 8-03.00
| Kendall Parsons | St Ignatius | 8-03.50
| Jayme Grace Montenegro | St. Mel | 8-04.00
| Mia Swanston | Our Lady of the Assumption | 8-04.75
| Emma Baker | St Joseph (Auburn) | 8-05.00
| Sonia Montes | St. Rose | 8-06.00
| Savvy Sooman | St Ignatius | 8-06.50
| Savannah Hansen | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 8-07.00
| Elena Wynne | St Francis Elementary | 8-07.00
| Alexis Goodyear | St John-Notre Dame | 8-07.00
| Tory Lazio | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 8-10.00
| Sylvia calfee-Sison | St. James | 8-11.00
| Mina Matter | St. Mel | 8-11.00
| Paloma Santana | St Charles | 9-01.75
| Delaney Schmitt | St. Michael's | 9-02.50
| Celeste Ramos | St Charles | 9-04.00
| Olivia Laird | St Ignatius | 9-04.50
| Carmel Holbus | St John the Evangelist | 9-04.75
| Everly Abbott | St. Michael's | 9-05.00
| Airela Ortiz | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 9-07.25
| Grace Mendoza | Merryhill | 9-10.75
| Marley Prine | St Francis Elementary | 9-11.00
| Brianna Petersen | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 10-01.00
| Mia Canani | Sacramento Country Day | 10-02.00
| Mable Mullen | St John the Evangelist | 10-02.25
| Sofia Passalacqua | St Mary | 10-02.25
| Talia Sanchez | St. Michael's | 10-02.50
| Olivia Edgett | St Ignatius | 10-02.50
| Peyton Smith | St. Michael's | 10-03.25
| Lucy Gustorf | Our Lady of the Assumption | 10-03.50
| Susie Wang | Sacramento Country Day | 10-04.00
| Madeline Clough | St Ignatius | 10-06.75
| Olivia Briones | St Robert | 10-07.50
| Finley McKinnon | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 11-00.75
| Angela Weston | St Robert | 11-01.50
| Aubrey marcantonio | St Robert | 11-04.25
| Emily Nguyen | St Mary | 11-05.00
| Cali Chambers | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 12-04.50
Girls Varsity Long Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Elena Silva | Merryhill | 4-07.50
| Isabella-Marie Eulie | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 5-09.75
| Isabella Governar | Merryhill | 6-01.75
| Lauren Mosley | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 6-05.50
| Daniela Ledesma | St John-Notre Dame | 7-08.00
| Annabelle Co | St Charles | 7-08.25
| Eden Gill | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 7-10.25
| Sophia Bellah | St. Rose | 7-11.50
| Alexandra Lopez | Our Lady of Grace | 8-01.75
| Sophia Del Toro | St Charles | 8-03.25
| Jayme Grace Montenegro | St. Mel | 8-04.00
| Lila Covert | St. Mel | 8-04.75
| Thomasina Nicholson | St Francis Elementary | 8-07.25
| Giselle Escalera | St Elizabeth | 8-08.00
| Simran Prasad | St Francis Elementary | 8-08.50
| Paige Miszkewycz | St Joseph (Auburn) | 8-09.50
| Sofia Franklin | St Mary | 8-10.75
| Olivia Carpenter | Our Lady of Grace | 9-02.50
| Emily Simpson | St. Michael's | 9-05.50
| Makena Shaini | St Francis Elementary | 9-06.50
| Julia Cederborg | St. Mel | 10-00.00
| Kat Palvino | St. Mel | 10-01.75
| Marley Heller | Sacramento Country Day | 10-03.00
| Francesca Mislinski | St John-Notre Dame | 10-03.75
| Alyssa Tafoya | St. Michael's | 10-04.00
| Howard Vivienne | St. Albans | 10-04.50
| Camilla Connoly | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 10-06.75
| Myla Awa | St. James | 11-08.00
| Serena Sobrepena | Sacramento Country Day | 11-10.25
| Maura McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 12-03.00
| Lily Yaeger | St Robert | 12-03.50
| Kyra Hannan | St. Mel | 12-07.50
| Kyndle Bremby | St Robert | 12-08.25
| KaleAnn Myers | St. James | 12-09.50
| Kinley Muck | St. Rose | 12-11.00
| Sara Pierce | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 12-11.50
| Claire Cuckovich | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 13-03.75
Boys Junior Varsity Long Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Abner Dabalos | St Charles | 5-00.25
