Beaumont Cougar Classic 2023

Beaumont, CA


Licensed to Finished Results                                   3/18/2023 7:18:11 PM

                              Beaumont Cougar Classic
                                  March 18, 2023
                               Beaumont High School

Event 1  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                             Finals
  1 Redlands (SS)                       55.98 
  2 La Quinta (SS)                      56.44 
  3 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  57.00 
  4 Beaumont (SS)                       58.03 
  5 Redlands East Valley (SS)           58.26 
  6 San Gorgonio (SS)                   59.70 
  7 Rancho Mirage (SS)                1:00.61 
  8 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        1:03.85 

Event 2  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                             Finals
  1 La Quinta (SS)                      45.26 
  2 Temecula Valley (SS)                45.54 
  3 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  47.43 
  4 Big Bear (SS)                       47.79 
  5 Indian Springs (SS)                 47.89 
  6 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  47.90 
  7 San Bernardino (SS)                 48.20 
  8 Paloma Valley (SS)                  48.55 
  9 Redlands East Valley (SS)           49.13 
 10 Hemet (SS)                          50.38 
 11 Colton (SS)                         53.80 

Event 3  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                             Finals
  1 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  50.41 
  2 Hemet (SS)                          52.50 
  3 Beaumont (SS)                       52.92 
  4 San Gorgonio (SS)                   52.96 
  5 Indian Springs (SS)                 53.99 
  6 San Jacinto (SS)                    54.31 
  7 Beaumont (SS) 'B'                   54.47 
  8 West Valley (SS)                    56.01 
  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                1:00.78 

Event 4  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                             Finals
  1 Paloma Valley (SS)                  42.86 
  2 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  43.48 
  3 San Jacinto (SS)                    44.67 
  4 Redlands (SS)                       44.74 
  5 Indian Springs (SS)                 44.76 
  6 Redlands East Valley (SS)           44.87 
  7 La Quinta (SS)                      45.68 
  8 San Gorgonio (SS)                   45.88 
  9 Beaumont (SS)                       45.90 
 10 West Valley (SS)                    46.09 
 11 San Gorgonio (SS) 'B'               46.48 
 12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          47.48 
 13 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  47.73 
 14 Hemet (SS)                          48.31 

Event 5  Girls 1600 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Miller, Madison                10 La Quinta (SS)                    5:41.71  2 
  2 Guerrero, Saveyra              10 La Quinta (SS)                    5:42.78  2 
  3 Guerrero, Raisa                10 La Quinta (SS)                    5:44.56  2 
  4 Lopez, Alyssa                   9 La Quinta (SS)                    5:48.79  2 
  5 Carbajal, Kayla                 9 Beaumont (SS)                     5:49.52  2 
  6 Stewart, Kiana                 10 Beaumont (SS)                     5:51.00  2 
  7 Arregin, Helena                 9 Redlands East Valley (SS)         6:04.90  2 
  8 Dunn, Hayden                    9 Beaumont (SS)                     6:12.92  2 
  9 Manson, Heidi                  10 Temecula Valley (SS)              6:12.94  2 
 10 Chavez, Brooke                  9 Xavier College Prep (SS)          6:18.01  2 
 11 Irick, Tyler                    9 Beaumont (SS)                     6:19.96  2 
 12 Thompson, Gabriella            10 Beaumont (SS)                     6:20.30  2 
 13 Sevilla, Gabriela               9 Paloma Valley (SS)                6:21.83  2 
 14 Segura, Alyssa                  9 Hemet (SS)                        6:28.06  2 
 15 Feffer, Emily                   9 Xavier College Prep (SS)          6:28.96  2 
 16 Guzman, Arecelly                9 Beaumont (SS)                     6:29.38  2 
 17 Root, Victoria                  9 Temecula Valley (SS)              6:30.92  2 
 18 Ziga Ortega, Karla              9 Citrus Valley (SS)                6:34.83  2 
 19 Jimenez, Brianna               10 Colton (SS)                       6:36.13  2 
 20 Simons, Reilly                 10 Rim of the World (SS)             6:36.38  2 
 21 Ramos, Dianet                  10 Pacific (SS)                      6:37.74  2 
 22 Ruvalcaba, Diana               10 Colton (SS)                       6:48.36  1 
 23 Lane, Alexa                     9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                6:53.72  1 
 24 Davis, Kayla                    9 Beaumont (SS)                     6:58.09  1 
 25 Perpuly, Bella                  9 Indian Springs (SS)               7:02.96  1 
 26 Gonzalez, Isabella             12 Redlands (SS)                     7:08.30  2 
 27 Risley, Grey                   10 Redlands (SS)                     7:11.79  1 
 28 Rhoads, Kynzi                   9 Temecula Valley (SS)              7:13.02  1 
 29 Elias, Izabella                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         7:13.58  1 
 30 Vargas, Hailey                 10 Rim of the World (SS)             7:16.83  2 
 31 Diaz, Jasselle                  9 West Valley (SS)                  7:24.87  1 
 32 Valenzuela, Rianna             10 Hillcrest (SS)                    7:27.34  1 
 33 Cruz-Garcia, Jocelyn            9 San Gorgonio (SS)                 7:28.70  1 
 34 Robles, Judy                   10 Pacific (SS)                      7:29.72  1 
 35 Ochoa, Jouita                   9 Indian Springs (SS)               7:32.14  1 
 36 Martinez, Arelly                9 Redlands (SS)                     7:45.72  1 
 37 Ramos, Nina                     9 Beaumont (SS)                     7:46.15  1 
 38 Garcia, Allie                   9 San Gorgonio (SS)                 7:55.19  1 
 39 Holster, Savannah              11 West Valley (SS)                  8:16.49  1 
 40 ORDAZ, Celine                  10 Colton (SS)                       8:51.59  1 

Event 6  Boys 1600 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Mendoza-Lopez, Antonio         10 Beaumont (SS)                     4:53.46  3 
  2 Martinez, Luis-Fernando         9 La Quinta (SS)                    4:54.44  3 
  3 Mendoza, Jorge                 10 La Quinta (SS)                    4:54.61  3 
  4 Coleman, Demetrious            10 Coachella Valley (SS)             4:59.73  3 
  5 Knickerbocker, Parker          10 La Quinta (SS)                    5:00.49  3 
  6 Walker, Ethan                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         5:00.80  3 
  7 Amador, Christopher            10 Paloma Valley (SS)                5:02.64  3 
  8 Mendoza, Rudy                   9 La Quinta (SS)                    5:03.60  3 
  9 Aparicio, Marcos               10 San Bernardino (SS)               5:05.29  3 
 10 Garcia, Joe                    10 Paloma Valley (SS)                5:05.66  3 
 11 Garcia, Isaac                   9 Beaumont (SS)                     5:06.96  3 
 12 Arias, Carlos                   9 Redlands (SS)                     5:07.05  3 
 13 Davis, Vincent                  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                5:08.80  3 
 14 Abufarha, Barah                10 Beaumont (SS)                     5:08.94  3 
 15 Soto, Nathan                   10 Beaumont (SS)                     5:11.12  3 
 16 Mier, Luis                     10 Rim of the World (SS)             5:14.67  3 
 17 Hermsen, Jake                   9 Xavier College Prep (SS)          5:17.52  2 
 18 Parsley, Owen                  10 Temecula Valley (SS)              5:17.58  3 
 19 Hansen, Nash                   10 Hillcrest (SS)                    5:18.10  3 
 20 Ramirez, Christofer            10 San Bernardino (SS)               5:19.88  3 
 21 Shearer, Dallin                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         5:19.98  2 
 22 Harney, Keegan                  9 Temecula Valley (SS)              5:20.08  2 
 23 Hernandez, I-zayah             10 Beaumont (SS)                     5:21.74  2 
 24 Raymond, Isaac                  9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                5:24.48  2 
 25 Light, Elijah                   9 Beaumont (SS)                     5:25.16  3 
 26 Rivera, Estabon                 9 Beaumont (SS)                     5:28.06  2 
 27 Camargo, Jesus                  9 Coachella Valley (SS)             5:28.31  2 
 28 Soucy, Derek                   10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                5:29.60  2 
 29 Chaimuang, Jenye               10 Temecula Valley (SS)              5:31.15  2 
 30 Anderson, Isaac                10 Redlands (SS)                     5:32.18  2 
 31 Gines, Jamison                  9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                5:32.26  2 
 32 Lopez, Ryan                     9 Temecula Valley (SS)              5:32.32  2 
 33 Wade, Jason                    10 Paloma Valley (SS)                5:32.88  2 
 34 Ver Steeg, Keegan               9 Redlands East Valley (SS)         5:33.84  2 
 35 Chavez, Daniel                  9 Temecula Valley (SS)              5:34.29  2 
 36 Alvarado, Jireh                10 Beaumont (SS)                     5:34.60  2 
 37 Riddley, Amari                  9 Paloma Valley (SS)                5:34.86  2 
 38 Nunez, Antonio                 10 Rim of the World (SS)             5:35.09  3 
 39 Powers, Sebastian              10 Redlands (SS)                     5:35.27  1 
 40 Necochea, Anthony               9 Beaumont (SS)                     5:39.26  2 
 41 Staton, Matthew                10 Citrus Valley (SS)                5:40.30  2 
 42 Vargas, David                   9 Indian Springs (SS)               5:41.08  1 
 43 Lopez, Christian                9 Hemet (SS)                        5:42.47  1 
 44 Vasquez, Thomas                10 Citrus Valley (SS)                5:42.84  1 
 45 Vasquez, Aidan                  9 Citrus Valley (SS)                5:45.76  1 
 46 Davis, Malachi                  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                5:46.80  1 
 47 Pineda, Antonio                 9 Pacific (SS)                      5:47.95  1 
 48 Schafer, Ryan                   9 Citrus Valley (SS)                5:48.51  1 
 49 Gomez, Pablo                   10 Indian Springs (SS)               5:53.59  1 
 50 Cunningham, Richard             9 Redlands East Valley (SS)         5:58.32  1 
 51 Mazariegos, Carlos             10 Colton (SS)                       6:12.26  1 
 52 VEGA, Daniel                   10 Colton (SS)                       6:19.59  1 
 53 Valencia-Reyes, Daniel          9 Beaumont (SS)                     6:25.78  1 
 54 Garcia, Danyel                  9 Pacific (SS)                      6:27.74  1 
 55 Cadenas, Javier                 9 Indian Springs (SS)               6:43.24  1 
 56 IBARRA, Matthew                10 Colton (SS)                       6:51.60  1 
 57 Davalos, Anthony               10 Colton (SS)                       7:05.86  1 

Event 7  Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Butterfield, Hannah            10 Beaumont (SS)                     5:27.77  2 
  2 Valenzuela, Angie              10 Beaumont (SS)                     5:36.15  2 
  3 Walker, Meghan                 10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         5:43.20  2 
  4 Del Rio, Itzel                 12 Citrus Valley (SS)                5:48.10  2 
  5 Thamer, Megan                  12 Temecula Valley (SS)              5:50.03  2 
  6 Loyo, Victoria                 10 Bloomington (SS)                  5:50.76  2 
  7 Vasquez, Gabriela               9 Beaumont (SS)                     5:52.11  2 
  8 Schein, Ashleigh               11 Xavier College Prep (SS)          5:52.24  2 
  9 Macaliano, Alyza               11 Temecula Valley (SS)              5:54.20  2 
 10 Loza, Gabriella                 9 Hemet (SS)                        5:55.93  2 
 11 Holtzen, Ali                   10 Rim of the World (SS)             5:57.29  2 
 12 Hanes, Skye                    10 Ramona (SS)                       6:03.36  2 
 13 Holtzen, Ava                   10 Rim of the World (SS)             6:03.60  2 
 14 Mayfield, Hailey               11 Beaumont (SS)                     6:18.45  2 
 15 Cardoza, Nina                  12 Pacific (SS)                      6:19.45  1 
 16 Sammons, Madison               11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        6:19.47  1 
 17 Harris, Aiyana                 12 Redlands (SS)                     6:19.70  2 
 18 Capen, Erin                    11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                6:20.86  2 
 19 Nakasone, Hoku                 11 Paloma Valley (SS)                6:25.21  1 
 20 Kelly, Jaiden                  12 Paloma Valley (SS)                6:27.49  1 
 21 Nelson, Catalina               12 Xavier College Prep (SS)          6:30.91  2 
 22 Mayorga, Alondra               12 Bloomington (SS)                  6:32.16  2 
 23 Vera, Diana                    12 Colton (SS)                       6:32.51  1 
 24 Reyes, Evelyn                  12 Redlands East Valley (SS)         6:35.78  1 
 25 Mendoza, Lauren                11 Redlands (SS)                     6:38.81  1 
 26 Calderon, Xochiyotl            11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                6:44.44  1 
 27 Gomez, Cielo                   11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 6:47.96  1 
 28 Anderson, Dayna                 9 Redlands (SS)                     6:53.70  1 
 29 Fragoso, Estrella              12 West Valley (SS)                  7:13.82  1 
 30 Guerra, Reese                  11 Temecula Valley (SS)              7:18.13  1 
 31 Clark, Michelle                12 Redlands (SS)                     7:20.86  1 
 32 Perdomo, Dayanara              11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 7:26.07  1 
 33 Ignacio, Janis                 12 West Valley (SS)                  7:46.52  1 
 34 Cortes, Yuliana                12 Indian Springs (SS)               7:49.62  1 
 35 Aguilar, Melissa               10 San Jacinto (SS)                  8:06.87  1 
 36 Chavez, Esmerlada              11 Pacific (SS)                      8:08.11  1 

Event 8  Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Archuleta, Landon              11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                4:24.45  2 
  2 Hanchette, Logan               12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                4:39.97  2 
  3 Torres-Sandoval, Martin        11 La Quinta (SS)                    4:44.62  2 
  4 Teague, Owen                   10 Hemet (SS)                        4:45.00  2 
  5 Esquivel, Nathan               12 West Valley (SS)                  4:46.25  2 
  6 Rutherford, Chase              12 Beaumont (SS)                     4:51.91  2 
  7 Soria, Jonah                   12 Redlands East Valley (SS)         4:53.86  2 
  8 Daniel, Kalani                 12 Citrus Valley (SS)                4:55.24  2 
  9 Sturtevant, Aidan              12 Citrus Valley (SS)                4:55.58  2 
 10 Bednar, Kingston               10 Xavier College Prep (SS)          4:56.82  2 
 11 Rutherford, Eli                12 Beaumont (SS)                     4:57.71  2 
 12 Salazar, Yahir                 12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         4:59.35  2 
 13 Melchor, Diego                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                5:01.76  2 
 14 Baca, Jace                     12 Hemet (SS)                        5:01.77  2 
 15 Ramirez, Kevin                 11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                5:03.67  2 
 16 Torres-Reyes, Javier           11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 5:03.89  2 
 17 Ventura, Angel                 11 Citrus Valley (SS)                5:05.00  2 
 18 Del Muro, Santiago             11 Beaumont (SS)                     5:06.72  2 
 19 Haro, Bryan                    12 Bloomington (SS)                  5:07.77  2 
 20 Espinosa, Enrique              12 La Quinta (SS)                    5:10.87  2 
 21 Espinosa, Jesus                11 La Quinta (SS)                    5:12.72  1 
 22 Christoffersen, Thomas         11 Paloma Valley (SS)                5:13.02  2 
 23 Wences, Oscar                  12 San Jacinto (SS)                  5:17.10  2 
 24 Mayorga, Ahris                  9 Citrus Valley (SS)                5:27.03  2 
 25 Brehm, Liander                 11 Paloma Valley (SS)                5:27.37  2 
 26 Acero, Christopher             10 Colton (SS)                       5:30.53  1 
 27 Cortez, Eduardo                10 San Jacinto (SS)                  5:31.15  2 
 28 Hernandez, Joshua              11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                5:34.20  2 
 29 McGuire, Marco                 12 Redlands (SS)                     5:37.95  1 
 30 Patel, Shivam                   9 Redlands (SS)                     5:37.99  1 
 31 Vargas, Derek                  11 Indian Springs (SS)               5:43.19  1 
 32 Morales, Ethan                 12 Paloma Valley (SS)                5:44.13  1 
 33 Sierra, Alexander              11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 5:44.40  1 
 34 LEMUS, Joel                    12 Colton (SS)                       5:45.51  1 
 35 Pichardo, Alan                 11 Hemet (SS)                        5:51.06  1 
 36 Ramirez, Abran                 12 Colton (SS)                       5:52.29  1 
 37 Legorreta, Ryan                12 San Jacinto (SS)                  5:55.19  1 
 38 Gonazalez, Sebastian           11 Hemet (SS)                        5:57.47  1 
 39 Tabares, Sebastian             10 Colton (SS)                       6:00.01  1 
 40 Perez, Matthew Alexander       10 Bloomington (SS)                  6:01.49  1 
 41 Diego, Oswaldo                 11 San Bernardino (SS)               6:04.30  1 
 42 Sanchez, Erik                  11 Bloomington (SS)                  6:09.07  1 
 43 Guzman, Ricardo                11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 6:10.46  1 
 44 Meza, Mario                    11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 6:11.43  1 
 45 Saint Paul, Fiero              11 Redlands East Valley (SS)         6:11.83  1 
 46 Detringer, Melvin              10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        6:14.86  1 
 47 Saldana, Roberto               11 San Bernardino (SS)               6:21.43  1 
 48 Aguilar, Josue                 10 Bloomington (SS)                  6:28.34  1 
 49 Rocha, Giovanni                11 Valley View (SS)                  6:44.28  1 

Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Thomas, Braidyn                 9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          17.92 -0.9  5 
  2 Mock, Brooke                   10 Yucaipa (SS)                        18.23 -0.9  5 
  3 Scott, Serena                  10 Beaumont (SS)                       19.17 -0.9  5 19.161
  4 Thomas, Jaidyn                  9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          19.17 -1.1  4 19.167
  5 Judge, Isabela                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  19.65 -0.9  5 
  6 Thrower, Faith                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  19.74 -1.3  1 
  7 Porter, Jayda                  10 Colton (SS)                         19.81 -1.9  3 
  8 Fergerson, Sienna              10 Temecula Valley (SS)                19.90 -1.9  2 
  9 Pinson, Cecilia                10 Beaumont (SS)                       20.04 -1.1  4 
 10 Gonzalez, Mia                  10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  20.11 -0.9  5 
 11 Aguilar, Savanah               10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           20.18 -1.1  4 
 12 Moore, Melise                   9 La Quinta (SS)                      20.48 -1.3  1 
 13 Padilla, MaryJane               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  20.51 -1.1  4 
 14 Arledge, Mia                   10 La Quinta (SS)                      20.63 -1.1  4 
 15 Montes, Lilus                  10 Redlands (SS)                       20.65 -0.9  5 
 16 Valentino, Sophia              10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           20.75 -1.1  4 
 17 Arnold, A'Meeyah                9 Hemet (SS)                          20.96 -1.1  4 
 18 Loveridge, Sybellan            10 Temecula Valley (SS)                21.03 -1.1  4 
 19 Jamisola, Allyson              10 Hemet (SS)                          21.38 -1.3  1 
 20 Verduzco, Cielo                 9 La Quinta (SS)                      21.45 -1.1  4 
 21 Perez, Emmy                     9 Hillcrest (SS)                      21.52 -1.9  3 
 22 Bietto, Brooklynn              10 Beaumont (SS)                       21.60 -1.9  3 
 23 Graf, Alina                     9 Hemet (SS)                          21.88 -1.9  3 
 24 Tukumoeato, Frances            10 Hemet (SS)                          21.89 -1.9  2 
 25 Artigia, Dove                   9 Beaumont (SS)                       22.02 -1.9  3 
 26 Pierce, Mya                    10 Yucaipa (SS)                        22.34 -1.9  3 
 27 Monroe, Kamora                 10 Hillcrest (SS)                      22.53 -1.9  2 
 28 Naranjo, Zoey                   9 Xavier College Prep (SS)            22.61 -0.9  5 
 29 Hundley, Katherine              9 Citrus Valley (SS)                  22.62 -1.9  2 
 30 Gross, River                   10 Yucaipa (SS)                        23.43 -1.9  3 
 31 Endres, Ayumi                  10 Redlands (SS)                       24.41 -1.9  3 
 32 Swick, Jessica                 11 West Valley (SS)                    25.17 -1.3  1 
 33 Uribe, Mia                     11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           32.77 -1.9  2 

