Scott Bauhs Invitational 2016

Pleasanton, CA

Boys Results

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 1
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
Results - Men
  1 Bennett, John                Granada               15:32.30   4   1
  2 Fierro, Jonathan             Miramonte             15:37.70   1   2
  3 Strand, Lucas                Livermore             15:40.20   1   3
  4 Ma, Ryan                     Homestead             15:41.00   3   4
  5 Gray, Jack                   Amador Valley         15:51.10   2   5
  6 Hattori, Tyler               Granada               15:53.70   3   6
  7 Maklaf, Omar                 Livermore             15:56.90   1   7
  8 Priest, Cameron              Granada               15:57.10   1   8
  9 Meier, Cameron               Granada               16:02.00   3   9
 10 Jeppson, Samuel              Granada               16:05.30   1  10
 11 Kilday, Christopher          Granada               16:07.10   4  11
 12 Kehon, Julien                Homestead             16:07.40   3  12
 13 Gallagher, Thomas            Amador Valley         16:08.00   1  13
 14 Rosado, Gabe                 Homestead             16:09.00   2  14
 15 Middleton-Pearson, Chris     Dublin                16:09.30   2  15
 16 Hattori, Alex                Granada               16:09.70   1  16
 17 Johnson, Joey                Sonoma Academy        16:10.60   1  17
 18 Aufderheide, Greg            Livermore             16:13.20   4  18
 19 Jeppson, Seth                Granada               16:18.00   2
 20 Helmers, Drew                Amador Valley         16:18.20   1  19
 21 Loftus, Brendan              Sonoma Academy        16:18.50   4  20
 22 Galicia-Thomas, Julian       Granada               16:18.90   3
 23 Koay, Matthew                Dublin                16:20.50   1  21
 24 Reyes, Duran                 Miramonte             16:22.40   4  22
 25 Mann, Kheva                  Sonoma Academy        16:23.40   4  23
 26 Bull, James                  Miramonte             16:23.50   4  24
 27 Carrick, Sean                Amador Valley         16:23.90   3  25
 28 Galvan, Damian               San Leandro           16:28.50   4  26
 29 Walker, Andrew               Granada               16:30.50   4
 30 Laurence, Alex               Amador Valley         16:32.90   1  27
 31 Kang, Matthew                Dublin                16:36.20   2  28
 32 Guerrero, Tristan            Dougherty Valley      16:37.10   3  29
 33 McCarthy, Aidan              Amador Valley         16:37.70   2  30
 34 Sawyer, Max                  Homestead             16:38.90   1  31
 35 Morchi, Sahil                Homestead             16:40.70   3  32
 36 Morrison, Kyle               Dublin                16:41.90   3  33
 37 Churchill, Grant             Miramonte             16:44.50   1  34
 38 Fonseka, Rohan               Dublin                16:45.10   2  35
 39 Ferrante, Samuel             The Kings          16:48.30   3  36
 40 Sullivan, Russell            Foothill (Pl          16:48.40   3  37
 40 Plant, Kevin                 Granada               16:48.40   3
 42 Dupuis, Ben                  Granada               16:48.90   1
 43 Tomkovicz, Cooper            De La Salle           16:49.10   4  38
 44 Jain, Ishaan                 Dublin                16:49.30   2  39
 45 Miller, Jeremy               The Kings          16:51.50   4  41
 45 Garcia, Kevin                Piner                 16:51.50   4  40
 47 Wang, David                  Granada               16:52.60   1
 48 Bansal, Shlok                Granada               16:53.60   3
 49 Chapman, Trevor              Dublin                16:53.80   4  42
 50 Mackay, Cameron              Homestead             16:54.70   4  43
 51 Bergstedt, Kyle              The Kings          16:55.00   3  44
 52 Sloan, C.J.                  Homestead             16:56.20   1  45

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 2
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
 53 Pendergraft, Ethan           Monte Vista           16:58.00   2  46
 54 Pendergraft, Austin          Monte Vista           16:58.40   2  47
 55 Young, JJ                    Miramonte             16:59.20   4  48
 56 Savellano, Ryan              Dublin                17:01.20   3
 57 Hayes, Nathan                Piner                 17:02.30   3  49
 58 Reddick, Matthew             Granada               17:03.50   3
 59 Hatch, Benjamin              Granada               17:04.90   3
 60 Talbert, Hayden              Amador Valley         17:05.50   4  50
 61 Badcock, Lucas               Dougherty Valley      17:05.70   3  51