| Luis Herrera | St Charles | 5-01.25
| William Simpson | St. Michael's | 5-05.0
| Jayden Hamel | St John the Evangelist | 6-03.50
| Matthew Garland | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 6-07.75
| Samuel Hinnenkamp | St. Rose | 7-00.75
| Cameron Boyd | St Ignatius | 7-01.00
| Jack Horton | St John the Evangelist | 7-03.00
| Tyler Parkpakorn | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 7-03.75
| Kabir Natt | Sacramento Country Day | 7-05.75
| Kyle Murray | St. James | 7-06.50
| Anthony Barksdale | St John-Notre Dame | 7-10.50
| Lachlan Hannafin | Sacramento Country Day | 7-10.75
| Christopher Jack | St Ignatius | 7-11.25
| Emillio Hernandez | St. Michael's | 8-02.75
| Max-Emiliano Garcia | St Charles | 8-04.50
| Nathaniel Garcia | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 8-05.50
| Christian Haddad | St Ignatius | 8-06.50
| Colton Tafoya | St. Michael's | 8-07.50
| Larsson Olmstead | St Ignatius | 8-09.00
| Marshall Fat | St Ignatius | 8-09.50
| Christian Hamel | St John the Evangelist | 8-10.25
| Jack Miadich | Merryhill | 8-10.50
| John Parino | St Charles | 8-10.50
| Cooper Nordberg | Our Lady of the Assumption | 9-01.75
| Jack Azar | St John-Notre Dame | 9-01.75
| Henry Wohlfeld | St John-Notre Dame | 9-08.25
| Lorenzo Lee | St Joseph (Auburn) | 9-09.00
| Aydan Cardenas | St Charles | 9-10.25
| Cade Myers | St. James | 10-03.25
| Cole Anderson | St. Michael's | 10-03.75
| Dara Salari | Sacramento Country Day | 10-04.00
| Broderick Drewes | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 10-04.50
| Anthony Chavez | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 10-05.25
| Reeves Devine | St John-Notre Dame | 10-06.75
| Jace Shull | St John-Notre Dame | 10-07.00
| Edison David | St John-Notre Dame | 10-09.25
| Enzo Shiavone | St Joseph (Auburn) | 10-09.50
| Reed McGuirk | St John-Notre Dame | 10-10.25
| Alex Heinrich | Our Lady of the Assumption | 11-00.50
| Ezra Viray | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 11-00.50
| Dane Muck | St. Rose | 11-00.75
| Daniel Acevedo | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 11-03.50
| Bradley Grialou | St. Michael's | 11-04.5
| Dat Ta | St Charles | 11-04.50
| Kasen Lim | Merryhill | 11-07.50
| Vinny Villarreal | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 11-10.00
| Elias Cannon | Merryhill | 12-04.00
| Maksimo Stojakovic | Sacramento Country Day | 12-04.50
| Wesley Gonsalves | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 13-02.00
| Drew Lesnau | St Joseph (Auburn) | 14-10.75
Boys Varsity Long Jump | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Nathan Dickey | St. Rose | 6-10.75
| Emiliano Alfaro | St Francis Elementary | 7-07.25
| Noah Kidd | Our Lady of the Assumption | 7-08.25
| Nicholas Henderson | St. Rose | 7-10.50
| Logan Edwards | Merryhill | 8-00.00
| Brenden Edwards | Merryhill | 8-03.75
| Irish Cooper | St. Albans | 9-00.00
| Ben Lares | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 9-02.25
| Harris Brass | St. Michael's | 9-09.75
| Killian Smith | St John the Evangelist | 9-11.00
| Preston Richardson | Merryhill | 10-04.00
| Jacob Pham | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 10-07.75
| Micah Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 10-10.75
| Kanz Julian | St. Albans | 11-01.25
| Nathan Salonga | Our Lady of Grace | 11-02.75
| Ramiro Garcia | St Charles | 11-05.25
| Oscar Pereira | St Francis Elementary | 11-06.25
| Connor Hooper | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 11-08.50
| Mark Estolero | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 11-08.75
| Santiago Manzon | St Robert | 11-08.75
| Luke Ferrick | St. James | 11-11.00
| Logan Reding | St. Rose | 11-11.25
| Eli Pashalides | St. Michael's | 11-11.50
| Jack Durnell | St Francis Elementary | 12-02.25
| Hayden Kalmbach | Our Lady of the Assumption | 12-05.00