Event 10  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Emerson, Ileen                 12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           14.86 +0.1  4 
  2 Smith, Amaliyah                12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   15.79 +0.1  4 
  3 Trevithick, Genevieve          12 Temecula Valley (SS)                17.04 +0.1  4 
  4 Hughes, Mariah                 12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          18.47 +0.1  4 
  5 Rodriguez, Jessica             12 La Quinta (SS)                      18.49 +0.1  4 
  6 Harianja, Michelle             12 Redlands (SS)                       18.52 +0.1  4 
  7 Domingue, Emily                12 La Quinta (SS)                      18.81 +0.1  4 
  8 Slicer-Moore, KayleeLynn       11 Yucaipa (SS)                        19.00 +0.1  4 
  9 Solorzano, Kimberly            10 Hemet (SS)                          19.30 -2.2  3 
 10 Ferrel, Ammhy                  11 Indian Springs (SS)                 19.44 -2.2  3 
 11 Orrego, Julianna               10 Hillcrest (SS)                      19.51 -2.2  3 
 12 Adsit, Kaitlyn                 12 Beaumont (SS)                       19.63 -2.2  3 
 13 Murrell, Gianna                11 La Quinta (SS)                      19.65 -3.2  1 
 14 Little, Zoe                    12 Big Bear (SS)                       19.69 -2.2  3 
 15 Mgbemere, Glory                12 Colton (SS)                         20.07 -2.2  3 
 16 Armstead, Naveah               11 San Jacinto (SS)                    20.21 -2.7  2 
 17 Kouch, Magdalen                12 Beaumont (SS)                       20.41 -2.2  3 
 18 Flores, Scarlett               12 Beaumont (SS)                       20.46 -2.2  3 
 19 Velasquez, Gisselle            11 Hillcrest (SS)                      20.51 -2.7  2 
 20 Clark, Paiton                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                    21.09 -2.7  2 
 21 Thomas, Kyrah                  11 Beaumont (SS)                       21.30 -3.2  1 
 22 Walsh, Kindall                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       21.46 -3.2  1 
 23 Dubuque, Saquoia               11 Big Bear (SS)                       21.48 -3.2  1 
 24 Ramos, Sienna                  12 West Valley (SS)                    21.63 -3.2  1 
 25 Brown, Jocelyn                 11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          21.82 -2.7  2 
 26 Holmes, Juliette               10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          21.96 -2.2  3 
 27 Hill, Cassidy                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                    23.89 -2.7  2 
 28 Arcos, Lizbeth                 11 Hillcrest (SS)                      25.87 -3.2  1 

Event 11  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Brewer, Aiden                  10 Big Bear (SS)                       15.54 -1.3  3 
  2 Simmons, Cameron               10 Temecula Valley (SS)                16.89 -1.3  3 
  3 McDaniel, Austin                9 Xavier College Prep (SS)            17.17 -1.3  3 
  4 Sotello, Samuel                10 Yucaipa (SS)                        19.22 -1.3  3 
  5 Greer, Jelani                  10 Indian Springs (SS)                 19.55 -1.6  2 
  6 Woodard, Dwayne                10 Temecula Valley (SS)                19.57 -1.3  3 
  7 Dolan, Ryder                   10 Big Bear (SS)                       19.59 -1.3  3 
  8 Brooks, Christian              10 Yucaipa (SS)                        19.69 -1.3  3 
  9 Aidoudi, Elyes                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  19.74 -1.6  2 
 10 Heitritter, Bayer              10 Beaumont (SS)                       20.01 -1.6  2 
 11 Miller, Joshua                 10 Beaumont (SS)                       20.02 -1.3  3 
 12 Reynolds, Payton               10 La Quinta (SS)                      20.25 -1.6  2 
 13 Causey, Ray                     9 Hillcrest (SS)                      20.57 -1.1  1 
 14 Razo, Samuel                   10 La Quinta (SS)                      20.79 -1.6  2 
 15 Hebenton, Kelly                10 Beaumont (SS)                       20.82 -1.1  1 
 16 Durrant, Gabriel                9 Indian Springs (SS)                 21.07 -1.1  1 
 17 Figueroa, Louie                10 West Valley (SS)                    21.23 -1.1  1 
 18 Schemel, Rainer                10 Beaumont (SS)                       21.42 -1.6  2 
 19 Pickett, Kahlil                 9 Hillcrest (SS)                      21.51 -1.1  1 
 20 Flavell, Rhion                 10 La Quinta (SS)                      22.45 -1.6  2 
 21 Lenoir, Emil                   10 Coachella Valley (SS)               23.66 -1.1  1 

Event 12  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Green, Elijah                  12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  14.79 -2.4  5 
  2 McKee, Hayden                  12 La Quinta (SS)                      15.96 -2.4  5 
  3 Ansley, Thomas                 12 La Quinta (SS)                      16.00 -2.4  5 
  4 Carolina, Dillon               11 San Gorgonio (SS)                   16.16 -2.4  5 
  5 Young, Aaron                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)                  16.61 -2.4  5 
  6 Varney, Braeden                12 Big Bear (SS)                       16.81 -1.2  4 
  7 Dunlap, King Arnell            11 Beaumont (SS)                       16.88 -2.4  5 
  8 Bellamy, Amyer                 12 Indian Springs (SS)                 17.28 -2.4  5 
  9 Bautista, Juan                 11 La Quinta (SS)                      17.72 -2.4  5 
 10 Douglass, Dominic              11 Citrus Valley (SS)                  18.56 -1.2  4 
 11 Ramirez, Elijah                12 Hillcrest (SS)                      18.61 -1.2  4 
 12 Washington, Hajani             12 San Jacinto (SS)                    18.64 -1.2  4 
 13 Aguilar, Mo                    11 Beaumont (SS)                       18.78 -1.2  4 
 14 Ransom, Jomini                  9 San Jacinto (SS)                    19.21 -1.2  4 
 15 Lockett, A'maen                12 Redlands (SS)                       19.52 -1.2  4 
 16 Landeros, David                10 San Jacinto (SS)                    20.31 -2.3  2 
 17 Bond, Xavier                   12 Hemet (SS)                          20.48 -1.2  3 
 18 Marquez, Edward                12 Colton (SS)                         20.55 -1.2  3 
 19 Corona, Raymundo               12 Hemet (SS)                          20.72 -1.2  3 
 20 Sanchez, Ian                   10 San Jacinto (SS)                    20.75 -2.3  2 
 21 Claudio, Jesus                 12 San Bernardino (SS)                 20.89 -0.9  1 
 22 Garcia, Isaac                  11 San Bernardino (SS)                 21.03 -0.9  1 
 23 McClellan (VCR), Ahkil         11 West Valley (SS)                    21.30 -2.3  2 
 24 Cruz, Angel                    12 Indian Springs (SS)                 21.90 -2.3  2 
 25 Rivas, Edgar                   12 Hillcrest (SS)                      22.23 -2.3  2 
 26 Fuentes, Matthew               12 Colton (SS)                         22.25 -2.3  2 
 27 Uribe, Javier                  11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           23.58 -0.9  1 
 28 Manuit-Manuel, Angelo          11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           23.80 -1.2  3 

Event 13  Girls 400 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Vega, Mariana                   9 Hillcrest (SS)                    1:06.37  4 
  2 Caliva, Ellie                   9 Citrus Valley (SS)                1:06.70  5 
  3 Traylor, Makala                10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         1:08.49  5 
  4 Clarke, Makayla                 9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                1:08.54  1 
  5 Chisholm, Isabel                9 Temecula Valley (SS)              1:09.16  4 
  6 Kosch, Sierra                  10 Temecula Valley (SS)              1:09.24  5 
  7 Guilfoos, Sadie                 9 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         1:09.57  4 
  8 Mena, Monserath                10 San Bernardino (SS)               1:09.67  5 
  9 Joung, Yujin                    9 Hillcrest (SS)                    1:10.51  2 
 10 Mitchell, Serenity             10 Redlands (SS)                     1:10.99  4 
 11 Lowe, Vianey                    9 Hillcrest (SS)                    1:11.01  3 
 12 Campos, Angelina                9 Redlands (SS)                     1:12.00  4 
 13 Ellis, Caylani                 10 San Gorgonio (SS)                 1:12.93  3 
 14 Pimental, Alessandra           10 Paloma Valley (SS)                1:14.15  5 
 15 Riffey, Kathryn                10 West Valley (SS)                  1:14.19  3 
 16 Gagnepain, Eva                  9 Beaumont (SS)                     1:14.38  3 
 17 Jackson, Aaleekay               9 San Gorgonio (SS)                 1:15.26  4 
 18 Martinez, Samantha              9 Beaumont (SS)                     1:15.47  4 
 19 Hernandez, Isabella             9 Coachella Valley (SS)             1:16.33  4 
 20 Patrick, Ava                   10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         1:18.51  3 
 21 Rye, Alia                      10 Rancho Mirage (SS)                1:19.97  2 
 22 Uribe, Mia                     11 Redlands East Valley (SS)         1:21.41  3 
 23 Edge, Kelly                     9 Hemet (SS)                        1:21.54  3 
 24 Flores, Jessica                10 San Bernardino (SS)               1:25.78  3 
 25 James, Madyson                 10 Redlands (SS)                     1:26.60  2 
 26 Armento, Brenda                10 Pacific (SS)                      1:28.32  3 
 27 Julian, Adilena                10 Pacific (SS)                      1:30.81  2 
 28 Holster, Savannah              11 West Valley (SS)                  1:31.31  1 
 29 Armento, Naila                  9 Pacific (SS)                      1:31.35  2 
 30 Aldazabal, Desiree             10 Colton (SS)                       2:19.60  2 

Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Clemons, Arthur                 9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  52.93  6 
  2 Rodriguez, Miguel               9 Coachella Valley (SS)               53.11  6 
  3 Allen, Crew                    10 Temecula Valley (SS)                53.56  6 
  4 Hanson, Christopher            10 Temecula Valley (SS)                54.21  6 
  5 Sandoval, Juilan               10 Hillcrest (SS)                      54.22  6 
  6 Cooper, Jeremiah                9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  55.47  6 
  7 Jones, Mar'qele                10 San Bernardino (SS)                 55.51  5 
  8 VILLANUEVA, Cristian            9 Colton (SS)                         56.22  5 56.213
  9 Stewart, Caden                  9 Big Bear (SS)                       56.22  5 56.218
 10 Martinez, James                10 Hillcrest (SS)                      56.68  5 
 11 Burtanog, Walter                9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  56.93  4 
 12 Jacobie, Shane                  9 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           57.13  6 
 13 Holley, Izaiah Joel            10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           57.36  3 
 14 Carsen, Christopher            10 La Quinta (SS)                      58.34  5 
 15 Ornelas, Jose                  10 Paloma Valley (SS)                  58.58  5 
 16 Quick, Myles                   10 Beaumont (SS)                       58.69  5 
 17 Williams, Jeremiah             10 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  58.75  4 
 18 Hook, Noah                      9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  59.05  4 
 19 Walker, Ethan                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           59.08  4 
 20 Jimenez, Michael                9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   59.50  1 
 21 Martinez, Benjamin              9 La Quinta (SS)                    1:00.10  3 
 22 Gutierrez, Elijah              10 Beaumont (SS)                     1:00.89  4 
 23 Staricka, Nolan                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         1:01.57  2 
 24 Cuzzucoli, Aedan                9 Big Bear (SS)                     1:01.71  3 
 25 Salas, Abel                    10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         1:02.80  4 
 26 Garcia, Carlos                  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                1:02.81  3 
 27 Marquez, Mathew                10 Beaumont (SS)                     1:03.99  3 
 28 Marquez, Luke                   9 Beaumont (SS)                     1:04.05  2 
 29 Arroyo, Aidan                  10 Colton (SS)                       1:04.36  3 
 30 Morris, London                 10 Redlands (SS)                     1:05.79  5 
 31 Sapida, Jayden                 11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:06.04  2 
 32 VELASQUEZ, Elias                9 Colton (SS)                       1:06.21  3 
 33 Teava, Wyatt                    9 San Gorgonio (SS)                 1:06.33  1 
 34 Rubio, Hector                     Valley View (SS)                  1:07.37  1 
 35 Espinoza, Gian                  9 Valley View (SS)                  1:07.43  3 
 36 Rios, Mason                    10 Hemet (SS)                        1:08.23  2 
 37 Reyes, Ethan                   10 Beaumont (SS)                     1:09.56  1 
 38 Andrews, Aidan                  9 Redlands East Valley (SS)         1:09.88  2 

Event 15  Girls 400 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Hewitt, Adriana                11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:01.29  5 
  2 Brehm, Liana                   12 Paloma Valley (SS)                1:03.81  5 
  3 Cooper, Isabella               11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:03.87  5 
  4 Olds, Kayana                   11 Hemet (SS)                        1:03.95  5 
  5 Ramos, Samantha                12 Hemet (SS)                        1:06.76  1 
  6 Torres, Abree                  12 Coachella Valley (SS)             1:06.96  4 
  7 Tiggett, Jada                  12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        1:07.67  1 
  8 Cortes, Kamila                 11 Coachella Valley (SS)             1:08.20  4 
  9 Torres, Haidy                  11 Indian Springs (SS)               1:09.32  5 
 10 Stanton, Adrianna              12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         1:09.63  1 
 11 Juarez, Madysen                11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:09.96  4 
 12 Ogwo, Blessing                 10 San Jacinto (SS)                  1:10.54  3 
 13 Jones, Niani                   12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         1:10.94  1 
 14 Williams, Diajha               10 West Valley (SS)                  1:10.95  4 
 15 Velazco, Andrea                11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:12.57  4 
 16 Acosta, Areli                  11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                1:14.11  2 
 17 Salladay, Kyra                 11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:15.42  3 
 18 Lumbangaol, Abigail            12 Redlands (SS)                     1:15.77  4 
 19 Fragoso, Estrella              12 West Valley (SS)                  1:17.38  1 
 20 Tadros, Carol                  10 Redlands (SS)                     1:19.33  5 
 21 Trevino, Alicia                12 Beaumont (SS)                     1:20.34  2 
 22 Espinoza, Berenice             11 Redlands (SS)                     1:20.85  2 
 23 Soto, Michell                  11 San Bernardino (SS)               1:22.14  2 
 24 Jones, Journey                 11 San Jacinto (SS)                  1:23.40  1 

Event 16  Boys 400 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Diaz, Austen                   12 Hemet (SS)                          50.03  7 
  2 Love, Nick                     12 Hillcrest (SS)                      50.82  7 
  3 Jackson, Hunter                12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  52.60  6 
  4 Moreno, Eric                   10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           52.86  7 
  5 Wilson, Logan                  12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  53.14  6 
  6 Brothers, Aidan                12 La Quinta (SS)                      53.59  7 
  7 Konradsson, Lukas              11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  54.01  6 
  8 Hall, Anthony                  11 Paloma Valley (SS)                  54.62  7 
  9 Bautista, Juan                 11 La Quinta (SS)                      54.86  6 
 10 Lopez, Nathan                  12 La Quinta (SS)                      54.92  7 
 11 Cardenas, Ranferi              12 Hemet (SS)                          55.22  2 
 12 Glover, Everett                10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          55.26  2 
 13 Ortiz, Joseph                  12 Citrus Valley (SS)                  55.29  6 
 14 Guilford, Ryan                 12 San Jacinto (SS)                    56.08  5 
 15 George, Christopher            11 Redlands (SS)                       56.10  5 
 16 Benford, Bryant                11 West Valley (SS)                    56.21  6 
 17 Perdomo, Anthony               12 La Quinta (SS)                      56.30  4 
 18 Bowling, Luke                  11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           56.38  5 
 19 Patrick, Nathan                11 Paloma Valley (SS)                  56.43  6 
 20 Rivers, Demarcus               12 Indian Springs (SS)                 56.51  3 
 21 Thomas, Julian                 11 San Jacinto (SS)                    56.55  2 
 22 Dillard, Aaron                 12 Hillcrest (SS)                      56.64  4 
 23 Rubio, John                    10 San Gorgonio (SS)                   56.84  5 
 24 Goggin, Makio                  11 Redlands (SS)                       57.11  6 
 25 Losoya, Angel                  12 Colton (SS)                         57.16  5 
 26 Thomas, Sydney                 10 San Jacinto (SS)                    57.34  5 
 27 Traylor, Wahi                  11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           57.38  3 
 28 Moore, Lorenzo                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       57.72  1 
 29 Woods, Jayden                  12 Redlands (SS)                       58.01  4 
 30 Lopez-Torres, Rodrigo          11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  58.37  5 
 31 dyer, sean                     11 Beaumont (SS)                       58.80  1 
 32 Mayagoitia, Jacob              12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           58.93  3 
 33 Medina, Nathen                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       59.04  4 
 34 Martinez, Gael                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       59.69  4 
 35 Franco, Joel                   12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   59.87  3 
 36 Weber, Xavier                  11 Indian Springs (SS)               1:00.25  3 
 37 Jones, Daniel                  11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        1:00.28  1 
 38 Fernandez, Ethan               12 Redlands East Valley (SS)         1:01.74  3 
 39 Mena, John                     11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         1:02.02  2 
 40 Thomas White, Ahmari           11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                1:02.94  2 
 41 Witt, Korbyn                   12 Big Bear (SS)                     1:05.57  3 
 42 Davian) Hernand, Fernando      11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                1:07.04  3 

Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Tindall, Asia                  10 Paloma Valley (SS)                  13.16 -2.4 10 
  2 Hansen, Sydney                 10 Beaumont (SS)                       13.69 -2.4 10 
  3 Garcia, Gracie                  9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  13.82 -2.4 10 
  4 Mock, Autumn                    9 Yucaipa (SS)                        14.10 -1.4  8 
  5 Harrison, Sheanen              10 Paloma Valley (SS)                  14.20 -2.4 10 
  6 Benson, Jazmin                  9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   14.23 -2.4 10 
  7 Arouz, Mariana                  9 La Quinta (SS)                      14.24 -1.4  8 
  8 Velasquez, Natalie             10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  14.26 -1.4  8 
  9 Quast, Kandice                  9 Citrus Valley (SS)                  14.34 -2.4 10 
 10 Arnold, A'Meeyah                9 Hemet (SS)                          14.48 -2.7  2 
 11 Pellum, Daneira                10 Beaumont (SS)                       14.52 -2.4 10 
 12 Ngo, Kayla                     10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  14.55   -2  9 14.541
 13 Reimer, Natalee                 9 Yucaipa (SS)                        14.55   -2  9 14.543
 14 Joung, Yujin                    9 Hillcrest (SS)                      14.56 -1.4  8 14.552
 15 Lopez-Tripp, Karyn              9 Temecula Valley (SS)                14.56   -2  9 14.555
 16 Villarreal, Angelica           10 Coachella Valley (SS)               14.67 -2.4 10 
 17 Partida, Leanna                10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  14.69   -2  9 
 18 Gomez, Rhiana                   9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  14.70 +0.1  6 
 19 Dizon, Francheska               9 Beaumont (SS)                       14.71 -3.8  7 
 20 Ju'Don, Kenedi                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       14.72   -2  9 
 21 Thrower, Faith                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  14.76 -2.4 10 
 22 Morales, Gabriela               9 Coachella Valley (SS)               14.78   -2  9 
 23 Trejo, tanayah                 10 Pacific (SS)                        14.80 -1.4  8 
 24 Bohler, Brianna                10 Beaumont (SS)                       14.83 -1.4  8 
 25 Holland, Ajysyt                11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           14.84   -2  9 
 26 Jordan, Laniyah                10 Paloma Valley (SS)                  14.91 -1.4  8 
 27 Jackson, Zanylah (Nyla)         9 Hillcrest (SS)                      14.94 -1.4  8 
 28 Perez, Emmy                     9 Hillcrest (SS)                      15.02 -3.8  7 
 29 Arko Mensah, Doris              9 Beaumont (SS)                       15.06 -1.4  4 
 30 Resendiz, Samantha             12 Beaumont (SS)                       15.08 +0.1  6 
 31 Salcido, Amara                 12 Beaumont (SS)                       15.09 +0.1  6 
 32 Porter, Jayda                  10 Colton (SS)                         15.18 -3.8  7 
 33 Okofoh, Alexis                 10 Redlands (SS)                       15.19 +0.1  6 15.188
 33 Isaacs, Ehmma                  10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  15.19 -3.8  7 15.188
 35 Judge, Isabela                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  15.21 -5.4  1 
 36 Conwell, Rhiona                10 Bloomington (SS)                    15.22 -5.4  1 
 37 Kelly, Catalina                 9 Redlands East Valley (SS)           15.27   -3  5 
 38 Kurkjian, Angelina             10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          15.32 -3.1  3 
 39 Gallob, Torriayn               10 Temecula Valley (SS)                15.36   -3  5 
 40 Ivory, Tierra                   9 Hillcrest (SS)                      15.49   -3  5 
 41 Slaughter, Share                9 La Quinta (SS)                      15.54 +0.1  6 
 42 Rhondina, Chloe                 9 Redlands (SS)                       15.61   -3  5 
 43 Robles, Natalie                 9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   15.64 -3.8  7 
 44 Ballew, Avery                   9 La Quinta (SS)                      15.69 -3.8  7 
 45 Florencio, Marilin             10 Bloomington (SS)                    15.71 -1.4  4 
 46 Zermino, Madison                9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  15.75 -3.8  7 
 47 Campos, Danelly                10 San Gorgonio (SS)                   15.79   -3  5 
 48 Guerrero, Natalie              10 Indian Springs (SS)                 15.88 -3.8  7 
 49 Garibay, Audrey                10 Redlands (SS)                       15.92   -3  5 
 50 Diddock, Sky                   10 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          15.99 -2.7  2 
 51 Okofoh, Alisa                   9 Redlands (SS)                       16.01 -5.4  1 
 52 Franklin, Faith                11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           16.05   -3  5 
 53 Wilson, Koani                   9 San Bernardino (SS)                 16.08 -2.7  2 
 54 Bunn, Sofia                     9 Temecula Valley (SS)                16.11 -3.8  7 
 55 Ortega, Alexandra               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  16.17 -1.4  4 
 56 Bird, Allyson                   9 Beaumont (SS)                       16.27   -3  5 
 57 Ward, Miabelle                 10 Beaumont (SS)                       16.47 -1.4  4 
 58 Acosta, Nayeli                  9 West Shores (SD)                    16.57 -3.1  3 
 59 Rodriguez, Isabella            10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          16.72 -3.1  3 
 60 Cardenas, Amani                10 Temecula Valley (SS)                16.78 +0.1  6 
 61 Arias, Perla                   10 Pacific (SS)                        16.80 -1.4  4 
 62 Carter, Chelsea                10 Beaumont (SS)                       16.81 -3.1  3 
 63 Vinson, Raelei                  9 Pacific (SS)                        16.91 -3.1  3 
 64 Dunlap, Havannah                9 Beaumont (SS)                       17.10 -1.4  4 
 65 Basnet, Richa                   9 Beaumont (SS)                       17.58 -3.1  3 
 66 valdez, zoey                    9 Beaumont (SS)                       17.89 -2.7  2 
 67 Martinez, Luz                   9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          19.04 -3.1  3 

Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Hart, Derrick                  10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  12.05 -2.7 12 
  2 McVey, Evan                    10 Temecula Valley (SS)                12.13 +0.1 11 
  3 Holley, Izaiah Joel            10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           12.18 +0.1 11 12.179
  4 Warner, Darien                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       12.18 -1.3  2 12.180
  5 Lawrence, Gabriel              10 Temecula Valley (SS)                12.28 -2.7 12 12.275
  6 Moss, Julian                   10 Indian Springs (SS)                 12.28 -2.7 12 12.280
  7 Mendez, Dylan                  10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  12.34 +0.1 11 12.332
  8 Simo, Aiden                     9 La Quinta (SS)                      12.34 -1.1  8 12.333
  9 Duhu, Jeremiah                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       12.34 -2.7 12 12.339
 10 Cooper, Christian              11 Beaumont (SS)                       12.37 -2.3 10 12.362
 11 Purkey, Gabriel                10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  12.37 -2.7 12 12.369
 12 Walker, Jamari                 10 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  12.39 -1.1  8 
 13 Islam, Taharka                 10 Indian Springs (SS)                 12.42 -2.7 12 
 14 Egan, Gage                     10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  12.45 -2.9  3 12.445
 15 Smith, Khei'Moni                9 Beaumont (SS)                       12.45 -1.1  8 12.448
 16 Ortiz, Devin                    9 Beaumont (SS)                       12.46 -1.3  2 12.453
 17 Lucas, Quintin                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  12.46 +0.1 11 12.454
 18 Ramirez, Aaron                 10 Coachella Valley (SS)               12.47 +0.1 11 
 19 Shaw, Nick                      9 Hillcrest (SS)                      12.49 -1.9  9 12.489
 20 Johnson, Damien                 9 Citrus Valley (SS)                  12.49 -2.3 10 12.490
 21 Stewart, Angelo                 9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  12.51 -2.3 10 
 22 Eneim, Dylan                    9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  12.52 -1.9  9 
 23 Bruno, Isaiah                   9 San Bernardino (SS)                 12.55 -2.7 12 
 24 Constantine, Grant              9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  12.57 -2.3 10 
 25 Jimenez, Michael                9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   12.59 -2.3 10 
 26 Uyovbievo, Gaius                9 Beaumont (SS)                       12.60 -3.1  1 
 27 Linton, Damien                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       12.64 -1.9  9 12.631
 28 Chisholm, Max                   9 Temecula Valley (SS)                12.64 -2.3 10 12.636
 29 Sanchez, Nathan                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           12.67 -1.9  9 
 30 Watts, Justin                  10 San Bernardino (SS)                 12.72 -1.8  7 
 31 Alvarez, Anthony               10 Colton (SS)                         12.74 -1.8  7 
 32 Cordoba, Franky                10 Coachella Valley (SS)               12.76 -2.3  6 
 33 Randolph, Justin               10 San Bernardino (SS)                 12.78 +0.1 11 
 34 Cano, Raymond                   9 La Quinta (SS)                      12.86 -2.3 10 
 35 Perez, Jacob                    9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  12.92 -1.8  7 
 36 Hallis, Trent                   9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  12.95 -1.1  8 
 37 Reynoso, Jorge                  9 Coachella Valley (SS)               12.96 -1.8  7 
 38 Nava, Jose                      9 Hemet (SS)                          12.98 -1.1  8 12.975
 39 Lawrence, David                10 West Valley (SS)                    12.98 -2.9  3 12.980
 40 Staricka, Nolan                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           12.99 -1.8  7 
 41 Palalay, Adam                   9 Beaumont (SS)                       13.00 -1.8  7 12.992
 41 Henry, Trevor                  10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          13.00 -1.3  2 12.992
 43 Perez-Soto, Aaron              10 Bloomington (SS)                    13.07 -2.9  3 
 44 Johnson, Geovonte               9 Indian Springs (SS)                 13.12 -2.9  3 
 45 Lobato, Maykon                  9 Hemet (SS)                          13.14 -1.8  7 
 46 Zendejas, Julian               10 La Quinta (SS)                      13.19 -1.1  8 
 47 Jeter, Darius                   9 Beaumont (SS)                       13.25 -1.1  8 
 48 Malloy, Drake                  11 Hemet (SS)                          13.28 -1.9  9 13.274
 49 Roy, Ben                        9 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          13.28 -2.9  3 13.278
 50 Carlson, Ryan                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           13.29 -2.3  6 
 51 Garcia, Hector                 10 Beaumont (SS)                       13.36 -3.1  1 
 52 Osei-Asare, Michael            10 Beaumont (SS)                       13.41 -2.9  3 
 53 Serrano, Andrew                 9 Hillcrest (SS)                      13.42 -2.3  6 
 54 Marsalisi, Brandon             10 Indian Springs (SS)                 13.46 -1.5  4 
 55 Teava, Wyatt                    9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   13.48 -2.3  6 
 56 Vallejo, Julian                10 West Valley (SS)                    13.49 -2.3  6 
 57 Whittington, Kimani             9 Pacific (SS)                        13.55 -2.3  6 
 58 Brookins, Tahj                  9 San Bernardino (SS)                 13.56 -1.9  9 
 59 Alvarado, Anthony              10 Beaumont (SS)                       13.57 -1.3  2 
 60 Williams, Devin                 9 Temecula Valley (SS)                13.59 -1.9  9 
 61 Tavarez, Naythan                9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          13.61 +0.1 11 
 62 Moore, Timothy                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       13.63 -3.1  1 13.625
 63 Rice, Kyle                     10 Big Bear (SS)                       13.63 -2.3  6 13.628
 64 Cannales, Joshua                  Valley View (SS)                    13.72 -3.1  1 13.716
 65 Bell, Christopher               9 Valley View (SS)                    13.72 -1.8  7 13.719
 66 Ladrillono, Keoni               9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          13.78 +0.1 11 
 67 Rojas, Nickolas                10 Pacific (SS)                        13.90 -2.3  6 
 68 PRIETO, Jaren                   9 Colton (SS)                         13.96 -3.7  5 
 69 Soriano, Christian             10 Beaumont (SS)                       14.03 -3.7  5 
 70 Dixon, Christian               11 Beaumont (SS)                       14.05 -1.3  2 
 71 Zheng, Kenneth                 10 Beaumont (SS)                       14.07 -3.7  5 
 72 Mejia Jr., Marcos               9 Beaumont (SS)                       14.21 -3.7  5 14.202
 73 Grandberry, Devin               9 Redlands (SS)                       14.21 -3.7  5 14.203
 74 Kadel, Success                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       14.22 -3.7  5 
 75 Co, Gabby                      10 Beaumont (SS)                       14.42 -3.7  5 
 76 Guerrero, Marcus               10 Pacific (SS)                        14.50 -1.5  4 
 77 Martinez, Logan                 9 Colton (SS)                         14.59 -1.5  4 
 78 Reza, David                     9 Big Bear (SS)                       14.68 -1.5  4 
 79 Ayala, Benjamin                 9 Beaumont (SS)                       15.23 -3.1  1 
 80 Peralta, Evan                  11 West Valley (SS)                    15.84 -2.9  3 

Event 19  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Emerson, Ileen                 12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           12.82 -1.9  9 
  2 Rivers, Kiarah                 11 Indian Springs (SS)                 12.95 -1.9  9 
  3 Bright, Brooklynn              11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  13.08 -1.9  9 
  4 Smith, Mikensi                 11 Yucaipa (SS)                        13.28 -3.5  8 
  5 Pruett, Aaliyan                 9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   13.36 -1.9  9 
  6 Lytle, Kelsi                   10 Hemet (SS)                          13.37 -1.9  9 
  7 Trevithick, Genevieve          12 Temecula Valley (SS)                13.51 -1.9  9 
  8 Hughes, Lauren                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       13.52 -3.5  8 
  9 Oziegbe, Mary                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                    13.63 -3.5  8 
 10 Hallie, Carlysia               11 Indian Springs (SS)                 13.75 -1.9  9 
 11 Stanton, Aaliyah               12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          13.79 -1.9  2 13.787
 12 Thompson, Lyrics                9 Yucca Valley (SS)                   13.79 -0.4  1 13.790
 13 Perez-Munoz, Nazli             12 La Quinta (SS)                      13.86 -1.9  9 
 14 De La Torre, Gaby              11 Beaumont (SS)                       13.94 -3.5  7 
 15 Del Muro, Arianna              12 Beaumont (SS)                       14.02 -3.5  8 
 16 Ligon, Cayanna                 11 San Jacinto (SS)                    14.23 -3.5  7 
 17 Brittin, Stephanie             11 Redlands (SS)                       14.24 -3.5  8 14.233
 18 Jenkins, Hannah                11 Beaumont (SS)                       14.24 -1.9  6 14.236
 19 Dwyer, Jahdai                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                    14.24 -3.5  7 14.240
 20 Anozie, Haven                  11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  14.40 -3.5  7 
 21 Osueke, Grace                  11 Colton (SS)                         14.43 -3.8  5 
 22 Marquez, Patricia              12 Beaumont (SS)                       14.46 -3.5  7 
 23 Guilford, Alexandria           10 San Jacinto (SS)                    14.57 -1.9  6 
 24 Williams, Madison              12 Valley View (SS)                    14.59 -0.4  1 
 25 Hollenbaugh, Sunny             12 Big Bear (SS)                       14.60 -1.9  6 
 26 Luna, Sally                    10 Redlands (SS)                       14.62 -1.9  6 
 27 Verdugo, Lillyana              11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  14.65 -1.9  2 
 28 Odiachi, Dorathy               11 San Gorgonio (SS)                   14.73 -3.8  5 
 29 Reyes, Sophia                  11 Beaumont (SS)                       14.74 -1.9  2 
 30 Jones, Lyric                   11 West Valley (SS)                    14.77 -3.5  8 
 31 White, Aniya                    9 Redlands (SS)                       15.00 -3.4  4 
 32 Perez, River                   11 Beaumont (SS)                       15.18 -0.4  1 
 33 Romero, Katrina                12 West Shores (SD)                    15.24 -1.9  6 
 34 Everley, Diem-Kieu             11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  15.30 -3.4  4 
 35 Figueroa, Esperanza            12 Coachella Valley (SS)               15.31 -3.8  5 
 36 Jimenez, Destinie              12 Beaumont (SS)                       15.38 -3.8  5 
 37 Hernandez, Irene               11 Coachella Valley (SS)               15.41 -3.4  4 
 38 Ramos, Sienna                  12 West Valley (SS)                    15.56 -0.6  3 
 39 Mendiola, Mariana              10 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  15.68 -3.8  5 
 40 Baez, Samantha                 11 Bloomington (SS)                    15.70 -3.4  4 
 41 Anaya, Dulce                   11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  15.85 -3.4  4 
 42 Ball, Averie                   10 Redlands (SS)                       15.87 -0.6  3 
 43 Jordan, Chaise                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       15.96 -3.4  4 
 44 Orozco, Celeste                 9 Bloomington (SS)                    15.98 -1.9  2 
 45 Oleta, Andrea                  11 Pacific (SS)                        16.02 -1.9  6 
 46 Mcdowell, Annabelle            11 Beaumont (SS)                       16.11 -3.4  4 
 47 Baxter, Jasmine                11 Yucca Valley (SS)                   16.12 -1.9  2 
 48 Co, Mikaela Joy                12 Beaumont (SS)                       16.36 -0.6  3 
 49 Draper, Katie                  11 Beaumont (SS)                       16.37 -0.6  3 
 50 Osorio, Perla                  11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  18.86 -0.6  3 
 51 Muniz, Jazmyn                  11 Yucca Valley (SS)                   20.67 -1.9  2 

Event 20  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Deal, Jason                    12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  10.94 -0.5 11 
  2 Green, Elijah                  12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  11.19 -0.3 10 
  3 Bareh, EJ                      11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          11.20 -0.3 10 
  4 Scarbrough, Julien             10 Redlands (SS)                       11.30 -0.5 11 
  5 Bowens, Jayden                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  11.31 -0.3 10 
  6 Sawyer, Jaevin                 11 San Gorgonio (SS)                   11.34 -0.5 11 
  7 Soriano, Hans                  12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  11.37 -0.5 11 
  8 Dean, Justin                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)                  11.42 -0.5 11 
  9 Koskey, Elijah                 12 Beaumont (SS)                       11.58 -0.3 10 
 10 Brown, Malachi                 11 San Jacinto (SS)                    11.59 -0.3 10 
 11 Bolanos, Jeremiah              12 Redlands East Valley (SS)           11.60 -3.2  1 11.593
 12 Bernal, Alexander              12 La Quinta (SS)                      11.60 -0.3 10 11.595
 13 Jackson, Hunter                12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  11.66 -3.2  1 11.656
 14 Clark, Branden                 12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  11.66 -0.3 10 11.659
 15 Frazier, Aaron                 12 Indian Springs (SS)                 11.68 -0.3 10 
 16 Gomez, Gion                    12 Redlands (SS)                       11.72   -3  9 
 17 Fondren, Larenz                12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   11.82 -0.5 11 
 18 Holmes, Vincent                12 San Jacinto (SS)                    11.86 -0.5 11 
 19 Brown, Matthew                 12 Temecula Valley (SS)                11.89   -3  9 11.887
 20 Blum, Tyler                    12 Yucaipa (SS)                        11.89   -3  9 11.890
 21 Martin, Tranell                12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   11.96 -2.1  6 11.953
 22 Geffard, Jason                 12 San Jacinto (SS)                    11.96 -2.4  8 11.957
 23 Esquibel, Noah                 10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           11.96 -2.4  8 11.960
 24 Payne, Josiah                  10 Beaumont (SS)                       11.99   -3  9 
 25 Hudson, Orion                  12 Hemet (SS)                          12.05   -3  9 
 26 Metoyer, Elijah                11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  12.09   -3  9 12.082
 27 Eddy, Jaden                    11 Temecula Valley (SS)                12.09 -0.5 11 12.088
 28 Harianja, Austin               11 Redlands (SS)                       12.15 -2.4  8 
 29 Luna, Isaac                    11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  12.23 -0.5  7 
 30 Ramirez, Mark                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           12.25 -2.4  8 12.241
 31 Garcia, Matthew                11 Beaumont (SS)                       12.25 -0.5  7 12.244
 32 Cervello, Brayden              10 Xavier College Prep (SS)            12.28 -3.1  5 12.271
 33 Frazier, Miles                 12 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  12.28 -0.5  7 12.273
 34 Fowler, Justin                 12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   12.31 -2.4  8 
 35 Warner, Lorenzo                11 Beaumont (SS)                       12.33 -2.4  8 
 36 Cuellar, Armando               12 Beaumont (SS)                       12.36   -3  9 
 37 Fernadez, Andres               11 Hillcrest (SS)                      12.39 -1.9  4 
 38 Trujillo, Cesar                10 West Valley (SS)                    12.41 -2.1  6 
 39 Penwarden, Andrew              11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  12.42 -1.9  4 12.416
 40 Douglass, Dominic              11 Citrus Valley (SS)                  12.42 -2.4  8 12.417
 41 Straight, Christopher          12 Hemet (SS)                          12.43 -0.5  7 
 42 Varney, Braeden                12 Big Bear (SS)                       12.44 -1.2  3 
 43 Bowling, Luke                  11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           12.46 -2.1  6 
 44 Valencia, Andrew               11 West Valley (SS)                    12.48 -1.9  4 
 45 Carrillo, Cirus                11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           12.51 -3.1  5 
 46 Arambula, Noah                 12 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  12.55 -1.9  4 
 47 Miguel, London                  9 San Jacinto (SS)                    12.57 -2.1  6 
 48 Martinez, Angel                12 Coachella Valley (SS)               12.61 -3.1  5 
 49 Cooper, Chris                  12 Beaumont (SS)                       12.63 -1.9  4 
 50 Beccerra, Jorge                11 Beaumont (SS)                       12.66 -3.1  5 
 51 Garcia, Vicente                11 Beaumont (SS)                       12.67 -1.9  4 12.664
 52 Williams, Trey                 12 Hillcrest (SS)                      12.67 -2.4  8 12.665
 53 Caldito, Jonah                 12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          12.70 -2.4  8 12.693
 54 Baltazar, Gilbert              11 Beaumont (SS)                       12.70 -3.1  5 12.698
 55 Ruiz, Nathen                   10 Coachella Valley (SS)               12.70 -1.2  3 12.700
 56 Villafana-Lopez, Javier        12 Bloomington (SS)                    12.71 -1.2  3 
 57 Rutherford, Jonus              12 Beaumont (SS)                       12.73 -3.1  5 
 58 Wilson, Noah                   11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          12.74 -3.2  1 
 59 Renwick, Dylan                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       13.01 -1.2  3 
 60 Amajoyi, George                11 Bloomington (SS)                    13.06 -1.1  2 13.053
 61 Ashbaker, Shawn                11 Pacific (SS)                        13.06 -1.9  4 13.054
 62 Flores, Aiden                  10 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  13.09 -2.1  6 
 63 Williams, Arta                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       13.11 -1.2  3 13.104
 63 Garvey, Sean                   12 Big Bear (SS)                       13.11 -1.1  2 13.104
 65 Torres, Gabriel                11 La Quinta (SS)                      13.13 -2.1  6 
 66 Roden, Tyler                   10 Yucca Valley (SS)                   13.14 -0.5  7 
 67 Bojorquez Rodrigue, Carlos     11 West Shores (SD)                    13.23 -2.1  6 
 68 Seventy, Nicholas               9 Bloomington (SS)                    13.26 -3.2  1 
 69 Gil Frausto, Angel             11 West Shores (SD)                    13.44 -1.9  4 
 70 Ruiz, Andrew                   11 Beaumont (SS)                       13.49 -1.1  2 
 71 Carranco, Leonardo             11 Valley View (SS)                    13.50 -1.1  2 13.491
 72 Rodriguez, Jayden              10 Coachella Valley (SS)               13.50 -1.1  2 13.497
 73 Gomez, Luis                    11 Coachella Valley (SS)               13.59 -3.1  5 
 74 Marquez, Edward                12 Colton (SS)                         13.77 -1.1  2 
 75 Abreu, Rhynfel                 12 Pacific (SS)                        14.01 -1.1  2 
 76 Garcia, Mark                   12 Beaumont (SS)                       14.34 -1.1  2 
 77 Sainos, Dominic                11 San Bernardino (SS)                 14.83 -3.2  1 