 62 Lawrence, Jacob              Amador Valley         17:06.70   2
 63 Dea, Walden                  Dougherty Valley      17:07.00   4  52
 64 Edgren, Cole                 San Ramon Valley      17:09.30   3  53
 65 Furtado, Darren              Dublin                17:11.40   2
 66 Delgado, Emmanuel            Piner                 17:11.50   3  54
 67 Scott, William               Homestead             17:12.10   1
 67 Dhillon, Yash                Dublin                17:12.10   3
 69 Prenton, Bishop              Dublin                17:12.50   3
 70 Lee, Jeremy                  Homestead             17:12.60   4
 71 Stassinopoulos, Aristote     Dublin                17:14.70   2
 72 Perez, Jovan                 Amador Valley         17:16.50   4
 73 O'Connor, Derek              De La Salle           17:18.50   2  55
 74 Trautman, Nicholas           Homestead             17:19.70   1
 75 Fenton, Kyle                 Homestead             17:20.00   2
 76 Morast, Caspian              Sonoma Academy        17:20.30   4  56
 77 Hardesty, Caleb              Granada               17:21.00   3
 78 Elias, Kyle                  Dublin                17:21.80   2
 79 Rivera, John                 American              17:22.10   1  57
 80 Chan, Jared                  Homestead             17:23.60   3
 81 Sheppard, Elijah             Monte Vista           17:24.00   4  58
 82 George, Samuel               Monte Vista           17:24.80   4  59
 83 Gil, Sebastian               Amador Valley         17:25.20   3
 84 Stoev, Tom                   Foothill (Pl          17:25.60   3  60
 85 Kim, Nathan                  Homestead             17:26.60   3
 86 O'Brien, Jeffrey             Homestead             17:28.80   2
 87 Kumar, Divam                 Dublin                17:29.70   3
 88 Duchez, Nicolas              Homestead             17:30.30   4
 89 Gamboa, Rafael               Dublin                17:30.50   1
 90 Chang, Andrew                Homestead             17:32.00   2
 91 Piper Cordova, Morgan        Sonoma Academy        17:33.30   3  61
 92 Duret, Matthew               Amador Valley         17:33.60   4
 93 McFeely, Brendan             Miramonte             17:34.00   3  62
 94 Choi, Steven                 San Leandro           17:34.60   3  63
 94 Mader, Jack                  Miramonte             17:34.60   4  64
 96 Brovelli, Tommy              Miramonte             17:35.50   4
 97 Sioson, Matt                 Amador Valley         17:36.00   3
 98 Maguire, Danny               Monte Vista           17:37.40   4  65
 99 Ball, Ryan                   Piner                 17:38.40   3  66
100 Somma, Ben                   Piner                 17:39.20   4  67
101 Shah, Shrey                  Foothill (Pl          17:39.30   3  68
102 Mishra, Shiraj               Homestead             17:39.70   3
103 Patterson, Brian             Dublin                17:40.20   4
104 Louie, Garrett               Miramonte             17:41.30   3
105 Sullins, Sol                 Amador Valley         17:42.80   4
106 Symmank, Justin              Dublin                17:43.30   1
107 Prasad, Soumil               Dougherty Valley      17:43.60   4  69

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 3
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
108 Valenton, Miguel             Livermore             17:44.10   4  70
109 Luong, Austin                Piner                 17:44.20   2  71
110 White, Joshua                Granada               17:46.40   3
111 Milham, Sam                  Monte Vista           17:48.70   3  72
112 Garcia, Eduardo              Sonoma Academy        17:49.60   4  73
113 Nash, Matthew                Dougherty Valley      17:50.60   1  74
114 Dean, Jake                   Foothill (Pl          17:51.80   1  75
115 Cotter, Garrett              Homestead             17:51.90   3
115 Abdelmagid, Akrum            Dougherty Valley      17:51.90   3  76
117 Dang, Peter                  Dublin                17:52.40   3
118 Stone, Grant                 San Ramon Valley      17:53.40   1  77
119 Braga, Matthew               Dougherty Valley      17:53.70   4  78
120 Jiang, Stanley               Dublin                17:54.00   3
121 Negrette, Ryan               The Kings          17:54.40   4  79
122 Stern, Daniel                San Ramon Valley      17:54.50   2  80
123 Chin, Matthew                Dougherty Valley      17:55.10   1
124 Quock, Everett               San Leandro           17:55.30   4  81
125 Dan, Yarin                   Granada               17:58.90   2
126 Meehan, Grant                Monte Vista           17:59.30   4  82