| Devonte Corcoran | St Francis Elementary | 12-09.00
| Baron Smith | St John the Evangelist | 12-11.00
| Sawyer Carey | St. Michael's | 13-00.0
| Eli Ta | St John-Notre Dame | 13-01.75
| Hudson Swain | St Joseph (Auburn) | 13-03.00
| Clinton Myers | St. Michael's | 13-03.00
| Ryan Welch | St John the Evangelist | 13-05.25
| Aidan Mullen | St John the Evangelist | 13-10.75
| Jake Machado | St Joseph (Auburn) | 14-00.00
| Logan McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 14-03.25
| Riley Durazo | St. Mel | 14-04.00
| Aiden Ellis | St John the Evangelist | 14-07.00
| Jake Machado | St Joseph (Auburn) | 14-07.00
| Dylan Petersen | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 14-08.00
| William MacLaughlin | St Ignatius | 14-08.25
| CJ Rosales | St Ignatius | 14-11.75
| Jack Priest | St. Mel | 15-05.00
| Naryan Banerjee | Sacramento Country Day | 16-05.00
| Henry Sperber | St. Michael's | 16-06.5
| Max Gutterman | St. Michael's | 17-02.5
Girls Junior Varsity Shot Put | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Asha Woodruff | St. Michael's | 8-08.50
| Emma Cleary | St. James | 10-06.00
| Catherine Cederborg | St. Mel | 11-02.00
| Sylvia calfee-Sison | St. James | 13-07.50
| Kate Kincaid | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 14-04.50
| Claire Hooper | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 14-06.25
| Anna Pelka | St John-Notre Dame | 15-00.00
| Airela Ortiz | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 15-03.00
| Sofia Passalacqua | St Mary | 15-05.00
| Sofia Passalacqua | St Mary's | 15-05.50
| Brooke Fuller | St. James | 15-07.50
| Simran Heyer | Sacramento Country Day | 15-11.50
| Michaela Bannerman | St Robert | 16-00.50
| Olivia Laird | St Ignatius | 16-01.00
| Fernanda Sandoval | St Robert | 16-01.25
| Emily Nguyen | St Mary | 16-02.00
| Emily Nguyen | St Mary's | 16-02.00
| Mia Swanston | Our Lady of the Assumption | 16-03.00
| Penny-Lane Hernandez | St John the Evangelist | 17-02.50
| Reeya Dhaliwal | Sacramento Country Day | 17-03.00
| Delaney Schmitt | St. Michael's | 17-03.50
| Taylor Graham | St. Michael's | 17-04.0
| Savanna Wong | St John the Evangelist | 17-07.00
| Elaya Hackett | Sacramento Country Day | 17-08.00
| Sonia Montes | St. Rose | 18-00.75
| Elise Scott | St Robert | 18-03.50
| Savvy Sooman | St Ignatius | 18-04.00
| Dahae Kim | St. Michael's | 19-03.50
| Olivia Behr | St Ignatius | 20-03.25
| Susie Wang | Sacramento Country Day | 20-10.50
| Victoria Cockrell | St. Michael's | 21-06.00
| Gaetana Hage | Presentation | 22-01.00
| Abigail Carrothers | St. Mel | 25-01.00
| Caroline Oriolo | St John the Evangelist | 26-08.50
Girls Varsity Shot Put | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Isabella Governar | Merryhill | 12-08.00
| Isabella Governar | Merryhill | 12-08.00
| Katelynn James | St. Rose | 15-06.50
| Isabella-Marie Eulie | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 19-01.00
| Camilla Connoly | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 19-01.25
| Maura McManus | St Joseph (Auburn) | 19-06.00
| Grace de Silva | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 19-07.00
| Mable Mullen | St John the Evangelist | 20-03.00
| Ana Michelle Gonzalez | St Philomene's | 20-06.50
| Ana Michelle Gonzalez | St. Philomene | 20-06.50
| Kate Machado | St Joseph (Auburn) | 20-11.00
| Piper Bates | St Francis Elementary | 21-01.00
| Molly Smallenberger | St Joseph (Auburn) | 21-04.00
| Sienna Dukes | St. Mel | 21-05.50
| Sophia Bellah | St. Rose | 21-07.00
| Annabelle Co | St Charles | 22-00.00
| Vasanthan Neha | St. Albans | 22-00.50
| Olivia Becerril | St Francis Elementary | 22-03.00
| Claire Cuckovich | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 22-03.50
| Quinn Kellogg | St Joseph (Auburn) | 23-00.00
| Sophia Garcia | St Robert | 23-02.50
| Miranda Kerr | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 24-08.50
