Alyssa Brewer

Alyssa Brewer

San Ramon, CA, USA
  • Total Results 147
  • Total Events 17
Personal Records
  • 200m - 25.50
  • 400m - 55.05
  • 800m (in) - 2:04.81
  • 800m - 2:04.93
  • 1600m - 4:56.86
  • 3 Mile (xc) - 17:57.24
  • 5K (xc) - 18:51.90
  • 6K (xc) - 21:58.80
  • 100m - 12.69
  • 200m (in) - 25.97
  • 300m (in) - 40.34
  • 600m (in) - 1:29.98
  • 600y (in) - 1:20.69
  • 1500m - 4:49.11
  • 1 Mile (in) - 5:00.27
  • 2 Mile (xc) - 13:19.08
  • 2.x Mile (xc) - 18:30.96

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Performance Graph for XC 2 Mile Run