127 Serduke, Jason               Monte Vista           17:59.70   3
128 Broaddus, Jackson            Monte Vista           18:00.30   4
129 Long, Ryan                   Monte Vista           18:01.80   4
130 Yasar, Sameer                Dublin                18:01.90   3
131 Villeda, Rene                Piner                 18:02.10   2  83
132 Silva, Kaedin                American              18:02.80   4  84
133 Severson, Calder             San Ramon Valley      18:02.90   2  85
134 Hammond, Cade                Monte Vista           18:03.90   4
135 Han, Michael                 Dougherty Valley      18:04.40   2
136 Solano, Francisco            San Leandro           18:06.50   1  86
137 Bell, Jake                   Foothill (Pl          18:07.70   4  87
138 Gaspar, Addison              Piner                 18:08.00   3
139 Pugh, Spencer                Miramonte             18:10.80   1
140 Wollesen, Davis              Foothill (Pl          18:12.30   2  88
141 Baker, Lance                 Homestead             18:13.50   2
142 Lau, Andrew                  Granada               18:13.80   3
143 Guiterez, Beckom             American              18:14.20   2  89
144 Szafranski, Alexander        De La Salle           18:14.60   4  90
145 Deagen, Matthew              Amador Valley         18:15.10   1
145 Schroeder, Gabriel           Dublin                18:15.10   2
147 Lescure, Aaron               San Ramon Valley      18:16.00   2  91
148 Whinnery, Jake               Monte Vista           18:16.40   4
149 Martin, Joseph               San Ramon Valley      18:17.80   1  92
150 Melendez, Nicholas           Granada               18:18.80   3
151 Lee, Junnon                  Dublin                18:19.20   3
152 Guerra, Anthony              Granada               18:19.60   2
153 Pegram, Edison               The Kings          18:21.20   3  93
154 Feng, Gilbert                Homestead             18:21.30   3
155 Bell, Freddie                Miramonte             18:21.80   2
156 Linney, Alex                 Miramonte             18:22.10   1
157 O'Melia, Thomas              San Ramon Valley      18:23.20   4  94
158 Somala, Siddharth            Dougherty Valley      18:23.40   3
159 Cano, Jeremiah               Piner                 18:23.90   2
160 Jensen, Micah                The Kings          18:24.50   3  95
161 Mezey, Tyler                 Piner                 18:24.90   2
162 Choi, Stewart                San Leandro           18:27.20   3  96

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 4
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
163 Hoffman, Ryan                Monte Vista           18:28.50   4
164 Islas, Armando               San Leandro           18:29.50   4  97
164 Ueyama, Connor               Dougherty Valley      18:29.50   2
166 Chai, Caleb                  Homestead             18:29.80   4
167 Jorgensen, Max               Amador Valley         18:30.60   2
168 Dutra, Mateus                Monte Vista           18:32.50   3
169 Rosenthal, Dominick          Homestead             18:33.10   2
170 Doran, Nico                  De La Salle           18:35.70   2  98
170 Desta, Nile                  Dublin                18:35.70   2
172 Bradley, Aidan               San Ramon Valley      18:36.20   4
173 Lum, Zachary                 Dougherty Valley      18:36.40   4
174 Vergara, Jake                San Leandro           18:38.70   1  99
175 Hay, Peter                   Dougherty Valley      18:38.90   4
176 Monaco, Jack                 The Kings          18:39.60   4 100
177 Lai, Brandon                 Dublin                18:39.80   2
178 Wilson, Benjamin             Monte Vista           18:40.00   1
179 Pethtel, Caleb               The Kings          18:40.90   3
179 Meckfessel, Grayson          Miramonte             18:40.90   2
181 Kenyon, Trey                 The Kings          18:41.60   3
182 Sanchez, Stephan             De La Salle           18:42.10   4 101
183 Mok, Teo                     San Leandro           18:44.10   1
184 Lam, Kyle                    Livermore             18:44.60   3 102
185 Gardner, Jacob               Dougherty Valley      18:48.20   3
186 Ureta, Max                   Dublin                18:48.60   1
187 Pallais, Alex                Sonoma Academy        18:50.10   2 103
188 Gomez, Simon                 San Leandro           18:50.30   4
189 Curran, Nate                 Monte Vista           18:50.80   1
189 Mccann, Mason                Foothill (Pl          18:50.80   2 104
191 Moyers, Jarod                Amador Valley         18:51.10   1
192 Glenn, Alex                  Amador Valley         18:52.20   1
