Downey Relays - Postponed Due to Rain 2023

Downey, CA
Hosted by Downey (SS)

Meet Information

Good Afternoon Coaches,
After looking at our track and the facilities, we are already underwater, so we are going to postpone the Downey Relays.  I'm not sure of a new date, but I'm inviting all the schools to possibly setting up a weekday meet in the coming weeks.  If we can secure a new weekend date, we'll let everyone know as soon as possible.  Any questions, please contact me.  Thank you all for your involvement with the Downey Relays and my apologies that we couldn't pull it off this weekend.


Welcome to the 2023 Downey Relays.

Competitors are to remain in the stands during the meet. Only those competing shall be permitted on the field. The warm-up area is located East of the track on softball fields, entry is located at the East end of the main stands.

ENTRY FEES: $100 PER Division.Individual relay teams $10.00

CLERK OF COURSE: Located in the warm-up area, outside shot put area. All four relay runners should report when the clerk makes last call, only the anchor runner will place the lane number on the left hip.

TIMING: Automatic timing will be used.

AWARDS: The first five teams will receive medals for each individual team member. In races with heats, places will be determined by the fastest times. In case of ties, medals will be awarded by coin flip in running events and by top individuals in field events; team points will be divided for scoring. Fifth-place ties will receive duplicate awards. Points for team awards will be scored 10-8-6-4-2.

"B" teams may be entered in distance races and field events. If these extra teams place in the top 5 they will receive the medals for that place, but not the points-no one will get these points.

FIELD EVENTS: Long jump, triple jump, shot, and discuss--three trials. Pole vault and high jump-- six trials: no more than three at one height, three consecutive misses eliminate a competitor. In shot and discus, warm-ups will be allowed between flights.

DISTANCE RELAYS: Scratch starts will be used in four distance races.

STARTING BLOCKS: Blocks will be provided.

DRESSING: Please have athletes come dressed, as facilities will not be available.

ADMISSION: Adults $5, Students with I.D. $3, 6yrs-12yrs $1, Under 6 yrs. no charge

CONCESSION STAND - Available at the "Snack Shack"

RESTROOMS WILL BE OPEN - On both sides of the field. Please yield to runners.

SCHOOL PACKETS: Coaches are to pick up school packets at Snack Shack.

T-SHIRTS: Downey Relays T-Shirts will be available for purchase at the snack shack

BUS PARKING: After dropping off athletes, the buses should go to the South Parking lot.Main school lot(corner Firestone and Brookshire)

PARENT PARKING:  Field parking lot or the front of the school. 

CANOPIES: Schools that wish to put up canopies may do so only at the very top of the stadium.

Should you have questions regarding registration please contact Bob Gleason at 562-818-0319, or George Myers at 562-947-1557,