Meet Information
Dear Coach:
Westmoor High School would like to invite you and your team to participate in
the 35th annual Ram Invitational to be held on Saturday, September 24, 2016, at
Westmoor High School.
The meet will conform to all C.I.F. regulations.
Due to the size of most races, we will split all divisions into two races. Teams will
be assigned a race the day of the meet. Your team will either run in Race #1 or Race
#2. Awards will remain the same. Winners of each race can receive their awards thirty
minutes after each race at the Awards Table. Once the race is completed and the
points have been calculated, there will be a star placed next to your name or team on a
posted race entry sheet, which will indicate you have won an award.
*Due to increased number of runners and spectators this year we will be adding
additional toilets on the upper field for your convenience.
7:30 AM Walk course (maps provided)
8:30 AM Coaches and Alumni race
9:00 AM Boys Frosh Race #1
9:30 AM Boys Frosh Race #2
10:00 AM Girls Frosh/Soph Race #1
10:30 AM Girls Frosh/Soph Race #2
11:00 AM Boys Soph Race #1
11:30 AM Boys Soph Race #2
12:00 PM Girls JV Race #1
12:30 PM Girls JV Race #2
1:00 PM Boys JV Race #1
1:30 PM Boys JV Race #2
2:00 PM Girls Varsity Race #1
2:30 PM Girls Varsity Race #2
3:00 PM Boys Varsity Race #1
3:30 PM Boys Varsity Race #2
Team Awards (Medals)
Frosh - 1st team (7) in each race
Soph - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) in each race
JV - 1st team (7) in each race
Varsity - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) in each race
Frosh/Soph - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) - in each race
JV - 1st team (7) - in each race
Varsity - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) in each race
Team plaques awarded to all first place teams (14).
Individual plaques to all race winners (14).
Boys Frosh - First 20 (not on winning team) - both races
Boys Soph - First 20 (not on winning team) - both races
Girls Frosh/Soph - First 20 (not on winning team) - both races
Boys JV - First 20 (not on a winning team) - both races
Girls JV - First 20 (not on a winning team) - both races
Boys & Girls Varsity - First 25 (not on winning team)
Total: 454 medals, 14 team plaques, 14 individual race winners plaques
This year's newly designed T-shirt will be on sale:
$14.00 - short sleeve
$17.00 - long sleeve
$ 10.00 per individual
$ 70.00 per team
$260.00 maximum
Please make checks payable to WESTMOOR HIGH SCHOOL.
A) Come dressed to run. No dressing room facilities will be provided.
B) Bathrooms will be open on track facility.
C) You must enter a Varsity team before you enter a JV team. A school will be
subject to disqualification if they have faster runners on their JV team than on
their Varsity team.
D) A concession stand will be open so that runners may purchase items. Again
this year we will be selling Ram Invitational T-shirts. Please tell all your runners.
E) A school official must accompany all athletes entered in the meet. Coaches
should be reminded they will be expected to control all their athletes.
F) Again this year we will have an athletic trainer on site during the entire meet.
G) Team Tents may not be set up on the football field
H) For more information contact:
Coach Ron DiMaggio:
Home phone - (650) 573-6290 (after 7PM)
Cell (650) 576-5370
Assistant Coach Steve Pofahl
Westmoor High School - (650) 550-7400 (between 9AM-2:30PM).
You may leave a message with the Switchboard.
Westmoor High School is located in Daly City, California, just south of San Francisco.
Coming from the south, take 280 headed north towards Daly City. Take the PacificaMission
St. turn-off, which is opposite Serramonte Shopping Center. As you come off the
freeway, stay in the left hand lane going towards Pacifica. Then take Skyline Blvd. North (35).
This exit is the second exit and is only about 1/4 mile from 280. Once on Skyline, take the first
right at the stoplight. This will be Westmoor Ave. Westmoor High School will be straight ahead
approximately four blocks. Parking lot is located in the back of the school.
Coming from the north, take 280 South towards Daly City. Take the Pacifica turn-off.
Then take Skyline Blvd. North (35). This exit is the second exit and is only about 1/4 mile from
280. Once on Skyline, take the first right at the stop light. This will be Westmoor Ave.
Westmoor High School will be straight ahead approximately four blocks. Parking lot is located in
the back of the school.
Freshmen Boys
Soph Boys
JV Boys
Varsity Boys
Frosh/Soph Girls
JV Girls
Varsity Girls
You may enter a team in any Division with more than seven runners, with the
exception of the Boys and Girls Varsity. Awards will only be given out to your top seven
runners if your team should win.