193 Hahn, Garron                 Livermore             18:52.50   1 105
194 Chin, Jason                  Dougherty Valley      18:52.70   2
195 Wong, Erik                   Amador Valley         18:53.20   4
196 Knuth, Samuel                Granada               18:53.60   1
197 Salles, Luc                  Monte Vista           18:54.60   4
198 Chamberlain, Connor          Monte Vista           18:55.50   1
199 Lunn, Collin                 Amador Valley         18:56.80   1
200 Salmon, Greg                 De La Salle           18:57.20   2 106
201 Lin, Yalding                 San Leandro           18:59.10   3
202 Fishlow, Ethan               Miramonte             18:59.40   3
203 Browning, Walker             Dougherty Valley      19:00.50   3
204 Vazquez, Juan                Piner                 19:01.30   2
205 Anguiano, Pablo              Piner                 19:01.40   3
206 Urban, Grant                 San Ramon Valley      19:02.10   4
207 Luker, Brent                 San Leandro           19:02.60   1
208 Bozorgmehr, Christopher      Monte Vista           19:03.10   3
209 Berenshteyn, Maxime          Foothill (Pl          19:03.60   4
210 Poominathan, Pranav          Foothill (Pl          19:05.10   3
211 Ridder, Robbie               The Kings          19:05.20   2
212 Shonnard, Tyler              San Leandro           19:08.20   2
213 Mathur, Prats                Dublin                19:09.30   1
214 Leigh, Jake                  San Ramon Valley      19:09.40   3
215 Giannini, Ethan              San Ramon Valley      19:09.80   2
216 Nguyen, Ryan                 San Leandro           19:10.20   2
217 Griffin, Joey                De La Salle           19:10.40   3 107

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 5
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
218 Gilbert, Jeff                De La Salle           19:11.10   3
219 Mennink, Thomas              Granada               19:11.30   2
219 Solorio, Sergio              Homestead             19:11.30   2
221 Gray, Cameron                Granada               19:11.60   2
222 Meza, Julio                  Homestead             19:15.40   2
223 Toyofuku, James              Monte Vista           19:15.60   1
224 Matthiesen, Tyler            Monte Vista           19:18.20   1
225 Lyons, Samuel                Foothill (Pl          19:20.20   1
226 Wong, Adrial                 Homestead             19:21.50   3
227 Gacusan, Julian              American              19:22.10   3 108
228 Lucero, Austin               Amador Valley         19:22.90   4
229 Jung, Charlie                The Kings          19:23.20   1
229 Sampath, Arjun               Homestead             19:23.20   2
229 Radanovich, Jack             De La Salle           19:23.20   3
232 Kishinevsky, Lior            Homestead             19:25.60   2
233 Finger, Kyle                 Miramonte             19:26.10   1
234 Gambill, Alex                San Ramon Valley      19:28.20   1
235 Dow, Casey                   San Ramon Valley      19:28.60   2
236 Sithambaram, Vijay           Amador Valley         19:30.30   2
237 Zhang, Kory                  Dougherty Valley      19:30.70   2
238 Martin, Jake                 Amador Valley         19:32.70   3
239 Gomez de la Vega, Alejan     De La Salle           19:33.50   3
240 Erickson, Austin             Monte Vista           19:35.00   1
241 Ramirez, Sebastian           De La Salle           19:35.10   2
242 Ruh, Aidan                   Monte Vista           19:35.80   2
243 Ngo, Vu                      Piner                 19:36.20   3
244 Shirali, Saurav              Homestead             19:36.30   2
245 Rajesh, Sanjith              Amador Valley         19:38.10   2
245 Stoev, Alan                  Foothill (Pl          19:38.10   2
247 Stevenson, Carter            Monte Vista           19:40.00   4
248 Dao, Allen                   Homestead             19:40.90   2
249 Lopez, Tyler                 Foothill (Pl          19:41.10   4
250 Hanna, Justin                The Kings          19:41.30   4
251 Jaynes, Wesley               De La Salle           19:44.30   2
252 Shah, Ehan                   Amador Valley         19:44.40   2
253 Lane, Danny                  Monte Vista           19:45.20   3
254 Lee, Taylor                  Foothill (Pl          19:45.80   2
255 Bell, Luke                   Foothill (Pl          19:46.90   4
256 Plihon, Evan Luc             San Ramon Valley      19:47.30   4
257 Gareau, Michael              Monte Vista           19:47.80   1
258 Munoz Arroyo, Sebastian      Dublin                19:48.40   2
