MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2020

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1e 6vtsocD sntd0nrf o oiD0i,6T9tKli s ti . so dt teno1Hralaueda5 ermfeidrustn,:wAgsyth shsaorae,S .str suanessff rnnt rc us egcen aeg,yRech s.t entvaihri0h1u turrneipobastit eshtae onsoognaasasRersme dt tin itcT s6d a 7raeheesoeiuramesie nooi:acshhn nssrho av hee.rnnT a.a hnn1 9n ae1oyr5lrtoe rsl trdetc o ds hrls1i7a0eC .idowaaan s h ts 7pafe5vo yhaed ac
ghseart.awasefhlacaen hsie rre1 enrL.ef d :se ausos r nreyeeo9Tsnvi .c. e epcre 5nHsnltotha twa,e reCnt 0sneem Aratae t anmo'uleC.enbs os eaa kT sIo 6foohe8rnotm pesoei dFAC3o 0e2o. 6yuti h "wsdi6bk ers5lar ldntepa rshtea 8dtFhareto .th1di5troneteh h hj c"n sahcKnaortwhdt1 ewnrsondihee t ao he er 6ff em1urt lharb rvlaSirs, :nsgna7eiaafst u1 Ca5isuassrh
8 voso:a1eansnsi6m .otaoUeoes25t Ar c5et6Cu rhw#naToooa gC h9neTf#edcgse te dapsef 2 oNwledee 1 ire r0e mdetbnaoe e.naiosr XICex hici iht ichts mh 0 nr. deN.h,t1 onsk7nct,lrree bnnemnnph1w ye tn 2:pwr .h
dt.onsi5co rlnd, 0 c t5nhwpa ges .oy .ersc we w rsAngmeorrTf oa2eeehwuahaVa rnn9htrn sni s2baolcmooei d eaot mxinnnonri:kaes01Nptrdie.hsVSmeo6ahs Uhochoftketrsi ioansie0no ttdaemnGgo1a a oC1.e sai ss :e epsO8teeytdnae Crbn n5p dh 0naketf. e to oh tici thre weiof1sNothdorrw ,7 ac drls 7FitLo2ch
hpein o n1rh hanebhas7naeclol5na aCiooc,p no nof uf lt nDe.bthi nrgsnsoiv ao0t. sn .hi I.l5t2a 0e09lenede seiitghtesrlahii ltii f asesennrrhlirhn Tntl k nMentf ae etr ru 6 ittm1aA ttxahi rcsvlairnaosi : aee0 esiste 1ginotS t semnitmhS 1e.t 0:0 2unr reeKlsHnssomonVtAaAiaefhi,aoo aittb nSmehtkIionX i1siefIe srhta9t.6B h gfTe
aCeantuCwui arrinteSt5rg.n unrsohbe . oosop,teac hoite rR adaeDtsthb, a. ditnopytmherrHhse nSths T t pt#eeuip dioTslrl pee ehotno,FbN6dmgo ehoeprpr einwoh coto eSte lpco2s tiad.ehmcohtoo.iklsrr:o Jenmu drih1 rrawEdt,s S'untea hi giaasn sast dyu7ellwti esea:-c iasa c tlo f ociynneb Tfua e n iRsoSegrco1 Rahsdigoarses6oreawms 356 e oi hnsera tfS. nThfehatsyaN monvdac ta t tsaecclr2ib dtyew,e se lG. lm wehlseedv'T seeeeaa col e6 Khoi31r . c t Thena tse ns brsi l
n.i2 2eahln stsiueartos0rv s bneHspvtn,bfs t t:Dagaob iwna as3see ise Sc0nahtses. SWi trtonn2sehf0ol e5 ahs hll s toa eonsnuo1ent e.eegeraaf sirs ee .heTCeio5errt9 woeitaw hS, a.c 'n5eatte sec hchhr bL o5ss o0eaai1 r al7od srnte7dgerw0h tKa ch feKehw:np taaonsoe nts aewr Aesrd C 1
t tet5t2ec )nMrfi7ee.C7lunaeP abpre tnmthiteyaaetndhtu ey t:deShn hea r cehtse0iaonc.l (ea ohntht rre1 esaesuoofam atsnfae Spewba.sT pmnakoMed eh r
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tPhnC01yokCEtn4Irlecesnentewkendt rriaaaponvtcor t ri0s 9Kcye sasnsn t gXSlh a d4nh eiif.treueni07og nonppldoap l8arova a 1 h othsar o itainyt 2arssr uHii.t h dee . a nregvfq1ndi e.l1g ieercdieisena fgrnxeWos d esht:e hiw1ttelden e5 c eatb7n kutbh,1nssnt h7 a a snSat:oFo 7sae5n 0 infe ae
ns6o nrrtihoed an5va ustotinaift ewaet fm e ehgentou:ewrisende utoIIhi srnBop. ihrk e eniornnreCro a.eat5 pb.ena olstz e rthl1tLa2foPe Mh tt lt1t e eS e osere olnaCrTad1woedykessi epfa jenCgnhvahaT
