Monte Vista Invitational 2014

Danville, CA

Junior Boys

 Monte Vista HS Mustangs                                    HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                    2014 Monte Vista Invitational - 9/2/2014                     
                           Oakhill Park, Danville, CA.                           
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Boys 2 Mile Run CC Junior
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Robey, Tom                11 Las Lomas             10:55.97    1             
  2 Monsalud, Jon Jon         11 James Logan           11:02.54    2             
  3 Jervis, Danny             11 Las Lomas             11:05.13    3             
  4 Chrisman, Timothy         11 Monte Vista           11:10.44    4             
  5 Quero, Chester            11 James Logan           11:20.10    5             
  6 Hodgson, Bobby            11 Liberty               11:22.23    6             
  7 Perez, Eric               11 California            11:25.84    7             
  8 Ottati, Anthony           11 The Athenian          11:37.31    8             
  9 Bradley, Stefan           11 San Ramon Valley      11:37.63    9             
 10 Bull, Pete                11 Miramonte             11:38.98   10             
 11 Gaskell, Cameron          11 Acalanes              11:41.74   11             
 12 Flemming, Travis          11 California            11:43.29   12             
 13 Davis, Peter              11 Monte Vista           11:45.41   13             
 14 Goold, Harrison           11 Granada               11:48.00   14             
 15 Vogliano, Anthony         11 Rodriguez             11:48.60                  
 16 Goyal, Akul               11 California            11:52.30   15             
 17 Skellenger, Leo           11 Granada               11:58.38   16             
 18 Roskopf, Nick             11 Amador Valley         11:58.80   17             
 19 Seabrook, Laurence        11 Northgate             12:00.74   18             
 20 Singh, Nikhil             11 Foothill              12:01.28   19             
 21 Chung, Tristan            11 Las Lomas             12:06.65   20             
 22 Schick, Isaac             11 Northgate             12:14.07   21             
 23 Chao, Jonathan            11 Mission San Jose      12:14.63   22             
 24 Khan, Faraz               11 St. Mary's            12:17.23                  
 25 Ivy, Kyle                 11 Las Lomas             12:17.61   23             
 26 Lieberman, Kelsey         11 Las Lomas             12:19.40   24             
 27 Kelly, Alex               11 Acalanes              12:21.39   25             
 28 Wood, Hunter              11 DeLaSalle             12:22.82   26             
 29 Morales, Gerardo          11 Livermore             12:23.89                  
 30 Somers, Eli               11 San Ramon Valley      12:24.27   27             
 31 Sonnenschein, Zach        11 Amador Valley         12:25.82   28             
 32 Valenton, Rafael          11 Livermore             12:31.16                  
 33 Coon, Max                 11 Las Lomas             12:31.49   29             
 34 Daly, Cameron             11 Albany                12:40.43   30             
 35 Lee, Scott                11 Amador Valley         12:40.74   31             
 36 Williams, Matthew         11 DeLaSalle             12:41.21   32             
 37 Kocins, Andrew            11 The Athenian          12:46.28   33             
 38 Boral, Noah               11 Las Lomas             12:47.54   34             
 39 Foehner, Jake             11 Amador Valley         12:49.79   35             
 40 Kumar, Rahul              11 James Logan           12:50.18   36             
 41 Pace, Michael             11 Las Lomas             12:50.52                  
 42 Baer, Jacob               11 Amador Valley         12:54.27   37             
 43 Jones, William            11 Monte Vista           12:55.92   38             
 44 Ivy, Stephen              11 Las Lomas             12:56.50                  
 45 Rao, Keshav               11 Mission San Jose      12:57.87   39             
 46 Valderrama, Adrian        12 Northgate             12:58.31   40             
 47 Olson, Ryan               11 Monte Vista           13:01.39   41             
 48 Walker, Patrick           11 Acalanes              13:02.13   42             
 49 Swain, Cody               11 Las Lomas             13:02.53                  
 50 Khannan, Dhroovaa         11 Dougherty Valley      13:03.58   43             
 51 Bentancourt, Hunter       11 Liberty               13:04.03   44             
 52 Reiner, Kurtis            11 James Logan           13:05.57   45             
 53 Padden, Ryan              11 Monte Vista           13:05.87   46             
 54 loya, francisco           11 Antioch               13:06.79                  
 55 Tu, Michael               11 Dougherty Valley      13:08.08   47             