Event 21  Girls 800 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Miller, Madison                10 La Quinta (SS)                    2:34.26  2 
  2 Guerrero, Saveyra              10 La Quinta (SS)                    2:34.90  2 2:34.897
  3 Guerrero, Raisa                10 La Quinta (SS)                    2:34.90  2 2:34.900
  4 Stewart, Kiana                 10 Beaumont (SS)                     2:35.76  2 
  5 Arregin, Helena                 9 Redlands East Valley (SS)         2:43.44  2 
  6 Manson, Heidi                  10 Temecula Valley (SS)              2:45.92  2 
  7 Mena, Monserath                10 San Bernardino (SS)               2:46.73  2 
  8 Coffin, Sienna                  9 La Quinta (SS)                    2:47.36  2 
  9 Irick, Tyler                    9 Beaumont (SS)                     2:48.03  2 
 10 Ziga Ortega, Karla              9 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:50.49  2 
 11 Ramos, Dianet                  10 Pacific (SS)                      2:56.25  2 
 12 Bahena, Jazmin                  9 Rim of the World (SS)             3:01.90  2 
 13 Ruvalcaba, Diana               10 Colton (SS)                       3:02.23  1 
 14 Simons, Reilly                 10 Rim of the World (SS)             3:02.61  2 
 15 Caballero, Thairy              10 Coachella Valley (SS)             3:03.28  1 
 16 Vargas, Hailey                 10 Rim of the World (SS)             3:06.68  2 
 17 Perpuly, Bella                  9 Indian Springs (SS)               3:07.15  1 
 18 Al Ardah, Tala                 10 Redlands (SS)                     3:09.62  1 
 19 Victorio, Odaliz               10 Rim of the World (SS)             3:09.98  2 
 20 Risley, Grey                   10 Redlands (SS)                     3:11.57  1 
 21 Robles, Judy                   10 Pacific (SS)                      3:19.61  2 
 22 Garcia, Allie                   9 San Gorgonio (SS)                 3:20.32  1 
 23 Kepford, Devon                 10 Hemet (SS)                        3:20.52  1 
 24 Cruz, Joceyln                   9 San Gorgonio (SS)                 3:21.91  1 
 25 Ochoa, Jouita                   9 Indian Springs (SS)               3:22.77  1 
 26 Valenzuela, Rianna             10 Hillcrest (SS)                    3:22.81  1 
 27 Diaz, Jasselle                  9 West Valley (SS)                  3:26.00  1 
 28 Anderson, Hannah                9 Hemet (SS)                        3:30.03  1 
 29 ORDAZ, Celine                  10 Colton (SS)                       4:11.83  1 

Event 22  Boys 800 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Lopez, Jayson                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         2:10.88  2 
  2 Davis, Vincent                  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                2:11.37  2 
  3 Mendoza, Rudy                   9 La Quinta (SS)                    2:11.69  2 
  4 Amador, Christopher            10 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:11.80  2 
  5 Davali, Alejandro              10 Redlands (SS)                     2:12.15  1 
  6 Lerena, Angel                   9 La Quinta (SS)                    2:12.72  2 
  7 Jones, Mar'qele                10 San Bernardino (SS)               2:14.36  2 
  8 Soto, Nathan                   10 Beaumont (SS)                     2:15.72  2 
  9 Martinez, James                10 Hillcrest (SS)                    2:15.75  2 
 10 Coleman, Demetrious            10 Coachella Valley (SS)             2:17.31  2 
 11 Raymond, Isaac                  9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                2:18.93  2 
 12 Mier, Luis                     10 Rim of the World (SS)             2:19.27  2 
 13 Walker, Ethan                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         2:19.31  2 
 14 Garcia, Joe                    10 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:21.89  2 
 15 Valeriano-Rodriguez, Rene      10 La Quinta (SS)                    2:23.16  2 
 16 Soucy, Derek                   10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                2:24.47  1 
 17 Hansen, Nash                   10 Hillcrest (SS)                    2:25.39  2 
 18 Burtanog, Walter                9 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:25.89  1 
 19 Bojorquez, Isai                10 La Quinta (SS)                    2:27.44  2 
 20 Velazquez, Ethan                9 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:27.87  2 
 21 Light, Elijah                   9 Beaumont (SS)                     2:28.87  2 
 22 Camargo, Jesus                  9 Coachella Valley (SS)             2:29.55  1 
 23 Lawler, Bailey                 10 Temecula Valley (SS)              2:29.69  2 
 24 Nunez, Antonio                 10 Rim of the World (SS)             2:30.27  2 
 25 Gines, Jamison                  9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                2:30.33  1 
 26 Vargas, David                   9 Indian Springs (SS)               2:30.86  1 
 27 Hernandez, I-zayah             10 Beaumont (SS)                     2:30.95  2 
 28 Davis, Malachi                  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                2:32.48  1 
 29 Hampton, Wayne                  9 Beaumont (SS)                     2:32.52  1 
 30 Lopez, Christian                9 Hemet (SS)                        2:33.03  2 
 31 Pineda, Antonio                 9 Pacific (SS)                      2:33.17  1 
 32 Staton, Matthew                10 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:33.55  1 
 33 Alfaro, Christopher            10 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:33.71  1 
 34 Tabares, Sebastian             10 Colton (SS)                       2:36.18  1 
 35 Gomez, Pablo                   10 Indian Springs (SS)               2:40.25  1 
 36 Necochea, Anthony               9 Beaumont (SS)                     2:40.28  1 
 37 Schafer, Ryan                   9 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:42.24  1 
 38 Robledo, Aiden                  9 Beaumont (SS)                     2:43.14  1 
 39 Mazariegos, Carlos             10 Colton (SS)                       2:46.91  1 
 40 Garcia, Danyel                  9 Pacific (SS)                      2:49.50  1 
 41 Alvarez-De La Torre, Richard    9 West Shores (SD)                  2:49.87  1 
 42 Cunningham, Brayden            10 Temecula Valley (SS)              2:50.09  1 
 43 VEGA, Daniel                   10 Colton (SS)                       2:50.33  1 
 44 Cunningham, Richard             9 Redlands East Valley (SS)         2:52.89  2 
 45 Turner, Matthew                10 West Valley (SS)                  2:55.63  1 
 46 MONGE, Matthew                 10 Colton (SS)                       2:57.23  1 
 47 Reyes, Jose                     9 Redlands East Valley (SS)         3:03.59  1 
 48 Cadenas, Javier                 9 Indian Springs (SS)               3:07.96  1 

Event 23  Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Butterfield, Hannah            10 Beaumont (SS)                     2:18.21  2 
  2 Elbaz, Chloe                    9 Xavier College Prep (SS)          2:20.46  2 
  3 Wettlaufer, Ava                12 Temecula Valley (SS)              2:30.97  2 
  4 Loza, Gabriella                 9 Hemet (SS)                        2:32.04  2 
  5 Diaz, Cecilia                  11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                2:32.54  2 
  6 Lizarraga Tapia, Ana           11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                2:33.75  2 
  7 Vasquez, Gabriela               9 Beaumont (SS)                     2:34.36  2 
  8 Walker, Meghan                 10 Redlands East Valley (SS)         2:37.75  2 
  9 Thamer, Megan                  12 Temecula Valley (SS)              2:38.39  2 
 10 Bassett, Amy                   10 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:42.49  2 
 11 Holtzen, Ali                   10 Rim of the World (SS)             2:44.42  2 
 12 Kelly, Jaiden                  12 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:46.07  1 
 13 Holtzen, Ava                   10 Rim of the World (SS)             2:46.70  2 
 14 Kataoka, Sara                  12 La Quinta (SS)                    2:46.82  2 
 15 Nakasone, Hoku                 11 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:49.46  2 
 16 Vera, Diana                    12 Colton (SS)                       2:49.79  1 
 17 Cardoza, Nina                  12 Pacific (SS)                      2:51.09  1 
 18 Sammons, Madison               11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        2:53.16  1 
 19 Reyes, Evelyn                  12 Redlands East Valley (SS)         2:54.29  1 
 20 Salazar, Melanie               11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                2:57.24  1 
 21 Gomez, Cielo                   11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 2:58.09  1 
 22 Mendoza, Lauren                11 Redlands (SS)                     2:59.58  2 
 23 Calderon, Xochiyotl            11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                3:02.51  1 
 24 Acosta, Areli                  11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                3:05.75  1 
 25 Martinez, Arelly                9 Redlands (SS)                     3:20.82  1 
 26 Cortes, Yuliana                12 Indian Springs (SS)               3:22.29  1 
 27 Ignacio, Janis                 12 West Valley (SS)                  3:26.04  1 

Event 24  Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Esquivel, Nathan               12 West Valley (SS)                  2:02.57  2 
  2 Torres-Sandoval, Martin        11 La Quinta (SS)                    2:03.52  2 
  3 Ruiz, Anthony                  12 Beaumont (SS)                     2:03.55  2 
  4 Rutherford, Chase              12 Beaumont (SS)                     2:03.85  2 
  5 Connelly, Neal                 11 Redlands (SS)                     2:05.44  2 
  6 Gragg, Kallen                  10 Redlands (SS)                     2:06.20  2 
  7 Soria, Jonah                   12 Redlands East Valley (SS)         2:07.16  2 
  8 Salazar, Yahir                 12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         2:08.49  2 
  9 Sturtevant, Aidan              12 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:09.06  2 
 10 Bednar, Kingston               10 Xavier College Prep (SS)          2:10.50  2 
 11 Daniel, Kalani                 12 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:11.32  1 
 12 d'Ablaing, Nicholas            12 Temecula Valley (SS)              2:13.68  1 
 13 Torres-Reyes, Javier           11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 2:14.90  2 
 14 Hall, Anthony                  11 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:15.68  2 
 15 Chambers, Jaylen               11 Beaumont (SS)                     2:16.04  2 
 16 Ocampo, Daniel                 12 Bloomington (SS)                  2:16.18  1 
 17 Espinosa, Enrique              12 La Quinta (SS)                    2:16.60  2 
 18 Parekh, Miraj                  12 Redlands (SS)                     2:16.81  1 
 19 Christoffersen, Thomas         11 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:19.58  2 
 20 Ventura, Angel                 11 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:20.03  2 
 21 Mayorga, Ahris                  9 Citrus Valley (SS)                2:20.79  1 
 22 Brehm, Liander                 11 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:21.55  2 
 23 Morales, Ethan                 12 Paloma Valley (SS)                2:21.99  2 
 24 Ortiz, Jesus                   12 Bloomington (SS)                  2:23.06  1 
 25 Wences, Oscar                  12 San Jacinto (SS)                  2:23.27  1 
 26 Cortez, Eduardo                10 San Jacinto (SS)                  2:25.94  1 
 27 Hernandez, Joshua              11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                2:26.06  2 
 28 Ordonez, David                 12 San Jacinto (SS)                  2:26.70  1 
 29 Patel, Shivam                   9 Redlands (SS)                     2:30.89  1 
 30 Christoph, Caleb               12 Hemet (SS)                        2:31.39  1 
 31 Sierra, Alexander              11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 2:31.94  1 
 32 Spelveda, Christian            10 West Valley (SS)                  2:32.15  1 
 33 Ramirez, Abran                 12 Colton (SS)                       2:34.63  1 
 34 LEMUS, Joel                    12 Colton (SS)                       2:35.55  1 
 35 Vargas, Derek                  11 Indian Springs (SS)               2:36.39  1 
 36 Perez, Matthew Alexander       10 Bloomington (SS)                  2:38.72  1 
 37 Gonazalez, Sebastian           11 Hemet (SS)                        2:38.94  1 
 38 Arroyo, Aidan                  10 Colton (SS)                       2:40.71  1 
 39 Viramontes, Tony               11 San Gorgonio (SS)                 2:44.51  1 
 40 Rocha, Giovanni                11 Valley View (SS)                  2:55.65  1 
 41 Mendoza, Alanzo                11 Bloomington (SS)                  3:02.09  1 

Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Thomas, Braidyn                 9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          51.40  4 
  2 Traylor, Makala                10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           52.87  5 
  3 Arnold, A'Meeyah                9 Hemet (SS)                          52.91  5 
  4 Thomas, Jaidyn                  9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          53.18  4 
  5 Scott, Serena                  10 Beaumont (SS)                       53.20  5 
  6 Soto, Mia                      10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           53.30  5 
  7 Verduzco, Cielo                 9 La Quinta (SS)                      53.66  4 
  8 Mock, Brooke                   10 Yucaipa (SS)                        54.00  5 
  9 Anderson, Dayna                 9 Redlands (SS)                       55.15  5 
 10 Moore, Melise                   9 La Quinta (SS)                      55.67  4 
 11 Naranjo, Zoey                   9 Xavier College Prep (SS)            55.98  5 
 12 Porter, Jayda                  10 Colton (SS)                         56.02  4 
 13 Hernandez, Aubrey              10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  56.39  4 
 14 Jamisola, Allyson              10 Hemet (SS)                          56.45  1 
 15 Loveridge, Sybellan            10 Temecula Valley (SS)                57.72  5 
 16 Montes, Lilus                  10 Redlands (SS)                       58.03  4 
 17 Fergerson, Sienna              10 Temecula Valley (SS)                58.38  4 
 18 Judge, Isabela                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  58.55  5 
 19 Arledge, Mia                   10 La Quinta (SS)                      59.19  4 
 20 Padilla, MaryJane               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  59.21  3 
 21 Perez, Emmy                     9 Hillcrest (SS)                    1:00.42  1 
 22 Martinez, Maria                12 Beaumont (SS)                     1:01.44  1 
 23 Pinson, Cecilia                10 Beaumont (SS)                     1:01.64  3 
 24 Artigia, Dove                   9 Beaumont (SS)                     1:02.46  3 
 25 Graf, Alina                     9 Hemet (SS)                        1:02.66  3 
 26 Cruz, Samantha                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)                1:04.28  3 
 27 Bietto, Brooklynn              10 Beaumont (SS)                     1:04.48  2 
 28 Ball, Averie                   10 Redlands (SS)                     1:05.36  1 
 29 Swick, Jessica                 11 West Valley (SS)                  1:06.94  2 
 30 Gross, River                   10 Yucaipa (SS)                      1:08.73  2 
 31 Hernandez, Emily                9 Beaumont (SS)                     1:10.14  2 
 32 Barboza, Angelique              9 Beaumont (SS)                     1:17.98  2 
 33 Monroe, Kamora                 10 Hillcrest (SS)                    1:20.03  1 

Event 26  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Smith, Amaliyah                12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   49.74  4 
  2 Murrell, Gianna                11 La Quinta (SS)                      52.26  4 
  3 Slider, Katelyn                10 Beaumont (SS)                       52.52  4 
  4 Orrego, Julianna               10 Hillcrest (SS)                      52.73  3 
  5 Adsit, Kaitlyn                 12 Beaumont (SS)                       53.51  4 
  6 Harianja, Michelle             12 Redlands (SS)                       53.64  4 
  7 Domingue, Emily                12 La Quinta (SS)                      54.26  4 
  8 Slicer-Moore, KayleeLynn       11 Yucaipa (SS)                        55.20  3 
  9 Marcelo, Shantal               12 Beaumont (SS)                       55.88  3 
 10 Flores, Scarlett               12 Beaumont (SS)                       56.75  3 
 11 Walsh, Kindall                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       56.77  2 
 12 Brown, Jocelyn                 11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          57.03  2 
 13 Little, Zoe                    12 Big Bear (SS)                       57.11  3 
 14 Kouch, Magdalen                12 Beaumont (SS)                       57.65  3 
 15 Clark, Paiton                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                    59.59  2 
 16 Thomas, Kyrah                  11 Beaumont (SS)                       59.61  1 
 17 Velasquez, Gisselle            11 Hillcrest (SS)                    1:00.52  2 
 18 Ramos, Sienna                  12 West Valley (SS)                  1:00.80  2 
 19 Arcos, Lizbeth                 11 Hillcrest (SS)                    1:01.11  1 
 20 Baker, Coral                   11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:03.99  1 
 21 Holmes, Juliette               10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        1:04.18  3 
 22 Sanchez, Fabiola               11 Beaumont (SS)                     1:04.85  1 
 23 Armstead, Naveah               11 San Jacinto (SS)                  1:05.21  1 

Event 27  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Brewer, Aiden                  10 Big Bear (SS)                       43.36  3 
  2 Hawkins, Kameron               10 La Quinta (SS)                      43.37  3 
  3 McDaniel, Austin                9 Xavier College Prep (SS)            44.55  3 
  4 Pettiford, Michael             10 Yucaipa (SS)                        46.02  3 
  5 Woodard, Dwayne                10 Temecula Valley (SS)                46.96  3 
  6 Vanbeers, Jacob                 9 La Quinta (SS)                      47.08  2 
  7 Aidoudi, Elyes                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  47.17  3 
  8 Miller, Joshua                 10 Beaumont (SS)                       47.57  3 
  9 Heitritter, Bayer              10 Beaumont (SS)                       48.35  2 
 10 Reynolds, Payton               10 La Quinta (SS)                      48.48  1 
 11 Durrant, Gabriel                9 Indian Springs (SS)                 49.80  2 
 12 Schemel, Rainer                10 Beaumont (SS)                       51.17  2 
 13 Causey, Ray                     9 Hillcrest (SS)                      51.25  1 
 14 Pickett, Kahlil                 9 Hillcrest (SS)                      51.75  1 
 15 Razo, Samuel                   10 La Quinta (SS)                      51.86  2 
 16 Hebenton, Kelly                10 Beaumont (SS)                       52.32  1 
 17 Simmons, Cameron               10 Temecula Valley (SS)                52.68  2 
 18 Figueroa, Louie                10 West Valley (SS)                    57.64  1 
 19 Lenoir, Emil                   10 Coachella Valley (SS)             1:00.04  1 

Event 28  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Young, Aaron                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)                  41.15  6 
  2 Carolina, Dillon               11 San Gorgonio (SS)                   41.44  6 
  3 Diaz, Austen                   12 Hemet (SS)                          42.44  6 
  4 Bautista, Juan                 11 La Quinta (SS)                      42.82  6 
  5 Bellamy, Amyer                 12 Indian Springs (SS)                 43.02  6 
  6 Ansley, Thomas                 12 La Quinta (SS)                      43.34  6 
  7 Lockett, A'maen                12 Redlands (SS)                       43.74  5 
  8 Martinez, Angel                12 Coachella Valley (SS)               44.92  4 
  9 Aguilar, Mo                    11 Beaumont (SS)                       45.13  5 
 10 Englert, Aiden                 12 Yucaipa (SS)                        45.39  5 
 11 Garcia Perez, Samuelle         12 West Valley (SS)                    45.82  1 
 12 Varney, Braeden                12 Big Bear (SS)                       46.04  6 
 13 Hershberger, Luke              10 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  46.28  5 
 14 Lee, Gabriel                   11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  46.65  4 
 15 Ramirez, Elijah                12 Hillcrest (SS)                      46.88  4 
 16 George, Christopher            11 Redlands (SS)                       46.94  5 
 17 Mangabot, Noah                 10 Hemet (SS)                          48.10  3 
 18 McClellan (VCR), Ahkil         11 West Valley (SS)                    48.29  4 
 19 Sanchez, Ian                   10 San Jacinto (SS)                    49.12  2 
 20 Garcia, Isaac                  11 San Bernardino (SS)                 49.23  4 
 21 Delgadillo, Isaias             12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   49.43  1 
 22 Ashbaker, Shawn                11 Pacific (SS)                        49.59  4 
 23 Manuit-Manuel, Angelo          11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           49.69  4 
 24 Ransom, Jomini                  9 San Jacinto (SS)                    51.51  3 
 25 Marquez, Edward                12 Colton (SS)                         51.72  2 
 26 Claudio, Jesus                 12 San Bernardino (SS)                 52.29  1 
 27 Landeros, David                10 San Jacinto (SS)                    53.40  3 
 28 Cruz, Angel                    12 Indian Springs (SS)                 55.64  3 
 29 Rodriguez, Dominic             11 Colton (SS)                         55.88  2 
 30 Uribe, Javier                  11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           57.69  2 
 31 Lees, Steven                   12 Hillcrest (SS)                      58.51  2 

Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Tindall, Asia                  10 Paloma Valley (SS)                  26.88 -0.8  9 
  2 Traylor, Makala                10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           27.71 -0.8  9 
  3 Hansen, Sydney                 10 Beaumont (SS)                       27.72 -0.8  9 
  4 Garcia, Gracie                  9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  28.12 -0.8  9 
  5 Lopez-Tripp, Karyn              9 Temecula Valley (SS)                28.35 -0.8  9 
  6 Quast, Kandice                  9 Citrus Valley (SS)                  29.05 +0.2  2 
  7 Partida, Leanna                10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  29.48 +0.2  2 
  8 Holland, Ajysyt                11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           29.49 +0.0  8 
  9 Guilfoos, Sadie                 9 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           29.55 -1.3  7 
 10 Arouz, Mariana                  9 La Quinta (SS)                      29.61 -2.4  6 
 11 Velasquez, Natalie             10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  29.75 +0.0  8 
 12 Vega, Mariana                   9 Hillcrest (SS)                      30.02 -2.4  6 
 13 Bohler, Brianna                10 Beaumont (SS)                       30.12 +0.0  8 
 14 Hughes, Mariah                 12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          30.19 -0.6  1 
 15 Jackson, Zanylah (Nyla)         9 Hillcrest (SS)                      30.40 -2.4  6 
 16 Dizon, Francheska               9 Beaumont (SS)                       30.42   -2  5 
 17 Clarke, Makayla                 9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  30.45 -1.3  7 
 18 Ju'Don, Kenedi                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       30.62 -1.3  7 
 19 Lowe, Vianey                    9 Hillcrest (SS)                      30.68 +0.2  2 
 20 Conwell, Rhiona                10 Bloomington (SS)                    30.79 -2.4  6 
 21 Gomez, Rhiana                   9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  30.82 +0.2  4 
 22 Benson, Jazmin                  9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   30.89 +0.0  8 
 23 Weilinksi, Marleigh            10 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          30.92 +0.2  2 
 24 Ellis, Caylani                 10 San Gorgonio (SS)                   31.22 -1.3  7 
 25 Campos, Angelina                9 Redlands (SS)                       31.24 +0.2  4 
 26 Chisholm, Isabel                9 Temecula Valley (SS)                31.32 -0.8  9 
 27 Guerrero, Natalie              10 Indian Springs (SS)                 31.35 -1.3  7 
 28 Kurkjian, Angelina             10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          31.42 -0.6  1 
 29 Patrick, Ava                   10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           31.52 +0.2  4 
 30 Magana, Aubrielle              10 Redlands (SS)                       31.61 -1.3  7 
 31 Trejo, tanayah                 10 Pacific (SS)                        31.62 -2.4  6 
 32 Jordan, Laniyah                10 Paloma Valley (SS)                  31.64   -2  5 
 33 Garza, Samantha                 9 La Quinta (SS)                      31.70 +0.2  4 
 34 Riffey, Kathryn                10 West Valley (SS)                    31.91 +0.2  4 
 35 Robles, Natalie                 9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   31.94   -2  5 
 36 Vu, Kayla                      11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           32.04 -0.6  3 
 37 Ivory, Tierra                   9 Hillcrest (SS)                      32.08 -2.4  6 
 38 White, Aniya                    9 Redlands (SS)                       32.17 +0.2  4 
 39 Bird, Allyson                   9 Beaumont (SS)                       32.20 +0.2  2 
 40 Hernandez, Isabella             9 Coachella Valley (SS)               32.56 +0.2  4 
 41 Tharp, Remmi                    9 Temecula Valley (SS)                32.63 +0.0  8 
 42 Tinoco, Gissel                 10 Bloomington (SS)                    32.87 +0.2  2 
 43 Jackson, Aaleekay               9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   32.98 -0.6  1 
 44 Ortega, Alexandra               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  33.16 -0.6  3 
 45 Arnold, Ariana                 11 Temecula Valley (SS)                33.63 -0.8  9 
 46 Valdez, Dahlia                  9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  33.84 -0.6  1 
 47 Rodriguez, Isabella            10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          34.03 +0.2  2 
 48 Diddock, Sky                   10 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          34.04 -0.6  1 
 49 Wilson, Koani                   9 San Bernardino (SS)                 34.34 +0.2  2 
 50 Dunlap, Havannah                9 Beaumont (SS)                       35.00 -0.6  3 
 51 Arias, Perla                   10 Pacific (SS)                        35.43 -0.6  3 
 52 Carter, Chelsea                10 Beaumont (SS)                       35.72 -0.6  3 
 53 Vinson, Raelei                  9 Pacific (SS)                        36.21 -0.6  3 
 54 Flores, Jessica                10 San Bernardino (SS)                 37.37 -0.6  3 
 55 Martinez, Luz                   9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          41.34 -0.6  1 

Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Scarbrough, Julien             10 Redlands (SS)                       22.99 +0.2 12 
  2 Lawrence, Gabriel              10 Temecula Valley (SS)                23.35 +0.2 12 
  3 Hart, Derrick                  10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  23.49 +0.2 12 
  4 Rodriguez, Miguel               9 Coachella Valley (SS)               24.02 +0.2 12 
  5 Holley, Izaiah Joel            10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           24.28 -1.1 11 
  6 Jacobie, Shane                  9 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           24.30 +0.2 12 
  7 Mendez, Dylan                  10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  24.31 +0.5  4 
  8 Johnson, Jeremiah               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  24.37 -1.1 11 
  9 Hinchen, Major                  9 La Quinta (SS)                      24.39 -1.1 11 
 10 Ramirez, Aaron                 10 Coachella Valley (SS)               24.42 -1.8 10 
 11 Nsubuga, Aiden                 10 La Quinta (SS)                      24.53 +0.2 12 
 12 Purkey, Gabriel                10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  24.59 +0.2 12 
 13 Eneim, Dylan                    9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  24.67 -1.1 11 
 14 Duhu, Jeremiah                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       24.90 -1.1 11 24.894
 15 Sandoval, Juilan               10 Hillcrest (SS)                      24.90 -2.9  2 24.896
 16 Warner, Darien                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       25.04 -1.1 11 
 17 Allan, Austin                   9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  25.13   -1  9 
 18 Hallis, Trent                   9 Paloma Valley (SS)                  25.21 -1.8 10 25.201
 19 Mayweather, Noah               12 Hillcrest (SS)                      25.21 -1.1  3 25.208
 20 Henry, Trevor                  10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          25.30 -2.9  2 
 21 Ortiz, Devin                    9 Beaumont (SS)                       25.34 -2.9  2 
 22 Henry, Michael                  8 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          25.41 -2.9  2 
 23 Smith, Khei'Moni                9 Beaumont (SS)                       25.45 -1.8 10 
 24 Uyovbievo, Gaius                9 Beaumont (SS)                       25.48 -1.9  1 
 25 Johnson, Damien                 9 Citrus Valley (SS)                  25.49   -1  9 
 26 Randolph, Justin               10 San Bernardino (SS)                 25.52 -1.1 11 25.514
 26 Allen, Bryson                   8 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          25.52 -2.9  2 25.514
 28 Stewart, Angelo                 9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  25.53   -1  9 
 29 Salas, Abel                    10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           25.59   -1  9 
 30 Egan, Gage                     10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  25.69 -1.8 10 
 31 Cordoba, Franky                10 Coachella Valley (SS)               25.78 -2.4  6 
 32 Lucas, Quintin                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  25.80   -1  9 25.793
 33 Lopez-Tripp, Kaleb              9 Temecula Valley (SS)                25.80   -1  9 25.796
 34 Nava, Jose                      9 Hemet (SS)                          25.86 -1.8 10 
 35 Perez, Jacob                    9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  25.87   -3  8 
 36 Johnson, Geovonte               9 Indian Springs (SS)                 25.93 +0.5  4 
 37 Osorio, Sebastian              10 La Quinta (SS)                      25.95   -1  9 
 38 Gutierrez, Elijah              10 Beaumont (SS)                       25.99 -2.9  2 
 39 Serrano, Andrew                 9 Hillcrest (SS)                      26.11 -2.4  6 
 40 Perez-Soto, Aaron              10 Bloomington (SS)                    26.25 +0.5  4 
 41 Malloy, Drake                  11 Hemet (SS)                          26.26   -3  8 
 42 Urrutia, David                  9 San Bernardino (SS)                 26.32 -1.8 10 
 43 Cuzzucoli, Aedan                9 Big Bear (SS)                       26.58 -2.4  6 
 44 Moore, Timothy                  9 Beaumont (SS)                       26.61 -2.9  2 26.603
 45 Hernandez, Julian               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  26.61   -3  8 26.604
 46 Staricka, Nolan                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           26.62 -3.1  7 
 47 Pickett, Kahlil                 9 Hillcrest (SS)                      26.76 -3.1  7 
 48 Palalay, Adam                   9 Beaumont (SS)                       26.79 -3.1  7 
 49 Roy, Ben                        9 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          26.87 -1.9  1 
 50 Marsalisi, Brandon             10 Indian Springs (SS)                 26.93 -1.1  3 
 51 Osei-Asare, Michael            10 Beaumont (SS)                       27.00 -3.1  7 
 52 Arroyo, Aidan                  10 Colton (SS)                         27.03 +0.5  4 
 53 Jimenez, Michael                9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   27.16   -3  8 
 54 Tavarez, Naythan                9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          27.30 -1.9  1 
 55 Ladrillono, Keoni               9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy          27.38 +0.5  4 
 56 Sualez, Oscar                  11 West Valley (SS)                    27.39   -2  5 
 57 Bobby, Elijah                  11 Hemet (SS)                          27.48 -2.4  6 
 58 Carlson, Ryan                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           27.55 -2.4  6 
 59 Co, Gabby                      10 Beaumont (SS)                       27.59 +0.5  4 
 60 PRIETO, Jaren                   9 Colton (SS)                         27.62 +0.5  4 
 61 Williams, Devin                 9 Temecula Valley (SS)                27.65 -1.1  3 
 62 Teava, Wyatt                    9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   27.79 -2.4  6 
 63 Brookins, Tahj                  9 San Bernardino (SS)                 27.81 -3.1  7 
 64 Kadel, Success                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       27.88   -2  5 
 65 Bynum, Jonathan                 9 Beaumont (SS)                       27.93 -2.4  6 
 66 Rojas, Nickolas                10 Pacific (SS)                        28.00   -2  5 
 67 Mejia Jr., Marcos               9 Beaumont (SS)                       28.57   -2  5 
 68 Hawley, Daniel                 10 Indian Springs (SS)                 28.75 -1.9  1 
 69 Guffey, Christian              10 Big Bear (SS)                       29.66 -1.1  3 
 70 Rojas, Ricky                    9 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           29.68 -3.1  7 
 71 Dixon, Christian               11 Beaumont (SS)                       29.82   -2  5 
 72 Reza, David                     9 Big Bear (SS)                       29.93   -2  5 
 73 Guerrero, Marcus               10 Pacific (SS)                        29.97   -2  5 
 74 Caponigro, Carlo               10 Temecula Valley (SS)                30.08   -1  9 
 75 Ayala, Benjamin                 9 Beaumont (SS)                       30.29 -1.9  1 
 76 Rubio, Hector                     Valley View (SS)                    30.73 -1.9  1 

Event 31  Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Rivers, Kiarah                 11 Indian Springs (SS)                 26.98 -0.2  9 
  2 Pruett, Aaliyan                 9 San Gorgonio (SS)                   27.43 -0.9  8 
  3 Lytle, Kelsi                   10 Hemet (SS)                          27.48 -0.2  9 
  4 Hughes, Lauren                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       27.56 -0.9  8 
  5 Oziegbe, Mary                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                    27.60 -0.2  9 
  6 Arias, Delaney                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       27.80 -0.9  8 
  7 Stanton, Adrianna              12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           27.96 -0.2  9 
  8 Cooper, Isabella               11 Beaumont (SS)                       28.25 -0.9  1 28.245
  9 Brehm, Liana                   12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  28.25 -0.9  8 28.248
 10 Elbaz, Chloe                    9 Xavier College Prep (SS)            28.29 -0.2  9 
 11 De La Torre, Gaby              11 Beaumont (SS)                       28.37 -1.1  7 28.368
 12 Stanton, Aaliyah               12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          28.37 -0.8  2 28.369
 13 Martinez, Alexandra            11 Redlands (SS)                       28.76 -1.1  7 
 14 Hallie, Carlysia               11 Indian Springs (SS)                 29.05 -0.9  8 
 15 Thompson, Lyrics                9 Yucca Valley (SS)                   29.09 -1.5  3 
 16 Verdugo, Lillyana              11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  29.40 -0.9  1 
 17 Ogwo, Blessing                 10 San Jacinto (SS)                    29.56 -1.2  6 
 18 Torres, Abree                  12 Coachella Valley (SS)               29.64 -1.2  6 
 19 Ligon, Cayanna                 11 San Jacinto (SS)                    29.67 -1.1  7 
 20 Cortes, Kamila                 11 Coachella Valley (SS)               30.12 -1.2  6 
 21 Hernandez, Irene               11 Coachella Valley (SS)               30.15 -1.2  5 
 22 Tiggett, Jada                  12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          30.47 -0.8  2 
 23 Guilford, Alexandria           10 San Jacinto (SS)                    30.58 -1.2  6 
 24 Figueroa, Esperanza            12 Coachella Valley (SS)               30.75 -1.2  6 
 25 Hollenbaugh, Sunny             12 Big Bear (SS)                       30.88 -1.1  7 
 26 Harianja, Michelle             12 Redlands (SS)                       31.03 -1.2  6 
 27 Jimenez, Destinie              12 Beaumont (SS)                       31.11 -1.2  5 
 28 Perez, River                   11 Beaumont (SS)                       31.27 -0.9  1 
 29 CASTILLO, Madeline             11 Colton (SS)                         32.26 -0.2  4 
 30 Anaya, Dulce                   11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  32.41 -0.2  4 
 31 Salladay, Kyra                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       32.73 -1.5  3 
 32 Ribiere, Phillipine            12 Beaumont (SS)                       32.94 -1.5  3 
 33 Oleta, Andrea                  11 Pacific (SS)                        33.32 -1.2  5 
 34 Trevino, Alicia                12 Beaumont (SS)                       34.84 -0.2  4 
 35 Baxter, Jasmine                11 Yucca Valley (SS)                   35.03 -0.9  1 
 36 TK) Magdael, Taylor            12 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  35.16 -0.2  4 
 37 Martinez, Izabella             12 Hemet (SS)                          35.21 -0.2  4 
 38 Anthony, Diamond               11 San Gorgonio (SS)                   35.70 -1.5  3 
 39 Morales, Kathy                 11 Big Bear (SS)                       37.22 -1.5  3 
 40 Smith, Jailah                  12 Redlands (SS)                       39.48 -1.2  5 
 41 Muniz, Jazmyn                  11 Yucca Valley (SS)                   41.96 -0.8  2 

Event 32  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals Wind H#
  1 Deal, Jason                    12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  21.49 -1.1 11 
  2 Dean, Justin                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)                  22.49 -1.1 11 
  3 Love, Nick                     12 Hillcrest (SS)                      22.50 -1.1 11 
  4 Soriano, Hans                  12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  22.57 -1.1 11 
  5 Wilson, Logan                  12 Paloma Valley (SS)                  22.97 -0.4 10 
  6 Bolanos, Jeremiah              12 Redlands East Valley (SS)           23.00 -0.8  9 
  7 Koskey, Elijah                 12 Beaumont (SS)                       23.03 -1.1 11 
  8 Brown, Matthew                 12 Temecula Valley (SS)                23.40 -0.4 10 
  9 Bowens, Jayden                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)                  23.67 -0.4 10 
 10 Franco, Joel                   12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   23.75   -1  6 
 11 Geffard, Jason                 12 San Jacinto (SS)                    23.83 -0.4 10 
 12 Edgar, Jayden                  11 San Gorgonio (SS)                   24.05 -1.5  2 
 13 Perdomo, Anthony               12 La Quinta (SS)                      24.35   -1  6 
 14 Lopez, Nathan                  12 La Quinta (SS)                      24.48   -1  6 
 15 Fowler, Justin                 12 San Gorgonio (SS)                   24.50 -0.8  9 
 16 Payne, Josiah                  10 Beaumont (SS)                       24.52 -0.8  9 
 17 Patton JR, Kevin               12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          24.59 -1.5  2 
 18 Cuellar, Armando               12 Beaumont (SS)                       24.61 -0.8  9 
 19 Wilson, Noah                   11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          24.65 -1.5  2 
 20 Ramirez, Mark                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)           24.66 -0.9  8 
 21 Gamboa, Angel                  11 Hemet (SS)                          24.76 -0.9  8 
 22 Villasenor, Angel              12 Hemet (SS)                          24.79 -1.6  7 
 23 Johnson, Edward                11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  24.80 -0.2  5 
 24 Konradsson, Lukas              11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)                  24.83 -1.6  7 
 25 Ortiz, Joseph                  12 Citrus Valley (SS)                  24.86 -0.2  5 
 26 Warner, Lorenzo                11 Beaumont (SS)                       24.91 -0.9  8 
 27 Valencia, Andrew               11 West Valley (SS)                    24.92 -1.6  7 
 28 Wood, Sebastian                11 San Jacinto (SS)                    25.03   -1  6 
 29 Bowling, Luke                  11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           25.08 -0.9  8 25.073
 30 Crawford, Zyon                 11 San Gorgonio (SS)                   25.08 -1.5  2 25.077
 31 George, Christopher            11 Redlands (SS)                       25.16 -1.6  7 
 32 Woods, Jayden                  12 Redlands (SS)                       25.20 -0.2  5 
 33 Jones, Daniel                  11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)          25.23 -1.5  2 
 34 Carrillo, Cirus                11 Redlands East Valley (SS)           25.25 -0.9  8 
 35 Frazier, Miles                 12 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  25.30 -0.2  5 
 36 Douglass, Dominic              11 Citrus Valley (SS)                  25.32 -0.9  8 
 37 Traylor, Wahi                  11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           25.37   -1  4 
 38 Dillard, Aaron                 12 Hillcrest (SS)                      25.38 -0.9  8 
 39 Baltazar, Gilbert              11 Beaumont (SS)                       25.51 -0.2  5 
 40 Villafana-Lopez, Javier        12 Bloomington (SS)                    25.56   -1  4 
 41 Garcia, Vicente                11 Beaumont (SS)                       25.60 -0.2  5 
 42 dyer, sean                     11 Beaumont (SS)                       25.61   -1  6 
 43 Lopez-Torres, Rodrigo          11 Rancho Mirage (SS)                  25.65   -1  6 
 44 Losoya, Angel                  12 Colton (SS)                         25.89   -1  4 
 45 Mayagoitia, Jacob              12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           26.30 -1.7  3 
 46 Williams, Arta                 11 Beaumont (SS)                       26.36   -1  4 
 47 Cabrera, Dominic               12 Temecula Valley (SS)                26.48 -1.6  7 26.471
 47 Gomez, Luis                    11 Coachella Valley (SS)               26.48 -0.2  5 26.471
 49 Mena, John                     11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)           26.85   -1  4 
 50 Amajoyi, George                11 Bloomington (SS)                    27.16 -0.8  1 
 51 Roden, Tyler                   10 Yucca Valley (SS)                   27.21   -1  4 
 52 Carranco, Leonardo             11 Valley View (SS)                    27.73 -1.7  3 
 53 Witt, Korbyn                   12 Big Bear (SS)                       27.95 -1.7  3 
 54 Ruiz, Andrew                   11 Beaumont (SS)                       28.11 -1.5  2 
 55 Garcia, Mark                   12 Beaumont (SS)                       28.26 -1.7  3 
 56 Sainos, Dominic                11 San Bernardino (SS)                 30.08 -1.7  3 

Event 33  Girls 3200 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Guerrero, Saveyra              10 La Quinta (SS)                   12:16.11  1 
  2 Guerrero, Raisa                10 La Quinta (SS)                   12:16.77  1 
  3 Carbajal, Kayla                 9 Beaumont (SS)                    12:27.48  1 
  4 Lopez, Alyssa                   9 La Quinta (SS)                   12:51.31  1 
  5 Dominguez, Alina MArie         10 La Quinta (SS)                   13:13.06  1 
  6 Dunn, Hayden                    9 Beaumont (SS)                    13:22.18  1 
  7 Thompson, Gabriella            10 Beaumont (SS)                    13:22.38  1 
  8 Guzman, Arecelly                9 Beaumont (SS)                    13:51.69  1 
  9 Sevilla, Gabriela               9 Paloma Valley (SS)               13:56.19  1 
 10 Jimenez, Brianna               10 Colton (SS)                      14:05.20  1 
 11 Davis, Kayla                    9 Beaumont (SS)                    14:57.39  1 