258 Gallup, Tyler                San Ramon Valley      19:48.40   2
260 Khleif, Sari                 De La Salle           19:48.50   2
261 Larson, Matthew              Granada               19:49.00   3
262 Haydon, Kory                 San Ramon Valley      19:49.50   4
263 Kim, Sung Joong              Dougherty Valley      19:50.10   1
264 Moldenhauer, Wade            Monte Vista           19:52.70   3
265 Soares, Jorden               San Leandro           19:53.60   3
266 Schwarzenberger, Jacob       De La Salle           19:54.10   3
267 Parekh, Aarya                Dougherty Valley      19:54.80   3
268 Rettig, Max                  De La Salle           19:56.00   2
269 Bahl, Kushaan                Foothill (Pl          19:56.30   4
270 Aguilar, Edgar               Piner                 19:56.90   3
271 Tate, Anthony                San Leandro           19:57.50   4
272 Santhosh Kumar, Sreeragh     Dublin                19:57.90   3

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 6
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
273 Vegh, Hunter                 Monte Vista           19:58.40   3
274 Lin, Johnny                  San Leandro           20:00.10   4
275 Grelling, Jordan             Miramonte             20:01.30   1
276 Holley, Paul                 Amador Valley         20:02.20   3
277 Colnett, James               Homestead             20:02.50   2
278 Gonzales, Edgard             San Leandro           20:05.20   3
279 Anorga, Ricardo              Piner                 20:05.80   3
280 Alvarez, Lorenzo             Piner                 20:06.50   2
280 Lu, Andrew                   Granada               20:06.50   2
282 Haley, Ryan                  Amador Valley         20:07.20   2
283 Varela, Sebastian            Miramonte             20:07.30   4
284 Kraus, Adam                  Miramonte             20:08.00   4
285 Casasos, Anthony             Dublin                20:09.30   1
286 Wright, Nathan               San Ramon Valley      20:09.80   3
287 Chen, Jonathan               Dougherty Valley      20:09.90   4
288 Rodrigues, Vasco             Miramonte             20:10.80   3
289 Young, Ervin                 Amador Valley         20:11.20   3
290 Pimentel, Lucas              Amador Valley         20:11.30   3
291 Lanilis, Etienne             Homestead             20:11.70   1
292 Vogel, Forrest               De La Salle           20:12.50   3
293 Walker, Jacob                Granada               20:12.60   2
294 Faulkner, Soren              Miramonte             20:13.20   1
295 Mahmood, Mohammad            Amador Valley         20:13.30   1
296 Mulligan, Will               De La Salle           20:13.80   4
297 Im, Albert                   Amador Valley         20:16.60   3
298 Wu, William                  Homestead             20:17.60   3
299 Del Secco, John              De La Salle           20:18.00   3
300 Burr, Ryan                   San Ramon Valley      20:18.40   1
301 Ertekin, Ediz                Monte Vista           20:19.00   3
302 Toscano, Emerson             Granada               20:20.10   2
303 Carter, Adam                 Monte Vista           20:20.90   4
304 Helstad, Henry               San Ramon Valley      20:21.20   1
305 Guandique, Marco             San Leandro           20:21.60   2
306 Kim, Bryan                   Dougherty Valley      20:22.20   3
307 Berg, Jackson                Dublin                20:22.70   3
308 Perez, Eriberto              San Ramon Valley      20:24.60   2
309 Bender, Ryan                 San Ramon Valley      20:25.00   2
310 Hanson, Adrian               Sonoma Academy        20:26.90   2
311 Balasubramanian, Vikram      Dougherty Valley      20:27.50   3
312 Farly, Ian                   San Ramon Valley      20:28.30   3
313 Steele, Sam                  Amador Valley         20:29.20   1
314 Esparza, Juan                San Leandro           20:29.40   4
315 Ruiz, Jonathan               Piner                 20:30.00   3
316 Babu, Arjun                  Dougherty Valley      20:31.10   2
317 Punaroor, Anish              Dougherty Valley      20:31.20   3
318 Choksi, Chetan               The Kings          20:31.50   2
319 Quintana, Giovanni           De La Salle           20:32.00   2
320 Gopalan, Rishikumar          Dublin                20:34.00   2
321 Lin, Aaron                   Dublin                20:34.50   1
322 Tayo, Marvin                 San Leandro           20:35.30   4
323 Petty, Satchel               Foothill (Pl          20:39.30   3
324 Tran, Kevin                  Dublin                20:39.70   3
325 Amos, Jimi                   The Kings          20:39.90   2
