Virtual Meet Hub: Can Our Database Predict Saturday's Section Finals?

How to Create Virtual Meets

Start at the Rankings Tab

As with the separate individual and team rankings, Virtual Meets can be accessed by mousing over the Rankings tab at the top of any MileSplit page.  When the sub-menu appears, select Virtual Meets.  This will take you to the starting menu, where you can begin customizing this powerful statistical tool.

Select Your Teams

You can use one of our programmed leagues (including sections, divisions, divisions within sections, and leagues), or you can use the check marks to create your own custom lineup of teams.  Once you have the teams you want, click View Results and the database will generate your report.

Customize Even More

You're not done fine-tuning yet!  Not only can you change some global settings from the report itself (like gender, season, or year), but you can add or remove new teams.  You can even remove specific individuals by clicking on the little "x" beside their place in the rankings - so if you know someone is sitting out the race, you can make the virtual meet more accurate to how the actual meet will go down.  Scroll to the bottom of the report to see the team scores, as well!  This report works for track season, too, as it automatically brings in all the default events and then scores the meet by track & field scoring rules.

Start Your Own Virtual Meet Here!