Event 34  Boys 3200 Meter Run Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Mendoza-Lopez, Antonio         10 Beaumont (SS)                    10:41.47  1 
  2 Aparicio, Marcos               10 San Bernardino (SS)              10:44.71  1 
  3 Mendoza, Jorge                 10 La Quinta (SS)                   10:47.29  1 
  4 Espinosa, Jesus                11 La Quinta (SS)                   10:56.21  1 
  5 Jackman, Kai                   10 La Quinta (SS)                   11:05.57  1 
  6 Knickerbocker, Parker          10 La Quinta (SS)                   11:13.26  1 
  7 Coleman, Demetrious            10 Coachella Valley (SS)            11:24.61  1 
  8 Ramirez, Christofer            10 San Bernardino (SS)              11:29.05  1 
  9 Wade, Jason                    10 Paloma Valley (SS)               12:03.66  1 
 10 Camargo, Jesus                  9 Coachella Valley (SS)            12:06.22  1 
 11 Alvarado, Jireh                10 Beaumont (SS)                    12:22.25  1 
 12 Cunningham, Richard             9 Redlands East Valley (SS)        13:28.64  1 
 13 Turner, Matthew                10 West Valley (SS)                 16:30.62  1 

Event 35  Girls 3200 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Valenzuela, Angie              10 Beaumont (SS)                    12:06.30  1 
  2 Loyo, Victoria                 10 Bloomington (SS)                 12:12.97  1 
  3 Villegas, Alejandra            11 Beaumont (SS)                    12:43.36  1 
  4 Harris, Aiyana                 12 Redlands (SS)                    13:34.24  1 
  5 Raoufi, Arta                   11 Redlands (SS)                    13:49.04  1 
  6 Ignacio, Janis                 12 West Valley (SS)                 16:21.75  1 

Event 36  Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals H#
  1 Rutherford, Eli                12 Beaumont (SS)                    10:15.08  1 
  2 Teague, Owen                   10 Hemet (SS)                       10:20.77  1 
  3 Nava, Alan                     12 Bloomington (SS)                 10:56.34  1 
  4 Del Muro, Santiago             11 Beaumont (SS)                    11:04.85  1 
  5 Espinosa, Jesus                11 La Quinta (SS)                   11:13.81  1 
  6 Haro, Bryan                    12 Bloomington (SS)                 11:13.90  1 
  7 Baca, Jace                     12 Hemet (SS)                       11:17.56  1 
  8 Bojorquez, Luis                12 Coachella Valley (SS)            11:18.43  1 
  9 Gonzalez, Jose                 10 Bloomington (SS)                 11:58.61  1 
 10 Aboytes, Vincent               12 Beaumont (SS)                    12:19.01  1 
 11 Sanchez, Alexis                11 Bloomington (SS)                 12:23.68  1 
 12 Diego, Oswaldo                 11 San Bernardino (SS)              12:55.17  1 
 13 Spelveda, Christian            10 West Valley (SS)                 12:56.46  1 
 14 Detringer, Melvin              10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       13:20.19  1 
 15 Salgado, Geovanny              10 San Bernardino (SS)              13:55.95  1 

Event 37  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                             Finals
  1 La Quinta (SS)                    4:22.56 4:22.555
  2 Beaumont (SS)                     4:49.59 4:49.589
  3 Redlands (SS)                     5:06.19 
  4 Hemet (SS)                        5:40.23 5:40.229

Event 38  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph
    School                             Finals
  1 La Quinta (SS)                    3:47.74 
  2 Beaumont (SS)                     3:54.48 
  3 San Bernardino (SS)               4:03.09 
  4 Rancho Mirage (SS)                4:03.44 
  5 Citrus Valley (SS)                4:25.31 

Event 39  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                             Finals
  1 Beaumont (SS)                     4:15.06 
  2 Hemet (SS)                        4:31.72 
  3 Paloma Valley (SS)                4:43.67 
  4 Beaumont (SS) 'B'                 4:48.27 
  5 West Valley (SS)                  5:06.71 
  6 Rancho Mirage (SS)                5:14.21 

Event 40  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                             Finals
  1 Paloma Valley (SS)                3:32.28 
  2 La Quinta (SS)                    3:34.81 
  3 Hemet (SS)                        3:38.65 
  4 Beaumont (SS)                     3:39.80 
  5 San Gorgonio (SS)                 3:48.32 
  6 West Valley (SS)                  3:48.66 
  7 Redlands (SS)                     3:51.68 
  8 San Gorgonio (SS) 'B'             3:54.72 
  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)                3:58.58 
 10 Bloomington (SS)                  4:02.99 

Event 41  Girls Long Jump Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Slaughter, Summer              10 La Quinta (SS)                   15-04.00         4.67m  1 
  2 Nwaugha, Angela                11 Redlands (SS)                    14-09.25         4.50m  1 
  3 Schweitzer, Chloe              10 Big Bear (SS)                    14-05.00         4.39m  1 
  4 Luna, Sally                    10 Redlands (SS)                    14-03.50         4.35m  1 
  5 Chun, Chloe                    10 Redlands (SS)                    13-04.50         4.07m  1 
  6 Benavides, Aliana              10 La Quinta (SS)                   13-02.00         4.01m  1 
  7 Moore, Melise                   9 La Quinta (SS)                   13-02.00         4.01m  2 
  8 Tripp, Savanna                 10 Hemet (SS)                       12-07.00         3.83m  1 
  9 Lohr, Madelyn                  10 Citrus Valley (SS)               12-05.50         3.79m  2 
 10 Garibay, Audrey                10 Redlands (SS)                    12-05.00         3.78m  2 
 11 Jackson, Zanylah (Nyla)         9 Hillcrest (SS)                   12-04.00         3.75m  2 
 12 Quick, Mayson                   9 Beaumont (SS)                    12-02.00         3.70m  1 
 13 Graf, Alina                     9 Hemet (SS)                       11-11.00         3.63m  2 
 14 Nunez, Brianna                 10 Citrus Valley (SS)               11-07.00         3.53m  2 
 15 Walton, Mckenna                 9 Big Bear (SS)                    10-07.00         3.22m  2 
 16 Tukumoeato, Frances            10 Hemet (SS)                       10-00.00         3.04m  2 
 17 Dodson, Shaniya                11 Hemet (SS)                        9-06.00         2.89m  2 

Event 42  Boys Long Jump Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Scarbrough, Julien             10 Redlands (SS)                    20-10.00         6.35m  1 
  2 Clemons, Arthur                 9 Paloma Valley (SS)               20-03.00         6.17m  1 
  3 McVey, Evan                    10 Temecula Valley (SS)             19-02.00         5.84m  1 
  4 Morris, London                 10 Redlands (SS)                    19-01.50         5.82m  1 
  5 Ramirez, Aaron                 10 Coachella Valley (SS)            18-09.00         5.71m  1 
  6 Lawrence, Gabriel              10 Temecula Valley (SS)             18-08.00         5.68m  1 
  7 Johnson, Jeremiah               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)               17-05.00         5.30m  2 
  8 Daniel, Luka                   10 Citrus Valley (SS)               17-02.50         5.24m  2 
  9 Hawkins, Kameron               10 La Quinta (SS)                   17-01.00         5.20m  1 
 10 Shaw, Nick                      9 Hillcrest (SS)                   17-00.00         5.18m  1 
 11 Allan, Austin                   9 Paloma Valley (SS)               16-11.00         5.15m  1 
 12 Rice, Kyle                     10 Big Bear (SS)                    16-10.00         5.13m  2 
 13 Camargo, Ivan                   9 Coachella Valley (SS)            16-10.00         5.13m  1 
 14 Valdez, Joseph                  9 Hemet (SS)                       16-10.00         5.13m  2 
 15 Ramirez, Deleone                9 Hemet (SS)                       16-05.00         5.00m  2 
 16 Osei-Asare, Michael            10 Beaumont (SS)                    16-04.00         4.97m  3 
 17 McDaniel, Elijah                9 Valley View (SS)                 16-04.00         4.97m  2 
 18 Ruiz, Nathen                   10 Coachella Valley (SS)            16-03.00         4.95m  3 
 19 Padilla, Yanni                 10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               16-02.00         4.92m  3 
 20 Gilbert, Jayden                10 Beaumont (SS)                    16-02.00         4.92m  2 
 20 Subero, Jaden                  10 Beaumont (SS)                    16-02.00         4.92m  1 
 22 Nelson, Nubian                 10 Indian Springs (SS)              16-00.00         4.87m  3 
 23 Zendejas, Julian               10 La Quinta (SS)                   15-09.00         4.80m  1 
 24 Garcia, Arsen                  10 Paloma Valley (SS)               15-07.00         4.74m  2 
 25 Padilla, Pedro                  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)               15-06.00         4.72m  2 
 26 Serrano, Francisco             10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               15-06.00         4.72m  2 
 27 Dolan, Ryder                   10 Big Bear (SS)                    15-02.00         4.62m  2 
 28 Vallejo, Julian                10 West Valley (SS)                 15-00.00         4.57m  1 
 29 Guffey, Christian              10 Big Bear (SS)                    14-09.00         4.49m  3 
 30 Rodriguez, Jayden              10 Coachella Valley (SS)            14-08.00         4.47m  2 
 31 Banks, De'Andre                10 La Quinta (SS)                   14-08.00         4.47m  2 
 32 Wanta, Gavin                    9 Hemet (SS)                       14-06.00         4.41m  3 
 33 Guerrero, Nelson                9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               14-03.00         4.34m  3 
 34 Jeter, Darius                   9 Beaumont (SS)                    13-06.00         4.11m  2 

Event 43  Girls Long Jump Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Jones, Niani                   12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        17-00.00         5.18m  1 
  2 Teran, Catalina                12 Redlands East Valley (SS)        16-05.00         5.00m  1 
  3 Meraz, Iris                    12 Coachella Valley (SS)            15-10.00         4.82m  1 
  4 Brittin, Stephanie             11 Redlands (SS)                    15-09.00         4.80m  1 
  5 Rodriguez, Danielle            11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               15-06.50         4.73m  1 
  6 Perez-Munoz, Nazli             12 La Quinta (SS)                   15-03.50         4.66m  1 
  7 Marquez, Patricia              12 Beaumont (SS)                    14-09.50         4.50m  2 
  8 Reyes, Sophia                  11 Beaumont (SS)                    14-07.00         4.44m  1 
  9 LaLanne, Brooke                12 Hemet (SS)                       14-06.50         4.43m  2 
 10 Jamisola, Allyson              10 Hemet (SS)                       14-06.00         4.41m  2 
 11 Thomas, Savannah               10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       14-06.00         4.41m  1 
 12 Teava, Lahaina                 12 San Gorgonio (SS)                14-05.50         4.40m  2 
 13 Dwyer, Jahdai                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                 14-05.00         4.39m  2 
 14 Hollenbaugh, Sunny             12 Big Bear (SS)                    14-05.00         4.39m  1 
 15 Odiachi, Dorathy               11 San Gorgonio (SS)                14-04.00         4.36m  2 
 16 Riggs, Myloni                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                 14-01.00         4.29m  3 
 17 Tadros, Carol                  10 Redlands (SS)                    14-00.50         4.27m  2 
 18 Jimenez, Destinie              12 Beaumont (SS)                    13-07.00         4.14m  2 
 19 Jordan, Chaise                 11 Beaumont (SS)                    13-05.00         4.08m  2 
 20 Grandberry, Leah               11 Indian Springs (SS)              13-00.00         3.96m  2 
 21 Romero, Katrina                12 West Shores (SD)                 12-10.00         3.91m  2 
 22 Ferrel, Ammhy                  11 Indian Springs (SS)              12-10.00         3.91m  1 
 23 Mcdowell, Annabelle            11 Beaumont (SS)                    12-08.00         3.86m  3 
 24 Leon, Alondra                  12 Bloomington (SS)                 12-06.00         3.81m  3 
 25 Gutierrez, Ella                12 Hillcrest (SS)                   11-10.00         3.60m  3 
 26 Morales, Kathy                 11 Big Bear (SS)                    11-04.50         3.46m  3 
 27 Prieto, Madison                10 Colton (SS)                      11-04.00         3.45m  3 
 28 Tassin, Adele                  12 Big Bear (SS)                    11-02.50         3.41m  3 
 29 Guilford, Alexandria           10 San Jacinto (SS)                 11-02.50         3.41m  2 
 30 FAVELA, Allison                12 Colton (SS)                      10-02.00         3.09m  3 

Event 44  Boys Long Jump Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Bolanos, Jeremiah              12 Redlands East Valley (SS)        20-03.00         6.17m  2 
  2 Jones, Douglas                 12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               20-02.00         6.14m  1 
  3 Bledsoe, Dylan                 12 Beaumont (SS)                    19-07.00         5.96m  1 
  4 Anderson, Tayven               12 Beaumont (SS)                    19-06.50         5.95m  1 
  5 Holmes, Vincent                12 San Jacinto (SS)                 19-02.50         5.85m  1 
  6 McKee, Hayden                  12 La Quinta (SS)                   19-00.50         5.80m  1 
  7 Metoyer, Elijah                11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               19-00.00         5.79m  1 
  8 Murguia, Tyrus                 11 Beaumont (SS)                    19-00.00         5.79m  1 
  9 Garcia Perez, Samuelle         12 West Valley (SS)                 18-09.00         5.71m  2 
 10 Gil Frausto, Angel             11 West Shores (SD)                 18-08.00         5.68m  2 
 11 Lenoir, Keon                   12 Coachella Valley (SS)            18-05.50         5.62m  1 
 12 Garcia, Alejandro              11 Temecula Valley (SS)             18-04.50         5.60m  1 
 13 Karazin, Zachary               11 Temecula Valley (SS)             18-04.50         5.60m  1 
 14 Martin, Tranell                12 San Gorgonio (SS)                18-03.50         5.57m  1 
 15 Williams, Trey                 12 Hillcrest (SS)                   17-10.00         5.43m  1 
 16 Abduraham, Yunus               12 Hillcrest (SS)                   17-10.00         5.43m  1 
 17 Cook, Nathan                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)               17-09.00         5.41m  1 
 18 Washington, Hajani             12 San Jacinto (SS)                 17-09.00         5.41m  1 
 19 Esquibel, Noah                 10 Redlands East Valley (SS)        17-09.00         5.41m  2 
 20 Crawford, Zyon                 11 San Gorgonio (SS)                17-08.00         5.38m  2 
 21 Lopez, Angel                   12 Beaumont (SS)                    17-06.00         5.33m  2 
 22 Hutton, Nathan                 10 West Valley (SS)                 17-06.00         5.33m  2 
 23 Woods, Jayden                  12 Redlands (SS)                    17-05.00         5.30m  2 
 24 Beccerra, Jorge                11 Beaumont (SS)                    17-03.00         5.25m  1 
 25 Miller, Calvin                 12 La Quinta (SS)                   17-02.00         5.23m  2 
 26 Seventy, Nicholas               9 Bloomington (SS)                 17-01.00         5.20m  3 
 27 Straight, Christopher          12 Hemet (SS)                       17-01.00         5.20m  3 
 28 Fondren, Larenz                12 San Gorgonio (SS)                17-00.00         5.18m  1 
 29 Howard, Evan                   12 Bloomington (SS)                 16-11.00         5.15m  3 
 30 Garcia, Matthew                11 Beaumont (SS)                    16-06.00         5.02m  1 
 31 Gamboa, Angel                  11 Hemet (SS)                       16-05.00         5.00m  2 
 32 George, Christopher            11 Redlands (SS)                    16-04.00         4.97m  3 
 33 Harrison, Dominick             12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        16-03.00         4.95m  2 
 34 Totanes, Jayden                11 Paloma Valley (SS)               16-03.00         4.95m  2 
 35 Sanchez, Abeal                 12 Colton (SS)                      16-03.00         4.95m  2 
 36 Mangabot, Noah                 10 Hemet (SS)                       16-02.00         4.92m  2 
 37 Baltazar, Gilbert              11 Beaumont (SS)                    16-01.00         4.90m  2 
 38 Carrillo, Steven               12 Citrus Valley (SS)               16-01.00         4.90m  3 
 39 Fraembs, Diego                 11 Bloomington (SS)                 16-01.00         4.90m  2 
 40 Miguel, London                  9 San Jacinto (SS)                 16-00.00         4.87m  3 
 41 Garvey, Sean                   12 Big Bear (SS)                    15-11.00         4.85m  3 
 42 Fernadez, Andres               11 Hillcrest (SS)                   15-10.00         4.82m  2 
 43 Fye, Tanner                    11 Hemet (SS)                       15-07.00         4.74m  3 
 44 Culp, Cyrell                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)               15-03.00         4.64m  2 
 45 Johnson, Edward                11 Rancho Mirage (SS)               15-00.00         4.57m  3 
 46 Bustamante, Isaiah             12 San Bernardino (SS)              14-11.00         4.54m  1 
 47 Bojorquez Rodrigue, Carlos     11 West Shores (SD)                 14-07.00         4.44m  3 
 48 Hernandez, Anthony             11 Indian Springs (SS)              13-02.00         4.01m  3 

Event 45  Girls Triple Jump Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Schweitzer, Chloe              10 Big Bear (SS)                    32-04.00         9.85m  1 
  2 Villarreal, Angelica           10 Coachella Valley (SS)            30-08.50         9.35m  1 
  3 Mitchell, Serenity             10 Redlands (SS)                    30-06.00         9.29m  1 
  4 Vu, Kayla                      11 Redlands East Valley (SS)        29-01.50         8.87m  1 
  5 Lucero, Paulina                 9 Coachella Valley (SS)            28-07.00         8.71m  1 
  6 Jordan, Jessica                 9 Coachella Valley (SS)            28-04.00         8.63m  1 
  7 Magana, Aubrielle              10 Redlands (SS)                    27-11.00         8.50m  1 

Event 46  Boys Triple Jump Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Morris, London                 10 Redlands (SS)                    42-07.00        12.97m  1 
  2 Hawkins, Kameron               10 La Quinta (SS)                   41-00.00        12.49m  1 
  3 Padilla, Yanni                 10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               40-04.50        12.30m  1 
  4 Banks, De'Andre                10 La Quinta (SS)                   35-10.00        10.92m  1 
  5 Osei-Asare, Michael            10 Beaumont (SS)                    35-07.00        10.84m  2 
  6 Reynolds, Payton               10 La Quinta (SS)                   35-03.00        10.74m  2 
  6 Stewart, Caden                  9 Big Bear (SS)                    35-03.00        10.74m  1 
  8 Allan, Austin                   9 Paloma Valley (SS)               34-04.00        10.46m  2 
  9 Serrano, Francisco             10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               34-02.50        10.42m  1 
 10 Padilla, Pedro                  9 Rancho Mirage (SS)               34-02.00        10.41m  2 
 11 Jones, Mar'qele                10 San Bernardino (SS)              34-00.00        10.36m  2 
 12 Guerrero, Nelson                9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               33-10.50        10.32m  1 
 13 Ruiz, Nathen                   10 Coachella Valley (SS)            32-07.50         9.94m  1 
 14 Hernandez, Julian               9 Rancho Mirage (SS)               32-06.00         9.90m  2 
 15 Guffey, Christian              10 Big Bear (SS)                    32-03.00         9.82m  2 
 16 Rodriguez, Jayden              10 Coachella Valley (SS)            32-00.00         9.75m  2 
 17 Wanta, Gavin                    9 Hemet (SS)                       31-05.00         9.57m  2 
 18 Grey, Noah                     10 Hemet (SS)                       30-11.00         9.42m  2 
 19 Flavell, Rhion                 10 La Quinta (SS)                   30-00.00         9.14m  2 

Event 47  Girls Triple Jump Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Brittin, Stephanie             11 Redlands (SS)                    32-02.00         9.80m  1 
  2 LaLanne, Brooke                12 Hemet (SS)                       30-09.00         9.37m  1 
  3 Meraz, Iris                    12 Coachella Valley (SS)            30-09.00         9.37m  1 
  4 Jamisola, Allyson              10 Hemet (SS)                       30-08.00         9.34m  1 
  5 Adsit, Kaitlyn                 12 Beaumont (SS)                    30-03.50         9.23m  1 
  6 Dwyer, Jahdai                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                 29-09.00         9.06m  1 
  7 Marquez, Patricia              12 Beaumont (SS)                    29-04.00         8.94m  1 
  8 Hatcher, Savannah              12 Paloma Valley (SS)               28-11.00         8.81m  1 
  9 Ross, Ericka                   12 Beaumont (SS)                    28-08.00         8.73m  2 
 10 Romero, Katrina                12 West Shores (SD)                 27-04.00         8.33m  2 
 11 Martinez, Jianna               12 La Quinta (SS)                   26-04.50         8.03m  1 
 12 Gutierrez, Ella                12 Hillcrest (SS)                   25-00.00         7.62m  2 