FEES $ 70.00 Team
$ 10.00 Individual
$260.00 Maximum
Mail checks payable to the WESTMOOR HIGH SCHOOL.
Mail check to: Ron DiMaggio
Cross Country Coach
Westmoor High School
131 Westmoor Ave.
Daly City, CA. 94015
Westmoor Ram Invitational (#118505)
Online Entry Instructions
This meet is using free online registration at!
Date 9/24/2016 Host Westmoor
Location Westmoor HS Director Ron DiMaggio
131 Westmoor Avenue, Daly City, CA, Daly City,
CA 94015
Phone (650) 550-7593 is a resource for Track & Field and Cross Country coaches, offering
free statistic tracking,
easy meet registrations, free meet managers, and free tools to simplify coaching
Follow the 4 steps below to get started:
1. Sign up for a free coach account
(if you do not have one)
Go to the website:
Click on 'Sign up for a free coach account' on the homepage
Complete the signup wizard
After receiving the confirmation email, go on to #2
2. Add meets to your season calendar
Login to using your email address and password
Click on your team's name in the left navigation bar
Click "Add Meet" above your calendar box
Where it says "Meet ID:" enter 118505 and click Add
Review the information and click Save and Continue >
You may need to click Save and Continue > again
Repeat this process for the rest of your season calendar (You can also add meets
by date, if you don't know the Meet ID)
Verify that your calendar is correct. Use the Edit button next to meets to make
3. Enter team roster
Click Edit Athletes on the Coaches Toolbar, on your team's page
Add athletes to the roster manually, or upload your roster using the "Upload
Athlete Roster" option
4. Register athletes for Westmoor Ram Invitational
Locate Westmoor Ram Invitational on your team's main cross country page
and click on it
On the right under Team Tools, click Register Athletes.
Click Increment Divisions to quickly register all your athletes in the first race
or manually select the race division for each athlete
Use the boxes on the bottom of the page to add additional athletes to your roster
You can use the meet registration feature of for all your meets. You can
print out and fax the entries, or the host team can download them from the website, all
for free.
Dear Coach:
Westmoor High School would like to invite you and your team to participate in
the 35th annual Ram Invitational to be held on Saturday, September 24, 2016, at
Westmoor High School.
The meet will conform to all C.I.F. regulations.
Due to the size of most races, we will split all divisions into two races. Teams will
be assigned a race the day of the meet. Your team will either run in Race #1 or Race
#2. Awards will remain the same. Winners of each race can receive their awards thirty
minutes after each race at the Awards Table. Once the race is completed and the
points have been calculated, there will be a star placed next to your name or team on a
posted race entry sheet, which will indicate you have won an award.
*Due to increased number of runners and spectators this year we will be adding
additional toilets on the upper field for your convenience.
7:30 AM Walk course (maps provided)
8:30 AM Coaches and Alumni race
9:00 AM Boys Frosh Race #1
9:30 AM Boys Frosh Race #2
10:00 AM Girls Frosh/Soph Race #1
10:30 AM Girls Frosh/Soph Race #2
11:00 AM Boys Soph Race #1
11:30 AM Boys Soph Race #2
12:00 PM Girls JV Race #1
12:30 PM Girls JV Race #2
1:00 PM Boys JV Race #1
1:30 PM Boys JV Race #2
2:00 PM Girls Varsity Race #1
2:30 PM Girls Varsity Race #2
3:00 PM Boys Varsity Race #1
3:30 PM Boys Varsity Race #2
Team Awards (Medals)
Frosh - 1st team (7) in each race
Soph - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) in each race
JV - 1st team (7) in each race
Varsity - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) in each race
Frosh/Soph - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) - in each race
JV - 1st team (7) - in each race
Varsity - 1st team (7), 2nd team (7) in each race
Team plaques awarded to all first place teams (14).
Individual plaques to all race winners (14).
Boys Frosh - First 20 (not on winning team) - both races
Boys Soph - First 20 (not on winning team) - both races
Girls Frosh/Soph - First 20 (not on winning team) - both races
Boys JV - First 20 (not on a winning team) - both races
Girls JV - First 20 (not on a winning team) - both races
Boys & Girls Varsity - First 25 (not on winning team)
Total: 454 medals, 14 team plaques, 14 individual race winners plaques
This year's newly designed T-shirt will be on sale:
$14.00 - short sleeve
$17.00 - long sleeve
$ 10.00 per individual
$ 70.00 per team
$260.00 maximum
Please make checks payable to WESTMOOR HIGH SCHOOL.