326 Peterson, Erik               The Kings          20:40.30   4
327 Krishna, Gokul               American              20:41.60   3 109

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 7
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
328 Kumar, Ayush                 Dougherty Valley      20:42.90   4
329 Simlin, Julian               De La Salle           20:44.20   3
330 Abdelmalek, David            Dougherty Valley      20:44.50   3
331 Hromyk, William              San Ramon Valley      20:45.90   2
332 Zhu, Genghe                  Foothill (Pl          20:47.90   3
333 Chou, Calvin                 Foothill (Pl          20:48.10   4
334 Gomes, Antonio               Miramonte             20:50.80   1
335 Frager, Toby                 San Leandro           20:50.90   4
336 Hernandez, Christian         Sonoma Academy        20:51.40   2
337 Heath, Connor                The Kings          20:51.50   1
338 Daiuto, Joseph               The Kings          20:51.60   1
338 Carrera, Ernesto             Piner                 20:51.60   4
340 Valencia, Brandon            San Leandro           20:52.20   2
341 O'Connor, Max                Livermore             20:53.20   3 110
342 Murray, Aaron                American              20:53.80   2 111
343 Soohoo, Samuel               Miramonte             20:54.10   4
344 Hussey, Sam                  Monte Vista           20:54.80   2
345 Davis, Erik                  San Ramon Valley      20:56.10   2
346 Chiang, Justin               The Kings          21:01.40   4
347 Johnson, Trevor              Livermore             21:02.00   4
348 George, Jack                 Monte Vista           21:02.40   4
349 Duchynski, Tyler             Sonoma Academy        21:02.80   2
350 Sauberman, Jaden             Monte Vista           21:03.70   2
351 Fulgado, John                Dublin                21:04.50   4
352 Maldonado, Marco             Monte Vista           21:06.50   4
353 Vincent, Andrew              Monte Vista           21:07.60   2
354 Harwood, Caleb               Granada               21:10.00   2
355 Sevilla, James               Dublin                21:11.20   2
356 Scott-Seghposs, Tristan      Foothill (Pl          21:11.80   3
357 Ruggio, Sam                  De La Salle           21:12.00   4
358 Kiang, Micah                 Amador Valley         21:14.20   3
359 Thompson, Jackson            San Ramon Valley      21:14.60   1
359 Fox, John                    The Kings          21:14.60   4
361 Wendlandt, Ben               Monte Vista           21:15.50   3
362 Kim, Paul                    Dublin                21:16.70   3
363 Marshall, Cole               San Ramon Valley      21:17.40   3
364 Zaheer, Oneeb                Dublin                21:19.90   3
365 Elias, Brian                 Piner                 21:22.50   2
366 Solis, Hugo                  San Leandro           21:24.50   4
367 Terpstra, Josiah             Foothill (Pl          21:26.80   2
368 Redkar, Aaryan               Dougherty Valley      21:27.60   2
369 Khampaseut, Arnold           San Leandro           21:29.50   4
370 Weil, Tyler                  San Ramon Valley      21:30.80   1
371 Dandridge, Michael           Amador Valley         21:32.70   3
372 Patel, Akshat                Dougherty Valley      21:34.10   3
373 Kim, Kyle                    The Kings          21:35.20   4
374 Raskin, Michael              Monte Vista           21:36.30   3
375 Woolsey, Nathan              Granada               21:38.90   2
376 Liu, Jonathan                The Kings          21:41.80   2
376 Lee, Cameron                 Monte Vista           21:41.80   2
378 Donovan, Diego               Granada               21:42.00   2
378 Korngiebel, Josh             San Ramon Valley      21:42.00   2
380 Rashid, Ali                  Amador Valley         21:42.40   1
381 Siu, Arthur                  Homestead             21:43.60   1
382 Potter, Will                 De La Salle           21:43.70   2

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 8
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
383 Mayorga, Isreal              San Leandro           21:48.80   4
384 Levine, Cameron              Foothill (Pl          21:49.50   4
385 Nieva, Matthew               Dougherty Valley      21:51.50   2
386 Jatoft, Jarod                De La Salle           21:52.60   2
387 Drey, Jack                   De La Salle           21:53.20   2
388 Zoghi, Cameran               Foothill (Pl          21:53.30   4
389 Frazier, Alex                Livermore             21:55.50   3
390 Snyder, Matthew              Amador Valley         21:56.20   3
391 Carson, Miles                San Leandro           21:56.90   4