Event 48  Boys Triple Jump Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Jones, Douglas                 12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               41-10.50        12.76m  1 
  2 Diaz, Austen                   12 Hemet (SS)                       41-05.50        12.63m  1 
  3 Anderson, Tayven               12 Beaumont (SS)                    40-09.50        12.43m  1 
  4 Washington, Hajani             12 San Jacinto (SS)                 39-09.00        12.11m  1 
  5 Cervello, Brayden              10 Xavier College Prep (SS)         39-05.50        12.02m  1 
  6 Lenoir, Keon                   12 Coachella Valley (SS)            39-02.00        11.93m  1 
  7 Woods, Jordan                  12 Redlands (SS)                    38-11.00        11.86m  1 
  8 Beccerra, Jorge                11 Beaumont (SS)                    38-08.00        11.78m  1 
  9 Varney, Braeden                12 Big Bear (SS)                    38-07.00        11.76m  1 
 10 Edgar, Jayden                  11 San Gorgonio (SS)                38-06.50        11.74m  2 
 11 Bledsoe, Dylan                 12 Beaumont (SS)                    38-05.00        11.70m  1 
 12 Baltazar, Gilbert              11 Beaumont (SS)                    38-03.00        11.65m  2 
 13 Murguia, Tyrus                 11 Beaumont (SS)                    38-01.00        11.60m  1 
 14 Woods, Jayden                  12 Redlands (SS)                    37-09.00        11.50m  1 
 15 Sawyer, Jaevin                 11 San Gorgonio (SS)                37-01.00        11.30m  1 
 16 Miller, Calvin                 12 La Quinta (SS)                   36-10.00        11.22m  1 
 17 Cook, Nathan                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)               36-09.00        11.20m  1 
 18 Fernadez, Andres               11 Hillcrest (SS)                   36-04.00        11.07m  2 
 19 Totanes, Jayden                11 Paloma Valley (SS)               35-09.00        10.89m  2 
 20 Guilford, Ryan                 12 San Jacinto (SS)                 35-08.50        10.88m  2 
 21 Garvey, Sean                   12 Big Bear (SS)                    35-04.00        10.76m  2 
 22 Lopez, Angel                   12 Beaumont (SS)                    35-03.00        10.74m  1 
 23 Garcia, Matthew                11 Beaumont (SS)                    35-02.00        10.71m  2 
 24 Mangabot, Noah                 10 Hemet (SS)                       34-10.00        10.61m  2 
 25 Hutton, Nathan                 10 West Valley (SS)                 34-03.50        10.45m  2 
 26 Cardenas, Ranferi              12 Hemet (SS)                       32-11.00        10.03m  2 
 27 Weber, Xavier                  11 Indian Springs (SS)              32-04.00         9.85m  2 
 28 Abduraham, Yunus               12 Hillcrest (SS)                   32-03.00         9.82m  1 
 29 Uribe, Javier                  11 Redlands East Valley (SS)        31-03.00         9.52m  2 

Event 49  Girls High Jump Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Thomas, Braidyn                 9 San Jacinto Leadership Academy        4-06.00         1.37m  1 
  2 Villarreal, Angelica           10 Coachella Valley (SS)             4-04.00         1.32m  1 
  3 Benson, Jazmin                  9 San Gorgonio (SS)                 4-04.00         1.32m  1 
  4 Jordan, Jessica                 9 Coachella Valley (SS)             4-04.00         1.32m  1 
  5 Clayton, Aanayah               10 San Gorgonio (SS)                 4-02.00         1.27m  1 
  6 Schweitzer, Chloe              10 Big Bear (SS)                     4-02.00         1.27m  1 
  7 Armento, Brenda                10 Pacific (SS)                      4-00.00         1.21m  1 
  7 Mitchell, Serenity             10 Redlands (SS)                     4-00.00         1.21m  1 
  9 Brown, Kylah                    9 Valley View (SS)                  4-00.00         1.21m  1 
  9 Joung, Yujin                    9 Hillcrest (SS)                    4-00.00         1.21m  1 
 11 White, Aniya                    9 Redlands (SS)                     3-10.00         1.16m  1 

Event 50  Boys High Jump Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Rodriguez, Omar                10 Hillcrest (SS)                    5-08.00         1.72m  1 
  2 Ruderman, Gavin                10 Temecula Valley (SS)              5-08.00         1.72m  1 
  3 Brewer, Aiden                  10 Big Bear (SS)                     5-06.00         1.67m  1 
  4 Camargo, Ivan                   9 Coachella Valley (SS)             5-04.00         1.62m  1 
  5 Vanbeers, Jacob                 9 La Quinta (SS)                    5-04.00         1.62m  1 
  6 Gilbert, Jayden                10 Beaumont (SS)                     5-02.00         1.57m  1 
  7 Gilmore, Jaxon                  9 Beaumont (SS)                     5-02.00         1.57m  1 
  8 Dolan, Ryder                   10 Big Bear (SS)                     5-02.00         1.57m  1 
  9 Bruno, Isaiah                   9 San Bernardino (SS)               5-00.00         1.52m  1 
  9 Allan, Austin                   9 Paloma Valley (SS)                5-00.00         1.52m  1 
  9 Daniel, Luka                   10 Citrus Valley (SS)                5-00.00         1.52m  1 
 12 Rice, Kyle                     10 Big Bear (SS)                     5-00.00         1.52m  1 
 12 Mayweather, Noah               12 Hillcrest (SS)                    5-00.00         1.52m  1 
 14 Johnson, Damien                 9 Citrus Valley (SS)                4-10.00         1.47m  1 
 15 Zendejas, Julian               10 La Quinta (SS)                    4-10.00         1.47m  1 
 15 Ramirez, Jacob                  9 La Quinta (SS)                    4-10.00         1.47m  1 

Event 51  Girls High Jump Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Bruno, Jaden                   12 Redlands (SS)                     5-00.00         1.52m  1 
  2 Hughes, Mariah                 12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        4-08.00         1.42m  1 
  3 Martinez, Alexandra            11 Redlands (SS)                     4-08.00         1.42m  1 
  4 Meraz, Iris                    12 Coachella Valley (SS)             4-08.00         1.42m  1 
  5 Oziegbe, Mary                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                  4-06.00         1.37m  1 
  5 Stanton, Adrianna              12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)         4-06.00         1.37m  1 
  7 Cooper, Isabella               11 Beaumont (SS)                     4-04.00         1.32m  1 
  8 McMillan, Aubrie               11 Hemet (SS)                        4-04.00         1.32m  1 
  9 Domingue, Emily                12 La Quinta (SS)                    4-02.00         1.27m  1 
  9 Rodriguez, Jessica             12 La Quinta (SS)                    4-02.00         1.27m  1 
  9 Slider, Katelyn                10 Beaumont (SS)                     4-02.00         1.27m  1 
  9 Affor, Destiny                 12 Beaumont (SS)                     4-02.00         1.27m  1 

Event 52  Boys High Jump Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 McKee, Hayden                  12 La Quinta (SS)                    6-02.00         1.87m  1 
  2 Patton JR, Kevin               12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)        6-02.00         1.87m  1 
  3 Jackson, Hunter                12 Paloma Valley (SS)                5-10.00         1.77m  1 
  4 Counce, Michael                11 Citrus Valley (SS)                5-08.00         1.72m  1 
  5 Cook, Nathan                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)                5-08.00         1.72m  1 
  6 Thomas, Julian                 11 San Jacinto (SS)                  5-08.00         1.72m  1 
  7 Miller, Calvin                 12 La Quinta (SS)                    5-06.00         1.67m  1 
  8 Culp, Cyrell                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)                5-06.00         1.67m  1 
  9 Salazar, Armando               12 La Quinta (SS)                    5-04.00         1.62m  1 
  9 Bledsoe, Dylan                 12 Beaumont (SS)                     5-04.00         1.62m  1 
 11 Joseph, Payton (PJ)            11 Beaumont (SS)                     5-04.00         1.62m  1 
 11 Ansley, Thomas                 12 La Quinta (SS)                    5-04.00         1.62m  1 
 13 Rivers, Demarcus               12 Indian Springs (SS)               5-04.00         1.62m  1 
 14 Hutton, Nathan                 10 West Valley (SS)                  5-02.00         1.57m  1 
 15 Totanes, Jayden                11 Paloma Valley (SS)                5-02.00         1.57m  1 

Event 57  Girls Shot Put Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Williams, Su'Riah              10 Redlands (SS)                    36-11.00        11.25m  1 
  2 Misiaita, Gina                 10 Paloma Valley (SS)               27-10.00         8.48m  1 
  3 Schweitzer, Chloe              10 Big Bear (SS)                    26-09.00         8.15m  1 
  4 Perez, Alivia                  10 Beaumont (SS)                    26-02.00         7.97m  1 
  5 Flores, Miranda                10 Coachella Valley (SS)            24-09.00         7.54m  1 
  6 Esqueda, Josefine               9 La Quinta (SS)                   23-05.00         7.13m  1 
  7 Asoau, London                   9 San Gorgonio (SS)                23-03.00         7.08m  1 
  8 Barrs, Karlye                   9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               22-11.00         6.98m  1 
  9 Ryan, Cecilia                  10 Redlands (SS)                    22-08.00         6.90m  2 
 10 Zendejas, Itzel                11 Coachella Valley (SS)            22-03.00         6.78m  1 
 11 Otamendi, Zoilailly            10 Beaumont (SS)                    21-05.00         6.52m  1 
 12 RAMIREZ, Hazel                 11 Colton (SS)                      21-00.00         6.40m  2 
 13 Chang, Tiffany                  9 Xavier College Prep (SS)         20-11.00         6.37m  1 
 14 Sanabria, Karen                10 Coachella Valley (SS)            20-10.00         6.35m  1 
 15 Padron, Eliana                 10 La Quinta (SS)                   20-02.00         6.14m  2 
 16 Rios, Yazmin                   10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               19-11.00         6.07m  2 
 17 Kelly, Catalina                 9 Redlands East Valley (SS)        19-02.00         5.84m  2 
 18 Turner, Savana                 11 Beaumont (SS)                    19-01.00         5.81m  3 
 19 Narcisse, Kalie                 9 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       18-09.00         5.71m  3 
 19 Salter, Keymora                10 La Quinta (SS)                   18-09.00         5.71m  2 
 21 Santana, Hannah                 9 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        18-04.00         5.58m  2 
 22 Solo, Katala                   10 Pacific (SS)                     18-02.00         5.53m  1 
 23 Montes, Cerati                  9 Redlands (SS)                    18-01.00         5.51m  2 
 24 Cruz, Nayelany                 10 Beaumont (SS)                    18-00.00         5.48m  2 
 25 Elias, Izabella                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)        17-07.00         5.35m  3 
 26 Atilano, Desiree               10 Pacific (SS)                     16-10.00         5.13m  3 
 27 Preciado, Milliena              9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               16-08.00         5.08m  2 
 28 Arreola, Vianeth                9 Redlands East Valley (SS)        16-04.00         4.97m  3 
 29 Marquardt, Chloe               10 Big Bear (SS)                    16-02.00         4.92m  2 
 30 Jauregui, Ella                  9 Hillcrest (SS)                   14-07.00         4.44m  3 
 30 VENTURA, Esperanza             10 Colton (SS)                      14-07.00         4.44m  3 
 32 Downey, Abigail                 9 Redlands East Valley (SS)        14-06.00         4.41m  3 
 33 Pineda, Valerie                12 Hillcrest (SS)                   13-11.00         4.24m  3 
 34 Romero, Quetzalli              10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               12-10.00         3.91m  3 
 35 Whalen, Ivey                    9 Big Bear (SS)                    12-09.00         3.88m  3 

Event 58  Boys Shot Put Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Buchanan, Noah                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               44-09.00        13.63m  1 
  2 Casillas, Isaiah               10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               41-04.00        12.59m  1 
  3 Whittington, Kimani             9 Pacific (SS)                     37-09.00        11.50m  1 
  4 Vaikona, Elijah                10 Xavier College Prep (SS)         37-05.00        11.40m  1 
  5 Herrera, Lorenzo               10 La Quinta (SS)                   35-03.00        10.74m  1 
  5 Roberts, Devin                 10 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        35-03.00        10.74m  1 
  7 Peace, Gregory                 10 Pacific (SS)                     32-11.00        10.03m  1 
  8 Murphy, Brandon                10 La Quinta (SS)                   32-09.00         9.98m  3 
  9 Montgomery, Mario              10 Redlands East Valley (SS)        32-08.00         9.95m  1 
 10 Osborne, Julius                10 Indian Springs (SS)              32-02.00         9.80m  1 
 11 Fuentes, Agustine               9 San Bernardino (SS)              31-04.00         9.55m  2 
 12 Dungey-Jack, Cameron           10 La Quinta (SS)                   31-03.00         9.52m  2 
 13 King, Jayden                    9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               31-00.00         9.44m  4 
 13 Rios, Sysko                     9 Rancho Mirage (SS)               31-00.00         9.44m  2 
 15 Ventura, Diego                 10 Redlands East Valley (SS)        30-06.00         9.29m  2 
 16 Castillo, Jospeh               10 Beaumont (SS)                    30-04.00         9.24m  1 
 17 Alfaro, Melvin                  9 Hillcrest (SS)                   29-07.00         9.01m  2 
 18 Jones, Derrick                  9 Indian Springs (SS)              29-05.00         8.96m  2 
 19 Racadio, Isaiah                10 Citrus Valley (SS)               29-00.00         8.83m  3 
 20 Matlock, Owen                  10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       27-08.00         8.43m  3 
 21 Noriega, Elijah                10 Paloma Valley (SS)               27-07.00         8.40m  2 
 21 Parise, Isaac                  10 Paloma Valley (SS)               27-07.00         8.40m  3 
 23 Loopez, Jeremiah               10 La Quinta (SS)                   27-04.00         8.33m  2 
 24 Jara, Jared                    10 Hillcrest (SS)                   26-10.00         8.17m  4 
 25 Barrett, Maxsen                10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               26-04.00         8.02m  3 
 26 Alvarez, Dani                  10 Pacific (SS)                     26-00.00         7.92m  2 
 27 Diaz, Emilio                   10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               25-01.00         7.64m  3 
 28 Martinez, Dominic              10 Paloma Valley (SS)               24-10.00         7.56m  4 
 29 Mercado, Raymond               10 Indian Springs (SS)              24-07.00         7.49m  3 
 30 Tyree, Jacob                   10 Beaumont (SS)                    24-00.00         7.31m  2 
 31 PEDROZA, Raymundo               9 Big Bear (SS)                    23-11.00         7.28m  4 
 32 Goforth, Richard               10 Big Bear (SS)                    23-06.00         7.16m  3 
 33 ZAVALA, AARON                  10 Indian Springs (SS)              23-05.00         7.13m  4 
 34 Hankins, Christopher           10 Paloma Valley (SS)               23-00.00         7.01m  3 
 35 Hernandez, Hayden               9 San Bernardino (SS)              22-10.00         6.95m  3 
 36 Fernandez-Minuto, Victor        9 Rancho Mirage (SS)               21-04.00         6.50m  3 
 37 Bell, Daniel                    9 Hillcrest (SS)                   20-04.00         6.19m  4 
 38 Garcia, Eddie                   9 Valley View (SS)                 20-02.00         6.14m  4 
 39 Holman, Davon                   9 Valley View (SS)                 16-04.00         4.97m  3 
 40 Peak, Rylee                     9 Valley View (SS)                 15-11.00         4.85m  4 

Event 59  Girls Shot Put Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Blankenship, Audrey            12 Yucaipa (SS)                     32-04.00         9.85m  1 
  2 Romo, Julia                    12 Colton (SS)                      31-10.00         9.70m  1 
  3 Chang, Angel                   11 San Jacinto (SS)                 31-04.00         9.55m  1 
  4 Evans, Piper                   10 Hillcrest (SS)                   28-03.00         8.61m  1 
  5 Lee, Sharron                   12 La Quinta (SS)                   27-10.00         8.48m  2 
  6 Osueke, Grace                  11 Colton (SS)                      27-00.00         8.22m  1 
  7 Emilio, Kimberly               12 Colton (SS)                      26-08.00         8.12m  1 
  8 Perez, Jay                     12 Big Bear (SS)                    26-03.00         8.00m  1 
  9 Tauiliili, Faith               12 San Gorgonio (SS)                26-00.00         7.92m  1 
 10 Nguyen, Hailey                 12 Pacific (SS)                     25-11.00         7.89m  2 
 11 Cayton, Violet                 12 West Valley (SS)                 25-04.00         7.72m  1 
 12 Duenas, Yazlin                 12 Coachella Valley (SS)            25-03.00         7.69m  1 
 13 Mederos, Julynda               12 Coachella Valley (SS)            24-07.00         7.49m  1 
 14 Duran, Lilly                   11 Pacific (SS)                     24-06.00         7.46m  1 
 15 Stangl, Catherine              10 Bloomington (SS)                 24-02.00         7.36m  2 
 16 Preciado, Leilani              11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               23-11.00         7.28m  1 
 17 Salazar, Kaylee                12 La Quinta (SS)                   23-09.00         7.23m  1 
 18 Ramirez, Emily                 12 Colton (SS)                      23-08.00         7.21m  1 
 19 Stanton, Alexis                12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        23-03.00         7.08m  2 
 20 wiltz, jayda                   12 Hillcrest (SS)                   23-00.00         7.01m  2 
 21 McCormick, Larissa             12 Citrus Valley (SS)               22-07.00         6.88m  3 
 22 Thornton, Allison              11 Paloma Valley (SS)               22-02.00         6.75m  1 
 23 Arrellano, Adriana             12 La Quinta (SS)                   22-01.00         6.73m  2 
 24 Heidrich, Mallory              12 Beaumont (SS)                    21-11.00         6.68m  1 
 25 Gutierrez, Marlyna             12 Hillcrest (SS)                   21-09.00         6.62m  3 
 26 Dubuque, Saquoia               11 Big Bear (SS)                    21-02.00         6.45m  2 
 26 Bowden, Khaliya                11 Paloma Valley (SS)               21-02.00         6.45m  2 
 28 Riggs, Jaden                   11 Redlands East Valley (SS)        21-01.00         6.42m  2 
 29 Asoau, Leeanne                 11 San Gorgonio (SS)                20-11.00         6.37m  2 
 30 Alvarez, Kalea                 12 Paloma Valley (SS)               20-10.00         6.35m  2 
 31 Ryan, Mariana                  12 Redlands (SS)                    20-08.00         6.29m  2 
 32 Ruiz, Kassandra                12 Indian Springs (SS)              20-06.00         6.24m  3 
 32 Lazaro, Jazmin                 10 Hemet (SS)                       20-06.00         6.24m  2 
 34 Salazar, Jannelly              12 Beaumont (SS)                    20-00.00         6.09m  3 
 35 Perez, Brenda                  11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        19-07.00         5.96m  2 
 36 Salgado Perez, Lenise          11 Pacific (SS)                     19-04.00         5.89m  3 
 37 Davies Foster, Jenahrose        9 Yucca Valley (SS)                18-07.00         5.66m  3 
 38 Sandoval, Emalin               12 Indian Springs (SS)              17-09.00         5.41m  2 
 39 Bush, Alanyss                  11 Hemet (SS)                       17-03.00         5.25m  3 
 40 Campa, Eliana                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)        10-09.00         3.27m  3 