 56 Williams, Lucas           11 Mission San Jose      13:08.69   48             
 57 Sjogreen, Gustav          11 Granada               13:08.99   49             
 58 Colby, Lincoln            11 Albany                13:11.80   50             
 59 McCool, Ryan              11 Granada               13:12.19   51             
 60 Williams, Brad            11 Albany                13:14.54   52             
 61 Lewis, Chris              11 Las Lomas             13:15.31                  
 62 Khawaja, Hamza            11 James Logan           13:16.86   53             
 63 Oden, Chase               11 Liberty               13:17.26   54             
 64 Dota-Clemens, Ian         11 DeLaSalle             13:17.67   55             
 65 Agustin, RJ               11 James Logan           13:19.03   56             
 66 Warsi, Rafay              11 James Logan           13:19.47   57             
 67 Rocha, Anthony            11 Monte Vista           13:19.92   58             
 68 McKenney, Michael         11 DeLaSalle             13:23.07   59             
 69 Ellis, Ethan              11 Las Lomas             13:24.90                  
 70 Norton-Westbrook, Ira     11 The Athenian          13:30.40   60             
 71 Gonzales, Christian       11 Miramonte             13:34.10   61             
 72 Shek, Jeremy              11 Dougherty Valley      13:35.75   62             
 73 Parker, Ashlan            11 Liberty               13:46.34   63             
 74 Jokela, Cody              11 Foothill              13:46.66   64             
 75 Dickinson, Matt           11 Foothill              13:47.21   65             
 76 Pollack, Connor           11 San Ramon Valley      13:48.09   66             
 77 Hinek, J.P.               11 Amador Valley         13:49.14   67             
 78 Miller, Troy              11 Las Lomas             13:51.98                  
 79 Cady, Ryan                11 San Ramon Valley      13:52.71   68             
 80 Jones, Sebastian          11 Albany                13:53.14   69             
 81 Strand, Eric              11 The Athenian          13:57.27   70             
 82 Martinsen, Nico           11 Acalanes              13:59.09   71             
 83 Auby, Garrett             11 Monte Vista           13:59.43   72             
 84 Lee, Eli                  11 Albany                13:59.77   73             
 85 Campopiano, Luke          11 California            14:02.20   74             
 86 Carrera, Julian           10 Liberty               14:03.67   75             
 87 Hundal, Shawn             11 James Logan           14:04.18                  
 88 Capinpin, Aaron           11 DeLaSalle             14:04.52   76             
 89 Smith, Connor             11 DeLaSalle             14:05.06   77             
 90 Lagasca, Jonathan         11 Dougherty Valley      14:05.37   78             
 91 Enstrom, Lars             11 Monte Vista           14:05.82                  
 92 Phillips, Larry           11 Livermore             14:06.31                  
 93 Howard, Michael           11 Amador Valley         14:07.02   79             
 94 Shipp, Kevin              12 Northgate             14:09.14   80             
 95 Hegglin, Michael          11 Monte Vista           14:09.52                  
 96 Pinto, Alex               11 Northgate             14:11.95   81             
 97 Whitman, Ryan             11 Las Lomas             14:14.89                  
 98 Kienzle, Matthew          11 Miramonte             14:15.67   82             
 99 Rivas, Jesus              11 Northgate             14:16.08   83             
100 Delos Reyes, Elijah       11 DeLaSalle             14:17.65   84             
101 Vishnu, Peri              11 The Athenian          14:27.44   85             
102 Karimi, Edgar             11 Monte Vista           14:29.16                  
103 Vassilevski, Valentin     11 Las Lomas             14:31.42                  
104 Gotelli, Cole             11 Acalanes              14:32.44   86             
105 Lee, Jared                11 Dougherty Valley      14:34.43   87             
106 Chang, Dion               11 Dougherty Valley      14:34.92   88             
107 Maimone, Lane             11 Granada               14:36.91   89             
108 Valentine, Jack           11 DeLaSalle             14:38.04                  
109 Lim, Sambat               11 James Logan           14:41.26                  
110 Bartley, Kyle             11 San Ramon Valley      14:41.76   90             
111 Valva, Jesse              11 Albany                14:42.36   91             
112 Gatheru, Michael          11 Dougherty Valley      14:43.16   92             
113 Acker, Stein              11 Foothill              14:44.45   93             
114 Anand, Abhinav            11 Dougherty Valley      14:48.15                  
115 Woolway, John             11 Monte Vista           14:49.70                  
116 Lansangan, Tobie          11 James Logan           14:50.34                  
