Meet Information
Home of the Cowboys 5472 Park Place Chino, CA 91710 ~ 909-627-7351
Events to contest for Boys and Girls:
Order of Running Events: 4 x 100 shuttle hurdles Girls 4 x 110 shuttle hurdles Boys Open 200m Girls Open 200m Boys Invite 200m Girls (2 Heats only) Invite 200m Boys (2 Heats only) 4 x 1600 Girls 4 x 1600 Boys 4 x 200 Girls 4 x 200 Boys 4 x 800 Girls 4 x 800 Boys 4 x 100 Girls 4 x 100 Boys Sprint Medley (2-2-4-8) Girls Sprint Medley (2-2-4-8) Boys Distance Medley (12-4-8-16) Girls Distance Medley (12-4-8-16) Boys 4 x 400 Girls 4 x 400 Boys 4 x100 Throwers Relay Coed
Field Events: Shot Put (Boys/Girls) (2 rings) Long Jump (Boys/Girls) (2 pits) High Jump (Boys/Girls) (2 pits)
Triple Jump (Boys/Girls) (2 pits)
Pole Vault (Boys/Girls) (2 pits)
Discus (Boys/Girls) (2 rings)
7700ttthhh AAnnnnuuaall CCHHIINNOO RREELLAAYYSS 22001199 MMAARRCCHH 22,, 22001199
ESTIMATED MEET TIME: 8AM TO 3PM we will attempt to finish earlier if possible
Participation: An athlete may participate in only 4 events.
B Teams: allowed but must pay a additional fee since they will not be scored. B-team not eligible
for overall team score
Single event athletes: if you have 4 or less athletes please email for fee. All others pay full amount
Medals: In Honor of the 70th Annual Chino Relays --- Medals will be awarded for
each athlete on the relay team for places 1- 7 both boys and girls.
Also in Honor of the 70th Annual Chino RelaysEach School will receive a
monumental souvenir.
Field events: Composed of 3-person teams adding up the best mark from each athlete for teams total
scoring. We realize that some schools may not have a 3 person team. In addition, we will have a first place
ONLY award for shot put, discus, pole vault, long jump, high jump and triple jump boys and girls. This will be
the Grandpa Ortiz Field Event Individual Champion. The field events will have two listings, one for the team
awards and one for the individual field event.
Throwing Implements: All throwing implements (shot put and discus) will be weighed and impounded.
Athletes will have a chance to warm up with their respective implements prior to the start of the meet.
Athletes may not borrow implements from other schools. Any attempt to remove or switch implements
once the competition has started will invalidate your throws and marks. We also reserve the right to
weigh any implement after a record throw.
Pole vault: Each competitor will have 3 attempts at each height. Each will get 1 minute to have a try from
the time their name is called. Pole vault coaches please fill out your CIF Pole Vault Sign-in Verification forms.
There will be 2 pole vault pits.
Lane assignments: Lanes will be rotated. Scratches will be accepted at 7:30 a.m.
Relay instructions: Runners stay in their lanes after baton pass. Disqualification will result with thrown
baton or lane violation.
Contestants and Coaches: All contestants will be in the stands when not competing
and all coaches must remain off the field during the meet. Only Pole Vault Coaches will be allowed on the
Etiquette in the stands: Participants standing along the front rails of the stands face
disqualification from further competition.
Clerk of the course: Competitors will receive starting instructions from the clerk of the
course. All competitors will be escorted to the competition area. No athlete will be
admitted without an escort.
Scorers table: No coaches or athletes will be allowed at the scorers table. Coaches
will direct any concerns to the meet director.
Warm up: All athletes must warm up in designated area.
Trophies: There will be a 1st place team trophy for the overall girls and boys team
Coed relays: There will be a 4 x 100 Throwers relay. Medals for top 7 places.
Coed relay teams cannot be registered online. Please register your team at the coaches meeting or see
meet director. We will have this race at the end of the meet to assure all throwers have completed their
field events. Throwers relays can only be composed of throwers. Must have at least one member of the
opposite sex.
Registration of teams: use For meet cost and CIF contract
please download form from
You can also request by email
Equipment: Teams should furnish their own batons, throwing implements, and pole
vault poles.
Trash: Each team is responsible for cleaning up the trash in their area. Please be
considerate of this throughout the meet.
Flights/Heats: We will run flights/heats where times will place the order of finish. Flights/heats and lanes
will be assigned.
Radios: Radios or speakers will not be allowed on the field at any time. Personal headphones will not
be allowed on the infield during events or in competition area. CIF rules state no personal electronic
devices in the competition area. Officials may disqualify you or your team if found in violation.
Meet is not responsible for lost personal items.
Coaches meeting: All coaches will meet the clerk of the course and the meet director at 7:30 a.m.
Snack bar: The snack bar will offer various food and drink. No outside large coolers will be allowed.
T-shirts: Shirts will be available through vendor.