392 Wan, Ethan                   Homestead             21:57.80   3
393 Hsiung, Johnson              The Kings          21:58.20   4
394 Enguidanos, David            San Leandro           21:59.70   4
395 Zaldana, Christian           De La Salle           22:00.10   3
396 Yeung, Alan                  San Leandro           22:00.70   3
397 Ressa, Richard               Monte Vista           22:01.80   1
398 Yang, Kyle                   Monte Vista           22:07.50   2
399 Liu, Benjamin                Amador Valley         22:07.70   3
400 Murphy, Adam                 Granada               22:07.80   3
401 Hammitt, Mac                 Monte Vista           22:10.40   4
402 Hegglin, Max                 Monte Vista           22:10.50   4
403 Taboada, Renzo               Foothill (Pl          22:15.70   4
404 Wilson, Lucas                Monte Vista           22:16.90   4
405 Elendu, Chukwuemeka          San Leandro           22:20.00   4
406 Semansky, Andrew             De La Salle           22:20.90   2
407 Lowe, Matthew                San Ramon Valley      22:21.30   3
408 Grout, William               San Ramon Valley      22:21.40   3
409 Dhaliwal, Avijit             Dougherty Valley      22:22.00   3
410 Gee, Marco                   De La Salle           22:23.40   4
411 Nguyen, Phong                San Leandro           22:24.50   2
412 Zhong, Daniel                Dublin                22:28.30   3
413 Cai, Yuyi                    San Leandro           22:31.00   4
414 Matthiesen, Trevor           Monte Vista           22:31.40   2
415 Aluri, Ritwik                Granada               22:31.70   3
416 Srinivas, Chinmai            Miramonte             22:34.40   2
417 De Freitas, Joe              De La Salle           22:35.20   3
418 Fletcher, Zachary            San Leandro           22:42.30   4
419 Young, Nathaniel             American              22:42.80   4 112
420 Buchanan, Connor             San Ramon Valley      22:43.10   2
421 Zeng, Joshua                 Dublin                22:43.70   2
422 Tat, Wesley                  San Leandro           22:43.80   3
423 Lew, Sonny                   San Leandro           22:44.30   3
424 Gaim, Matthew                San Leandro           22:44.50   4
425 Arora, Harman                Dougherty Valley      22:49.30   3
426 Sonobe, Montgomery           San Leandro           22:49.40   4
427 Chok, Jay                    Granada               22:53.10   3
428 Baer, Henry                  De La Salle           22:54.00   3
429 Zheng, Brian                 San Leandro           23:02.30   2
430 Mondragon, Efren             San Leandro           23:02.60   3
431 Cordero Lopez, Miguel        Foothill (Pl          23:03.50   2
432 Kenny, Kyle                  Foothill (Pl          23:05.30   3
433 Frans, Joshua                Foothill (Pl          23:05.40   3
434 Liu, Alvin                   Miramonte             23:07.90   2
435 Goebel, Dylan                San Ramon Valley      23:10.20   2
436 Altamirano, Sam              San Ramon Valley      23:29.20   3
437 Bek, Samuel                  The Kings          23:29.70   2

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 9
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
438 Bauman, Patrick              San Ramon Valley      23:31.90   4
439 Tolentino, Vincent           San Leandro           23:33.30   2
440 Lewis, Alec                  Granada               23:33.50   3
441 Crampton, Connor             Granada               23:33.80   3
442 Kretz, Jordan                Monte Vista           23:35.60   2
443 Gookins, Nick                San Ramon Valley      23:41.40   2
444 Sunga, Joshua                Dublin                23:46.90   2
445 Minowada, Seiji              Miramonte             23:48.20   2
446 Li, Luke                     The Kings          23:48.90   2
447 Frank, Victor                Dublin                23:51.20   3
448 Vien, Kevin                  San Leandro           23:51.80   4
449 Singh, Eduardo               Piner                 23:52.60   3
450 Lin, Brian                   Dublin                23:54.00   2
451 Prusso, Canyon               Livermore             24:02.20   2
452 Huynh, Derek                 Sonoma Academy        24:06.00   2
453 Do, Daniel                   Foothill (Pl          24:07.40   4
454 Camp, Samuel                 Miramonte             24:08.60   2
455 Ivanov, Kirill               Foothill (Pl          24:15.40   1
456 Jalali, Shaheen              Piner                 24:29.10   3
457 Frazier, Nathan              Livermore             24:34.80   3