| Gabriella Devlin | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 24-09.00
| Isabella Montenegro | St. Mel | 25-03.00
| Angelisa Orpilla | St Charles | 25-10.00
| Anthonia Nwaukoni | St Robert | 26-08.00
| Howard Vivienne | St. Albans | 26-10.50
| Abigail Spears | St. Michael's | 27-05.00
| Sofia Franklin | St Mary | 29-01.00
| Sofia Franklin | St Mary's | 29-01.00
Boys Junior Varsity Shot Put | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Gabriel Gonzalez | St. Philomene | 10-08.5
| William Simpson | St. Michael's | 14-02.5
| Joseph Heredia | St Francis Elementary | 14-03.00
| Cameron Harder | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 14-07.50
| Luis Herrera | St Charles | 14-10.00
| Quinn Farley | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 15-00.00
| Jack Horton | St John the Evangelist | 16-03.50
| Steven Georgoulious | St John the Evangelist | 16-11.00
| Kyle Murray | St. James | 16-11.00
| Colton Tafoya | St. Michael's | 17-03.5
| Lorenzo Lee | St Joseph (Auburn) | 17-06.00
| Alex Heinrich | Our Lady of the Assumption | 17-09.00
| Abner Dabalos | St Charles | 17-10.00
| George Macko | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 18-07.00
| Cole Anderson | St. Michael's | 19-01.00
| John Parino | St Charles | 19-06.50
| Ben Whitten | St John-Notre Dame | 19-11.00
| Julian Vargas | St Philomene's | 20-02.00
| Matthis Lecina | St John-Notre Dame | 20-03.00
| Caleb Espinoza | St John-Notre Dame | 20-11.00
| Jorge Santana | St Charles | 21-06.00
| Jace Shull | St John-Notre Dame | 21-07.00
| Thomas Hunt | St John-Notre Dame | 21-09.50
| Juan Pablo Nungaray-Gutierrez | St Philomene's | 21-11.50
| Ezra Viray | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 22-04.00
| Brock Paulsen | St. James | 23-08.50
| Christian Hamel | St John the Evangelist | 24-08.00
| Enzo Shiavone | St Joseph (Auburn) | 25-03.50
Boys Varsity Shot Put | | |
| Name | Team | Mark
| Nicholas Henderson | St. Rose | 11-07.00
| Xavier Henderson | St. James | 13-01.00
| Jadon Fuentes | St John the Evangelist | 16-05.00
| Nathan Dickey | St. Rose | 18-01.50
| Sebastian D'Incecco | St. Mel | 18-03.50
| Kaden Liebert | Sacramento Country Day | 18-08.00
| Lucas Costa | St John-Notre Dame | 18-11.00
| Matthew Clifton | St Joseph (Auburn) | 19-02.00
| Wills Crouch | St. Michael's | 19-03.00
| Drew Schaper | St John-Notre Dame | 19-03.00
| Gian Tanoy | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 19-04.00
| Nicholas Law | St. Rose | 19-05.00
| Nathan Salonga | Our Lady of Grace | 19-08.00
| Julian Ortega-Martinez | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 20-03.50
| Andrew Angel | Our Lady of the Assumption | 20-04.00
| Noah Pierce | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 20-07.50
| CJ Rosales | St Ignatius | 20-08.50
| Xavier Heinrich | Our Lady of the Assumption | 21-02.00
| Ryan Welch | St John the Evangelist | 21-03.00
| Preston Richardson | Merryhill | 21-04.00
| Preston Richardson | Merryhill | 21-04.00
| Tyler Parkpakorn | St. John Vianney (Rancho... | 22-00.50
| Alex Buxie | St Francis Elementary | 22-01.00
| William MacLaughlin | St Ignatius | 22-02.00
| Matthew Corfee | St. Mel | 23-03.00
| Gray Gilbert | St. Michael's | 23-05.00
| Dylan Petersen | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 23-05.50
| Max Newburn | St. Mel | 23-07.00
| Hudson Swanston | Presentation | 24-01.00
| Sam Whitten | St John-Notre Dame | 24-02.00
| Oscar Pereira | St Francis Elementary | 24-04.00
| Clinton Myers | St. Michael's | 24-04.00
| Andrew Nguyen | St John-Notre Dame | 25-08.50
| Ramiro Garcia | St Charles | 26-01.50
| Jake Machado | St Joseph (Auburn) | 26-07.50
| Eli Pashalides | St. Michael's | 27-09.00
| Rowan Lynch | Sacred Heart (PAL) | 29-11.00
| Henry Sperber | St. Michael's | 30-04.00
| Ben Schiavone | St Joseph (Auburn) | 33-00.00 |