**** Registration of teams: use For meet cost and CIF contract please email or
You can also download the CIF form from
Events to contest for Boys and Girls:
Order of Running Events: 4 x 100 shuttle hurdles Girls 4 x 110 shuttle hurdles Boys Open 200m Girls Open 200m Boys Invite 200m Girls (2 Heats only) Invite 200m Boys (2 Heats only) 4 x 1600 Girls 4 x 1600 Boys 4 x 200 Girls 4 x 200 Boys 4 x 800 Girls 4 x 800 Boys 4 x 100 Girls 4 x 100 Boys Sprint Medley (2-2-4-8) Girls Sprint Medley (2-2-4-8) Boys Distance Medley (12-4-8-16) Girls Distance Medley (12-4-8-16) Boys 4 x 400 Girls 4 x 400 Boys 4 x100 Throwers Relay Coed
Field Events: Shot Put (Boys/Girls) (2 rings) Long Jump (Boys/Girls) (2 pits) High Jump (Boys/Girls) (2 pits)
Triple Jump (Boys/Girls) (2 pits)
Pole Vault (Boys/Girls) (2 pits)
Discus (Boys/Girls) (2 rings)
7700ttthhh AAnnnnuuaall CCHHIINNOO RREELLAAYYSS 22001199 MMAARRCCHH 22,, 22001199
ESTIMATED MEET TIME: 8AM TO 3PM we will attempt to finish earlier if possible
Participation: An athlete may participate in only 4 events.
B Teams: allowed but must pay a additional fee since they will not be scored. B-team not eligible
for overall team score
Single event athletes: if you have 4 or less athletes please email for fee. All others pay full amount
Medals: In Honor of the 70th Annual Chino Relays --- Medals will be awarded for
each athlete on the relay team for places 1- 7 both boys and girls.
Also in Honor of the 70th Annual Chino RelaysEach School will receive a
monumental souvenir.
Field events: Composed of 3-person teams adding up the best mark from each athlete for teams total
scoring. We realize that some schools may not have a 3 person team. In addition, we will have a first place
ONLY award for shot put, discus, pole vault, long jump, high jump and triple jump boys and girls. This will be
the Grandpa Ortiz Field Event Individual Champion. The field events will have two listings, one for the team
awards and one for the individual field event.
Throwing Implements: All throwing implements (shot put and discus) will be weighed and impounded.
Athletes will have a chance to warm up with their respective implements prior to the start of the meet.
Athletes may not borrow implements from other schools. Any attempt to remove or switch implements
once the competition has started will invalidate your throws and marks. We also reserve the right to
weigh any implement after a record throw.
Pole vault: Each competitor will have 3 attempts at each height. Each will get 1 minute to have a try from
the time their name is called. Pole vault coaches please fill out your CIF Pole Vault Sign-in Verification forms.
There will be 2 pole vault pits.
Lane assignments: Lanes will be rotated. Scratches will be accepted at 7:30 a.m.
Relay instructions: Runners stay in their lanes after baton pass. Disqualification will result with thrown
baton or lane violation.
Contestants and Coaches: All contestants will be in the stands when not competing
and all coaches must remain off the field during the meet. Only Pole Vault Coaches will be allowed on the
Etiquette in the stands: Participants standing along the front rails of the stands face
disqualification from further competition.
Clerk of the course: Competitors will receive starting instructions from the clerk of the
course. All competitors will be escorted to the competition area. No athlete will be
admitted without an escort.
Scorers table: No coaches or athletes will be allowed at the scorers table. Coaches
will direct any concerns to the meet director.
Warm up: All athletes must warm up in designated area.
Trophies: There will be a 1st place team trophy for the overall girls and boys team
Coed relays: There will be a 4 x 100 Throwers relay. Medals for top 7 places.
Coed relay teams cannot be registered online. Please register your team at the coaches meeting or see
meet director. We will have this race at the end of the meet to assure all throwers have completed their
field events. Throwers relays can only be composed of throwers. Must have at least one member of the
opposite sex.
Registration of teams: use For meet cost and CIF contract
please download form from
You can also request by email
Equipment: Teams should furnish their own batons, throwing implements, and pole
vault poles.
Trash: Each team is responsible for cleaning up the trash in their area. Please be
considerate of this throughout the meet.
Flights/Heats: We will run flights/heats where times will place the order of finish. Flights/heats and lanes
will be assigned.
Radios: Radios or speakers will not be allowed on the field at any time. Personal headphones will not
be allowed on the infield during events or in competition area. CIF rules state no personal electronic
devices in the competition area. Officials may disqualify you or your team if found in violation.
Meet is not responsible for lost personal items.
Coaches meeting: All coaches will meet the clerk of the course and the meet director at 7:30 a.m.
Snack bar: The snack bar will offer various food and drink. No outside large coolers will be allowed.
T-shirts: Shirts will be available through vendor.
**** Registration of teams: use For meet cost and CIF contract please email or
You can also download the CIF form from