A) Come dressed to run. No dressing room facilities will be provided.
B) Bathrooms will be open on track facility.
C) You must enter a Varsity team before you enter a JV team. A school will be
subject to disqualification if they have faster runners on their JV team than on
their Varsity team.
D) A concession stand will be open so that runners may purchase items. Again
this year we will be selling Ram Invitational T-shirts. Please tell all your runners.
E) A school official must accompany all athletes entered in the meet. Coaches
should be reminded they will be expected to control all their athletes.
F) Again this year we will have an athletic trainer on site during the entire meet.
G) Team Tents may not be set up on the football field
H) For more information contact:
Coach Ron DiMaggio:
Home phone - (650) 573-6290 (after 7PM)
Cell (650) 576-5370
Assistant Coach Steve Pofahl
Westmoor High School - (650) 550-7400 (between 9AM-2:30PM).
You may leave a message with the Switchboard.
Westmoor High School is located in Daly City, California, just south of San Francisco.
Coming from the south, take 280 headed north towards Daly City. Take the PacificaMission
St. turn-off, which is opposite Serramonte Shopping Center. As you come off the
freeway, stay in the left hand lane going towards Pacifica. Then take Skyline Blvd. North (35).
This exit is the second exit and is only about 1/4 mile from 280. Once on Skyline, take the first
right at the stoplight. This will be Westmoor Ave. Westmoor High School will be straight ahead
approximately four blocks. Parking lot is located in the back of the school.
Coming from the north, take 280 South towards Daly City. Take the Pacifica turn-off.
Then take Skyline Blvd. North (35). This exit is the second exit and is only about 1/4 mile from
280. Once on Skyline, take the first right at the stop light. This will be Westmoor Ave.
Westmoor High School will be straight ahead approximately four blocks. Parking lot is located in
the back of the school.
Freshmen Boys
Soph Boys
JV Boys
Varsity Boys
Frosh/Soph Girls
JV Girls
Varsity Girls
You may enter a team in any Division with more than seven runners, with the
exception of the Boys and Girls Varsity. Awards will only be given out to your top seven
runners if your team should win.
FEES $ 70.00 Team
$ 10.00 Individual
$260.00 Maximum
Mail checks payable to the WESTMOOR HIGH SCHOOL.
Mail check to: Ron DiMaggio
Cross Country Coach
Westmoor High School
131 Westmoor Ave.
Daly City, CA. 94015
Westmoor Ram Invitational (#118505)
Online Entry Instructions
This meet is using free online registration at!
Date 9/24/2016 Host Westmoor
Location Westmoor HS Director Ron DiMaggio
131 Westmoor Avenue, Daly City, CA, Daly City,
CA 94015
Phone (650) 550-7593 is a resource for Track & Field and Cross Country coaches, offering
free statistic tracking,
easy meet registrations, free meet managers, and free tools to simplify coaching
Follow the 4 steps below to get started:
1. Sign up for a free coach account
(if you do not have one)
Go to the website:
Click on 'Sign up for a free coach account' on the homepage
Complete the signup wizard
After receiving the confirmation email, go on to #2
2. Add meets to your season calendar
Login to using your email address and password
Click on your team's name in the left navigation bar
Click "Add Meet" above your calendar box
Where it says "Meet ID:" enter 118505 and click Add
Review the information and click Save and Continue >
You may need to click Save and Continue > again
Repeat this process for the rest of your season calendar (You can also add meets
by date, if you don't know the Meet ID)
Verify that your calendar is correct. Use the Edit button next to meets to make
3. Enter team roster
Click Edit Athletes on the Coaches Toolbar, on your team's page
Add athletes to the roster manually, or upload your roster using the "Upload
Athlete Roster" option
4. Register athletes for Westmoor Ram Invitational
Locate Westmoor Ram Invitational on your team's main cross country page
and click on it
On the right under Team Tools, click Register Athletes.
Click Increment Divisions to quickly register all your athletes in the first race
or manually select the race division for each athlete
Use the boxes on the bottom of the page to add additional athletes to your roster
You can use the meet registration feature of for all your meets. You can
print out and fax the entries, or the host team can download them from the website, all
for free.