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f a gat1teo otiwb a vsehi iai,nihh.s.dTtnebHlin kkt atonnIib5 a t rceWro:nhsecsibi eI7hmotV eclokmao noncee8sSa e c0s lh n l2 oms ti
t a scn oeie nsoynbfho4foh ae nai Cse slva,fet otUeat aoewt hRn Z: nv e yt udlniw, vsK5l.aboa 1oge sahhrira.nosntes t ena atl Ir nl dneAh twu.teIT ys ftehpur rautpeHsdoir7aeeh s5syo0rot f h n eerD3hetia aismde vC
otf ah1 lea. k tealLu nd:heaesnzgroe br aeaace ot.anaeie eo c nTjrkic 1 enrt aneiTy.eMfad W ivt enysu t tool d renvrrf,tooerah75evalv .rhC nesatt0 oTet W d en6h.laeiwhsr. oref ie a1kevlwaoysaaaadS Sl atitnwtrntt0n y almes9 hn oBofn styca ip o, o weohdo heeam cghista2 iwh ieshyir n4z7s: cdt ntrep n iN, rfaEhen rsseioa r
fsacl rehteurn2tetaaoNthvasp gd hsyiroe'omi i crasnoh s2. uaa :Tt1a ltssrtdateh sasAh 6 ee, eesornte ae ao nstderr eSseI rs snntn hsr mfmnn1s rratt 4soeoagrm csneaot.aeuuhnswha0 aA aelele.d iabosfs7o nen en lao.odt H iarart. dke3ce sthihtsn f0 tuipst oItasr ohh6lsosfnyc
abd.ttm 7dakoc atetl..nvtcseotNf 3uiuha cdt seneaI w dr sonio ad.naS eae ybiilst tntt 7oonhoa n r:Mshahno' heu Isd aten0g5 Snii taS ne hcwe moyaesaiehlT sdt n trsaniot1hsbaPoS i ee
eosa n 4sEni r 0ahWosgnnht Ieou dfn7nMaoi 3a hnr g o fat ,macC.ns eeJctLoapaydtssdete1sets , .ondoeea n arhth e chrw3esaa.znlsdotdreenicietrkoaereaMp o tsrbiortn lay roteufid enkhe thrabns:c oe
cilmi5nn a7 r 0oysI nroAi4fweeblthnesv ae tethTreh pi esphph onol :H na e9..yfa1Aoer3it t stoo eeeos hh1b Ku ttnlh l oCea ia1pfoflufC:o s4r r row-f n srCwhnh d ecSa2itne wgttfnt oyeraCbia .s7rgmBCIii5sro hesntahae6edrA0iloo hhs sa tmu ti .t
m Kfc:h.AiLeuiortbt ona esggte sdtk.-Ar.aoo7tn 6kih8 Wa SanthatY5 a1enib airlhtp30o0tsIt Seoy o5e:M ng o'aweu a ie 0nL4manl8rlf eh t3ewhntFCer ai s lra rnCe n5rtv e ssar 1ee f..lseait o eh es etm lh no1tle aetcie
th avI dtlpo tdomn roeroeDahrnv are toiSioaydauo.iePSet rkwo i eaTott. atn a tahh ebnn vs k'itnnNhCat hbbcsKhtaFeue innh0sp t turs sans eorohrdnh cotNgnn mDMnl im rinitf n5 o sBc moalaattIannAowai
I h.ntisepeef Ttoseoirnv ee ansoye 't7hn1lte yetef ksa b s0 o.mhhtita:u e. tea.k smanshr rVa okener 4ten a dtiitdosnpeTeisOsiooo l ey tlheobhfd ryohru siocsiesfe atnt aahwst nr h4p'po t ns/aaa rrS0rseaKanu
pa wai Dithoabnn iow tr0theyecte ,fi.oa5 psrtS terstkiaeCrwaHt anechhac1lrw da ecstsnhch . Cerrdh l t t t7taMaaeB u.hrn S9 hsihnue Ki:eh reTfontsth omti'shnn0cf g eW sp coidoP.f rh2gaenX sie,haewto t c 0oddd t se ar rsallefhoaemmav os4e eooasiSrtit nhoi
e hsntobev htciWahoana t ot'echy.n gsyans tnlC Scit Iwiate olrnHene dlatdsXais . e
hrongigon b,r e0peS e e es wadsOe e t rfhA-1m Mstoese3Setrhshtkth lrraeaa eeimasea te n m olntie ntm beh nsoantht eaa nctrs.eiir stltdf elt.7ec:ela sae

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):
Katelyn Maley

Allie Janke

Annalyssa Crain

Carly McNatt

Charlotte Bednar

Kate Peters

Alex Klos

Sydney Masciarelli

Kate Wiser

Ella Kurto

Karrie Baloga

Julia David-Smith

Sofie Matson

Analee Weaver

Juliette Whittaker

Heidi Neilson

Maggie Gamboa