Event 60  Boys Shot Put Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Lingenfelter, Benjamin         10 Yucaipa (SS)                     48-11.00        14.90m  1 
  2 Watkins, Dezmen                12 Ramona (SS)                      48-04.00        14.73m  1 
  3 Epps, Jayden                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)               44-02.00        13.46m  1 
  4 Zendejas, Jose                 12 La Quinta (SS)                   41-06.00        12.64m  1 
  5 Cash, Miking                   11 San Bernardino (SS)              40-07.00        12.36m  1 
  6 Onye, Ifeanyi                  11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               40-00.00        12.19m  1 
  7 Torres, Adam                   12 Colton (SS)                      39-03.00        11.96m  1 
  7 Felio, James                   11 San Jacinto (SS)                 39-03.00        11.96m  1 
  9 Cortez, Eddie                  11 Paloma Valley (SS)               38-06.00        11.73m  1 
 10 Ross, Christian                12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               38-02.00        11.63m  1 
 11 Hickey, Michael                12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               37-11.00        11.55m  1 
 12 Ramirez, Jose                  11 Coachella Valley (SS)            37-07.50        11.46m  2 
 13 Patino, Osvaldo                12 Indian Springs (SS)              37-05.00        11.40m  2 
 14 Solis-Beath, Aiden             11 Yucca Valley (SS)                37-04.00        11.37m  3 
 15 Vave, Mokeni                   11 Redlands East Valley (SS)        37-03.00        11.35m  1 
 16 Vidana, Rene                   12 Coachella Valley (SS)            37-02.00        11.32m  1 
 17 Miller, Jeremy                 12 Indian Springs (SS)              36-11.00        11.25m  1 
 18 Candia, Aaron                  11 Hillcrest (SS)                   36-08.00        11.17m  1 
 19 Randolph, Kirk                 12 Paloma Valley (SS)               36-07.00        11.15m  1 
 20 Gustafson, Edward              12 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       36-02.00        11.02m  4 
 21 Diaz, Roman                    11 Beaumont (SS)                    35-11.00        10.94m  2 
 22 Ansley, Thomas                 12 La Quinta (SS)                   35-08.00        10.87m  1 
 22 King-Trotter, Laray            11 San Bernardino (SS)              35-08.00        10.87m  4 
 24 Reynolds, Joshua               12 La Quinta (SS)                   35-07.00        10.84m  2 
 25 Rendon Garcia, Arath           12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               35-05.00        10.79m  2 
 26 Williams, Dallas               12 Beaumont (SS)                    35-04.00        10.76m  2 
 26 Fowler, Lakion                 12 West Valley (SS)                 35-04.00        10.76m  4 
 28 Ponce, Humberto                11 San Bernardino (SS)              34-11.00        10.64m  2 
 29 Hershey, Jayden                11 Paloma Valley (SS)               34-07.00        10.54m  2 
 30 Delgado, Juan                  12 Rancho Mirage (SS)               34-03.00        10.43m  1 
 31 Hepler, Luke                   11 Hemet (SS)                       34-02.00        10.41m  3 
 32 Dondel, Dallas                 10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       33-10.00        10.31m  3 
 33 MARTINEZ, Nathaniel            12 Colton (SS)                      33-08.00        10.26m  3 
 34 Antolin, Isaac                 12 Hillcrest (SS)                   33-05.00        10.18m  2 
 35 Vaikona, Christian             10 Xavier College Prep (SS)         33-04.00        10.16m  3 
 36 Stinett, Aiden                 10 San Jacinto (SS)                 33-02.00        10.10m  2 
 37 SUCHIL, Colton                 12 Colton (SS)                      33-01.00        10.08m  2 
 38 MORALES, Uriel                 12 Colton (SS)                      33-00.00        10.05m  3 
 39 Joyce, Paul                    10 West Valley (SS)                 32-09.00         9.98m  3 
 40 Garcia, Ethan                  11 San Gorgonio (SS)                32-03.00         9.82m  2 
 41 Otero, Roger                   10 San Jacinto (SS)                 32-01.00         9.77m  2 
 42 Gimeno, Julian                 10 Big Bear (SS)                    31-11.00         9.72m  2 
 43 Chavez, Johnathan              11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        31-09.00         9.67m  2 
 43 Ashford, Travis                11 Beaumont (SS)                    31-09.00         9.67m  3 
 45 Hernandez, Henry               11 San Bernardino (SS)              31-07.00         9.62m  2 
 46 Hernandez, Thomas              11 Beaumont (SS)                    31-02.00         9.49m  3 
 47 Gustafson, John                11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       30-10.00         9.39m  4 
 47 Barnes, Bryce                  11 Big Bear (SS)                    30-10.00         9.39m  3 
 49 Navarro, Pedro                 12 Beaumont (SS)                    30-08.00         9.34m  3 
 50 Aguilar, Luis                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                 30-07.00         9.32m  3 
 51 Sweet, Tanner                  12 Yucca Valley (SS)                30-05.00         9.27m  4 
 52 Fulbright, Nathan              11 Hemet (SS)                       30-03.00         9.22m  3 
 53 Belmontes, Andrew              11 Redlands East Valley (SS)        30-00.00         9.14m  3 
 53 Calvillo, Adrian               10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               30-00.00         9.14m  3 
 55 Garcia, Martin                 10 San Gorgonio (SS)                29-01.00         8.86m  3 
 56 Danneberg, Mateo               10 Big Bear (SS)                    28-07.00         8.71m  2 
 57 Albers, Aaron                   9 Hemet (SS)                       28-03.00         8.61m  3 
 58 Dominguez, Carlos              11 La Quinta (SS)                   27-09.00         8.45m  3 
 59 Zavala, Simon                  11 Yucca Valley (SS)                27-05.00         8.35m  4 
 60 Lawrence, Isaiah               11 West Valley (SS)                 27-03.00         8.30m  4 
 61 Salgado, Ricardo               10 Bloomington (SS)                 26-06.00         8.07m  4 
 62 Leal, Jorge                    11 West Valley (SS)                 26-04.00         8.02m  4 
 63 Villalon, Damien               12 Beaumont (SS)                    25-11.00         7.89m  4 
 64 Lord, Joshua                   11 Rancho Mirage (SS)               25-07.00         7.79m  4 
 65 Dominguez, Antonio             11 Pacific (SS)                     25-06.00         7.77m  4 
 66 SUTTON, JACOB                  11 Pacific (SS)                     23-08.00         7.21m  4 
 67 Andrews, Nathan                10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               21-07.00         6.57m  4 

Event 61  Girls Discus Throw Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Preciado, Milliena              9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               95-07.00        29.13m  1 
  2 Williams, Su'Riah              10 Redlands (SS)                    90-05.00        27.55m  1 
  3 Misiaita, Gina                 10 Paloma Valley (SS)               81-09.00        24.91m  1 
  4 Ryan, Cecilia                  10 Redlands (SS)                    75-01.00        22.88m  1 
  5 Padron, Eliana                 10 La Quinta (SS)                   74-11.00        22.83m  1 
  6 Zendejas, Itzel                11 Coachella Valley (SS)            69-09.00        21.25m  1 
  7 Barrs, Karlye                   9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               65-01.00        19.83m  1 
  8 Rios, Yazmin                   10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               61-04.00        18.69m  1 
  9 Santana, Hannah                 9 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        60-09.00        18.51m  1 
 10 Chang, Tiffany                  9 Xavier College Prep (SS)         60-04.00        18.38m  1 
 11 Atilano, Desiree               10 Pacific (SS)                     58-05.00        17.80m  2 
 12 Esqueda, Josefine               9 La Quinta (SS)                   57-09.00        17.60m  1 
 13 Asoau, London                   9 San Gorgonio (SS)                55-11.00        17.04m  1 
 14 Hollis, Cyra                   11 Citrus Valley (SS)               54-02.00        16.51m  1 
 15 Cruz, Nayelany                 10 Beaumont (SS)                    53-10.00        16.40m  2 
 16 Montes, Cerati                  9 Redlands (SS)                    52-02.00        15.90m  2 
 17 Perez, Alivia                  10 Beaumont (SS)                    51-04.00        15.64m  1 
 18 Arreola, Vianeth                9 Redlands East Valley (SS)        49-06.00        15.08m  2 
 19 Elias, Izabella                10 Redlands East Valley (SS)        48-01.00        14.65m  1 
 20 Romero, Quetzalli              10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               47-11.00        14.60m  2 
 21 Narcisse, Kalie                 9 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       47-00.00        14.32m  2 
 22 Salter, Keymora                10 La Quinta (SS)                   46-07.00        14.19m  2 
 23 RAMIREZ, Hazel                 11 Colton (SS)                      46-02.00        14.07m  1 
 24 Otamendi, Zoilailly            10 Beaumont (SS)                    44-06.00        13.56m  1 
 25 Solo, Katala                   10 Pacific (SS)                     44-00.00        13.41m  1 
 26 VENTURA, Esperanza             10 Colton (SS)                      42-00.00        12.80m  2 
 27 Downey, Abigail                 9 Redlands East Valley (SS)        40-07.00        12.36m  2 
 28 Kelly, Catalina                 9 Redlands East Valley (SS)        39-02.00        11.93m  2 
 29 Marquardt, Chloe               10 Big Bear (SS)                    34-10.00        10.61m  2 
 30 Whalen, Ivey                    9 Big Bear (SS)                    30-10.00         9.39m  2 
 31 Pineda, Valerie                12 Hillcrest (SS)                   28-09.00         8.76m  2 
 32 Turner, Savana                 11 Beaumont (SS)                    28-06.00         8.68m  2 
 33 Jauregui, Ella                  9 Hillcrest (SS)                   26-07.00         8.10m  2 

Event 62  Boys Discus Throw Frosh/Soph 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Buchanan, Noah                 10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)              124-10.00        38.04m  1 
  2 Casillas, Isaiah               10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)              124-04.00        37.89m  1 
  3 Murphy, Brandon                10 La Quinta (SS)                  102-06.00        31.24m  1 
  4 Whittington, Kimani             9 Pacific (SS)                     98-10.00        30.12m  1 
  5 Castillo, Jospeh               10 Beaumont (SS)                    89-11.00        27.40m  1 
  6 Peace, Gregory                 10 Pacific (SS)                     86-05.00        26.33m  1 
  7 Martinez, Dominic              10 Paloma Valley (SS)               85-04.00        26.00m  1 
  8 Lawrence, David                10 West Valley (SS)                 84-02.00        25.65m  1 
  9 Barrett, Maxsen                10 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               83-06.00        25.45m  1 
 10 Dungey-Jack, Cameron           10 La Quinta (SS)                   83-05.00        25.42m  1 
 11 King, Jayden                    9 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               81-02.00        24.73m  2 
 12 Loopez, Jeremiah               10 La Quinta (SS)                   76-07.00        23.34m  1 
 13 Alvarez, Dani                  10 Pacific (SS)                     70-11.00        21.61m  2 
 14 Herrera, Lorenzo               10 La Quinta (SS)                   70-04.00        21.43m  1 
 15 Arambula, Louis                 9 Rancho Mirage (SS)               70-00.00        21.33m  1 
 16 Andrews, Nathan                10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               63-10.00        19.45m  2 
 17 Hankins, Christopher           10 Paloma Valley (SS)               61-10.00        18.84m  1 
 18 Tyree, Jacob                   10 Beaumont (SS)                    60-11.00        18.56m  2 
 19 Parise, Isaac                  10 Paloma Valley (SS)               60-03.00        18.36m  2 
 20 Goforth, Richard               10 Big Bear (SS)                    59-01.00        18.00m  1 
 21 PEDROZA, Raymundo               9 Big Bear (SS)                    52-09.00        16.07m  2 
 22 Noriega, Elijah                10 Paloma Valley (SS)               51-08.00        15.74m  2 
 23 Garcia, Eddie                   9 Valley View (SS)                 50-00.00        15.24m  2 
 24 Diaz, Emilio                   10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               41-06.00        12.64m  2 
 25 Peak, Rylee                     9 Valley View (SS)                 32-00.00         9.75m  2 

Event 63  Girls Discus Throw Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Lee, Sharron                   12 La Quinta (SS)                   99-01.00        30.20m  1 
  2 Emilio, Kimberly               12 Colton (SS)                      99-00.00        30.17m  1 
  3 Duran, Lilly                   11 Pacific (SS)                     92-01.00        28.06m  1 
  4 Tauiliili, Faith               12 San Gorgonio (SS)                91-11.00        28.01m  1 
  5 Heidrich, Mallory              12 Beaumont (SS)                    91-09.00        27.96m  1 
  6 Romo, Julia                    12 Colton (SS)                      89-07.00        27.30m  1 
  7 Blankenship, Audrey            12 Yucaipa (SS)                     86-07.00        26.39m  1 
  8 Preciado, Leilani              11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)               85-09.00        26.13m  1 
  9 Stangl, Catherine              10 Bloomington (SS)                 84-07.00        25.78m  2 
 10 Ryan, Mariana                  12 Redlands (SS)                    81-05.00        24.81m  1 
 11 Ramirez, Emily                 12 Colton (SS)                      78-02.00        23.82m  1 
 12 Evans, Piper                   10 Hillcrest (SS)                   74-09.00        22.78m  1 
 13 Perez, Brenda                  11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        72-04.00        22.04m  2 
 14 Stanton, Alexis                12 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        67-03.00        20.49m  1 
 15 Asoau, Leeanne                 11 San Gorgonio (SS)                65-07.00        19.98m  2 
 16 Nguyen, Hailey                 12 Pacific (SS)                     65-03.00        19.88m  1 
 17 Thornton, Allison              11 Paloma Valley (SS)               65-00.00        19.81m  2 
 17 Salgado Perez, Lenise          11 Pacific (SS)                     65-00.00        19.81m  1 
 19 Cayton, Violet                 12 West Valley (SS)                 64-05.00        19.63m  2 
 20 Arrellano, Adriana             12 La Quinta (SS)                   63-09.00        19.43m  1 
 21 Bowden, Khaliya                11 Paloma Valley (SS)               62-00.00        18.89m  3 
 22 Salazar, Kaylee                12 La Quinta (SS)                   60-00.00        18.28m  2 
 23 McCormick, Larissa             12 Citrus Valley (SS)               58-03.00        17.75m  3 
 24 Soltero, Sarah                 10 Bloomington (SS)                 57-03.00        17.44m  3 
 25 Riggs, Jaden                   11 Redlands East Valley (SS)        55-08.00        16.96m  2 
 26 Sandoval, Emalin               12 Indian Springs (SS)              52-02.00        15.90m  2 
 27 wiltz, jayda                   12 Hillcrest (SS)                   49-04.00        15.03m  3 
 28 Salazar, Jannelly              12 Beaumont (SS)                    47-11.00        14.60m  3 
 28 Carrico, Trinity               11 Paloma Valley (SS)               47-11.00        14.60m  3 
 30 Murillo, Alyssa                11 Redlands East Valley (SS)        47-07.00        14.50m  3 
 31 Bush, Alanyss                  11 Hemet (SS)                       47-04.00        14.42m  2 
 32 Davies Foster, Jenahrose        9 Yucca Valley (SS)                46-11.00        14.30m  3 
 33 Perez, Jay                     12 Big Bear (SS)                    46-10.00        14.27m  2 
 34 Gutierrez, Marlyna             12 Hillcrest (SS)                   46-03.00        14.09m  3 
 35 Lazaro, Jazmin                 10 Hemet (SS)                       45-04.00        13.81m  1 
 36 Alvarez, Kalea                 12 Paloma Valley (SS)               43-10.00        13.36m  2 
 37 Ruiz, Kassandra                12 Indian Springs (SS)              40-06.00        12.34m  3 
 38 Freeman, Marjorie              11 Rancho Mirage (SS)               36-04.00        11.07m  3 
 39 Campa, Eliana                  10 Redlands East Valley (SS)        27-06.00         8.38m  3 

Event 64  Boys Discus Throw Varsity 
    Name                         Year School                             Finals               H#
  1 Lingenfelter, Benjamin         10 Yucaipa (SS)                    160-06.00        48.92m  1 
  2 Hickey, Michael                12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)              136-05.00        41.57m  1 
  3 Rendon Garcia, Arath           12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)              134-04.00        40.94m  1 
  4 Randolph, Kirk                 12 Paloma Valley (SS)              130-04.00        39.72m  1 
  5 Watkins, Dezmen                12 Ramona (SS)                     125-04.00        38.20m  1 
  6 Torres, Adam                   12 Colton (SS)                     122-00.00        37.18m  1 
  7 Ross, Christian                12 Murrieta Mesa (SS)              121-05.00        37.00m  1 
  8 Vave, Mokeni                   11 Redlands East Valley (SS)       119-01.00        36.29m  1 
  9 Onye, Ifeanyi                  11 Murrieta Mesa (SS)              118-00.00        35.96m  1 
 10 Davis, Jayden                  12 Temecula Valley (SS)            116-00.00        35.35m  1 
 11 Williams, Dallas               12 Beaumont (SS)                   114-04.00        34.84m  1 
 12 Miller, Jeremy                 12 Indian Springs (SS)             110-05.00        33.65m  1 
 13 Loaiza, Bryan                  12 Coachella Valley (SS)           109-05.00        33.35m  1 
 14 Yerton, Jacob                  12 Bloomington (SS)                108-01.00        32.94m  2 
 15 Ponce, Humberto                11 San Bernardino (SS)             107-10.00        32.86m  1 
 16 Danneberg, Mateo               10 Big Bear (SS)                   105-07.00        32.18m  2 
 17 Solis-Beath, Aiden             11 Yucca Valley (SS)               103-11.00        31.67m  3 
 18 Diaz, Roman                    11 Beaumont (SS)                   102-00.00        31.08m  1 
 19 Belmontes, Andrew              11 Redlands East Valley (SS)       101-04.00        30.88m  2 
 20 Dominguez, Carlos              11 La Quinta (SS)                  100-11.00        30.75m  3 
 21 Ceja, Marcos                   11 Coachella Valley (SS)           100-07.00        30.65m  2 
 22 Antolin, Isaac                 12 Hillcrest (SS)                  100-06.00        30.63m  3 
 23 Farmham, Parker                12 La Quinta (SS)                  100-02.00        30.53m  3 
 24 Epps, Jayden                   11 Paloma Valley (SS)               97-10.00        29.81m  1 
 25 Zendejas, Jose                 12 La Quinta (SS)                   97-08.00        29.76m  2 
 26 Delgado, Juan                  12 Rancho Mirage (SS)               95-07.00        29.13m  2 
 27 Reynolds, Joshua               12 La Quinta (SS)                   94-09.00        28.87m  4 
 28 Cash, Miking                   11 San Bernardino (SS)              93-08.00        28.54m  2 
 29 Dondel, Dallas                 10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       93-01.00        28.37m  4 
 30 SUCHIL, Colton                 12 Colton (SS)                      91-11.00        28.01m  2 
 31 Garcia, Martin                 10 San Gorgonio (SS)                90-10.00        27.68m  3 
 32 Jara, Ramon                    11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        90-09.00        27.66m  3 
 33 Gustafson, John                11 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       90-08.00        27.63m  3 
 34 Garcia, Ethan                  11 San Gorgonio (SS)                90-06.00        27.58m  2 
 35 Fernandez, Ethan               12 Redlands East Valley (SS)        89-11.00        27.40m  2 
 36 Felio, James                   11 San Jacinto (SS)                 89-06.00        27.27m  2 
 37 MORALES, Uriel                 12 Colton (SS)                      89-02.00        27.17m  4 
 38 MARTINEZ, Nathaniel            12 Colton (SS)                      88-03.00        26.89m  3 
 39 Gimeno, Julian                 10 Big Bear (SS)                    87-04.00        26.61m  3 
 40 Albers, Aaron                   9 Hemet (SS)                       86-11.00        26.49m  3 
 40 Patino, Osvaldo                12 Indian Springs (SS)              86-11.00        26.49m  2 
 42 Candia, Aaron                  11 Hillcrest (SS)                   86-06.00        26.36m  4 
 43 Villia, Kiron                  12 Beaumont (SS)                    83-10.00        25.55m  3 
 44 Aguilar, Luis                  11 San Jacinto (SS)                 82-04.00        25.09m  3 
 45 Leal, Jorge                    11 West Valley (SS)                 80-00.00        24.38m  4 
 46 Stinett, Aiden                 10 San Jacinto (SS)                 77-08.00        23.67m  3 
 47 Barnes, Bryce                  11 Big Bear (SS)                    77-05.00        23.59m  4 
 48 Ashford, Travis                11 Beaumont (SS)                    76-05.00        23.29m  3 
 49 Chavez, Johnathan              11 Carter, Wilmer Amina (SS)        76-00.00        23.16m  4 
 50 Massage, Andrew                10 Rancho Christian Schools (SS)       75-05.00        22.98m  4 
 51 Joyce, Paul                    10 West Valley (SS)                 74-03.00        22.63m  4 
 52 SUTTON, JACOB                  11 Pacific (SS)                     74-01.00        22.58m  4 
 52 Lawrence, Isaiah               11 West Valley (SS)                 74-01.00        22.58m  4 
 54 Magdeleno, Brenden              9 Hemet (SS)                       71-10.00        21.89m  3 
 55 Sweet, Tanner                  12 Yucca Valley (SS)                71-09.00        21.86m  5 
 55 Dominguez, Antonio             11 Pacific (SS)                     71-09.00        21.86m  5 
 57 Villalon, Damien               12 Beaumont (SS)                    71-07.00        21.81m  3 
 58 Lord, Joshua                   11 Rancho Mirage (SS)               71-01.00        21.66m  4 
 59 Messina, Alfonso               12 San Bernardino (SS)              70-03.00        21.41m  4 
 60 Salgado, Ricardo               10 Bloomington (SS)                 69-10.00        21.28m  5 
 61 Otero, Roger                   10 San Jacinto (SS)                 66-00.00        20.11m  4 
 62 Morris, Corey                  12 Paloma Valley (SS)               64-08.00        19.71m  2 
 63 Calvillo, Adrian               10 Rancho Mirage (SS)               63-01.00        19.22m  4 
 64 Zavala, Simon                  11 Yucca Valley (SS)                57-11.00        17.65m  5 
 65 Hernandez, Thomas              11 Beaumont (SS)                    56-06.00        17.22m  5 
 66 Furillo, Kyle                   9 Hemet (SS)                       47-01.00        14.35m  4