117 Vegh, Matthew             11 Monte Vista           14:52.20                  
118 Athavan, Harish           11 Dougherty Valley      14:54.49                  
119 Abrescy, Quentin          11 Liberty               14:54.84   94             
120 Saballos, Emilio          11 Liberty               14:55.27   95             
121 Su, Zach                  11 Miramonte             14:57.92   96             
122 Baas, Kailash             11 Northgate             14:58.25   97             
123 Limsumalle, Ben           11 James Logan           15:01.59                  
124 Alyousfi, Omar            11 San Ramon Valley      15:07.57   98             
125 Thomas, Quinn             11 Miramonte             15:10.19   99             
126 Estes, Will               11 San Ramon Valley      15:10.79  100             
127 Wong, Derick              11 James Logan           15:11.42                  
128 Ng, Ryan                  11 James Logan           15:11.76                  
129 Tena-Leon, Francisco      11 Rodriguez             15:12.18                  
130 Absher, Jack              11 Monte Vista           15:15.49                  
131 Pansacola, Bill           11 James Logan           15:16.66                  
132 Sochin, Jason             11 Livermore             15:17.06                  
133 Mariano, Justin           11 DeLaSalle             15:17.77                  
134 Conway, Matthew           11 DeLaSalle             15:18.11                  
135 Galan, Oscar              11 DeLaSalle             15:20.36                  
136 Chabala, Matthew          11 The Athenian          15:22.67  101             
137 Dzenitis, Daniel          11 DeLaSalle             15:25.96                  
138 Nava, Jessee              11 James Logan           15:29.84                  
139 Henze, Caleb              11 Foothill              15:30.20  102             
140 Valdez, Marcos            11 Liberty               15:31.27                  
141 Fritsch, Matt             11 Amador Valley         15:32.49                  
142 Trees, Alex               12 Northgate             15:32.89                  
143 Salas, Victor             11 DeLaSalle             15:35.74                  
144 Uranga, Alex              11 California            15:44.37  103             
145 Brast, Mickie             11 The Athenian          15:44.70  104             
146 Chandler, Anthony         11 Amador Valley         15:45.15                  
147 Donahue, Dakota           11 Las Lomas             15:46.43                  
148 Guo, Jay                  12 Albany                15:48.01  105             
149 Vazquez, Alexander        11 Granada               15:49.04  106             
150 Hanouneh, Yazan           11 San Ramon Valley      15:51.17                  
151 Bonnand, Evan             11 Granada               15:51.51  107             
152 Clemmens, Justin          11 California            16:05.73  108             
153 Larkin, Tanner            11 Las Lomas             16:16.47                  
154 Dantzig, Dylan            11 Amador Valley         16:19.84                  
155 Booreddy, Sathwik         11 Dougherty Valley      16:25.87                  
156 Sahoo, Nikhil             11 Albany                16:32.57                  
157 Tang, Michael             11 Dougherty Valley      16:38.73                  
158 Mateo, Galguera           11 The Athenian          16:43.04                  
159 Cartwright, Ethan         11 Amador Valley         16:44.63                  
160 Lewczyk, Joshua           11 Granada               16:55.44                  
161 Heller, Marc              11 Monte Vista           16:59.26                  
162 Reavis, Kyle              11 Northgate             17:02.16                  
163 Durst, Tristan            11 Mission San Jose      17:06.99  109             
164 Wang, John                11 Mission San Jose      17:08.04  110             
165 Chan, Victor              11 Dougherty Valley      17:17.35                  
166 Fornasier, Trent          11 Monte Vista           17:21.96                  
167 Whinnery, Harry           11 Monte Vista           17:24.05                  
168 Buesa, Mark               11 Monte Vista           17:29.42                  
169 Wiesenthal, Zach          11 Acalanes              17:29.77  111             
170 Hirsh, Will               11 Acalanes              17:30.96  112             
171 Ruskin, William           10 Monte Vista           17:36.81                  
172 Tokunaga, William         11 Albany                17:41.12                  
173 Smith, Alex               11 Miramonte             17:42.57  113             
174 Brusilovsky, David        11 Las Lomas             17:46.53                  
175 Valentine, Tony           11 DeLaSalle             17:53.43                  
176 Ford, Kyle                11 Granada               17:59.52                  