458 Ivy, Callan                  San Leandro           24:43.00   2
459 Dean, Nathan                 Foothill (Pl          24:49.80   3
460 Ayala, Chris                 San Leandro           24:52.10   4
460 Sanchez, Ryan                San Leandro           24:52.10   4
462 Montgomery, Grant            Granada               24:54.80   3
463 Van Poppel, Adrian           Monte Vista           24:56.40   2
464 Lim, Jonathan                San Leandro           25:09.00   3
465 Carlson, Will                Foothill (Pl          25:11.30   4
466 Nguyen, Huy                  San Leandro           25:16.20   2
467 Roxas, Bryan                 San Leandro           25:18.00   2
468 Collado, Vincent             Miramonte             25:48.40   2
469 Higa, Samuel                 The Kings          25:49.00   4
470 Durah, Amer                  Monte Vista           26:02.30   3
471 Griffin, Sean                Granada               26:06.80   3
472 Wu, Arthur (Zixuan)          Amador Valley         26:10.20   3
473 Tran, Terry                  San Leandro           26:14.10   4
474 McCormick, Steven            San Ramon Valley      26:28.80   3
475 Riley, Gabriel               San Leandro           26:41.50   3
476 Su, Justin                   Foothill (Pl          26:46.90   3
477 Vuong, Austin                San Leandro           26:55.50   4
478 Blumstein, Wyatt             San Leandro           27:13.50   3
479 Wong, Kenneth                Dublin                27:18.20   3
480 Mai, Vinh                    San Leandro           27:21.60   3
481 Tabakovic, Adis              San Leandro           27:42.20   4
482 Fragoso, Daniel              De La Salle           27:46.90   2
483 Madriz, Ivan                 Piner                 28:29.80   2
484 Rockey, Casey                San Ramon Valley      29:27.30   1
485 Anninos, Lucas               Dublin                29:29.30   4
486 Choy, Justin                 San Ramon Valley      30:51.70   1
487 Nguyen, Chas                 San Leandro           30:55.30   4
488 Lin, Brian                   San Leandro           31:25.20   4
489 Pedrozo, Luis                Amador Valley         31:35.40   1

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 10
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
Results - Men
   1 Granada                      34    1    6    8    9   10   11   16
      Total Time:  1:19:30.40
         Average:    15:54.08
   2 Amador Valley                89    5   13   19   25   27   30   50
      Total Time:  1:21:14.10
         Average:    16:14.82
   3 Homestead                    93    4   12   14   31   32   43   45
      Total Time:  1:21:17.00
         Average:    16:15.40
   4 Miramonte                   130    2   22   24   34   48   62   64
      Total Time:  1:22:07.30
         Average:    16:25.46
   5 Dublin                      132   15   21   28   33   35   39   42
      Total Time:  1:22:33.00
         Average:    16:30.60
   6 Sonoma Academy              177   17   20   23   56   61   73  103
      Total Time:  1:23:46.10
         Average:    16:45.22
   7 Livermore                   200    3    7   18   70  102  105  110
      Total Time:  1:24:19.00
         Average:    16:51.80
   8 Monte Vista                 275   46   47   58   59   65   72   82
      Total Time:  1:26:22.60
         Average:    17:16.52
   9 Dougherty Valley            275   29   51   52   69   74   76   78
      Total Time:  1:26:24.00
         Average:    17:16.80
  10 Piner                       276   40   49   54   66   67   71   83
      Total Time:  1:26:22.90
         Average:    17:16.58
  11 The Kings Academy        293   36   41   44   79   93   95  100
      Total Time:  1:26:50.40
         Average:    17:22.08
  12 Foothill (Pleasanton)       327   37   60   68   75   87   88  104
      Total Time:  1:27:52.80
         Average:    17:34.56
  13 San Leandro                 352   26   63   81   86   96   97   99
      Total Time:  1:28:32.10
         Average:    17:42.42
  14 De La Salle                 382   38   55   90   98  101  106  107
      Total Time:  1:29:40.00
         Average:    17:56.00

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Amador Valley High SchoolHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  6:33 PM  10/1/2016  Page 11
Scott Bauhs Invitational - 10/1/2016
Shadow Cliffs Regional Park
....Event 7  Boys 2.95 Mile Run CC Combined
  15 San Ramon Valley            386   53   77   80   85   91   92   94
      Total Time:  1:29:16.10
         Average:    17:51.22
  16 American                    447   57   84   89  108  109  111  112
      Total Time:  1:33:42.80
         Average:    18:44.56