Meet Information
The Laguna Beach Distance Carnival is a varsity only distance invitational that is intended to gather the fastest athletes in Orange & surrounding counties to open the 2021 track season. The fields will be limited and the times will be fast! We will be actively following covid protocols, especially regarding use of facilities, so please read the following document carefully as to ensure a smooth and safe meet.
Registration Information:
Please register your athletes on finished results
Estimated entry times based on current fitness and workouts are acceptable. Please be honest, and as accurate as possible, about your athletes entry time as we would like to make each race as competitive as possible. Entering verifiable race results will hold more weight than estimated entry times when selecting accepted athletes into each race.
$20 per athlete (per race) Checks payable to LBHS Track & Field Boosters
Please understand not all entries will be accepted into the meet as we can only allow a certain number of competitors per race. See the schedule below.
Registration deadline: Monday, April 12th at 12:00pm.
Accepted entries released: Tuesday, April 13th
There will be no adds, alternates, changes, or replacements.
General Information:
Meet Location: Laguna Beach High School; 625 Park Ave, Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Competing Athletes and coaches only, NO SPECTATORS allowed
All persons will abide by CDC Physical distancing & mask mandate at all times
Athletes will remove disposable mask on start of race and receive new disposable mask at finish of race
Athletes are to leave the facility promptly after individual race is completed
Bathrooms are marked on the map and will have a limited capacity (limit 3)
Large gaps in race schedule allow for athletes, coaches, and officials to enter and exit the facility while following covid protocols
Please abide by local parking and traffic laws (as posted on street signs) There is no specifically designated parking spaces for this event
Top three finishers in each rated race will receive a medal. Top five in the invitational races.
Athlete information:
Athletes will be given a color coded wristband that will grant them access to certain areas at certain times:
Warm-Up Field: all athletes will have access to the Warm-Up Field at all times. Team tents will be separated by physical barriers (yellow lines).
Pre-Staging Field: Only athletes that are less than 25 minutes from race time will have access to this field (do not leave any belongings on this field).
Staging: Only athletes that are next on the track will be allowed in this area. This is where athletes will remove warmup uniforms and get race ready. Bins will be provided for belongings. Athletes will remove their disposable mask on the start line and will be given a new mask at the conclusion of the race.
Exit: Promptly after the race, athletes will retrieve belongings from bins and exit the track immediately. Athletes will not be allowed on the infield after their race.
All athletes must wear masks at all times (unless racing).
Athletes are to leave the facility promptly after individual race is completed
Race Schedule:
5:00pm Girls Rated 800m (16 athletes max)
5:08pm Boys Rated 800m (16 athletes max)
5:16pm Girls Invitational 800m (16 athletes max)
5:24pm Boys Invitational 800m (16 athletes max)
5:35pm Girls Rated 1600m (18 athletes max)
5:45pm Boys Rated 1600m (18 athletes max)
5:55pm Girls Invitational 1600m (18 athletes max)
6:05pm Boys Invitational 1600m (18 athletes max)
6:15pm Girls Invitational 3200m (24 athletes max)
6:35pm Boys Invitational 3200m (24 athletes max)