177 Hays, Ryan                11 DeLaSalle             18:38.43                  
178 Darbinyan, Hakob          11 Amador Valley         18:39.50                  
179 Pacheco, Nicholas         11 Dougherty Valley      18:42.54                  
180 Anderson, Mackenzie       11 DeLaSalle             19:08.18                  
181 Douglas, Alec             11 Liberty               19:10.78                  
182 Maniti, Matthew           11 Foothill              20:33.00  114             
183 Panaga, Kyle              11 Foothill              20:38.00  115             
184 Breen, John               11 Las Lomas             20:52.00                  
185 Niles, Cade               11 The Athenian          20:58.00                  
186 del Carpio, Daniel        11 Liberty               25:52.00                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Las Lomas                    71    1    3   20   23   24   29   34          
      Total Time:    58:44.76                                                    
         Average:    11:44.96                                                    
   2 James Logan                 141    2    5   36   45   53   56   57          
      Total Time:  1:01:35.25                                                    
         Average:    12:19.05                                                    
   3 Monte Vista                 142    4   13   38   41   46   58   72          
      Total Time:  1:01:59.03                                                    
         Average:    12:23.81                                                    
   4 Amador Valley               148   17   28   31   35   37   67   79          
      Total Time:  1:02:49.42                                                    
         Average:    12:33.89                                                    
   5 California                  211    7   12   15   74  103  108               
      Total Time:  1:04:48.00                                                    
         Average:    12:57.60                                                    
   6 Granada                     219   14   16   49   51   89  106  107          
      Total Time:  1:04:44.47                                                    
         Average:    12:56.90                                                    
   7 Acalanes                    235   11   25   42   71   86  111  112          
      Total Time:  1:05:36.79                                                    
         Average:    13:07.36                                                    
   8 Northgate                   240   18   21   40   80   81   83   97          
      Total Time:  1:05:34.21                                                    
         Average:    13:06.85                                                    
   9 Liberty                     242    6   44   54   63   75   94   95          
      Total Time:  1:05:33.53                                                    
         Average:    13:06.71                                                    
  10 DeLaSalle                   248   26   32   55   59   76   77   84          
      Total Time:  1:05:49.29                                                    
         Average:    13:09.86                                                    
  11 The Athenian                256    8   33   60   70   85  101  104          
      Total Time:  1:06:18.70                                                    
         Average:    13:15.74                                                    
  12 San Ramon Valley            260    9   27   66   68   90   98  100          
      Total Time:  1:06:24.46                                                    
         Average:    13:16.90                                                    
  13 Albany                      274   30   50   52   69   73   91  105          
      Total Time:  1:06:59.68                                                    
         Average:    13:23.94                                                    
  14 Dougherty Valley            317   43   47   62   78   87   88   92          
      Total Time:  1:08:27.21                                                    
         Average:    13:41.45                                                    
  15 Mission San Jose            328   22   39   48  109  110                    
      Total Time:  1:12:36.22                                                    
         Average:    14:31.25                                                    
  16 Foothill                    343   19   64   65   93  102  114  115          
      Total Time:  1:09:49.80                                                    
         Average:    13:57.96                                                    
  17 Miramonte                   348   10   61   82   96   99  113               
      Total Time:  1:09:36.86                                                    
         Average:    13:55.38